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Kekopolis Constitution

We the /pol/acks, of the nation of Kekopolis, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the nation of Kekpolis

Section 1)
1. ALL powers - Including legislative & executive herein shall be vested to one leader, who sha'll be of pure white aryan descent and have an IQ of over 100.

2. This nation sha'll ONLY keep the ideology of National Socialist in it's existence, it sha'll never become Communist, Democratic, Or anything non-aligned.

Section 2)
1. There are to be NO Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Turks, Spics or Arabs to enter the nation of Kekopolis

2. The only reason one of non-white descent to set foot on Kekopolis, is because the individual in question is of high value. They sha'll NEVER have a position in the Nation.

Section 3)
1. Citizenship sha'll only be given to those who serve in the nation of Kekopolis's Military for atleast one year. Citizenship grants voting and political jobs.

2. Service is compulsory in Kekopolis, once one reaches the age of 16 he sha'll pack his bags and go to his local recruitment station where he will serve the nation of Kekopolis for a atleast one year

Section 4)
1. Any SJWs, Race-mixing individuals, or Leftist-Sympathizers sha'll be shot by the Kekopolis right-wing death squad IMMEDIATELY


itt we work on the kekopolis constitution, and other necessary things.

on the docket:
Bill of rights
Standard for whiteness
Where we will live
What we will export
How we will survive
We export art in the form of Pepes, Wojaks, and the other meme characters.

Our market will have to mainly be high class art scenes.
>implying you can find someone on this board with an IQ of at least 100
>implying the majority of this board are white Aryans
>implying anyone here will ever do a days work in their lives
>implying we aren't full of leftist shills
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No Jews and Kebabs? Oy vey goyim, Allah Akbar you infidel
>projecting this hard
Japan started with its people widely worshiping an animist "nature gods" religion, this was a religion which did not center itself around morals, rather it centered itself around worshiping gods in exchange for good things, (very much like kek), Morality of the time was basically "think, bbbut also dont do bad shit to people" there was no real universal standard of morality until Buddhism came, then afterward to a lesser extent Christianity.
Our new home:
The North Pacific Gyre, located in the northern Pacific Ocean, is one of the five major oceanic gyres. This gyre covers most of the northern Pacific Ocean. It is the largest ecosystem on Earth, located between the equator and 50° N latitude, and comprising 20 million square kilometers.[1] The gyre has a clockwise circular pattern and is formed by four prevailing ocean currents: the North Pacific Current to the north, the California Current to the east, the North Equatorial Current to the south, and the Kuroshio Current to the west. It is the site of an unusually intense collection of man-made marine debris, known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
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i will move there and impregnate all of yor women and there is nothing you can do about it whitey.
I was thinking we could export white nationalist trinkets. Considering how many white nationalists exist out there I think it could work.

We could also sell black nationalist shit, since niggers will eat that shit up, and it could keep the world PC police at bay.
Fuck that, we are taking over an oil rig next to /k/'s and ruling that until we can fund enough /k/ommandos to genocide a small country for us to take over
>literally against the constitution
>implying we will have women
says who? the UN?
There would be nothing stopping them from ust murdering you.
uhh so you guys will fuck eachother ?
of course we will have women, but not for like 30 years
>What we will export
Make knock off shit for export. China does it, and they make billions of
That was a joke, but in all honesty, a /pol/ nation would likely have a 30-70 split in genders. Don't know how it would work desu.
I have both a yacht and a woman. get over it.
You can't fuck a yacht so only the woman counts
Import wives from other countries.

French government used to ship prostitutes to French settlers in Canada to be wives.
Im sure kekopolis could work something out.
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They're good, but from what I can tell the namibia group is closed off until further notice.

Eventually we could have an ally in them.
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What about language? Plain English is boring. I suggest old Norse.
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kill all the inbred mexicucks
Iq must be over 130 to lead senpai
We all already know English, so learning a new language would be a pointless thing. We could look into it in the future, but to start it's unreasonable.
Polis refers to a city, so the capital city could be Kekopolis, but the idea of that being the name of the nation is just dumb. We might as well call the fledgling nation "Retardia" while we are at it.
It would only be the size of a city to start, think city-state.

Eventually, if we can gain more clay, perhaps we would just have kekopolis as the capital.

Also, I didn't come up with the name, I preferred Seigland, since it literally means Land of victory, also it shows our roots in national socialism.
Where do Honorary Aryans stand? Can we apply for high power or not?
No. Sorry, but we have to draw the line somewhere.

You could be granted the right to live among us, but you will not be given the right to hold office. Also no reproducing while you live there.
>Caring about the PC police

Get that shit out of here, kekopolis is a /pol/ colony
>perhaps we would just have kekopolis as the capital.
>having property in the capital city
Oy vey, so valuable.. my grandchildren will sell the property for millions once it becomes a mega-city.
>The one sperg that doesn't realize this entire board is satire
Won't last long if we literally call the wrath of the liberal west upon ourselves.
Standard for whiteness includes anyone of European descent. None of that
>x nationality
kikery. All Europeans and European diaspora should be welcome. Applicants for citizenship take a mandatory DNA test and exclude those with 25% or more non-European blood, or 10% or more sub-Saharan blood (the rest will be bred out over time).

Those who wish to start a family will get heavy tax cuts for each child. Divorce nullifies this for both parties.
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Irrespective of whether or not I agree with all of the statutes of this /pol/ nation, this is autistic as hell.
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>implying this didn't already happen years ago

It's funny to imagine senpai
Almost everything on /pol/ is autistic as hell, why is this one any more retarded then the flat earth shills?
>iq over 100
Fucking brainlet, 140+
Why does this topic trigger people so much? Because niggers can't swim?
best constitution ever. Kek approved surely.
>divide and conquer
Fuck off kike. The "shitskin" italians are responsible for the greatest nation in ancient history. ANY person of European descent is capable of greatness.
Agreed, I think an IQ of 100 should be required for just citizenship.

But 140 is too high, that'll leave very few people eligible for office. Maybe something like 120+
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Where should I apply for my bull visa?
All prospective bulls should go to our embassy in hell.
We'll be doing that anyway by being an ethno-state
at minimum, goddammit.
But also stronk based and empathic.
Liberals are starting to call for ethno-states though.
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The Nation of MOLOCH hereby declares war on the pitiful, snivelling pigs that we call the inhabitants and counties that make up Kekopolis.

Your people will worship the Horrid King Besmear'd in Blood or be enslaved and bound to offer up themselves and their families as to appease the Blood Tithe.

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yep this.jpg
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Still thinking that life-long penal hard labor - without parole , is BETTER option for a punishment to

>SJWs, Race-mixing individuals, or Leftist-Sympathizers
>never become Communist, Democratic, Or anything non-aligned.

It booost economy , also legal slavery.
-Drugs, both cultivated and chemically manufactured.
-Porn, including qt tranny porn. A good way to keep the beta cucks happy and sodomized, curbe the need of women and thrive off the world's degeneracy.
>Paid shilling for this and that country or political alignment. Good currency to secure the alliance of some superpower.

I'd recommend to be machiavellic in alliances. Just effectiveness must be considered, y'all need to forget the old bonds of nationalities, just bringing the best of yo culture.
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KEK shall prevail ,as usual.

are you the gommunist from the mirror thread in /r9k/ ?
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I want a flag for this
Are north-western spaniards allowed in kekopolis?
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Kek will be destroyed. You will be brought before HIM as the cringing slave that you desperately yearn to be. The followers of the Pretender Frog are merely offering up their souls as chattel to HIM. You will burn in his brazen belly, your life is his to do as seen fit.

I do not visit /r9k/. I am sent here to subvert the will of KEK.

DNA testing to confirm whiteness or GTFO.
retard IQ is determined by average. 140 still leaves around 2% of the population fit
>P.S. 50% of people are above 100 50% below
Make it 4 years military service and raise the presidential IQ requirement to 130
Everyone form europe is welcomed (except albania&kosovo,i guess)
also this

KEK , i want moar chaos nothing moar.
Do you read the apocalypse ?
2% of 500 people is only 10 people.

Yes. A DNA test (paid for by the prospective citizen) and an IQ test will be taken by you to prove you are at least 85% of European descnet, and have an IQ of 100 or higher.
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>tfw too intelligent to care about a micronation
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>pure aryan
Stopped reading there. Aryans are even worst than niggers and should be gassed.
Guys maybe the IQ tests aren't such a good idea. You'll end up only letting in leftists and letting leftists lead.
>Right wing death squad
Is this from a game? If so which one? Looks comfy as fuck.
Kekopolis Constitution

We the /pol/acks, of the nation of Kekopolis, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the nation of Kekpolis

Section 1)
1. ALL powers - Including legislative & executive herein shall be vested to one leader, who shall be of pure white aryan descent and have an IQ of over 1300.

2. This nation shall ONLY keep the ideology of National Socialist in it's existence, it shall never become Communist, Democratic, Or anything non-aligned.

Section 2)
1. There are to be no Blacks, Turks, Spics or Arabs to enter the nation of Kekopolis without proof off exceptional value (IQ above 125 or a masters degree in a desirable field)

2. There are to be NO Jews, Muslims.

3. Non-whites, no matter how exceptional, shall not hold position in the government, nor can they procreate while living in Kekopolis

Section 3)
1. Citizenship sha'll only be given to those who serve in the nation of Kekopolis's Military for atleast 4 years. Citizenship grants access to gun ownership, voting and political jobs.

2. Service is compulsory in Kekopolis, once one reaches the age of 16 he shall pack his bags and go to his local recruitment station where he will serve the nation of Kekopolis for a atleast four years

Section 4)
1. Any SJWs, Race-mixing individuals, or Leftist-Sympathizers should be either deported or given the same status as a non-white resident. This means all rights of citizenship are no longer valid.

I made some changes, what else? Also, what rights should be guaranteed?
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Forgot to remove the pure aryan part, and I wrote 1300 rather than 130.

Also forgot to add compulsory DNA and IQ tests to gain citizenship.

I won't repost with the constitution so that the thread won't be so damn cluttered.
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Ovens don't burn underwater.
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