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Hey /out/ how come black people don't camp? https://w

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Hey /out/ how come black people don't camp?

> again?

Why not an original thread topic like shitting in rivers, about to be homeless, knives, axes, hatchets or a fucking hammock thread?

> oh, my kingdom for a ghillie suit and plague mask...
I'm not sure I understand why you're being so sassy anon, are you black? Do you go camping often?
Yes. Shove your meme.
Didn't see Hateful Eight?
Shit I've even got 2 blacks on the mtns skiing.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was a meme friend. I have probably seen about 3 black people in real life, so I cannot confirm nor deny that black people do indeed camp.

Would you say that about 12% of campers are black?

If not, how would you account for the discrepancy?
movies aren't real life f.a.m.
Black people tend to live overwhelmingly in urban areas, particularly compared to whites and hispanics and asians. Urbanites are far less likely to camp that those that live in suburbs or small towns. Without regards to color barriers.
whys you think we don't camp, we came from the jungle nigga, then on the plantation... How you gonna leave the comfort of yo home to go live wit the animals n shieeet. Nasty ass cavebeast white saxon toilet seat ass complexion oppressor.

So black people don't camp because they tend to live in urban areas?

I wonder how many black folk that live in the suburbs/ semi-rural/ rural, are avid campers.
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No you're not, listen OP. I gaurentee you there isn't a single black person on this board.
There are certain behaviors or activities that white people inherently enjoy that most black people just don't understand. Camping would definitely fall under this category. Other examples would include vacationing, having a hobby such as collecting stamps, joining a group without a definitive cause, such as a country club, eating organic foods, obsessively caring for your lawn, caring for your pets, shooting up schools, and having a relationship with your father.
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Where do you live, OP?
I've only seen like, 12 black people in my entire life (where I live at least), so it's natural that I wouldn't see any while /out/.

However we do have a shitton of Mexicans, but the only ones I see /out/ are the rich ones and the immigrants that work in the forest fire cleanup service (I forgot what its called but they go and clean up all the brush and shit that firefighters leave).
>Hey /out/ how come black people don't camp?
But they do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjxrwL8KD1E
>winter survival gangsta style

Also occasionally passing up KFC and resisting the urge to steal bikes and cars
They do. You just can't see them due to their natural camoflague.
because civilization is still relatively new to them
Black transsexual and /out/ in more ways than one reporting
Black folks rural or urban don't go out because we usually see it as frivolous White people behavior where they drink, shoot guns and get attacked by wild animals.

I also want to state that generally speaking we don't go where there are no or very few Black people. Usually it's interpreted as meaning the place is hostile for black folks which leaves many /out/worthy places out of bounds (of course Yosemite and other big places are general popular places where we get peppered in)

I know many folks who go to their home countries though for visits in the Islands or West Africa

Honorable mentions and exceptions: Vietnam vets, niggas who own nice boats, siddity people with country homes/hunting lodges.

I happen to come from a man who is all three of those things. He still isn't into anything more than a day trip and personally you won't catch my black ass in some places because well, rural trash is trash but when you're black and trans unnecessary attention from White dudes wanting to fuck with a black person gets annoying (and happens more than you'd think when all I do is collect herbs and build stuff).

Carry a knife, know how to fight, stick to areas with phone reception and leave before night because that's were the harassment starts to verge on dangerous in my experience.
>places where there are no black people = more hostile towards blacks

>yfw it would take cops 40 years to kill as many black men as have died at the hands of others black men in 2012 alone.

>Chicago’s death toll is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined.

>Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years.

Yeah makes a lot of sense.
>places where there are no black people = more hostile towards blacks
You might not understand but really I don't care enough to explain it.
>yfw it would take cops 40 years to kill as many black men as have died at the hands of others black men in 2012 alone.

Black on black crime what about it? white on white crime is virulent these people need to stop killing each other. I mean how can we respect White people when they end up mostly killing each other.

Sounds dumb doesn't it.

>Chicago’s death toll is almost equal to that of both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, combined.

Chicago also has a large amount of impoverished, under educated youth with limited economic opportunities. Disenfranchised youths connected to high profits in illicit activities = gangs.

School to Prison pipeline anyone?

No one ever wants to talk about where the flow of drugs are coming from though. I mean these kids rarely leave their neighborhood, much less have access to the quantities and quality of drugs out there to supply runners and dealers.

But that's not the scope of your little out burst Huh?
>Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years

Let's take a look at some recent numbers.

In 2013, there were 5,375 black homicide offenders versus 4,396 who were white and over 4,000 whose races were unknown. However, that is a very small percentage of the national black population, which is over 40 million people.

I think it's safe to say given what we know of gang violence and related homicides that if I stay away from the inner-city of Chicago I will be fine.

But my own experience is being who I am in Harlem and Brooklyn never put me in nearly any of the dangerous situations in rural White America. You can throw whatever smoke screen you want on it, my personal experiences have much like this interaction been filled with a lot of racist beliefs either in the fore or back ground

hey there /pol/ :)
just out of curiosity man, why would you feel safer around black people? As we all know, around blacks one can and should not ever relax. You are a transexual woman I assume (m2f), I'm sure you're gorgeous by the way and you pass with flying colours. But aren't a huge majority of black people really homophobic, like virulently so?

I don't know, maybe I'm missing something. I just fail to see why anybody would feel safer around people who are just statistically more likely to murder you.


>carry a knife

I lost right there bruh 10/10
>be afraid of getting shot or attacked by wild animals
>go to Africa
Go down to Louisiana, tons of blacks live and work in the swamp. They live camp life.
>creole for life
When will the meme die?
I don't really want to pass, I started at 16 but around 18 I stopped HRT for a couple years and did advocacy work. Luckily people think I look attractive so that probably helps.

At any case when I lived in NYC for example I wasn't exceptional, go to 125th and you'll walk past black transexxuals everyday. Brooklyn, Bronx, Jamaica Queens, etc... Not unusual. SF, LA, ATL, etc... People might not like it but like everywhere else I go with black folk if you're respectful you get that back.

Many of the murderers aren't actual random dudes killing women they feel "tricked" them, they actually know the women and from the taskforces I've been a part of usually use that as a defence. Jealous or scared lovers you know hiding behind gay panic?

But then there are cases such as Cece who was attacked by a white supremacist in Minneapolis or Meghan Taylor a black transgender woman arrested and sent to jail because she was a black trans woman renting a hotel in Iowa.

It's really just being a double minority to White people vs being a transsexual in a black community. I've had far more support from black people in the hood than white people in rural US.

There was a potential attack at 10pm in a Harlem subway that was diverted because about four black men buffered a trans afro-latina immigrant from a black woman late January. Everyday black folks might not agree with trans reality but that doesn't mean they'll just allow shit to happen.

City White people generally are cool too though.
>people think I look attractive
>double minority
>10 pm in a Harlem subway
>trans afro-latina immigrant
>city white people generally are cool
You should be a comedian bro, this shit is a goldmine.

> siddity

God damn it, what was wtong with bougie? At least I had a vague notion of what bougie meant since it looked like bourgeoise. Is there a newsletter where I can keep up with this shit.
That sucks

>tfw you will never understand the blackman's strife ;_;
>Arguing with someone who is mentally ill and unstable

Just let the thing live in its own fantasy land
Feelings of empathy are foreign to them too
desu black tranny camper sounds like a swell guy/gal. Would take camping any day over some of the fudds in here. Would re-profile that blade you carry into a scandi grind/10
why do people use "how come" rather than "why"? i associate it with children. is it a regional thing?
How come it bothers you?
i'm only curious. it's rare to hear in my area
this nigger is my nigga.
niggers are to stupid to even know how to camp
Never understood this mindset.

While GID is put in the DSM it's not a mental illness but also people can have mental illness can still be cognizant, like people who have ADD, anxiety disorders, etc...

Anyways it's not like trans people don't have specialists for support.
It's an old black people word desu
Eh. I live across the street from an old gay couple that has 400 acres of pristine oak woodland so I just go /out/ in that and try not to bump into the crazy meth heads that do shit up around the mountains here.
I think you guys misunderstood. When I said "you" should be a comedian" it was an honest statement based on the fact that any of those topics or phrases can easily be turned into the basis for a joke or two. I have no problem with black tranny camper.
I went camping in Tennessee with a friend of mine whose mom came from Jamaica. He was all sorts of afraid of the locals, whereas I didn't even think twice about it. It was sort of eye-opening.

Also, I find it interesting how many black people in Detroit would rather take vacations in Canada than go up north. I mean, part of it is probably that, for the same amount of driving, you can get some really impressive nature in Canada, but I think part of it is how nasty people up north are. Even if you're white and are visiting family who have lived in town for a century, up north people can be kind of hostile to "tourists." I can only imagine how they are to black people.

Oh, wait. I don't have to imagine. I know how many times a minute some of my up north friends say "nigger."

I'm sorry for how white people can be, fellow sc/out/.
I lived in both Metro Detroit and Upper Peninsular for a good long while. Everybody seemed pretty reasonable and kind to me, I was overwhelmingly surprised by the kindness and generosity of Americans all in all. Then again, I am an Australian.

I am OP btw, I am from Australia. Not a whole lot of black people outside of the cities. Not many Aboriginals in my state either. It is overwhelmingly white with the odd Asian tourist that is forced to work rural in order to keep the visa.
>12% of the population
i.e if the black population in America is 12% why aren't 1/10 (or there abouts) campers black?
I'm white so I obviously couldn't say for sure, but I have run into a lot of stupid hicks while /out/ who I can only imagine might be well enough armed and feel threatened enough upon encountering a black innawoods to 'defend themselves' regardless of whether defense is necessary.

I sure as hell would be a lot more careful about stealth camping in the rural west.
That's an awful lot of judgment anon
As black person who wants to go camping one day , is there any extra precaution i should take.
I have been lurking on this board for a while now , i can tell you the main reason black people dont go camping is because there afraid.
Afraid of nature (cause dam nature you are scary) and afraid of coming across the wrong people and getting fucked up by not nice people.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge4oufdIOMc
Get a gun, be polite, don't talk like a hood rat. Most racist white folks are just afraid that black people are criminals. If you are able to look/talk like a respectable person then you'll be fine 9/10 times. The gun is for the tenth time.
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deemn Janice looks sweet

by the way: even non-blacks thing camping is for poor people.

I am from central europe. We have no trailer park based people here. When people do outdoors, they only do the "super mega special cool" stuff: like jetting to new zealand.
aint no one to rob innawoods
well, in all fairness when you go out innawoods in europe you'll probably step on a landmine or bomb, and since you didnt fill out the correct permits to be allowed to accidentally step on that mine/bomb, you'd get cautioned.
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pic related
Agree with you 100%. How do we get him /out/approved?
I saw some black people out once

they arrived at the site and did some kyaking on some shitty man made pond thing

then made a big mess and complained loudly and went home- leaving the big mess behind them

one of the black kids kept getting frogs out of the man made pond and killing them as well apparently but I didnt see that
Them horse be like:
>These guys are heavy
>Do we really need all this stuff?
>Why can't they just eat grass like we do?
>My back hurts
>I wish i was at home eating my wholefoods grass
Why would black people be afraid of anyone but blacks? They are overwhelmingly responsible for violent crime in literally any area with a black population
This is false, racists are racist because they are racist.
If you aren't in a gang and you don't look stupid around gang turf you're fine. You aren't targeted because you're black by them either.

Racist white people target people by race though.
Man. Europe is fucking gay.

I'm glad that my people moved to Seattle bout 80 years ago. Fuck old world values.
>This is false, racists are racist because they are racist.
more like being racist is the natural human condition
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I'm black and love to camp
Go to bed Colion.
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