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What dash cam does /o/ recommend? Currently paying $50 a month

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What dash cam does /o/ recommend? Currently paying $50 a month for insurance for a sports car and $25 for a shitbox, would like to keep it that way.
I've never used one, but from what I've read the G1W-CB is the best entry level dash cam which I'll purchase after I lose my bus pass.
Go to ebay and get a G1W-C
They are usually between 35 and 50 dollars and beware of the fakes, find a trusted seller that has sold thousands and you'll be good.

I've had mine for 4 years and It has never failed, it has capacitors instead of batteries so even in this hot southern climate where it can get to 110 degrees it still works flawlessly.

Don't buy one of these new dash cams they have in store shelves, they are garbage.
Two posters, same model, huh. I'll check it out, th-thanks.

Just out of curiosity why are the new ones garbage? explody batteries?
I've been using a Magellan Mivue 638 for the past couple weeks. I've got no complaints with it so far.
Is the one on amazon legit?

Is dual cam necessary? I'm trying to think of a situation where someone could run into you from behind then say you backed up but the front footage would show you getting hit while staying still for example. Or is that not enough?
reviews say fake
Ebay search sent me to
with the thousands figure mentioned
It's on Amazon. Look for the one made by SpyTec.
Thank anon.
Unless they have proof you backed into them they'll be 100% at fault regardless of any evidence on your part.
I'm surprised there is not a single car that has dash cam as an option.
Ferrari also offers something called "track inner cams kit" that records from the outside on a mirror and inside between the seats.
Just out of curiosity has anyone here ever used footage to help themselves in an accident? I don't even know the terminology they might use if they thought it was my fault. Like, how do you go about sending it to them. Or maybe even the other person's insurance company. Getting one of these cams either way but I know how they can try to write 40 pages just to say "no".
I have an A118/B40, they have very good daytime quality and decent nighttime quality. $60 on eBay and much smaller/less obvious than a G1-W.

G1W is poo, don't bother
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Just use the direct links from dashcamtalk.


I agree, a 2-channel system from Lukas, Itronics, or BlackVue is way better.

Just make sure to read dashcamtalk reviews before making any purchase.
>have accident
>phone police
>let them know you've got video evidence of the accident

maybe american police don't show up at car accidents idk
The G1W is a meme, A40/B118 capacitor version is much smaller and less noticeable with a better form factor, as well as better build quality.

2channel systems are a meme, you don't really need rear coverage. If someone t-bones you it will be clear from the context on you entering the intersection first, if they hit you head on it will be on camera, and if you get rear ended they are 100% at fault anyways (any context as to why you stopped/slowed down suddenly, if you did, will be obvious from the front camera) and you'll see your car get pushed forward (sudden increase in speed/movement) from the actual rear ending, as well as the audio of it occurring if your mic is on.

In exchange for the second camera you sacrifice build quality, value, and usually video quality, particularly in rear cameras.

The rear cam might be useful in parking mode scenarios but the parking modes on most dual cams suck and you need to supply it with a constant power source with a device to prevent you from draining your battery dead which the majority of people will not bother with.
They do if you call and there's a reporting threshold in most states at $1,000 or more in damage to property/both vehicles. Most people will call the cops right away. In very rare cases they won't show up.

>have accident
>10 tow trucks show up to scam you


>2channel systems are a meme, you don't really need rear coverage.

What about during hit and runs?

All of my policies - from MetLife, Travelers, and GEICO - have always stated the drivers are not liable for being rear ended, nor are they liable for hit and runs (i.e. you may need to pay a deductible to get your car fixed, but you will not be subject to insurance surcharges for the next five years).

The video you linked to is an argument against dual cam systems actually; the Mobius has much better video quality than most dual cam systems (the driver is just running two single cams recording independently, one mobius in the front and one mobius in the back). Given the circumstances (bright daylight, a plate that is easy to read) he was fortunate to get a plate read, but he would likely have not gotten a read on a 2ch system, since most rear cameras are of far lower quality.
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>but he would likely have not gotten a read on a 2ch system, since most rear cameras are of far lower quality.



>1080p front & rear
>it's all about the resolution!
Plenty of cams shoot in 1080P, that is not the only factor. The sensor, processor, and firmware all contribute to the end quality of the output video. You can easily have a 1080P camera with lower actual video quality than a 720P camera, even if the number of pixels in the output video is higher.

See also: The megapixel myth.

Looking at the DR750LW-2CH on Dashcamtalk:
>Increasing the bitrate to 6 Mbps for the front camera and 4 Mbps for the rear camera (still way too low which will cause pixelation problems in some settings)
>The BlackVue DR750LW-2CH is the most feature packed dual camera available today. If you are looking for a discreet solution, look elsewhere. The steep $400+ price tag and potential video pixelation due to low bit rates are concerns. Reliability is also unknown at this time and BlackVue has had a mixed reputation in this area.

Meanwhile you can get two A118 1080P cams (small, discrete) for $75/pop (or less on eBay, $75 is on Amazon from reputable sellers) with better video quality at 1080P 30fps.
>get ran over by some old fucking lady running her yield this friday
>moped is pretty fucked, can be fixed.
>call her, tell her 800$ and I'll fix it myself, no insurances involved
>tells me that she won't just throw that kind of money around
>inform her that running a yield, and causing an accident, will get her a bill of 400$, and her licence will be taken
>b-but polise wont be involved ryte
>if you take it through insurance, they likely will get the police involved
>she's called me twice since yesterday now
>havent picked up
>what do

It looks great to me. And being able to control the setting from both cameras and view the footage from one screen seems like a much better system.

Gonna go with take the money, in america when you get your license renewed you only have to take the eye test at the DMV, there should be a driving test. The eye test is identifying like the most basic stop sign only. So old people have gone unchallenged possibly for 65+ years making the same mistakes over and over again. Considering that the insurance companies still hurl you in the same bracket until you're 25 I assume they'd trust some old fuck over you too and are half the reason I want this dash cam in the first place
>>14679186insurance claim. It is only so long before she hits someone else. She clearly shouldn't be driving if she doesn't know what yield is.
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>would like to keep it that way.

Maybe you should keep your eyes on the road instead of fucking around with a dashcam

Your insurance isn't going to increase if you other people hit you.
Take it in the ass because you dun fucked up by not getting a police report at the scene. Now she just says YOU ran the yield if she acknowledges anything happened at all.
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I have a Genius DVR-FHD590 that I bought at BestBuy here in Canada. I paid $150.00, plus $25 for a MicroSD card. I can get about 6 hours of continuous recording with it (I think it's a 16GB), in 720p.

It loops over automatically, so it will always record the most recent 6 hours of driving. It also breaks up the recording into small chunks of about 5 minutes each, so if one file gets corrupted you don't lost the record of the entire drive (I commute 50 minutes in the morning).

It also has some emergency shock mode, where it'll turn on and record if someone backs into your vehicle while it's parked. It can also make backup copies with this mode in the event of an accident, and they get written to a different folder that WON'T be written over by more recent footage. I don't use those features, the sensor is too sensitive and was turning on when I slammed my doors or hit speed bumps/potholes.

It has an internal battery too, so you can actually take it off the dashboard/windshield mounting bracket and use it like a hand camera for about 20-30 minutes before the battery dies. I bought mine a little over a year ago and it's been great so far, the *odd* time it will freeze but I just hit the reset button on the side and it works like new again. Footage doesn't get erased when you hit the reset button either.

pic related, I hang mine from the windshield, but you can mount it from the bottom (i.e. sitting on your dash) or from the top (hanging).

A demo:


Take the money.

Then call insurance and tell them what happened. Tell them she threatened to sue you and you were afraid that the courts would believe her over you, because of her age and also because she said she knew police officers.

Then drag her through court and ruin her life OP.

lol so epic XD
Sample from my Mivue on my morning commute.

>call her
>she tells me she'd like to do it just between the two of us
>i can probs do it for 650$
>its okay you'll get the 800$
>hoping to do the whole fix-up for <400$
>fucking headlight assembly costs 80$
>a plastic casing with a white plastic screen screwed on
>80 bucks
>kill me
Jesus christ Canada.
>>14679163 here
Just to give you perspective, the Blackvue you linked has an excellent front CMOS sensor (Sony Exmor). But it uses a much shittier one in the back. You could pay $200 each for two Street Guardian SG9665GC and get that high quality CMOS sensor (along with a great processor and higher video bitrate) and spend the same amount of money total as the blackvue system.

Or you can spend less and get pretty comparable quality.

The Blackvue front cams are also fuckheug making it obvious to other drivers you have a dashcam (and this also makes them a huge target for theft or removal if someone notices that they hit your car and goes to look at it).

I don't think most drivers need a rear cam, the one situation where it is useful is if a driver rear ends you and you either have no collision coverage or have a high deductible.

>It looks great to me.
It looks nice.

>And being able to control the setting from both cameras and view the footage from one screen seems like a much better system.
I think drivers are much better served by having two single cam systems if they want rear coverage, and using a USB reader to read MicroSD cards on PCs or smartphones (USB OTG).

You'd also be advised to see the Amazon reviews; the Blackvue set you linked to averages only 3.5 stars, with some pretty critical reviews.

The Lukas also has issues particularly on the rear cam:
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I have a Street Guardian SG9665GM (discontinued, basically an improved B40/A118 that most of the improvements dripped down to the chinese clones of later).

I just ordered a Street Guardian SG9665GC V2 and that is basically same plastic shell with better picture quality...pricey but pretty much best video quality money can buy nowadays.

Video is from the former (which is around $75 for most versions nowadays), slightly compressed due to 4chan limits
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Fuck, Florida is so beautiful. How does anyone get anything done there, I'd just be wandering around in amazement at everything 24/7. Jesus Christ.

>my hell 6 months of the year
+1 for the black box again. Did my car for aboit $100 total
>add a fuse
>12v to 5v usb
>micro SD
32 GB is good for a little over 5 hours of 1080p recording which is nice. Fortunately/unfortunately haven't needed to actually use it yet but I checked the footage after I drove it around the first day and the quality is notbadfor50bucks/10
How do you not just sit in front of a fire with your bro tier dog smoking weed for 6 months straight?

Marketplace is effectively Canada's televised argument for why Toronto is a massive fucking shithole and why we need to cease immigration from third world countries.
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>Your insurance isn't going to increase if you other people hit you.

>he honestly believes this

Your insurance rates are determined by a whole host of factors, one of which is the number of claims you've filed. Most companies have openly advertised "no fault" policies, where you won't see a rate increase as a result of an accident. Most also have internal regulations that dictate this. But there is a threshold, which is different for every company. Someone who has been in 5 accidents, none of which are their fault, is determined to be a higher risk client. It may not be that they're getting into accidents as a result of poor driving, it may simply be due to slow reaction time, inexperience, fear, etc.

Crazy shit happens on the road every day, and there's been at least a dozen times where I've AVOIDED getting into accidents because I was paying attention and reacted quickly. Most of the time it's people running red lights, cutting off cars in traffic, or swerving into the other lane. A driver who is unable to avoid such things is a higher risk to insurance companies. and they DO adjust their premiums accordingly. You're absolutely naive if you think otherwise.

Source: me, working for State Farm, in auto claims.
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>tfw don't do drugs
>tfw want to join the military
>tfw no fun allowed because career goals

Like I said, hell.

Dog is retarded too, like having a special-needs child.

Hi Jake from State Farm. Can you get me an /o/ discount? I already have State Farm.

No, you'd have to talk to your agent about that.

Agents are their own little entities, like small businesses that operate on their own terms more or less. You could maybe blow your agent for a discount?
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Does state farm (as a general rule) forgive the first moving violation a driver has on its policies? It's the only moving violation I've ever received. Two points, failure to yield to a traffic device in NY (e.g. not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign).

Currently with GEICO, prices dropped a little after my 25th birthday. Haven't looked outside my current insurer for about a year and a half.
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Depends, really. How long you've been driving, class of license, previous claims, etc.

They don't have a "general rule" of forgiving it, but they *may* if your record is otherwise clean. That'd be up to your agent and what kind of policy they secure for you. If they did factor it into your rates, I can say it wouldn't affect them *THAT* much, but it may still be more than you're paying now. State Farm isn't really one of the cheaper companies to be insured with, but you do get good customer service and claims are settled rather quickly.

So to answer your question in a roundabout way, no they don't forgive it. But they might. If they even find out about it. They would ask you to disclose this sort of thing when taking out a new policy with them, and your failure to do so could result in your coverage being revoked/suspended (because you lied to them). They'd have to request a motor vehicle report to find that violation, which costs them money, so they may or may not do that.

I would just call around and get some quotes, or go online. Most companies will give you up to 3 different quotes over the phone (i.e. 3 different vehicles), and the quotes are pretty much what you'd be paying after all is said and done.
m3/m4 have a gopro option
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It'll become a feature in cars very soon, I guarantee it. Eventually it'll become a mandatory component, and there will be recorders for the front, back, sides, and inside of the vehicle. You will be under surveillance any time you drive your car, everywhere you go. Disabling the cameras will become an offence.

I'm not even joking or being edgy, this shit will happen and it'll happen in the very near future.
i wouldn't doubt it senpai
I assure you that 25 is the magic number for all the companies. You're basically still a teenager until this birthday. Exactly why I waited to get something nice since it was $75 a month before this for a piece of shit mid SUV from 2003 and now a bloody sports car is less than that for full coverage. Not like most people have the money in the first place before this time.
GEICO's rate class changes but the base rate is based off the fact that I'm an unmarried single male under thirty.
What are you doing differently than this reviewer to get clear video? http://www.amazon.com/review/R25ANFYSL92MU3/


They literally calculate how much more they can charge you due to age and how long you've been with the company since they figure you're too lazy to shop around after some time.

Go and get quotes on the phone or online from other insurers. When you find a good deal you must call and then sound hesitant/say you'll check elsewhere - then the salesperson should give you their true best rate.

Hey Orlandobro.

The fucking I-4 construction is killing me. I take the 408 to Winter Garden and they fucking closed the Westbound ramp in downtown and now I have to detour to a new one they built.

Fucking pain in the ass.
It cuts both ways. Staying for too short a time hurts the discount new insurance companies will give you initially due to the costs of initially issuing a new policy.
Don't know. As he mentions, there are only two video options, 720p and 1080p. Sounds like he just got a dud unit.
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But it's sunny and warm and there's palm trees and a beautiful fresh breeze.

How the fuck are you Floridians not wandering around in amazement at the fucking wonders of your surroundings? God damn it, try doing gridlock commutes in the shitty cold, blowing snow, ice covered roads, with salt and sand splashing all over your car every second you're on the road. And all of it in a cold, dead, grey overtone without any sunshine. Try doing that horseshit for 4-5 months a year.

Don't ever take that shit for granted, there are places where even mundane stuff like commuting is made 1000x worse and there's nothing you can do about it.

Yeah, I'm down near the airport and I need to travel up to Maitland for work. Plan on moving to either Lake Mary or Sanford once my apartment lease is up though.

old people are assholes, an old guy smashed a wing mirror off my car and left a coupe of long scratches down the side and just drove off last year, but he smashed his own wing mirror too and left the pieces behind, so i googled and the serial # then just drove round the streets that come off my road until I found a Nissan Almera with a missing wing mirror cover

They act nice once you catch them, but they will never own up to anything without being confronted
I read a few reviews and really wanted to get a 21:9 wide angle dash cam, but it was Chinese and you had to order directly from China.
I'm always a bit skeptical of buying things straight from China.
Do it via eBay or Paypal on a credit card and don't give a single fuck.
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Credit fraud averted.

Now he just has to worry about getting a ridiculously shitty piece of shit.

And good luck returning it for refund if (when) it turns out to be fucking trash.

Just buy from a store, support your fucking domestic economy and local jobs you goddamn shitheel niggers.

>"I have kids, I need to make a living, I have to pay property tax!"
>Do you take the commission body shops pay? How much is it?
>"$300CDN, no I don't take it."

What a dipshit. Go full ham, you scammer.
/pol/ aside, eBay and paypal are american companies, and it's an area (dashcams) where american companies largely decided not to compete
perhaps if god emperor is successful there will be production of what he wants in the US but that may not happen
also, credit card protections tend to be pretty good on shady overseas purchases if made through reputable channels
>want to join the military
>career goals

Oh dear.

What if Lord Trump just used foreign worker visas to import millions of Chinese workers? He could set up factories here and manufacture stuff JUST as cheap as they do in China, and they could just ship all the workers back to their shithole when they're done expropriating their labour.
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So being an intelligence officer is not a career to you? I have a Bachelor's degree and I'm a month away from completing a 2 year college diploma as well.

I think you're under the impression that the Canadian military is the same as the American military too. Our entrance requirements and training are much stricter than what you yankee doodles get. :^)

Sorry I'm such a disappointment to you dad, please don't beat me.
Oh god what a fucking american story. I wonder what he thought when he tried to use it if he even noticed it at all cause he just doesn't use them in the first place.
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>mfw I pay $130 to insure a fucking GLI

I've never even had a car wreck. The only ticket I've gotten was for my registration being out. Fuck this gay earth.

The only reason I can think of to have a rear cam is to film a traffic stop. But if you're not American just the front should be fine.

I've lived in FL my whole life, and it's far from beautiful until you get up north where there are trees that don't look like living feather dusters, land that isn't flat and people that aren't haitian or hispanic.
>and it's far from beautiful

Fucking ingrate go live in Illinois for a few months, try not to KILL YOURSELF while you're there, then come back to Flordia and compare the two. I've been to Sarasota countless times and it's beautiful, and I hardly see any brown people there. They're just the maids and groundskeepers.

Shuffle off, stupid

>go live in Illinois
No, I'd rather not.

Florida is not beautiful but there is a reason why I haven't left.

>not living in a beautiful tourist area
>not dealing almost exclusively with white people who have money
>not having impeccably clean streets and perfectly manicured lawns and trees
>not having exceptional roads with zero potholes or cracks
>not having access to all of the stuff that makes a tourist area great like good bars and shopping

living in a tourist area in Florida (assuming it's not a giant urban shithole like Daytona Beach) would be amazing, you're a retard

you haven't left because you know it's fucking awesome and how much the rest of the country sucks
It's an S2000, I'm 25, geico, never had a single accident, ticket, or run in with the police. Live in a city of about 150,000 with almost half of everything in many rural parts. Learning manual was a bit of a bitch and I fear nothing now besides extreme hill starts. And honestly I avoided those in an automatic in the first place.
Wait, you actually WANT to live in a place where tourists annoy you all the time and shit the place up with traffic and garbage?

I live in the middle of the state, where it is beautiful, quiet, and there is rarely a tourist.

Most of florida is shit, and I have seen it. You haven't, so take your stupid opinion elsewhere.
Insurance goes down when you turn 25 right? My birthday is next month.

I also live in DFW. Probably doesn't help.

I like the idea of manual, but I'm positive I would be shit at it.
>Insurance goes down when you turn 25 right?
No, it goes down progressively as you age. My insurance went down more when I turned 23 than when I turned 25. Spotless driving record and same car btw so it's a good comparison

I've seen the nice areas that I'd want to live in. Why the fuck would I care about the shitty areas that I don't live in and don't have to go to ever?
Holy shit this is my dream job and I'm in canada too. Currently 3 years into my bachelors. Best of luck bro!
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So, Best dash cam on Amazon for $50?
SpyTec G1W-CB.

Just remember, you get what you pay for though.
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Thanks brohan, I'm only a few months away from applying.

Giggity, and good luck to you too.
Damn, talk about scummy. Is this a Canada only thing? Never heard of this happening here.
I'm using this, have it hardwired. No regrets.

I live in small town Pennsylvania. The state police are our only cops. Unless they're having a slow day, are bored, or you wreck right in front of one, policy is they only come to write a report if there's an injury or a vehicle needs to be towed.

> Last time I called them they told me this followed by hanging up.
> The other driver's insurance spent over 9,000 repairing my car
This doesn't happen in the US. If you don't have AAA the local cops will call a reputable place to tow your vehicle and your insurance company will pay for it in the end.
Insurance costs vary greatly by state. New York is expensive as fuq because anybody can claim whiplash and get huge settlements easily. Flyover states, not so much.
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