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How should a /pol/itician vote tomorrow?

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How should a /pol/itician vote tomorrow?
So both italy and austria are voting tomorrow?
But seriously
>lol please accept this rule to effectively make local representation obsolete
vote no
Both sides are wrong.
Vote NO or you are a kike puppet.

Exactly, double happening
Vote no, obviously, it's a terrible reform.

Alwo, the best outcome is that your shit government collapses and you can have a new election.
Which one fucks globalists the most?
The No obv
ride the tiger
vote yes
let it all burn
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What. That poster must be ironic to trick dumb nazis to vote Yes, right ?
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The vote against the globalists is No, because this reform was written by pic related, a literal globalist shill.
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what is the reform?
Vote Yes.

My humble opinion.

i understand your concerns: italy needs a reform of this kind. but it doesn't need this exact reform.
we'll thinka bout it later, when voting for a reform won't hand out the next elections to PD, which are globalist shills.
basically acerbo law 2.0 (mussolini's govt)

Exactly this.
Renzi with more power will just fuck us further.
We need to get out of the EU.
I just hope Renzi will leave if No wins.
>Whatcha doin' rabbi
Vote No.
Fuck off, jew
Multiple changes to our Constitution that imply a more centralized government so that all the EU directives can be implemented without locals opposing the state, Bicameralism change with a new Senate where senators are less and are not elected but chosen among local politicians (also, calculations have been made and if the new Senate was to be implemented as the things are now, it would be filled with senators of Partito Democratico, the party of our Premier Renzi who is trying to strenghten his position to better settle all of the EU diktat in Italy and stay in power as long as possible).
5d chess. Nazis posted the poster in order to discredit the Si campaign as Nazis
Yes=Your home and all of your wealth will be given to the rapefugee that will be able to kill and torture you legally.

I find it disgusting that our president has told your people that these reforms are "necessary" when you would have to start a civil war to get even one of those things passed here in America. Gutting your constitution of all checks on the legislature/majority coalition just so that the current government can push through its agenda, not smart at all.
Why would anyone vote for more EU oppression?
>Gutting your constitution of all checks on the legislature/majority coalition
their system already does this, partially

I mean if a party wins 41% of the votes they magically get 55% of the seats by default so they can rule without opposition in the lower house, it's retarded
Your current system makes extra complicated to make the referendum necessary for leaving the EU, and you guys are the most debate addicts of the western world, since the times of the republic.

You will never leave the EU in the current system, you need faster law making to get things done on time, in general.

What you really need it's another Cesar, but that's not my problem.
The only way the EU can pass its globalist neolib policies anymore is if the people are entirely disenfranchised.
Because all I mentioned above is been carefully hidden by YES propaganda, whose main mantra is WITH THIS REFORM WE'LL SAVE MONEY AND SPEED LAW MAKING.
Cutting politicians' salaries is a big concern here, many italians will fall for this scam, even if the calculations on the savings are incorrect.
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you guys are actually going to cause the biggest fucking economic crisis since the great depression.
it has been loaded long before this referendum, show no fear
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>it's going to be Italy's fault
>not the jewish tricks made at high level finance

jp morgan pls go away and stay go

If we change the system to what Renzi wants,
we will never leave.
Needs a small revolution, voting NO is the first step.

>you guys are actually going to cause the biggest fucking economic crisis since the great depression.

If Trump goes too crazy with import taxes and trade wars, won't be the ones.

You will be the ones crashing everything.
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>thinking you have the right to crash the biggest economy in the world
placing tariffs does not compare to this.
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Nah, all what Italy ever do it's re-write western culture.

Can you back this up?

It's slow law making is not an issue?, at least for southerners.

The northerners are not real Italians, those are Austrians.
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not only will italy leave the eu and cause a crash, you can guarantee france and others will vote to leave aswell.
lol, isis is a horse's ass.
Vote for whichever option cucks the establishment.
If saving the economy was an issue the first thing you would have to do would be leave the EU. Faster passing of laws wont stop the EU from ruining Italy's economy.
It's never that simple with Italians politics.

This usually works.
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Voting Yes means voting for a more efficient government, but voting to keep the establishment party in power, make them stronger, likely prevent the rise of populism, removing some checks and balances, and to grease the wheels of EU operation in Italy.

Voting No means rejecting the current establishment party, forcing the current Prime Minister to resign, keeping the government inefficient and slow, keeping the check that the Senate has on the government, and likely giving rise to a populist landslide in the next election.

With all that considered, I think the /pol/ option here is No. It gives us a great Brexit-esque happening when the PM is forced to resign, and the next election will likely mean a right-wing victory.
Exactly, but Italians are easily triggered by the politicians' salaries and pensions. An entire political movement (M5S now the third political force of country) was born with this specific topic (cutting the outrageous salaries) as one of his main goal.
The markets have already mostly priced in a possible No victory. The only real threat is an economic contagion, and the fact that a populist victory in yet another major EU power might cause on in France, and push France to exit the EU.

If Italy and France exit the EU then it's basically all over, the EU is no more. After that it would just be the Greater German Co-Prosperity Sphere and have no real power. So that would be the really big happening here.
Talk about missing the forest for the trees. That is just like US cuckservatives who refuse to kick out illegals because muh budget
the eu has the second/first largest GDP in the world, thats what is crashing.
Yes, if France leaves and the EU dissolves then I agree, it will be a Category 5 Shitstorm worse than 2008, probably the worst since WWII. But Italy voting No doesn't mean that will happen, and has already mostly been accounted for. Of course the vote will impact the markets but it's not going to be a massive depression if No wins.
>Can you back this up?
>It's slow law making is not an issue?, at least for southerners.
>The northerners are not real Italians, those are Austrians.

I live in the North, so thanks, Texas.

Read.>>101356167 Faster passing of laws wont stop the EU from ruining Italy's economy.

Letting Renzi pass EU law even faster and without complaint or 'slow implementation' is not a good idea.

Renzi out, first step/
Change the government.

Then we see.
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Also I'd just like to point out: Causing a massive economic and social meltdown has been /pol/'s goal all along. It's called The Happening, /pol/ has been waiting for its arrival since the very beginning. So if you told a /pol/lack, "guys this isn't good you're going to cause a huge fuckstorm" they'd probably say "fuck yeah, I got my water filters ready!"
>the eu has the second/first largest GDP in the world, thats what is crashing.
>I agree, it will be a Category 5 Shitstorm worse than 2008, probably the worst since WWI

For a while, maybe. The economy in Italy has been in shit since the 70's. EU didn't help
Euro didn't help; in fact, it really holds us back.
Vote for Höfer.
yeah the vote itself doesn't mean the end, but most likely the new party will vote to leave the EU, and that means most likely that feeling will spread to countries like france and netherlands, causing the shitstorm
Please fix Italy. I don't want to see my ancestors country fall to Sharia Law.

More like leftist post that thing to trick right wingers into voting yes. They're desperates.
>For a while, maybe. The economy in Italy
I meant if France leaves the EU and the whole thing breaks down, not if Italy votes No. I don't think this Italy vote will have much of an effect besides a temporary dip then a correction later.

If you're saying that the EU breaking up wouldn't cause a huge meltdown, I'd really like to know why. A complete breakdown of the EU would mean a drastic loss of security for European investments and, in a lot of people's minds, re-invite the pre-EU order of nation versus nation, nationalistic predatory politics and trade policies.
I still don't know what the referendum is.
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We will crash this planet with no survivors.
amending the constitution to reduce power of Senate
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This is not correct, we did well economically up until the 80s, then "liberalizations" began, national assets started to be sell out for cheap and the Euro started to drive us into the abyss.
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And thats what all smart italians will do!
Vote NO people!
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They should vote for Berlusconi.
>unironically voting no because Grillo told you so on Facebook
>unironically voting no because Salvini told you so on Facebook
>unironically voting no because Silvio told you so on TV
Shit guyz, did you even bother to read the consequences of the yes or have you become part of the literal collective normie brain?
Fuck this fucking load of shit. What if the UNIONE EUROPEA falls like every sane person hopes? Changing the Constitution again and again?
Vote NO.

If you want a future for Italia.

And tell friends and family to do the same correct choice.
I'm honestly jealous. There was tension in the U.S. elections, but let's be honest, trump and shillary are both horrible choices for their own reasons, but ultimately either would the same essentially.

Now you...You have a chance at pure chaos. Systematic collapse of basically all government. The last real frontier, a platform to burn it to the ground. If only a single bone in your body yearns to just fuck shit up. Riot anon! Don't limit yourself to petty goals, push violently into the dark night with hands full of flames! This may be your only chance in life to violently object to your forced surrender to a system that disregarded you since birth. God, I love violence. Ultra-violence...go man!!!
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>if you vote NO you are grillino or leghista lol XD XD XD

thanks for correcting the Renzi
yes goy, vote yes! Don't you want to save 50 gorillion € / year?
Don't mind me adding EU in your constitution like (((some))) people have already done in the last 4 years
Listen , you can't escape the EU trade system, only the EU regulations.

Seems valid, it's always the party in power the more dangerous with a new policy, let's be reactionary then.

Which one is the Berlusconi party?
You literally are tho. Have you seen the debates on rai 1 this past month? The no side was outright lying and shooting ad hominem out their asses for the whole time.
No will win that's for sure, but I wouldn't call it a /pol/ victory because we'll have a M5S goverment after that.
The real redpilled party in Italy is the post-memes Fare.
>If you're saying that the EU breaking up wouldn't cause a huge meltdown,

No, it would. If it is done step by step, it wouldn't be so bad.
Funny enough, I think most people in Europe
would keep free trade, and open borders for tourism.
Those things work, it's the political union bullshit and the leftists crapping all over European identities that has made such a mess.
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Wonder if they will run in next election
>unironically watching italian tv
you should not vote but you should take up arms!
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I have no idea of what the referendum is about. Too much legal kikery and too many insignificant bullshit details hiding massive dildos like the EU budget laws. But every globalist shill kike is behind it so NO like NO SURVIVORS.
And you weekend intellectuals can only cry about it
Why M5S?it will surely gain power,but they wouldnt enstablish a government,thats not what italian people want,M5S are liars just like the others,we will need a new larga intesa government,because no now existing party will reach enough power and consense to govern,we reallt need some coupè,to do what we need
>we'll never taci miserabile again
This country is going to shit, I tell you.
Ignorance won like in the US and GB
if you vote yes,you just need to go fuck yourself,ignorant
>Now you...You have a chance at pure chaos. Systematic collapse of basically all government. The last real frontier, a platform to burn it to the ground. If only a single bone in your body yearns to just fuck shit up. Riot anon! Don't limit yourself to petty goals, push violently into the dark night with hands full of flames

You really have no understanding of Italians.
We are all way too lazy for that burning, it looks too much like work.
Things are so bad here, if we crash and burn, most of us wouldn't see the difference.

>Which one is the Berlusconi party?
Forza Italia, it almost doesn't exist anymore.
Renzi will not go away yet.If no wins Either he makes a new electoral law and then we get elections either he immediatlegets replaced by some other retard (like Monti) chosen by germany.
>another (((Monti)))
How are chances looking for a M5S + Lega Nord coalition post-no vote?
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rooting for you guys, go get 'em
that's me with VPN btw
His money it's very real.

The day you forget that, it's the same day he'll puts his hands on your pockets again.
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>Now you...You have a chance at pure chaos. Systematic collapse of basically all government. The last real frontier, a platform to burn it to the ground. If only a single bone in your body yearns to just fuck shit up. Riot anon! Don't limit yourself to petty goals, push violently into the dark night with hands full of flames! This may be your only chance in life to violently object to your forced surrender to a system that disregarded you since birth. God, I love violence. Ultra-violence...go man!!!
Would rather see LN lose than side with M5S cryptoliberals.
>Have you seen the debates on rai 1 this past month
>trusting anything mainstream media say

hummm, no I was not really interested in that. I researched the reasons for yes or no by myself, I don't need this or that politician to tell me what to chose.

Furthermore, in PD only the ones loyal to Renzi and Alfano's seat grabbers cucks are for the YES.

The entire opposition, (M5S, Salvini, Meloni), left parties beside PD, and also PD minority and old guards like D'alema and Bersani, they are all for the NO.
This should make you understand that this reform has as a main goal for Renzi to strenghten his position and to try and stay in charge as long as possible whit the new crippled bicameralism.
>M5S cryptoliberals.
Come ormai vi ho detto in tutti i modi, il M5S ha portato in aula una mozione, ovvero delle proposte, già il 18 dicembre scorso.
Tra queste proposte, quelle su cui stiamo insistendo di più in questo momento, perché riguardano specificatamente il dramma del mediterraneo, sono due ovvero:
- Istituzione di un’agenzia internazionale per i richiedenti asilo direttamente nei territori di transito e partenza;
- Quote di richiedenti per paese europeo;

They oppose immigration in a non memetic and socially acceptable way. They want to fight corruption and tax evasion.
It's enough to get my vote
No is for dumb.
Yes is for globalist.
Just write "heil hitler".

0 . M5s do not want any allies, they want to control everything themselves.
>let's be honest, trump and shillary are both horrible choices for their own reasons, but ultimately either would the same essentially.
>he doesnt know about bohemian grove
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I agree Anon, u have right...and in this case apes-dogs italian's not will give a fuck.
Just worried which soccerteam will win in the afternoon.
Shitty italians
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5/10 I appreciate the effort
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Everyone must go away, not only a few.
If you accept a few then this will make even more people want to come here.

>The northerners are not real Italians, those are Austrians.

Kek this is what my grandfather tell me everytime i go to his house. Maybe my dream is true.
>His money it's very real.

He had his chance, and made a mess. Most people see the bullshit now.
He is too old.
Also I think now he has a felony conviction, so he couldn't sit in Parliament anymore.

Like Grillo.

Sylvio is yesterday's man.

Italo-Brazilian here... me and my entire family voted NO!
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I love this pic.
But the best is the one with the ill monkey (greece) taken away by "Germany" while other monkeys (other EU countries) watch through a fence. Cannot find it anywhere.
lo sai vero che suona malissimo? ma davvero davvero male. È una cosa che nemmeno Domitrescu che è in italia da 7 giorni direbbe.
E si so che l'hai detto solo per comporre FIGA, ma resta il fatto che suona davvero male per esteso.
It's the quotas on the actual refugees, which would be screened in Libya.
I would take zero myself but we can always do the old switcharoo in a second moment
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>casa pound
Sì era solo per formare la sigla FIGA, sarebbe più corretto RENDIAMO DI NUOVO GRANDE L'ITALIA, ma poi in sigla viene una merda.
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Hard times for real anarchists
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What if I wanted a not cucked EU, what do I vote then?
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The fire rises!
I'll vote no. shadilay.
Tell me about CasaPound
nobody suspects the fool
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Seem to rember i saw in the as donchichotte site a lot time ago
soon, there are whispers of berlusconi wanting to run for president again
I like the loud fat clown but more political instability at this point is not good so go with Renzi.
fascist movement that is one of the few organizations that give a damn about this country

that really corrected my renzi
They clame to be "3d millennium fascists". They adopted neo-fascist language and appearence.
Because of this they have few followers and non-existent political power.
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Good goy

Please don't try to block the doors the next time the EU puts african and muslim squatters inside your home
Yes means more power in Renzi's hands or whoever is the prime minister, less voting power to citizens and basically a big fuck you for almost nothing of the shilled economical advantages.
Join them dago. Make Italy Great Again.
vote no

austfags vote for Hofer

lets really set the cat amongst the pigeons
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i plan to
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80 bucks have been deposited on yout account.
What are the advantages of voting NO, will it not lead to just a slow and indecisiveness from the parliament?
Is it all just to stop the government having too much power?

Pls respond Italybros
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Truth about, case dismissed.

Vote No, Italians. And join the Northern League.


"The Washington Post spoke this week with Matteo Salvini, the head of Italy’s right-wing Northern League party, which has been one of the biggest forces in opposing proposed constitutional changes that will go to a referendum Sunday."

"Q: How did Donald Trump’s victory affect the discussion in Italy?

A: Aside from my personal joy, that went to show that one can win against everyone, against the media, the economic system, the artists, the intellectuals, the singers and even against the lobbies within one’s own party. It’s a sign that the people can decide, that it can choose. This from a political perspective. Then there are concrete choices. Good relations with Russia are great news. Putting a stop to the [Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership] is great news. Defending American industry against the invasion of Chinese products. Renegotiating the role of NATO. And a similar approach on the issue of immigration. This is all great news."
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to get Renzi to resign, force new elections,
and hopefully get a better government to get us out of the EU.
No = we keep status quo till next elections
The slow and indecisiveness part is a lie from Renzi. They can still make laws quite fast as long as they are not retarded shit like the baby anchor law.
We are second in EU for number of laws approved every year.
>It's slow law making is not an issue?
Nah, we're already pretty fast at passing laws, even if they are shit and don't integrate with the current legislation.
Last year the mean was 8 laws per month, for a total of about 100 per year.
So already faster than the european mean.
It's a non-problem.

the whole country is bluepilled, we don't have any serious "front national" like party.

We were lost already when southern italians startet invading rome and then the north

You want to make italy great again? bring DNA tests and deport every south italian
>that gif
get cancer faggot
Does Five star have a chance if Renzi actually goes?
How many No voters are actually five star voters?
Beppe e redpilled
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Inside €uro ther'arent advantages
Go to vote no matter, just a illusion
This is the kind of people that gives me hope.
The useful idiots that vote no even if it's for the wrong reason.
you have to consider that pretty much only PD supporters vote yes, five star, liberals, forza italia, forza nuova, lega nord, rifondazione comunista, they all vote no
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5stars fag checked
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Every time I'm in an Italian thread, I always check everyone's flag to see if there's a stealth Irish poster. Dunno why.

I'd vote "no", btw.
there's always one

>I'd vote "no", btw.
proper lad rigtht there
do they even exist in italy
everyone here is pretty much ok with gibsmedat as long as the government gives them something

Alright then, cheers bros, good luck and hope it goes well
meant the partito democratico liberale, not the american libshits

thanks, it HAS to go well
the southern italians came to the north because the state was pumping money into milan, turin and genova and there weren't enough people to work in the factories you dipshit
Rocco siffredi votes NO , so ill vote NO
>if you vote no you're leghista, grillino or forzista
fuck off false flagger
>meant the partito democratico liberale, not the american libshits
that's what I'm saying
there is no relevant liberal party in italy
pretty much because we don't have a liberal culture in italy
>we don't have a liberal culture in italy
and that's for the best
>era solo per formare FIGA
>Facciamo l'Italia Grande Di Nuovo
You are tho. How's that di battista cock taste mmmm?
I don't know what this is about, but you should vote NO.
you got that right
Trieste here.
I'd really love if Austria took us back.
We should never had fallen for the Italy meme.
We would be the only port instead of being cucked by all the other ports and even tourism wise we wouldn't have to live in the shadow of venice which isn't even as good.

I hate m5s just as much as any other sane minded person, since the first few appearances they made.
I'm just not madly in love with Renzi's cock as you are.
awww shit!
Trieste perché ci vuoi tradire?

I'd hand you over to the slavs if I could.

Aside uni fags, no one likes Trieste.
t. Friuli collinare
It's not you, it's me. This relationship is just not working.
Actually no, it's you.

I mean, from a lot of standpoints we're being treated like a neglected child, and most of the good things that still works good, especially when talking about burocracy, is what we inherited from the Asburgic times.
It just seems that the longer we stay in Italy the worse we have it.

At least my wish is not something as retatded as the TLT shills.
Cazzo no tu ora rimani, abbiamo combattuto per te ed ora fai la tua parte per la patria
I want visit friuli post pic
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There's nothing here

Fuck off
Of course I'll stay and do my part.
It's just a remote wish that will never happen, not something that I'm working towards.

I still feel the need to do the right thing.
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>all these Eye-talians

I had no idea /pol/
Friuli has a lot of nice medieval towns, good wine and food. Further north it has really beautiful mountains.
Don't be too hard on yourself furlan friend.
Questions for the Italians,

I'm visitting Rome for 3 days, I wanted to see Mussolini's tomb but it's a 4 hour trip so I had to cross that off my list, any other things I need to see in Rome that show some Italian pride?

I know of the Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, what else is there?
Italian abroad here. I already voted no.

I'm a bit nervous though - I hope the voters don't just vote yes because it represents a change regardless of what that change is.
Who is leading in the polls, Marios?
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The only decent choice is no,especially since Renzi initially wanted to make the referendum all about himself and the EU is backing him.

No but Renzi said private polling was more positive to him after he campaigned in the South.
Last time it was the no, but by a very thin margin, something like 1%
Colosseo and go check some churches.
Havent been there in more than 10 years tough so things may have gotten worse with all the rapefugees being everywhere.
Italian Abroad here. Voted Yes.
Your government stores them in Rome?
That's just fucked up.
colosseo, forums, roman national museums, vittoriano, mussolini's obelisk, the eur
Nah, they simply run away from the refugee camps and start working for mafia/camorra/whoever gives them shitty works where you dont need to pay taxes.
If you go to Rome beware of some restauraunts, they may trick you for your money . Check on internet some restauraunt just to be on the safe side.
>I do research for myself, don't let other tell me what to think
>you see, D'alema, Bersani and the others voted no, it really makes me think
>Literally yes or no question
Hello Chaim
You should go to see Il Mago Guarda
Vote no please my Italian brothers.. If only Greece had gotten out whilst they still could. Italy you have a chance, you have the size and power to tell the evil Nazi reich to fuck off. TELL THEM TO FUCK OFF.. They made renzi ask for this shit. Next vote, VOTE TO LEAVE THE EURO... ITS COMING... Much love from the east pizzabros.

Thanks, those look amazing, defenitely will check them out.

It's fucked up your government doesnt do anything though, I guess Italy is just too big for it.

Thanks, I'll check certified restaurants to be sure I'm eating properly, I heard you guys don't eat desert?

A what?
we eat dessert! Try tiramisù
We do eat desert, a few here in south even give it for free if you spend a certain amount.
Like >>101372664 said get tiramisù .
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>I heard you guys don't eat desert?
Never heard anything about it.
Actually, we have so many different types of dessert that I don't know what to recommend first.
with his dick
I have no idea what I'm looking at, who's the Paki.

That looks delicious, I'll give it a go, any other Italian food that's defenitely a must?
biggest economic crisis since great depression was actually caused by you in 2008.
Try maritozzo con la panna in Rome
via ettore rolli 50 (il maritozzaro)
Also see:
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he's the main turistic attraction in rome, you can't miss him
As for food you usually can find at restaraunts
pasta sugo e cinghiale/cervo
linguine all astice
spaghetti allo scoglio
risotto di mare
parmigiana di melanzane
Calamaro ripieno
carne alla fiorentina (basically like the giant american steaks)
I'd say gateu di patate too but i have never seen any restaraunt who can cook it properly
>Italian Abroad here.

fucking terrone diaspora.


fuck off, Poland.

>If only Greece had gotten out whilst they still could

Yes, we saw your betrayal, by your lefty faggots.
Hopefully we can do better.
I'll pay him a visit and call him a Paki.
Wrote it all down, any cerrtified restaurants?
you have to go back
you thought i wouldn't notice you, MONACO?

Kek will help
he forgot carbonara and gricia, if you visit Rome these two are a must
Carbonara is my favourite pasta but it's always badly done in my country.
What are the predictions?
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Don't know any restaraunts i can suggest you in the city itself, sorry. There is one i know but it is in rural area.They grow their own vegetables and animals.
Another thing you may want to try if you go to rome is pic related.
it's only good if you eat it here

>foreigners can't enjoy a panino con la porchetta while walking down the streets of your town with your compatrioti
how can they live with themselves?

The EU is the cause. Italy is only doing what's necessary to draw the poison out.
No what?
Dont tell me. The porchetta they sell here is tasteless so whenever someone i know goes to rome i ask them to buy a few kgs .
you've got the right priorities
Isn't it funny that the votes coincide with what /pol/ would say?

>Italy YES!
>Italy NO!
No one bothered to do a poll. It's just Italy, after all.
Yes if you want to be a KEKA
No if you want to be an ALPHA
Sorry to be 'that' guy, but could somebody, preferably in layman's terms, tell me what exactly this vote is for? And most people seem to agree a no vote is they way to make the fire rise, so why is that?
Hopefully you're gonna join Zio Benny hung upside down too
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go back to sucking lenin's dick, you beta-male commie
voglio sapere la storia dietro questo
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>if you're not fascist you're a commie xD
You sure have the brain of a fascist
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you wouldn't just go on the internet and lie now would you, commie?
are you triggered?
is the fact that fascists exist making your antifa blood boil?
you can't live your whole life with i soldi del papi and you know it
A strawpoll on /pol/ would be useless since we're almost all pending on one side and not representative of the italian average. Did one yesterday and it ended at 10 no, 2 yes.
"""Serious""" polls give the no a slight advantage.
>more black or white
YES = More austerity (except for the banks), less sovereignty.

NO = Instant election to vote in anti-EU leaders!!!

Aside from the forum, you should really go to the capituline museum, or to the Mu.Na.Ro. Galleria Borghese is awesome tier as well
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said the guy putting every fascist into the same category, you're a hipocrite
Thanks bro, I'll give it a go
>leave eu
>leave eurozone
>more economic crisis for 20 years
i know you guys want us to become another greece but this is still baffling
are you going to vote yes, commie?
Yes, the EU is known for good fiscal policy and certainly won't ruin you over the long term. You should stay in.
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don't know, i'm not delusional and i know yes has no chances to win
might as well stay home
good, stay home and don't bother voting for a lost cause
This is the exact kind of reasoning that made brexit and trump win despite the polls saying the opposite.
Regardless of what was the best outcome of those elections people who stayed home and didn't vote because "we already won, the polls said so" are the reason their side lost.
Be smarter than a Clinton supporter.
he's obviously a yes supporter

i'll make sure to post a photo of the yes on /pol/ if i go
told you
let this basement dweller stay at home in his bed
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AUSTERITY causes the economic crisis, you monkey!

It will cause Italy's economy to permanently contract!!!

Italy should be allowed to devalue its own currency to generate growth!


>devalue currency
>generate growth

You mean printing money?
kek, agreed
Actually devaluing currency can help as long as they dont go full retard .
Whitout putting the pope under arrest before there is no strong populist government that can do something to stop the sandnigger invasion.
So vote yes, better be Eu bitch than die of starvation due to Grillo's incompetence.
>Whitout putting the pope under arrest
Dont go full retard. It is one thing if China does it with tibet 's monks and another thing if italy does it with the firt religion in the world. There is no way to get even the church's assets without having all the religious faggots starting a war.
If the yes wins it is easier for "smaller parties", ie. M5S, to get hold of positions. If you vote yes you're asking for in in 2018.
What does it mean in this context?
Somehow I keep seeying this word associated with the NO vote, and I don't get it

also, I never understood what the vote is about, and I made some silly attempts to read about it in the newspaper. They circled around the issue explaining why yes was so progressive, and this really wants me to use my Italian citizenship and vote NO, just because I smell the media bias
>I always check everyone's flag to see if there's a stealth Irish poster
>Dunno why
The eternal Anglo never sleeps!
Basically they want to remove a big chunk of the senate and change it so it's elected by a group of regional administrators.
This is so they can "save money and be faster".
They don't really save a lot of money, but by doing so they give more power to the government, who elects the other parlament.
Moreover they made a lot of other changes that gives even more power to the central government against regional government, reduce the needs for popular vote, makes harder to reach the number of signatures to have popular referendums, abolish other institutions that have the job of controlling and balancing the actions of the government.

Yes is basically giving the prime minister the power to do whatever he wants without any opposition.

Oh, and this referendums also binds the constitution to be harder to change after this one time.
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>they give more power to the government, who elects the other parlament
this was what I barely understood until now, and I just didn't believe it. It sounds like a vote for political incest.

What is the best argument for a YES?
What happens if Italy votes no and Renzi steps down? Do things just continue as they are or are there worries of any economic instability?
Populism is a political doctrine that stems from a viewpoint of struggle between the populace and a ruling faction. Basically, it's a label used to describe anti-establishment politicians that try to rile up the people into voting for them as a way of getting back at the ruling elites, or the foreigners, or whatever other target they use.

This referendum is a decision whether or not to alter the constitution and reform the government. It aims to streamline the government so that the central government has more power than the regional government, and that laws can be passed more quickly without approval by the Senate. This means that the government that's currently in place gains power, while future insurrections by populists would find it harder to gain a foothold.

There's also another angle to it. If the referendum fails and No wins, then the sitting PM has promised to resign. So essentially, this referendum is a referendum on the current PM. If he is forced to resign, emergency elections may be held, and in that case, it is very likely that the FIve-Star Movement, a populist party, would win the elections and take power. So by extension, it's also a referendum on populism.
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YES to avoid going on with pic related
Renzi already said he won't resign if No wins
>What is the best argument for a YES?
The best argument as far as I can tell, is that the people don't always know best and that a strong central government and upper house are a good defense against populism and mob rule.

Obviously in the west where most legitimacy is derived from the people, though, this argument is pretty hypocritical.
>Renzi already said he won't resign if No wins
Source on this? I heard the exact opposite.
He said he would resign at the very start, he chickened after he saw how many people are going to vote no.
>you save money
>don't you want to change good goy, it's current year

I'm trying to find a video where they spend the whole time mocking a no voter

Lol sounds like a man of firm conviction.
He said it himself multiple times during interviews or debates.
His party faction, not everyone in the PD party are for the Yes, support him too.
He is :^)
I'm scrolling through the bastaunsi fb page. It's disgusting, but I'm doing it for you /pol/
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>Dagos are going to vote No and make this buffoon the Prime Minister

Shitaly needs to be nuked.
A no vote will piss off renzifags and banks (not EU who never took a stand and actually prefer a weak power in italy)


A yes vote will piss off commiefags, nazifags, abberlusconefags and grilloplebs.

Yes is quite obviously the better choice to me.
>If the referendum fails and No wins, then the sitting PM has promised to resign
How is this not political blackmail?
Isn't he basically threatening with political destabilization if he doesn't have his way?
There are more people that will vote out of fear of the FIve-Star rising to power, than those who want to vote him out of office. This is mudding the intention of the referendum

Also, why the NO would supposedly fuck the economy? sounds like leaving things the way they are should have the least effect.

>>don't you want to change good goy, it's current year
But how do they spin a political power shift into "progressiveness"?
It wouldn't surprise me that some people think all change is good, even if the change originates from the status quo
Here, translation soon.
Literally just "standing still bad, change good"
What time do results come in?
>Isn't he basically threatening with political destabilization if he doesn't have his way?
I think the idea is that if the people vote No, then the people clearly don't agree with his ideas and ideology, and they want a change of government. So he'll resign to please them instead of trying to be a politician he's not.
Now you're getting it

Always remember this

>I'm trying to find a video where they spend the whole time mocking a no voter
Just go on basta un si youtube channel
sounds like a terrible idea.
Dont do this.
very nice
it was our destiny all along to cleanse this earth
I hope you stupid fucks are the first to get purged once the war starts.
He isnt going to be PM. Never. Even if m5s wins he wont be able to do shit without allying with other people and they dont want to ally with anyone.
No is the only right choice.
Okay: guy autostopping from the southerner part of italy to the northerner.
A kind guy offers him a passage but he start refusing because, in order:
"How old are you?"
"41" (renzi's age)
"you're too young to drive that car"
Mock no voters saying they say no because they don't trust him because of age and are old idiots.

"Also this car is just hybrid, if you want to save money you should go by foot"
Mocks whoever says the reform saves not enough money. (usually people complains the only benefit, saving moneym is too little compared to everything we would have to give up for it)

"Are you alone in this car? Eh, the lonely leader"
Mocks who say this will accentrate too much power in the PM hands. (Which is a rightful complaint)

"ok, are you coming or not?"
"ehm, that's a misleading questions"
Mocks the complaints about the question on the referendum being "do you want to save money by reducing senators" instead of faithfully portraying the whole reform which is a lot more complex
(again, rightful complaint)

"I'm going up to 3/4 of where you need"
"but i need to go 4/4, then what do I do"
Again, mocks who says it's not enough. (Literally nobody)

It's literally false flagging, the video, to make all the no voters look like that pedantic annoying old guy.
>What time do results come in?

>Italians counting

Monday afternoon earliest for real results.
Thanks, I also forgot the link in my previous post.
we need a new thread....

what war pal?
This. Hijack the system
literally the cheapest, crappiest propaganda ever, only a fool would fall for it
>hijack the system by making it stronger and harder hijack

based retard
>give the government more power
>give the EU more power over your country
>somehow hijacking anything
Shared by Mr Renzi on his own FB page nonetheless.

What a clown
>What a clown


He didn't understand what this meant still he read it out
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Why are far-right cucks against the freedom of movement? Why do you hate fellow white Europeans and instead to prefer to import third world savages?

>implying the system wants you to vote no
>implying pd will be in charge of anything in the next 10 years
>implying the no and the masses arent the system

You are nothing but a tool
If you have freedom of movement and another country decides to import third-world savages, you can't do anything to stop said savages from entering your borders.
Lol, Brexit and Trump partially happened because of arrogant, condescending elites and Cuck Renzi doesn't realize this only motivates No voters even more? These people get paid for this shit, and they still haven't figured it out?
Kek, looks like Zaia pissed off Renzi an awful lot
Have you fucking read the reform? And I don't mean the fucking clickbait sites you retard I mean reading the old and new constitution step by step, it's written extremely poorly and gives full control to the government
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How do you say "my wife's son" in Italian?
Figlio di mia moglie.
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thanks dude
giving full control to the government is a good thing
>t. no russian itt
Voted no, doing my part to save Italy

My idea of Europe is de gaulles vision of a Europe of nations not a nation of Europe
You can't give full control to the current ruling class, they are literally mafia.
the current ruling class will be over in a few years
It's been on since the years of yeast years and it's not going anywhere until it has been wiped out.
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