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/osg/ - Auto Sticker General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 92

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Auto Sticker General #204

Previous thread: >>16744368












>Instagram (DM PICTURES)


>List of Sticker Websites

>Sticker Collection

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers

>FB Group

>Currently looking for:
>An internet lawyer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, /o/ club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment (Specifically Vinyl Printer Equipment)
Shitboxme.me Update:

Print Run 3 is about to go int production. Over 20 stickers.

GLC keytags have also been produced.

Store should open in a month.
youre fucking dead cunt
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And is the site upgraded? Or are we gonna crash it?
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Sorry for posting another store but some stuff I had made a while ago came in so please look at it if you want. Remember its in aud too
Wow it's fucking nothing
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my order for myself finally came in. honestly these turned out a lot better than I expected, the print quality is great
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I opened shop up last night.


Use code: OSGSALE to get free shipping.
imoutodreams a CUTE!
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I was gonna buy the /osg/ one, but anime doesn't suck.
these will forever be stupid
t. AWD cuck
seeing reactions to them kind of makes me want one more
You are gonna wear this
in public

.. ?
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Why are there no stickers in the op?

You have rustled my jimmys
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thank opposing force-san
probably not unless it's a meet...
Do you think libtards would get mad, but then confused at the Alberta sticker?
>using the most irrelevant team's sticker
What kind of car is that? Looks awsome
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really shitty idea i had, i'm sure one of you faggots can make it better.
Never seen a 240z before?
I don't come to these threads often. Did someone confirm that it's a man?

But I like understeering while also oversteering.
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Got you buddy
Hella cute.
>Implying you can easily control oversteer in AWD
What's the worse that could happen?
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Got my slap from kansei project in. Very excited to put it on my shitbox. Sneks go into the snek den collection.

Do you have many questionable taste left or can I wait until the shitbox restock comes in?
Thank you mate.
It's bretty cool seeing your stuff on the other side of the world.
Do you mind if I post your picture on Instagram?
Sure, I don't mind. Thank YOU.
Do you have an Instagram or a name you want me to credit?
Don't have instagram, whatever just call me a weeaboo faggot
potrzeba więcej animu dziewczynek
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Chanto aru yo
damn, that bimmer is in a pretty good shape, usually they're all beaten up or rusty
Is that a man?

Was going to say she's a cute, then I opened the image and saw that jaw.
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Thanks imouto for mentioning Apari recently cuz this holo is so fire
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Kansei sorry I doubted you my man. Looks great!
now I want to know your name
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Last year September picture, now it's rusty as FUCK. Also slow.
Gonna have to repaint skirts again and wheel arches are slowly but surely disappearing. 20 years does of salt takes its toll I guess
Hey you losers
I haven't been lurking around /osg/ for some time and primarily spend my time in the /o/ discord but I have finally decided to start setting up shop. So here we go

Negative Lifestyle

My first batch will be die cuts as that is the only thing I can produce atm, once things get settled ill go about designing stickers to be printed like slaps and what not.

You can follow me on insta or facebook as @negativelifestyles or @natez31 and watch me crash and burn in real time as I dip my toes into the anime sticker community thats getting over saturated really quickly. I'll be posting my designs before setting up shop and hope to have a good selection by then.

I'll probably be using the brand for more than stickers as I collaborate with local car clubs here in Miami.
How about you go fuck yourself.
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Iowa preorders ship today.
I'd tell you but only like maybe 5 people in North America have my name and I'm the only one under 50. I'd be 100% identifiable online through my first name. Needless to say, it's pretty cool.
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Now you got me interested.
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This shirt is still up for pre-order on my site if yall want.

Also I'm going to try finish painting racing wat-tan by Sunday and see if I can get some printed after that. I think I'm only going to get like 30 for now.
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Just put on my first three stickers on my car. Looking pretty good.
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Though I'm still not sure whether I'm going to put any stickers on the body, or if I'll just stick with windows.
>implying I want my friends asking me about "mini milk"
I still like it though
stick with windows unless you have stance scene points
>unless you have stance scene points

Absolutely none at all. Looks like I'll stick with windows then.
Just tell em you like tiny cartons of milk :^)
I know!! I'm so happy I bought that slap it's gorgeous irl.
I'm considering it, but I want you to model it for us before committing:3
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Hehehe, yeah questionable taste is still in stock
PS: But I'd wait if I were you
Aww, you're making me blush :)
I'm sorry for posting three times in a row.
Your attention grab on your debut ad is to call your pool of possible consumers losers?

This is questionable
Thanks senpai
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You might even say he has...

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You might even say that joke was in...

b a d t a s t e

t. township racing
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Holy fuck
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Sticky looks good. Probably going to put it on tomorrow. Thanks based Kansei.
fuck of hoon
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there only one and it's me
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You want a gif for that, bud?
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lucky you
I wanna throw a slap on tomorrow but the high is 40 with a good amount of snow to boot
what store?
any of our guys. don't settle for anything less.
none of them
crimsonseven is kanna
apari art is the holo
Can someone give me a quick summary to the discord before I join it?
Dont. Its mainly shitposting.
Eh, I was hoping it had better sticker advice than the thread.
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The meme that keeps on giving.
>Did someone confirm that it's a man?

This is 4chan. Until proven otherwise, it's a man.
That's true too
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Huh, the QR code is broken now
What the fuck?

This triggers me
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Sorry :/
>I should lower my hundai

So I should slam my early 2000's Santa Fe for science
No one really cares for hyundai's. Do it
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Don't cry anon, it isn't your fault!
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Stay healthy /osg/
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blacc rocc shooter
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would anyone be interested in copping a tsukihime slap? Thinking of printing it with a subtle sparkle finish, something like what imouto did with her lum sticker.

also, forgot to post this when I posted a few threads ago- I have a discount for anyone from /osg/, it's "OSG" for free shipping in the USA and reduced shipping internationally. Come check us out if you haven't already!
How do I get the whole photoshoot gallery with this girl/trap?
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Black Cock Cooter
Tsukihimi's art really didn't really age well...
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she is a true angel, but for some reason i remember her looking much better
That guy has some nice legs

god lord he's cute as fuck
I'd like to spread that guy's legs if you know what I mean
What did you mean by that?
What's with the sudden surge in sellers? Feels like every thread had 3 new sellers.
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Hey guys. I'm shipping out the first orders tomorrow morning. Don't want to over shill here, but it's not to late to get in on the first shipment.


Currently have a discount code for free shipping. OSGSALE
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Things to fix/change?
You're kinda shilling. I'll let you off but I swear if you're in cowtown I'll egg yer car if you try to shill. Will bother getting a Berta sticker sometime not now but I will, don't worry
pls don't. If you're ever up north hit me up.
gud. needs more misaki though
I'd cop your new designs, but your current shit doesn't excite me.
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Congrats! It's a boy!
>It's a boy
idgaf really
I picked up some super bright yellow (like day glow yellow) vinyl
Would anyone be interested in WAT logos in that color?
I would deadass vector this if it weren't for those damn hands
if its black and yellow stripes like a warning symbol
how's that a guy?
well it ain't a girl therefor...
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oh i just rechecked the image and what i see is a penis casting a shadow
Looks for some slaps that dont looks like shit on a LX Charger.

Anyone got any ideas?
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sounds about right
>subbie drivers
you are correct
Her skirt is way too short
siema kto pl?
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ja xD wchodzisz na wykop???
Not a girl? He's perfect then
>uncolored bumpers
>that ugly colour
lmao poland
siemanko ja tez z pl xDxdD
The ironic thing is that it's a better driver's car than all the others in the picture.
Poor Poland.
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I didn't choose to be born here, unfortunately. I'll be sure to come steal ur jobs.
Also, are you trying to shit on god's gift to the world which is 90s green?
print that thicc girls only sticker you fucking cuck
nothing wrong with green, it just looks really ugly on e36 and makes it look older than it is
I never liked those stupid aliens. Needs girls.
talking microwaves and fridges are better
Literally anything is better than purple monkeys, but this is a sticker that goes on a weeb's car so it needs anime girls. There has to be at least one instance of Misaki and/or Hitomi laughing or looking smug that he could use.
no appliances are the best fuck misaki i hate her very so
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Show struck a nerve, did it?

fuck I would love a long legged weeb gf
>I'll be sure to come steal ur jobs.
Haha, you got a sense of humor man, we have nothing against polish people here, they are usually heavy drinking party people. Yes they take jobs because they work for cheaper, but it ain't their fault for being cucked hard by the Union.
If people migrate to work, and work hard but still share most of the values of the country they are going to, who hates them? some butthurt truckers?

Iv'e been to krakow and it was beautifull, iv'e never seen a WODKA DISPENSER on the street its insane, lovely place.

Also, i owned an e36 with the m40 mine was a 1.8 though, rock solid engine, never breaks. Which can't be said about the suspension components... i loved that car.
maybe a bit, but i've read both the book and mango including show, and i can say she's a total bitch, sato should've left her in that attic and let her die
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>he's not a member of the Night Kids
I would get the Emperor sticker but I don't have a lanvo :\
w2c redsuns sticker?
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People love peeks :)
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first run for impurethoughts.us is live

The more I see of this bitch the cuter she gets, why?
i got bad news for you anon

You mean good
>Just got a job
Sorry BD, can't buy that one.
I thought it was confirmed it was a she.
If it's not, woo!
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yup free international shipping too
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>free int

unless you are pricing the stickers up a but it'd make sense why
Oh shit you're not, at least you'll make some beer money.
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i-i just want ppl to have my stickies
you deserve beer money. thank you, senpai
Can you make a slap with the girl in the [spooling intensifies] one by herself?
It is a girl I'm afraid
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Bought 2, send fast, im moving soon
name pls
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ty all orders this weekend will go out monday
When I get off work I will throw money at you
Literally your logo and all the stickers you're not selling are better than what you have on sale.
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A work in progress for you landbarge owners.
ill try to catch it
What kind of car is that op?? how much do u want 4 it?
Why don't you make some legitimate designs before calling people losers?
>touno shippo resing

How do you fuck that up but get "fast but stupid" perfectly fine?
Make something about icebreaker boats for us PO-LEECE P71s
say what you typed out loud :^)
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What does /osg/ rate this outta 10?
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Meh/10 nothing made me laugh
Mirror should be more square, looks too much like a euro/japanese fender mirror
That's just more cringe now
Throwing this out there: Have vinyl wrapping material printed with a compilation of various stickers from /osg/ for stickerbomb purposes

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or just buy stickers from the shops and do a proper stickerbomb
>How to ruin a chaser
If you use my shops slaps I'm going to need a cut in some of your profit.
Consider how expensive that bomb would be though; and it's not like they wouldn't be compensated
Beat me to it
Contact the stores and ask about buying in bulk. I'm sure most guys wouldn't mind giving you sick prices if you ordered tons. Also, might as well do a proper job instead of just a vinyl wrap.
Vinyl wrap material isn't as expensive, and printing can be cheap. Only reason why you hear they charge you a fuck ton for full wraps is the because most guys get it done by the shop than diy and they charge for the amount of man hours to have the wrap on flawlessly. For a wrap with no design, you can get diy easy since there is no allignment for a design.
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Not at all. This is how that same Chaser sits now.
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Up2u, if you like it, do it.
Also it's no wonder why those dudes selling itasha wraps online don't charge a ton because they aren't the ones installing it.
It's not really a me/for profit thing I just thought it'd be a neat idea
Maybe you could sell wraps with other stores slaps like popular ones for a short time, make a quick buck, shutdown before the cunts notice and shut you down.
I don't even have a store I just like stickers..
I think it's a cool idea though. Maybe you can just make your own poorly made designs(doesn't matter) and it might look okay since it'll be like a camowrap.
I can't art though, this is my second dilemma
Just make jibberish weeb words
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What manga is this?
I want to read it.
rolling for name
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How about this?
I also made a shifter version.
I think the auto shifter is more suitable since it's a landbarge themed sticker. I like how it really matches the JCC sticker.
what does it have to do with WAT though? and why is the WAT logo so distorted?
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It's not distorted, it's just rotated and stroked.
I put WAT because why not? And I'm not sure what else to put there.
240z you mong I already answered you
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Has anyone on OSG considered making a parody of the famous Fujiwara Tofu Delivery logo, and maybe make it say something like "Tofu Meme Machine" or whatever would be /o/ approved?
AJD Glenelg?
If not, ignore me.
Notori has Fujiwara pizza delivery.

But he is R.I.P
Yes it is

>kuzu no honkai slaps

Have my money, lad.
ty :) i love the show
>Notori has Fujiwara pizza delivery.

For real? Fuck sake he needs to hurry up and come back already.
Protip for not going RIP, discontinue some product, clearance sale what stock you want gone, limit your amount of products on site to what is manageable
also, don't fucking close your shop and open once every 3 months
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Just got home from work copped a few
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ty senpai
Nah, what will kill you is die cuts.
Printed stuff like slaps are easy to manage and you could ship them same day.
With die cuts, you have to make them when they are ordered. It's very easy to fall behind when you get a large amount of orders with die cuts. And you fall behind more and more with each order.
I always check you're store and the only thing that calls to me is eurotrash and miata. I don't own a euro car or a miata. feels bad
Only Alpha's wear what they want without caring what others think, idiot.

i dont order anything from imoutodreams because i refuse to let my dick buy things
Then you need to buy a euro miata.
What do you drive, or what would you like to see?
I haven't bought anything from her store

doesn't change the fact that she is a CUTE!
Could someone post pics of Ace Combat stickers on their car?
Any updates on the Bad Decisions keytags yet?
Nah you slept through sociology

Alpha = does not have to compete for mates, tells other males what to do, does have to maintain alpha status through direct and indirect competition with other males
Beta = significantly easier time finding a mate, tells everyone but the alpha what to do, little to no competition for this position
And it just goes down the line until you hit the omega who can not find a mate, has no authority, and has to try and compete for better status

The omega is usually the guy who doesn't care what other people think because he has no charismatic image to maintain or status to lose
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Is there anywhere where I could get a badge made?

im pretty sure she's just the stickerfag's gf and not the actual stickerfag. Good marketing on his part. Otherwise I'd be pretty amazed that a CUTE would be posting on /o/ with us
Great, thanks
Like a physical badge?
I cri.

Hit NY customs yesterday morning.
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Yeah, to replace the actual Nissan badge.
are any of the vinylmakers euro based? We need to order team stickers soon
What does the girl look like?

he's a tiny little thing. CUTE

there are some pictures of him and his cat and either his cat is big as fuck or he's tiny as fuck because they were basically the same size
cute guy
post boipucci
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Too late, ordered a diecutter and made a sick die cut vector but will fucking kill me when weeding time comes, fuck me and wish me a good Deth X_X.
Thanks my man.
Mazda2's are fun in manual, not auto
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played around with this a bit more over the weekend, this is more likely than not going to be the final version, with a subtle sparkle laminate. Thoughts?
Vector your car and make a diecut of it fampai
Well its a thing in Japan, they wrap the whole inner wheel, its in one of noriyaros newer videos too lazy to find it
I get the applications but I just thought it'd be a cool community project, kinda along the lines of signing a team t-shirt, and having the signed shirt printed and given to the rest of the team; a piece of each player is in the shirt
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Exists already, kinda.
Wow, that's really neat, I don't suppose it's available anywhere?
Since you got dubs. It has two vowels, its a saints name, and it is an old Gaelic name from Norn Ireland.
shit that's three
Fuck off it's garbsge
Patrick probably.
[spoiler] Are you going to use it for stickies[/spoiler]
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Bought a heat press and some supporting equipment....
I am going to practice with some old material that came with my printer and my garage shirts to see how the materials work and what not
I do need to get some more money together to buy some printable vinyl for heat pressing
and shirts....
Way off lads.

Although I would love some IRA slaps but I don't think there would be much of a meme market for them. The Republican/Unionist murals and slogans are top bantz. The police wouldnt enjoy my car having a carbomb warning on it.
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shirt 1.jpg
153KB, 1080x1080px
I took the heat transfer material i had laying around (it came with the printer) and slapped this on a old garage shirt
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shirt 2.jpg
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I also did a quick one on the back too
you can see the remnants of a fiero logo iron-on I did 7-8 years ago
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85KB, 388x218px
are t-shirts the new scene?
no idea,
I just wanted to make shirts
Type Moon a shit
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Does anybody know how long it usually takes Vodnik to ship? I placed an order with them on February 10th, but I haven't gotten any shipping updates aside from the "It's on the way" email.
No other sticker cunts have been doing it for a while, even the bigger ones have apparel
I placed an order on the 21st/22nd and it came it a few days ago.
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shirt 3.jpg
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stuck a crx on here too...
Now I need to actually design shirts rather than just sticking random junk on them
Did you vector that from an existing real image of your crx or did you draw it from scratch?
I paid someone to redraw that from a picture of my car on track during a race
there's a sketch artist that hangs out on track? Cool
never mind, would be cool though
that would be cool lol
why does the turbo one say 'dildo' still
3d print?
cuz it's funny
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>he doesn't want dildo in moonrunes on his car
careful with your forearms when raising and lowering, a couple of us have gotten pretty good zingers from that front edge.

his printer is the one marketed by roland as meant for t-shirt businesses
i've been telling him to do it for ages at this point
>when you are still waiting for your bad decisions stuff :(
It will show up anon.
I ordered it at the end of January
>crying internally

Do you feel inadequate? Does applying terms to yourself make babby feel better?

Heat transfers are garbage
wtf fag
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needs work
when will this be on lowkey's site?
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spread em
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haskell desu.png
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Did using /gnu/linux and not having thumbnails in the file picker stab you in the back?
Good advice,
This one has that nice roll out drawer and auto open features lol
Well let me know when you buy a DTG and want to cut decent prices for garments
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not that faggot, but, what?
/g/ meme
>going on /g/ and /o/
how much autism can you handel
those future designs are mad cool boss, im def copping the reaper one
tfw order shipped

Cool design, skeletons are in right now
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643KB, 1920x1440px
Im shipping this stuff in an hour or two so if anyone else wants in before I do now is the time
i cant breathe

Fuck, I would buy if I could afford - but totally broke right now
so can you ship to murrica?
yes, itll cost 3aud which is 2.20 usd?
Oh ok. Might pick up your kanjo style one.
email me your info. I got you. [email protected]



Very confused
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