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[ D a i l y A u s f a g T h r e a d ] >Landcruiser>all

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Thread replies: 328
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[ D a i l y A u s f a g T h r e a d ]
>Landcruiser>all edition

>'Strayan Cars & Bikes
>'Strayan Questions & Answers
>'Strayan Pictures & Videos
>'Strayan Blogging, Bitching & Moaning
>'Strayan Scenc as fuck

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RAA Used Car Checklist: http://www.raa.com.au/documents/motoring-buy-a-car-checklist

Previous Thread: >>16316020
what would you do if a roo was fucking ur bitch?
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First with factory raec kar
>inb4 bloke punching a roo
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Oh well. At least i have my VLs
>hey guys ronnie dahl here with four wheeling in western australia and today we're gonna cut every 1/2 second pause out of my videos so they look really choppy
tfw want a vl turbo but also turbo volvo wagon.

I feel like a turbo volvo wagon is the better option but fuck stock looking vl's are so 80s i love it.
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>Recently Rebuilt with 504HP at the flywheel
We supercar now!
Kek, his trucks are neat for a dimwit
Indeed, watched one of his videos recently. He talks like he got dropped on his head when he was a young fella.
who is this retard yall talking about?

Ronnie Dahl comes up as a fat merrican newslady on yt
Wait, are you me?
He's just a John Rooth wanna be with a blank check book.
He's also a drooby West Australian YouTube blogger.
When he does the interviews with other blokes cars and the 20 minute convo is about 8 sentences long.

'Tell us about your ute'
'Yeah it's pretty good'
Reminds me of 1320video
>Hey man, sweet ride
>Thanks bro
>How much power you makin'?
>Bout 1100 on 93
>Sweet, what's it running in the quarter?
>8's at the moment bro
>Awesome dude, nice car
>Thanks bro
Innocuous vlogger interviews are hugely underrated from a comical view. Kind of like 4WD Action Facebook posts.
>check out this Defender!
>Landcruiser having a stretch
>the big GU getting it done
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>AU with a body kit
o-oh i mean a BA/BF with a Bodykit

At least they look better but i doubt that car has a stock part in it
Well a BF/BA is an AU with a bodykit, just without the well built can-do attitude of the AU.
Any reason why I shouldn't get an SS VF and get a Walkinshaw performance kit?
no the best value but you get what you pay for i guess


>25k for 550rwkw and 10.0l on the highway
Lol thats better than my fucking LS1 stock


Do it if your a richfag
Do you hate performance?
Do you wish to have an impractical pokey little shitbox?
Would you prefer some archaic meme cylinder configured turbo engine from a rival local manufacturer?
If you understandably answered no to all of the above, then there is no reason you shouldn't get an SS VF with a Walkinshaw performance kit.
>just without the well built can-do attitude of the AU.
>Hay guys lets take a shit 4.0l out of EA from 1988 and use it for 14 fucking years with literally no changes except a hilariously mild VCT head and meme dickford badges
Yeah nah those motors are dogshit stock.

Barely get 120rwkw

Would love to chuck a cam in one for the lols but bang for the buck a barra and ls shit over them
lol this should be in their tagline
lol just worked out a cam would barely get a sohc 4.0 to 160rwkw

Fuck i want a barra but i cant be bothered putting up with fords dogshit reliability
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>a talking budgie visits you in your sleep
>you are transported to the magical gumtree.com.au car lot
>look up your area (or closest large suburb)
>max price: $1000
>sort cars by most recent
>the first 10 cars on that list are your options (ignore ridesharing or defected cars)
>you must choose one to be your daily driver for the next 5 years

Choose wisely, cunts.

I've never been a big fan of AE92s, but it's probably the best of the bunch in my area.


Is this a worthy replacement for the Falcuntius AU?
/dat/ is in need of another falcunt purge
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away with you jimmyshits!
I'd trust it more to last 5 years than I would a clutch in a car that cost less than a grand - who knows what kind of abuse was thrown at that clutch, or how close it is to slipping?

At least with an auto you can service it and baby it without any major spending.

Also, fuck traffic. Auto is comfy.
they are dogshit slow anyway

Just ask the owner if the clutch has been done recently

if he says no walk the fuck away

seriously the auto's in these are horrendous
I'll do a skid and video it sometime and post it up here. It'll be a silver vy ;)
>EA - AU
>No changes

Yet power figures went from 120kw with the 3.9 with throttle point injection to 172kw in the 4.0 VCT AU?

It isn't hard to crack 175rwkw with cam and head 4.0s either.
175rwkw is fuck all thats like stock BF/FG barra territory
What does a 5-ish year old LC70 with average miles go for in Australia, and with what typical equipment & engines?
And for the same money you could turbo it and triple the gain
A stock BF 4.0 is 190kw at the fly or 195kw for the FG.

Try again.
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How 'unique' is this Ford, really?

Rarest of all.
bullshit these guys did 180rwkw
Dogshit it doesnt even have a external Trans cooler so it will literally heat up and boil the trans fluid under 5-10 mins.

Dont touch that shit with a barge pole

Get a BA/BF its a much better base and all the XR6T gear bolts onto the n/a shitheap and all you need to is bolt that shit on and get a tune
is it bullshit a BA Auto Stock XR6T with a decent Exhaust can make 300rwkw?

Or would you need to do fuel pump and injectors?

i read they get 180-200rwkw stock which sounds really fucking low for such a big engine with a turbo what gives?
100% need injectors and tune
why are aussies such shitposters
my ls was sitting at 226rwkw but its probably less now after me welting on it for 6 months.

Much of a muchness

So to get one reliably to 300rwkw or beyond what would it need? Fuel Pump, Injectors and???

Can they run 91-95ron or they need 98+?

shit fuel where i am and anything above 95 ethanol blend costs too much
For an Ls1 or an xr6turbo?
Is that Jim Jam's old AU?
my ls1 was sitting at 226rwkw

im wondering if a xr6T can get to 300rwkw ?
Australians have been the most highly regarded soldiers in every war they have fought.

This one is no exception.
Can it gdt to 300rwkw? Very easily. 1000rwkw is acheivable

What model is it? Manual or auto?

If it is an earlier one it will need valve springs, auto box if 4 speed & cold air intake to short side of engine.

full exhaust injectors and tune will het 300rwkw in a bf2 - fgx
ah shit i was looking at BA's and BF1's

cant stand that fucking 4 speed auto either but the manuals are getting cheap
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6 speed auto is really good - better on fuel and faster than 5 soeed man.

5 speed manual is garbage.

6 speed manual is solid.

4 speed auto is good, but only because it is relatively cheap to replace with a built box when the time comes
Yeah i know about the 5sp manual being garbage very well


Seems like a good base and CHEAP as all fuck especially for this area
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*6 speed auto better than 6 speed manual.

5 speed still garbage
oh dont worry i remember how bad the 5 speed is from a mates au had never ending issues biggest pos gearbox ive ever seen
Seems pretty good. Depending on exhaust and tune it could have close to 300rkw.

Next step would be turbo wastegate/cooler/fuel pump/clutch

seems cheaper to just leave my LS as is because a cam package would cost almost as much as this fucking BA because of the goddamn engine needing gaskits and a bunch of other shit done like Torque Converted and Gearbox build.
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Just got my Full License m8s, think I might actually buy a car now.
What is recommended around the 4ish grand mark, I can sort of drive manual, I want one so I can try to perfect it more.
Main wants are reliability and economy
You have Two Options

BA Auto/Manual 6sp XR6T
VX Auto SS/Calais LS1
more fuel economy
R33 GTST Auto

4grand aint gonna get you shit

>Muh fuel Econ
Whoopty do the difference between a i6 and v8 vs a i4 pot is like $50 at the pump a week dont be a faggot
>Main wants are reliability and economy

Camry + Tree
I was thinking more like an mid 2000s RX hatch, or a mid 2000's outback t b h champ, I'm sure those cars are good but not what I want .
subarus might be shit but I'm not sure, I like my friend's outback it seems good for road tripping
>wanting a NA shitbox thats not a V8 or i6
>on your fulls
Fucking why?

your taste is CRAP
I don't know enough I guess, I only came here for this one question but I'll try to lurk more
Mate if you legit have 4k to waste go get something thats FUN

you can pick up a BA Turbo for $4k and have alot of fun.

We should include the used car guide but its outdated i forgot to save it
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>180rwkw on a Jim Mock dyno
>Same dyno that said my EA with headers and exhaust made 138rwkw
>West Aus
>Best Aus
Go to sleep
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These engines won't build themselves.
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Mfw my ls1 and trans need a rebuild soon.

Fuck fucking fuck.

Can't afford a shop to do it either temped to get another daily
Faggots, link me this please

5 SPD 4L

I want to import on to Europe and convert it to a 4WD ute.
FUck me im too high for this..

I was after dimensions.. Like distance measuring and shit too work out the lengths of drivetrain parts and placement and what not..
>my ls was sitting at 226rwkw
You still struggle between the difference of power measurements at the wheels and at the flywheel don't you.

I like that shit man. I only rarely watch YouTube videos like that and some go for yonks talking shit. At least this cunt quickly tells you how much it's got and how fast it does it before thanking the driver and finding another car.
Just buy one of the 4x4 falcoon utes ya pom poofta cunt
the RTV isn't 4x4 you gotta get a holden avalanche or whatever for that
Some xy falcons are ya poofta cunt
You should go back to tripcoding
>he doesnt know that they made 4x4 xy falcon utes
I didn't say otherwise you fucking retard.
>he thinks his VX Calais makes 226rwkw
That's not me you fucking retard, do you think that falc*nt would get up before 11am?
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meet today, 10:00 at little creatures

drive starts around 11:00 or so

just post here if you're on your way

only part in good condition on the car
Thinking of getting a dashcam, only looked at ones on the dashcam owners Australia online shop so far. I essentially want one I can mount behind the rear view mirror so it doesn't obstruct my view

I thought about the Blackvue DR450, but the footage I watched put me off, maybe something like this

anybody got the greentext about the aussie whose car crashed into a tree because he was towing it out the shed with the mower?
>yfw even immigrants learn local aussie cars are just over powered meme pieces of shit
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Washed and ready
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Dirty as shit but whatevs
just gotta fuel up and i'll be omw
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ive got the dyno sheet if you dont belive me
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Wellp two is less than last time
Was actually considering getting this
>Power so shit it goes backwards at high rpms
What a cahck.
>drivetrain corrected reading
Into the fucking trash.
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then how come it did 6.4 to 100km/h with a bunch of shit in the boot and my fat ass with 98 premium?

/o/ btfo!
>15 year old engine with 220k original kms unopened loses 5-10kw at 6200rpm redline
You fucking baka, I'm talking about how the graph runs down and back at the end, just have a joke.
i can never tell in this board i am always on the defense.

Now i guess benchracers are gonna call the dyno 'happy' but 6.4 from my phones stopwatch does not lie
6.4 is pretty poor, I can name engines 20x smaller that will get you there 2s quicker.
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Who gives a fuck.

Its reliable and does exactly what i need it to do.

Highway pulls and Mountain twisties

>waaa you have a Commodoor it doesnt handle a shit waa waaa

Oh right i forgot your a bench racer so you never leave your room
Not him but I'm rolling in an au3 with ticky dual wishbones all round so big aussie sedans can handle. Btw the fucking clutch is way too heavy and keeps snapping pedals/cables/the firewall. Wat do? BA/BF T56 6 speed and hydraulic clutch swap or just keep the T5 & throw in a standard exedy which is softer?
>pedals/cables/the firewall
Hydraulic is good, reinforced pedal mount is good.
i always wondered how the IRS's au's handle i never even rode in one.

Do you have the 5sp? They are dogshit swap a Barra and or T56

I reckon save up for a swap because the Intecs days are done unless you wunna chuck a turbo on it or a s/c they seem to like boost
I never even knew about this problem.

Could some oldfag explain to me what the fuck the plenum is in the intake that opens and closes ? Variable intake runners do my head in?

Also while we're on the topic of falcons

>PBR Master Cylinder that was brand new under warranty is leaking at the rear seal and pissing fluid everywhere AGAIN and its the 2nd replacement
Fucking chinese SHIT

>Radiator leaking from Drain bung plug at the bottom and wont hold coolant

Fucking falcons even the replacement spare parts that are brand new are fucking shit.
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>Could some oldfag explain to me what the fuck the plenum is in the intake that opens and closes ? Variable intake runners do my head in?
The way it works is that you have a set of long and short intake paths for the air to travel through, and at low RPMs you want it to travel the long path because it causes an increase in intake air velocity, which in turn helps with air/fuel mixing and swirling in the combustion chamber.

The short intake runners each have a butterfly valve that is shut at low RPMs and opens up at higher speeds to allow the air to take a shorter, less restrictive route, improving high-RPM breathing.

I don't claim to fully understand the physics at play here, but that's the general idea of it.
It's an intech vct, just extractors and exhaust no intake or tune and it's putting out 157kW and 450Nm at the rears, got a dyno chart but I'm phonepostan atm.

Got goodyear eagle f1 asymemetricals and it handles like it's on rails wet or dry, you can feel the ass dig down into the corners under throttle and a bit more lets you rotate the nose into the corner if needed. Fucking understeers over ~150km/h but I think the aerodynamics are responsible.

Probably just gonna finish up the intake and get a tune, pretty happy power wise just sick of breaking the clutch every few months.

Thought PBR were Aussie, my brakes are PBR with made in Australia cast on 'em.
>Mate tells me to get some Project Mμ shit on my car
>Call him a weeb and laugh at him
>Its actually a real brand and I just let slip my powerlevel to a normie
I've fucked up lads.
project mu brakes are meant to be great for track days
>It's an intech vct, just extractors and exhaust no intake or tune and it's putting out 157kW and 450Nm at the rears, got a dyno chart but I'm phonepostan atm.

What else you done do it?

Does it have a LSD?


I want ideas for a XR6Turbo build im planning once i get some savings up

For some reason (shit build quality) AU's tend to eat brakes as i am sure your aware.

They also cant stop worth a shit either

So basically its what the 4AGE had?

>Low vac/closed plenum = more torque
>high vac/open plenum = more hp and flow

Just for giggles i ziptied it open for a couple of weeks and it had nothing down low and plenty up top so i assume we're on the right track
upon investigation into them I hear they are insane bang for buck on the track. Utter cunts on the streets though. Put them on the list of aussie brands that arent shit.
Are BA/BF brakes on the XR6 Turbos the same basic bitch shit 2 Piston Caliper Design that the AU2/3 had?

If so fuck that shit even if i rebuild them they will be squealing and useless shite.

Only thing i give a shit about anymore is literally brakes and tyres.

I looked into bigger/better brakes for my VX and they seem like overkill but the falcons need them badly.
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On the topic of brakes and brake related accessories. Are these meme rotors?
Ba are, not sure about later
30,000 to 50,000 AUD depending on what you want.

The equipment and engine list is easy, its short as fuck.
>4.5L Turbo Diesel V8
>5 speed manual
>3-5 seats
>A steering wheel
>A/C is an optional extra

They are very basic vehicles designed to work in tough environments all day, they are tough and well designed but I reckon you can get better vehicles that will do 90% of what they do at half the price.
>then how come it did a slightly slower than standard acceleration time with some weight
You're a retard. Standard acceleration figures are low to flat 6 seconds to 100. Given that standard they were rated to 225kW, that checks out. Retard.
>Its reliable and does exactly what i need it to do.
>220k kilometres and engine and gearbox needs a rebuild
Not even potatoes are this dense.
yeah fuck welp thats that project on hold until i find cheap brakes.

No fucking way i am driving a TURBO falcon with shit stock brakes.

Funny ive got original Calipers on my VX with DBA slotted rotors and Bendix Ultimate pads on the front and stock on the rear and it stops better than most cars

Go for slotted or Drilled (Preferably slotted)

putting on bigger rotors and 4pot calipers would be the ultimate be and end all though
they are rated to 225kw at the crank you fucking dumbass

Stock VX SS/Calais Dyno is around 160-200rwkw
>So basically its what the 4AGE had?
Dunno much about those engines, but it was pretty common on the Mazda inline 4s once they went twin cam so I wouldn't doubt it.
>replying to an abo subhuman
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seems pretty odd hay.
>Getting triggered by a literal fat troll
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Okay, so Toyota's T-VIS system is a little different, it works by blocking off one of the two intake runners for each cylinder (one intake runner per valve), which has a similar effect by forcing the air down one passage (increasing its velocity) instead of down both.

You can see in this picture how only half the intake ports have a butterfly valve, these should be shut at low RPMs to increase swirl and air velocity, then open up to give full breathing at higher RPMs.

The main difference is that the intake runner length does not change, so I'd say Ford's system is a better design, even if it requires a more complicated plenum.
BA's came with bigger 2 pots that fit straight onto the AU2/3 or 4 pot Brembos

It's got a factory 3.45 LSD, 18" BF Magnet rims, factory momo steering wheel & shift knob for max wank. Haven't done much except the wheels. Will probably do superpro bushings at some point, better springs & shocks, and coming soon is ticky 329mm brakes with C4 calipers. It stopped really well before with heavy duty pads on it, I've gone back to standard before the upgrade and yeah it's fucking woeful the brakes are complete shit.

Also it has pretty nice black leather interior so I was pretty happy it's not too taxi like. I'll post pics if this thread is up tomorrow morning.

I really thought they were Asian with a name like that.
Fucking retard. A line plotting a single piece of data like that shouldn't have 2 points of data vertically. So the fact that it bends backwards at the end means that something is wrong. You probs just drew it in ms paint anyway.
Non bullshit response

It's due to the car coming off throttle at the end of the run, power and speed both drop so it seems to reverse
No bully
gib abo bucks
Gibs bread. Bonus points for bonus jewish bits mixed in
Oh right, didnt remember that it's usually gauged by wheel speed on a rolling road
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you cunts have some nice cars
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>when people try and claim that illegal immigrant is discrimination
Illegal cunts get out reeeeeee. Go back to your own country and make it good rather than leach off our ancestors hard work
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Lol BTFO fag >>16331884 TOLD YOU
Ah mad.

How much did those C4 Calipers set you back?
Hey dude, what happened to your Jeep?
up on bricks ready for the transfer case swap.
Someone else had to explain it for you.
Go outside, you're rotting your brain clearly
kek I thought he was a fat fuck

by your other pic I thought you were taking the orange bike out
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I get paid $581.30 weekly, is that enough to live on my own yet?
Kill bitch for betraying humanity.
Shake Roos paw for helping me better humanity.
Kill roo for being a fucking roo.
You tell me.

>what is a budget
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Good day lads
felt good not worrying about the pos too much and just flogging it around
Fix those damn wheel arches.
Doesnt have the range for what we were doing today.

Do you have any commitments?
Where do you live/want to live?
how to get a gf?

how to get friends?
be not you
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Common interests that require physical interaction - clubs, courses, workplaces, volunteering, etc

>pic related
Friends first. Gf will come afterwards naturally
Go to meets
how does an autist with limited interests find friends after 5 years in this dump of a website? what clubs could i even attend
What are your interests?
Do you work?
Do you study?
How old are you?
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Hi /dat/.
Came up with an idea to turn a VL into a JDM-style bosazoka car. I think there the perfect style for it.
What does everyone think?
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Cool idea, not a fan of the aesthetic though.

There is only one acceptable style - OG
>how to get a gf?
Wrong place to ask my friend
>how to get friends?
Wrong place to ask my friend
End of the year is approaching. I'm really not handling it already, 2016 was such a nice year of not achieving anything and I don't want to go to another year of this shit
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Just bought this Integra

Aka Jap Commo
>, 2016 was such a nice year of not achieving anything and I don't want to go to another year of this shit
Im just gonna hoard muh centylink until i actually find work or universal basic income actually fucking happens, hell the ideal situation would be that both happen but i fucking doubt it.

At least my cars slowly getting less shit.

Next step

>Full Gaskit kit on the ls1
>Cam, Heads and rings
>Gearbox rebuild/strengthen and maybe manualization
Doesnt need anythign apart from that.

If i get extra money i am gonna flare the guards and fit some wideass >255 width wheels but i doubt it since i am kinda limited by the 245's at the front and they JUST clear with 9" width 18's
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I have these camber washers that came with my coilovers except they don't fit. Is the side with the small circular protrusion meant to slot into the hold on the coilover? If so, then they sent me the wrong camber washers.
wut car?
into the holes on the coilover*
vy commo
Are those Front side vents actually functional?

Fully sik
Is your dick actually functional?

cant stop taking the piss
arent they retardly rare? Anyway, ive got a soft spot for the AU after owning one.. And i want another.

As for the 4wd setup, will get that done here custom.

Make this guy an offer
Universal income? Fuck off falcunt you pinko commie snake
Your attitude towards work will ensure you will be un-fucking-employable for the rest of your life unless your attitude changes
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Yes its everyone else except you
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yall act like im the only one like me in these threads the irony is hilarious
I'm not a fan of socialism as a whole but unfortunately it will eventually be the way of the world one day. With the current rise of automation and reduction in low skilled jobs it's inevitable, there's just not enough jobs to go around.

Either that or a mass population kull, either or
so ironic that /o/ of all boards cant see automation literally killed fucking so many jobs especially during assembling and assembly lines
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Are the camber washers meant to slot into that hole?
dumb question can one procure a coilover thats setup more for offroad than onroad or is that pretty rare for a car like a falcadore?

Could one re jet a onroad coilover shock for offroad?
I mean there probably is one, it's Australia and we have falcons. But i have no clue man, I can't even install my own coil overs especially since they keep giving me the wrong parts.
How is that ironic?
The auto industry has had atleast partial automation for decades
Shit what did you order?

If its from ebay just dispute it and the seller should bend over backwards
Because carfaggots in this thread in this thread whinging about me not having work is hilarious considering basically every car made after the last GFC is a mass produced shitbox made it Korea, Mexico, Africa or fucken who knows where shitzbeckastan
What does car production have to do with your pathetic inability to find a job.
Noone here manufacturers automobiles.
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Got me plates yesterday lads, going to look great on me mums' Getz that she lets me drive.
I ordered MCA blues from MCA suspension. The coilovers are already in, but front camber is fucked so I need the camber washers in before I get my setup aligned.

Seems like they sent me the wrong camber washers but this is my first time with coil overs so I'm not sure how these are meant to fit.
Fuck someone actually made McPherson Coilover for offroadin



And why do you think that is ?
Isnt there a quick guide?
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No instructions which is pretty stupid.
I was the first to buy these off them as they are a new design so there were a few bits missing.

Pic related is what I actually need I think.
oh shit yeah i see what you mean you need that sort of Oval shape one instead of the O one
It could be either of the two above the one you circled
yeh an oval one not an 'O' one. Such a fuck around though.

Lucky I'm doing this with a mate and not a shop otherwise I would be paying out of my ass.

This is the last bit though, so once I get these, I'll get the shop to chuck em in and then get it aligned. Will be sweet.
Please dont go for the lowered meme raise your ride height up to stock SS levels for dailying
I think you dont have a job because you have a poor attitude and don't interact well with people
100% agree. Rev up that entitlement falcunt
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Wagecucks can't accept there are not enough Jobs to go around how predictable
Kys neet
Where did your trip go """ThatGermanGuy"""
missed the WA meet lads, were big skids to be had?
stock ss height is ugly. I have fe2 which is what the ss have and it's shit. You can have a nicely lowered car without being a scrape king meme lord.
Pic related is very easily daily driven.
That's higher than my sagged fe2 springs.

Weirdly it handles better if there's a bunch of crap in the boot.

I guess the old ls commys are front heavy ai.

Also take it from me keep the rear ride height high or get a front and rear skidplate otherwise kiss your exhaust goodbye
>tfw bottoming out your fe2 VX at 130kmh
>normie book
>"we partying here at midnight"
>"come get lit"
Get fucked cunt
>tfw in my backyard sculling beers as there is nothing else to do at 3am
Oh well, at least I have my only friend through these years, alcohol
I had a lovely nap this evening, prob gonna get comfy now and watch some shit then go back to bed

Fuck people
Try 160 and pinching a tyre
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you mean like bash plates for the diff and sump?
The lowest part of my car are the flanges on the pacemaker headers.

I plan to lower it a little more than this but they are adjustable coil overs so if I get sick of it i'll just raise it.
Fuck your extractors hang down too? Mine are generic milf Steel and dented to fuck.
I'd steal your milf ayyy
Lol 4am I'm knackered
We all are

PS, can you feel your face? I can't feel mine
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You cunts are up late
You are one to talk m8
Mad get coming up soon. Someone from here get it pleaaaaase
Thinking about getting this to wear under clothes and stuff to look buff

>literally 1 result
>1995 Hyundai Elantra that looks like it's been used for bush bashing for the last year
Only thing worse than aussies talking like americans are aussies talking like black americans.

Cucked cunts.
>not talking shit with the boiz when you're munted
>>"ayo m8 watch me smoke dis shit up nigga, gon kill deez tyres like they tupac nigga"
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What a night.

The dead set fucking legend of SecaAnon with the AE86 came up from Wagga just for a night. Got the boys together for a cruise because why not. Ran Old Pac the whole way up which was tits

The amount of appreciation from other people for the cars was insane. Never seen that many people stoked to see us out on the road. It was incredible.

R32 is still broken so I rode bitch with various people which was actually pretty cool.

This is why we do it my dudes
What state are you cunts in?

The only people I know in SA are drifters and Honda butt-buddies.
had to go to work yesterday morning, how did it go?
Boys, what supercharger should I slap on my gt86?
>SA meet
>various shitboxes and shitbikes
>youse get all them nice cars
Damn son, how do you do it?
Literally anything that fixes that horrendous torque dip

Thinking of getting Harrop's supercharger but I will have to drive down to Melbourne from Sydney.

$23k is pretty cheap imo
did you all touch each others willys?

Dunno, we just kind of ended up hanging out together from various places. We're all into similar car styles and such so it works well

Imagine one of those Newton's Cradle things except with 10 dudes in a circle
I feel for you Falcunt. I'd say the problems you're having is due to where you live.

The Australian economy is slowing in general but not really in Sydney and Melbourne. Manufacturing dies down more every year and agriculture has always made up a tiny percent of GDP. Despite how hard farmers work there is no value adding to their products. They're basically peasants. Shame... I wouldn't mind the freedom working as a farmer if it was easier to find workers.

Mining is boom and bust and surely will be going down in the longer term future too thanks to renewable energy.

The Economy is now largely service based using overseas money. Thing is some of us aren't that great with people and need a job where we can just do our thing and not have to smile and be friendly as fuck all day. With driving jobs and manufacturing disappearing what the fuck are autists going to do?

I personally recently landed a manufacturing job doing welding but am not too worried as it's a smart operation using Taiwanese steel making smallish things using a small factory in Sydney using fuck all machinery. They're busy as fuck.

If you want to be autistic and work in manufacturing I noticed some Eastern European countries have a lot of work now as German and other manufacturers set up factories there. Poland, Czech Republic, things like that. There's also Germany which has a ridiculously low unemployment rate. Scandinavia specialises in autism too but Finland is not doing so well tho thanks to Nokia and the paper industry dying down
Personally, I think I know the solution. Stop using antibiotics so much especially on children and let kids play in the dirt more. There is a link (the vagus nerve) between our gut and and our brains and having a diverse gut flora is beneficial for our health in so many ways we are just beginning to understand. I think a genetic link along with not enough good species of bacteria in the guts of children is the cause.

Fairly confident it causes Parkinson's disease and all sorts of other allergy disorders and other shit no one used to get 200 years ago and still don't get in developing countries.

Alzheimers is more due to lack of sleep since the industrial revolution though. It probably contributes to Parkinsons too but is more significant for Alzheimers. When we sleep, the garbage trucks of our brains can do their job through the cerebrospinal fluid.

BTW just thought I'd add (since I'm talking randomly about everything)... meth isn't harmful in moderation. It's lack of sleep which causes all these problems in people who abuse it. I have it like once or twice a month and only go for a day or two at a time (weekend).

Anyone know a source of shard in Sydney? I lost my previous contact who was also my pot dealer....asking people on the street isn't that fun
Finally you get what I'm talking about.
Sadly it's becoming more and more likely I'll have to leave the country.

I'm gonna go on a massive drive next year and look for work as im traveling just to see what's out there but nsw and qld at least where I've looked in bris and surrounds already are knackered.

If that fails I'll save up and go to nz and the idk

Heard it fucks ya up

Try online Agora or drive to the ghetto
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>Sadly it's becoming more and more likely I'll have to leave the country.

Please do.
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then ill come straight back because their's fuck all work around.

Already looked in the EU 3 years ago when it was choc full of niggers
Try Venezuela - their sociopolitical and economical systems would suit you perfectly
What's the consensus on the E36, lads?
>implying that was be us in a few years
Oh yeah we will get along just fine once china and america crash again
>Mining is boom and bust and surely will be going down in the longer term future too thanks to renewable energy.
what we lose selling coal we'll make up in selling bauxite and iron ore to make the aluminium and steel cunts build their wind turbines and shit out of
Just give it a year or two till the Soros-funded second American civil war or European war breaks out. Make a name for yourself by collecting leftie scalps and sell your story once it's all wrapped up.
The last good 3 series and pretty powerful if it's at least a 323i.
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Band of Brahs by HBO

>We follow dazza, bruce, wayne and davo through the wreckage of the former European Union
A better choice than the E46, then?

Just a couple of cunts looking for some Cronulla-style glory.
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Nulla 2.0 when cunt
We need this to clean the fucking muzzie scum out of the country.

Give the boys guns and halal homing boomerangs
Lol, your brain is addled already, pretending to give heath advice, then asking for meth sources.

It's not lack of sleep. It's the impact of an extremely strong psychoactive stimulant.
Parkinsons is the unmyelination of nerve fibres in your brain. Basically they break down and don't get fixed. I could spend 30 minutes researching the specific mechanisms behind the pathophysiology and the links to meth, but it's not worth trying if you come up with your own half-baked (geddit, you fucking druggo) theories based on what you know to be symptoms of some diseases.
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So what your saying is every person with dementia is a meth addict?
Cunt he done did a 6 week tafe course on brains and shit, check you're self before mouthing off
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more like a 6 week course on meth
Don't do meth mate.
Just find a Ritalin hookup or something.
Meth is shit tier.
Ritalin doesn't keep the grouting on your kitchen floor sparkly brushed clean though
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jesus christ mate get help meth is fucked
T. Cunt with a filthy house
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at least i aint a meth addict?
I too can take things out of context and deliberately act stupid

>So what you're saying is that people with dementia are asking questions on the internet?
>implying they arnt
Maybe I have dementia
I don't remember
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seriously mate kick the meth ai
The drive was good spent most of the time above 140.
Saw one camera on the freeway. No cops. Very little traffic anywhere once we got away from freo.
German has nearly shredded his new tyres, pics of proof>>16332481
Beers where had at freo, quinny, and ravenswood
Did you touch each others willys?
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>sweltering day
>afternoon hail
cunt weather
>shitbox commie is old
>hoses all fucked, keeps blowing them out
>replace them all today
>no leaks
>actually get it bled properly for once
this is a good feel, I guess I'll find out soon if the hose clamps are tight enough
Which reminds me i still have 3 hoses to do in mine.

Can only buy genuine for the V8 LS's since the aftermarkets fucken gone and they cost alot
way to make him think that we're all 1.slow stanceshit normies m8.
I felt bad that I didnt go, barley made it to cars and coffee and then went to rolling races last night. When is the next event something about drinks in Jan from memory?
Kinda the same.
Slept in cuz of working 6am shifts every day that week. Thought the meet was an afternoon thing.
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I wasn't going to let this year finish up without coming along, since I let you down in January when car was kill. I'll try and sort out a time to come along again when the car is running better with a tune.

Because it's not SA

Seriously though, took me ages to save for my car. And I don't go out to bars or clubs, don't really ever spend money on alcohol, don't spend an obscene amount on petrol since I live close to town and work. Pretty much everything that I get after living expenses are all paid for is either saved or goes toward the car.

Yeah, it was pretty grouse. You should join in.

>How you know you're back in Wagga
A ute rattlecanned four different colours, bald stockies all round, and truck mudflaps. What a town.
How bout you kick the maccas aye
Since us cunts are the ones who pay
Cause you get all those dollars from the dole, no?
And it all goes into another fukken moneyhole

Dropped the au, he bought a jeep
The trans curse is one you'll keep
And nah, not cause you'd pass for a fat trap
But cause your auto boxes keep eating ratsak

Ever thought about a manual mate?
Those auto/man threads really aren't bait
Although we remember how that boaty skyline went
And you replaced it with a vx not worth a fukken cent

Always talking shit, "226 at the wheels brah!"
Doesn't matter your ass adds a tonne, nah?
Could've gotten an ss for the price easy
Won't help with the sluts, they'll still be queasy
whoop ass wednesday jan 11
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RIP wagon cat.

Best buds for 18 years.
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is the XB Falcon as good as I want to believe? It's so hot
RIP wagon cat we barely knew ye
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Are Lexus cheap to maintain and service over here? ie similar costs to a regular Toyota or will you get btfo like German Cars

any recommended Lexus sedans in the $15k range
Sorry for your lots
>18 years old
Damn that was an old pussy, rip in piece catbro
Maybe for falcunt
Old are pretty decent.
Modern ones are merc-tier.
Didn't your mother teach you that it's wrong to bully the mentally challenged?, give the window licker a break yeah
>defending a pedo
Yeah nah no excuse there cunt
i haven't heard of this
is he in jail like he should have been all this time?
how old we talking I should look at?

That is a 10/10 solid shitpost
Literally Toyota tier.
Figured that we will be plunged int owar eventually. Where should I apply for? Army seems easiest but I figure that the navy might suit me best, get to kill some chicks when they try and start shit out in SEA.
I'd rather get shot/blown up rather than get shot/blown up/cruise missiled from 1000km away/sunk and left in the ocean etc etc, any day

TL;DR Fuck the navy
>rb30det volvo wagon
drowning inside a huge metal tube, plus just ALL of the rape accusations
Fuck subs, I have no desire to enter one. Especially if they end up using the french subs to replace our current ones.

Ships though. They look so fucking awesome, shame we dont have any massive carriers like the US.
too expensive, understeer like a cunt and a little underpowered for their following which mainly consists of boomers and kids who watched mad max. However they look bitching stock

good luck finding one for under 40 grand
me mums facken radiator split right at the bottom next to the goddamn seam plastic pos

$100 ebay replacement gonna have to do

Brand new PBR master Cylinder leaking not sure if its under warranty so i am gonna just chuck a 2ndhand one in there

>And nah, not cause you'd pass for a fat trap
m8 you wish
Also go on my sides are in orbit
Are you being rough with shit?, radiators get pretty weak so you gotta be gentle with them sausage fingers fatcunt
I want an S13 for a daily driver

I dont care about drifting, racing or modifications. I want one because they look nice and could be good reliable daily drivers. Is this possible on a small budget or have i been cucked by ricer faggots?
>Ships though
its still a big metal tube essentially.
you get paid loads more subs tho, cos they cant staff the ones they have now, so if you want in quickly subs is the way go
Nah it looked like it was at least 5+ years old

I literally never touched it before today i just backed the car out of the garage and noticed a little puddle of coolant and got sick of topping the fillter tank up.

Cracked at the seam near the drainage bung right at the bottom i had to lift it out to see
Old radiators are a cunt, brittle as fuck
yeah just had one blow in my vx.

I was gonna put a thicker one in there but the stock style one cool them fine.

Radiator thickness is a meme.

Biggest/best cooling mod is rear cowl vents
>cos they cant staff the ones they have now
Because you're stuck with fuck knows how many other men in a tiny tin can at the bottom of the ocean for months on end, no escaping cunts for months
>Radiator thickness is a meme.
Radiator thickness is a thing?, I thought it was just how many cores you base it's effectiveness off
there are no clean S13's left, period.

Non-turbo ones have all been ruined by every single P-plater in the southern hemisphere and all the turbo ones have been poorly modified and drifted into trees/gutters/each other.

Good luck.
i must admit it made a fucking HUGE difference in my jeep since its stock radiator was fucking so thin but the stock radiators in most commodores and falcons seem to do a very good job

my vx never goes over 90-95 degrees but i put a stealth rear cowl near the firewall
>Radiator thickness is a meme.
I long for the day you stop talking about cars
well yeah that and you dont get to shower for days at a time, have to hot bunk with other blokes constantly, tiny spaces for 6-12 months.
they do get paid well for it tho
Oh yeah sure lets all put in $1500+ drag/drift/track spec rads!
Forgot to post ITT

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but baiting /o/ is the only thing i get enjoyment of on this bloody site
we've already seen it, fuck off
s/o/me/o/nes /o/n their peri/o/d
someone is a fucking retard
y/o/u mad?
guys how hard to combine these two?


Having a read of comments on the Facey on some article about overtaking lane etiquette or some shit.

Truckies were always a pack of whingy cunts, weren't they? I remember some cunt in high school had one of those radios they'd use and we'd redirect them onto busy roads and they'd crack the shits like nothing.
I don't know man, all that fucking bullshit for a chunk of coin in your pocket, there are less stressful jobs that pay well
Is it rude to overtake on the left? So many slow cunts in the right that I have no choice, I try and do it quickly to lessen the risk for me.
just keep the i6

that xr8 is probably thrashed to shit and expensive as fuck aftermarket
mate i have one of those xr8's already.
its not as bad you think. was thinking, 5g's plus say a year of my own spare time, one sweetly disguised skid monster
but are they are as easy to get into?
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aight do it.
It's definitely possible but keep in mind that S13 and reliable don't go in the same sentence: you will forever be chasing shit failing due to age or abuse.
If you're dead-set on picking an original one up for cheap, a N/A slushbox will be your best bet unless you're prepared to fork out because as >>16336976 said: all the turbo ones have been slid into trees.
>met some yobbo from here and he wanted to borrow my snap on tools

fucking kek
Soz dazza, though you were a good cunt. Guess you are just a jew like the rest
>missus wants to watch the carols but im watching pakis get btfo



new threat cunce



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