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/out/ approved survival kit

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What do you guys carry as a means to stay warm and dry for a night or two if you get stuck somewhere innawoods?

Say for backwoods day-sports like mountain bike riding where you only have a day pack or hydration pack. What should I have in case I get stuck?
Is pic related gud?

Had a scary experience recently where my bike failed and couldn't be repaired. It was getting dark and I was a long walk back to the truck. My buddies rode off to get the truck and I waited on a service road. It started to rain. They weren't back for an hour, by which time I was wet and miserable but otherwise fine. I was thinking that if something happened to them, then I'd be fucked.
Risking being "that guy" because people may either ignore you or tell you intentionally bad advice. What you have should do fine for peace of mind. What experienced there, however, was discomfort. Which wasn't too catastrophic, just unpleasant. Unless you think you would find yourself in a situation or area where 911 wouldn't air lift you out or couldn't find you, then I'd consider something like this. But that's just me. If you're going to get that route I'd get something for water collection and filtration too but I'd also look at the elements you'd be exposed to and other things you might have more use for. Hope I helped.
My emergency kit for this kind of thing, where I might be stuck or injured somewhere overnight, consists of a small tarp, some cordage, a thermal undershirt and underwear, rolled up waterproof shells (coat and pants), a filter, a lighter and some alcohol soaked cottonballs. Plus a source of light, a knife and a small medkit. I need to pick up a small water filter sometime soon as well. It's all light and packs down small. I do a lot of off-track stuff, so if I do ever get lost or stuck it's there. Plus I use most of it regularly anyway.
The 10 c's of survival by dave canterbury is a good basis for a survival kit.
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Pic related, the best assault rifle out there, without this you're in trouble if you ever find yourself stranded.
I agree with this true statement.

I will add that peanut M&M's and whisky make the time till rescue pass a litte nicer.
Keeping in mind, I'm in Florida so u can get away with going lighter. 8 months a year, you likey won't need anything heavier than a long sleeved shirt.
The biggest concern down here in the summer is dehydration. Water is the most important priority.
My general warm weather load out for a weekend, not counting the food cooler:

3l bladder
Filter (even just a sawyer will help a bit)
2- cheap plastic ponchos
100' of "paracord"
50' of 3/8" braided poly rope
3 - mylar space blankets
Multiple fire starters (big ferro rod, a couple mag bars, storm matches, a tin of steel wool and lint)
A small compass
Flagging tape*
Small notebook
2-3ea. Pencils and sharpies.
Small roll of gorilla tape.
Cooking kit**
Shelter kit (sleeping bag, hammock, rain fly, associated cords and straps)
.357 and a box of ammo.
Assorted snacks.
Powdered Gatorade mix.

Small FAK:
Various bandages, trauma pads, wipes, tweezers, scizzors, medical tape, benadryl, aspirin, ibuprofen, and anti diarrhea pills, drammamine.

* any time I go off trail, unless I'm trying not to be found, I always put a piece of flagging tape on the trailside with my name, time and date, and a general bearing written on it in sharpie. It came in handy a few years ago.
** nothing terrible fancy, 24 oz Stanley kit with one of the cups removed, msr pocket rocket, spork, lighter, rag for washing and holding hot stuff, various small seasoning packets. All of it fits inside the cooker.
Forgot about the shit kit. Trowel, 20' of to, about 10-15 wet naps, .22 caliber pistol (never fails, I always have a coyote, hog or head creep up on me while I'm feeding the sherrif)

I haven't weighed everything, but I know my load out is somewhere under 40#, again, not counting the cooler(s).

When its just my self, I found one of those big 24 can coolers works well enough. I can fit a few premade sammiches, Two frozen steaks, half a dozen hard boiled eggs, half a dozen raw eggs, a bag of fresh veggies and a small bottle of milk, plus some utensils, condiments, and foil in the pockets.
w2c that shelter basic pamphlet
I carry a poncho that I can turn into a shelter.
Probably in the SOL Shelter Kit, dumbass.
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Thanks for the replies guys OP here.

What I'm really talking about is a kit you'd take on a day hike. Something compact enough to go in a small daypack.

This ESEE mess tin survival kit is good inspiration, but at $200 I guess I'll copy and make my own.

Well, that's just redickules.

Personally, I don't find "Altiod" kits to be much more than better than nothing.

Which, it goes without saying, is better than nothing!

So I save tins of all sizes and try to fill.them. Usually with bullets, bandaids and rubbers.
Yeah definitely don't waste your money. You can get all that shit for personally 1/10th the coast if you buy it separately.

What I would recommend though is going out and testing it. You might find you don't have something you don't need, or vice versa. That way you'll know how to use everything if you do end up in an emergency. Nothing teaches like experience.
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This is not what I take when mountain biking. Where I am you're never to far from an exit if something happens w/ your bike. My backpack EDC consists of:
>A tarp
>rain jacket
>thermal shirt always and bottoms if the weather is below 40F (fox bag)
>a flash light and a red glow light
>spare knife
Red bag
>benadryl, Tylenol, Ibuprofen
>Sharpening tools
>ferrocerium rod
>4" section of bicycle inner tube
>cotton Vaseline swatch
>shitty folding knife
>mini Bic
>3 bowls worth of weed
>large safety pin

My mountain bike kit consists of:
>Spare tube
>co2 inflated w/ 1 20g cartridge
>2.5 - 8 mm folding Allen set
>zip ties
>small chain break
>dry long sleeve jersey
> same rain jacket as pictured
>extra gloves
>snacks of one form or another

I think that about covers what I carry.
Forgot to mention the binoculars
>One canned salad with fish in my car and a debit card on me
>Take what is needed to sleep in my car when I travel
I have to deal with unexpected shit all the time and everything just goes fine.
this and the emergency bivy bag
For day hikes / strictly emergency kit, I carry a Camelbak with an emergency blanket, some MRE PB packets, an eye dropper of bleach (use 5 drops per liter, wait 20 minutes) and a few "strike-a-fire" matches, which will burn long enough to get damp wood started. I also carry a folder and BIC on me at all times.

If you already have a water container, everything else is enough to get you some calories (or set a few traps), get a rudimentary shelter set up, purify water and get a fire started. Shouldn't cost more than $10. Also doesn't weigh hardly anything. You might want to add a basic med kit to that.

Buy every thing in the list separately. It will add up to over 200.
/k/ please go
1!!!!!!) Shelter, protection from a)Moisture(rain,snow,etc)
b)Wind(and what it blows)
c)Sun(burns and dehydration/blindness(sunglasses/ski blinds))
d)temperature(factors the above AND insulation either air/material/etc
2!!!!!!!) Water,air(filters(tablets/uv/pump/gravity/etc)(actual water containers)(boiler/cooker)
3!!!!!!!!) Food(energy bars,non-parishables, local food/plants and preparations guides)
4!!!!!!!!) Waste management(shovel, bags, cleaning supplies,pocket showers,don't shit/wash hands in your watering hole idiots)
5!!!!!!!!!) All that other survival stuff, knives, guns, tools, etc. Generally everyone needs 2 knives of different makes, a sharpening/hewning stone, matches, lighter, map and compass, solar/wind charger and batteries for long haul/cell phone/gps/etc recharging to broadcast for help/navigation. Sleeping bag, liners to keep sleeping bag usable/clean/too hot/cold for sleeping bag situations. Tent or large bivy. While fire is nice, NOT ALWAYS POSSIBLE/SAFE. Also good first aid kit. Antiseptic/ Antidyhareal, aspirine, pain meds, sewing kit, medical grade super gule, etc.
>What do you guys carry as a means to stay warm and dry for a night or two if you get stuck somewhere innawoods?

A coat?
>Had a scary experience recently
>Bike broke down
>My buddies went to go get the truck
>I waited on a service road
>It started to rain
>They weren't back for an hour

Dude, literally nothing bad happened, there was never any expectation that something bad could happen, you were left along for an hour in the rain.

That's your scary experience?
We live in a day in age where, during a two-hour power outage, people will rush out to buy generators because their iPhones are at 15% battery level. The idea of getting caught in typical non-summer weather with anything less than designer sportswear is terrifying to most people.
You from Australia? This happened literally 2 days ago so many people complained about much air-conditioning, fucking city slickers
Nah, US. People are pussies everywhere.
>advocates being unprepared until afterwards
May have only been a minor inconvenience, but it got him thinking, and that is never a bad thing.

Maybe he was thinking
>well shit, what if my friends truck broke down or got stuck on the way in?
>what if they hadn't been here at all and my phone died?
>what if I had getting separated and they didn't know I was in trouble until much later?

He never said he survived a disaster, but he did say it was a wakeup call. Old man Murphy toying with him. A subtle hint that shit happens, and he picked up on it.

In a day and age of universal stupidity and ignorance, I say good on him for getting it so quickly.

>Buy a quad go riding for first time with a friend
>Mountainous remote Idaho, late fall
>Trying to do about 20 mile loop, about 1/2 forest road 1/2 trail
> Starts raining, then snowing
>Flannel shirt is soaked, I'm gonna die of hypothermia
>Pull into hot springs campground, warm up dry out.
>Proceed on , turn onto mountain trail to head back
>End up on sketchy trail on side of mountain
>Keeps getting worse, can't turn around, feel like I'm falling off the mountain
>Death grips for an hour, finally get back to road
>Go on two more trips, see 1 guy seriously injured, cause an old guy to tumble down the mountain
>Sell ATV, take $1200 loss
I've got an old fanny pack filled with the important stuff. I'll get it out and snap a photo later. It needs a whistle.
Ah, in that case, you really don't need a lot of fancy stuff. I would recommend:

2 plastic ponchos(one to keep you dry, one for water collection)
2 mylar space blankies
Ferro rod or mag bar with a bit of hacksaw blade
Storm matches
A small bag with dryer lint and fine steel wool
Stainless steel single walled water bottle.
A few small high fat, high protein snacks.
Knife and/or multitool.
50' para cord.

Some of this can actually nest inside the water bottle. Get a wide mouth. Put everything in zip lock bags, they come in handy.

Test everything at least three times, learn from each experience and adjust accordingly. The tools are useless without knowledge, learn how to use them.
>ESEE mess tin survival kit
fuck me it's so bright and shiny it looks like it's only been breathing fresh air after getting out of the shrink wrap for about 4 minutes before the picture was taken
not reading your post or thread, but sol i believe is a prodcut that has the flammable paracord fiber which is a gimmick but you know a harmless one. my issue with your image is that 'emergency shelter' looks exactly as cumbersome as a small, real, tent. a wool blanket would offer more viability in more situations, and even in the same line as that product, a well made ripstop, waterproofed swath of nylon textile would offer more viability in more situations.

its all attitude, no gear can carry a bad outlook, and a good outlook allows you to conscientiously prepare. the more you know the less you carry
to continue, its believed this 'emergency preparedness' economy has spurned some really dangerous, claiming, products. mors koschanski makes mention of switzerland banning mylar sheets sale as outdoors gear because too many people were adhering to this miracle blanket, ultralight philosophy and dying out of ignorance. knowledge will remain 99.9999% of the burden, and any claim otherwise by any proprietary entity is an absolute sin and short of murder
OP here. Thanks! Exactly my thoughts.

To the haters... Back off!
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>novice rider blames quad

I love distress sales.
>Pic related, the best assault rifle out there, without this you're in trouble if you ever find yourself stranded.

Please stop silly anon we are not Russian conscripts in 1942
> nobody mentions toilet paper / baby wipes
> everybody carries matches instead of a Bic lighter

Enjoy being cold and wet and having monkey butt...
A lighter is mentioned in the 10 c's of survival. Give it a read some time.
Probably since most people carry a BIC as a part of their EDC, so they only time it isn't on their person is when they're at home in bed (because that's what EDC means).
I mentioned it.
>mini Bic
And zip lock bags to carry that shit (ha)
9 times out of 10 altoid tin survival kits are meme tier
M8 I lived in a hostel for like 8 months once and shit in ziploc bags at least a couple times when it was an emergency and people where in the bathroom/shower forever, and I'll tell you one thing - a ziploc doesn't work. It holds the pooh and poohjuice just fine but it just doesn't hold the stink. Nope, after about 10mins you have to toss that fucker out the window into the playground next door.

Pic quite related
Carry a map and compass and know how to use them by practicing land nav.

Map should be waterproof. Laminate it or whatever, but since you shouldn't go IN a longer distance than you can eventually WALK OUT a map and compass can save your ass.
the SOL heavy duty blanket is too bulky and heavy for biking.
I can just imagine the screaming poo covered children
People bike with sleeping bags and tents m8
Mine just has a pencil sharpener in it. Makes really light char really quickly. Practically anything else you'd keep in one is useless as a kit-sized version and you should have the real deal.
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