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Unidentified Object

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Thread replies: 24
Thread images: 9

File: [000163].jpg (591KB, 1600x1200px) Image search: [Google]
591KB, 1600x1200px
Hello, lads.
I'm not a local of this board, but I've got a story sure to interest you.
>Be me.
>A few years ago, found a USB on the ground, empty, so ever since I've been using it for my own purposes.
>One day, USB gets corrupted.
>Decide to use Recuva to find lost documents.
>mfw it finds thousands of images of random mechanical parts.

Can someone help identify?
Is this just someone's project,
Or dare I say have I stumbled across /Area51/?

I got some people telling me it's motorbike parts, but I don't think so.
File: [000169].jpg (525KB, 1600x1200px) Image search: [Google]
525KB, 1600x1200px
Whatever it is, someone's put some real effort into it.
File: [000154].jpg (439KB, 1600x1200px) Image search: [Google]
439KB, 1600x1200px
Just got more recovered photographs, dumping.
File: [000288].jpg (4MB, 4608x3456px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 4608x3456px
Upload them to a Photobucket or imgur and just post 20-30 choice ones here
Right? Looks like it could be some random panel for a car but that's way too much effort for a stamped piece of steel in some Chevy Malibu.
File: [000146].jpg (440KB, 1600x1200px) Image search: [Google]
440KB, 1600x1200px
Aye, posting a few.

File: [000199].jpg (501KB, 1600x1200px) Image search: [Google]
501KB, 1600x1200px
Looks like some prototyping shit, although I can't tell what the part is supposed to be.
None of this looks car related.
Holy Keks.
Just some standard QC for some random stamped part.

They wouldn't do this for every part, maybe 1/1000 or so parts.

That's a piece of something being held in a jig awaiting welding of some sort...
This looks like an oilpan cover or something
It could be almost anything. It also looks like it could be some panel inside of a washing machine.

You can see where there is some sort of axle or hinge going in there.
>You can see where there is some sort of axle or hinge going in there.
Yep, not something i would put under the car then
It looks like they're trying to create and perfect the station in the assembly line that creates that panel.
>You can see where there is some sort of axle or hinge going in there.
That's a obvious go/no-go gauge.
Next generation bedpan.
File: 1490821862486.jpg (355KB, 1600x1200px) Image search: [Google]
355KB, 1600x1200px
Nah, pic related it looks like maybe some sort of hinge will go in there. Or possibly holding wires or tubes, who knows.
Im calling the fbi
File: warren.jpg (104KB, 1015x837px) Image search: [Google]
104KB, 1015x837px
Thread posts: 24
Thread images: 9

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I'm aware that Imgur.com will stop allowing adult images since 15th of May. I'm taking actions to backup as much data as possible.
Read more on this topic here - https://archived.moe/talk/thread/1694/

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