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Gixxer edition >Motorcycle Crashes >Motorcycle Relate

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Thread replies: 335
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Gixxer edition

>Motorcycle Crashes
>Motorcycle Related Cartoons
>Motorcycle Memes & Circljerking
>Motorcycle Gear & Accessories
>Motorcycle Bashing
>Motorcycle Pics & Webms
>Motorcycle Dating Advice

>/dbt/ map updated July 2017:

Nobike? Start here:


>Motorcycle Ergonomics simulator:

Webms with sound:

Previously on /dbt/:
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First for Yamaha a best
Idi nahui
>obnoxious r3 noobs aren't all dead yet
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Yamaha Bikes a best.

Yamaha Sales a worst.
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rate my body positioning
What the fuck

Street gixxer riders are valuable because they reliably write litre bikes off within the first 10 thousand ks and generally just loop them and crack the subframe. This steady supply is vital to maintaining the sport at affordable levels.
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>the only reason we all crash is because we have to atone for Yammie Noob's faggotry

My first attempts at "cornering" were way worse.

Post a pic of you cranked over then.

holy fuck

apparently the guy died in the video but i cant really tell how it happens

does he lose his foot?
Damn how often do you practice your splits.
Not in my backyard. My insurance sport bike rates are jacked up the fuck and I'm not benefitting from the spare parts on the market as a result.
You call?

I just ride a naked bike on the road and do sports bikes at the track, so the insurance side of things doesn't bother me.

Actually doing an almost brand spankers R1M soon. 3000km on it written off for fairings and headlight, maybe a bent fork. $8k at auction, I think around $30k new?

Only drama is swapping out the electronic suspension to fit it into the regs, but I figure I'll fix up the front end and swap it for some standard gear and just get the stock stuff revalved.
Put the video on 0.25x speed in settings. The other bike nearly cuts him in half perpendicular right on his back. Spine is gone just below the shoulder blade along with all his internal organs, possibly heart took the impact. Looks like yes, he lost his foot too. The pant leg is empty and I've heard of no legless riders actively riding.
Cool I've seen a couple of the new R1s around, probably not R1Ms though. A girl in my club went down on hers and was ranting on facebook about people giving her shit for it and calling her out for being a woman. It was very feminist and misogynist maymay with 60 individual comments of circlejerking feel good.
good thing they have the same leathers on so it looks like the guy survived and is walking around
Plot twist: They're from the same racing team.
>I've seen a couple of the new R1s around, probably not R1Ms though

Same thing but you get some trick tech bits with the M (lot of telemetry) and electronic suspension which unfortunately can't be used in racing here. Worth it for the tech stuff alone though.
Launch control is gud
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That and the wheelie control. Apparently at the low settings it will just let the front hover a few inches above the deck (no awkward power cut, just tapers it out).
they could put a name or number on them or something so you're not like.. oh good he's walking it off
Kick that bike over, he can't park for shit.
>walking it off

Poor choice of words, Anon.
>tfw you realize every day how much better commuting is on a bike
Honestly, I'd rather be hot in my textile gear and zip / filter through traffic than sit in a climatized box for twice as long waiting on traffic to move.
God I love riding.

Help me decide: I ride a 20 year old shitbike right now. I won't upgrade for at least another year, possibly 2. I commute on it, I tour on it. When I upgrade, I'll keep the old bike in addition to the new one. The new one will be a standard or sports tourer, so fit for commuting. Should I
>keep the old bike street legal for city commuting
>rip off all plastics, luggage rack and lights and turn it into a track shitbike with no power that wants to corner hard
The nearby track is very twisty, it's longest straight is only like 700 m I think.
What the fuck are you smoking?
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Funny I made the same mistake when I saved a bunch of brutale pics and I was smoking shit weed and unwittingly synthetic weed.
>thought I just wanted a dual sport
>Rode Z300 for learners test
>Now I don't know what I want
What do I do? I can't afford two bikes now. Dual sport would be great since I like riding around on the farm, but the Z300 was so much fun to ride on the road even if we only did 60km/h.
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Nobody really likes FZ6s, at least they're rather cheap on the local classifieds
news article in the description says "Fincham was an ex-marine who had his left leg amputated."
FZ6's are good
Sneed's Feed & Seed
Formerly Chuck's
Dual sports are very versatile so unless you commute a lot on highways, it'd be a good choice.
Getting a naked / standard is also a good idea but serious offroading is probably out of the question. You can go on gravel roads / green lanes (R65 did that on his BMW R65 and had some fun) but the harder suspension and road tires make it less than ideal. On the other hand, you can take nakeds on smaller tracks and have fun; dual sports will be sketchy.

So try to figure out what kind of riding you'll be doing mainly. Me, I'd go for a naked bike.
>that helm

how many dicks do you suck everday?
yeah, no way a leg would just fly away like that, this isnt a zombie movie and bikes dont have sawblades attached to them.

Seems to me like he slid under the safety barrier after he got hit in the torso, all this probably led to him suffocating in some way.
Squiddy lives on semen and crack
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lol do you even lean bro?
what the fuck
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This one looks better than the first one, except that you should practice leaning the bike first and then go to practicing hanging off.
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i kinda like the N version.

All 2005ish bikes are cool. They got EFI but everything else is rather basic and easy to wrench on.
>easy to wrench on
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Riding north vietnam on a shitty chinese honda win. Great fun.
compared to "sensors everywhere" modern bikes? Yes they are.
Why not?
because they decided to make everything inaccessible
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Highway 181 in NC is the best road for motorcycling I've ever ridden. The dragon is overrated.
1 - das the joek
2 - pray tell, what brand is the other bike pictured?
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Best way to get the Chickenstrips off, I guess?
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Agusta 920 Brutale Y/N?
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>636 ZX-R
>do it faggit
Talked to a guy this week in the US from Italy who said that dealers were taking 4-5 months to get him parts as needed. Luckily he has friends and family in Italy to send him parts, but he was astonished how difficult it was to own here than it was to own in Italy.

Maybe think twice.
obviously, america is a piece of shit. I dont get how people can suggest getting european cars there. Dont you get fucking raped on prices? I'm like 20 years old and have a 5 series bmw with all its problems but that shit is cheap as fuck to maintain in europe. LMAO americans.
Mv has been going trough some renovation for a while now.

Last time I heard from them they were moving magazines/warehouses or some shit like that.
Probably he didn't fax them.
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>tfw nobody buying my SV650
>tfw no MT09 for me

Is 4400€ still too much?
It's a '16 model with 12k km down, latest inspection done and a bunch of goodies on it.
Does have a small dent in the tank though (very minor)
probably because you plastidipped it like a retard

it looks like it was crashed now
Nah that's bimota
Should've faxed them
I keep confusing them.
But yeah fax is the way to go.

I do not know this term.
damage control
Did you repaint it? Because it looks like it kissed the tarmac numerous times already.
Do you seriously actually think i don't know what brand is my bike?q
I'll trade you a CB 500.
j/k I love my little shitbike
>h-haha I was just kidding bruh btw my cousin works at Ducati
Sure thing kiddo.
It's not a shit bike, but a shitbike.
>over 15 years old
>little power
>used as DD
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My local cafe racer facebook page actually calls their cafe racer meetings

"Hipster scum runs" and they use photos like this...

Are they doing it to be ironic and hipster?
Nope, never crashed or repainted. Maybe the lighting is weird.
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Not my cousin, but now that you mention it i know Mario Alvisi, who used to be on the multistrada team, then scrambler and now i think transferred to alfa in Turin
You can spot him in some ducati ads explaining the fancy suspension
I also know one of the guys who do the photoshoots
And i was in the "physics in motion" publicity stunt they did
Even got my legs dynoed
Top kek
Now tell me your dad races in MotoGP.
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Nah senpai, i live in casalecchio, 500meters from the ducati factory, and went to a school partnered with them
Here, have an engine block
You're taking all the fun out of shitposting, Shivvy.
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That's what you get (probably)drobe
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good thing im living in urope then.

Also those things arent really expensive to buy either, 6000 bucks seems to get you one with really low mileage and 5 years old. I guess general demand is rather low.
odds watch another few Thundersport races
evens get off work after this one and ride
dubs sneak wank on work toilet
trips sell bike
Where you gonna ride homo?
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North of Berlin I guess.
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Though I might make it a bit shorter.
Do you import that like into your google maps or something.
tapped some guys mirror when filtering up to the lights the other day. He didn't do anything just honked but it was quite embarasing. had to just sit there right infront of him waiting for them to go green pretending I didn't notice.
Gibt's um Berlin kurvige Strecken?
>tfw nur Geraden um Hannover
Just passed my A2 license test hi
What cucked bike are you going to get?
I've done that 2 or 3 times, don't worry if your mirrors aren't rigid as hell or not plastic it doesn't even leave a mark.
If it looks too tight it probably is, just go around the other side.
haven't decided yet, kinda want a tricolor cbr but I would need to get a '12 250cc model, but I' d a rather get the newer 500cc models

MT-03 and Duke 390 look fine as well
buying a street triple today, coming from a year of riding on a 300

what am I in for laddies
mt 03 is pretty fun, it has such a flat power-curve you can just zip through twisties and not bother with shifting all that much.
I prefer the naked variant as well
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The way of the Triumph Triple. May great induction sound and wide powerbands guide you,
Also speeding tickets.
Shitbox bike that wouldn't mind sleeping on the curb. I need a daily to supplement my weekend garage queen.

€3000 max

SV650 is the logical choice but I heard they dont fair well with road salt and other abuse.
I'll give you a '16 SV for 4
Gonna ride home a street triple today for 4 hours on plates for my old bike. What are Tha chances I get in shit? do people do that a lot?
Why would you do that? Is it a fucking gladius or totalled?
depends where you're going, what your old bike is and how well equipped/trained your cops are

if your old bike was a harley or dirt bike for example even cops probably could tell the difference but it sounds pretty unlikely anything will come out of it if you're riding sensibly and they don't have automatic plate recognition etc
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No, but I got an MT09 on the waiting list and 4k is enough to give it to me.

Does have a small dent tho, see pic above.

Depends on where you are from tho
Netherlands, you?
Western germany, near Düsseldorf
driving it home down a major highway. Old bike was a 300

I've never been pulled over and I can easily buy temp insurance but I can't get registered in this province so I might just slap my old plates on

Gizmag's bike reviews are usually pretty good.

fair shout but another grand of taxes is stacked on the price making it economically unviable to import.

That's what they go for here locally.
yeah I feared as much.
even for private sales though? that's a dick move but I heard austrians do the same.
really no difference between the two.
It's like 19.8% over the remaining list price minus 210 so that's roughly 1420-210. Same for whatever type of sales.

Bikes are a bunch cheaper though in Germany but it only adds up if you import like a 20k machine after like 5 or 7 years or so. Or are a boomer faggot and want a decked out BMW for a the price of a bare bones one.
>tfw only high end racing bikes and harleys have easily servicable gearboxes

fucking hell

splitting cases is not fun
Good luck on your further search then
Was looking at a bringing a two smoke dirtbike over to Austria to keep at the family holiday home over there but holy fuck are they a stickler for rules.
What's a good site to browse used bikes in Germany?

Only know Mobile.de
That's the major one, yeah. There's also autoscout24 and 1000ps, but those are much, much smaller.

What are you looking for?
Just browsing really.
bike noob here
>About a quarter minute after the engine starts, push the choke lever forward all the way to Fully OFF
What is a quarter minute? How long is that?
nigger can you not count
1/4th of a minute you tard.
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That one was back in January, this one was from an April visit to Palomar Mountain. It's inching its' way towards better.
Hey Kid, wanna buy an SV?
Where I live you are allowed to drive without plates for like 48hours after purchase as long as you're driving home or to get it plated.
ebay kleinanzeigen often has really cheap stuff nearby.

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Sports tourer
+Wind protection
+Torx from detuned much more rideable on street
+Luggage options
+Upright ergos and proper seat
+Real bars not cramped clip ons
no it's me being facetious and you being a newfag :^)
-gayass faggotry
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You sound insecure anon. Maybe you should be asking /fa/ instead?

>can ride for more than 2 hours af once

>you wont be able to handle all the pussy thrown at you
>usually pigfat
>usually overpriced compared to nakeds
Sport. So that when you crash it you can have a naked.
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Oi, lads,

do you think there is any problems with suspension if I mount an in-hub electric motor in me dirt bike?
For what it takes for a good naked conversion you can just buy china fairings now.
Why the fuck would you want to do that?
So I can do 2 wheel power slides in mud + play with energy efficiency
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they don't mind being hipster. They compare their hipsterdom to Han Solo's rebeldom keeping up their hipster ways in the face of "not chill" hipster haters.
should've bought italian with their based cassette boxes

Lotta understeer
There's a reason 2wd is only used in hillclimbs
Does anyone have a link to a torrent of bakuon?
what's with the RMS posting in /dbt/?
I've seen him many times here, is /dbt/ full of /g/entoomen?
Understeer, yeah, but what about playing around in the dirt? Do you think a proper torque split would make it work?
Meh. I didn't think is was that bad and I'd never done it before. Watched a few Jewtube vids, read up on it a bit and went at it.

> fucking wr450 5th gear
Just drobe and me used to browse g afaik
How would you achieve torque split if you're going with a hybrid solution?
If i had to do something like this i'd have it on a thumb throttle and use it like LMP cars, to pull you out of a drift
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cagers btfo
Me and my friend have some experience with control engineering.
But, man this thumb throttle idea seems really cool! Thanks!!!
yeah but not that one.
Brotip if you have a shortie front brake you can use a normal lever as your secondary throttle and vice versa
>>>/wsg/1833449 in this case i used a pusbike lever
woah that's pretty cool
can he still twist?
Nope, my cables snapped and the bike is my only vehicle, so i wired a bike brake line to my throttle
But yeah, if you had 2 engines this way you could twist them independently
Gixxer edition? Better post a Cee bee arr.
Americans have dedicated parts houses specializing in European cars and BMW has excellent parts availability worldwide even for motorcycles (never mind one of the best selling German cars in the country).

The Italians just suck when it comes to reliability and fixing bikes after they break. Look at Alfa Romeo.
why post the old when the new one looks much better
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ebin meme
buying a cg125 for first bike
pls no bully
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They have ridiculous meme tax in Turkey
It's from motoplaner.de.
If I wanted I could export the track as GPX and import it into Osmand on my phone. I usually ride without satnav though, I just look at the map, memorize some key points and then ride. If I get lost -- no biggie, that's an adventure and I'll find someplace I know eventually. If the area is totally unfamiliar I might write down notes and put them in the map window of a small tank bag.

Nicht wirklich, zwischen Oderberg und Niederfinow ist eine der wenigen guten Strecken. Da war ich heute.

Install gentoo
Bunch of nerds here use GNU/Linux but only Shivvy and me actually go / used to go on /g/ I think
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Post motorcycle parking.
I love daytonas
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So do I.
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>They told me i just need to get my knee down to go fast
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me btfo :(
very flexible
What you don't see here is the $500 worth of textbooks that I literally just bought inside of my allegedly waterproof saddlebags
>buying textbooks
I had to, they're all new editions this year and all my retarded professors require the online single use access codes so I can't buy new
>tfw I have the exact opposite problem because I'm so inflexible even when leaned way the fuck over I can't get my legs out of the tank cutouts far enough for my knee to touch
I swear my elbow is going to touch before my knee does.
Can't buy used rather
your books aside
I love rain tbqh
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/no bike/ here
If everything goes well I will get my license in a month.
Should I go for a Yamaha Tenere 3AJ or a Suzuki GS 500 E?
I prefer the Yamaha but the high seat position and the 42000km on the tacho make me rethink my choice.
The Suzuki has only 17000km and is 500€ cheaper and seems to be in better condition.
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Why do you even have to ask
Tenere, GS500 is boring and shitty.
This. Dirty bikes won't get you dirty bitches
GS500 is reliable, low mpg, slow and unfunny bike
GS500 is trash.
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The GS500 is objectively the best beginner bike.
> mileage
It's a mid-sized 4stroke twin cylinder bike, so it drinks less than 6 liters per 100 km.
> handling
It handles nothing like a supersport, spoiling you for when you get something else. But it can also corner much better than something like a cruiser, and actually uses its entire rear tire unlike a Ninja 250.
> brakes
They are complete shit and their only redeeming feature is that they're disc brakes. This is good because the longer braking distance forces new riders to plan ahead and start braking early. No ABS means they learn to brake properly I'd they don't want to get shrekt.
> power
It sits right at the power limit for A2 bikes which is great for euros. It's torquey enough to be faster off the line than most cars you'll encounter in the city. But it also feels relatively gutless so a) it's forgiving of mistakes and b) you can ride it at the limit without putting yourself into too much danger. It reaches up to 180 km/h which is fast enough for highway riding.
> carbs
It being carbed means that if you run into problems, you can learn to fix them yourself instead of heading to the mechanic every time.
> seating position
Upright, slightly forward means it's a neutral riding position so you can figure out what you want afterwards. The seat is relatively uncomfortable making literally every other bike after it will feel like heaven on your ass.
> price and availability
Parts and the bikes themselves are cheap and plentiful. If you crash and fuck up one of your fairings it's 40 euros to replace it with original parts. Engine needs little maintenance. Beginner riders are typically not financially independent, so this is a big plus for them.
> suspension
It's a budget suspension factoring into the overall low cost of getting a GS 500. If you want better suspension it's easy to swap. Therefore it gives beginners an opportunity to learn working on suspension while keeping the cost manageable.
>bike is objectively shit
>try to spin it to convince morons to buy it anyway
Suzuki marketing hard at work
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my r3 can rape it erryday
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To be fair its colors are nice and it's from the early 90s.
What's so shitty about it?
Most 250s could rape it.
I bet a honda rebel could rape it
I'm unable to buy used bikes
I can't even look at them on the internet, I just despise them
sounds helpful
thank you!
how big is your tank /dbt/?
>falls for the copy pasta shill
You truly are retarded and deserve to ride a suzuki
You're very welcome. Be aware that if you buy one, you enter a blood pact that requires you to meme it as the best beginner bike on /dbt/ for all eternity.
It's just a barebones, cheap commuter bike, and a pretty good one at that. But bikes are supposed to be about more than getting from point A to B, it won't be fun, it won't be exciting, it's pretty much a Toyota Corolla with two wheels. Notice no where in this whole post >>17734365 Did he say it was fun.
how far does that take you?
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>parking lot sign has a ticket booth thing that says NO MOTORCYCLES
>ride through anyway
caynt stop me no you caynt stop me
4.5 gallons.
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That's because any bike can be fun, it's a matter of HOW you ride not WHAT you ride.
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OK Richie Rich
2.6gal on one
1.8gal on another
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Well I'm still unsure about buying it.
What makes a bike fun though?
You make a bike fun
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Oh shit can that woman wear any MORE fucking facepaint? Disgusting.
350km or so
I'm the opposite of rich
without a dealership I'd have no bike, I'll pay for the next 3 years
if I took a loan from the bank to pay for a used bike I'd get like 8% or so, the dealership is 3,5%
still more in the end because it was new but this way...it's new
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Maalesef anon maalesef ;_;
dank leans
if you dont race then you arent a real rider
At risk of sounding like a faggot, it's not something that can really be described, it's just a feeling you get when you sit on the bike and hit the button, some bikes have it, others don't, the GS doesn't have it. I know "soul and passion" is a meme, but the Tenere has won Dakar, 7 times I believe, and you feel something of that when you sit on one.
I raced as a teenager. Im an old man now.
Also youre dumb
did he survive that stoppie?
that's just what happens when you actually use your bakes instead of riding around in traffic like a pussy
LOL rekt in #2k17

you mong
3 and change. Fuel light is ridiculously pessimistic though
Not that tenere
Not the 200kg 40hp tenere
It's like comparing a r65 to a hp2
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Kek this but I believe the 3AJ Tenere has some adventure vibe to it.
Especially if you go full autist and buy the decal set + matching rallye clothing
What do you ride bro?
R25 here ^^
14l / 2.7? gallons

I only get about 120 miles, sucks on long trips looking for a gas station every hour and a half.
12l +3reserve
200km with luggage or a passenger
300+ when hypermiling
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tfw not riding with my friends this weekend
3 gallon meme bike
6 gallon ADV pig
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>tfw just rode 100 miles with some twisties and returned home before the thunderstorm
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3.3 gallons bois
17 L

>plebs still using Imperial ITT
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How am I supposed to know if I dirt bike suspension is performing well or not, if I haven't tried other suspension for comparison. When people get suspension overhauls do they just hand it over to the tuner and say "make it gud" or do they come in with an idea of what they need done?
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Does it feel wrong?
I don't know what it's supposed to feel like because I have never ridden a newish dirt bike.
I'm more into road racing, but for a long travel, soft suspension i'm guessing you want dampening out the ass
You... i dont know how you cant know...
Do you feel as if its too soft, too stiff, deflects, corners weird, is unbalanced...
Cmon man. You gotta feel something
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Front end deflects off every rock. It feels super soft up top then about half way down it turns rock hard. I'm not sure but judging from the mud collection on my forks I don't think I'm using the whole stroke.
Sounds like you need progressive springs and maybe a thinner oil
Does it bottom on anything but massive hits? If you grab the front brake and compress the suspension and let it go does it go straight back to the neutral position or bounce around a lot? How far does it compress when you sit on it?
Sounds like my bike.
I turned my front suspension to full soft. Still deflects like mad.
Only thing i can think of is im not heavy enough for the springs
doesn't bottom out. springs right back to neutral position. rear sag set to 100mm with my weight. I don't know if the front drops down any unless I grab the brake.
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is there any hard in starting in 2nd gear if you ride a 250/500 CC

tired of continually having to shift 1 second after I move
A little harder on the clutch
not really
That sounds awesome; does it feel like that episode of top gear?
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thanks anons

I also sometimes launch fast and get stuck in Neutral after I think im in 2nd and it revs super high

how bad is this on the engine?
can I change Hondas kiddy setting on the transmissions?

I bought a CBR500RR because I needed something reliable and good with gas and im catching hell already
Follow through a little more on the shift. Or adjust the shift lever height.
If you want a taller gearing, start playing with sprockets.
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You bought a honda
>tfw cant just gun shift like on more advanced bikes
will taller gearing help the bike last longer? I need this scooteresque motorcycle to last 100k miles

>tfw to intelligent too buy durable technology like honda
Not necessarily last longer.
Just might solve your first gear issue
thanks anon for the suggestion, I might do it because the scooterbike runs at 7-8k rpm at 75-90 MPH and thats awful on the engine/mpg
>tfw still spending less than if I bought a ninja650
taller gears will probably help your fuel mileage at least
If I want to get taller gears on my bike do I need to change both sprockets or can I just change the rear
1 tooth on the front is equal to 3 on the rear.
So front is usually recommended if you have the room
Changing the front will be more effective, changing the rear can be more nuanced
Change both i'd you want to keep the same chain length
I'm not the anon that asked a while back about gearing ratios, but I have a 500f which I think has the same engine as his bike, and mine's up in the revs at highway speeds too and it's only making about 50 miles to the gallon.
I just want better mileage
Wash your rims
To all the noobs who had the same problem as me and haven't found a solution; here's how you keep your fucking chain from shitting all over your rims. Wipe off exess lube after after lubing the chain and don't ride the fucking bike until the next day. Also, to clean chain lubricant and brake dust off your rim, use WD-40. Spray it on a cloth, and not directly on the rim, as you don't want that shit anywhere near your brakes and your chain. (I know other things dissolve the gunk even more effectively, but some of those eat away at my paint, but WD-40 didn't, while still being effective) I know this is elementary for most of you, but for the newbies, this might just help out. I know I suffered with this shit for months, and I'm really happy to have found a solution
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tfw you will never be this cool
I thank the gods every day that i dont ride a fag sport bike
Like you´re any better cruiserfag
Cruisers are for fags too.
Sport bikes and cruiser fags are all try-hard, attention seeking, mentally ill, fuck boys.
Just signed up for a race licence for the local track. Still waiting on mail from the citizen's office with confirmation that I can upgrade my street bike licence to A as well.
What year KTM some of the forks were harsh as fuck ( 03-05 ) and there wasn't a whole lot a normal person could do without getting into a revalve.

First things first, respring it for your weight, use the calculator on racetech website to figure out what you need, be honest on your use/skill level.

Use the recommended oil weight by the manufacture, you can be a nigger and " fix " one issue with a heavier/lighter oil but then you have issues everywhere else.

Put the clickers in the factory recommended settings. Write that shit down and put on a little card in your wallet.

Set the sag to recommended values.

Now you have a proper baseline, and you can now fuck with the clickers to see if it's better or worse. Here is the important part, you wrote it down and can always go back to your baseline if it's all wrong after you fuck with it.

Harsh when you hit a bump or dives hard on the brakes, this is comp ( compression )

Bike gets lower and lower after multiple hits or feels like a pogo stick, this is rebound

When you get it to where it feels halfway decent put a ziptie on the lower forks and slide it all the way up to the mud scraper, go for a ride and use it about as hard as you normally would ride. if you have your airgap right the ziptie should be about 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the bottom of the travel. If not you will have to add/subtract oil from inside the forks to get it there. Take out oil if it's not moving enough, add some if it's bottoming. It doesn't take much ( 5cc at a time ) to make a big difference.

After going through that which is easily accomplished by an owner who isn't afraid to turn a wrench, you either have an acceptable setup at that point or you need to talk to a tuner about a revalve.
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Yeah it's an 04. I'll try dropping the oil level a little bit, but beyond that I think I'll just pay to have the forks rebuilt because the clickers are fucked up and don't work.
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i just watched akira because i thought it was about cool motorcycle gangs

what the fuck did i just watch
Sell your moped, anon
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nobike™ unfortunately I'm waiting for my licence first - a very very long overdue- after that I'm planning buying second hand either a Grom or MT25 as a start though Duke 390 also temping me I don't we'll see. One thing bothers me is that I can get an A licence -old enough- yet there is no courses to give it where I live. I should either go to a big city such as Ankara or İstanbul and find a school which can give an A or stick with A2 where I live. Just an fyi Duke 390 is the peakl you can ride with an A2 licence. (35kw restriction)
Is Daytona yours, anon? I've seen a couple on CL for around $4k with "Custom" (read: Chinese) plastics. Kinda tempting.

>CAPTCHA said "apartment building"
>made me click a picture of a parking garage.
Yes I am Daytona, don't bother with those, you can get a Daytona under 10k miles for $4500-$5k, and the full OEM plastic set is easily $1k, not to mention damage they might be hiding if they wrecked it. Also do it, Daytona a best.
Just start on a Z1000 or GSXR like all other t*rks
The 04's were the 3 bushing forks, you can mod them to 2 bushing and it helps. There is a how to on KTM talk for them, I did it to my 03s forks and it's pretty simple. clickers don't work because who ever had them apart before you didn't get the top cap all the way down on the dampner rod when he put the spring back in, it's an easy fix just by assembling them properly, and you'll be 99% of the way there when you change the oil.
One more thing, don't put a dime into those with a tuner, it's just throwing away money. Buy some used newer WP forks on Egay for about the same money a good tuner would charge you to make them almost as good as later forks. Off those to recoup a little cash. But like I said, just doing the basics ( oil change, remove one bushing, drill one hole, assemble correctly ) will do wonders for what you have.
stfu hans. i don't want to be a road kill.
Lol I fucked up the clickers when I changed the fork oil myself. I made sure to line up the rod and screw in the cap all the way but I can just turn the clicker to the right indefinitely. I even went back and took it apart to make sure to assemble properly but still no luck. I thi K something is fucked up at the bottom of the fork because the clicker pushrod has no springiness to it.
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Einmal ohne Scharf mit alles.
Don't get mad, it's just bantz.
Any reason why you're only looking at very recent bikes? There are other, older bikes that are cheap, plentiful and reliable under 35 kW.
This is the KTMtalk post that has the info on your forks ( you'll need an account ).

Not around here for that price. I'm sure I could find one a little drive away with a little hunting, though.

Undertail exhausts make me horny. I decided I wanted to sell my cbr, but I still want the undertail.

So, newer, nicer cbrs, some older ducs and daytonas are what I'm looking at.
>doing the required first aid course this weekend
>signing up for a bike driving school to get my license


An 848 or 1098 are one of the few bikes I would consider selling the Daytona for, but I still don't think I would, it's really that fucking good.
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You're about right the thing is ..w-wait holly shit you're absolutely right atm I'm checking craiglist equivalent of Turkey and old bikes prices are very good with this way I don't burn my money BUT does those bikes ok&feel good? Gimme some examples the bikes your talking.
n/o/ biker here

I'm confused how bike physics work

Do you manually lean your body into the the correct direction when taking a curve, or is the bike doing that on its own

because logic tells me if you're taking a left curve, the bike should lean to the right, because centrifugal forces and shit
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yes, you have to lean the bike into the corner to balance the centripetal force with the downward force of gravity. That's why you have to initiate a turn by countersteering.
holy shit what
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By newer WP forks do you mean from a later RFS model (05-07) or one of the newer generations?

I wish I would have bought much newer bike from the start. I want to sell this now and get something newer but I've dumped 3x as much money into this bike as it is worth now.
Ive got a fazer, 95hp at full power and great to ride, not cucked at all
Ahh, so it's like that, huh. I understand everything now.
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the curved profile of the tire is what causes the bike to turn when you lean the bike over, you lean the bike over by pointing the wheel in the opposite direction than you want to turn which causes the bottom of the bike to kick out in the direction the wheel is pointed, this leans the bike over into the turn.
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>restricted to 48hp
>not cucked
You don't have the big black plastic thing spun down enough IIRC, it makes the little rod not reach the needle down in the bottom for the clicker to work, my 525 was the same way when I got it, simple fix ( I'm pretty sure that link describes it ).
>By newer WP forks do you mean from a later RFS model (05-07) or one of the newer generations?

Yes, pretty much anything up to 2016 has the same axle size and is a 48mm WP. They can be had pretty cheap with a little looking, don't forget that Husaberg from 06 and on has the same axle and 48mm.
It's on page 3 of the topic, post #22, shows what you did wrong and why your clicker doesn't work.
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>going 170kmh
>racing my friend
>hit a false neutral between 5th and 6th
well that was terrifying
The meme answer is Suzuki GS 500. It's cheap, it's very mediocre but it's cheap.
The Kawasaki ER-5 is a step up from that. The Honda CB 500 is the best out of the carbed 500 cc twins of the Nineties / early 2000s. The CB (and I think the ER) are a little over 35 kW unrestricted, but they've been used as learner bikes for going on 20 years so plenty of restricted ones should be floating around.
If you want something more offroad-worthy, the Kawasaki KLE-500 seems to be praised. It has the same engine as the ER-5.
do electronic speedometers need to be recalibrated after a gearing change?
Oh and if you don't like carburettors, the CB 500's successor is the CBF 500 (made from 2004 - 2008). Same engine, but fuel injected and even better ergonomics. Probably a bit more expensive but definitely worth it. Don't get confused by Honda's naming scheme -- there's also the CB 500 F (the newest successor, it's fat and slow and expensive) and a CBR 500 R (faired variant of the newest CB 500 F).
That should teach you to never trust a Honda, Guy
the new cb500f is a fine bike
a shit
a good
...t a best but still a good
CB 500 - 170 kg
CBF 500 - 183 kg
CB 500 F - 192 kg
CB 500 - 43 kW
CBF 500 - 42 kW
CB 500 F - 35 kW
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Need moar dualsport itt
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Getting my license soon

Just for the sole purpose of Touring through Europe (long ass rides).

Whats a cheap touring bike that won't die on me? I was thinking a V-strom, Transalp or a 90's CBR600
turbo busa
I'll be cucked into 35KW only, sadly
still a good blame the a2
gonna go on my first longish trip this weekend if the weather holds up

>tfw have to go 100 km to nearest good roads
Yeah I think i'd prefer not to break my back after 15 mins of riding
From like 250 km/h onwards the wind will keep you in position, very relaxing.
Sounds like a good way to die

I'm buying one
Oh 250 km/h won't kill you but the tree you hit after losing control when you power wheelie at 250 will.
that just means there's more bike to love
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guys someone said that joke again

hey guys look
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New to bikes here. My dad is a retro bike veteran, though. I think I inherited the appeal to retro bikes. The modern bike look doesn't suit me. Pic related is what I want to get in the future.
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He forgot to mention

honda a cute!
You're welcome bro.

I've been here for over a decade and I still can't figure out why that loops so perfectly.
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Good night, /dbt/.
>mfw tomorrow morning
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you have great tastes
I hate how people call Standards "retro bikes" when they're not retro at all, they're just neutral and don't have an overly aggressive look, common to bikes from pre-1985 making people THINK they're retro-styled

The honda cb1100, the honda cb1300, cb919, the yamaha xjr1300 and xsr900, all beautiful and commonly overlooked bikes

I can't wait to get one
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Xsr900s give me half chubs

The rest are too heavy or underpowered by modern standards
Fuck I love the yellow one
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Pic related is 200lbs heavier

2 0 0

It does look good though
god standards make my penis hard
We posting coffee shop bling now?
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>Honda CB1100, 540lb, 1100cc 86hp 56ft/lb
>Yamaha XSR900, 430lb, 900cc 115hp & 65ft/lb
>Ducati Scrambler, 400lb, 800cc 75hp & 50ft/lb

Jesus CHRIST is Honda even trying, is Honda becoming Harley-Davidson?
holy shit I didn't know the cb1100 was so underpowered

cb1300 in the states when
looks like I'm getting an xsr900 after all, not that I'm complaining
It's a different type of motorcycle, though.

If you look though the videos where the engineers talk about it you'll see them not giving a fuck about speed or performance, and instead caring about how fun and tasteful it feels to ride it.

'People think that a big engine should rev to high speeds and be very powerful but there's more to it than that, blah blah blah blah blah.'

They specifically threw the camshaft out of balance so it would feel like out times ffs.

Well, I think it was the camshaft. Either way, you get the point.
is rebound the clicker at the top? I thought compression was at the top. Anyway the top is the one not working.
Sounds awfully like something Hurly-Dervidson would do.

We could have made the motor really good, but we didn't because you know old times.
Except it is a good bike. It doesn't shake itself to bits, it has good fit and finish, etc.

With Honda you can either get fast nakeds (cb1000r, cb650F) or old timey/classy standard ones (cb1100, cb1300). They're yet to do a mix of both.
I would hardly call the 1300 old timey
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Which is why I also included 'classy standards'.
I do, once in a time
That is rebound, I know it doesn't make any sense but it is what it do.

And that is the one that is the easy fix. With a tiny bit of thought you could do it without even pulling the forks off the bike.
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Could just get actual old bike tho.
If the wing arm of my frame appears to be siting to one side by about a centermetre does that mean my frame is bent?

"Retro" Bike Shitposting Chart:
>Honda CB1300, 540lb, 1300cc 114p & 86ft/lb, 422hp per tonne
>Honda CB1100, 540lb, 1100cc 86hp 56ft/lb, 319hp per tonne
>Yamaha XSR900, 430lb, 900cc 115hp & 65ft/lb, 535hp per tonne
>Ducati Scrambler, 400lb, 800cc 75hp & 50ft/lb, 375hp per tonne
>Yamaha SCR950, 547lb, 950cc 60hp & 54 ft/lb, 218hp per tonne
>Harely Street Rod, 516lb, 750cc 68hp & 47 ft/lb, 264hp per tonne

Most things better than most of the other "retro" marketed standards.
I'm pretty short so heavy bikes are kind of a big deal, grying to keep it below 200kg
thanks anon, will definitely test ride one
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