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How do I bluepill?

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How do I blue pill myself? I'm sick of being red pilled, I used to be so happy, I just wanted to get a job and hang out with friends, Now I spend my time searching through the internet for proof of a satanic child trafficking network, I hate almost all television and all of the celebrities I used to like along with most of the people I know because they aren't right wing. I just want to go back to living in blissful ignorance
Go outside and interact with people.
its too late for that my friend youll never enjoy anything ever again
Eat less,exercise. Go see a dentist.
You can do both. First step: get your ass into the gym TONIGHT
The ride never ends
Post porn or something and get banned for a bit from this place. Use that time to explore other things and possibly never come back.
Get off /pol/.

Go read sites like BuzzFeed and the Huffington Post instead.

Enroll in Marxist college courses.
You leave, you enjoy live. You forget about this wretched and awful place. You hang out with your normie friends doing normie things. You avoid politics at all costs.

Then one day you look at the news. A little part of you says, "That's strange" But you go on with your day.
Soon you find it hard to enjoy talk to people you care about, they all seem so naive. You try to bring up politics but they say the most banal crap ever.

You start worrying about everything. You start looking into the news more. What's going on? Where are things happening? Why does nothing feel right?

Then one day some event happens while your watching your normiebox, and you decide to check up on it on /pol/ just for a quick glance.

Then you don't leave.
You can never truly escape.
secret to happiness: never go on /pol/ again, leave this place forever

Do you live on this site? Literally just go outside and do things.
You're literally like the faggot who wanted to go back into the matrix just because he likes it better in there.

Reality too hard for you to handle baby boy? Stay woke or kill yourself.
I got it :
>get redpilled to the point where you meme the 4th Reich into existence
>live in a perfect dictatorship
>back to living in blissful ignorance
You cant. But you can take another red pill to neutralize the effects. Read das kapital and then go to /leftypol/
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Life is hard quit being a pussy grow some balls and learn to love yourself anon
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there is no escape
No one will ever believe me, but a lot of people who you think are blue pilled actually know what you know. Think about, for example, a banker. They have some idea of how the world works. In fact, some of them know more about how the world works because they are insiders to the truth.

To a certain degree, the "redpill" is a projection. You are looking at other people and deciding that they are normal because their exterior seems much happier than your interior. But the truth is you don't actually know what is happening inside the minds of all the "normies" you see. There is evidence, from brexit to Donald Trump, that the majority of people you meet actually think just like you. If your philosophy is in power, than you are actually the normie.

So why do so many people appear to be blue pilled or normal? It's because they eat what ever fucked up thing they know about, and decide that even if the world is fucked up they are going to keep marching forward, because it's probably a better decision than continue dwelling on how fucked up the world is. That's my impression. There's not actually that many blue pilled people. It's just a lot of people pretending to act normal, because it's what's required for basic human survival.
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>How do I blue pill myself
Unplug from social media and the internet and talk to real life people who don't look or believe like you.
>How do I blue pill myself?
Don't get me wrong though, some people are actually really happy. They will never even know about /pol/. But none of those people are here. But a lot of unhappy people keep going, because it's the right thing to do. I will always love you without condition. Your pal ZUG 20 GUG
>How do I bluepill?

By off'ing yourself

Did you even watch the Matrix OP?

This was kind of the entire point of the redpill bluepill scene.
go on /pol/
not even shitposting

Yeah, but those happy people are also unprepared. They're the first ones to go when SHTF because they didn't see it coming.

When you see a muslim driving his car towards the school, you think "fuck, a terrorist", where norms think "Gee, he's driving fast"

Once you are red pilled, normies are annoying to talk too. People who are dumb are pretend to be red pilled are annoying to talk too. People that say things without knowing the facts are annoying to talk too.
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take the blackpill.

the universe is cursed with duality.

for light to exist it need darkness, for good to exists it need evil, for rich people, poor people, and so on, yes it looks stupid and basic yet what the redpill is just the knowledge of evil or how something its not what it looks (generally for worse), its all in our fucking minds, yet the pain and hunger are always there to remind us that this is to be perceived as real.
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Well just as Plato said in the cave allegory : Basically when you're redpilled you can no longer be bluepilled again.

So yeah, You're fucked
get off this shit and watch some shitty vids on yt, too much of reading the same depressing shit is funnily enough depressing... don't smoke weed if you do, if you don't then smoke. change routine, change... you.
Watching degenerates on yt doesn't bluepill, it only pisses you off.
>new caledonia
You can always kill yourself. Or find your own purpose. Make lots of money. And of what the fuck you want with your life and quit caring about what else is going on.
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>The red pill is why I don't have a job, have no friends and have no hobbies.

Nice meme.

You can join the illumaniti or satanist pedophile groups. That might make you feel better. They will make sure you get all the nice pleasures you want.

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What a fucking fag. Why do I have a feeling even if you weren't a red pilled poltard that you'd still be sad and lonely?

I'm as much a poltard as the average guy here but I live a normal life. I have friends, a good job and social life. Just don't go full redpill on people unless that's where the conversation is going. Most of my friends aren't into politics whatsoever so I never have to sperg out and reveal my power level.

Browse pol in your spare time and live a normal life. It's actually not hard unless you're an autist to begin with.
I'm not sure if you're serious, but you can still enjoy life. You can start by working out and still being sociable, simply because you are aware of the lies within our world doesn't mean you have to be unhappy
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Watch this movie.

Then do the exact opposite.
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>it's a tree on a rare flag

Fucking babydick
Being red pilled helped me.. I used to be a 240 lb pot head that would fight with my dad about police shootings and all that cancer. AMA about being a buzzfeed shill cuck and waking up in the past year+ if anyone is interested.
I lost a "friend" on facebook because I comented his "suport white helmets" post, telling him they are terrorists.
What happened to me desu. At first I just thought: wow these people on here have a similar snarkiness as I do. I was also always conservative--but more a lolbertarian.
But you reach a point after collecting enough redpills where you turn a corner--its not just an ideological thing anymore--you realize something bigger is going on.

Once you leave your cave and see the real world in color --but just shadows--how can you ever turn back.
It will never be perfect because it's forced...there will always be the thought that it's in fact a completely fake reality because fascism is the only thing keeping it together.
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Though I agree with your general advice--i imagine the anon your replying to is young (>30)--pic related is what would of happened if only >30 y/o voted.
So most likely anon is surrounded by Marxist sum swallowing fucks.
somewhat uncommon
being redpilled made me do this.

Now i cant enjoy the same media as everyone else though.
What was the turning point for you?

This describes my departure and return to /pol/ very well. I felt a bit like an outside regarding the DNC primaries and I ended up coming back here for news.
Stop thinking and use the redpilled thoughts when it matters
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Being redpilled makes a man's quest for money and power much easier in the long term as he is not encumbered by the guilt and emotional baggage of the blue pill that holds others back.
Blue pilling keeps man feeling guilty so that the (((progressives))) and (((globalists))) always have an answer on how they should commit themselves to helping their (((leaders))) save the world.

Why go back now? You have the knowledge to do so much more.
>So why do so many people appear to be blue pilled or normal? It's because they eat what ever fucked up thing they know about, and decide that even if the world is fucked up they are going to keep marching forward, because it's probably a better decision than continue dwelling on how fucked up the world is. That's my impression. There's not actually that many blue pilled people. It's just a lot of people pretending to act normal, because it's what's required for basic human survival.

You'd think so but actually this is like the case with 1/3rd of blue pills. Lots of em know they won't able to take down the political system without ruining their lives or without being angry/depressed.

The rest just don't care enough to indulge themselves into being redpilled. That's why we have a lot of voters who feel 'informed" just by reading headlines. I mean, even looking at news articles and their comment section shows what a shitshow the "informed masses" usually are. Blue pills see this and just would rather move on.
You can never blue pill. What you do is become a pastor.
Realizing one or two things that I had previously accepted based off the way I generally felt about them and then actually looking into the counter arguments of the way I felt. (When you're in the shill
mindset you might read things but it bounces right off your thick skull.) I always had a voice in the back of my head that knew that my lifestyle/mindset was shit and that I needed to change but it took years for me to come to my senses.

My first red pills were third-wave feminism and islam, pretty normie.
That's why autistic NEETs are infinitely superior to neurotypical normies such as yourself. I'm actually happier now than before I knew the world was run by jews, that Hitler did nothing wrong and that the Holocaust never happened. Why? Because, as a NEETsoc, I've found a new purpose in life. I now recognize my divine duty.
Stop taking life so seriously. It becomes a lot easier to "live a normal life while being red pilled when you realize none of this matters a whole lot.
Hands free fapping
You don't go back. The red pill is permanent. I recommend you start following through on what the red pill has taught you, namely, crank up the workout routine, and cease sexual degeneracy. Fighting against the knowledge will only lead to torment.
>you can never blue pill. What you do is take the blue pill
I've tried to look at life now as a "how to out-jew the jew". Namely, how can I give as little of my life and soul to them, meaning:

-Stop being materialistic (buy as little "shit" as necessary to live a comfortable life)
-Stop consuming their (((media)))
-Make yourself debt-free as possible
-Strive to produce the most you can for yourself (plant a garden, build something from wood, create art, anything that you create and don't have to pay (((them))) for.)
-Help your community, starting with your family, do anything for them they ask, it's the only family you will ever have.

Things along these lines. Make it a game. Ask yourself, "how can I out-jew the jew?"
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when you take the redpill you stay in wonderland
>Things along these lines. Make it a game. Ask yourself, "how can I out-jew the jew?"

In doing so, one becomes a Jew.
>I used to be so happy, I just wanted to get a job and hang out with friends, Now I spend my time searching through the internet for proof of a satanic child trafficking network

Basically my life now
Sorry bud, it's too late, better learn to love it!
Really the only thing you can hope for is to either slowly redpill some of your friends or try and find friends who are redpilled.
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I blame the fuckin Jews myself
>aren't right wing

youre still bluepilled dont worry
Well maybe one day I'll rule the world then, could be worse. In the meantime, I'm giving the least amount of myself to those kikes.
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