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One of these is for sale on my local craigslist for C$3995. Am

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One of these is for sale on my local craigslist for C$3995. Am I a faggot for wanting to get one?
yes kys
but why
shut up and get a gs500 for 300
I paid less than 1/16 that for a high-end Camry.

The rest are right. KYS.
I've got one. They are pretty comfy. A Fuoco looks better though and it's technically the same.
>high end Camry
>under $300
car insurance where I live is extremely expensive (over $250/month), and motorbike insurance for a 400cc engine would be far far cheaper.
Almost all scooters over 150cc are pigfat retarded. If you want a cheap scooter get a kymco people 125 two stroke. Or get a ninja 250/300
I forgot to mention: I have bad balance so it would have to be 3 wheeled.
Probably, yeah.

It's everything bad about a scooter, plus it's huge and heavy so you can't really filter on it.

You could get all kinds of good bikes for $4k, don't buy this piece of meme garbage.

>putting your foot down when you stop isn't hard
well, lane filtering is illegal where I live anyway lmao
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It costs a fraction of insurance and tax expenses of a car and you can get on the highway with it (in my country). Your silly little scooter can't.
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wtf is that pls get it
it's a 3 wheeled scooter for retards like me who can't balance a 2 wheeled vehicle
Can you ride a bicycle?
yeah, motorcycles kind of balance themselves. is the wheel moving at a decent rate of speed, or receiving power from the engine? are your feet on the pegs? then you have to actively try to fall over. or you can do what sportbike riders do and burn and coast with your feet waddling along.

99% of low speed technique is keeping the wheel powered so you don't fall over. 99% of high-speed technique is counter-intuitive to what you think of as "balancing".
Nope, sister's then BF (now husband) tried for a good 3 months when I was 14, I just couldn't make it happen
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man thats fucked. i thought everybody could ride a bike.

is your sisters husband retarded or is it really just you?
Bicycles are fucked up man. All that pedaling combined with almost no weight makes shit hard to balance.

t. can ride motorcycle, can't ride bicycle
My brother-in-law is a retard, but I'm the bigger one, really.
i guess im just lucky. sorry bro

you're taking nobike to a new level
well keep on practicing?
idk. just trying to be positive.
so basically riding a moped or motorbike is a lot easier than it seems?
Uh.. try training wheels. Seriously.
Practice biking around in a grassy park or something, so you don't get scraped up if you fall.

Unless something is seriously wrong with your inner ear, and you can't walk, you can ride a bike.

Gyro effect motherfucker. It's powerful even at lower speeds because of the greater unsprung mass on most bikes. Also your body isn't moving as much, so whatever balancing you do is about thirty thousand times easier after you're told "weight the pegs and grip the tank with your legs"

I've driven one of these and they actually are fun to drive.
Sure, they're no match for a proper bike but you don't seem to be concerned with that anyway.

It's certainly an eccentric thing to drive but not exactly faggy in my book.
>a $4000 scooter
okay thanks for the info, one more question: This whole countersteering business, is it as complicated as people make it sound?
Don't think. Feel, and you'll be tanasinn :( ・)∴∴.( ・)∵
so basically just don't overthink it and it'll be fine?

It's counterintuitive at best, and once you grasp the physics behind it you'll stop thinking about it.
Just be aware that you need to apply more force the faster you go.
Jesus fucking christ that's hideous.

The bike balances itself man, you literally only have to hold it up when you stop.

As soon as your feet are on the pegs the bike will want to stay upright (within reason).

Go do an introductory riding course and get a proper motorcycle man, you won't regret it.

It just werks.

>push left bar forwards to go left
>push right bar forwards to go right
>wow it's fucking nothing.jpg

You do it without thinking anyway.

buy a gixxer
thanks for the votes of confidence guys, I don't think I'd get a motorbike though, likely just a scooter.
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you're gonna be scootin' on down to pussy town in no time OP

Bikes can have on-board storage, bikes are more stable and handle better, they have a proper sequential gearbox for slick shifts ad they come in so many different flavours it's ridiculous.

Scooters are tiny wheeled, unstable little things and I personally wouldn't recommend one.
>worse engine
>worse brakes
>sub-par handling takes a serious pro to wring some performance out of
>spine-chattering ergonomics
>some shitty boot space
>no gear shifting FUN
>light with very little unsprung mass, can be harder to balance for incredibly unskilled riders
>superior top speed, acceleration, and stopping power
>anyone can ride reasonably quickly
>small boot space under the seat for tools/security locks, has the horsepower to carry fully loaded side and top cases
>keeps itself upright. do you think all those retards riding harleys while drunk could manage a bicycle?
Also you can hold onto a bike with your legs, you can't really do that with a scooter.
I'm not interested in manual transmissions though
well he is, ya jackass.

how dare you not like what he like. just who the fuck do you think you are.
Dude for 4k dollars you could buy a cheap civic for 3k and have 1k left over
Sequential manuals are easy and fun

H pattern a shit
You almost can't fuck up on a sequential.
Well, car insurance is extremely expensive in my province (for my age group over $200/month), and a low CC motorbike would be comparatively extremely cheap.
Let's sum it up, shall we?

A car is too expensive for you. You're not interested in shifting manually and by now you're probably also concerned about ride stability on scooters (which is rubbish if you don't buy one from your local hardware store).
Get the MP3 then. It combines pretty much everything you're looking for.
>50cc scooters are C$1000 on craigslist here
??? are they actually worth that much or are people just retarded?
Scooters are inflated in cities.

You'll have retards asking 1k USD for a chinese shitheap that you could get new for 1.1
If they're from the big four then maybe, otherwise no.
Get some speed and it balances itself
No. In most cases it will come naturally within the first few meters.
You are turning the front wheel a little in the opposite direction to lean the weight of the bike the direction you want to go.
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Not getting superior Nippon version.
>Ackermann Steering
I want one now.
What are the big four for you?
Dont forget that depending on which scooter, you can get shit fuel economy. My two stroke aprilia uses more on average than my dads civic.

Also if you want a lot of storage space. I can fit two helmets and a bag easily into the trunk.
But be warned, this thing is heavy. And it takes time to get accustomed to driving just the same if you have never driven anything with less than 4 wheels and a motor before.
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>scooter uses more fuel than a civic
While a civic is full of stuff to save fuel, including an engine that's not a two stroke with a carburetor. Also the scooter might be slightly riced and 5 years old.
Scooters run nearly always at max revs
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You should consider the integra/NC base
It's not that powerful, but it has DCT and a ridiculously low center of gravity
Consumes are low too
Plus there's apparently idiots selling trike kits
> Scooter
Only girls and gay men buy those
> Three wheels
WHY, FUCKING WHY. Do you not have any balance? Do you need to be babied by complex mechanicals and electronics so you don't hurt yourself?

Be a man, and just buy a 125cc Honda, crash it, and learn from your mistakes,
They don't actually balance themselves below 30MPH. They'll fall over if you let them. My bike tends to oscillate when cruising at 15-20 with the throttle closed when I'm making decisions.
And being a 125, it shakes like fuck at 50 and above due to sidewinds and narrow tires, with the wind also trying to blow me off the seat backwards.
>threeweelers are banned because unsafe
>this is a current production bike
what the fuck
The wheels tilt
The only excuse for riding one of these is if you desperately want a mtoorcycle, but you're over 40 and just had a knee replacement.

Source: went to Berlin for a couple days with my dad when I was like 14, he didn't want a car (because fuck that), and he just got his new knee. Thank fuck for the stabilising mode on that thing.

>huge and heavy
But pretty narrow, so you can filter - unless your country designates it as a car.

They are also everything good about a scooter. You could easily fit two backpacks and a set of crutches inside the storage compartment, while carrying two dudes, had outside helmet locks, got great MPG, and stabilised itself at stoplights. They're still fugly scooters, but really practical for city use.
This. Op is a dumb fag who think he doesnt need to lean on this vehicle.
>Almost all scooters over 150cc are pigfat retarded.
But everything below 150cc is prohibited from highway use in a pretty big part of Europe.

>But everything below 150cc is prohibited from highway use in a pretty big part of Europe.

With good reason. They don't have the power to go fast enough, or the weight to bully the air aside. Got up to 60 on my 125 today, nearly got peeled off by a headwind.
>Weight moves air
You're a retard. Riding any motorcycle subjects you to a lot of wind at 60mph - go ride something bigger like a 650.

I will agree with you that most of them aren't suited for anything over 110kph, unless you're atlking about something like an RS125 2T.
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Don't remind me.
- are light
- have huge windscreens
- have most of the mass down low and rear
>have short, soft suspension
Which make them really unstable at speed
No I just don't have good balance
Your a faggot if you keep it stock
We're posting on /o/ we're already faggots
>driving my 3 wheelie scooty mcscooty
>vibram toe shoes on
>crocs on my toe shoes
a bike can literally balance itself when its moving
youre just retarded, please stay off the road.
he means a non chinese scooter senpai

honda yamaha kawa and suzuki
OP here: Seems like the biggest stumbling block is going to be finding a supervisor for my first 30 days. Laws here are for first 30 days need a supervisor, then I take a "Motorcycle Skills Test" and get that restriction removed. Because I'm a friendless fagg/o/t I don't know anybody with a motorbike license. what do
You can, though. Managed that the other day when I forgot to downshift as I stopped. Couldn't downshift when stopped without stalling it.

Weight means resistance to buffeting.

That's dumb. Here, you just take a mandatory training course where they rent you a bike and gear, and they literally teach you to operate the bike. Then they take you out on the road to teach you traffic.
Still manlier than a miata
If you're that out of it that you forget to change down gears I think you've got bigger problems than whether or not you can get into the right gear, just saiyan.

Also if you rock the bike forwards and backwards a little when you're stopped you might be able to change down a gear or two.
get a ural
Yeah but even a woman is manlier than a Miata
1/6 of 3995 = 666

Made a deal with a devil
>bad balance

If you can ride a bicycle you can ride a motorcycle.

Don't you need to pass a test on a motorcycle anyway to ride that MP3?

Don't know how it works in the USA but in the UK if you want to ride a scooter with a displacement above 125cc you have to take an on-road and off-road test on a 600cc motorcycle.

Meaning there's no point getting a 400cc scooter, especially an mp3 because you look like a dickhead riding one, and it isn't nearly as fast/fun as a motorcycle. I say that as someone who used to own a scooter and commutes on a cbr500 through London traffic each day, I've never looked back on having a CVT transmission.
those things are are pretty nifty piece of MC engineering/design.
but yeah that is one particularly sad and ugly looking machine.
most reviews on them say they actually handle pretty well and ride nice. obviously not moto GP perfomance but they handle better than they look, supposedly
Why would anyone buy that for the same price as a used CBR600RR.
In Canada you take the test in/on your own vehicle, there is no provided vehicle. You can take your driving test in a 30 foot lifted pickup if you want. You'll probably fail but it's your own fault. So you can take it on a ridiculous MP3 and then get a trike restriction on your motorbike license, kind of like an automatic transmission restriction in the UK for a car license.
In the US, you can either bring your own crap, or do it through a course that usually provides ninja 250s, rebel 250s, and some dual sports. I saw one underway with R3s, and people kept crashing kek
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remove yourself from the genepool for the love of god
reminds me of when i did my course. was not prepared for how heavy the bike was and almost dropped it. kinda wish courses in canada had what japan does for motorcycle courses where they teach you to pick one up from it's side which youd think would be important enough to teach normally
Considering that the light changed with no warning when I was doing 50MPH towards it, leaving me with barely enough distance to stop?
I was more concerned with stopping in time and not falling over than remembering the gearbox is sequential.
My main problem is inexperience.
>the light changed with no warning
>what is an orange light?

If you didn't see the orange light you clearly weren't paying enough attention.

Also the MSF course (or whatever rider training you've undertaken) should have taught you to shift down gears during an emergency stop so maybe you should go to a quiet car park and practice stops.
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