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Destroying college "art" while out

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Story time

>be me, going for a run
>on a trail which follows a creek through this valley, in a small city but very wooded and isolated
>about two minutes in, see a half dozen large white posters on the opposite side of the creek
>go and check it out because looks important, like warning signs or something
>read signs: it's for a college community "art"project
>on posters stapled to trees are stupid quotes by people like Thoreau and Emerson about "finding yourself in the woods" and some other bullshit
>quotes about being "free" and just "being yourself"
>even worse, each poster had some stupid selfie by the girls who made this "art"
>all of them spinning in a field or leaning against a tree looking deep in black and white
>of course all of them had dyed tumblrhair
>get angry and tear down posters in fit of rage
>collect them all and put in nearest trashcan

These ignorant cunts thought they were doing people good by stapling their masturbatory trash in an otherwise scenic area. I was justified by doing this, right, /out/?
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Yes, thanks
It made me incredibly angry thinking how fucking air headed and narcissistic those girls had to be to do that, but at least I can sleep easy knowing you took care of it for us. Good job OP. Kinda wish you'd taken pictures of them for us though.
>all of them... in black and white
>of course all of them had dyed tumblrhair

How could you tell?
>after OP stole all the selfies of college chicks so he could fap to them

You should've taken before/after pics.
Yes, you were. Good job.
It literally doesn't matter or harm the trees or nature. It only fucks with your view of the scenic area.
Thank you for doing this. You did the right thing.

Which is literally the point of going into the woods in the first place. A forest must be healthy in order to be beautiful, but that is hardly the only thing that goes into making the outdoors beautiful. Empty Coors cans don't really harm the environment either, that doesn't mean I want to see them. Graffiti doesn't harm the rocks it's on, but I don't want to see it. This is nothing more than pretentious graffiti.
they have the same obligation to respect your wishes as you do of them, which is none
Why does there always have to be these kind of "holier than thou" fags in this type of thread?
Jokes on you OP. Me and my friends put up those signs with a valid permit then got video of you ripping them down. It just proves that white males only allow people to appreciate nature in their narrow minded pre approved ways.

No, everyone has an obligation to leave nature better than they found it, which means not polluting it with bits of paper or plastic or metal.

Leave no trace.


It's no different to trash in da woods.
>plastering their favorite quotes and selfies on a board and hanging it in a public place

Its like they think the whole world is their personal Facebook page that everyone needs or wants to see
fucking self absorbed idiots
I don't really believe you but I don't think you're justified you're assuming these ppl wanted to do that it's college they did it for an easy grade an embarrassing yet easy grade you numbskull the only person to be mad at is there "professor" and yourself for getting you're jimmies rustled
>appreciate nature
>by defacing it with your personal trash
this is no better than offensive graffiti.
go post your personal pseudo-"art" on your own property. we dont care about your liberal arts trash and dont want to see your stupid facebook selfies.
go back to the fishing thread with this bait
what if the critters eat the ink laced plastic/paper combo that is a poster. that cant be healthy.
you go in the woods to avoid instagram, not be ambushed by it
OP here, no pictures because I don't carry a phone when I run. I should just for the views I see but it's too bothersome to hold

One picture was black and white, the others were color with 9000 filters

They're not respecting my wish not to see their pretentious crap when I go outside

I identify as an apache attack helicopter you bigot

>These ignorant cunts thought they were doing people good by stapling their masturbatory trash in an otherwise scenic area. I was justified by doing this, right, /out/?

>muh people must not like what I do not like, people must listen to me, listen to me RRREEEEE , respect my authority !!1, I am a shark, REEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
you should have just peed on then every time you walked by, now they will just get motivation for their next "project"
Yeah, you did a great job, OP. You did an even better job coming online and bragging about it to your online buddies. Epic win!
Leave the place like it was before is a pretty good rule of thumb to not being a shithead.
If i like burning the wood or deposit my poisonous crap out there than thats totally fine by you because reasons.
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you just dont get it do you?
are you mentally handi-capped?
Me >>790645 here.

Your scenic views don't matter. Paper, ink, and staples don't matter. Your rage and hate doesn't matter and neither does their art project. 10 years from now none of this horseshit will even exist, except one thing. All the shit the OP tore down will be preserved for the next 100 years in some landfill where it won't deteriorate at fast.

Another fact. OP's story is fake and only exists to increase western social misogyny. That's why his story is full of holes.

If any one of you wants to "protect nature" this isn't the place to start. I suggest you start in the heart of the nearest city and do your best to convince people to reduce their consumption and waste.
Epig troll thread OP. In the hypothetical situation you implied actually happened, the OP character and cunt characters are equally at fault. Instead of simply saying "oi what a bunch of cunts baka thb" and continuing on xer run, OP not only took the effort to suspend his plan for running gains but also gave in to a misplaced feeling of indignation. in real life this would lead to immediate and lingering adverse physiological effects (heart rate etc) as well as psychological effects (frustration, but muh preferences tho etc). This is the meaning of karma, though many people use it in some magical justice dispensory sense.
>convince people to reduce their consumption and waste
confirmed moron, industrial and agricultural processes use up so much more waste/energy than some random person in a city
If it happens again, take some high quality pictures so we can make it an /out/ meme.

Fucking women, I swear.
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>OP's story is fake and only exists to increase western social misogyny

if only your parents had bludgeoned you while you were still young
>muh soggy knees!
Who do you think is on the receiving end of those products?

Not that it will matter. Humanity is doomed.
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>Some do more bad stuff therefore everybody who does less of it should continue to do so without ever thinking about it again
Top kek


I'd also look the other way if you raped them.
> Not hiking by with a friendly way
> Not giving those girls an example of a friendly outdoors men
> Not piquing their interest in other cultures and hobbies they haven't tried yet

I'm not saying you weren't right about the posters being an eyesore, but I see a lot of this not-my-culture line of thinking in the firearm community, and it's not helpful if you want new blood in your community.
>OP acts like a faggot and posts about it to get attention from others about something not /out/
>"lmao!! Le tumble!!"

This is a shit thread and making the board more like inferior, pettier boards, like /v/. Please fuck off.
>not doxing them
>finding where they live
>sneaking into their rooms while they sleep
>taking compromising photos of them
>and posting them on the same trees under the original "art"

Am I on the right website? This is 4chan.org isn't it?
I'm sorry.

I meant >>>/leddit/
Fragile Masculinity: The Thread
>admin pls delete thread I'm short of breath, need safe space NOW
preaching to the choir, chief
you should wait in ambush for them to return to hang more garbage to the trees, then grab them and haul them off to your secret innawoods shack to rape the marxism and tumblrism out of them
The baitor strikes again.
I see these things regularly, only it's usually housewives with expensive cameras.
What the fuck is finding yourself?

Awwwww. Are you mad?
LGBT code for becoming a degenerate

I like this thinking. I think OP was not wrong, but not exactly right either.
I did feel slightly bad about it, which is why I asked /out/. I'm sure, past all the narcissism, they had some good intentions in mind. It's not even the posters I object to so much as the location. Not too far away is a soccer field and parking lot at the base of a ski slope. If they put the posters on trees facing inwards towards the field, I wouldn't have gotten angry. A little irked, yes, but nothing more than a quick eye roll

>girls get out REEEE
If that's what you got from the story you need to spend less time on the internet m8s
>All the shit the OP tore down will be preserved for the next 100 years in some landfill where it won't deteriorate at fast.
what if he recycled it? you ever think of that sport? huh...? huh...? did ya?
>that's why his story is full of holes
Not OP, but how?
Thank you OP, you did the right thing.
You dun good, anon. I Am a proud.


The recyclables in my town are put in tractor trailers, driven 6 hours to Portland and thrown in a landfill.

On the plus side the loads are not covered so mush of it falls of the truck, so it does save on landfill space
>ambushed by Instagram

laughed way too hard at this considering how sad it is
>This is 4chan.org isn't it?
Not like it was before moot died. I miss that faggot.
>collect them all and put in nearest trashcan

Should have taken a picture, this is art.
If it's not their property then they have no right to leave any of that shit there. It's littering.
>volunteering in local forest
>come across tree covered in garbage
>looks like crafts little kids make
>paper plates, pipe cleaners, tinfoil, old CDs, etc glued together
>shit is falling of the tree, trash all around
>ask if there is a local preschool or something I can tell to clean up their shit
>turns out it was made by adults at local community college
>like real people, not even tarded
>mfw no face
Spotted the roastie.
I really dislike this kind of narcissism and pretentiousness (as well as defacing a natural place and cluttering it with self-absorbed bullshit) but I probably would have just sighed and moved on. Not worth getting worked up over, at least in my opinion. But people have different values, I can understand if you find this shit to be infuriating.
You did good.Although I would have probably figured out a way to send the organizers a passive aggressive anonymous letter about leave no trace principles.
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