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Hunting thread

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Who is going this year? I drew for cow elk in the Gila, which is damned near a guaranteed hunt, and if I can find a land owner's tag for antelope for $250 or less, I might do that too.
I'll be hunting for whitetail deer, feral pig, squirrel, and dove again, like I always do. I might try to go duck hunting for the first time this year, I know a few people who go regularly that would let me tag along. A lot of them don't really like the taste of wild duck so they give the meat away afterwards which means that I'd be able to take as much home as I wanted. I love making duck & sausage gumbo or duck stew.

I'm considering just biting the bullet this year and buying a lifetime hunting + fishing license for $1800. The 1 year resident hunting + all-water fishing license combo is almost $70 now and will only get more expensive as time goes on so the lifetime license will pay for itself eventually.
Nice. I haven't been duck hunting in a while. My honey hole dried up due to a few years of drought, then the feds have had the area blocked off last time I was down there for some habitat restoration or some other bullshit. (The habitat was fine, but don't tell the feds that.) When it was good, the first shot would cause the ducks take off, and it would sound like a fucking 737 flying low overhead.

But I like wild duck too, so you can't have mine if I do go.
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>Turkey season right now
>don't hunt Turkey yet
>small game season isn't for four months
>deer season isn't for five months
>no hunting in between

Life is suffering. I may need to go on a few hikes down my favorite hunting trail soon.
Moved from inner city to 30 miles out. Live on cul-de-sac with only one neighbor completely surrounded by Woods. I bow hunt deer and turkey from my bedroom window in pajamas while drinking coffee and watching TV why didn't I do this a long time ago
>tfw used to live outside of a small town with my friend in a single wide size home on a large lot (had a full basement and three rooms though)
>tfw would shoot squirrels on my bird feeders and rabbits in our garden while taking my morning shit

I kinda miss it. Simple times.
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I've got a private land, first-season Colorado bull hunt on the calendar this fall. The guys who hunt this place score about 70% in the first season, so I'm stoked.

Always hunt private land Whitetails in the south, kill 3+ doe each year and a buck every other year or so since I only shoot at bucks bigger than what I've shot before.

If I'm lucky we'll start bringing friends with dogs out more often to hunt the quail on our place this season. Getting all old-south up in here.
Moving to washington state soon, looking to get into hunting as a way of better understanding the local environment. Being 28 I imagine that most hunters would view me as competition or some such and so wouldn't really help me all that much to learn how. What's the best way to get into it?
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Whitetail general and if I don't draw my cow elk, then bull elk on general. Perhaps a mule doe.

Then grouse with my best hunting pal.
Whitetail, rabbit, pheasant, grouse, and doves are my choice. I need to redeem myself from last year. Came up empty on every attempt last season. The hunting gods were not kind.
I'm probably going to go this year. I'm not exactly sure where or who with, but I have plenty of friends that have actually got something before that are willing to show me the rones. I'm probably going for Deer and Elk and Antelope. I've been seeing them in some farmers fields so I might pay them so I can hunt there.
Oh, and game birds. Like not just grouse and pheasant but also duck. I have a large group of friends that duck hunt. Rabbits and such are vermin so I shoot them pretty much year round.
So you make duck gumbo? Do you really eat duck sausage?
You will find that seeing them in farmer's fields does not necessarily translate in to killing one during hunting season. Enough hunting pressure can make them scarce.
You shoot rabbits all year? Do you eat them? I grew up with my dad telling me not to shoot em in the summer months. But summer in Texas is just about the whole year.
That's because of fleas and the plague. I've always heard that you don't want to eat them unless you have had some recent hard freezes, but I'm skeptical that it kills all of the fleas. I've killed and eaten quite a few bunnies, all during the colder months, but there will always be a risk.

But there are so many in my area that you could hold bunny killing contests with good prizes for winning, and you still wouldn't put a dent in the population.
I know, but it doesn't hurt to try
Only sometimes during the summer, and when I do I've soaked them in saltwater overnight. Like the second guy said there are so many that my friends and I can go out and shoot ten or so of them and not hurt the population one bit. I think from now on I'm going to try and keep their pelts even if we don't eat the meat.
Most people get into it by learning from family or friends, but I think most hunters are willing to offer advice as long as you aren't asking them for their favorite spots on public land or something. In all seriousness you can learn a lot of the basics by reading up on techniques and laws, then finding some land where you can legally practice them.

Small game is usually easy enough. Get a shotgun or .22 and start walking.

Big game tends to be more technical so you'll need to have a plan for getting the carcass out if you get something and be sure you can make your shots. Big game is generally a matter of either finding a good place to sit, or several good places to glass and launch stalks.
Pretty much this.

Also, with honey holes, there are different kinds. I would tell people about my duck hunting honey hole because there were more than enough ducks, and when it was good, you had to park, walk 3/4 of a mile to the marsh, then walk another 3/4 of the mile through the marsh in your waders, and a lot of people are just flat out to lazy to do that. There is also the unit that I drew for elk, the whole area is one giant fucking honey hole, and you have to draw in a lottery or pay $500+ for a land owner's tag if you want to hunt cow. Bull tags down there start in the thousands.

Now, Barbary sheep and Oryx (off range) are another story. I won't tell people where specifically to go for those those.
I started at 26. Aint shit just went out there and did it after reading some books and watching some youtube. Everyone I met was super helpful. Ran into some guys when I got lost my first time out, same guys helped me gut my first deer and everything. Don't like the grumpy redneck stereotype dissuade you, most people aren't like that even if they look like it.
Exactly. Normally when I run into other hunters, they're friendly. It probably boggles some minds in other parts of the world, but when I'm out hunting and I run into other hunters, I think nothing of walking up to a couple of guys in the woods who have rifles slung over their shoulders. They're out there for the same thing I am.
I got 2 foxes and a cat with my bow the other week
Doing gods work anon
I think every state's fish and wildlife service would put outdoor cats on the "unprotected species" or "nongame huntable" list if it wouldn't catch so much flack politically.

in aus both species are fucken cunts of things, especially cats, fuck cats. savage cunts. It is encouraged to kill cats that are considered feral here. But yeah some people dont like the idea of it ay aha, oh well
we shoot them year round, in aus though the cunts are a pest only eat em if i feel like rabbit stew otherwise the birds can have them
rabbits are fucken great fun ay
duck gumbo uses cooked duck meat (typically roasted) and andouille sausage, not duck-sausage
I...I've never gone hunting before. I'm in IL, and just bought a mosin. I want to go camping down here in southern IL soon, and want to bring my rifle and pistol for protection, but have to "be hunting" to carry in the woods in this cuck state. S...should I hunt coyote? They're year-round. I wouldn't be heartbroken to not get one. Suggestions on public lands I could camp and hunt at? Do I need a license for coyote?
>inflicting a stutter in a text post
I'll inflict a stutter right up your ass, big boy ;)
How about you read the regulations. I'm all for being helpful, but there's no substitute for actually knowing the law.

It's possible (though you should check) that what you heard about needing to be hunting to carry really means that you need to have a hunting license during a limited hunting season for a game species on land where you can legally hunt. Coyote might not meet those requirements on public land because the season is all-year and they aren't normally considered a game species. Check that though.

Why do ppl do the stutter shit? It's retarded, make you look autistic.
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Live in Tasmania and shoot wallaby on the reg. There are literally millions of the bastards, so many they are considered a pest as they compete with sheep/cattle for grazing.

Brother and I bagged 200 in one night on a 50 hectare block once. Usually keep 5-10 when we go out, biggest ones for dog meat and the youngest, healthiest ones for human consumption. The meat is very gamey so I usually put it in a curry. Pic is a typical Bennett wallaby.
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