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Whats up with people that once they have a kid, they only cars

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Whats up with people that once they have a kid, they only cars they want are large cars like minivans and suvs

Its not like you are going to have trouble with a nice sedan, even of you have 3 kids. My mom was perfectly fine transporting us with her buick regal, I don't think I've ever heard her wish for a larger car.

Plus what is up with men having to get rid of their car when they have their child, my parents always had their separate vehicles
Betas get convinced by Stacey to buy a crossover to take the children out so Chad can come round in his M3 and fuck her
Because some people aren't as rich as you and can afford two cars. Also I know a guy who had a Supra MKIV but sold it to buy a minivan for his family. DESU it's mostly their wife's that make them sell it. If she's not happy, ur not happy, fucking bullshit
we weren't rich, we were actually pretty poor, both of my parents worked
Well for me, we added a crossover cause I had twins and an American akita. Honestly, my wife still wants more space so it's possible that we well move to a minivan in the future as there is zero trunk space. Still got my car though.
Lonely OP
Once you go places those 3 kids will want to take a friend or cousins too.
Plus car seats take up so much space in a sedan it makes it impossible for anyone to sit especially now that child safety laws require kid to stay in car seats until highschool
Most people who sell their beloved sports cars isn't necessarily because of kids or car space.

Some men just want to have a good leg room (extra $) for the days they need it.

Some men have to resort into selling their cars to afford a down payment on a house and move on with life.

That is when mid life crisis hits you, you will want to buy back that sports car or something that resembled it.

My father hit his midlife crisis, started buying firearms, bought a brand new sports car etc.

It's pretty alarming what midlife crisis can do to a man, it's actually pretty funny.
I went the opposite direction, dropping six figures on a sports car after my second kid was born.
I figured that the crazy shit I get up to in it won't interest me in 10 or 20 years, when it would be more "practical".
if you're a man (READ not a fuccboi) and you let your wife decide what cars you have then you have to go downtown and turn your balls in.
what kind of a doormatt faggot are you? man the fuck up. there's two people in a relationship, yes, and one of those two people is you, motherfucker. that's right, you have 50% of the say in a discussion. if your wife tells you that you need to get rid of your sportscar, you go right ahead and tell that bitch to shut her mouth or there'll be no more dick action going on.
you don't need a fucking truck if you have a kid. even if you pump one kid a year, they're still gonna be little bags of shit for at least 2 to 3 years, and afterwards, they're still not big enough to cause a space problem.
you can drive a fucking coupe and you'll still have room to throw 2 little shits in the backseat and also have your cunt of a wife in the front seat.
even when they grow up (12-15) they're gonna be big enough to take the fucking bus to school or places until they're old enough to buy a car, IF the distances they normally travel warrants a car in the first place.
but beyond this cuckery, what kind of conversation is this anyway? who the fuck talks to their life partner about this shit?
also, how fucking poor are you that you can't afford to have 2 cars, a sports car and a bigger family car?
if you can't afford at least two cars you have no business having kids. work harder, make more money, THEN think about having another mouth to feed.
I swear the world is full of pansy ass bitch bois having these """""""discussions"""""""" about what's best for the relationship.
grow a fucking pair
"Honey, it's time to get rid that supra or whatever its called. We can share the Pacifica, or you can get something like a Tuscon for work. Since you will not working on that thing anymore, it will free up time to watch cartoons with the kids. Please don't make this an argument, you know it's the right thing to do."

How to you respond legitimately. I don't think I could give up my truck.

You really seem like you know how to please a woman.

When was the last time you got laid?
>man doesn't want to be cucked by a shittly life of "kids and a minivan" so it's a crisis
you're so blue pilled it hurts lad
>How to you respond legitimately.
A man should be in charge of his house and the finances. If a woman is making decisions you're already beyond help.
It works both ways, early into the relationship with my now wife. it was mind boggling how much money she was spending on clothing. I tried persuading her to cut it back and it almost killed the relationship.

Ever since we've lived by a "you do you, I do me" mindset in the relationship. We have a joint account for living costs, and we both deposit money into a savings account whilst still enjoying whatever we want, it's pretty great.

So your girlfriend/wife making you get rid of your car is her trying to change you, thus you should dump said person imo.
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>afford 2 cars

nigga im trailer trash and have 4 cars in my driveway
Do what works for you. I had many friends who had to sell their pride and joy for family reasons. From guy being push over to family who couldn't afford to keep their dream car due to baby and shit. If you love that car so much I am sure you and wife will work something out. But no need to go extra mile of pulling family thru mud all because of "muh car"
I got rid of my last sports car for 2nd baby but I don't regret it. I can always buy better one
Bro they are all junk yard cars
It's 2017. You don't haul around other people's kids. You just drive separately and meet where ever you're going.
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yea but there is 4 of them
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>had a Supra MKIV but sold it to buy a minivan for his family

you can get a decent van for under $10k these days. Jesus fucking christ why.

example: https://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/cto/d/honda-odysseyk-miles-clean/6308678407.html
>nigga im trailer trash and have 4 cars in my driveway

this sounds like a priorities issue
this is /o/, his priorities are perfectly aligned
more space for room, Like putting shit in your car.
Everyone usually puts shit in their back seat like groceries. maybe you have something in your trunk.
Kids take your back seat away from you and thus an important storage spot.
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I don't get why people get all upset at others life choices. If they have to sell m4000supraquad turbo for minivan, well who cares.
My wife and I both have our car for kids/work. I am lucky to have luxury of owning 3rd car for me.
Or you can be trailer trash and have 4chevy sonic shit boxes(no offense)

i think people are more shocked than upset.
Because it's fucking stupid and you know it. My wife has an SUV and I DD an S13 just because I can. I don't need a minivan, SUV, wagon or a sedan if my wife already has one.
What if there was more then 2kids ? You going to cramp them in s13 to pick them up ? or is that something only ur wife can do ?.
I don't really need to drive kids around in the Nissan. And there are three of them. We just use her Infiniti most of the time when we need to go places or run errands or what ever. I just drive to work in the S13 and drive it recreationally of course.
bitch please
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Being a dad changes you. I know it's hard for you young kids to understand, but once you have a kid he or she becomes the most important thing in the world for you and nothing else except their safety and well being matters anymore.
I would think it's so you don't have to bend down as much, could strain your back with kids. Otherwise the only real use for so much cargo space is vacations I guess.
>nothing else except their safety and well being matters anymore
It does, but there's no reason you can't have your cake (safe car for family) and eat it too (sports car for yourself), provided you can earn/acquire the funds.
Have you seen the amount of stuff people drive around with? Strollers, diapers, bags of clothes, food, babycalls, toys, blankets - its no wonder they want something more roomy

Also; have you seen how much less room there is in a sedans boot these days, compared to 20 years ago or more?
I've got a roof that keeps me warm and dry. Good enough for me m8
I'm 33 and I've owned a 2011 C6 and now a 2016 Challenger Hellcat. God only knows what I will buy during my midlife crisis.
>Big landbarge for the kids?
>No problem.
We're all just waiting for the Chrysler Pacifica Hellcat.
The Chrysler Dodge Pacifica Charger Hellcat with a hemi.
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I'm yuro, all this minivan and "sell the car" mumbo jumbo is yet another american shit leaking to other nations. If anything stereotypes around are that women would preffer smaller cars no matter what (ex. Tico, Smart, Mini) while men would take something practical (Golfs, Passats etc) without coming the question of "but is it 'nuff space for them kids?". Granted, if most people can manage well with 2 kids and a Golf 4, I don't see why others can't.

And yet, this is it? You bow down, leave everything behind and switch to "dad mode"? Frankly if you cannot afford to be yourself and be a dad at the same time, you should probably postpone having children.

>Everyone usually puts shit in their back seat like groceries. maybe you have something in your trunk.
Have something at all times in your trunk?
I usually put everything by default in the trunk, unless it's a small bag or some irrelevand shit I can afford to throw on the backseat.

Just saying, if it were by me, I'd make it clear from the beginning that if my car needs to go, I go with it too.
t. literal trailer trash
Nice, the only guy here who actually gets laid/has a wife/GF

I'm gonna /thread this one

>t. unathletic nerd

I had two brothers and we all played sports, which means a giant equipment back for each of us. Bucket of baseball, catcher's gear, bats. In hockey season, stick and pads.

Don't fit in a sedan. Need and SUV or wagon.
4 people + 1 dog and groceries can fit in a 4 door yaris.

Soccer Mom SUV meme is just to trick Stacey's to buy a car when they otherwise would not
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What's poor about suvs and minivans? Or even owning two cars.
Pic related, one of the luxury hatchbacks my parents used to drive (they later bought a Clio).
>alright, we'll get a safe and responsible family car
then you go out and buy a performance wagon like an RS4 or e63 S. she gets a large, safe car, and you get a RWD or AWD hoon machine.
Im not him. But getting laid doesnt mean your'e not a cuck. Many cucks sell their manhood to get laid cos they are scared. So that guy males a much better argument than you.
They want to be prepared for anything their kid might get involved in. They want to be ready to transport friends, sporting gear, pets, more of their own kids, etc.
Flying around in a fucking lump isn't "safe" either, that's what women don't understand. What's got more control at highway speeds, a saloon or a 2 tonne 6 ft tall box?
Why are you guys even worried about having kids? Why are you even thinking about having kids if you aren't making mid 5 figures or more?
Then stop fucking your sisters you inbred mong.
Maybe she didn't talk about a bigger car because she knew it wasn't financially possible.

I grew up pretty poor as well, but doing o.k. now. I have a few cars, including a full size sedan. My wife has an SUV. Getting the kid, dog, bikes and other stuff around is alot easier with the SUV than a sedan. Wish she would have accepted a wagon, but she is an American woman, and honestly it's nice to have a full 4wd in the fleet.
>So your girlfriend/wife making you get rid of your car is her trying to change you, thus you should dump said person imo.

This, a relationship is about compromises and respecting each other's preferences; as long as you keep things reasonable in terms of time and money, having someone pushing your their way makes the whole thing unheathly.

Now, the fate of a relationshit shouldn't depend on a car or other material things, but sometimes such issues are the sympoms of more serious problems.


Not gonna fool me, Rodge
that's the ultimate cuckoldery, marrying a bitch that you have to treat like a fucking child
>not 4 barely running Camaros

And you call yourself trailer trash?
trailer trash can't tolerate the cold. where the environment is harsher, people give less fucks about what kind of house they're in so long as it's fucking warm
>drive a brz
>wife wants a minivan
>suggests a pacifica
>tfw wife lets you get a faster car
>drive a V6 sports car
>wife has SUV
>wife suggests 2nd family car
>buy V8 sports car instead
Are you sure your not mixing up sporty sedan to sports car ?
I was 10 when my mom got a brand new 2000 VW Jetta, and my older brothers, 12, and 14 and I fit in it just fine in the back seat.
No, my wife held on to her SUV, I bought a two seater V8.
My older V6 is a 2+2, so I can put the kids in it, if I have to.
Ok so my car is full and we invite just one kid to disneyland to go with us , " hey just follow us there and pick him up by 11 tomorrow at check out "
I have experience with both vehicles wife actually hated minivan cause made her feel old, so we got sedan now but miss the room and ability to have extra passengers.
We gonna get suv with 3rd row soon. Also still have my car she hates it &cant drive it ever but cant complain cause no payments now for 7yrs
You really going to miss minivan. I hate how people dismiss minivan due to " soccer mom " image.
Unless you get super sized SUV, when you take 3rd row up there is no space for trunk. I had this shit happen too many times. We ended up getting sienna, I was against it at first. But after few family trips, this was best purchase for the family
>being cucked into having kids
>not Just enjoying life with wife without having to deal with noisy shitty brats
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>own an old sports car
>recognize how unsuited it is to daily-driving in heavy traffic
>go out and purchase a comfy big sedan to do all the grunt work driving
>mfw don't have to worry about fags scratching up my precious sports car anymore
>mfw I can drive it for fun again
>mfw I already have a big family car if I ever need it
>mfw all these 5-star crash test ratings
All you really need is a Honda fit and live like the Japanese.
>mfw all these 5-star crash test ratings
Why would you want a 5-star crash test rating? If i crash then i want to die
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They can't pull the "We need a safer car for the kids" card if you already own a tank.

Wat are you on about m8?
Preemptive arguing.
He's talking about how his wife cucks him without even saying anything lol
There are a lot more big ass heavy vehicles being used as DDs than there were when we were kids whether that's 15 years ago or 35. When you have a kid you become a lot more concerned for their safety than you ever were for your own so you feel uncomfortable driving them around in a small vehicle with everyone else in their giant vehicles everywhere.
Parents with sporty sedans are cooler than minivans anyday

I saw a Mitsubishi Evo 3 with two baby seats in the back, if they can pull that off with a family, then nobody really needs a minivan
replying because this deserves more attention
i have never seen that happen
my mom raised 4 shit heads in a civic after civic after civic and we never thought space was an issue
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