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Did he ever actually molest children

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Did he ever actually molest children
Prolly not
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He was pretty out there, but I doubt it.
look at his face
i dont know anon, you tell me, would you let this guy babysit your kids?
Maybe those digits confirm

>tfw he has a pizzafriend bracelet

shit, maybe he did
even if he did, it just goes to show how great america is

even our pedophiles are fucking amazing. MJ was legend.
yes. he molested Corey Feld Man, Mcully Culkin. Webster and that kid from T2




Ive noticed jews like to say people who speak out against jews are pedos, but they themselves love fucking kids
Holy fuxk anybody looked into it?
Of course not.

Stop being ignorant.
Could you imagine if he was linked to that shit?

Probably did some weird, fucked up shit with kids, acting like a kid himself and not really understanding the consequences.
Probably not, but he was definitely a pretty "unique" guy.
I think he was most certainly molested, which makes it likely.

Also, it's weird he would cover his kids faces like he didn't want them to be objectified by other pedo creeps.

Guy had some demons for sure. Why change your appearance that much?
Yes. One of the kids successfully described what his penis looked like in detail.
A couple of the kids admitted they lied. One of the accusers fathers was a major con man too. Wound up dying after some dental fraud shit. Still a top tier weirdo however. So maybe....
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Eating some jewyork pizza.

He criticized the media jews, which is basically the same thing.
when the home alone kid AND corey Feldman BOTH say no... then i trust them.

corey has no reason to lie and corey has already talked about pedos in hollywood.

home alone kid defended him very strongly as well.

even after death they defend him
I don't think so. He had a lot of mental issues but I don't think he was a child molester. I think he was tired of the Jews trying to control him so they destroyed his career and his reputation via character assassination.
Nope, that ain't Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was dead before anyone even see him walk into the hospital.
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He was most certainly a pedo, but I doubt he actually molested anyone.
I never actually knew this. Was he killed off then? I remember his death being strange.
Amusement park in his backyard, slept in the same bed as random children, psycho plastic surgeries, yeah sounds like a pedo freak to me.

Still some great music
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Look on jewtube about his last call, it was talking some shit about (((they))) coming after him
Does a one legged duck swim in circles?
he also used a sentence like "they jewed me"
It's hard to say. I would like to believe he didn't, but his upbring would definitely support any child abuse behaviour in adult life.

I think he also knew too much.

>Kick me kike me
>don't you black and white me
>all I want to say is that they don't really care about us

At this point in reality, I have no idea whether he was or wasn't a child molester or if he were really killed off for more nefarious reasons.
Jackson was very outspoken of the shadow puppeteers. It was character assassination
Whether or not he did, he certainly put himself in a situation to be taken to the cleaners.
his "bedroom" was the size of a two floor apartment..... u needed stairs to go to his bed place.
he had two bathrooms and everything.
No he just got jewd.
I didn't believe he did until I did some digging regarding his home, neverland ranch. Neverland is the name of the fictional setting from the story of Peter Pan. That Peter Pan story was written by an alleged pedo. Jackson had a lot of artwork in his home and studio that had to do with that story.
I say it's plausible though.
No the jews framed him because of his song lyrics

i don't think so. he just wanted to be an innocent kid again. childlike innocence was most likely the most valuable thing to him. i doubt he would take that away from other children
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All I know is that little weirdo could dance and make music
heres the truth about michael being innocent
all the proof

I don't know man but he knew about (((them))).

He was a wierd fucking guy but you can't underestimate the lies people will tell for money

Amazing how the bleaching treatment had an effect on the kid, too.
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Lmao, gave me a good kek leaf.
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That image
He gave young boys hand jobs to collect their prepubescent semen.

He then injected it, because he was convinced it would keep him young.
>“Jew me, sue me, kick me, kike me....”
Same happens with joan rivers when exposed michell obama for being a fucking sick tranny
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That nigga gave us billy jean, you say he touched those kids?

When shit hits the fan is you still a fan?
The media tells you yes so no
Don't be a fag.
He didn't. He named the jew and got punished for it.
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if i say

''#pizzagate has more evidence and chance of being real than michael jackson being a pedo case has''

how wrong am i
I don't think so. I think they did stuff to him when he was younger and fucked his head up. I get the feeling his dad beat the shit out of him and someone at the label diddled him.

Also Corey Feldman knows a bunch about pedo-gate and he said Michael never touched anyone.

And there was that one speech that Michael gave about the industry trying to fuck him over.
Not wrong at all.
They smeared him instead of outright killing him like Prince. Then they outright killed him. Influential blacks who don't support the narrative are dealt with. Look at Bill Cosby's message to black communities, and then the familiar parade of rape victims.
Why do you think he died.

MJIDF, Please go
Also, more recently, Kanye.
Nope, framed by industry kikes.
Probably not, but he probably did some things that are inappropriate as an adult but OK between kids.
Because pedo jews killed him
He called out Hollywood Jews for fucking everyone over. They ruined his life after that
the kid's mom was white
I wasn't sure until Evan Chandler killed himself, after that I pretty much presumed MJ was innocent. My understanding is that the settlement to the Chandlers was paid out against MJ's wishes.

If you were a parent, would you take settlement money if your kid had actually been molested?
the truth must be one fascinating story.
He was a complete nutcase and a nigger who was a wannabe whitey but there's no denying he was a very talented man.
Fuck yeah he did! For starters :^l


Evidence pics inside Neverland. Freaky shit.
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Man, the jews must have been really pissed at him to slander his name this much.
he had a secret room in his house with teddy bears and a bed. recently allegations came out that he had a collection of mild cp. he probably fondled a few young dongs, trying to love them the way he wishes he was loved. i highly doubt he wanted to hurt any of those kids, but mj was a traumatized man. he lived a beautiful, tragic life. about as forgivable as a pedophile could be
I just want to know what kind of faggot toolbox would be so cruel as to name their kid Blanket.
Yep guilty in my eyes.
More about his creepy sex room hidden in the back of his bedroom behind 3 dead bolts

If a bunch of people claim you molested them. There is a good chance that you give off pedo vides.

As I looked through this I realized that everything about Michael Jackson just screams satanism.


In another universe

Michael discovered 4chan and became the little boy
Based MJ

Sounds like some kikey bullshit to me.
No. He was a victim of the Media.

ffs pol I thought you liked hunting down conspiracies. Assuming MJ molested kids is EXACTLY what the media wants you to believe.

Fucking retards, the whole lot of you.
No, he took molested children and tried to salvage their childhoods.
someone already outed the guy who did the 2 coreys

it was a executive like a producer or something, big time. i could recognize his face, supposedly it was him. not charlie sheen or MJ
> the police report and court papers, and an investigator on the case told them: 'The documents exposed Jackson as a manipulative, drug-and-sex-crazed predator who used blood, gore, sexually explicit images of animal sacrifice and perverse adult sex acts to bend children to his will.'
>He also had disgusting and downright shocking images of child torture, adult and child nudity, female bondage and sadomasochism.'

>asking if a pedophile molested any children
No. It was all a Jewish trick.

Check this out. The guy may be a faggot, but he makes excellent points.
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N...no! What an anti-semite!

You wouldn't listen to a pedophile would you?
Charlie sheen does boys?
Honestly, he probably did, but he's one of the few pedos that get a pass from society because of how extraordinarily fucked in the head he was. Also what kind of shit parent lets their children go over to a stranger's house unattended, especially a guy who looks like that?
No. He just never had a childhood. So he wanted to play around like a kid. No one ever understood. That's why never land and all the other crazy shit he did.

Make a kid enter the hit machine when he's 5. Then see what happens when he's 20.

Good luck with that. Rest in Peace (lol) Michael.
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>He also had disgusting and downright shocking images of child torture, adult and child nudity, female bondage and sadomasochism.

if you remove "child"
>He also had disgusting and downright shocking images of torture, adult and nudity, female bondage and sadomasochism.

that's like every bachelor's house ever
No. And OJ didn't kill his coal burner ex wife
Bro, one of the kids was able to accurately describe his genitals including two distimct markings.
Do adult men normally sleep with other people's children?
Only in Canada.
no, he just couldn't help himself when the reporter said "it isn't normal to sleep in the same bed with children".
So he defended it, and thus the meme was born.
i love black michael. what a shame.
anyone have the screenshot from /x/ of someone predicting that mj would be killed on the exact date?
nah, maybe but the whole point is everyones been guessing wrong.

pretty sure they said it was him or some other guy who is bigtime pedowood money
He's not a molester. Why even make this thread.

Why not talk about prince Charles and how he was in the sex ring with Seville.
Or talk about how hillary prefers little young girls to rape.

Oh wait your all shills I forgot.
Read the thread you fucking spaz
I don't give a shit about global warming, I don't believe it, I hate my own race (aboriginal stick chuckers), and I'm red pilled as fuck.

But when I watch this video, it paints such an emotional picture history of our world, an innocent world being attacked by the same forces we battle today, globalisation, lies, politics, the use of "tongues" as in the bible.

If you ignore the way the races act after they've been subjugated and niggerised, then it rings true, it's like a visualisation of a child crying when his dog dies and screaming at his parents "why, bring it back, why does he have to die".

Jackson was DEEPLY depressed about his position in the world, they had to hit him with everything they had, because he was trying to get us to work together and ignore the past.

He wasn't "pro black", he was "pro us", and he loved america.

You have to imagine in the video that there are also scenes of the white lands being taken by the romans, the gaul lands, the celts lands, the irish starving, the russians revolting over and over again, if the song was longer I'm sure he would of inserted them too.

so yeah, they killed him, and he was innocent.
Almost a christ like figure.
oh whoops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAi3VTSdTxU
No it was kiefer Sutherland. He said it happened on set of the lost boys
Because there are 50 other threads every day covering them. Right now we're talking about MJ. And he clearly molested children.
when you get that big with that much influence, its due to jews putting you on a pedestal for the goyim

if you use that platform to bash the jew...they kff and the fall is long and hard

note what they are doing to kanye for supporting trump atm
Well now this begs the question if his doctor was really one of (((them))) the whole time and made it look like (((manslaughter))).
he got a lot of grooming shyt

He's dead, isn't he?
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>((( the police report and court papers, and an investigator on the case told them: 'The documents exposed Jackson as a manipulative, drug-and-sex-crazed predator who used blood, gore, sexually explicit images of animal sacrifice and perverse adult sex acts to bend children to his will.'
>He also had disgusting and downright shocking images of child torture, adult and child nudity, female bondage and sadomasochism))).'
Of course he was. He just had the money to silence everyone. MJ being a pedo is more believable than pizzagate.
Beyonce and the others arent saying anything either.
You guys remember this shit?
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Why the fuck would anyone set that weirdo up?

this is how big his bedroom was... thats where entire families slept

So was 0bama's
>Jew me, sue me, everybody do me/ Kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me.
These are lyrics from "(((They don't care about us". If you ask me, certain (((people))) ran a very successful smear campaign against him.
All that space and he had to sleep in bed with them...one..at..a...time. by his own admission.

Have you not read this thread? Pay the fuck attention.

Good story. Pedoesta should run with it to. Or also run to Oman to live in some sheikh palace, where young boys are getting true love.
What's the deal with Prince? Was he anti-jew?

He may have slept with kids, in the same bed, in a completely platonic way. I am not saying he wasn't a weirdo with some deep rooted mental issues, but he didn't diddle any kids.
>Jackson was DEEPLY depressed about his position in the world, they had to hit him with everything they had, because he was trying to get us to work together and ignore the past.

damn mate, that does make a lot of sense

MJ was an abuse victim.
Hitler had a secret room in his house full of furniture made from Jew skin, bones and hair. People who defy the chosen ones are a bunch of degenerates
I know the whole stupid song thing, was wondering what I missed in the thread. Catch the YT phone recording of him naming the Jew.. top fucking kek.

Still think he was a sick diddler though.
Is he talking about this? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Tjy5RmmXb2Y
Nah, he named the Jew and they tried to shut him down. He was only a lesson to them, as they entirely shut the next successful intelligent black man down without a hitch, Bill Cosby.
He had an animal torture, child torture, and s&m fetish according to cops
Is Dave Chappelle next?

He got out of the game before they could really get their grubby hands on him. His last major appearance in the last like 8 years was on SNL.
He had vitiligo, not bleaching
wake up sheeple

Video inside his rape room
Nah he named the jew
He also tricked Sony into letting him buy their entire entertainment catalog for $50 MM, something really worth billions. They assumed some schmuck was the buyer and they could force them into handing it back over at a really nice profit...except MJ bought it anonymously and wasn't on board with their scheme. He literally was making 50 cents of every dollar the Sony corporation was making off their entire TV, music, entertainment catalog. Godlevel business maneuvering.

The pedo campaign kicked into high gear around the time he achieved this. the rest is history

Sony got their shit back 20 years later: This summer:

"The transaction would give Sony full control of the songwriting rights to more than two million songs — including works by Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga and the catalog’s jewel, about 250 Beatles songs — more than 20 years after the company formed a joint venture with Jackson. Sony already owned the other half of the catalog."


The only reason we are all convinced he was a pedo is because of what we know from media...so yeah, I give MJ the benefit of the doubt on this one considering what was going on behind the scenes.

no. jewish lies.
In a Tavis Smiley interview he refers to "merchants" a number of times.
God, this thread really opened my eyes. I never believed he molested kids and always thought his death was untimely and odd, but it all makes real sense now.

RIP MJ, you didn't deserve it
It's always the jews


I am tired of you faggots being right all the time.
Poor micheal,had money but no real love. Nah I don't think he fucked kids tbqh.
>kiefer Sutherland
actually originally haim supposedly was molested to the point of sodomy on the set of Lucas, which is why everyone was guessing Sheen as he has alot of family connections and fits the motif Feldman was stating

Feldman later found out about it while they were doing lost boys together, Haim asked if he wanted to have sex or osomething because he was under hte impression its just what guys do together in hollywood. found out he was beign molested and turns out so was feldman by different parties who ran in the same circles
I dated a girl that was MJs personal nurse and lived with him for a couple of summers. She said he was a really good father and would always wake up early to make them breakfast and play with them before he left to do whatever. I always liked him. He was outspoken about (((them))) so I assume everything the media pushed is BS
a room full of toys, omg wow a manchild who everyone knows has peter pan syndrome has a room full of toys
look look at this evil pedo and cry
i mean the video doesnt show anything sick sadistic or even close to what their trying to imply in the article
its almost as if their trying to spin a narrative
i miss him.
the world got a little darker when he died.

there will never be another artist like him. ever.
>He may have slept with kids, in the same bed, in a completely platonic way.

How do you know it was completely platonic? Why did he have to pay money to the parents of the children to be able to sleep with them?
didnt he leave like over 200 unreleases songs for his children to pop out whenever they needed money?
we might be getting jackson albums for the next three decades still
He went against the illuminati
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Calling library cop to report peepee drawing.
this should explain everything

is it possible jackson is a failed mk ultra attempt?
like im sure they have been doing it for longer then hes was around but maybe he was just a failed attempt
hence him being so fucked up and his weird appearance
Trump is on record saying the media did terrible things to MJ, i started really thinking about it then. I lean towards no, he did not molest any children, just a bit loony
This should clear everything up. famous Hollywood reporter, went undercover and found out the truth. Here's a video of him talking about MJ on Opie and Anthony.

I was convinced he did until i started watching his videos where he talks about jews

How the jews were going to kill him
How they painted him as a monster
How he just wanted to give his kids a wonderful childhood and went way overboard because he never had one of his own.

The song "They dont really care about us" is about jews

I talked so much shit on michael growing up and after really looking into it i feel really fucking bad for the guy

schlomo killed his ass
but we will never get to ser him play ever.
I don't think that he did. He was a fucking weirdo freak and that made him vulnerable to false accusations.
I like some of his early music so I want to think no, but he's just too fucking weird and weird shit went on in his house when he was a kid according to various documentaries. I think yes.
no, he just spoke out against {{{them}}}
he spoke out against jews

he was thrown aside
>get famous
>rub elbows with all sorts of cool hollywood types
>get invited to some crazy parties
>maybe too crazy
>was a bit drunk/high but I think they set a goat on fire
>months pass, attend a few more parties
>child is strangled, mutilated, corpse gangbanged
>freak the fuck out inside
>If I tell anyone they'll kill me
>ten years later
>try to rescue as many kids as I can from these psychopaths
>create a huge ranch for them
>expensive security
>they're behind every corner, just waiting for the right time to end me
>get stressed to the point of getting a bit crazy
>dangle kid over railing
>hold off for a few years more
>they finally get to my doctor
Michael Jackson dindu nuffin he a good boy

Fucking idiots. Yes, he was a kid toucher.
>name the jew
>get your character assassinated

Who knows these days
It always ties back to the fucking money man.

And the Jews.
I think he did inappropriate things with children but never sexually molested them.
I believe his father had him castrated at a young age to maintain his singing voice.

I believe he had sexual desires but was unable to perform due to being neutered.

He acted out his sexual desires in strange ways like inviting children who he related to over to his house and showing them pornography but he didn't actively rape anyone.

I also believe he was a monarch mk ultra slave.

That is just my opinion though.
well they did find child porn at his residence

that face was a result of botched surgeries. He did it to try to please you, to make you happy. Doctor fucked up. Bad.

There are many reports of him being very depressed and insecure about how he looks, and I don't just mean when he still had a nignose.

He hated how his surgeries came out, and tried for many years to fix it but couldn't. Also I'm sure you all know his skin color is from bleach to cover his vitiligo or whatever.
oh boy. but they killed him for a reason, that lead is probably gone.
no. fuck off, mj is king.
>MJ calls out the Jew
>Suddenly accused of molesting Jordan Chandler
>Jordan Chandler comes out a few years back saying nothing ever took place and his mother had forced him to say he had been for (((gold)))
>Father (Evan Chandler) dies a couple of months later by (I'm not even memeing) (((self inflicted))) gunshot
>Family was Jewish
>Pure C O I N C I D E N C E
No, the people who accused him were scam artists who did the same to other celebs.

The media tried to bury him with those accusations because MJ was starting to spill the beans about the Jews.

He was actually an abused child himself and he sought to help any abused children he knew. He wanted his home to be a safe place for children. He became a recluse in his last days and his doctor was paid to administer a fatal sedative dose.
Even though MJ does have VERY suspicious circumstances surrounding him I don't think he did it. He had legit peter pan syndrome and just seemed to want to help kids have the childhood he didn't have.
You mean like the girl in The Hunt?
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Our friend Bobby Fischer explains it:


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found the jews
Nope, named the kikes and they still slander him for it.
I bet he's the reason Culkin is the way that he is. God knows what they said to each other.

They became friends when Culkin became a star and after a few years Culkin became a drugged up Michael Jr
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Welp thats all the convincing I need.
Fuck dude this makes so much sense its uncomfortable
No. The left always projects. The left (msm) made him out to be a pedo. He helped victims of abuse and rape like the coreys and culkin. He knows that Hollywood loves pedophilia and he wanted to protect his kids from it so he did his best to hide them from it.
Kek confirms
He was mental, yes

But he was not a pedo

Just a child in a grown mans body.

He never wanted to grow up, thats why he invited other children to play with him and doing that whole peter pan stuff.

It was not a sexual thing, he was just a child himself.
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Michael Jackson speaks about the Jews

probably. one of the kids who accused him was able to accurately explain his genitalia (including specific freckles and skin tone shapes
nope, I think what media spinned was more harmful than his borderline behavor, but I believe he certainly wasn't a pedo. Those who pressed charges wanted the money, that was it
He did without a doubt, the facts are there. He had incriminating porn in his house and on his computer, of course he would have crossed that line
its not his kid
That's only circumcisial evidence
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Yes. It's pretty common knowledge.
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There is only one thing to say about Michael...
>Jordan Chandler
Any relations to Rachel Chandler?
imagine your own parents pimping you off to michael jackson hoping something will happen so they can get rich.
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Oh fugg
are u rare
>MJ gets into more trouble as he grows whiter
>who could be behind this
The exposed the industry.
Suddleny right after that (((they))) tried to destroy his image.
There is no more real evidence of that that there is of me having wings. Sure, i can insist that i have them, i might even pay someone to confirm it but that's about it. Supposed victims been forced by their parents to "confess", money was involved. With all the media witch hunt and police taking pics of his dick they didn't found jack shit. Was he deeply disturbed? Sure. But was he molesting kids? Unlikely.
>3 Kings is a propaganda movie
I admit it's been few years since I saw the film, but how?
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>He did it to try to please you, to make you happy.
Wow that's some pretty deep research you did there
wtf i love MJ now

That's a big fucking if.
TIL pol doesn't want to believe that Michael Jackson was a raging pedo, but they will eat up any sort of conjecture about pizza gate.
if i came into your house and downloaded CP onto your computer does that mean you too rape kids?
fuck off
How about if you downloaded CP and little Timmy was able to describe that unique birthmark on your penis?
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Not an argument.
>fucking little boys
>not fucking little girls
Thank god that faggot pedo died.
Daily mail ran a story about 1 month ago saying police at his home uncovered a large number of photographs (I assume this means non-digital old-skool photographs) of naked pre-pubescent boys.


His sexual interest in children is confirmed - but your question - "did he actually molest children" - can best be answered by the fact he settled out of court on the first charge of this nature.
Here are some search results concerning "Neverland" from the DM, there are some disturbing stories.


For the record, I initially had nothing against MJ, but thought he was weird. I was horrified when the first accusations came out and have refused to defend him, as he is clearly a pedophile.
> implying the jews didn't make timmy say that
>Australian choreographer Wade Robson, once the singer's staunchest defender, now claims Jackson was a predator who repeatedly sexually abused him as a child.
so while MJ was alive he defended _him_, but now that he's dead he's going after his rotten family?
makes sense
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The fact that you're a redditor who says "TIL" and can't even type out the board's name correctly is a proper argument against you being here.
>In short, Neverland Ranch was more than a creepy den for Michael Jackson: It was an elite-owned programming site. Michael Jackson was not the one running things – He was programmed to not escape Neverland. Literally.
Look at his face. Yes he obviously fonddles kiddies
He was a victim of that shit
what country is this?
that link claims he wasn't a pedo
>Black man who wanted to be white

I don't have a problem with him, desu
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what did he mean by this and why are the lyrics censored?
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rello hato
>Molested by hollywood kikes
becomes hollywood kike
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nice file name.
Did it look like a penis?
Nope, met a guy who spent time in neverland as a child I am convinced it is 100% bullshit
>adores hitler
>tries to use science to turn white
>jews find out youre a nazi
>suddenly out of work
>suddenly called a pedo
>suddenly overdose on crazy drugs

Nigga got shut down.
Fuck dude
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No, he didn't.

Michael Jackson wasn't circumcised.

Michael Jackson was innocent.

I say that because he was FOUND INNOCENT in a court of law.

But Razorfist pretty much made the most solid case on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pnoQqlygQs

Have some tits and chill out.
Just think about this for a second.

If Jackson didnt get btfo by the kikes then blacks all around might of been more inclined to become white too.

This would of course set in motion the great whitening which is would of upset the puppet masters.

Pls no kill me.

who the fuck is this autist? I'm pretty envious of him.
No, never. He loved children and wouldn't ever hurt them.
wtf I hate (((Breitbart))) now
>Yes. One of the kids successfully described what his penis looked like in detail.

He also kept infamous softcore pedo nude books to show to kids.

He was a fucking pedo.
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Don't know but he was redpilled as fuck.
Why he was killed too.
probably not or got coerced into it.

holy crap he was indisputably a stormfag.
yes,they found videos of bestiality and children getting tortured in his neverland ranch,he used to show them to kids
He's american, so of course
It's like a right of passage down there
He spoke out against (((them))), so they smeared him since they knew he wasn't beholden to them

He also had a massive music portfolio worth over +$500million, killing him and getting that was just icing on the cake

>Kick me, kike me
>Jew me, sue me
>All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
They had his doctor kill him, he was found guilty in court, this is on record
Corey Feldman was a Jewish spy out to sabotage Jackson's career. Michael knew what he was up to and that's why he ended their relationship.
Bollocks, this alledged porn material was from popular photography books. Said books are widely available and can even be found in public libraries. This was scraping the barrel.

He had contact with thousands of children over many years and you can count on your hand the number that said he did something to them. If I remember rightly post Michael's death one "victim" came forward and admitted his father had forced him to make the accusations.

Michael's influence over culture as a performer was on a scale unlike any before it and his refusal to be a minion of the (((agenda))) put a target on his back. You have to assume that destroying him also served as a mesage to the rest of the entertainment world that they will conform or be dealt with. Look how the likes of Beyonce and Jay Z fall over themselves for their masters.
Ever watch Chappelle's show?
>anybody can describe Michael Jackson's penis: a head, a shaft, some balls, maybe some pubes (permed), and a little bit of glitter sprinkled on it
Yeah. He gave me juice that made me sleepy, and then he diddled my pee pee.
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I think he was in the pizza party but he did not like it and might not even made the decision himself.

He might be forced to do the ritual shit but his concience came for him and he built that rollercoaster park to do something back. As childish as that may look from the outside. (Jackson was a little boy, held back in development by the ritual abuse like they all are. They can't function without their handlers setting out the story they are told they are living)

The shit he did in the end was him fighting his Monarch demons to which his soul was sold.

That's when his handlers decided to throw him off the freedom train.
I'm inclined to believe this.
It's in the process of happening to Kanye now, may have also happened to Bill Cosby and Prince.

fuck you
the kid inherited MJ's vitiligo. The jacksons are also not pure black.
Of course he did. It's pretty obvious.

It's pretty incredible how deviant sexual desires can destroy a man, no matter how talented and famous otherwise. Just can't control the penis.

Considering how unstable the guy seemed the sex abuse investigations probably didn't help:
>In December 1993, Jackson was served with a warrant for a strip search of his body, as police wanted to verify Jordan Chandler's description of Jackson's private anatomy. The order stated that officers were to examine, photograph and videotape Jackson's entire body, "including his penis, anus, hips, buttocks and any other part of his body". The warrant stated they were looking for discoloration or any other signs of vitiligo which he had previously spoken about, or any other skin disorder, and that refusal to comply would be used in court as an indication of guilt. The strip search took place on December 20, 1993 at Jackson's ranch. Those present for the prosecution were Santa Barbara District Attorney Tom Sneddon, a detective, a photographer and a doctor. Those present on behalf of Jackson were his two attorneys, a physician, a detective, a bodyguard and a photographer. The attorneys and Sneddon agreed to leave the room when the examination took place, and Jackson demanded that the prosecution detective should also leave, which he subsequently did. In an emotional state, Jackson stood on a platform in the middle of the room, took off all his clothes and the search lasted for approximately 25 minutes, although he was never physically touched.

>he molested Corey Feld Man
Doubt it given how much time he's put into dressing, singing, and dancing like Michael Jackson. Especially considering how bitter he's sounded about the effect of molestation on his buddy Haim.

I don't think Jackson molested all boys who hung around at his place. Probably only a select few got the treatment, which would then leave plenty of people who would defend him from possible allegations.
probably envolved with pizzagate's satanic pedo-shit but he only got accused because he attacked the jews here

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>according to cops
>It's pretty obvious.
>being accused makes it pretty obvious
>I believe his father had him castrated at a young age to maintain his singing voice.
just listened to a recent Howard Stern show today, Howard sais he actually had a business meeting with MJ, something about a project MJ thought Howard would want to join him for.
Anyway, Howard said he was surprised to hear MJ talking in a regular man's deep voice, not he breathy mousey he would sometimes use on camera.

I think it was Howard's show on 11/15
They're some place in the pacific
It doesn't have a flag, so it defaults to andorra's flag
I know there's a way to save it but I don't know how
I doubt it.

Seemed to me he had kids around him because he had no childhood, so he lived vicariously through them.
Same here. I think he may have gotten inappropriately close with the kids, but i dont think he ever touched them or acted sexually aggressive with them.
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Didn't police find a cubbyhole under his bedroom filled with CP?
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more like small room with hidden and locked entrance filled with all sorts of Cp and porn and some really weird shit like pictures of kids holding dead animals to desensitize the kids he took in there. weird shit
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>>101144735 I heard the torture stuff was to desensitize the kids. sort of like "oh gotta go play cave explorer with mister Jefferson again ill be back later guys."

The day Jack Bauer went too far.
What if he was a part of the ring but got suicided when he was about to tell the world?
He was one spooky looking motherfucker
I cant beloeve MJ got away with molesting all those kids
>dude he never kid
How do you know?
>because sombody said he did on a chinese door painting exchange and the post number of there submission ended with 2 of same numbers
>the god of kek based purely on memes and statistical probably confirmed with those 2 numbers

Cant wait for kek to die
Fuck you.

Jokes aside, he was anti-racism (not liberal "racism", actual racism), even made a song about it. That didn't fare well with the kike agenda
Minus the fact he tried to change his race
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What baffles me really, how sick can (((they))) be.

They make the world horrendous, sick place. They do everything in their power to suckle out people from nature.

Then the gloat over it.

With movies like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6Il58Ln4cI

You can see whole Koyaanisqatsi in youtube. It is fucking horrendous piece of work, knowing that it was made by ((them)). They see their own handiwork, and produce this sick art out of it.

He had vitiligo. How he managed that was poorly, but i mean can you blame a nigga for wanting to be white

Anyway, the jews can't let black idols to speak against racism, i'm pretty sure that's another reason he got shut down
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>if it's on the msm, it's real
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They're saying now theres new info that was omitted from court showing that he made the kids watch snuff and animal torture videos. I thought for years he was innocent but now with all the pizzagate shit I don't trust any pedoy politician.
If this pizza thing has showed me something, is that if you get enough money, you WILL end up fucking kids.
Used to think he did.
But now seeing American media true colors its really hard to trust anything they claim about anybody.

makes a lot of sense, actually.
#PizzaGate As messed up as this sound but, the thing I
want most out of this: MJ was literally trying to protect the children.
So sad
I'm worried about Kanye
niggas can't be woke
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We'll never really know. Dude grew up very uniquely so it wouldn't be surprising nobody nixed his idea of child love when he got it.
This made me laugh so much
God fucking damn it.
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he was innocent. the jew media wanted to destroy him after his world wide success. ngl he was a very weird dude but that made him the perfect target
No, it was payback for going against the Jews and literally calling them kikes in a song.
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