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If /pol/ can meme a man into office then /o/ can meme a car into

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If /pol/ can meme a man into office then /o/ can meme a car into legal import status!

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Not your personal army
/o/ does not have enough magic for that.

It'll be legal eventually, curse Mercedes while you wait.
not gonna happen with a corporate retard in office. The entire reason for the 25 year import ban was to protect profits. This is a man stripping people of protections while trying to protect profits.
/pol/ has screwed us all.
>This is a man stripping people of protections while trying to protect profits
Stop watching CNN.
Then you shouldn't have voted in a corporate shill. Bernie may have been amenable to removing the ban since its entire purpose is to protect corporate profits.

>Stop watching CNN.
I will when you stop watching Fox.
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>/pol/shitters thinking they got Trump elected

>Watching any dinosaur TV news
You can go over the wall too faggot. He hasn't done anything to strip muh freedoms. He also doesn't give a shit about people bringing in weeb cars. He would probably lift the ban just to piss off the enviro-weenies.

Just get Ivanka Barron to ask for one and it will be legal for all.
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you fucks are more retarded than i am

and thats one hell of a fucking feat

make america great my fucking black ass
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Bernie was a shill to Hillary so he could buy his lake house and R8. Bernie was protective of American workers, and industry as a result. Same outcome. No nip cars. Bad for the worker class comrade.

Hillary was 10x the corporate shill Trump is. You can start with her Goldman Sachs speeches for a primer.
What freedom did you lose?
Is getting raped by refugees really worth having a silvia though?
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Oh no I'm sure these wonderful memes that were as mainstream as CNN were from plebbit/the_Dolan/

It surely wasn't because hillary was a disgusting, criminal hag with obvious health issues and hundreds of questionable cronies in her orbit.
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We can shoot niggers and Mexicans here.

Comcealed carry > Silvia
I want to be able to drift while shooting into a crowed of dindus though
I actually fucking hate you americans for driving up the price of cool jdm imports
Fuck you and your shit laws, I wanted an r32
>right wing drift squads.
>Hillary was 10x the corporate shill Trump is. You can start with her Goldman Sachs speeches for a primer.
and yet WHO has the richest cabinet in history, has put goldman sachs employees in high positions, and has put people in charge of government agencies... who don't think said agencies should exist.

And Bernie didn't shill Hilary. The Democratic party did. Get it right.

>Bernie was protective of American workers, and industry as a result. Same outcome.
No. Bernie wanted to lower taxes on the middle class, and raise taxes on the wealthy and on corporations. Stop watching Fox news
>asking for restrictions on buying guns is somehow against concealed carry.
Trump repealed a law that prevented people with specific mental conditions from buying guns.

Oh a fellow traveler.....

I'd take Bernie over hillary. But he bent over like a weak man.

I can't help it that a billionaire knows a lot of other billionaires. Their wealth alone isn't a reason to dismiss his cabinet. I see a bunch of people that don't have to worry about money.
>import bans will probably get more strict if anything over the next decade or so
>cash for clunkers 2 in order to help the auto industry will kill the used car market harder
>pop up headlights are never coming back
full automated luxury communism when
>mfw burgers will never EVER have any of these delicious cheap nippon imports
>Their wealth alone isn't a reason to dismiss his cabinet.
yes it is. These are people COMPLETELY out of touch with the people they are supposed to serve. These are people who have NO IDEA what average Americans need and only think of what's good for their bottom line.

Also. Trump himself is a TERRIBLE businessman. Every single company he had a hand in went bankrupt. Remember Trump Steaks? Trump University?
Bernie definitely was protective of American workers in auto industry. That is Bernie, not Fox News.
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They need jobs and a future. They get that more than hillary did.

>muh trump steaks.

Actually, trump water is located near my house. They do a booming business. But I'm sure he wasn't paying for his 757 and huge residences on water profits.

Fuck off to pol if you want to whine that Bernie cucked out to loser hillary, and the bad orange man won.
>you will never head over to japan, pick out your favorite 1980s import car and bring it home with no issues at all getting it registered at the dmv and no serious mechanical issues for a decade
>dummy that sighed up for "trump university" real estate investing course at the Marriott ballroom detected.
Never meet your heros
I stayed the fuck away from that scam... and anything else with the Trump name attached to it.
>These are people COMPLETELY out of touch with the people they are supposed to serve. These are people who have NO IDEA what average Americans need
yeah, rich people have no idea what the working class needs.
henry ford was a rich evil rich man who hated the working class and made them suffer to line his pockets
ausfag here they are all ruined
Pepe was mainstream ages ago. He has his own comic strip.
Im not knowledgeable about imports. Why cant this car be imported?
What a fucking embarrassment of a thread.
It's okay, he's protected by anonymity.
>henry ford was a rich evil rich man who hated the working class and made them suffer to line his pockets
Henry Ford was a xenophobic asshole who tried to dictate everything in everyone's lives, then got pissed when they told him to fuck off.
If it weren't for the Dodge Brothers, Ford wouldn't be known for anything except multiple bankruptcies and engineering failures.
/pol/ just represents a small portion of frustrated NEETs who blame their own failure on immigrants/woman/globalism/things they dont know anything about.

Paid shills won some votes, yes, but they didn't meme him into office.
Hillary's inadequacy caused trump to win, it was choosing between the plague and cholera.
>Hillary's inadequacy caused trump to win, it was choosing between the plague and cholera.
pretty much. Trump's win wasn't so much a vin ad it was a complete failure of the democratic party to provide a good candidate. I firmly believe Bernie would've defeated Trump.
I agree.
Bernie was against the actual establishment, now there is another puppet for the military industrial complex, hillary wouldn't be much different.
lmao didnt get btfo hard enough last thread?

ford introduced the 40 hour work week and payed all his employees good money (double what the kike brothers were!)
stay btfo
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You couldve easily figured this out for yourself

god damn spoon feeding you retards is a part time job


>he thinks pol is responsible for trump
>not every old person
>every hick
>every racist

he lost by 3 million votes and by the time his term is up whites will be a minority
we had more intelligent people talk about this matter already, keep this board about cars or go join them, you'll fit right in.
/o/ has zero meme magic. just look at the normies that post here
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>nigger meme

Well cucked, good goy.

>trips of truth
Because Mercedes-Benz threw a shit fit due to the fact that people were importing cars instead of buying their shitheaps.

Merc ended up lobbying Congress instead of making better cars like Chevrolet to compete with imports. After that was all done, the law went through, and now we have these dumb fucking import laws.

Fuck Mercedes, all I want is a relatively cheap R32 GT-R, and because the importers hurt Merc's fee-fees, we had to pay the price.
We can only meme GM into getting btfo
No. Sharts managed to ruin their entire round of S-chassis cars. You people are a fucking scourge and your car culture is shit. You're too dumb to make the GT86 any better and you think you can fiddle with an SR20 without blowing it up and blaming Nii-san like the retards here did?

Go back to ruining old Civics and Mustangs you nigger.
great idea, it showed great success as we now see twingos here in the United OH WAIT
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