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I'm thinking very seriously about leaving home with $400

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I'm thinking very seriously about leaving home with $400 and walking to Oregon from Connecticut. I have had no luck securing a job and want to leave home asap before I become a NEET cellar dweller. What would you do?
Do it right now.
connecticunt here, dress warm, last night hit -8f and down to -40 f with windchill supposedly, if you come to central ct you may just have yoursef an /out/ buddy
>I'm thinking very seriously about becoming homeless
>what would you do?

Stay the fuck out of my state, that's what you should do.

Also, you should know that Oregon, with it's influx of "nu-liberal" money, is quickly becoming a place that is neither cheap to live nor friendly to bums.

Seriously, don't come. We don't want you. Especially with no job or way to contribute. Also, when you do get a job, if you come, rents here are getting pretty close to unmanageable. Heads up.
Fuck this guy
>walking to Oregon
Fuck off, we're full. Try Colorado. They also have legal weed.
Dude minimum wage in MA is 10 bucks now. There are random slacker jobs everywhere. You can make money. Stop being an idiot and at the very least save up a few grand before doing this. Maybe buy a van even. There is no reason to "choose" homelessness. Even if you don't want to pay rent, set up a tent in the woods, get a gym membership for showering, ride a bike to work, etc. There are ways to survive, stop being lazy.
Fuck me for not wanting some fucktard with no money to walk to my state for the express purpose of being a drain on every around him?

Yeah. Fuck me.

The influx of douchebags into the state I've been a citizen of since birth is quickly making it near-unbearable.
Don't listen to any of these faggots. No reason to let their ignorant, scared asses hold you back
Better to be NEET than to be a bum. Take it from someone who's done both.
Yeah, Fuck you.
Well you sound like an extremely reasonable person. From Sweden maybe?

You already are a NEET.

scared? dude I spent ages 18-20 living in a tent in the woods working for minimum wage. My parents had kicked me out and I had nowhere to go. I did nothing but work, exercise, and save money. I earned enough to start paying for school, got a better job, saved more, afforded rent, moved up more, etc.

Stop being a bitch and work hard.
FYI I paid $250 a month for rent when I was in school in OR.
Google for 2 seconds and you will see that you either a) paid for a cardboard box, b) got incredibly lucky, or c) went to school here 15 years ago. Real estate companies are literally calling us San Fransisco 2.0. I rented a 3 bedroom house in inner SE for 1200 10 years ago. That same house is now 3000 easy. Housing here is disgusting and isn't getting any better any time soon.
Whatever faggot working hard is for chumps.
I live in a small town off I-84 a few hours east of portland. There are a steady stream of people walking westward. A shockingly large number some with pushcarts like in Mormon times, others carrying everything in two large trashcan bags. It's really getting freaky out there. Lots of tough looking cookies. If you make it past where I live OP you too will be a tough cookie
houses, haha
who wants to live in em anyway
Don't go to Oregon. Go South. The cost of living is much lower, it's much closer to you, and the terrain is much kinder (as are the people).
so wrong. northwest is where it's at
way, way better to be a bum
you must've done it wrong
>into the state I've been a citizen of since birth
It's not just your state. The welfare system broke them and created a generation of resource suckers.
what are you going to do when you get to Oregon? Walk back?
Like Oregon needs another bum. Please get ran over by a log truck on your stupid walk you fucking faggot
nah, it's idiots having 10 babies a piece that broke everything. welfare is fine. just another thing you yuppie white bread fucks will hatemonger over instead of understand.
half you poor bastards don't even realize where your tax money is going.

oregon needs way more bums, if only to piss off pieces of shit like you
smoke weed in the forest
i think you came from /b/
If you're going to be a bum, do it by a beach, and do it in the south. Florida, the Keys, Bahamas, or Puerto Rico (of course you'll have to get a boat/plane ticket for the last two) are great options.

I saw a dude living on Vieques with nothing but sneakers, t-shirt, shorts, a trucker cap, and a machete to his name. Just walked out of the scrub forest one night while I was going for a drink and sold me some fruit he'd picked in the bush, then went into town for a drink of his own.

Dude looked happy as fuck, though I couldn't understand his spanish super-well.
north fucking west, it's the promised land
I'm sorry, but it looks like it gets cold as hell up there. wtf am I supposed to do in the winter if I want to be a beach bum?
Go to a temp service and get a job and work your way up. You can literally do this anywhere and some places pay good money for temp work. Typically if you do well after 90 days or so you get can get hired by the company. Just my .02 since I've done it.
down the coast of california to slab city my hobro
Why not stay there year-round then?
working is gay though
it's the desert. fuck being there in the summer, and fuck staying anywhere. travel.
man fuck all of that.

puerto rico:

>scrub forest, rainforest, beaches, karst hills, coral reefs, and city life all within an hour or two of each other by taxi
>nobody gives a shit if you live on the beach
>catch crabs and sell them to restaurants right on the beach front to make beer money; I've seen dudes doing it
>brown grills errywhere
>amazing beach food
>population is largely fluent in english and spanish

it's no place to live in if you own anything due to the crime, but if you're a poorfag beach bum I can't think of a better place to be alive, save maybe some of the islands in the pacific.
yeah, no, fuck THAT
fuck every single part of that
'merica is where it's at
but anon, puerto rico IS 'merica.
staying in one place is not how you bum
that's how you lose at being a bum
i'd stay in new zealand on the beach for a while
the fundemental difference between you and me is that I am very lazy. If I were a bum I'd be trying to maximize that aspect of my life.

If I knew I could have some land all to myself and no one would shit on me I'd live in the upper part of the michigan mitten, near the dunelands. Would be comfy as fuck and I'd do alright in the winter if I could chop down some trees.

But that's not how the world works, so a compromise is tropical.
>just wanted to say that I'm 17
See you next year m80
but what i said is way lazier than that
chill all summer in the northwest doing fuck all getting paid high and drunk for free
then when it gets cold up there mosey your ass on down to socal and hang out in the slabs getting drunk and high for free, if you get bored just hitch on over to phoenix and party it up
ultimate lazy paradise
I'm thinking of walking from South Florida to North Florida to visit family. Just my backpack and my dog. I worry about stealth camping though since if I get arrested they'll take my pooch.
you make it sound like it's easy to move around like that, but it isn't. It requires careful planning, and (for me at least) a fair bit of anxiety about the dangers of making the move, which are less predictable than dangers that might come to you while in one spot.
you wont get arrested unless you're fucked up or aggro as shit
cops will just tell you, 'hey you can't sleep here get lost'
wtf is with all this paranoia I hear about stealth camping? unless ur a roudy fuck, I can't see why you'd et caught or arrested, for that matter. just pick good spots. go with your gut.
what? man it's easy as fuck. probably the easiest thing you'll ever do. what is easier than sitting on your ass with your thumb out, then sitting on your ass while someone takes you where you wanna go?
0 effort. also dangers are a myth and if you're scared it's all in your head.
true dat. every time I go and do something that others told me I couldn't or was dangerous, I just learn how much laughing I can do at their fears. try new things. it's worth it. always has been for me thus far.
What are good spots? I've never stealth camped before. If there are enough campsites on the way up there, hopefully I won't have to.
where in ct are you you angsty teen?
you keep that big head you're gonna pay for it
it's all good to be excited and the shit IS easy but ego will fuck your shit up every time

fuckin anywhere man. find some bushes, sleep in them. it's not rocket scientology
honestly, a good spot is anywhere someone won't see or fuck with you overnight. I've never wasted my money at campsites. innawoods u can't go wrong.
yeah, I know. I keep the ego in check, but I reserve the right to be proud and enthusiastic.
any good tales of ego gone wrong, anon?
who, me? i'm not in ct, i'm near central ma.
op is
hoo buddy. most recent one was just a few weeks ago in tempe, green kid got all in the banter with some aggro train kids. train kids will relentlessly fuck with everyone all the time. it's easy for noobs to get sucked in and before they know it the tables are flipped and they end up beat and robbed. this particular one decided they were all buddy buddy and started lying about hopping, which never flies ever, got called out and kicked rocks. later on in the night im goin to find a sleep spot find the kid with his pack minus sleeping bag and some teeth in the alley all bloody cuz they ran into him again and beat him up
damn. I've personally never talked to a train kid, but i'm pretty good with talking to oddballs. was this kid particularly weak or begging for it? do you really have to always keep your guard? i'm usually not too worried about shit being started, i'm generally easy going, just rather opinionated in an abstract way.
anyone here know Oscar? guy I met in socal last year, older, big nose, van, guitars, dog. he was cool. a busker who claimed to make more than minimum wage. he was going around the rest area bumming cigs and using people's grills. cool guy.
best to just leave folks alone. aside from a nod or wassup if they don't approach you, don't approach them. plenty of friendly travelers that'll come introduce themselves and kick it. he was basically begging for it. if you're not fucking retarded it should be fine, because the only way you go into a 6+ deep group of train kids as a freshie is if you're retarded. but hey, some people learn lessons the hard way and all that
nice. thanks. u ever hop one? were u alone or in company? I've just hopped the ladder with a bud before, but never actually rode to get somewhere.
yes, alone and with some homies. probably will again at some point but im about to buy a van.
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Who the f are train kids? What country are you talking about?
>getting drunk and high for free,

How do you find free alcohol and drugs everywhere you go??
train kids are kids who ride trains. fuck.

music opens every door
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no man it's like a secret club, you find it in colleges and shit in america. rich kids go out and get train tickets, then theyre just assholes to everyone on the train and they drink all the whiskey from the bar. dicks.
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tought rich kids act like this only in my 3rd world country, fuck it anyway.
im just fucking with you. they're hobos, homeless, angry from illegally riding freight trains and getting covered in dust too long.
Excuse me for wanting to leave the shit side of the country. I just want to be on the Pacific coast.
Don't smoke m8. Just want to get to the PNW.
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Well yea but I want to stop doing that. At least I'll have some sense of accomplishment. Ideally I'd get over there and stay at one of those WWOOF places and find a job then find a place to live and not be a total drain on >>688533 's precious state
I kinda want to go to Oregon and establish residency. I simply can not afford school and I want to go to OSU for forestry. I figure it's a little cheaper and I have a year to get my shit together in a place I'll actually want to be.
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Waste Haven
are you gonna do it
cuz you definitely should
I just hate it at home. I want to go to the PNW for school and a fresh start. I want to work. I want to contribute. Just not in a place I can't be happy.
I need a plan. But I think I'm gonna do it.
are you thinking of hitching or what
its definitely the right choice
Perhaps. As long as I can get from point A to point B in a set time. I was looking into couch surfing for sleeping but nothing's off the table.
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I feel like you're being sarcastic but I want to believe you're being encouraging...
that shit is unreliable. you should just hitch and sleep outside. it's so much faster and you don't have to worry about all the extra crap, you can just get there.
i'm driving to washington from kansas in 2/3 months. don't know when you were going to leave.
Probably not in time for it to be convenient
well keep it in mind anyway, if you got as far as kansas city i'd take you the rest of the way. i'm in the process of buying a van and a camper to live in and all that and will be heading up there when i have it all. outinnawoods@gmail

i am, i'm behind it. i did exactly what you want to do 4 years ago and i mean it when i say the pnw is wonderful. all the fuckin squares in here that tell you not to go are just pricks. there's so much more opportunity there, especially if /out/ is a part of your personality.
Of all places, why would you go to Oregon? The job market is pretty good (and cost of living much less) in Virginia. Even my dog has a job.
northwest is paradise
east coast a shit
virginia least happy state in the country
Cheaper college if youre a resident. I wanna go for forestry at OSU
>east coast a shit
I was going to refute this but nah, you're right, total shit. Definitely don't come here.
Oregonian here.
Paying $400/mo for 2 bedroom house south.
bullshit. unless your roomate is your mom, total utter bullshit.
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I don't know what to do. I appreciate the support but I'm scared. I'm pretty indecisive to begin with and don't have very much real world, on my own experiences. Should I try discussing this with my overbearing parent. I'll just get told to stop fucking around and grow up but I can't if I'm not being encouraged.

I just want to happy and independent
Go /out/ OP
you already know what to do. fucking do it
fuck everyone but you
your eyes are only open so long, what the fuck do you wanna see?
>have to live in puerto rico
>cops won't stop you for not stopping at lights or signs in certain places because they understand the risk of getting hijacked
>people disappear at an impressively high rate
>murders rate like a developing African country
>fucking coqui frogs goddamn everywhere

No thanks
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This is keeping me up at night. I want to say I can get there in under 90 days. I feel like I can leave in late April/early March and get there by August. I can hopefully get a temp job and somewhere to live quick before September.
you can make it across the country hitching in a week.
How much money do you have for travel, OP? Train ticket to NYC on the metro north line is only a couple bucks and will save you a chunk of time and from there you can get to port authority and catch a bus.
spend nothing
What do I do about all my stuff? Should it get boxed up so my father can send it eventually?
if you need it sure. stuff comes and goes. don't let it worry you too much.
if you go to oregon move to the eastern part because western oregon is super expensive and has no programs in place to deal with the huge amount of homeless already there.
I need to be at most 20 miles from the coast

Eastern Oregon is one of the worst places to live in the USA. In addition to being the poorest and most crime ridden in Oregon it's over 50% Mexican and the schools over 75% beaner. It is so shitty here that an influx of homeless would mprove things. Also for you stoner faggots be prepared to drive 4 hours for your drugs as the government prefers to not have legal economic activity.
Is this punchy or bumspray???
who the fuck told you money is necessary to be able to travel. you just gotta suck a dick to get by.
I would stop being a coward and man up because I can't run away from my problems. Then, if I felt like i had earned it I would take a long walk and afterwards return to my amazing life.
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Must be nice having a kickass life.
Grew up in Milton-Freewater. It does indeed suck for the reasons you laid out. However, the /out/ out there is very, very /out/.
sounds like denver
Oregon is full, thanks for your interest though.

You will probably make it to somewhere in Upstate NY before you run out of money and energy. Terrain is a thing.
I appreciate the encouraging words, but I think I'll make to at least West Virginia
id leave with approx. $1200 or more desu

When I was 20 i thought I could walk from Philadelphia to Maine. Even with hitchhiking the cost was incredibly high and in rugged terrain I was only averaging a few miles a day. Do you have gear? Or you're just going to start running like Forrest Gump?
>a shit
Jobs. Low taxes. Cheap goods.
Yeah, real shitty man. I fill up my tank for $1.44 a gallon right now and work for $13.25/hr part time.
>land of the free
It's a good time to come to Oregon if you're a basement dweller. The house just voted to hike the minimum wage to like eleven bucks and change.
shit people, shit states, shit everything
jobs and cheap crap doesn't make up for shitty culture and douchebag populace

west virginia is the least happy state in the country

you shouldn't have paid for anything
Homeless anon here. This is probably some previous fagenabler from Eugene Salem or Portland.
>from birth
Oh good, so you and your family are to blame for letting Oregon go to shit. Where are you from? They keep fucking themselves more and more, too. You could have had something good with pot, instead you gave control to the OLCC. Oregon is probably the most xenophobic place I've ever been, and retardedly so. You're allowing yourselves to be overrun by tweakers who work part time jobs and appear to be normal citizens on the surface. Never before have I seen a state where collectively the story seems to be "yeah I was a real shithead back in x state, I came to Oregon and stopped being so grimy" but you can tell they're just as fucking grimy.

Fucking Oregon. My favorite state besides Alaska and the native Oregonians are just as to blame for the coming fucked up situation as the the caricature liberal fuckstains we all know exist in Portland.
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