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China is shitting their pants

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Thread replies: 311
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Fucking kek
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>what are tariffs
I thought chinks were good at math?
Tariffs will only hurt their US sales, so in theory they could make their own (exceptionally high quality I'm sure) smartphones for other markets. I'm sure the europoors will be beating down the doors for their new Epple lphones
They sell those pre paid Huawei phones at the 7 11 by my house. All the crackhead hookers buy them because they don't have the credit rating to get an sctual phone plan.
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I want to see Trump destroy their entire fucking country.

>ror we make 35% talliff on amelican iphone!

chink phones are cheap because they come pre-installed with backdoors. never buy chinese anything

the PRC are doing a great job burning 5,000 years of civilization to the ground perfectly fine without trump's help, thanks
The last Huawei phone that got a major deal was the Nexus 6P. It was a commercial disaster because the phone was found to bend. Kind of like what happened to the Iphone 6, the phone would bend over time just being in your pocket and then would stay that way unless bent back into shape.

If that's who they believe can compete, it's not looking good for them. Apple users will not give a shit if their phone bends. Android users on the other hand have hundreds of different options, which is why the 6P failed.

>other cell phone makers to undercut Apple

Do these people not understand how the cell phone market works? You can price your phones at $25 and half the country would STILL pay $900 for an iPhone.
I always feel bad for China, it could have been such a great place if it had never been infested with communists
They already are dirt cheap in comparison and noone uses them.
>sourcing steel from china

this is true
You know, minus the flat faced chinks.
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very good.
fuck apple.
xiaomi is masterrace.
Huawei phones are fucking garbage and run like shit.
No joke Huawei and Xiomi phones are big in Mexico and Latin America, especially since the iPhone has a retarded price here and instead of adding features they keep removing them like the audio output.

If America becomes isolationist under Trump the Chinks will expand their influence in Latin America, Africa, Asia and even Europe.

And then there's the issue that Chinks work for pennies and Americans will ask for benefits and medical services with their phone assembly blue collar work.
Nobody who could chose would buy their chink trash
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Posting this from a Huawei phone
>trusting a chink phone
Enjoy your hidden kill switch.
Eh, wouldn't this be nothing but beneficial for the consumers?

It's like offering new challenges to these yuuuge tech companies that will result in even better products. More challenges = more room for improvements.
best part about this:
the only reason chinks tolerate their authoritarian regime is because the government has been able to keep a sustained 5% growth in gdp, which has meant an ever rising standard of living.
if that goes away or even just shrinks to match inflation the communist party will lose all support.
why put up with an authoritarian government when you don't get any benefit from it?

cant wait to see china collapse

$15 an hour assembly line worker
So...I shouldn't have bought an Honor 8 on Black Friday?
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This is a great image. Do you have any on the Sassoon Family?

They are the ones who really controlled the opium trade, not the british. They're not even from europe, they were iraqi. They were the monetary powerhouse of the far eastern jews, and they are the ones who bought and own hong kong.
lol wtf
Ultra rare flag

Do they not realize that appledrones will buy then even if prices go up?

Do they not understand what status symbol is

Do they actually think people buy iphones because they are fucking accessibly priced?
>the PRC are doing a great job burning 5,000 years of civilization to the ground perfectly fine without trump's help, thanks
Chinese cultural crisis might be even more fatal than the western one. China is turning into hell on earth.
>chink phones are cheap because they come pre-installed with backdoors. never buy chinese anything

Yeah, better get Apple™ because it's secure!
Not really but thanks for noticing me sempai
new fag
What will happen once slave labor is replaced with automation? Will chinks chimp out? Start WW3?
>Chinese companies will be able to undercut apple
>cheap, unreliable knockoffs will undercut an already overpriced tech company whose only selling points are reliability and brand name if they charge more
>shitting their pants


The only thing other countries need from America is their dollar so they can buy oil, if Trump increases manufacturing who is going to give a shit? I'm not gonna buy some shitty fucking Americlap car because Trump helps the car industry in the US.

China is correct in their assumption. They will increase their sales to countries other than the US and lose their economic co-dependence with America (something which the US uses as a leverage to prevent China from following up on debts).

Remind me how much money the US owes again?
The Chinese really are proud of how harshly they exploit their half billion strong underclass.

What a bunch of keks.

They are indeed shitting their pants that America has a smart patriot in charge now and rightly so.
nobody cares, have fun when you lose all your jobs and china floods your market with its trash products.
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Chinaman detected
these chinese subhumans are currency manipulators. we're never going to pay them back

Better yet, what are they going to do when I can print one?
Everyone knows, even literal retards to dont buy chinese products here in mexico.
>Gordon Chang

A completely deluded ideologue
The track record of his "predictions" is absolutely embarrassing
How the tariff would effect is is debatable, but china would collapse if their exports stopped coming to us. Financial people in china confirmed they would lose half a trillion dollars in manufacturing if it happened.
Huawei are a privately owned company idiots. All their hardware in the UK goes via GCHQ for testing.

Not one listening device or killswitch found yet..
>not understanding how economics works

Hey I'll try to sum it up in a glib, simplified way so that you might understand it

>If you owe the bank a million Dollars, the bank owns you
>If you owe the bank a trillion Dollars, you own the bank

You overseas Wumao are going to be so BTFO over the next few years.
Hope Daddy was corrupt enough to buy you enough Western assets for you live off once the PRC goes under, because you obviously have no skills that we need.
>trusting the GCHQ
It's Andorra, not even uncommon.
You trust GHCQ to tell the truth?
Fuck China. We shouldn't even be doing business with them since they hate us.
I'm Chinese because I stated the truth? This is econ 101 shit.
Posting from meizu mx2 . China scurred
They're already moving their economy from export driven to consumption driven. They know they cannot rely on cheap labor forever. Chinese workers aren't even thay cheap these days, which is why some manufacturers are moving to places like Vietnam.
>unplug them from out internet
>can't steal technical data and copy designs anymore
>china produces the same exact phone for the next 60 years
Problem solved.
Are you being deliberately stupid or are you shilling?

PRC China is a communist dictatorship. What that means is that their relationship with the """"private company"""" Huawei (founded by a shadowy PLA goon) is premised on "you be our national champion but when we tell you to do something, you do it".

Killswitch or not, I don't want those shifty, totalitarian organ harvesting fucks having any involvement whatsoever in our communications network.
I don't buy anything made in China anyway
Go Trump
I'd rather get a chinkphone than an american apple product desu lads, they are cheaper and better. As the general public is retarded, they'll still buy your stuff though so it's alright

They can cut their prices in the other markets to make up. I really dont care,
Consumption of what? You need money to consume. Once the slave labor class of China goes, so, will the "middle class" (the sales managers).
China has little natural resources and no political influence (all of Asia hate them), meaning they won't be able into exports or bank economy. Now what do?
>Chinese article saying china is the best

Wtf, i like China now

Also, the USA can out-manufacture anybody in the world if the fucking government would stop shilling for other countries.

Thank God we finally elected an American Nationalist
>trumpcucks are this deluded
Chino Cochino, but despite that fame, poor people (60%) of the population buy chink phones, toys, and clone game systems every christmas.

Middle and upperclasses are plebs too since they love overpriced apple products.

Personally i prefer superior japanese electronics folded 1000 times like Sony Smartphones and Playstation consoles.

And Trump declarations will make latin americans turn their back on microsoft and apple products.

That's why MS keeps shilling the Xbone like crazy here, they know that people will stop buying it if the wall comes true.
>I want to see Trump destroy their entire fucking country
china does a pretty good job of destroying itself, famalam

You are aware the majority (vast majority of our debt is owned by the FED, right?)
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The US fucked up European Empires and helped the commies win WW2 so you guys can get fucked desu

They don't get it, the US doesn't need to compete. Congress can simply ban foreign competition.

That said this sort of thing is expected and will get worse as a tariff is passed and relations break down.
>>If you owe the bank a trillion Dollars, you own the bank

Are you legit fucking retarded? Do you think a trillion dollars is a lot of money in the terms of a global economy? All debt to the US government is given on the terms that it will be paid back, however slow it may be, because Governments like the US are seen as safe investments.


I don't talk chink, mate. Stop projecting your tiny chink dick shit on me and go back to selling honey chicken fwied wice, I don't give a shit. I was typing something which is as objective as possible.
>not rating xiaomi
Fucking aplel retards
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Where's all of the Chinese porn?
>>ror we make 35% talliff on amelican iphone!

And the Chinks will still buy them. My college is 60% Asian and all these fuckers have an iPhone. Even the poorfag ones have a gen or two behind but they still buy iPhone. Majority of Asians are status whores, even with higher prices Chinese will still buy them.
what is this flag named unknown?
where are you from, anon?

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Xiaomi and Huawei already build better products than apple

I'm posting from a redmi note 3 pro and it's far better than any gay product that apple produced, at a much lower price point

Lots of people in Mexico buy Chinese as well, they have decent products but you have to avoid extremely cheap shit and do your research, you know, like normal people used to buy before appleshit.
American manufacturing will be like Germanys in its prime.
High end, quality merchandise made to be reliable, last long, cutting edge technology and made by a trusted company.
Basically the opposite of everything chinese manufacturing stands for.
We will cater to different markets with an initial increase for Chinese sales until their market develops enough and becomes wealthy enough to purchase American products.
Yeah you're right.

I forgot USA runs on Cisco...which is produced on the same campus as Huawei hardware in Shengzhen...

You already have Chinese infrastructure idiot.
>Undercut Apple

Everybody already does this, and apple still rules.

Fuck off you communist faggots
>less than 1% of posts by this flag
> not uncommon
That doesn't answer any of my questions. In 2014 and even now, China still has money because it makes money off slave-produced cheap shit.

Once automation hits, all foreign production will leave China, a huge ass nation with little resources. What will happen to them? What will they live off?
War and invasion seem like the only likely answers.
That would be actually nice, you americans have good products, however keep in mind that the mass market globally is losing their adquisition power, you'll have to offer cheap quality products, since people get poorer by the day.

Even in Murica.
i know all about chink internet scams i wont fall for e-con 1 or econ 101
this, with automation and robotics its quite easy. We could have one person making a decent wage producing 10X the shit chinese assembly line workers make because their job is to maintain the robotic assembly lines not actually do the assembling themselves.
>increasing prices
>better for consumers
No, you tard.

Are chinks implying I wouldn't like to see apple go belly up?
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Ashkenazi jews aren't semites, bud.
your just mad that when china crashes, your economy will crash with it without anyone to buy houses and keep ur housing bubble from bursting as well as sell rocks to
Why aren't there more companies in the US making electronics? This should be incentive, seeing all these companies threatened with tariffs and increased taxes.
Shitposters like yourself inflate the numbers of the main countries. Try and a lurk a little sometimes, newfaggot.
Which of your questions?

You have a severely outdated view of China's economy.
>Only hurt sales in the US
We are the largest consumer market in the world, wikipedia says we make up 27% total with China coming in 2nd with a whopping 8%. Im willing to bet that we make up an even greater portion of the world consumer market for electronics
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>Fighting against a country that manipulates it's currency to keep all its shit cheap to export

How are we going to fight against that when all the factory """""""workers"""""""" will want 50 dollars an hour with full benefits and vacation time?
How does China manipulate its currency?
>never buy chinese anything

Pretty much everything is made in China though. They might be developed in the US, but they're produced in China. Who knows what they're putting in there.
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Unemployment leads to revolution in their shithole country

The chinks should be afraid

You don't know how shit works. We have one of the highest MPCs in the world (I think it's between us and Australia). Everything comes here because we spend the most.
Because Apple fanboys would never buy iProducts if they cost a lot of money.
I hate to be the guy to break the circlejerk, but they're right.

And if it's not the Chinese who seize the opportunity and undercut them, it will CERTAINLY be someone else. Remember that there was a reason in the first place for those jobs to be exported there.

Such is life under a globalized economy. You want the jobs back? You best be ready to trade economic relevance for that.
wew lad
Your spergout is getting silly.
Trillions are obviously significant. You're silly for trying to pretend it isn't.

And wasn't your argument based on what the US owes China anyway? Cos that's of the order of 1Tn. So you're undermining your own point also, kek.

>thinking the US government has to pay back its debt to China
wew lad
The value of China's forex did drop significantly last summer when China had about 700Bn of capital flight. It wasn't Beijing commies the US paid... it was rich fuck Chinese and Western businesses getting their money the fuck out with China's central back having to buy back shitty Yuan with valuable Dollars. A lot of the money goes in to condos in Vancouver, San Fran, NYC and London.
>thanks for the taxes, commie cunts

>not knowing how /pol/ works
You should know that you are a Wumao fag if you shill for the PRC just like you're CTR fag if you shill for Clinton, you Wumao fag.
You seemingly don't understand what an economy is. Consumption-driven means there is a class of people that can consume internally. In China, this class is the sales manager class that sells the cheap shit the Chinese underclass produces. Once the slaves go, so will the managers, since there won't be anything to sell.

Full automation is coming and coming very soon. This means slave labor will become obsolete. This also means countries will largely produce domestically and mostly buy raw resources (something China doesn't have) and cutting edge innovative products (something China doesn't have).

You're paying for the wall, paco
By doing something literally illegal everywhere else.

That's right. We're competing with fucking criminals and buying shit from them.
>the "China makes literally everything meme" will be true if i spam it enough

You fags are going to be so disappointed when the Party are no longer able to hide the obvious stagnation and crushing non-performing loans of their economy and the riots begin as the half-billion underclass says "why accept repression if our living standards aren't even increasing?"

The PRC is a paper tiger. It's an over-ambitious paper tiger that drinks its own Kool Aid, yes, but a paper tiger nonetheless.

That's why all the smart Chinese get the fuck out.
Mate if China crashes, the US economy would crash as well, they're co-dependent.

The 'housing bubble' bursting here, is only a good thing for Australians considering it's the Chinese purchasing property as investments. That just means the chinese investments go to shit and the prices become affordable for Australians.

I hope you realize housing bubbles are only a bad thing if it relies on domestic populations buying the property using loans and then being unable to pay them back thus causing the 'burst'. If a Chinaman buys it, he isn't taking a loan from an Aussie bank, mate.
apple makes so much on every phone they had 200 billion in the bank at one point. price won't be affected. apple will just make slightly less profit on every phone
>china undercut us
>with china-quality products
lel, good luck chinks.

>Gordon Chang

You can believe what you want, but he's literally Nate Shit tier in terms of predictions.
FuckING KEK 商人人人人人人人人

Anyone ever hear Gavin rant about the Chinese language?
>please let us have everything we want, America
>because otherwise your economy will crash

>it's not as if you were doing just fine before you realized you could make greater profits exploiting our legions of intimidated, destitute slave laborers

If China crashes, the price of cheap shower curtains and plastic cups will go up for a while while we set up new cheap shit manufacturing networks. Then it will go back down again.
We taught them how to make LITERALLY EVERYTHING that we buy from them. We haven't forgotten how to make cheap shit, we just outsourced our pollution for a while.

Where do you get the idea tha China's middle class is reliant on "slave labor"?

Xiaomi is a cute name. Gonna add that to the list of names for female video game characters I use.
Empirical evidence?
Citation needed
It's a fact, not an "idea" m8. China doesn't have a bank economy or a service economy. Do you know how a country makes money?

It's not a "middle class" either since it only encompasses about 300 million people, out of China's 1.4 billion.
Did I type 'what the US owes China'? It doesn't matter if the debt is international or domestic, the inability to pay them eventually leads to economic collapse.

Learn how to construct a proper argument cunt, don't they teach you that in middle school? God damn your post reeks of clueless dumbfuckery.

The moment US moves all their electronics production back the Chinese won't be able to compete for shit because all they've been doing is stealing US technology to begin with and making shitty knockoffs.

Chinks can't into crrativity.

simple: tariffs

The more they abuse the system the higher the tariff. We already do this with steel.
Saying something is a fact doesn't make it so. Provide some sort of backing to your claims.

By 2022, over 70% of China's urban population will be middle class, by the way.
Doubt China's economy could survive a lasting ht war against the U.S.

1 USD = 6.89 CNY
Source on any of this shit? Stop making dumb trumpfaggot parrot talking points and provide evidence with your claims.

Did you even read your own article? It says that the vast majority of countries manipulate their currency in some way or another, it even says that singling China is pants on head retarded.

Wouldn't expect any less from a mouth breathing trump supporter.
Absolutely rampant capitalism. Every jewish stereotype regarding money is actually true for the chinese. Their culture is one of getting ahead by any means possible. They will illegally fish in your waters and will try to sell it back to you, and see nothing wrong. China is culturally incompatible with actual socialism/communism. They do not give a shit about each other as human beings.

>Greed is good
Most houses in australia are owned by australians. when the bubble bursts, and it will, australia will experience what the USA experienced during the subprime mortgage crisis. Might be worse because the mining industry will dry up if China collapses.
>Did I type 'what the US owes China'?
Yes you did, actually

>Remind me how much money the US owes again?

You call me an idiot but you're the one saying stupid shit and contradicting himself.

Suck on my balls and think of me laughing it up in America when the Communist Party falls.
lol, you have no idea what youre talking about

the nexus line never sold well because they were niche devices aimed at android neckbeards, not proper flagships

huaweis own phones are flying off the shelves in europe, its only a matter of time until they take over usa as well
I think a trade war will become reality. Then maybe a slight flirtation with hot war.Then "gina" will unleash all their dormant malware and trojans in the us infrastructure. The huey wong dongs. Wont take kindly to it they're souless decouribg machines.
>Try anda lurk a little sometimes, newfaggot.

I have a job and family, I cant autistically shitpost for more than an hour or two.
You sound like you have very little idea of how China's economy works.

The whole racket has always been built on cheap, intimidated labor. Sure they're not slaves in the sense they can quit, but they have no rights at all and if they do quit, it's called "crazy quitting" because you'll miss out on several months' wages. Like I said, no rights at all.

So the Communists exploit the shit out of their underclass who make cheap shit for them. PRICE VELY ROW! That cheap shit is also cheap in China so middle class Chinese (and "middle class" is VERY generously defined) have a living standard dependent on the cheap shit made by their oppressed brethren.
I just did. Answer my question, do you know how a country makes money? Do you know what urban means? Do you know why Austria is a first world country but Romania isn't?

China doesn't have a bank economy. It doesn't have a service-based economy. It has no resources to sell. It doesn't deal in luxury exports. It has no significant influence or political ties that could make it a trading hub.

China's economy is selling cheap shit. The slaves who produce it get paid next to nothing, those who sell it, get paid a little more.

>its only a matter of time until they take over usa as well

nope, too late for that. Trump is President now and will ensure Chinese companies get fucked.

For context the same would have been true under Hilary, who would have passed the TPP in which case a single lawsuit from Samsung or whatever would have meant sanctions against the offending phones.
>Remind me how much money the US owes again?
it owes more to domestic groups than foreign
>American manufacturing
How do I start my own manufacturing business making goods? I don't know where to begin
>urban population
sure, but rural population is also sizeable. And very poor
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>implying trade wars are bad
t. socialist
3d printing will become more affordable within the next decade.
>The article maybe a PR stunt

Have CNN gone full retarded? Of course it's a fucking pr stunt.
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china is seriously fucked long term

they really don't need trump coming along starting shit

mfw trump comes along and starts shit

China's economy is slipshod and is already entering recession. The larger question is if there will be a US-style meltdown in the coming year as their housing, tech and manufacturing bubbles all collapse.
this. they were gonna crash even if hillary won. this will just speed up the process
>Remind me how much money the US owes again?

When you owe the bank $20 thousand, you have a problem.

When you owe the world $20 trillion, and you have spent that money assembling the greatest military in the history of the world, they have a problem.
Is china anywhere in that greentext, you dumbfuck? Bet your balls taste like fucking burger grease you fat fucking ball of lard, go lose some weight fatty it's obviously getting to your malnourished brain.

>Ameridumb trying to tell me about the Australian economy

LMFAO. This thread. No point arguing with Americans, you're all fucking retarded and the rest of the world will have a collective laugh when your bloated lardo corpse of a country rots away under the sun of the based global economy.
Shit, that's brutal.
t. Tim Cuck
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I'm betting on a Soviet style stagnation where people settle in to a dreary routine knowing everything is fucked as the government has a never-ending policy of diverting every last drop of worthwhile economic activity in to subsidizing the massive state owned zombies and enormous bureaucratic boondoggles.

But the Chinese version of this won't last as long because the Chinese elites are far greedier than the Soviet elites were and have all made themselves billionaires in USD terms, creating enormous resentment among ordinary Chinese and ultimately speeding up the day it all comes crashing down.

That'll be something to see, guys. And I'll be watching it from an extra comfy Made in America arm chair.
>Do they actually think people buy iphones because they are fucking accessibly priced?

You're aware that not everyone that buys a phone buys an iPhone, right?

This is a strange, nonsensical point you made. It's irrelevant to the discussion. I know lots of people that buy relatively inexpensive android handsets brand-new these days for like 300, not everyone goes for the 700+ phones anon.

>t. samsung galaxy6 owner lol
Services are over half of China's GDP, and they certainly have political influence when it comes to economics and trade. Just take a look at the AIIB or the latest APEC summit.

That cant be real?!?!

This is happening as we speak.

Someday the faux-capitalism of China has to end and eventually they will have to compete in even terms with the rest of the world.
kek, you pondered what it'd be like to suck my balls

The total US national debt is 19Tn, mostly owned to US entities.

So if your argument is "US debt is a problem" then you can't then say trillions don't matter.

It's already happened and has been happening since 2008. It's been coming unglued since early last year and probably won't make it to 2018.
You're missing the point. The article says that Apple will suffer if their prices go up.

No everyone buys an iPhone but you can bet your ass the people that do don't give a shit if it starts costing them an extra couple hundred

way to miss the point, insult the person making it, and whatever that last line was supposed to be, all in one post. good fucking job securing our position as 'worst posters'
>not knowing how bubbles work
>thinking chinese own every house in australia

did the sun fry your brain or were you born stupid?
Not everyone*

it's what happens when you don't build tall structures with deep enough pilings, they tip over when it rains and the ground becomes softer

also that image in particular is at least four or five years old
No, it's barely 40% but GDP isn't the direct measurement of the industry.

The only thing that happened at last APEC was Russia, China's last major ally, cozying up with Japan, it's largest enemy.
chinks dont even really want made in china bullshit. chinks will gladly pay $1000 for a new iphone and subvert government controls to get it. in fact, the harder it is to get, the bigger status symbol it is, and the more they will pay.

this is true for literally EVERYTHING not made in china. the instant they hear that something that was once imported is now being made or even packaged in china, they want fucking none of it.

chinese buy made in china bullshit when they have no other choice. so make it in america, double the price and they will still buy it in droves. drain the fuckers dry.
I would love more then nothing to go and kill me some Chinese. I hate the damn Chinese for being fake as fuck and same as the Zionists.
the price wont go up though, apples profit margin will just go down a bit. apple phones are crazy overpriced
Non-whites like communism,dictators and warlords.
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If their customers don't mind paying a few hundred extra, who are we to care? They're paying for a status symbol, pricing for these kinds of items isn't usually highly correlated with their base production unit cost.

If they raise their prices ever-so-slightly beyond their increased costs of production, and get to be 'MADE IN THE USA", they gain, so long as not too many of their slavishly devoted cultist customers desert them.
They have already entered late Brezhnev tier stagnation.
They just haven't been in it long enough that the lies they instinctively tell to pretend that they are still doing great look utterly foolish to the generally ignorant Chinese masses
>but they're getting to that point
But... we gave them manufacturing. We can just take it away.
Yeah see my reply to Spainbro who said something similar
implying you're not manipulating your currency through the (((fed)))
>China shitting their pants
>Trump is heavily in debt to China
Nope, it's 50.5% this year.

You must not been paying attention, the las APEC summit was not even a couple of weeks ago, and Latin American countries were more open to China given Trump's protectionism. Russia is irrelevant by the way.

Nice job ignoring the AIIB too.
We can actually do that to all non-white countries
List of chink brands that people are clamoring for:
Nobody wants that shit. Especially when all the packet-sniffing, tech-experts say how they constantly send information back to Beijing. GEE, IMAGINE THAT!
It's real. >>100955858 is right
People in Scandinavia should only buy Nokia cellphones

If Americans only bought Apple and Scandinavia only bought Nokia it would fuck up the Asian economy.
They come out of the same factory as your phone with all the same parts you dumbass. If you really do believe this then just root it and use a custom ROM.
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>I can't wait to buy the latest Chinkphone

Said no one ever.
Xiaomi is good but they copy everything from everyone else, it will be the same
Also high quality products > cheap products
To this day China can manufacture a good rolling pen cause they can't produce it due to being shit

latino countries won't open up to china because it means their own manufacturing jobs are outsourced to china

all the growth in mexico since NAFTA was due to manufacturing, there's no reason for them to suck off china when it'd only ruin them even more
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They're natural conman, by nature. This anon>>100950786 has a perfect pic to sum up what they do.
They have government control over their stock market, and their money bank as well, so whenever the U.S. changes rates over anything, the chinks literally adjust their own market artificially to make sure they don't go under in the public eye.
Nope, still 40% in 2015.
That's the APEC I was talking about. I ignored AIIB because it's irrelevant and not an indication that China is become less hated among other Asians.

It's not just China's unpopularity though. An attractive environment for foreign deposits needs to be free and open and obviously not under the rule of a pseudo-communist dictatorship.

Latin America embracing a failing project isn't anything new, keep at it. Russia has 1/3rd of the world's natural resources and in the upcoming automation/mass production age only an low IQ spic would discount it.
it is, China also has a lot of skyscrapers burn out because they don't put sprinkler systems in them and if the buyer pays for them the contractors usually just fake it by gluing sprinkler heads to the ceiling. Modern Chinese culture is cancerous, corruption is rampant and human life has little value.
Right. All the batches that fail quality assurance tests from those factories go into the Chinese smartphones.

>special low price because fail quality test
>buy buy buy i am very good at business

Never had nor will I ever have a Chinese smartphone, but to be fair most of them do run like shit in my experience.
>the world market

The USA is 25% of the world market and Western Europe is another 25%. If the US, Japan and the EU enforce tariffs against cheap chink shit then who are they going to sell to? Fucking africa? Lmao.
You can undercut all you want , people STILL want a product that actually fucking works.
....China's cheap manufacturing, based upon cheap lives and contempt for the Chinese people by a self appointed corrupt Chinese Government elite. Revolution is inevitable
OP's article really shows how the Chinese are shitting themselves.

>tfw the General Secretary of the Communist Party is soon going to have to decide how his country responds to Trump meeting the Dalai Lama
>he will have to factor the threat of reactive nocturnal counter-shitposting in to his calculations
Well they do have a point.

Xiaomi is already better than most US brands which now are about to get a lot more expensive, so...
Maybe China will just outright sell their woman for white me to buy.
I'm done buying Chinese electronics
Since Trump is elected.


Wrong. Update your numbers.

>I ignored the AIIB because it's irrelevant

Absolutely clueless.

The fact that China may be hated by Asian countries is of little relevance. Trade is about interests, not about liking each other.

And Russia IS irrelevant, the fact that they have large amounts of natural resources does not have the significance you think it does, automation or not. It is you who doesn't seem to know how economies work.

Speaking of automation, which you seem to be very confident about, it will be countries with advanced industries that will lead on it, not irrelevant shitholes like Russia. Keep sucking Putin's cock.
That's yet another thing, China is predominantly male among the young generations and is facing a demographic crisis. (Too many restless sexless men has never been good for a society).
t. Linfeng "Fernando" Cheng
A friend thought he was being smart by ordering a chinese smartphone because its so much cheaper, he threw it in the trash and ordered Samsung a month after it arrived
Can't read this. Anything higher res?
RIP Chinese people

Can't wait to watch your gov't starve you soulless chinks again. Oh right, you can't read this anyways because you have no internet. Well, to the Chinese spies who are reading this, stay cuckt in commieland, faggot chinks.
China should if exported all their extra men to Africa by now.
The Chinese are fools they depend on the white man's money.
Except for Asian pussy or food China has nothing of value.
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>make their own
>creating anything of value that the white man didn't give them
This the Chinese will starve plus they have no real internet
>US brands
What brands? OMG no such thing. China & Korea already've beaten them like bitches.
Chinese people are incapable of innovation because they're a collectivist society where individuals have no creative ideas. Why do you think there is so much intellectual property theft from the U.S.? Why do you think the overwhelming majority of development in tech and software originated in the U.S.? These people can't even participate in open source development because of China's retarded Internet censorship laws. If Trump manages to pull this off, it will destroy their economy.
>chinese food in the PRC
10/10 great post
holy fuck. imagine being scared to to enter all of the tall buildings in your country. scared to be in range of these buildings.
kys ahmed. The Asian continent as a whole has produced nothing of value in at least 1000 years, if not, more.
What you call a "Jew" is actually an assyrian rape baby. Jews are not a race, Hebrews are.
My numbers are correct. Consult actual US research rather than the fabricated CCP writeup.

> Trade is about interests, not about liking each other.
False. This is precisely why Europe's standards of living far surpass your continent's.
Trade is about trust. Last year, during the February crash, China has started jailing domestic shortsellers. This is not a country that will be attracting a bank economy anytime soon.

Your understanding of economy is based upon the 1970s.
Automation is coming, whether you like it or not.
As production becomes predominantly domestic, most of the trade will include resources to produce and innovative (long warranty for resources preservation) technology (neither of which China has).

You seem quite mad, which is understandable seeing as your country has once again invested into yet another failure and you remain behind, just like you always have.
CNC manufacturing machines for home use are becoming cheaper too
It all depends what he is trying to manufacture.
thanks for the read :)
Very true. You see those cncs that mill out an 80% lower for an ar15?
OK the food is worthless
OK only thing China has of value is Asian pussy then


services: 50.2%
(2015 est.)

Stop being wrong for once, retard.

>Automation is coming, whether you like it or not.

Automation isn't your Kurzweilian fantasy where magical nanobots will be somehow be able to turn the natural resources buried below permafrost in Siberia into a game changer. Russia is and will continue to be irrelevant, automation or not.
>Tariffs will only hurt their US sales

Which make up quite a significan amount of their total sales.

The U.S. market is HUGE, and our fucking politicians have been allowing every shitskin country to exploit that fuck, and put Americans out of work.

Some asshole stole my quads

making china to create useless shit that nobody buys, then they are stuck with them

it indeed matters where the money runs. its far better to use money only there where you want prosperity, in other words you use your money inside your country, in products of those who also keeps the money inside the country, by not bying outsiders shit.

you also improve skills of those who get money for producing useful items

remember, money is much much more than just something to trade things between two people
Uhhh what kind of misinformation is this you dolt. I have a 6p my friend has one and there are no credible reports of bending.

But I'll throw in cheap & plentiful taxis if you want it.
It's partly because communism destroyed the culture of China, producing millions of selfish, survivalist people
Yes I might just buy a CNC machine to make guitars since the home CNC machines are not much different then what Asian factory's use.

Any one who wants to get into manufacturing in the u.s. need to watch jewtube videos of home CNC machines,3d printers,home silk screening machines(yudu) and drill presses and table saws you can set up you own Asian manufacturing factory in your home.
Huawei is top tier. P9 plus user here
US companies won't stand a chance against neither of those two companies.
> 2012
Are you this much of a retard?

Automation is about to kill slave labor. With it, China's economy is dead.
Japan will continue to produce cutting edge technology and it will now get Russian raw exports to build from. China will continue to try and steal innovations and have lower standards of living than Greece.
China should just fly white men in for free to fuck their women and spend money in China.
Besides Asian pussy China is a worthless country.
Sigh. A common misconception. Math is hard senpai. Glad we have calculators now
Where do you even start looking for a home cnc machine. I don't really know what makes one good or bad, I just know they exist.
2012 is just the name of the link, it's a 2015 estimate you low IQ troglodyte.

>Russian raw exports to build from.

This meme again. Russia is a glorified oil factory, automation isn't going to meaningfully change that.
Jewtube videos ehay it depends what your trying to make
If it's guns buy it,if it's guitar just buy used tools from crazy uncle Craig's list

The CNC machines hook up to your pc
Sounds like someone needs to book a return flight and get something out of his system...
any recommendation for CNC/drill press/tablesaw?
Chinese women are probably of the same quality as Chinese products.
It'll hurt china no doubt to do this, but it's not like we're gonna get these companies to start making phones etc in the US.

Even if we got rid of all our regulations, taxes, and minimum wage we just don't have the infrastructure and sheer manpower that china has to actually manufacture with.

You could maybe argue that automation could help us, but china wont stay silent on that front either.
I'm going to assume you're mentally handicapped, and try to spell it out very gently for you.

>China owns a lot of us debt
>other countries, and particularly our own government, own far more
>the debt that they own is in the form of treasury bonds
>which are paid back at a predetermined numerical amount
>they cannot kick down our door and shout "Pay up!"
>if our economy tanks, they still get the same number of dollars, those dollars will be worth less
>if our economy is doing well, they still get the same amount of dollars but those dollars will be worth more
>therefore, it behooves them to keep our economy healthy so they don't get paid back in USD that are worth the same as AUD

Hope this helps. Keep an eye out for emus, mate.
"It will be almost impossible for the [U.S.] to restore its glory as a major manufacturing powerhouse under his presidency."

Just like it was almost impossible for Trump to win this election.
I forgot to add sewing machines to the list.
Alot of the stuff China manufactures can be made in the u.s. in small sweat shops
There are definite numbers out there for 2015, not an estimate. It's almost 2017.

Automation will happen in countries that produce high quality tech like Japan, USA and Germany. Countries like Russia and Canada are relevant in that they have the supplies the production will draw from.

China has neither the innovation, nor the supplies. It only has slave labor. China has no economic future in the 21st century.
Yeah whatever man. I could buy chinkphones right now for less than the ones I do buy, but I choose not to.
Please if groups of white men got together in packs of a hundred we can create our own manufacturing depending on product.

It's not like white men are stupid.
Even circuit boards we can print up or screen print and solder on resisters.

Chinese manufacturing is nothing special.
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This, we will destroy the dickless yellow shits.
> You could maybe argue that automation could help us, but china wont stay silent on that front either.

Stay silent meaning what? No Western company will spend extra on logistics having his shit built by a far away robot rather than the robot next door.
>muh dik

Don't you have some hoops to be shooting, Deshawn Washington III?
>There are definite numbers out there for 2015, not an estimate.

Love how you backpedal after being proven wrong. If you have a reliable source saying China's service sector is just 40% of the GDP, go ahead and post it.

>Countries like Russia and Canada are relevant in that they have the supplies the production will draw from.

Again, automation is not science fiction molecular assemblers. Tell me, how is Russia relevant to the automation of drivers? It's not.

>It only has slave labor.

This meme again. And automation is going to be felt hard in the labor sector by 2030, by then China's economy will be in a much better shape to adopt to it. China is also investing in automation, by the way.

>China has no economic future in the 21st century.

Never heard a reputable economist saying this. You should stop getting your predictions from clowns like Gordon Chang.
iPhones are made in China nigga

You're literally an economic cuckold if you don't own a chinkphone
Nah I'm just kidding, I like Chinese.


there's nothing stopping Apple to produce in China & then ship to Europe
US is something north of 20% of all consumer goods sold on an annual basis.

What happens when the average company's sales volume falls off 20%? Well, why don't you ask borders books or circuit city? Oh wait you can't, because they don't fucking exist anymore.
I didn't backpedal, all the sources that come up on 2015 show 40%.

Automation means automated unmanned assembly of products. Russia is an export of resources that will be used in production.It used to be allied with China but is now moving towards Japan (and probably Trump's USA). Another major exporter is Canada, another non-ally.

Heavy automated production will happen in countries that are technically advanced. China isn't among them, it can only steal and imitate other inventions.

By 2030, China will go the way of other communist failures.
good lads
t. redmemer
I believe that's what carrier is doing
Only manufacturing the items sold in the USA in the USA.
All foreign market items will be built in Mexico.
Nothing wrong with Samsung or Sony; Japan and best Korea hate the chinks.
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note 3?
I prefer Samsung phones over Apple phones.

Also Samsung washers and dryers are defective pieces of shit.

Samsung makes good phones but shitty washers and dryers
Apple has pretty strict quality control, and has built a relationship with foxconn (their manufacturing vendor) over decades. The Chinese basically get all the garbage that doesn't meet apple's qc requirements.
i doubt i will buy a flagship again
>trusting China's statistics

To be honest, it seems like a strange debate you guys are having. Everyone knows that China's stats are fake. Even Li Keqiang literally said this to US officials [Wikileaks for fags who don't know].

I think the guy is saying that Russia manages to remain relevant because of large fossil fuel deposits. What you two are saying on this is not so different. If Saudi Arabia goes under, Russia's fuel will probably become even more important. Russia has only a few cards to play, true, but the cards it has are good ones.

China is slave labor, dude. You can quibble over semantics if you want, try to say "at least it's better than Qatar", but if Foxconn feel the need for anti-suicide nets then your argument is silly.

All of China's newfound wealth and power comes from intimidated, dirt-poor laborers prepared to endure terrible conditions and get paid shit to make cheap crap that can be flogged overseas. Yes, pretty much all of it. They even compete on price in the arms and electronics industries! Unlike the Koreans and Japanese however, the ChiComs aren't smart enough to invest this dividend sensibly and move up the value chain by gradually giving people a greater stake in society and more rights (so that smart people don't leave permanently at the first opportunity)... instead they are wasting this dividend on making their elite families multi-billionaires, investing in value destroying and expensive modern repression techniques and propping up a completely stupid property bubble.

>reputable economist
Almost all of them are hacks who have been wrong about everything and will be wrong again.
>I didn't backpedal, all the sources that come up on 2015 show 40%.

Provide one. Lowest for 2015 I've seen is around 46%.

>Russia is an export of resources that will be used in production.

Mostly of oil. Shit buried below permafrost is not economically feasible to obtain.

>is now moving towards Japan (and probably Trump's USA)

So you're one of these people that fantasizes about Putin and Trump being "bros" or some shit? Kek. In reality, the Russian gov is skeptic Trump's presidency will mean any profound, long term change in US-Russia relations, specially given the fact Trump is being surrounded by old school neocons who hate Russia.

>it can only steal and imitate other inventions.

Nice meme.

>By 2030

According to who? It seems your forecast of China collapsing is more than anything ideologically driven and not based on facts.
Yes, you're right there, but who will build the robots in the first place? China most likely.

If we get into a trade war with china then they could simply restrict our access to automation while keeping the exponential gains to themselves. China has no problem investing in this sort of thing while the US relies on the free market(and thus china) for nearly everything.
I'm not really talking about oil. More like timber, metalls etc.

Nice backpedalling there.


> facts are meme
Keep telling yourself that as you spiral the drain.
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you too
ching chang chong

the only thing they can beat us at is producing powdered tiger dick. because we don't make it, because only a faggot would find a use for powdered tiger dick.

>this level of retardation

Your companies need all the markets not just your own, which would still be affected by the increased prices.
>Nice backpedaling

The only thing worse than Western reporting on China is Chinese reporting on China.
If the US got into a trade war with China, China would starve or revolt against the CCP. It's a food importer and it has 1.4 billion people.
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Dealing with Chinese factories is a exercise in frustration. I sometimes have to deal with them in my job. They have a hard time thinking for themselves, they want everything laid out for them; despite this they still fuck up and make bonehead mistakes. Plus I've had my own designs stolen by another factory I dealt with.

If we get more manufacturing back in the US everyone will realize how nice it is to manufacture items in a country that respects fucking intellectual property rights.

Well that shit is not trivial, true, but oil and gas are their major money spinners I think. For now at least.

Anyway, not looking to get in to a big Russia debate.
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Oil will lose most of its value soon. It will still be used in production but not as fuel so much.
>that thumbnail
Lathes are fucking evil
We will never pay back the debt. Trump will cut a deal. Why? 19 aircraft carriers...
I'm skeptical about $1 a barrel, bro

But I hope so because fuck Saudi Arabia.

We'll see.
And sometimes those bonehead mistakes are not actually mistakes at all, but attempts to save money at the expense of precision in the hope you won't notice, with the plan being to play dumb if you do.

>my jia ren have great deal on yellow paint. too much lead. too dangerous. we get special price.
>laowai said orange, maybe he not know difference?
>ha ha use yellow paint, save money
>ha ha if he say something say we thought he say yellow
>ha ha china people very good at business

There is not only contempt for IP and an obsession with penny pinching, there is also a staggering lack of comprehension of the fact that some companies and businesses take pride in the quality of their products. This isn't just something some companies say to trick people and charge more; some of them actually do care about it. You can try explaining this to a Chinaman and he'll think you're trying to deceive him to gain leverage.
Yeah, probably not quite that low, but it is confirmed by IMF that 5$ is where their production numbers were at in 2008.
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I got this badboy

Am I a good goy?
>it's a /pol/ misses the point and argues about esoteric shit

feel bad for americucks

reminder that they are now a reserve currency.

China is letting the US do its thing while it continues to buy gold, and with the USD crash will assume #1 during the global reset

>Lots of people in Mexico buy Chinese as well, they have decent products but you have to avoid extremely cheap shit and do your research, you know, like normal people used to buy before appleshit.

But it's because you guys are poor as all fucking hell. You're not buying them products out of choice. Just saying.

I'm a part-time busser and I make 2x mexico's national average income. And I only work 25-30 hours a week.
Russia/Iran will start a war if oil continues falling.
They're trying to build a theme park and film studio too.

Yes! This. You have to be so careful that they're not screwing you over, but you still get screwed over. The factories don't give a rats ass about quality, its all about money. So far it's worked for them but it will bite them in the ass. I hope most people are fed up with shitty Chinese shit with fancy labeling and support made in the USA products.

Oh and Chinese factories will find anyway possible to cast the blame on you and throw you under the bus if there was a mistake. Fuck that shit, own up to your damn mistakes fucking chicoms.
A big part of the chink economy is artificial too, recieving state funds in order to build buildings which will fall apart within a few years, with no regulations either
We will start WWIII before this happens. If the economic system was allowed to crash without a bailout, the American people would rip the establish to shreds or we would become a police state.

Watch the Turkey situation for a probable start to WWIII.
we'll be 3-d printing iphones soon enough.

good luck keeping up chinka.
is he okay?
I think he dieded
>it will raise costs dramatically

funny how even China is starting to outsource jobs to other countries.
China was already a mess because the Manchus conquered and ruled it for 300 years. China always goes through a major wipe everytime a new dynasty comes into power.
Gold is a meme, you silly goose.

You can't eat gold. You can't put it in your car to make it go. You can't use for shelter or warmth. You can't point it at people and say "gimme all your shit or else". Plus it's heavy, bulky and has only very limited industrial uses.

Gold only has value if people agree it has value... exactly the same as the US Dollar.

In fact, less than the Dollar. Because the Dollar and the financial system of the US is the guarantor of global security (between major powers at least) since WW2, sits on the biggest tract of quality arable land in the world, has the most advanced army in the world and has overseen a period of unprecedented global prosperity, peace, technological advancement and rising living standards. International elites have very comfortable lives and aren't going to be challenging this order in any meaningful way any time soon.

If China tried to suddenly betray the US and say "hey guize the RMB is now gold-pegged, you can trust us!" firstly, we'd find out ahead of time and fuck them up for it and secondly, nobody would trust them because, well... take your pick.

>fake news
>no rule of law
>paranoid secretive police state that lies about everything
>organ harvesting
>demands financial journalists show "positive energy"
>the serious political risk to all wealthy people
>fucked pollution
>uncivilized people

Yeah, no... nobody is going to be trusting them to run the global economy any time soon.
>chink phones are cheap because they come pre-installed with backdoors.

so do the american phones. the difference is the chinese government cant touch me legally while the us government can
I'm a chink here.

I think this is good, competition makes the world a better place.

And yes, China is outsourcing jobs. People here want more money.
It has a lot to do with environmental considerations and related costs. Semiconductor manufacturing uses some nasty shit and in China everything just goes in the river.
This guy knows what's up
With who?
>Iran attacks Saudi Arabia
>Russia assists
>Trump also helps, and split the splendors.

Precisely because China NEEDS us to keep allowing their cheap shitty products into our country so that they can pretend to be coming into the 1st world.

Once we stop buying so much of their shit, China is going to begin it's collapse into a shit-tier nation once again. I mean, it's inevitable anyway at the rate of artificial growth they've had going on, but once we REALLY put the spurs to them by shutting more of their shit out, it's going to change the game and really hasten their decline.

If only Canada would do this sort of thing, they wouldn't be on their way to becoming Bejing Jr., but alas, they're too cucked.
The reason for him is he's sour out-group Hong Konger. 1997 was nearly 20 years ago.
啊 中国人你好
You realize very few countries actually have gold stockpiles, right? And while china is the worlds 5th largest "owner" of gold. Only 2% of that gold they "own" is in their country. Gold is just like a bank account, you're just trading the assest as it sits there in a vault beneath New York City. The US actually HOLDS the gold that other countrys own. if shit went down, they won't actually have the gold
They've been like that for thousands of years. It's what happens when dynasties enslave the population every single time.
They're 100% right. The only way to stop China from outcompeting us in the global market is to seize control of the global market using our military.
your anti gold rant is misguided although some points have merit

you are looking at things as the system now is assembled

the world is in a complex system

a complex system too complex to manage, especially as """they""" have been trying to manage all aspects

you have placed faith in these elites and their comfortable lives

they are too comfortable, they have forgotten

the central bank bubble is real

so is the bond bubble tied to this

fiat is death

you can claim that fiat is backed by all those things, but it is not

you use hindsight bias

america 1960 is different than today

china 2000 is different than today

MAJOR developments occurring now: AIIB, SDR currency, movement away from petrodollar, multiple bubbles

too bad this thread has reached its limit anon
Out sourcing jobs to where? What place has worse manufacturing than china?
you actually believe this shit?

no one knows how much gold china, india, russia etc have

it's all smokescreens

most of what you're talking about is gold contracts

not phys

and china is #1 lol

any entry-level post-zerohedge research will lead you down some interesting paths

t. finance anon
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They all look the same
1.5 trillion dollars you faggot. Thats not alot.
nigga u been to vietnam

fucking retard burgers every time

8th grade level education = college degree

i was in 2nd grade and had higher maths skills than a 6th grader in the US

i was 4 years ahead when i moved to massachusetts

re-learned my multiplication tables in 6th grade

A lot of Americans are more than willing to spend extra money to not support China. Tons of products on Amazon have the first question being: "is this made in China?"

It doesn't help that China cuts corners on everything and anything electronic they make is caught time and time again sending data back to the chinks, their products are literal botnets.
You had to relearn your multiplication tables?
You're a got damn nigger, though what did I expect from the A FUCKING TOOTHPASTE
no i learned my multiplication tables in 2nd grade in the netherlands then moved to massachusetts and didn't """"Learn"""" them until 6th grade

all my dumb american classmates thought i was a genius because i knew 8x9

>they'll totally buy our shitty fake iphones if the real thing goes up in price a little
Man, you think and write exactly like the rest of the Tongzhi.

Look, nothing you said contradicted me in any way at all.

You just accused me of looking at it the wrong way and having a bias, with no evidence at all. That's just your standard commie brainwashing that you are repeating.
>"you are looking at it through a Western lens"
>ok, now that I said that I can ignore all of his arguments and spout my silly propaganda that I believe to be a good argument

>spoiler for anons: China has no real public debate and this is one of the big reasons that Chinese guys are usually shit at debating and sound like retards when they try to do it

You're just picking and choosing stuff that supports your thesis of "my glorious country, China, will rule the world". But your thesis is not based on logic; it's based on brainwashing, emotions and the fact you have a large population of backward bumpkins. None of these things means you're destined for anything except for a lot of street shitting.

And even if fiat currencies do die (which they won't any time soon) that doesn't mean everyone will suddenly agree that they want to start paying for shit with gold coins like they're in a computer game. It'll be violent chaos and food and guns will rule.

If imagining China will rule the world helps you sleep at night then fine. It's like Muslims dreaming of 72 virgins. But don't get your hopes up too much, m'kay?
Fucking get out of here with your reddit format text. You don't say you "relearned" shit if you already knew it. Only a toothpaste nigger would be so stupid as to think it's "cool" to relearn shit and come to my country to spit in our faces. I hope a rapefugee enriches you.
Partly, but they've always been crafty and scheisty. Communism helped enable it but it's an intrinsic trait.
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