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No liter no peter >Motorcycle Related Cartoons >Motor

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No liter no peter

>Motorcycle Related Cartoons
>Motorcycle Gear & Accessories
>Motorcycle Pics & Webms
>Motorcycle Dating Advice

/dbt/ map:

Nobike? Start here:


Motorcycle Ergonomics simulator:

Webms with sound:

Previously on /dbt/:
first for fuck you hasbike faggots
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>needs a liter to feel good about his little peter
lol lol red light
>tfw no hooligan biker crew to hoon about on our low cc lawnmower engines
In what situations is the rear break ever needed?
If you don't use your rear brake to preload your suspension through turns you don't know how to ride
Riding off-road I think
you're a special kind of infidel. you deserve to wipe out on your maiden ride. how the hell did you get hold of a bike? pls don't tell me that it was your late father's bike.
Can you explain or link?
When you activate the rear brake while the bike is under power, the chain pulls the suspension tighter and compresses it.
It gives you more grip in corners in you do it right
>not understanding what he had to say on the first take
are you dense, you motherfucker?
get gud
During braking.
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>wipe out on your maiden ride
Perfect weather to ride a way too expensive bike with not even 3000km on the clock, that's not even yours.
>being rude for no reason
I was just asking for a little clarification
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>had 85chp bike and loved riding it, told myself that never needed a liter...NO ONE ever needed a liter
>got a literbike
>Immediately said FUCK that weak ass bike and gave it to my gf
I rarely use my front brake.
Always use rear to slow or stop
Sweet insecurity bro
I know this feel.
ok, sorry
>Sweet power bro
>be riding liter peter around town
>never leave first gear
>be getting on freeway
>break the law in first gear
>skip to 6th gear after im on freeway
>see wild pack of groms
>they are full throttle everywhere
>hooning and having a great time
>actually need to use every gear
Fuck liter bikes
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twist wrist fawking poosey

It's not the bikes fault
>twist wrist
>run into car in front of me
Go for it bud
After riding a bike that's half quick for 6 months, I decided to get another cx500 that I can just pin everywhere. Fz1 will be up next to replace the fz6
The gears are there to be used my dude
On a track maybe.
Worthless on the street
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>being this new
sure whatever you say champ
How is that "new" exactly?
You can't defend liters.
Not if you're a retard.
I ride a post-litre, yes it can accelerate hard without much effort, but you're still in control of the throttle.
You have clearly never ridden a liter bike. Nobody leaves it in first gear until 90mph when cruising around just because the bike is capable of revving higher. They have enough power at any revs that you can just short shift at 2k and be in 6th gear at 40mph if you want.
New because you have no concept on where to ride a fast bike fast. And yes I can defend liters they are fucking badass.
That's not what i meant. And i OWN a liter.
Where should i ride a bike fast?
>Where should i ride a bike fast?
On a highway, track, empty roads etc.
There are no tracks here.
So you're encouraging me to break the law for fun?
Criminal scum
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I'm glad you admit you are new. Just to even ask tells me so...and what liter do you own?

Isn't it obvious where to ride a fast bike fast? Where there is sufficient room to do so. Which negates your example.
That's fine. I got a motorcycle to ride fast.
>liter peter
Poor fuel economy
Break the law to have fun
Otherwise boring
High maintenance
Delicate to drop
Rarely use all the power
Expensive parts
Great fuel economy
Can run through every gear at full throttle without breaking the law
Low maintenance
No care if drop
Use ALL power
Cheap parts

Seems like the grom is more fun
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>So you're encouraging me to break the law for fun?

So you should only own a bike capable of doing the speed limit huh? Just like I said, it's not the bike that is boring. According to you everyone should have like a 200cc. Yeah even a ninja 250 can hit triple digits. Everyone riding bigger than a 200 is, "criminal scum" right? kek
>never leave the city
>criticize other riders
Nice defence
Enjoy tickets and being menace to society
False equivalence.
protip: liter superbikes corner like gods
Even if you don't use all the power they're still the most fun things on the touge.
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Do you even into the difference between objective and subjective?
I'm completely okay with being a menace on the bike. I haven't gotten a ticket in years though. The key is to not be a numale scrub and got gud
We got ourselves a badass outlaw biker here everyone!!!
Sure. Why are you here or are you just here to troll. I usually am but I'm not in the mood to talk shit today.
All things posted there are objective...
Soooo ask yourself if you know the difference.
You mosty had economic things, for me paying a bit more doesn't matter.
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Yall need to get on my level!
Its easy to trigger insecure liter fanboys
My defense is simply showing you that you don't go wfo in congested traffic to avoid dying. Too simple for you to grasp?

As for false equivalence, I am simply showing you that there are different strokes for different folks. Your idea of too much power might not be mine. Your idea of too heavy might not be mine. Your idea of too fast might not be mine. Your idea of acceptable fuel economy might not be mine. Your idea of too costly might not be mine. I can keep going...understand yet?

You are the one calling people criminal scum so it must mean that you NEVER speed or you would ALSO BE CRIMINAL SCUM. So if that is the criteria that you find acceptable then YES you should never need over a couple hundred cc's..hell even less than 200cc's if the motor is in a high state of tune.

Explain yourself asshole.
Snickers doesn't even have a litre
Or a bike
>dont go wfo in congested traffic to avoid dying
So i need to wfo to avoid dying?
If you guys had a choice, would you match the color of your helmet with the color of your bike or you don't care?
No, I wouldn't
I wear a white helmet. Matches everything, stays cool, and is visible
I don't even bother getting the right style of helmet for my bike.
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i matched everything with my bike
If anything, I would match the helmet to the gear. Depending on how good it looked, maybe match the gear to the bike. Also, they shouldn't clash unless it's tasteful or on purpose.
Visibility is more important to me in a helmet. Also even if it's matched to the bike it still won't be matched to the clothes unless you go full MotoGP cosplay. Easier to match the style. Nothing looks worse than a hektik multitone sportbike helmet on a cruiser.

When you dont have a front brake.
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>tfw someone use your OC that you made for that guy that got rekt by venison

>where should I ride fast?

Into a wall.
Yeah liter fags need to die
I matched everything, shit sucks when it gets hot as shit down here in Africa though.
Enjoy being killed because you're invisible
he doesn't look american, so chances that people don't look out for bikers are quite low.
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>tfw riding 100 in a 20 zone
The fuck is people's obsession with buying shitty slow bikes so they can hold the throttle wide open and still go slow for fun? I always hate when I'm in a slow vehicle and have to hit full throttle because it means there's nothing more for it to give. It just makes me sad to not have enough power on tap.
I am that guy. That's why I thought it was funny he mentioned wiping out on my maiden ride because that's exactly what happened.
even my car is not that slow, maybe find new friends.
I you cant have fun with any vehicle. Slow or fast. Then you are the problem.
>780 credit score
>aproved for $15k

wat should i get dbt>?
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stretched turbobusa
new GSXR1000R, RSV4, or zx10r
Tiger 800
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what type you like
http://af1racingaustin. com/aprilia-inventory/2017-dorsoduro-900
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Why doesn't this image include hipsters on cafe racers being buttfucked?
Because that would be inaccurate.
The harley riders and sport bike riders would be fucking each other.
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>decide I'm going to change the angle of my bikes shifter
>get down to look for the bolt that holds it on
>pull it off without so much as touching a spanner
>mfw I've not touched it in the 4 months I've had it
>mfw I've been one bad shift from loosing it all that time
>mfw all those false neutrals now make sense
fuck dealers
Post bikes manlets can't ride.
Here's my ninja on stilts.
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>have to leave for work by 04:45am to be at work by 05:30am
>Mr. Shekelstien is going to fuck me if I am late
>songs on my playlist want me to go fast
>Matsuoka Shuzo tells me to NEVER GIVE UP!!
>blowing through traffic
>for some reason I unleash a powerful warcry
>arrive at work at 05:38am
>Shekels doesn`t know I am late because he is late
Why is riding a bike so fun? 200kph in a car isn`t fun at all
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Got a 2016 Vulcan S today, like new. I don't think I've ever been so excited for something in my life
I would, but having seen my brother, who's 5'3", ride anything, I don't think there is one.
Can you imagine having to align the chain on that thing?
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I was working on these tendies, but seems I'll have to start all over again.
now it needs bags and you can achieve comfy
You're trying really hard to make yourself a meme, aren't you?
It has a luggage rack already, but I'm looking into side bags for sure
As someone who does exactly that, its pretty fuckin boolin my guy.

Nothing quite like the sound of a squad of 5 bikes making less then 100hp combined ripping it at redline down sidewalks and shit
white looks cheap to me
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Pain is temporary, but glory is forever.
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>country used to be second biggest motorcycle manufacturer after nipland
>now we only assemble cheap chink shit using CKD kits
>motorcycle sales fall by 50% this year after 60% fall from previuos year
>most popular brand(32%) stoped making bikes in 2008
>average age of a motorcycle is 26 years
>90% of motorcycles are older then 15 years
probably too many bikes got stolen, people stopped buying nice things.
Anything objective sticks to the facts, but anything subjective has feelings. Objective and subjective are opposites. Objective: It is raining. Subjective: I love the rain!

Heavy = Subjective
Expensive = Subjective
Poor fuel economy = Subjective
Break the law to have fun = Subjective
Otherwise boring = Subjective
High maintenance = Subjective
Delicate to drop = Subjective
Rarely use all the power = Subjective
Expensive parts = Subjective
Cheap = Subjective
Great fuel economy = Subjective
Can run through every gear at full throttle without breaking the law = Subjective
Low maintenance = Subjective
No care if drop = Subjective
Use ALL power = Subjective
Cheap parts = Subjective
Seems like the grom is more fun = Subjective


aut = ism
How retarded would it be to buy a $550 helmet as a first helmet?
Should I get a cheap helmet instead and upgrade later on?
Nothing wrong with that if it fits well and is comfy.
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>Heavy = Subjective
no, there are light and heavy bikes
>Expensive = Subjective
no, there are cheap and expensive bikes
>Poor fuel economy = Subjective
no, there are bikes that have good and poor fuel exonomy
>Break the law to have fun = Subjective
>Otherwise boring = Subjective
whatever this means
>High maintenance = Subjective
no, there are high maintenance brands/bikes and low maintenance brands/bikes
>Delicate to drop = Subjective
I think no one likes to drop his bike, whatever bike it is
>Rarely use all the power = Subjective
>Expensive parts = Subjective
no, there are cheap and expensive parts, just compare them
how much you earn or have is not a factor when checking for "cheap" or "expensive", it just is what it is, cheap or expensive

I'd call you dumb but whatever floats your boat
there are a quadrillion helmets that are not expensive, have run through all the same tests and have the exact same features and may be just as comfy on your head
you could save hundreds of $ if you just took your time to take a look at cheap helmets
t. dude who bough a 360€ helmet and replaced it a year later with a 80€ helmet
helmets only last a couple years regardless of price
Imo,it's better to spend more on gear and less on your first bike then the opposite,the only downside is if the gear is neutral enough to match both bike styles,or not.
Basically,stay safe anon.
There's really no reason to spend that much on a helmet unless you have lots of extra money you can spend without concern.
It's really based on how comfortable it fits. I think as you go higher, you get better face shields and less wind noise.

But the safety of it doesn't necessary go in line with the price; you can find relatively cheap ones that have great features. An HLC IS-17 has a perfect SHARP rating, drop down sun visor, and locking shield, and it's only like $180
>HLC IS-17
That's actually the other helmet I was looking at.
I might go with that to have more money for the rest of my gear.
maybe,but i dunno.I have scooter (dio) and no one has ever touched it,none of friends bikes ever got stolen.
You're either playing dumb or retarded. Subjectivity and objectivity relate to whether a proclamation is empirically gathered or a matter of position.

A 600lb bike is heavy to a teenage girl. A 600lb bike is light to a 6'3'' professional weightlifter. A yacht is expensive to a plumber. A yacht is not expensive to a Saudi Prince. 30mpg is poor to someone whose bike makes 50. 30mpg is good compared to someone whose car makes 13.

All of the things he deems subjective are subjective.

Examples of objectivity:
This bike weighs 468lbs fully loaded.
This bike has 73 horsepower and redlines at 11k rpm.
This man is 6'1''.

This bike is powerful.
This man is tall.
This bike is light.

You misunderstand subjectivity and objectivity.
My nigga
>A 600lb bike is heavy to a teenage girl. A 600lb bike is light to a 6'3'' professional weightlifter.
No, you don't understand what you are talking about
When you talk about a lightweight bike or a heavy bike you compare them with each other, you don't compare the people

a 380kg bike is heavy, that's not subjective
a 200kg bike is not heavy
that's just plain objective

a yacht is always expensive, even the saudi prince can buy something cheaper than a yacht, a yacht for 100mil is not his only option

>30mpg is poor to someone whose bike makes 50
that's objectively bad handling, nothing else

>30mpg is good compared to someone whose car makes 13
that's just a really fucking dumb comparison and you're a fucking moron for even bringing that up, in my subjective opinion

YOU misunderstand subjectivity and objectivity
Not him but you're really wrong here. You best be trollin
dumb samefag, try to fool someone else
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>he stops at the speed limit
>Doesn't pull data from populations
>Doesn't mention averages and medians
>Only compares 2 points of data

I recommend buying a helmet a size up.
I'm looking for a fairly cheap dirt bike to dick around on that I can beat to hell. I'm a fairly experienced rider coming from an FZ09 so power isn't and issue. What do y all recomend?pls no Apollos though
Do you want it to go on the road, or do you have a truck to haul it around with ?
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I have a truck, but I live in the country and tons of empty land around so I would like to be able to go on the road just needs to get up to 65mph
Versys-x 300
post local craigslist
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>tfw no sixpot bagger
What do you guys think of the Indian Scout Sixty vs the normal Scout?

Is the Sixty worth it or should I just save up to get the "real deal"?
imho get a vulcan
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>P-twin cruiser

IMO the Scout is the best looking cruiser out right now I assume by "real deal" you mean a Harley?
Real Deal being the standard Scout which has a bit better performance and more chrome parts
Oh, sorry I'm not versed in the difference between the Scout 60 and the standard Scout. GL anon
Can someone explain to me the hype around Indians? I don't follow new cruisers much though I was planning on buying a victory octane when they come down in price.

What's good about them? Aren't they just as heavy, overpriced and slow as hardly ablesons?
>its not a harley
>rebbit sploosh
They're an old brand that's been revived recently and their new models look better than anything HD has put out in the past few decades

You can look cool and ride comfy without having the stigma that HD does

feels bad man
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largest road trip you have made?
in what ride, with what equipment?
none of that lines up with italy except maybe the ages
1400 miles
Spread out over like 4 days
looks like something out the robocop remake

I want one with the motor out of the h2r for max lulz

Not retarded.
Groms are fun in packs. Even if your the only grom in a group, its still fun.
Is that an Eliminator or a Marauder? Either way you are my nigga.

Why the tape tho
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>tfw no vw 1600 powered bikes in my garage either.
>tfw no diesel bike as well as a battery electric bike as well as a hydrogen fuel cell bike as well as a steam powered bike in garage
indian scout

>diesel bike
supposedly indian is more bike for the money when you compare similarly priced models between indian and HD
Dear /dbt/, I wrote you but you still ain't calling

I sent my home, my cell and my agent at the bottom

I sent two webm's back in august, you must not a got em

I could be the best tooj king alongside that rusted car guy or somethin

I stayed up three nights straight just to study the curves

But anyways, screw it, I'll probably just apex another

My oldest son just turned 14, I'm a proud father

If I ever have a daughter guess what I'ma call her?

I'ma name her YBRgirl

I read about SEF too, I'm sorry to hear it

I almost killed myself after my wife just fucked my shit

I know you probably hear this everyday but i'd love to work with you again I even loved your early stuff like how to counter steer and what is trailbraking

I got a room full of pictures and posters from back then

I loved working on the yammy and I'd like to work with you again

Anyways, I hope you get this, let me hear back

Just to talk money, yours faithfully, with hope

This is WRanon
>tfw dad got a Vespa GT200
I'm ashamed to say a scooter is faster than my Grom. At least the Grom is more fun to ride.
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>He thinks his Grom is more fun than a scooter
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>they think the Grom isn't a scooter
I have a grey colored grom with neon yellow rims

How much of a fag am I?
Fuck off Stan.
Nice scooter bro, you should post it.
I survived the first day of msf basic!
>got told i was going too slow for the maneuvers
instructors didn't hound me about it because they assumed i was only comfortable going slow as shit and not because I'm retarded.
aww its like an FZ mini
That is... actually not bad anon
What does ybrgril look like?
Salty milk and coins
What helmet do you wear ?
>implying you're not ybrgril
>implying you're not fishing for complements
still a cute
A black AGV k3 SV, why?
Hey guys. So I plan on buying a 2003 1100cc Yamaha V Star for my first motorcycle. I have literally zero experience but I do plan on taking both the beginner and the experienced MSF courses. Did I make a good decision?
Just wondered if you kept the neon theme going with your gear.
Forgot to mention I'm a 6'1 male weighing in at 200pounds
That's a terrible decision
You should start out on a Grom
What if I got it for a good deal? I also plan on riding for the next 20+ years
dad started on a vtx 1300 and he's around your size, doesn't sound too far fetched for you on an 1100
Thank you for the reassurance
keep in mind in terms of weight the msf bike will easily be half the weight of a v star
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>20+ years
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im going a bit off topic here but fuck it

the fuck is with people quitting because of a wife or newborn child. I see nothing pussier than that
>taking responsibility for looking after your family makes you a pussy
No mois no lois
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so I have to get my full license soon, that means.

>500 dollar training course
its a couple of days, they say its advanced course and you'll learn some new things.

>70-80 dollar DMV test where they follow you and give orders
cheaper option, to be honest I might fail because I am shit under stress. But even if I fail 4 times and pass on the 5th I spent less than if I were to do the course.
just b ur self

I agree with you. If it's something you love doing, you should keep doing it. I understand if people just use bikes for a cheaper commute or something and don't have any emotional attachment to riding itself, but when your stress relief is juicing the throttle on an open road, you shouldn't throw out that important part of your life just to start a family. That's how resentment develops.
2bh any bike that isn't at least 998cc is just a glorified scooter.
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nice bait dude!
Post your cute scoot
If they quit that easy, then they weren't THAT into riding.
the vstar 1100 isn't fast at all. you should be fine
i can understand this argument, but despite how much i love all the insane shit i do with the bros, i dont think I could handle my reckless actions hurting people I love

doubt it will matter since i doubt i will ever be in the wife/kids position
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/o/ i require you're assistance
a got a new battery but the bike never starts unless i charge it for a few hours. i ride every 2-3 days,otherwise it sits in my garage

I do love my wife and daughter, but I've been riding since I was a child, so I'm reluctant to give it up.

Post incomplete baikus. Still need a new seat, numberplate and fork guards.

Trigger warning for hillbillies. Please don't get too emotional(you know who you are).

Pic related: my commuter
Dead stator, r/r, or loose wire.
I bought my liter off a pregnant woman that was going to ride a 250 on the track only now that she had a kid
what is r/r
Regulator rectifier
Regulator/rectifier. Turns ac stator electricity into DC battery charging electricity. Easy test is impedence from downstream wire to upstream, should ready nothing, if anything a diode is toast. Diodes keep electricity only traveling one way, important for flattening ac waves
>the fuck is with people quitting because of a wife or newborn child. I see nothing pussier than that
because the wife will divorce and take everything you own
No idea. My friend knocked up some chick now he rides more than ever, probably wants to get in an accident and die for fucking up
thanks. i know almost nothing about electricals. looks like i have some research to do tomorrow
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Saw this bike at the mechanics shop, never even heard of the brand before.
>hasn't heard of the Jota before
stop being so casual anon, they're pretty famous.
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Why give it up?
Never heard of Jota but it says Laverda on the tank and engine
>they're pretty famous.
In the hipster underground scene?
I'm not going to. I was just identifying with the concern of hurting our loved ones. I may have been unclear. Also very nice wallpaper-worthy pic. I have no idea where you are here, but I really want to go motocamping in southern Utah. New seat and bigger tank definitely have to come first, though.
That is a Jota, a Laverda Jota

Hipsters can't afford a fucking Jota, they're one of the most famous sportbikes of the 70's, it was the fastest bike in the world until the Japs started the speed wars, stop blaming your ignorance on "muh hipsters"
That's pretty neat. I think it was the mechanics bike because it was the only one parked outside and I was the only customer there.

His whole shop is full of classic and new Italian bikes, bunch of them kitted out for track racing.
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That pic isn't mine, this one is though.

And ah I see. Yeah my wife never asked me to stop and I don't think she would unless I got in a life threatening crash of some sort.

I have a buddy with 4 kids who rides his R1 like an absolute madman on public roads. Then again, we're military so we have a pretty fat life insurance policy.
Do you follow trails or just ride wherever you want? I've always wanted to ride a motorcycle in that kind of landscape, I'm in a rainforest where the bush is so thick there's no way you can ride through it.
They're pretty tits, if you wanted a classic Italian bike that stands out from the Moto Guzzi's and Ducati's they're actually not that expensive and by far the best sounding 3 cylinder bike ever made.

Also a beautiful pic. My wife is the same way, but I don't think she'd tell me to stop. She would more likely just want to keep it at the track(10 minute ride away/$20 ride all day(bike friendly kart track)).
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Most places out there you have to ride on trails. A lot of them are on national park property. I live in southern NM and there's a bunch of public land out here where as long as you don't trash it you can pretty much ride wherever you want.
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I wish Oklahoma didn't suck in every conceivable way, so I could ride in random places like that.
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Sleepy bike awakens from his winter hibernation
Ah I always forget other places don't necessarily have a shit load of crown land you can just do whatever in.
Supposed to ride like you're invisible anyways
Enjoy looking like a highlighter.
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One of the 2 resident indian bois here

If you dont want to mod it and still have lots of power big scout, if you wanna save some money and go fast little scout, if you wanna go fast mod the big scout.


Indian is a revived brand that is offering an American built quality machine and theyre priced competitively.

Theyre more modern, and more powerful than HD.

Me? Im a sucker for old brands, if excelsior or Henderson came back id probably buy one of those too, id they didnt suck.
If one rides a motorcycle and doesn't practice the art of knowing what everyone around them is doing at all times, they're doing it wrong and need that crutch. Assuming people see you regardless of your attire is effectively suicide.
If they don't see the multitude of lights and reflectors on my bike I don't have much faith in a yellow jacket.
Only solution.
Don't get fucking married.
I don't understand why people want to get married and have kids. Sounds fucking awful to me.
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Goodbye most of your braking.
>be riding 600 around town
>can use all the gears and stay within the speed limit
>or ride in the powerband and never go higher than third
>break the speed limit and use fourth, maybe even fifth

I hope 600s never die. "not enough torque for commuting" my ass. It's the same amount of shifting you do in a car, but a lot of it is really optional because first goes to well above highway speeds. It's just not good for gas mileage.
Its not like the front brake doesn't exist moron
For slowing down for a corner or even a stop, the front brake is pointless.
>Visual mess

People on the road are zombies looking for cues

If your bike is a flat slab of color with two headlights close together they'll think it's a car in the distance
if your bike is a cafe racer mess with huffy reflectors and rim stripes they won't even register it as a vehicle
if your bike has lights set up to give it a distinct "motorcycle" outline then maybe you have a chance. maybe. those running light/blinker mirrors, rim stripes, LED strips on the forks, and some on the rear subframe or swingarm, though ricey, would make you pretty visible and leave no doubt as to what you were. you would get arrested for that many lights though.
however, a yellow jacket is pretty strongly assocaited with humans who do, in fact, end up in the middle of the road (survey and construction) so the zombies react to that appropriately

t. harley rider

real bikes are designed for maximum braking power and put more of their weight toward the front, so the rear brake becomes useless and even prone to locking if you try to use it as the only way to stop.
t. Nobike that doesnt understand brakes
>implying using both brakes evenly as standard practice isn't the best way
>he doesn't ride a REAL motorcycle

600s suck for commuting tho...
All that torque is up high, having torque down low is the bees knees.
I'd honestly rather have a thumper, twin or triple

Found the slow guy and have fun during a emergency break scenario
I know how to use brakes moron.
You idiots assume extremes for no reason other than to berate someone.
I've been riding longer than you've been alive
600s have more than enough torque down low for commuting. A 2009 CBR600 still accelerates much faster than the average car staying in the 4k-6k range. It's the "0-60 in about three" torque that's up high.

Tell us what bikes you ride because the rear brake is totally useless for stopping a bike on its own and only good for slowing you down a little if you're afraid to washing out the front on dusty pavement on something
>600s have no torque. you can't even do a rolling burnout in third.
I ride a dual sport.
Believe me, it stops using the rear brake. As does every bike I've ever owned or ridden
>Dual sport
>Pretty much puts all the weight in the middle, if not rearwards with the upright seating position
>has weak brakes up front that offer little contrast
>stops "acceptably" using the rear brake

no shit
now do that on a supersport and tell us how long it took you to stop compared to using the front only
I did it on my R6 constantly
Stop being stupid.
t. that guy that took half a block to stop from 30mph despite riding a bike capable of doing stoppies

yes you can stop using the rear brake
but it sucks.
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>dual sport
>weak brakes
Nigga wat?
You must ride like a grandma.
If you think only your rear break is enough.
What are you scared of? You're not gonna fly over your handle bars m8.

Using my brembo front breaks to slow down from 60-80 is way better then just using my rear
>going to extremes to berate
Youll understand when you own a bike someday
Been commuting on a cbr600 for a while now instead of my vtwin and its pretty garbage. Even has +2 in the rear but still feels slow.

Extremes would be using the objectively least powerful brake on your vehicle to stop.
Yeah its not that 600s are bad, they aren't
It's just having torque kick in earlier is just way better and more fun
600 twin yes
600 4cy no
Naaaaaa having the torque kick in later and only when your bike is making motoGP noises is more fun

Exactly, I'd rather have a quick bike than a fast bike.

They still fun, but everything on 2 wheels is fun.
Whoops this was directed at >>17890543
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hol up i got a car analogy

600: 2l i4 with a big fat turbo
750: and a tune
1000: NA v8 making more power than either of the last two
>tfw breaking every speed limit in 1st gear on liter
At least I can ride in 6th at 2.5k comfortably
>riding home
>see two other bike buddies on the road
>one of them pops a wheelie and zooms off
>the other one does the fucking Ocelot Hand Gesture and turns to an offramp.

I fucking love motorcycles
Did you remember to suck them off?
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Disc brakes
Does anyone else use bar and chain lube AKA chainsaw lube? I'm a PNW rider and it has worked out very well for me in the past, especially when it gets rainy. It's very sticky and makes a mess getting flung everywhere after it has been recently applied, but I have a swingarm that conceals most of the chain making that not too much of a problem. It's also way cheaper than motorcycle specific lube, I think my quart of it cost like 7 bucks.
Is that the finger you put up their butt hole?
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Stop it
That looks amazing.
Based yamaha
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>Leave friend's apartment to go home and get ready for work
>Find someone's number written down on a Panda Express receipt tucked under my windshield
>Paid $11 for fried rice and double honey walnut shrimp

Texting this thot now. Will deliver if it shows any promise.
I wish yamaha did it.
I just read the article.
Still sweet though.
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I love offset headlights like that.
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Me too. I can't tell if I like this bike or if it's fuck-ugly.
Looks cool af but have you ever rode anything with solid disc wheels?
No, I haven't. Heavy?
Extremely unstable once you get moving because wind loves to catch them. That's my experience on choppers/cruisers at least, and also what I've heard from others. I imagine it'd be the same on anything else though.
That sounds fucking terrible.
>want to buy a bike off somebody
>they are almost two hours away
>we agree to meet in the middle
>send him a message letting him know i am arriving in 5 mins
>"i'll be right of the train station exit 1"
>arrive at agreed time in the agreed location
>he's not there
>send him messages
>call him
>no reply or answer
>wait for half an hour
>finally get a reply
>he's at his house, tells me he never agreed to meet me there dispute the fucking chat log
>wants me to come to his house, another hour away
>tells me he's spent the last half an hour riding his unregistered bike he hasn't sold in 6 months for "sentimental" reasons
>clutch cable snapped
>buying a bike off a garage, want to sell this one before I get the new one
My current bike is a ninja 250 I planned to sell for a thousand. But the bike is now going to need that Cable, brakes, and tires to get on the road.
Should I still sell it for a thousand? Or get five hundred for it and get it out of my hair? Fix all the wear parts and sell it higher?
My luck is shit. I broke it on the way to work. I'm really bummed out about this. I had to power shift down the last few blocks.
Replace cable
Put some cheap new tyres on it

How far gone are the brakes?
Just fix the cable, they're like $15 and then at least it can be ridden away.
The rear definitely needs to go. The front has about 40% of it's life left.
You'll never get your money back replacing tires on a bike you're about to sell as long as your current ones can hold air.
So it's metal on metal?

Otherwise, don't.

Don't spend more than $/€200
Fuck I'd feel dumb about getting the same mechanic to fix it. He probably will just see the dollar signs.
Fuck off rasputin
See that's what I'm thinking. Replace the clutch cable, let the next poor bloke deal with it.
It's a righteous pain too. It broke in the cable housing. So I can't even jerry rig it unless I do something really drastic.
Just do it yourself, it screws right into each side.
Do it yourself, dumdum
If I'm buying a bike with tyres that are done, I'll say the price needs to go down €300.
Good luck with that
I'm aware it's not hard. Just a pain in the neck on account of the plastic. This is why I'm going to the fz. Less plastic.
Good OC, u should have mentione kicking in doors and ripping off Windows.
I'm thinking of putting hard racy suspension on my streetbike and getting a comfy lowrider on the side
Prolly an NC since my sister adores it
>"the price takes that into account :^)"

>less plastic

oh boy are you in for some fun times, even if it's tne FZ6N.

>why is everything so hard to get to
>my hands can't fucking fit there
>Not going Italian for based trellis ease of access
Fun fact, if I look near the radiator I can see clean through my bike, front to back
Then why is it so heavy
It's a baby caponord :^)
It's got some retardedly heavy parts, but they're easy to swap out since half the bike is cross-compatible with the tuono

In fact, as soon as I gather up the emones I'm getting an RSV rear subframe and suspension
Why not just, you know buy an RSV4 or Tuono??
Because I like my bike
And it's cheaper to shell out a couple hundred at a wrecker's than buying a brand new bike
Which parts are heavy?
Swingarm, exhaust, glass lens, abs module (optional) t/c module (optional), rims and reinforced rear subframe to carry bags
Swingman and rims will be expensive af..

Some guy near me put a dorso headlight on his shiver, maybe that's lighter? Looks worse though.

Exhaust should have been replaced long ago tbqh famalam
Ye senpai
Got some loud af Italian ones
I already have the plastic lens and no aprc and I'm chopping the rear
I've got Leo Vince exhaust on my ape, sounds so good and the crackles give me a stiffy every time I decel
>not going for German based ease of access
>take it to the shop to get the clock changed
Tfw no racing ape
No, that's this one

Mine is completely self serviceable.
Saw one of those yesterday, crazy to see the speedo go up to 50-60.
Is that thing called an ape?
Buying my first bike this weekend, pretty excited. I've already had a test ride, everything looked good but I forgot to check a few things. Here's my plan
>Guy is happy with a bank transfer
>Going to put a down payment in cash
>It'll get RWC on Friday, hopefully won't need any extra work
>On Sat I'll meet him
>He agreed to let me take it for a longer test ride
>Make sure everything is good still
>Do the bank transfer and paper work
>Walk away with my new bike

Anything I'm missing?
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Russia.But i assume makaroniggers have it just as bad.i remember seeing a chinese made benelli in one bike shop.Sad t.b.h.
Getting a good bike
Piaggo/Aprilia Ape. Its an enclosed 50cc scooter with a bed.
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>ease of access

Is that why I had to remove my fuel tank just to put in a new air filter yesterday?
Be glad the Italians didn't design it in such a way you had to drop the engine to change the air filter.
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