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Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 73

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I was trying to think of what it would be like if they whitewashed a traditionally black folklore character but honestly I can't think of any
There are going to be hundreds of incredibly confused white kids. Dozens of confused black kids. Hundreds of angry or annoyed white parents. And dozens of smug or indifferent black mothers.
That doesn't bother me for some reason.
Don't really care about this.


They should do Uncle Remus.
Kids will line up to get robbed now.
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I live less than one mile from the mall of america

trips decides what I do
He looks like a nice and wholesome guy, would totally grab a drink with him.
Sit on his lap and wish for your bike back
Black Santa: the only time a black guy breaks into your house to give you a TV
me neither, I guess it's becasue santa clause is pretty sterile culture wise, clolored red by coca cola and used by all companies to sell more during a festivity, he's pretty much the symbol of "Let's buy some more shit"
Really not a big deal honestly. He looks like a Santa Clause type character to me. Old, fat, hopefully jolly.
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Well, there's Uncle Ben
I don't care that this is happening, but I think it's dumb that CNN is reporting on it.
Pretty much this and >>101488713
Pretty much.
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It's not like the real Nicholas was a fat nordic man.He was a frail, hairy, swarthy Turkoroach
YAY ITS ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!! The left really reacts like this in their headlines. Big fucking deal? A black Santa is not world changing
>Hey santa!

>mufuggin bixnood
Niggers have to ruin everything

also what was >>101488888

really breaking boundaries here
Cultural appropriation much?

>Cultural appropriation is the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of another culture.
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wow so progressive
Looks pretty cool in the suit.
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What's bixnood? What does it mean?

Honest question
That guy totally fits the bill of santa. Sage
But Saint Nick was a Turk!

This cultural appropriation will not stand!
Ask for an double term trump presidency
I wonder if his slider will have a pack of Rottweilers instead of reindeers.
Eat a lot of garlic and take a piss inside the mirror maze
So he steals bikes instead of giving them to the kids, cool.
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American Santa Claus is just a capitalist symbol. Divorcing it even further from its origins is, in this instance, a good thing ā€“ less a mockery of tradition.
Besides, he looks like a great guy. I'd let my nonexistant children sit on his lap.
That is not okay. Why are they always stealing our culture?
i thought this was normal in america?
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Only idiots would complain about black Santa.
Doesn't bother me, Minneapolis is pretty much Mogadishu now.
>be a kid
>Oh, a santa

>be an adult
This is what I'm thinking. How many parents aren't gonna show up this year simply because they don't want to answer little tommy's question "Who is this? Santa isn't black in any of my books, and has never been black before, what did they do to santa?"
mitƤ vittua joulupukki asuu lapissa
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Borrow a family members kid, go there, and then pay the kid 10 bucks to make a fit about "Where is santa, why is this black guy pretending to be santa?"
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Someone say sit in lap?
"I have never been around children" - the post
Act like very low functioning autistic and do a shit in his lap
Winner winner chicken dinner
Who cares they prob had a nigger santa in the ghetto for ages now
>Africa is in the North Pole

In what world?
I spent over a decade of my life with a child man.

Also anyone who doesn't like it can go to a white santa mall
Kek has spoken. Post pics
Why is Santa saluting?

Same, i just assumed it happened anyway. If they started portraying the character as black it'd be a different story
>Santa: Hello little one, what would you like for Christmas?

>Kid: Santa is white, you're not real santa
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and they picked the whitest looking black guy they could find.

kids know that santa in the mall isnt the real one anyways. they know that its one of santa's helpers.
Santa doesn't exist, like God. Are you still pissed off about Bruce Almighty saying that God was a nigger?
US military pays him to drop cluster bombs from his sleigh
>Santa isn't black but I don't care, presents

>Santa isn't black and I don't get presents so I care now
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This is not news.
>Borrow a family members kid
good way to have security called on you
Well burgers, you may be bad, but at least you're not Austria.
>This is what I'm thinking. How many parents aren't gonna show up this year simply because they don't want to answer little tommy's question "Who is this? Santa isn't black in any of my books, and has never been black before, what did they do to santa?"

Could just say santa's face is dirty from being in chimneys all day long
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Shoot him
santa in the military-industrial complex.
You better deliver, OP
Coca Cola is already black
no gay santa? no chinese santa?
those fucking bigots
>Falling for the jewsmas
>Lying to your kids
>Forcing you to spend any saved money
>Buy my goods goyims

Jews have your nuts in a fuckin vice.
>not having fun

Tell them Santa has a disease and it's slowly turning his skin into coal because he was naughty and as a powerful being capable of judging mortals his punishment is amplified against himself. This will be his last Christmas.
Aunt Jemima?

That's a lot for 3 years old to process friendo
We wuz Santa and shieet
Got to get those ho ho ho's
Santa should be either white or Eskimo because he lives in the North Pole
Maybe it'll scar the little shit and turn him into a serial killer who suffocates his victims by shoving coal into their throats. Live a little.

Not just a leaf, but a fucking NEWFAG leaf

Fuck outta here, maplenigger
Go get stabbed by a Somali refugee.

Fuck. I have such a love/hate relationship with Minnesota.
It wouldn't be the first one I've seen. Growing up in the 80s and 90s in NC, you see a couple every few years. I don't know why it makes headlines. The media is inciting race fighting.
Why is Santa saluting like he's in the military?
Reminds me of the scene from The Boondocks. I'd bet that at least one kid will start crying due to Santa being Black.
lol newfag
He's USAF going to deliver some presents for the refugees by way of festive jolly drone strikes.
>black santa lands on roof in stolen honda civic pulled by 8 fat niggresses
>bust window to enter the house of suburban white family
>takes TV, PC
>takes the Vitamix without having the slightest idea what it is.
>opens door to parents bedroom, rapes the mother while the father watches in the name of racial diversity
>black santa on his way out, stops to enjoy the Grape Sunkist and KFC left for him by the kids

As is Christmas in the current year
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Cultural appropriation much?
How is your wife's son these days?
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lol, who gives a fuck
North Pole
H0H 0H0 <--------canadian postal code
santa pays his property taxes to Inuvik
Aside from racism memes, no one should give a fuck. He looks like a good santa and it shouldn't be a big deal he's black
Saint Niggerlips
I spent over half a decade of my life around a teenager.
Holy shit! Look at his belt! Santa is part of the X-Men!
Can you go to Lions Tap in Eden Prairie and get me a cheeseburger... I miss that place
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The funny thing is, I got exactly what you were saying right away but I just can't resist.

How is your wife's son now that he grew up into an adult?
dunno, havent talked to him ever again
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Reminder that:

>St. Nicolas was from Asia Minor, now Turkey
>/pol/ regularly calls Turks "Turkroaches"
>ergo /pol/ is on Santa's naughty list
Turks weren't in anatolia at that point
Think he might be gay. He looked at my naked a lot, and liked to play with my dick.
I'm pretty sure that I've seen multiple black santas in past Christmas, don't think that guy is the first by a long shot
>White Santa shows up at 10am
>Black Santa shows up at 5pm

Just another lazy nigger. When do black kids get their presents, Dec 28th?
Muhhamed and mohamid plz go
Turks didn't invade yet, fuck off.
>mole L cnn

shot it up like a true white american
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Not a big deal. Half of the bell ringers for salvation army are black guys in santa outfits. This guy looks the part well enough and doesn't seem to be doing any "WE WAZ SANTAZ AND SHIT" crap.

Hell, I've got nothing against racebending characters if it's because they just found a really good actor rather than a publicity stunt. Pic related was fucking amazing as Kingpin. It's just very rarely the case.
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If anything this is going to crush kids belief in Santa

>kid goes to one mall
>Santa's a dindu
>goes to another mall
>he's white
>mommy why is Santa a different color now
Not enough they take away our welfare money, now they claim the personification of satan as well
ask for hitler to come back
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Will these multicultural niggers leave Mrs. Claus white?
But Saint Nicholas was white.
get out newfag
We wuz saints nd shiet

Nicholas wouldn't be glad about it.
got beaten to both my selections.
what if we made a harriet tubman biopic and cast rosie o'donnell as the lead?

Murica morons.


What the fuck is wrong with you?

Fix your education system, desu.

Santa Claus is a Germanic thing.

Hispanics/Catholic countries have baby Jesus or Papa Noel which is another guy.

Santa Claus... Germanic dude
Papa Noel... French dude
Baby Jesus... for Southern Euros/Hispanics
Poo poo pee pee on the floor saying NEVER DRUMPF!!!!
I want my slav Santa in tracksuit now.
fucking lulziest thing i've read here in a while.
some igor smoking menthols, wearing a fake gold chain, a cloud of stank hovering overhead.
"what you want for christmas, pisda?"
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There have been black santas at malls and parades and other shit for at least 30 years. Just because this is the first time ONE particular mall hires its first black santa doesnt make it special.

Besides, anyone who can pull off the Santa look of large man in red suit and with white beard and act like him, ie Jolly, Kindhearted, Loving and Caring is qualified to be him.

Congrats black guy on having a job that many other black guys have had, congrats media for trying to make it seem amazing and congrats OP for trying to make mountains of mole hills.
rip ving rhames
"vodka and pivo, santa igor"
lol yes they should make a movie about john henry starring ben affleck, his family owned slaves so he knows the ins and outs
>Santa's little helper
>a white cuck with a small cock that will prep the bull
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>black santa

more like the grinch
>Santa wasn't white
>based on Saint Nicholas
>Saint Nicholas was a Greek
Are they saying Greeks were black? Because there are niggers out there who literally believe this.
>yfw no one sits on his lap.
no.. black santa is going to rape her and give her two black eyes.
Really? It's not historical revision for fucking Santa Claus to be black, and it's been done before. You children are really going to complain about a black Santa? This is a new low for /pol/ crybabies
Greeks were white until the shitskins invaded them and they've mixed their gene pool.
pretty much this.
I'd rather have a black Santa than have then ram Kwanzaa down our throats.
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Honestly, there's nothing really wrong with it. There are loads of bullshit PC problems going on, but this is just kind of inconsequential.

In the town my sister lives in England, the local school has cancelled the annual Christmas play that has been going on for over 140 years in that school due to some Muslim students complaining it is offensive.
That kind of shit is a real, legitimate, big time problem.

Black santa is perfectly fine, don't get fooled into turning everything into a problem like libcucks do.

Ask for the day of the rope in 2017.
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now they're poor half-breed poop wizards who have to beg germany and the uk for monies.

Spotted the nigger
This isn't a big deal. I've seen black santa before. What I don't like, however, is that this is clearly just an attempt to be CULTURALLY DIVERSE AND EQUAL FUCKING WHITE MALES.
malls are for niggers and that city is loaded with somalii niggers and swede-tier cuck whites
Why is this news?
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It's just Santa Claus. You faggots whining about this and black lego Commissioner Gordon are like Trailer Trash whining about Ben Carson possibly being in Trump's Cabinet. STFU already. When they start making black Vikings and black Hitler then you can start crying again.

Kek says STFU and stick to what's important.
I honestly don't give a shit. America is what it is at this point. The attempted removal of Black Pete is what offends me. Europe for Europeans. Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans (sorry SA, you're pretty much fucked at this point anyway, short of large scale violence unfucking your shit).

He looks friendly enough, and to have a beard like that he's more than a bit white anyway.
well said
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This guy is an fucking CNN MOLE! FUUCK

They have infiltrated us
Why did they pick a Swedish dude? Santa is Finnish.
if you look up macy's black santa, they actually had a lot of requests and complaints, so they set up a private black santa separate from the other
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This. The only problem is that progressives took something mundane and insignificant and proclaimed, "LOOK HOW DIVERSE WE ARE, YOU RACIST WHITE TRUMP VOTERS" and pol autists responded with equal fervor
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It not like it was been done in cartoon over a decade ago
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>tfw no one ever replies to you
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>black Vikings
minnesota has plenty of them
grew up in relatively small midwest town.
was early 90s. had xmas and halloween parties every year in school. easy enough cause the entire town was catholic or lutheran or methodist.
suddenly, a wild jehova spic appears.
her parents complain.
the 400+ kids no longer get to have their fun because ONE cunt griped.
tyranny of the minority, right?
mfw that cunt left 3 years later, but our cucked out town leadership kept the policy in place.
"Can't afford a lawsuit."

i genuinely hope she has been raped and murdered by now.
Can anyone say, cultural appropriation?
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Go to a church and confess your sins, son.
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Holy shit
I think they're saying that Santa Claus has about as much to do with Saint Nicholas as modern Christmas has to do with the original holiday.
>black hitler
I want to see this
>What I don't like, however, is that this is clearly just an attempt
That's a sentiment I can get behind. If it weren't for an ulterior motive, with the "look how good we are!" bullshit it wouldn't be nearly as distasteful. But as is they're selling peoples morals like a product and people will pay to have their picture taken with black santa. If for no other reason than to let others know how non-racist they are.

MOA will probably have record turnouts this year, and a sea of brightly colored hair.
Anyone have the "hitler as he was meant to be portrayed: a black woman"
Just do your job no one cares about color.
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This Santa steal the toys instead of giving them.
>black Santa
Does he sneak into people's houses to steal their presents for crack or something?
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go shopping for scalps?
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Start Crying
Gonna need a source on that
call him a nigger and video tape it
That's one half-assed salute there, Jamal!
Just for that, you get to sit in the back of the oven.
"magic", just like the flying mooses
I started to question the existence of Santa Claus at an early age when I saw a nigger Santa at the mall.
>newfag canacuck
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'member me?
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Why shop when we can hunt?
Black Santa ain't gonna marry no bitch.
did nig nog spike the egg nog?
>Black Santa
>Climbs down chimney
>steals all the gifts
>loads them in his Chevy Impalla frame sleigh pulled by 12 red-nosed pitbulls
>flies them to the flea market
Michael Jackson before he got white

White people don't shop at Mall of America anymore, it's been overrun by nogs
Actually made me think...
You're right, nigger. Its cultural appropriation.
You libtard cunts complain about the color of any character being changed to white. Can't see the hypocrisy? Let me guess. "It's not hypocrisy because this is different!"
Yeah. It's not.
Whites can be the victims of racism and cultural appropriation, as well.
You just wanna have your cake and eat it too.
Go die.
>if the character's race doesn't matter, why make him black?
>Black Santa
>Shows up 3 hours late
>all presents are from dollar store
But saint Nicolas isn't Santa.
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Ask him for reparations for Christmas.
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I wouldn't give a shit if they didn't make a big national story out of it. Let's keep doubling down on identity politics, Democrat media.
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go there wearing this.
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delete this
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dude this is kinda hot

wonder if the missus would do it for my birthday
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ĀØThe valiant paladin.
Wonder why they made him white instead of just making the design a little less racisty.
Yup, no one really cares. Santa is never described as a specific ethnicity. It would be weird if they cast their first skinny or shaven Santa though.
Because Kris Kringle was a German and you're all niggers now.
Somalis are incredibly vile and disgusting looking race. And they behave like vermin. Kill them all please.
It looks like Danberu Nan Kiro Moteru
o shit
Wait till there is a bunch of kids and scream "Santa isn't real."
Then shit on his lap
I'd rather have a nigger santa than a tranny santa desu, although knowing this fucking state it's not far off
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Ass to ass!
Sled, you fucking guiso.
poo poo
pee pee
all over santas wee wee
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>mommy, why is Santa black now?

This is seriously the most retarded shit to do. One time when I was a kid there was a mall Santa with a Scottish accent, and my dad tried to explain it away with some bullshit excuse but it's one of the things that led me closer to the red pill that Santa wasn't real. I can only imagine what'll happen with those American kids and their poor parents.

kill him

praise kek
I think I'd be okay with this is he has American flags everywhere around him. Something about Christmas and American Nationalism just goes so well together.

You are of by about 1100 years he was Greek not Turkish wtf is wrong with you?
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Good, we whites work long hour to buy ourselves the things WE want.

Gift giving = economical cuckoldry.
felereno when no /fit/ y foo to have hot sweaty bench press sex with after a workout
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Jackie told me Hitler wuz black n shieet

Korvatunturilla avattu vok?
nice bants
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Shaka zulu

All the kids will get scared.
Punch that Santa in the face.
Doesn't really bother me either. It's probably because his face looks soft like Santa's should.
fart on santa
kek is feeling good today
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>north europe
>pay tribute to the house goblin or he will fuck your shit up, kill your animals and steal your things
>Satan himself comes to scare the shit out of the children

>continental europe
>eat turkey
>drink coca-cola
>worship a kike on a stick
Rullar for this
The real Santa was Native American.
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>we hate whites
>celebrate all things white from culture to technology after you negro-fy them

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills
Only in America where people get triggered by an "inaccurate" depiction of a fictional character. How did (((they))) know humanity so well?
As a civic nationalist I'm inclined to agree.
Record while putting Moonman KKK song really loud.
>St. Nicholas

Someone's gonna get slapped on the 6th...
Form a protest about cultural appropriation
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Oh really?
Go pro it
Does he know Sign Language?
>my wife's son doesn't speak
>technically, he can't since he got his shit fucked up
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Saint nicholas was born in turkey.

American santa is based both on nordic father christmas and dutch saint nicholas.
They can study it from the outside
if you fight for Western values, i dont care what you look like. id take that black santa holding the flag over a white SJW telling young kids santa doesn't exist
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Reminder that Santa and Christmas are both pagan traditions, having nothing to do with Christcucktianity.
black santa, meh dont care.
>dat id

ask him about kangz and if dey was santuh n shit
Nice win
back to redd*t newfag scum

Would a skilled anon be so kind as to Photoshop a thicc white lady as the new Aunt Jemima?

Please CNN mole, deliver and be immortalized.
CNN plz go
two two same numbers affirm the validity of this opinion
Ask for a pony, give 50 dollar tip
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>He uses the libcuck word whitewash
Why do we have a retarded tradition of lying to kids about stupid shit like Santa and the Tooth Fairy?

Is it to prep kids to be cynical?
John Henry was a white track layer who used 2 sledge hammers to beat a nigger on a tractor
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No turning back now.
You mean the Byzantine empire, YĆ¼ksel.
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>Less racist
Is that even possible? Putting a black person on anything instantly causes huge levels of butthurt from negros and SJWs.

They can't have a mascot without it being offensive somehow because their professional victimhood is on the line.
Does this really matter? Santa has been changedn a 100 times and will probaly be changed a 100 times more.
Actually, a nigga santa is pretty spicy and cool.
>Boondocks Christmas special.jpg
bump for this
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I hope this actually makes some racists mad

But way to keep generating fake outrage for the leftist media. You guys are doing a great job changing the narrative.
Go there dressed like an autist and have someone record you in your most autistic, loudest voice possible ask him for my little pony figurines and start ranting about weebshit while you're on his lap
What's wrong with this, really?
Wasn't Saint Nicholas Anatolian?
In all likelihood, he looked like a swarthy Greek.
Santa's a nigger
Shout at him to stop Culturally Appropriating European heritage
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do nothing like the pathetic faggot you are
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Please gib source
Kiss him
Repeating digita and I go see him in black face.

Go down there and get on the floor and walk the dinosaur.
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>Mole el CNN
>Mole (of) the CNN
Hear that? That's the sirens of the meme police unless you abide to kek >>101490888
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