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[ D a i l y B i k e T h r e a d ] - /dbt/

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>clearly is worst yamaha anons 250
anon pls

>200€ for working 10 hours a day of boring hard labor
just get a real job or a 450 euro job
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200 euros a day for 10 hours isn't that bad desu. Could be worse.
a month
Well at some point I might land a real job trough it, or not?
I'm not a lazy bum maybe somebody will keep me.
ey gentlemen

A friend of mine offered to help me fix my dirt bike. I loaded it in his truck with him a month ago and haven't heard back. I think it's gone, what do I do?
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>american anything
u ok m8?


Tank size is advertised as 16 liters. I filled up today and still had about 4 liters left. Could have made to 400km in a tank no probs but why push it.

Anton is that you? You're getting to know this thread too much

M-m-maybe it's time for you to do something else with your life mang.
I did a nice thing today /dbt/.

Was out riding with a friend when we ran into another group of riders when we filtered up to the front of some traffic, and I noticed the one rider had a camera. He's a local motovlogger that I stumbled upon, not a particularly huge fanbase and hardly any subscribers, but I recognised him anyway, so I went up and called him by his name. Figured it must be pretty cool to be recognised by a random person, hopefully brightened up his day.
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damn it anon
it's obviously 200 a month for working 10 hours a day for 5 days a week

well that's true, just do a shitload of internships and people may take you.

>M-m-maybe it's time for you to do something else with your life mang.
link so I can compliment him on the size of his mirrors
I don't have much of an education. :(
According to my ecu i do 4l/100km in 5th
3.5l/100km at 110 in 6th
I think i have a 15l tank
I could easily match you, even though i have 3x your displacement
Should I go for a ride today (if it's not raining) looks kinda like it is
help me deeeebt, my bike is being weird. My bike is dying while on first even with the clutch in. If I'm on first gear with clutch in, I have to give it a ton of gas while holding the brake so it doesn't die. Which means when I come to a red light or I gotta slow down, I gotta keep revving my bike and it's really annoying. What could be the problem? I warm it up fine and it'll run just fine until i slow down. The only other thing I've noticed is that the gears are harder to go into.
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you don't need education to do internships. you'll learn the basics at the first day or second day and get campany by a dude that knows what he's doing. at least if the company you doing your intership at is somewhat capable and know what they are doing

check carbs
>you don't need education to do internships.
You need to land one tough.
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How much is this Chink bike actually worth?

I wanna say around $700.


Additionally, I need a cheap dirt bike and live in the Denver area. Pls halp. https://denver.craigslist.org/search/mca
heiligs blechlke warum machst du so nen scheiß? und ich dachte ich wäre mit nem 450 euro job als hiwi in ner feinwerkmechanik beschissen

I have managed to hypermile 3.5L / 100km out of a 660 single while being very conservative commuting, rarely going over 90km/h.

It was one of the most boring experiences I ever had.

>3.5l/100km at constant 110 in 6th.

Congratulations on the imaginary scenario.
Guys can you tell me how I can shift better at higher RPMs? I feel like I have to flick my wrist too far and I miss the sweet spot all the time.

You can see it here in my vid:

Do certain bikes have longer/shorter throttle ranges? I honestly don't know if I can even go WOT without regripping the throttle entirely
fuck off

Apart from changing the throttle lever on the engine, not a whole lot you can do.
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Hey buddy how about you go fuck yourself. Some of us are actually trying to become better riders.
>riding a ninja 250
>shifting before 7,000 rpm
>usually before 6,000 rpm
Kill yourself.

Try letting off the throttle all the way before you pull the clutch in.

>can't go WOT
Because you're grabbing it wrong in the first time. Roll your wrist UP, toward the front of the bike before grabbing it. Your resting throttle position should be near where you hold the throttle open while cruising.

TL;DR you're an idiot. I'm glad you bought a 250, you might live beyond your first season.
"Berufs Vorbereitung"
damit der Lebenslauf nicht so scheiße aussieht

good night dbt
Holy shit.
>>15320221 #
why were you on that page anyway?

I found this place in 2010 when /b/ was making the news. Looked it up at the end of the article and here I am.
>remember you're here forever
you don't even know how to ride a glorified scooter, and you tell me to fuck off while trying to advertise your stupid youtube channel? quite some gall you have there
also n praktikum?
Call him?
Some friend. If he's black then call the cops because you got robbed.
Why does the anon that makes these threads always post some 47 year old motocross racer fag in street racing leathers doing nothing as the OP picture?

Is OP a 40 year old motocross champion fag?

Is motorcycling about wearing hi-viz jumpsuits covered in brand names and advertisement?
It's actually pretty easy to change the throttle tube to one with a bigger pulley (shorter throw)
Drain the carb bowl, inspect air filters, adjust the idle screw and your fuel filter.
Old cyclists were badasses. Same for pretty much every sport/activity. Racing, etc.

Those fuckers rode dirt roads and up mountains on singlespeeds with a couple water bottles and spare tube slung around their shoulder. Today it's all prissy juicers with support vehicles. I like cycling but even worse are the spandex queens who provoke motorists.
It's probably rossi himself sperging out.
Don't go to /n/ then
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same with rallying. fucking group B cars, I tell you what
Chinese bikes are cheap, be prepared to do endless maintenance and repairs. They are meant for 3rd world markets where labor prices for mechanics are dirt-cheap.

Parts are surprising expensive due to obscurity and scarcity and shipping in the USA. Can't recommend any bike made in China, even the Jap-bike clones, it's not that they are horribly engineered but they use simple, cheap components that wear quickly with the assumption that 3rd world Obungu has all the time in the world to wrench on the machine every 300km.
Why the 12 year old tumblrina
Too bad there's no tragedy category

Yeah I don' get biycling as a hobby. Bicycles are for homeless guys riding to sell a stolen bike to a pawnshop and for little kids.

Why Armstrong taking steroids to ride a kid's toy is the most hilarious thing in the world. Like a 50 year old guy taking speed to enhance his reflexes in fucking laser tag. Guy taking proziac to steady his aim during a bb gun competition.

Bicycles on the roads are a fucking joke. Keep to the sidewalks or out on the forest trails where they serve some actual utility for a purpose.
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American who doesn't live in a city detected.

Bicycling is free, exercise, legal on roads and tolerated on walkways, and whenever there's traffic you can lane-split or ride on a sidewalk. Shit I ride my motorcycle a lot and my bike is still useful for <1mile journeys.
he's not wrong..
It's some femanon that a few boards are pathetically obsessed with.
no wonder 30% of all americans are morbidly obese if that's what you people think
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>not being obsessed with ashley
no ones talking about commuting you retarded /n/fag. we're talking about grown men riding around for sport in the middle of the fucking road pretending they are cars with their skin suits.

just ride a fucking mountain bike for sport. it's way cooler, way harder, and you aren't being a cunt that everyone hates.
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I've literally never seen them in the road except where there isn't adequate bike lanes or they're turning. Where are you seeing this?

Also the suits are functional, regular pants will rip up with a lot of biking and you'll get chafing pretty bad on long rides.

Plus you ride a motorcycle so why would you care about a cyclist anyways, you can literally ride around them without leaving your lane.
Carbs where checks not too long ago but I'll check them again.
Could this be the reason the gears are being difficult? Or is that a separate problem?
lol I actually do both street and offroad bicycling, but I know that the thought of not being in an air conditioned, gas guzzling truck and actually having to move their body is quite scary to you americans. And I also know you like to chime into discussions you evidently have no idea about
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HEAT general

Who here still riding in 100+ degrees?

It hit 117 last week and I was out there. Based Shoei and their wind-tunnel-tested helmets give me enough airflow to stay alive.
>using farteinheit
47 in Commies
What's a good beginner bike to get?
Bicycling is even more dangerous than motorcycling, per passenger mile, least in the US. Speeds on the roads are high, distances are lon, drivers are admittedly more retarded and less trained or skilled compared to European or 3rd world countries.

Bicycling is enhanced pedestrianism, meaning your life-span is about 1.2 years before some teenager on her phone smears your carcass across an intersection and drags your body in the undercarriage for 7 miles..

Speed is life in the USA, I didn't design the cities here, but I live here and you ride the sidewalks if your ride doesn't have a motor. Shit I wish I could ride the sidewalks on my 650 sometimes.

Anyways, I guess it's hard to get fat in Europe with that 28% VAT on food items. I live in Colorado, nobody is fat here but the speed limit is 75mph. Being fat is a southern/ minority thing. Obesity rate in Mexico is 48%.
kek this might be the funniest thing i've read all day
I'm an American you chucklefuck. Just because you think it should be some way doesn't make it that way. "Here in America" bicycles can use the roads and bike lanes, and "here in America" in most places you aren't technically supposed to even ride on the sidewalk. Like I got cited once long ago for doing it. So I haven't heard
>you ride the sidewalks if your ride doesn't have a motor
except from retards.

Stay salty dude, may the bike gods curse your 650 and force you to ride a bicycle.
>not using freedom degrees
>ever using commie degrees

Kys desu senpai
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>Americans are this savage

Before I went full moto I used to commute 13km to work on the morning, and 13km back in the afternoon. I also cycled competitively, I'd spend 15 hours a week on average on a bicycle.

I think I had two close calls in a 18 month period. One almost getting rear ended on a roundabout and the other some faggot almost pushing me out of the road. Cycling never injured me.

In 18 months motorcycling I've crashed on my own on the street once, crashed on the track once, and had a very nasty traffic accident where the other party was at fault.

Motorcycling is much more expensive and dangerous than cycling. It is however much more of a normie activity, being much more versatile and appealing.

You want to see autism? Lurk /n/ and watch anons do 200 post debates about Shimano vs Campagnolo.

Lel now I realize I think the groupset debate is strikingly similar to the whole jap bike vs italian bike thing

>muh soul
>muh passio
> using a system that was imposed upon you by colonial forces cucking you hard
> still using murrikan "free* as in beer" degrees instead of superior truly free Kelvin scale which has a purely physical basis

* charges may apply
Kill him you dingus
Oh okay I guess this national bmx title in the other room means I have no idea how to ride a bike.

fuck off retard. 5 year olds ride bikes. it's not hard. get over yourself. id wipe my ass with you in my prime.
>may the bike gods curse your 650 and force you to ride a bicycle.

Take that back immediately you hateful bastard the machine is cursed enough as it is. I love mountain bikes, I love picking up and carrying a mode of transportation. I am not delusional to think a bicycle belongs on a motorway.

Bicycle lanes are shit, cagers will forever cross into them as they view it like your mom views that 'free spot' on her bingo board. You are likely to die real soon if you rely on them in the states.

Sidewalks. I will fight any cop that cites a bicyclist on the sidewalk and will fight any bicyclist that insists they belong on any street with a speed limit over 30mph.

You don't. Stay off the roads. Unless you can maintain pace with traffic, at 10-15mph higher than the posted limits stay off. For your sake. Nobody in America cares about a dead cyclist, one less obstruction in the roads.
>I ride a bike
>Still shits on bikes
>5-year-olds ride bikes
Please I like to enjoy BMX events, don't make me believe that the riders are this huge of faggots.
You could always fight for a useful solution like better bike lanes. That's exactly why they exist. Europeans have huge bike lanes and that cuts down heavily on bikes in the road.
I ride bikes in places where I'm not a danger and annoyance to everyone else on the planet.

ie, on dirt, in bike lanes, on the sidewalk.
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Post strips?
this is the only bicycling i like cause its basically enduro
Why do people still buy european bikes? Literally chinese sweatshop tier designed and built cheap shit with an inflated price
>Why do people still buy non-nippon bikes?
>Chinese sweatshop tier
Ktm is indian now...
Other than that you're just a prejudiced fuck
Muh /soul and passion/
I live in a large city in Germany and this is not true. Yes, we have bicycle lanes. They're only about as wide as a wide bicycle (1 m maybe?). Do 90% of the cyclists here use them? Nope, they're complete fuckfaces. Look at what kind of retards can get a driver's license. Now remember that
a) you don't need a license to ride a bicycle on the road so literally any idiot can and does ride a bicycle -- especially the detritus that can't drive because they're too dumb, poor or stuck-up and don't care to learn the rules of the road
b) bicycles don't have to conform to any standards other than having lights, reflectors and working brakes and even that isn't enforced unless fall has just started
c) due to no licensing and no plates on bikes you can't get cited for accidents you provoke if you can run before you're caught in the act. If you do get into an accident as a bicyclist, you're almost guaranteed to win because driver is licensed and is moving the larger vehicle, so has to be more responsible.

The end result is:
> red light
> bike lane not wide enough for bikers to stop next to each other
> fills up with the few that obey the rules
> shitheads (most of the time wannabe racers in spandex and with expensive helmets) don't stop at stopping line, pull up right to the crossing traffic where they can't even see the lights anymore
> repeat 5x, neither of them wants to be behind one of the others and so they clog the rightmost lanes by standing next to each other
> crossing peds annoyed
> dangerously close to crossing cars
> hipster students just blowing through intersections regardless of traffic lights
We even have dedicated bike lights that switch to green a little earlier so they have a chance to clear the intersection before cars try to turn right. They don't care.

I am always happy when I see a cyclist following traffic rules and especially when I see them get exasperated at those who don't. Nod to them and smile.
Opposed to the boring Chinese sweatshop design, cheaply build shit with an inflated price?
what bikes are still jap made? the only non-jap vehicle i own was inherited
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nice b8

I went to Freiburg daily some months ago for six months, and all that bicycle stuff seemed pretty unproblematically and I haven't had any problems with them at the time
I'm not the one who you talked with until now, I just wanted to say this
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thinking of springing and buying this, opinions y'all? It's hard to find a clean VF1000R

European cities are not laid out like US cities, Its a long-haul more often than not, at high speeds.

Our shit is fucked up, babyboomers made American cities into nice parcels of lawn-care and gardenng and plywood structures interconnected with wide laned roads., a bicycle lane is the most dangerous place for a bicyclist to ride. In the middle of the road, you'll make people mad, but they won't run you over. They will slow down, honk, overake you, yeah. They will totally kill you if you are in the bike lane, though. Bike lane is extra space you can freely move your minivan into if you feel like it.

In the USA, try the completely deserted sidewalks. Nobody walks in the USA but drunks and drunk homeless people. Why they pave sidewalks, I have no idea. Ride 45mph down that shit on all the steroids and meth you have, tucked in with your chains clattering like hell, front end wobbling like a pregnant ladys ass, that would be entirely safer than pretending a bicycle can survive on the streets on a lane literally everyone ignores or uses as a turning lane.

Bicycle lanes are designed just to kill hippie faggots on bicycles. Do not fall or their schemes.
>Other than that you're just a prejudiced fuck
Shit like ducati and BMW have the reliability of a house made from cardboard and yet they can cost upwards of 80k, for what? You cant even say its for bragging rights, who would would brag about the 3rd time thier ECU needed to be replaced under warranty?
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A bicycle lane should look like this, which is the safest place to be as a cyclist.
Which brand is best quality
BMW is for hi-viz uncles who keep their bike in a garage and go motorcycle camping once a year or less.

Not meant or designed for anything else. You buy BMW for the prestige. BMW owners have money. Honda or Kawa owners don't control anything least of all their inadequate front brakes.


Yes, BMW has its flaws, but when you don't buy the first gen it's alright. Engine wise its great even.
>BMW owners have money.
I have a BMW, I'm poor!

I do ride in high-vis, all day err-day the entire year round, typical BMW rider style.
honda, probably
Here in pastaland pushbikes are pretty much only used in city centres by poor students or up in mountains by spandex clad fuckfaces
In the hilly climb i usually do there usually are a couple of polite mountaineers that ride the firetrails
However, when you find roadbikes they're half a dozen, trying to take both lanes...
>Almost ran over three
>One tried to intimidate me, swerving in front of me
>Had a nice chat with my boot
>Two spergs were bickering in the middle of a blind, one way corner
Recently here they moved some trees and made a ring of bike lanes where the old city walls were, effectively connecting every point of interest
>They're so empty scooters use them to cut red lights
This is a crock of bullsheizer, but still
>Buying italian
>Being inept at wrenching
You brought this on yourself
I like it anon, It's beautiful vehicle.

It's actually too beautiful though. As in, jewel-like beautiful. I like bikes as tools.

I also like working/restoring and that one is already done.

And you could also get a modern bike for 4k.

If I had that bike close to me and 4000 dorar in my pockets I'm not sure what I would do.

I do think I would enjoy it more if it was 800 dollars and needed the work done.
Well you had money before you spent it all on repairs and 845$ panniers and shit.

Also that hi-viz jumpsuit and adamantium-weave gauntlets surely cost money..
I'll agree with you, their cars are top tier as well
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another BMW rider here
I'm poor too
your argumentation is flawed
Ayyy don't you have to work tomorrow?
Freiburg hat nichtmal 1/10 der Einwohner von Berlin, da ist dann die Anzahl der Fahrräder pro Kreuzung noch relativ gering :^)
>panniers for free
>suit only costed me €600
>gloves were <€100

Total repair costs after riding BMW for 3 years, ~€800, including new drive shaft

I don't think so mate
> what kinda BMW you want senpai
> just fuck my driveshaft up
Hell, I have an Aprilia and i'm poor
>Americans or rather aussies trying to grasp that yuro bikes are not that exotic in yuroland
yeah, can't really argue with that
i have no experience with their cars though, i've had the same toyota since forever and i'm more of a van fag -- i don't think the odyssey is honda's greatest acheivment
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>Ayyy don't you have to work tomorrow?
Ich hab eine Vorlesung um halb zehn, das passt noch
what about you?
>da ist dann die Anzahl der Fahrräder pro Kreuzung noch relativ gering
but Freiburg has a shit ton of bicycle riders, everyone and their mom rides with bicycles
everyone is green there

Toyota cars are elite as well. same level as Honda, they'll run forever with minimal maintenance
Well fml, your about to get even more poor! keeping on the BMW maintenance. How much does a tow truck wrecker cost there?

You're okay with an oil filter costing as much as you make in wages in 8 hours? You're okay with replacing your clutch and suspension components every 1800km?

Too bad they don't have outlaw MC's for nerds on BMW adventure bikes, then you might have some help after it fails every 1000km!
It's a non-serviceable mechanical part that gets a lot of beatings, at some point those teeth can fail and that's the end of the drive shaft.

A chain fails too, but that is considered normal.
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4wheelers get out REEEEEEE
not exotic, just stupid

like paying steakhouse price for dollar store hotdogs
I ride a Honda
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When you love KTM
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at least inform yourself before you talk shit
Where did the BMW touch you anon?
>Steakhouse price
Buying an Aprilia Shiver here in Italy will easily set you back less than a similarly priced and fairly comparable SV650
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Arbeit von whenever I show up (around 9) until whenever I decide I've had enough and go home.
> everyone is green there
Jesus Christ how horrifying
I dunno maybe you Schwaben are more well-behaved like the human detritus interned in Berlin.
Nice webms by the way, I'm jelly.
> want to ride with Street Triple guy and maybe Danish XT guy on weekend
> can't tighten chain
> now shitting myself that it'll rip and tear off my left leg while going sanic

I was only memeing.
>what is import?
i get it. shitty euro bike are cheap in europe
> German nationalism on the rise
Lel, i was talking used, but whatever...
>Poor islanders having to get shipped everything anyway

Close enough, saw these in Ponteginori, just come back from holiday

>tfw staying up late drinking wine listening to ducati boys racing down the twisties
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>Arbeit von whenever I show up (around 9) until whenever I decide I've had enough and go home.
Are you a hiwi too?
>I dunno maybe you Schwaben are more well-behaved like the human detritus interned in Berlin.
Freiburg is Baden, not Schwaben. I don't have any other big city bicycle riding to compare it to, so I don't know
>Nice webms by the way, I'm jelly.
>Went to an house on modena's hills with friends
>Every evening i could hear some shitcunt slamming gears on those shitty roads
Poetic as fuck

>i was talking used

well, that's retarded, of course the shittier bike will sell for less

what is even your point?
> hiwi
Yes, it's comfy. Programming shit in Python, letting my colleague deal with anything I can't figure out in a few minutes searching on the internet or asking /g/ because it's most likely something she programmed fucking up, and playing supertuxkart and lurking 4chan in my downtime.
> Baden
Was ist da der Unterschied?
t. Preuße
>Yes, BMW has its flaws, but when you don't buy the first gen it's alright
BMW are like ubisoft, they don't bother making it right the first time and just patch it later. If no one bought the first ones they wouldnt be able to "fix" the next and they might actually put effort in

Isn't Panigale near there? Can't wait to do a bit of touring, definitely going back that ways, driving seems way more chill
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Are Groms still meme bikes? Been away a while
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sounds comfy, for me it's similar
>Was ist da der Unterschied?
the usual stuff
>t. Preuße
But now I'm going, good night
i'd buy one if i didn't already have 3 low cc vintage enduros
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Bye m8
guys im not good in the heat can we do sem3.0 in autumn or early spring?
why does that plate look like something they serve your food on in hospital?

how much drag does that produce?

Maybe yes, we'll see.
Weather stats Bled:
>average high temp in July is 26 celcius
>average low temp in July is 13 celcius
>rain 12 days a month, 152mm total or 13mm per day it rains

stats similar for August
>shoulder bag on motorcycle
>not backpack
wtf nigger


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>no work tomorrow
>bikes don't need work

I've been flirting with the idea of buying overwatch but I just can't play a game casually. I either don't play or play 50 hours a week to git gud

i'm thinking of visiting alien isolation again

i think i got too scared and gave up the first time i played it
>~12 hours riding home
>we have three days to do it
>decide to do it in two
>first day all three of us are complaining about SLAB highway route home
>discuss taking the third day and getting home saturday instead of tomorrow, we all sorta wanna get home early
>continue on
>see huge storm cell about 20 minutes ahead
>instead of pulling off and taking the three days my Dad decided to ride into the storm
>all our shit gets soaked
>he decides before we reach that day's destination it's raining too hard and we pull off
>still have ~9 hours left to do tomorrow, or have to take the third day anyways, but now our shit is all wet

Everyone I've ridden with long distance is bad at distance riding.
where do you sleep

i'm a champ at long distance riding but i INSIST on camping and finding a site before dark.. i get bitched at for it but everyone is happier at the day's end
Did you guys not have good rain gear? I bought some rain suit from cycle gear and it leaves me completely dry during a rainstorm. Only issue would be gloves and boots.
In two years max i hope i can afford a BMW 800 GS Adventure.

Im a dentist with a post degree in dental implants and a masters degree in dental prosthesis and still i cant make some fucking money in this shithole country.
Better believe it. I shit you not it's hit 50 here
Been out of the loop for a little while but was interested in the new triumph speed triple, but came across something about a speed 94

Both bikes sound identical with minor cosmetic differences, anyone have any more info on them both, is there a big difference anywhere between them?
>specializing in cosmetic
you deserve what you get
Avoiding rain isn't part of long distance riding, you should have good rain gear and waterproof bags [which the GL should be] and just ride through the shit
motels on this trip

But the point is we were already on the fence about stopping for the day. We all have rain gear, but I'm the only one with gloves and boots. The GL isn't actually waterproof too, just pretty water resistant.
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trackday soon
Not 100+ but last weekend I was riding in 95 degrees and 100% humidity. I've been drier while underwater.
>house bike shop

fuck i hate living on the third floor
It's just a special edition of the Striple looks like.

Also, we still didn't make it to out intended destination. We also had to stop and sit in the rain for 10 minutes while my father tried to figure out his GPS to find a motel. A total non-issue because there were 'H' signs in the town. He wouldn't hear it though or just let me navigate.
i've been meaning to pour a floor in my garage for months

keep spending money on other shit though.
what's on the floor now?

i rent a garage like a mile away, uphill
>It's just a special edition of the Striple looks like.

Ah right, cheers, I've been out of the loop as I said, still using my speed four, loving everything about it except for the mpg, still a very fun bike, but I just got looking into the newer triumphs to see what was what and i'm seeing all these different models like speed 94, speed triple, street triples etc.

Research time I think.
just get a jap bike, TRUST ME

no one ever gets a jap bike and wonders how life would be different with an american or european bike
You sound fucking annoying. I'd hate to be your dad and I would hate going on a long distance trip with you.
I bought a Euro bike, and every time I ride it I'm glad it's not Japanese.
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Not true at all. Hell I ride a euro bike and I still wonder what riding some other euro bikes is like

>Not wanting to ride all the bikes

>Devil trips
Yeah but once you commit to staying on the road you gotta stick with it unless your bike breaks or there's a pass frozen over etc. IMO anyway. I just figured you would have the waterproof pods for the GL
European bikes are like American bikes, only more expensive and less reliable. Especially Italian and British bikes, holy shit are they bad.

I dunno why you're fixated on a Triumph, they are not a good purchase.
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Lane filtering is best.
Besides my speed four, every bike i've owned beforehand had been a jap bike.

Looking back on them, the only one out of the bunch that never gave me any major issues, was my old 1999 Fazer 600, not a single problem.

I've had a ZZR600 engine blowup on me, had a Deauville with electrical issues out the ass, had an FJR1300 that kept cutting out randomly whilst riding along, and my ST1100, despite their bullet proof reliability, formed a crack at the front end of the engine casing.

I've heard of the jap bikes having remarkable build quality but so far I've had nothing but issues with most of them, excluding my Fazer, none of them were cheap purchases off ebay or anything either.

The speed four surprisingly was a wreck but I rebuilt it to its former glory and so far never had a single issue minus the terrible mpg, but for this bike thats normal.

Maybe i'm just really unlucky, everyone else gets the good jap bikes and I get the shit, and then I get an indestructable Euro bike instead perhaps.

I really regret selling my Fazer though, was near showroom condition, but nowadays when I look around for them for sale, they always seem to be busted up and abused beyond belief for the asking prices too.

Just saw your post after I replied to the other guy, so far I seem to be the opposite, had nothing but bad luck with jap bikes, and only good experiences with my Triumph.

I always thought most Triumphs were solid bikes?
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Did I buy the right hat /dbt/?
Meant to ask then, if Triumphs are so bad, reliability wise and maybe I've just been lucky with my speed four etc ...as somebody that loves the old Fazer 600, and my speed four, have a thing for semi naked bikes I guess.

What bike would you recomend thats a bit more modern these days? I did like the look of the new Suzuki Bandit 1200 though i've not read much on them, but thats the sort of bike I like.

I just need a few bikes to "aim for" saving wise, as a goal to reach etc.
Grill got me a new helmet today cuz it was on sale.

I'm ok with this
yep just cross out the motorcycles and write lawn mowers or some shit
if you're in euro i'm sure eurobikes are fine

i'm in canada and the one triumph dealer near me (i order parts from them, they have jap bikes too) has a wait list so long for service they won't even take appointments right now

>inb4 working on it yourself
enjoy voiding that warranty
i'm jelly, my helmet is old and literally falling apart but i don't have a job yet so i'm holding out

hope i don't need it to actually save my head
>waterproof pods for the GL
Bought it used and dude didn't give me them. I ordered dry bags but they arrived the day after I left.

Not fucking annoying, fucking annoyed.
but that camera angle isn't. at least 30% of the frame is wasted
Ah fair enough, britfag here, voted leave too etc.

Parts for me have never been an issue and I'm good friends with the staff in the local triumph dealership and service yard too.

For the speed four, I rebuilt it myself but with a new bike I'd keep it done with specialists atleast until the warranty was out.

I can see how it would be for you though, can't imagine ringing my dealership and them saying "sorry no chance anytime soon mate!".
Shit nigga. What are you doing with your life!!!

Come borrow one of mine. I have a closet full
Duct tape, bro.

Keep in mind, a perfectly new helmet is Styrofoam with a impossibly thin plastic shell. Basically, it's built like a 9$ ice chest. Slightly worse because of weight concerns.

Which is way better than nothing, unless you drenched it in brake fluid or something, it should cause your head to decelerate slower than it'self like it's supposed to.
Fuck man I wouldn't be leaving the house in that kind of temperature
Rode the dragon today

fucking harleyfags really know how to slow down the fun

You are clueless
>KTM The Movie
Dude I was there yesterday.
are you in your 40s or do you just look old?
thanks mang, expected to be working by now but it's not a good year in my industry i guess (road building) it doesn't help that i put my helmet in the jostling road building machines or leave them in the sun for 12 hours a day and age them prematurely

you're right, i think it will still do a decent job, personally
not as clueless as you, obviously
post ur killboy pics

ill be there tomorrow too unless it rains.
I am 23.
>so fast Muh hairline got pushed back
oh god im 23 and everyone thinks im 35

Cool bike
Do you use block off plates for the mirrors, or just tape up the holes?

Which track?
>that chest hair

>not running
worth $400
Not even, but they are some pretty neat bikes
There literally wasn't even a single KTM that blew up in that video. In fact the only KTM it showed got tipped on its side and ran wide open at reline with no load for like half a minute without blowing up.
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I know that feeling man.
I always try to have extra of everything laying around. Even a few meme helmets just for the fuck of it. Still better than nothing.

Hope shit picks back up for you yo.
>he doesnt have a hairy chest
Must b ghey

I'm thinking about getting one
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i thought my bike blew up a couple days ago but it was just a spark plug got loose and did grenade
>half a minute
wow impressive
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are you balding?

also rate my bike folks
i actually have a shit ton of 3/4 and beanie helmets but they scare me to wear now

i'm not super poor yet, got some savings still, just have a load of repairs and projects on the go and "new, safer helmet" is low on the priority list
>akra can
>on a grom
Labor waste of money but the photo is good
I got all kinds of epic gear. But I usually only post the things that triggers the autust.

I fkn hate having too much time off of work. I start to get bored as shit wirth everything
does /dbt/ have pets?
does /dbt/ do any /dbt/ shit with them?
Sometimes when I save images online it comes out as an readable file. y
ayy lmao i thought I blew mine up too
>riding through forest using only first and second gear because ruff terrain
>air cooled 80s shitbike engine
>like after 45 minutes of high revs in first/second gear it goes THUMP - SQUEAAAAAAAK
>turn off immediately shit shit
>let it cool down afraid to start it
>start after 20 minutes everything is working normal again

I think it just overheated or something, dunno

no doggy only sometimes watches when I wrench
i don't mind it, i got an old 400 that i'm anxious to have on the road before autumn and road building will likely hinder that
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killboys pics were shit.


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lol post a webm of you laying your bike on its side and holding the throttle wide open for that long.
We Brexit now!
A cat. Because I needed a drinking buddy

Sounds nice.
Only plans I have for the future are places I wanna take road trips to. Next time I upgrade I wanna go full gramps and get a touring bike
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i took my (pic related) rabbit to the vet on a bike last week

i don't think she enjoyed the ride
nice, what are you thinking?
a guy i know has a beautiful 80s silverwing he's always trying to sell me
i fell on the ice last year fucking around and that's basically what i did to draw attention and get someone to come help me

>more like a quarter minute
I had a doggo but she lives with my parents. I really want another one, like a border collie or a weimerainer or preferably a chocolate then black lab
Pfffttt.... idk man. It's hard not to want goldwing sometimes, but the roadmaster is pretty sexual as well. Only time will tell man.

How much he want for it?
roadmaster is extremely sexual

I'd put a hitch on it and pull a camper around with me.
i saw white brand new 2016 (17?) goldwing on the showroom floor in the spring
it was huge and ridiculous and "not my type" ..but it's definitely part of my retirement package

i have a nice old harley that i tour on but it's got close to 100000 kms and i worry it's nearing rebuild- it's also pretty bare bones for a touring bike
so fucking gay
>no climbing on dragon
aw man.
post harley pics

I wouldn't do a trailer, the thing has enough storage and I would rather just sleep in a tent/on a tarp/ in a hotel.

then again I am 20 and I can get away with that.
why'd you post it again, bro?
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i would bring that passenger backrest forward for myself and have a supertrunk

bitches ride their own bikes
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that an sv650?
>assmad gm fangirl detected
wait wrong thread...
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I'm having trouble deciding which headlight to get to replace this. My main concern is a good road-friendly beam which provides good visibility but also has a low beam which doesn't blind everyone else. But I would also want it to mount up easily, not look like an 80s leftover (looks are the lowest priority really), and not be terribly expensive.
I see 4 injectors bud.
Gw are so well balanced though. Same with other touring boned I've tested. I like um. Big n comfy. I'm a sucker for comfort man.
But some folks don't dig the full blown dresser style. To each their own man.
As long as ur happy with it
you're the authority on ghey, fagit
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you've seen it
I didn't, thumbnails only get so big on my computer. Opened it in another window and saw that 600 on the fairing. oops
Yea, you can get a pull behind pop up tent.
Age has nothing to do with it. I could stop and stay in a 5 star hotel every night. But what's the point.
Roll up to a camp site, pop up tent, room for 2, plenty of extra storage for wtf ever you need

and I am calling you ghey, bb ;)

because big indian.

something about having a pair of titties on your back tho, that's why I want something with a forward riding position...
I'm slightly obsessed with the Honda Goldwing and it's potential. It's a huge motorcycle, but they're absolutely bulletproof. Guys get Ford Ranger-tier milage out of them. Totally weatherproof, aftermarket shti galore, strong alternator.

I want to make an off-road dual-sporty adventure bike out of the 1000lb beast. Tractor tires. A brush guard and heavy duty farings to bludgeon through the forest underbrush. Lifted suspension. A winch.

I see fuck-huge cafe racers built off them, I wanna make a dirt-bike.
they were test driving new hondas at my shop the other day but the goldwing and the cbr600r were booked up so i didn't bother
Yea, but with the fat hogs you go for you ain't getting nothing but gut rubbing on you
dbt brits voted leave right?
Just get a GS

canada loves u

(i don't really follow it but i do love brit candy)
You missed out anon.
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this is true, I guess I just can't imagine being /that/ comfy. I had a blast with just this stuff
>camp stove
>sleeping mat
>sleeping bag
>can o' beans
>can o' soup
>2000 miles of tooj
i know. next year

i also missed the biggest bike day of the year because my fucking garage door shit the bed and the only bike i had at my disposal was the qt 175 which isn't equipped for a big highway pilgramage
Nothing wrong with that m8.
It will help you appreciate all the subtle comforts the full dresser works offers.

You won't feel as beat down after a long haul. Shits nice mang

Soon though m8, soon. Maybe that's fates way of telling you to wait until a great deal pops up
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i used to love bike camping but then i did this once (pic related)
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>you won't feel as beat down after a long haul
I was pretty rekt after that day when I camped out. no regrets though, was absolutely epic. here's the route. just took i5 back home tho
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looks comfy. I plan on doing a "Travels With Charlie" style roadtrip in my ferd when I have both a doggo and money
>no ragrets
I feel man. It helps you appreciate that upgrade even more yo lol

Looks like a nice ride though.
One day man, one day. Until that day comes I'll be happy on the east coast
Can someone explain the appeal of cafe racers to me? Or is it something you need to experience firsthand or one of those preferential things?
how many mpg?
there is none, its just about shitting up a clapped out old ujm and pretending its worth something and is fun to ride or some shit
to race to the cafe
atm with sea level tuning at a mile up, around 9 or 10 mpg. a 4.9l i6, shit single barrel carb, c6 auto and 4.11 gears do that.

I will be either regearing or swapping an AOD at some point tho

I feel like the first bike I have that has either a fairing or a windshield alone will be a game changer for me.

because they look cool. really uncomfortable tho
holy shit m8

It's like the motorcycle equalivant of a 60's muscle car style sleeper.

It's hipster shit. Cafe racers were proto-sportsbikes before different classes of motorcycle were developed.
>ugly unfitting plank seat
>stupidly low bars
>unmatching tank
>strange headlight
>strange saddle bags
>shitty hollow can exhaust
Jerk off to what you want but that doesn't look very good to me
>call favorite teriyaki place
>spicy chicken with fried rice
>lady doesnt speak english so there was some confusion on the phone
>i go
>she has 2 big things of food, one full of fried rice and other other full of chicken
>asks if i called
>say yea but i only ordered one thing
>she chingxhongs at me trying to figure out how to say the names of the food they sell
>turn around and leave
>see other customers staring at me out the window as i get in my car
>make jack off motion and leave
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Yeh i know, i tried raising the gopro with more bits but then it vibrated too much. and i do not want too put a helmet mount on my Corsa.
oh and now of course i can never go back

RIP best fried rice in town
>>favorite teriyaki place
>can't even get food from them
Why are they your favorite?

>>make jack off motion and leave
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just for fun,...

i posted this pic related a couple days ago wondering if i was hoodwinked by the guy who sold me the bike who told me it was "a hole for a spare plug"
/dbt/ universally jumped on the situation as either me being dumb, the seller being untoward and/or the bike being a shit

turns out it came from the factory with a bolt or something plugging the hole, and no one on the internet, 40 years later, can agree to exactly why

it's probably just a hole for a spare plug

Young people (or hipsters) think they're special snowflake when they don't ride a "modern overstyled high performance" bike like everyone else

so they buy a shitty outdated cafe racer. Goes so far that fake carbs are added for cosmetics if it's fuel injected.
It was good in the past, i dont know maybe it was a different lady or she had a stroke or something. But it was never this hard before. I went and got fucking burger king instead because there was so much traffic it was the only place I could get into.

Now I'm going to binge drink until I wake up to a bunch of piss jugs.
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some look good. some really aren't. I like barely modified standard ujms (exhaust, carbs, better suspension or something)
It's for a compression tester so you don't have to unscrew a spark plug.

Just makes it more accessible.
you also never told us what the bike was did you?
i still say you should wire it up for a dual fire system
>don't want to helmet mount
Enjoy always having terrible video. Anything besides helmet is generally shit for anything except for detailing certain aspects of riding technique.

Why won't you though?
comon, i love old shit

pics of fake carbs or it didn't happen
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>riding back from work
>end up behind a squid on a Super Blackbird
>riding in the middle of the lane
It's kinda sad that someone that dumb is riding something that cool.
this is probably the correct response

i did post the bike

suzuki ts 250, it's also on the ts 400

>fuel injected
>UJM cafe racer

literally what
does the hole go all the way down to the cylinder?
Because expensive helmet. I do have a helmet mount on my Shark Speed R which i use when commuting. But when i go for a fun ride or go to the track i use my nicest helmet.
yes, you can swap the ignition wire to either plug and the bike will run
Oh no a little mount :(

Get over it. Helmet is the only way.
>riding in the middle of the lane
Literally who cares?
Concur. I have to ride all over the place because of frost heaves.
They can peel off fine without damaging the helmet too.

>using your most expensive helmet at the track
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a mount wont damage your helmet, put it on.
google "triumph thruxton fake carbs"

did you miss the last 5 years or so? There are new in production cafe racers.
why wouldn't you use your more expensive track rated helmet at the track?

i've read pretty convincing articles about track rated helmets being inferior on public roads
almost as bad as
having fake air cool fins, amiright?
>he thinks the fins are fake
You might actually be retarded
>having fake air cool fins
I very rarely see that
t. Didn't pass high school physics.
regarding physics
what is the most efficient finish on an engine to shed heat?
high temp enamel coated
machined raw surfaces
polished surfaces
or raw cast surfaces
Not him, but I'd guess raw cast because of surface area and the resulting turbulence.
t. didn't learn basic bike a e s t h e t i c

why aren't car water jackets finned, geniuses?
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its almost like motorcycle engines are exposed to airflow or something lmao
it's almost like water is better at cooling than air, ergo water cooled
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Yet you can still employ air cooling fins on areas not sufficiently cooled by water or oil alone.
Should I return my Kilm Dakar pants and get the Mojave pants? the Mojave pants are fully vented, the Dakar's only have two big zip vents. I know they're going to be hot in the desert, but I'm thinking the Mojave might be too cold in the mountains of Colorado.
>inb4 get both, only taking one pair of pants on my trip
yep, something on the order of 30% more efficient than any other finish
Fucking phone posting photos
>implying they're not (mostly) just for show, because MUH FINS, AIRFLOW
>implying there aren't better ways to dissipate heat
>seriously trying to pretend that two different types of heat dissipation working together is bad
are mojave waterproof? If not then don't get those. Keep the adjustable pants and just take them off if it gets too hot
>implying cooling fins are more than an old relic
Nah man mine doesn't run away. I can open the garage and leave and he will just stand there and do nothing. Comes down to how well you train them and he was the easiest dog to train.

We have to hide all the tennis balls because once we go outside all they want to do is play fetch.

But you really do have to walk them a lot since they're working dogs. I can't honestly tire mine out even after 2 hours of walking he will still be up for playing fetch until you get sick of throwing the ball.
Do you post to the /k/ battle buddies threads
They're still used on certain italian motorcycles :)
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muh dog

he gets scared when they backfire but otherwise enjoys momo rides
nope, i havent been on /k/ in quite a while.
i need to get my pupper outfitted with a vest soon and see if i can figure out a good way for her to be on a bike with me
i didn't say they were COMPLETELY obsolete

just old timey and/or mostly aesthetic
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/dbt/ test

>when /dbt/ unanimously disagrees with me, i'm probably right
>keep screwing up rev blips and lock the rear
How do I get good?
You're breaking the rules anon. I'm afriad I will have to have a spergfest now.
Why are GS500 and Ninja 500s so cheap? NADA price on a 2005 is between $1500 and $2000 retail.

I don't see too many Ninja 500s on my local Craigslist, but there are a few GS500s and some dealer prices are just really low, it just seems crazy to see anything from 2005 with 8k miles advertised for $2000. Are they just so shitty all around that it's best to look at other models? What would I miss out on getting something like this to start on?
They're both ugly shitbikes. Get a Ninja 250.
>wanting an opinion from a balding miata owner
07 CBR600RR

>Wanting to buy
2009+ street triple r

Is it going to be worth it or should I buy a speed triple? I don't ride faster than 60mph on my commute and I like going twisties when I can, but the cbr just isn't getting used for its proper purpose most of the time and is uncomfortable for around town.
>jelly that I am the 1%
How's HIV treating you?
I know we're at the bump limit but I'm still gonna reply.

I'm 6'2" with a 34" inseam and feel like I'm gonna knock my knees into my chin a little bit when I'm on some 250s. I've never actually been on a Ninja 250 though, I'll have to sit on one when I get a chance.
Get an SV650. The carbureted ones can be had for $2000 or less.
You'll feel slightly stupid on a Ninja 250, it's a small bike. If you must have a 250cc bike the WR250R is basically your only option.

Motorcycles are built for 3rd world manlets and Japanese people. Tall people really only fit properly on dual sports.
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How fucked am I /dbt/
best way to bump an old enduro, with a failing kickstart, cold?
i don't know what i'm supposed to be looking at
Because they're outdated and worthless and there's no demand for them.

There's nothing a GS500 does (inb4 muh reliability!) that another bike doesn't do better, whether it's handling, fuel economy etc. They're budget motoring for budget people and budget is what you get in all departments with these two.

They're fine starter bikes, but that's all they are. A stepping stone onto something better, if you will.
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Handlebar snapped off during a lowside
Because they're budget bikes build for people that need it cheap.

Ugly, unwanted and outdated but reliable to hells end, easy to work on and cheap as fuck make them great beginner bikes or cheap commuters. They have practicality written on them.

For advanced riders and weekend warriors they're underpowered
For newbies they're ugly and they rather go with a ninja 2shitty because it looks fast
That dash seems really fucking familiar. What bike?
they're probably good learner bikes but unless you want a project demand a test ride

the tranny could be pooched

if you don't know how to ride ask the seller to demonstrate a ride and go into 3rd gear at least

Also when I went to turn off the bike it kinda sputtered for a while then turned off, is it okay?

u ok?
>being hurt during a lowside

But is the bike gonna be okay! how the fuck do I fix the handlebars? what do I order?
also see >>15322947
You order a new handlebar and anything that was on it that is also broken... Just go on ebay, they bolt right on and off on that bike.
Is It a clip on? or just a standard handlebar?
>anything that was on it that is also broken
FUCK really? Im gonna have to order new parts for everything on the right handlebar?
>being nobike

come back when babby crashes first bike
No kid. See those two little plastic caps on your upper triple? Those are covers for the two bolts that hold that handlebar on.

Replace anything on the handlebar that broke in the crash, if anything.

pls just look at how it works

im the dude that crashed the bike, I just dont see how someone can get seriously hurt from a lowside

also im still confused how I even lowsided, the road was barely wet and I didnt see any oil yet as I started to stop (I didnt smash the brakes) I slided! Could forks/suspension have any effect on this?
thanks anon you're amazing, nothing seemed broken expect the handlebar and the watercoolant cover but the sputtering of the engine was weird

any answers on what the sputtering after I used the kill switch could have meant?
Also, don't buy that handlebar, just noticed it's already bent. Get a nice straight one.

Dunno about that one, never heard of that before. Could be faulty wiring of the switch.
the engine didnt shut off immediately I mean Iwas made that low idle sound then shut off, I just dont want to have had the bikes engine being FUBAR.

>cheap handlebar is bent
FUCK, is it bad? I cant tell, I just a way to get around ;-;
Should look like this.


You see the difference? The cheap one is bent and rusted right at the start of the bar
>80 bucks and dont need the right handle bar
sheit expensive mistake

how do these look mate?

never used ebay either does thins guy look good?
meant to say dont need the left one

also I have a 2001 kawasaki 500 does that matter when getting one from a 95?
Oh. No they're the same from 94-07 by the looks of these ebay listings.
so should I buy this one? thanks baird for helpin
If you can't find just the bar. You don't need the whole assembly if that shit isn't broken. It goes off and on a new bar easily.
>nobody selling just the bar
I guess Ill give the money

here's a lession: dont ride on old tires, only explanation for a shitty lowside
The guy looked forward as if he had a mind-blowing revelation after that tire bump

>"Not now. I must think"
I'm new. What's a squid?
A fucking faggot.
>Just woke up
You can come, but Borgo Panigale and San Lazzaro are just small towns born on the Via Emilia
The actual city is Bologna, not much here but medieval towers and nice restaurants
Let me know if you ever come, i used to be a tour guide in summer for bike money
>oil filter costing as much as you make in wages in 8 hours?
Dude what, a filter from the stealership is 14$. From 3rd party it's even less.
>Tfw need better job or need to settle for a 76 Suzuki enduro
In the same boat: Is it worth taking a loan on a used bike?
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