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When will he be stopped?

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Thread replies: 91
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He just keeps on digging that hole.
Why would you want to stop the truth you fucking commie?
I was referring to him being on a bike in that bottom pic.
Damn sell out.
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>"As far as I was concerned, men who want to be women were really only to be found on the internet or in the seedier bits of Bankok."
>"Those were called ladyboys, and in my mind they were nothing more than the punchline in a stag night anecdote."

Holy shit I haven't laughed this hard in weeks.

He's right though.
letting a three year old do whatever they want should constitute bad parenting. Also, the fact that clarkston is old and british. it shouldn't be a shock that he's not going to accept, nor should he, some bullshit like this.
>I wish clarkston was my dad
this is just BBC being butthurt. Like an ex girlfriend talking shit because you moved on to bigger and better things like amazon while they're stuck getting gangbanged by a slew of stereotypes.
I wish James May was my dad.
the hero we don't deserve
>tfw you aren't old and rich and couldn't give less of a fuck about the butthurt pc media
clarkson is living the dream
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>who transitioned from male to female herself
Ftfy BBC

The British media is awful. I thought the US news outlets and tabloids were bad, but these bongs are on another level.
>BBC is still so fucking salty over him

visit >>>/pol/ and be enlightened.
I wish they were both my dad
If I open this will i be triggered
Nice trips

But I think I'm gonna stay away from that place. I don't even fully know what Clarkson said but the Britcuck media is always nitpicking shit.
So these parents will cut their children's genitals up, but I'd love to see their reaction when their child asks for a full face tattoo of their favorite cartoon character, because it's who they really are and it's definitely not just a whimsical obsession brought on by overexposure and emotional immaturity.
Geez, Clarkson can't catch a break. First, he has to deal with the BBC trying to force him to be politically correct when that was never apart of his appeal in the first place. Now, that he's not on the Beeb's payroll they're trying to slam him so he won't absolutely destroy Top Gear in the ratings.
Fuck, the PC nutjobs have overrun them too, just like they did with the field of psychiatry.

it's like they don't know what that word means. letting a bunch of kids running around pretending they aren't what they are is harming them. Instead they should be learning a life lesson, you are what you are and you don't get what you want.

How fucked up and dysfunctional is the generation being brought up by parents who believe this PC bullshit going to be? It's scary.
how do you know either of them aint ?
>poorly aimed shots fired
>on a note related to the thread
at what age are people considered legally competent ?
unless your emancipated you are your caregivers bitch for quite some time morality and ethics be dammed
he took the bants too far and started getting crass and sloppy
things were better when you had to be subtle to get past the censors
Breaking news: liberals feelings hurt by someones opinion
furfuxake the guy is only voicing an opinion, an opinion most of us in the UK are too fuckin scared to voice ourselves since the advent of the PC brigade.
we have way too many crybullies in this shithole of a country and way too may who will rise to any bait thats put before them.
i miss the 70's when a darkie was a darkie, a poofter was a poofter andwomen stayed in the fuckin kitchen like good girls.
no doubt i'll get flak from the 18 to 30 year old brainwasher eedjits on here , but once they grow the fuck up they'll realise theres nothing wrong nor new with Clarkson comments and we should bring back Benny Hill.

i doubt the BBC will ever get over losing real top gear. but when you consider the other crap people have gotten away with like Johnathan Ross and that weidie beardie Russel Brand, the cover up and whitewashing of Saville and Harris etc it sickens me that people still fuckin pay for the priviledge of watching 90% shite tv,

this is only the very tip of a fuck hueg iceberg mate, the media here are at a point now where i refuse to buy into any of it, newspapers,tv, radio i wont have any of these at home now.

when put like that its seems comical, but when you see 7 or 8 year old girls with facial piercings or toungue peircings you know the parents just dont give a fuck

typical BBC strategy, destroy anything it doesn't like.including independence for Scotland.

>How fucked up and dysfunctional is the generation being brought up by parents who believe this PC bullshit going to be? It's scary.

people are getting wise to the bullshit though, slowly but surely. the whole PC lark has gotten out of control. but i for one will not allow my sons to be caught up in this shite. they're getting red pilled at every chance.
Hammond looks like he put on weight.
i see what you did there
jeremy looks like my dad
>people are getting wise to the bullshit though, slowly but surely.
Nah. I'm not seeing it.

Anyone remember when 4chan was ironic and actually funny?

Imagine episodes of the Colbert Report slowly becoming real segments on Fox news

And now you've change too, /o/. We used to shitpost volvo 240's all the time and like it
He's like frosty; whenever he fucks up he digs in deeper (Frosty got his third drug related arrest while on probation September 2015, and just got arrested back in Jan 2016 for animal neglect).
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>Independence for Scotland
I thought thats what that article is saying, they even go so far as to say that puberty blocking hormone therapies are dangerous and that most gender confused children accept their biological sex by 18
No I think it's basically saying Clarkson is right although with a more liberal liberal slant
I saw
>No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex. Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept; not an objective biological one.
And didn't read any further to save myself from being enraged.
So a boomer is being a boomer, nothing new.

I'm honestly more surprised at you idiots.
Where the hell did this irrational hate for trannies come from?
They just want to switch and get on with their lives, not blog about it like the retards in Tumblr. Those idiots are just suburban white kids who have no idea how hat they're talking about.
What they're talking about*

Didn't read the BBC article's bullshit explanation on gender and sex, it's guaranteed to be wrong
This only makes me want to watch and buy more of his merchandise. I hate this transgender media. Idgaf what you do to your body but why does it have to be such a huge deal. You can turn your cock inside out and its still a cock and you're still a man.
>want to switch and get on with their lives
if only
I don't hate trannies, if they want to transition as adults fine, but on the same token mental disease shouldn't be seen as something to be normalized, and children who have no idea what the consequences of their actions are should not be allowed to make life changing and irreversible decisions at 6 years old, and good parents should recognize that.
It's just the BBC trying to slander him again. It's not like they can do much else to him; he's already BEEN fired.

I feel sorry for Jezza, really. He made a life for himself, and then the world and the BBC changed and he no longer belongs in either.
He's a man out of time. A dinosaur. A relic of the past, like the powerslides, the V8 engine, supercars, and beer-drinking chain-smoking men who aren't afraid to speak their mind.
Top Gear was the last bastion of the old world.

It pains me that people hate him. He's a man with no place in the world, and he's just trying to make use of what skills he has.

Also, he's right. Kids change their minds daily on EVERYTHING. They like peas one day, and hate them the next. They're gullible, they're impressionable, and the PC lobby will indoctrinate them happily. Same with religious types, but that's apparently acceptable.
Anon pls, these are the words of a hateful bigot

You're not a hateful bigot, are you?
Fuck that. They only think they want independence. They voted to stay part of the UK, and they only said they wanted out because they're poorfag layabouts who won't even do jobs if they're handed them on a silver platter.
We should just stop sending them money for benefits and subsidies, and see how long it takes them to come running back and saying they want to be british again.
This guy is correct. I actually wanted to switch my gender too and started going to meetings for transgendered people and it turned out that these fucking trannies want to take over the world! They're planning on buildng a Death Star, I've seen the blueprints. I stopped going there because I was too scared and just stuck to shitposting against trannies on /pol/
>building a death star
Good, once they're all there we can blow them all up at once
They're also going after him on this to scare amazon who got praised up and down for the show Transparent.
You fucked up because you're dumb and let yourself get triggered. The article is about how all the neo-lib genderfluid otherkin bullshit is just that, and all that matters is your biological sex.

Don't like like an SJW and call them out for being hyper-PC at the same time.
Yes in fact I am a bigot, thanks for asking,

better to admit that than be a hypocrite, say you're open minded, while shitting and dismissing other people's opinions out of hand like sjw's do.

Children should have to wait until they're teenagers at least for hormones, and then again until they're adults for surgery, otherwise the doctors in charge can be tried with malpractice
Read the whole thing.

>Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.

> Gender dysphoria (GD), formerly listed as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), is a recognized mental disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-V).

It's pretty anti-trans.
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>I feel sorry for Jezza, really. He made a life for himself, and then the world and the BBC changed and he no longer belongs in either.
He's a man out of time. A dinosaur. A relic of the past, like the powerslides, the V8 engine, supercars, and beer-drinking chain-smoking men who aren't afraid to speak their mind.
Top Gear was the last bastion of the old world.

>yfw he wasn't talking about just cars here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Uc1n4ng9Nk [Embed]
hammond looks so funny with a beard
So you mean retarded rednecks who think they should be able to spout whatever nonsense they want.
everyone is racist and sexist just not overt
better to keep save it for the lunch break
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>He just keeps on digging that hole.

And the hole shall be deep, wide and filled with the tears of the screaming lefties.
And it shall be good
I think I made myself sad with that.

> TFW there'll never be another presenter like Clarkson
> TFW the age of the V8 is over and will never return
> TFW you will get to drive a different brand new car every day
> TFW there will be no more alpha male role models for the next generation
> TFW you will never create a globally popular TV show based around bantering with your mates, driving fast cars sideways, mocking everything, chatting about cars to celebrities, and cocking about with cars and hammers
> TFW you'll never be Jeremy Clarkson.

This is not a world I want to bring children into or raise them in. Either it changes and the SJWs go, or competence dies with us.

And yes, having made myself sad, I'm inflicting it on /o/. That's just how I cope with feels.
well for white man perhaps
but who next will be the most cucked
I know its only a matter of time b4 someone else has to bear this degradation
Those things may not happen because of sad sack whiny millenials like you complaining about everything expecting it to change. You can buy a camera that is better than anything they used for TV 10 years ago for $800, make a show, and publish it on youtube for free, there is nothing stopping you.
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yup, that's how free speech goes

and for clarification, the actually free speech, not the perverted "your rights end where my feelings begin, silence the dissitent, kill the wyatt mann" modern day liberal kind of "free" speech you cuckolds are so fond of
The absolute mad-man.

That hole is going to be filled with SJW tears, and now that Clarkson is not on BBC I don't think he really cares what he says publicly anymore.

Jeremy is right. Paris is just an angry little Ladyboy that can't stand people not liking his stupid decision to rescind his/her original gender.


fuck niggers
fuck spics
fuck white folk
fuck everybody

and fuck mentally ill "trans gendered" fucks

and most of all fuck all you "sjw's"

and stay the fuck away from whats little i have of my gun rights

Even /legbutt/ will confirm shit like that.
>everyone that doesn't share my ideals should be silenced

no thanks, neo nazi's should be allowed to protest
black lesbians should too
saying one should be banned is just as bad as saying the other should be banned
Full /p/o/l/ in here, huh?

Controversial opinion time. I disagree with Clarkson heavily on trans people, but he's an old fucker so who gives a fuck? He's on his way out and his job is to say shit people take not too seriously. As long as he keeps doing the properly entertaining stuff, I'll be happy.

Oh also division by race, gender identity and sexual orientation is purely meant to get you to ignore the upper class squeezing away your right to self-determination :^) revolution soon comrade
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>falling into a race-based hatred when you're that close to realizing that the true upper class of society has no divisions other than their desire to keep the populace subdued and subservient
how sad, lad
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tell that to soros boyo

also, again with the >we jews are a race when it suits us, white when it doesn't -meme
>implying i'm jewish
i still happily have my dick intact
though really that's a weird quaker trick in US culture rather than a jewish trick
bless your foul heart, kellogg
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Freedom of speech also means you have freedom of ignoring them.
Where the fuck where all the "trans" people before
Why is this just happening now?
Is this a devloution of humans?
>Where the fuck where all the "trans" people before
Considered mentally insane.
No its just standard turmoil before transhumanism kicks in, and man & machine become one.
Most people don't talk about things if it will have very negative consequences. That's why mormonism still has a low rate of stated homosexuality, since of course if you say you're gay your entire family will basically disown you and you'll be left to fend by yourself.

waiting 4 the robot revolution lad
I'd actually like a usb port in my head where I can just offload all the relevant shit required for making a living, then I can spend the rest of my time killing my brain with beer
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nah, being tranny is just a flavor of the month atm

new trend arises, these folk who suddenly realized they were "born the wrong gender" will forget all that shit in approx 5 minutes and hop on the next bandwagon like they were jelena fucking isinbajeva. wether it's going to be dogfucking, kiddy diddling, self mutilation or trying to grow gills and head back to sea, we'll just have to wait and see

Upper class is fine with me being a straight white male. I'm fine with them driving Lambos.

Miraculously, we both hate trannies. Solidarity son, it's better to have friends that can get you somewhere than friends with dicks who wear skirts and fuck horses.

>yfw trannies all decide they're now gay fish
>yfw we help them transition by forcibly holding them underwater
>mfw when you just want to go fishing
>you catch a homosexual fish person
>it complains about how I'm oppressing the fish people

I have a filleting knife...
I remember once i got shitstormed at work for saying i don't give a shit if people identify as other things, other than their birth gender, and that some people transition because its kinda becoming a fad. I also live in California (idk if its nation wide?) But you can use whatever restroom you identify as. And i said that, that shouldn't be the case because any sick fuck can get away with peeping. And i got rekt, i got sent home early
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monkey see monkey do + behavioural sink
I'm mostly mad I missed out on the golden years where I could indentify myself as a girl to get dressed in the girls locker room at school. That's becoming the current situation here, but I can't imagine it lasting.
Oh after about he 15th sexual assault case and millions later then they'll rethink it.

And then transgendered will again be relabeled as mentally diseased.
what did you expect?
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>implied trannies are in it for the peeping
>fgt work sends him home

I seen it, /o/. I know a lot of gays.
>have m2f friend
>never happy unless drinking and being gaybait
>marries a cockhungry woman
>about the same size as him
>after ten years of terrible sex
>realizes he's a "woman"
>instead of just being really really gay
>everything is ruin, but wife is supposed to understand
>both are looking for dickbutt now
>they trade clothers
it's the ultimate gay cuck, and she is now extreme faghag.

>know f2m
>not actually, just fat, salty, dumb woman
>marries some turbocharged gay dude
>not as a beard, but as a gay male couple
>doesn't work
>both too gay for common sense

seriously, just go be fucking gay and stop fucking everything up.
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>mfw reading these stories
>They just want to switch and get on with their lives
More like continually finds ways to be victimized and shill for money on patreon
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I wish Richard Hammond was my father.
He's got a cute daughter btw
Thread posts: 91
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