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Trump's twitter will literally start World War III some day.

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Trump's twitter will literally start World War III some day.
Or end it with pure bantz
Donald J. Trump

China only using 2% of it's nukes. Sad!
Donald Trump is a dumb fuck swarthy bag of shit that used orange spray and and blonde hair dye to trick a bunch of limp dicked racists into voting for him.

What a stupid fucking country.
Master race my ass, can't even tell when they are getting played by a conman, but hey, china's been getting away with it for years, so I guess whites are just used to taking it up the ass.
Nice. I hope he keeps it up, too. We all know none of them have the balls to actually start a war. Now they have to sit there and endure his bants.

What's wrong with the President of Taiwan congratulating Donald lots of countries are doing this?
China doesn't want you to say President of Taiwan, because that implies that Taiwan is it's own country/regime.

Basically, pisses off the chinks
It's like if your ex girlfriend likes your photo on facebook. Even though you had no control over it, your current girlfriend still gets angry at you.
Standing up to China is interesting, I'll admit. On the one hand, they are assholes, on the other they are pretty powerful. They've basically colonized Africa and have been allowed to establish their own world bank. They control huge swaths of resources and basically now the economies of every Asian country (russia soon) and Africa is quickly becoming their puppet state.
Maybe once your wives are full of super-soldier BBC they'll forgive you for voting for him.
He said PRESIDENT of Taiwan
not only africa, south america is pretty much theirs too. if we start shit with them we're gonna get more BTFO then we would if we started shit with russia
fucking hell, someone wake me up
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Redpill me on Taiwan, why is China so pissy about this
Kek. Brilliant metaphor
wtf i love trump now
All these self-righteous liars who masturbate to Schindler's List and Diary of Anne Frank are going to get their wish. You are going to get the opportunity to really stand up for justice and not just virtue signal a fashionable tweet. Gee, I wonder how the armband crowd will respond?
I don't understand the problem.

Taiwan is a country so what's wrong with Trump saying he communicated with their President?

If China doesn't like who is the current President of Taiwan so what?

I don't like Trudeau being the Prime Minister of Canada but if Trump calls Trudeau so what.
After the Chinese civil war, the losers (Nationalists/non-commies) were given the small island of Taiwan to govern. The Nationalists fought over control of the mainland against Mao. Mainland China is the People's Republic of China and Taiwan is the Republic of China (democratic republic). So there were two China's essentially and both claim they are the true Chinese government. The US formally recognizes the PRC as the "true" Chinese government and has since Nixon went there, however they maintain trade relations with Taiwan but don't recognize it as an independent republic. Trump is the first leader to give any indication that he recognizes them so China is fearing that the US's policy is changing.

Taiwan:China::Czechoslovakia or Poland:Soviet Union, but separated by blue water and American arms. Beijing takes for granted that Taiwan belongs to it, that its people are Beijing's to sacrifice to Maoloch, and that recognizing the fact that Taiwan exists is sone kind of intolerable racism.
Why do we allow hue's to post on our board?
Hahaha China better get fucking used to it
>currency manipulators BTFO

But Taiwan is a country just like France is a country Canada is a country U.S. is a country etc.

What's wrong with Trump saying he talked to the President of Taiwan?
China denies Taiwan the right to exist. It is not that China doesnt like Taiwan current president, China doesnt like the idea of Taiwan being a country
The game rule for the past 37 years has been that Taiwan's sovereignty is not to be recognized and the republic government is just a regional authority.
Recognizing Taiwan as a nation would give power to other Chinese provinces that also want to go independent (Tibet, Xinziang, Hong Kong...etc).
So Chinese central government has to keep pressure on Tw or to risk their own people walking out on them.
Just a few months ago a multinational girl group in Korea thought it would be cute to have little flags representing the countries the girls are from in a music video.
One of the girls is Taiwanese.
Within hours the PRC successfully demanded censorship.
Taiwan is best china
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China was just outplayed in less than 140 characters.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
If it's against the chinks fine. We can reduce the world's population by 1.4 billion.

Fucking leaf, don't you understand the government of China claims Taiwan is a "runaway province" and they claim sovereignity over it?
I sincerely hope so. I was born just in time to conquer CHYNA

China recognizes that Taiwan has a President and is a foreign country. They even accept their passports when they travel to the mainland.

Fuck China and anyone who thinks we need to say "2+2=5" so nobody's feelings are hurt.
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Nuke mainland china when?
Hehe git em anon!

No one cares except chincucks

Imagine if a president during the Cold War referred to East Germany as "Germany" it's pretty much the same
I guess his 4D CHESS move is to piss off China and create a trade war.
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Yeah Hillary was clearly the better choice.
you wish nigger
Russia, China and India will stand together
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Mr. Ching Chong, tear down this butthurt!

West Germany you tremendous communist piece of shit
Donald John Trump is the next president of the United States of America and there is nothing you can do about it.
At least it will be the right WWIII.
China'a one China policy. Chains Kai Shek fled to China while fighting Mao. When Shek'a party (Kuomintang) was defeated, Mao said that he owned Taiwan. China today claims it owns Taiwan, but Taiwan claims that it is the 'real' China because it was run by the nationalist party.

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Even Taiwan itself doesn't claim sovereignty.
Before it was because of delusional ideas of reestablishing a foothold on the mainland and turning the civil war around, now most likely they're afraid of forcing China's hand
Love it. America is the only country big enough to make China bend to its will. China depends on the US economially, so hopefully, Trump will keep pushing his advantage.
>Trump's twitter will literally start World War III some day

No it will lead to RWDS.
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>Recognizing Taiwan as a nation would give power to other Chinese provinces that also want to go independent (Tibet, Xinziang, Hong Kong...etc).
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t. Chang Satoshi Shrimp-dick

Trump's gonna save the white babies, and then he's gonna fuck your yellow cunt.

Taiwan is the exile government who lost the Chinese civil war to Communist China. Commie China claims the island.

Hey man if there are regions within China that want to separate than they should be allowed to have a referendum on the matter.

It's time for China to start respecting the rights of people. The people are slaves to tge government. The Government is to be for the people not the other way around. You gotta be free.

Fantastic that Trump is speaking truth to reality.... Taiwan is its own country.
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Apparently they didn't teach OPsec at that fancy military school where daddy sent him for being a stupid prick.
yea but the feminist were easily beaten because women arent as strong as men and they consider playing with guns as a sign of having to much testosterone

the war is started over some one making fun of that fat ass amy schumer . last 3 days. many feminist raped in the wake of the end of the war
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Is Trump going to be using the same 3d chess he used in his campaign to do winning on the world stage? Kind of scared and excited at the same time desu
I'll explain to you in the way a retarded ontario nigger understand

It's similar as if Quebec had a separatist leader, and Trump called him President of Quebec.

Anglos would pop a force 5 cuckstorm.
maybe it will. whites are being displaced. perhaps they have a death wish. want to find out?
Fuck off Chang. Taiwan should be its own independent state.
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>tfw Trump gives us Hong Kong back
That's not a good example.
That's if Trump called it Republic of China

Your analogy is not correct.

The East Germans did not want to be East Germans. They were forced to be under a separate rule. Finally the East Germans broke free of the USSR

In this case the Taiwanese want to be Taiwanese and are proud of their own distinct country. The Taiwanese merely broke free from the Chinese chains decades before the East Germans broke free of the oppressive USSR.

Good on Trump for speaking truth to the reality that Taiwan is its own country and has been for decades.
This explains why Trump appointed J. Mad Dog Mattis to take charge of military.

Since Trump knows the major threat from China when china don't comply the WTO regulations.
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So you're saying that Trump will offhandedly make China great again?
>his family came from the palatine area of Germany

You are confirmed for having read Benjamin Franklin's autobiography.
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>The East Germans did not want to be East Germans. They were forced to be under a separate rule. Finally the East Germans broke free of the USSR

Best Germans had no real choice, the decision to merge with Worst Germany was made from the top
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I think this is pretty funny actually. Trump has no idea how tenuous a non-warring existence is in some parts of the world.

>Hey guise! Taiwan gave me like twenty bucks! I love Taiwan!
redpill me on trump ... why do you like him?
You're supposed to call him the mayor of Chinese Taipei or some gay shit.

If you don't, the mainland government throws an explosive temper tantrum because it reminds them they will never have total control over all chinks.

I think someone hacked your posting. There is a picture of some Chinese guy on a horse.

Look....Taiwan is its own country if China doesn't like who the President of Taiwan is then to bad.

Good for Trump for merely speaking the truth to reality.
>President Trump, why don't we talk in my study?
>Fantastic study Mr. Xi, I'll just have my Secretary of State join us...
>Haha, President Trump, a funny joke. Just you and me will meet and talk about Formosa. A man doesn't need a secretary. Come now!
>Uh-uh-s-sure we can talk alone
Yes, because publicly thanking a political leader for a simple compliment is way more dangerous than setting up a No-Fly Zone over Syria and starting a war with Russia for no reason. True he's not the smartest person ever but you hues are autistic and a waste of air.
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You know what you faggots, I can actually see the twitter from him congratulating Russia for reconquering Constantinople, after Turkey starts WW3.

This timeline is pure chaos
It's the Chinks' fault, and now Trump's taking the criticism for their faggotry.
>1 post by this ID
Thank you for Correcting the Record, your BLACKED.com subscription has been renewed for one more year.
>THey're building these sweet islands in the Sea of Japan and they'll let me play volleyball on one! They shoudl make big league islands everywhere.
>the President of Taiwan
No. This is the best timeline. The blacks and browns will come to heel or be culled.
What's you fuckin problem.

In Canada we are taught in grade school Taiwan is its own country.

What's wrong with Trump saying the President of Taiwan congratulated him?

If China doesn't like who the President of Taiwan is then to bad. I don't like Trudeau being the Prime Minister of Canada but if Trump calls Trudeau also what.
>Trump accidentally causes China to disintegrate
4d chess, m8.
>Taiwan is its own country.

Broadcasting your fondness for a leader of a country that is officially a sort of rogue state to a world superpower is indiscreet.

No other President would have the balls to give such a clear FUCK YOU to China.

Beijing is probably flipping the fuck out right now. Trump will show them who really holds the cards.

madam terror get

>Taiwan is a country

In practice, yes.

Officially, it's a rival government of China (like North vs. South Korea) and this status is something the PRC feels very strongly about preserving; they've threatened war over it before.
Technically, Taiwan/Formosa is still a part of the country "China".

The problem is that the Mainland and the Island of Formosa have very different ideas of what that means. Namely, who gets to be in charge.

China takes acceptance of Taiwan as a sovereign country as a threat because it causes instability and disharmony. Instability and disharmony hurt profits.
>Taiwan is a "rogue state"

kill yourself faggot
Actually they will just turn conservative and actual members of society.

looking forward to the china-trump twitter feud.
>Officially, it's a rival government of China (like North vs. South Korea) and this status is something the PRC feels very strongly about preserving; they've threatened war over it before.

That's the genius here. It's a "red line" for them and Trump will prove that they won't do shit about it if that line is crossed, forcing them to reveal themselves as a paper tiger.
Donald J. Trump

@XiJingping rice calculator
> Globalists believe in a world without borders
> Trump acknowledges Taiwan as an independent nation
5 dimensional shit posting!
50 Cent Party fuck off and die in a flood

>Ching chong China strong
I really like this image.
I have to add because it's fucking hilarious. They think Taiwan is a rogue island that's technically still part of China and they're just lucky China doesn't deal with them. China is PRC.

Taiwan thinks the Chinese government are imposter commies/kikes, that they have no mandate to rule, and that Taiwans government will one day retake the mainland that's rightfully still theirs. Taiwan is ROC(rep of China). It's basically been many decades of China screaming, "bend the knee" at Taiwan. And Taiwan screaming back, "you bend the knee, nigga!!" At the world superpower.

pol, Trump, and America should realize that they fucking LOVE Taiwan.

You say Taiwan is a rogue country.

But it's not a rogue country....

My understanding is the people of Taiwan want to be a country and are a country. What other countries think is irrelevant.

What happens if England tomorrow objects to the U.S being it's own country and wants the U. S to again be part of England? Do you not see how ridiculous that would be? If the Chinese get upset then they have mental problems.

The whole controversy is that China and Chinese people don't regard Taiwan as an independent country
>this rare

He can just, you know, not answering the call
That's fucked up. I hope Trump will fix this.
Their own people can't afford the shit that they make in factories to sell to us.

If we stop buying so much shit from them, the country will quickly turn to cannibalism.
So I'm just going to have to take your word for it in that you're actually Taiwanese and not a proxyfag.

What does cat taste like?
I'm sure they will start a trade war over a fucking tweet.
This to be honest
Let's just hope that soon the Chinese people over throw their government which is horrendous and oppressive.

Trump speaks the truth to reality.....Taiwan is its own country and who cares what China says.
We don't eat cats, famm

Only dogs
taiwan shouldn't be it's own country because red china shouldn't exist in the first place. CPC removal fucking when?
It's strange. In America we see dogs as cute and lovable household pets and if you even think about eating them you're labeled an immoral scumbag. Over there you just think of them as dinner. I love dogs (as animals, not as food) myself but I still wonder why we're so pussywhipped.
>What other countries think is irrelevan

Not to China. Taiwan isn't a rogue state in the way we usually would classify a "rogue state", of course. I was being hyperbolic.
>My understanding is the people of Taiwan want to be a country and are a country. What other countries think is irrelevant.
Your understanding is retarded. Go back to your Quran, Trudeau.
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Trump: some of you guys are alright. Don't go to china tomorrow
>Taiwan is a country
Sure. And I'll bet Canada is real country too.
Eating dogs is illegal here, too

But in southern country area, people eating it all the time. Many of the shops disguised themselves as shops that sells lamb soup.
hahaha he still won tho

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
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China's a paper tiger, drowning in debt stuck in a liquidity trap. They have 100 millions extra males from the one child policy and hundreds of millions of pissed off peasants. It's a sham built on cheap shitty labor, they will never transition to a fully developed country.

They have no force projection militarily, their military leaders are political fuckwits that don't know anything about war. Shoddy tech trying to imitate weaponry from other nations.

China can't do shit but bitch and moan against the US.
>China and India are allies
Now THIS is bait
>Implying that the whole point of the tweet wasn't to remind China that the times are changing
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I sort of admire the gumption and general open-mindedness of just oging ahead and talkign on teh phone with world leaders. I just wish he'd get someone to tell him a bit how this shit works.
I honestly don't know if I want him to tone it down with the tweets or not at this point.

Is he gonna give us like a behind the scenes glimpse as to how these big political meeting go for the next 4+ years?
>I am a cuck
No balls. SJW until things get serious.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 33m33 minutes ago
Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I should not accept a congratulatory call.
>Is he gonna give us like a behind the scenes glimpse as to how these big political meeting go for the next 4+ years?
Yes and why not. This country is for the people by the people. Stop feeling like a subject.

I bet it took 3 weeks for the president of taiwan to get trumps number because of how blackballed they are.

lol Government does under the table weapons deals leading to murder of thousands. Trumps twitter is national defense risk
>everyone who voted for trump is a racist

Yes double down, keep it up
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>Liberals are scared of change
Well duh, why do you think they chose Shillary as their nominee?
> regressive left
> supports totalitarian communist regime
At least he's consistent.
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Why are they so scared/literally shaking right now?
Make Taiwan Great Again
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It did not take long for Mattis influence to be felt

Also, I wonder what Trump thinks about Kosovo.
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And according to this man the call was a falseflag.
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Hong Konger studying in the US with a F1 here.

Please start WW3 and steamroll the mainlands for me so I can have independence. But please don't give us back to the Brits, because what's the point of it if they're just going censor my internet just like the maindlands?
who the fuck cares what random B and C list celebrities think
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praise KEK
because my fellow libs are desperately grasping at straws to keep their claim Trump is some insane madman alive.
That said FUCK Pakistan, seriously they're just below Saudi Arabia on the Muslim shit holes that deserve to be nuked list.
>Please start WW3 and steamroll the mainlands for me so I can have independence.

If there's a war, Hong Kong is the first to go up in flames idiot.
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Did we even have any relations with China to begin with that weren't shit? What is with these people? It was just a fucking phone call, falseflag or no, Christ.
Taiwan no.1

wtf #ImWithHer now
Do people really think China even likes the US? They just like your money. Why do you think they are building up their military? Donald Trump is clever.
china numbah three
There are too much white people and western business dealings in Hong Kong and not enough military assets for it to be considered a target, leaf. Get your head out of your ass.

You'd think that the president would want to talk with the leaders of countries the US has strained relations with most.

>you didn't acknowledge my delusional power trip

These chicks deserve to be cucked like this.
Theyll rebuild in hongcouver
China only cares about China. They will learn one day.
I Hope He contacts the president of Tibet soon.
At least they care about their own country, but win-win situations are ideal.
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Who cares what the chinks think. They have president
And a nip nong ching chong to you too young man
China states that Taiwan is a rebellious state, but is still part of China.
China is having too much capital flight. They need to keep liquidity in the country to try and preserve a defunct economy. New regulations coming to stop this look for Hongcouver housing to plummet soon.
this is why i voted for trump
LOL filipinos, you're more irrelevant than "chinks".
Why should we give a fuck?

It's Trump hiding his Pakistan Fuck up the will enrage his base with one that will praise it

"says Muslim backstabbing country is great.. Oh shit they didn't like that.. I'll insult china and they will forget"
I don't even like donald trump but this is awesome. All the cucks in this thread want to keep this bullshit sharade going because they're afraid to assblast china. What the fuck /pol/? Stop thinking like obama.
Wouldn't this prove that trump actually knows this pisses off china? Wouldn't this suggest he might actually be playing chess? I mean foxconn is in Taiwan, you know. They sure do make a lot of electronics in china and around the world... it'd be interesting if they decided to start building factories elsewhere... you know, just for giggles or something... Seriously though, trying to get more friendly with a major manufacturer country seems sensible and sends a message that China isn't as in control as they like to think, right?
And how does this affect Finland?
fuck off and back to your china mainland
pretty flag
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Seriously, what is wrong with these nutcases?
>"Showdown with China"
Fuck off CNN.
Just telling the truth, famalan
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I like you anon. Don't ever leave, pol.
Worry about cleaning your shitty ass water, AIDS monkey
Let the liberal pussies cry about how this damages our national security. Its just digs there grae 10ft deeper.

Mexican - American wall is 10ft taller

Liberal Grave is 10ft deeper.
Their candidate literally filled her pockets with money from all kinds of dubious governments and companies.
>respecting people

Top kek m8o. They are like insects and have no concept of the individual.
The shitposting powers we all dream of...
Bing bong
>W-why would he be calling foreign leaders, t-that's not something a president should do.
If only they knew how retarded they are.
That's our favorite kind of racism desu

Fuck yeah!

Can't wait to hear about Trump sending some crazy shit out.

"This is Trump. Fuck bitches, get money!"
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They also (illegally) voted for the candidate who wanted to set up a No-Fly Zone over Syria and piss off the most dangerous country on Earth.
Last time an Asian country tried to have a vote on something like that we got East Timor.
If you think Indonesians are autistic cunts, just wait till the same happens in china.
>1 post by this ID
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Daww, they had a cute flag.
And that matters, how? Cuck
Time to renegotiate: One China for one Korea.
more than that

they FORCED her to apologize


she was only like 15 or 16 or something too
oops meant to quote these guys
2014/9/22 United States Department of State MARY E. MCLEOD:
“The United States recognizes the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, but it merely acknowledges the Chinese position that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China. J.A. 154. Because the United States does not take a position on the latter issue, the Department concluded that listing either “Taiwan” or “China” would convey a message consistent with the President’s recognition policy—either option involves a geographic description, not an assertion that Taiwan is or is not part of sovereign China. ”

It's even more complex than that, it's more like if Quebec separated then claimed to have the right to the entirety of Canadian territory plus Alaska, Maine, Washington and Greenland.

Meant to quote both
except taiwan was founded before modern china
Holy shit, chinks on suicide watch. Amazing!
Taiwan is the legitimate government of China in the sense the only legitimate communist is one at the bottom of the ocean, but they have no power to ever take the country back.
it's more like if quebec had a revolution and took over all of canada except pei and pei claimed it was still the legitimate government of canada
PRC govt. didn't care it was the citizens who got mad. PRC govt. said she was allowed to wave the flag, it's just her manager panicked they'd get banned in China and bullied her into saying she was Chinese and publicly shamed her lel.

Yeah that's a better analogy, but it's worth noting Taiwan claims huge swaths of land that even the PRC doesn't claim.
It was either a war with Russia or war with China, however China has much more to lose in a war with the US than Russia. Not to mention, Putin would no doubt be on Trump's side, so Russia and US together can keep China in check. Trump is still the better choice no matter how you look at it.
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Poory Chewie, i swear she looks like shes aged a shit ton since that happened
He does this because if he went to the media to say this, there would be spinning of the stories.

So you hear it raw and first from Donald himself
she's probably still getting death threats for it
>reading MMO champ because even though I dont play WoW anymore I still keep up with it
>see a thread listed about this taiwan thing
>a bunch of faggots flipping their shit about how its going to be the end of the world that the US isnt sucking chinese dick anymore
>and this faggot

I've never wanted to hit someone through my computer before but this guy..
>china treats obama like shit because he's black and pivoting
>end up with trump
seriously though, fuck the chinese. They're a century behind the west, with widespread racism and jingoism and no sense it may be problematic.

We tried to be friends, but they're not mature enough for that, so early war is the answer.

this is how china sees obama
That a boy! Maybe he is one of us.
thnx for this insight anon
Seriously, we should have war with them now and knock them back 40 years so we don't have to worry about them for a while.
its kinda true though africans are really stinky they don't wear deodorant
>A single tweet thanking the pres of Taiwan is the downfall of China
Taiwan is the real China. The mainland is Taiwan's rightful clay. Mainland China is just occupied by communists, that's all.
Totally beside the point. The point is: war with china now!
The fuck is your problem? At least they don't pretend that niggers are human. I'm still laughing at the Empire of Rust because a random ugly Chink had to tell niggers exactly what's on everyone's mind when we witness how badly niggers dropped the ball after Whites gifted them with modernity.
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taiwan would Make China Great Again
>tone it down
This is just the beginning my friend. His tweets will literally shake the world.
>At least they don't pretend that niggers are human.
They don't think you're human either, Cleetus. Get a fucking clue.

Jesus, you white trash will literally let anyone fuck you in the ass if they'll flatter your hatred of blacks. I can't believe the rumors were true
I already believed, but this is more proof ours is the chaos timeline.
>Taiwanese media reporting...
Soros owned media, no less. I wonder why they'd report such a thing. Makes my synapses fire.
It's he and Bannon trolling. Bannon hasn't left his side in 5 months.

baka Why are so many people in this world giant pussies? OP, why are you such a giant pussy?
Taiwan is not a part of China
Taiwan does not belong to PRC or ROC

1955/2/16 United States Secretary of State John Foster Dulles:
“in 1945, the Republic of China was entrusted with authority over (Formosa and the Pescadores) ”

Taiwan wants independence from China. China wants to annex Taiwan. China ain't gonna get them. Over.
How is that any different than "Canada wants independence from America. America wants to annex Canada. America ain't gonna get them."?
it must have been another timeline before the great kek happening, because i remember the US having an agreement to aid Taiwan in the event of chinese aggression
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Chinks needs to taken down a notch.
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Basically, the ROC became hurt during World War Two after fighting the Japanese, and then the Communists attacked the ROC shortly after the war. Make Taiwan Great Again.
I'm giving this guy a (you)

Fuck the prick above you.
We sell billions in arms to Taiwan
We actually could annex Canada.
tru dat ty man
That was very well done
Actions are OK, it's words that are bad... or that's still in effect and trump just upped the ante by openly talking about them too.
Piss off Eleutherophobe
Fucking savage

If you are CTR then you need a pay rise you cunt

Yeah except if you turn them off in your phone.
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Good, fuck the Chinks. I would love to kill them together with the japs.



It is of /co/ origin I believe, Satan.

Well at least there is one thing we can all easily agree on.....

We all hate China as its a fuckin shit hole run by psychopaths.

Until the Chinese people rise up and overthrow their fascist government the best thing we can do is place a trade embargo against them.

In the mean time maybe the Chinese Prez should take anger management classes.
>together with the japs.
Do you mean killing them with the Japs' help, or killing both?
Japs help of course
Good, they're our allies.

Feel free to get the fuck out any time you please. After all, you have that option. I hear Germany is nice and they are rather welcoming to foreigners.
This was just dumb, like a totally unnecessary call. Do I think this is a total game changer, not really. Could it signal that Trump will be sloppy when it comes to foreign policy, absolutely.
Bingo burger.

I've studied their history. Shit goes south and they eat each other like the vermin they are.

Stop buying their useless shit and they'll implode in literally weeks.
He's locking up the Fallout vote for 2020. 16D chess
What are those slant eyed commie fucks going to do about it?
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I can't turn off presidential alerts on my phone.. just like amber alerts and stuff
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This. The fucking comunist chinese only fought a couple of battles against the Japs, battles they lost btw. Glorious Nationals faught with blood and tears against the Japs, getting their asses handed to them by supperior nippon steel most of the time but hell at least they won a few and did all the hard work. All only to be stabbed by your "own people". Seriously the US should've helped the Nationals the same way they helped the SKoreans. Would have prevented all this "muh south china sea" and 80million dead bullshit.
heres your (You) my good friend, maybe anywhere else people would call you a nigger but here in our safe space we welcome all forms of autism
>Owning a cucked phone
Chinese communist need to be Nankinged again desu senpai
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keep crying
Taiwan kissing the ring.
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