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Let's talk jobs. Who here has an /o/ related job?

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Let's talk jobs.

Who here has an /o/ related job?
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Offroadan erryday
Chack mah flex

Does that ever get boring?

What's the pay like?
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Now Japanese vs. US.
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If you're loading trucks flat out all day, it can get a little monotonous, but I enjoy paying attention to keeping a neat pit while keeping the tonnage rate high. It's great looking at what you've achieved over a period of time when you're working with bigger shit.

Trimming to levels and construction is something I enjoy the most though, it's somewhat cathartic.
Pay's akin to any other local tradesman work.
Full time student, before this was an electrician on aircraft.

I've thought about getting my CDL to try it out and possibly working towards some certs as a mechanic.

I don't see how so many people can stick with one job type their entire lives, it just feels so damn boring and restrictive.
What kind of quarry do you work at?
>Blue stone quarry

Are you me?

I have so much trouble picking a carreer because of that reason. What do we do, anon?
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I work at a small autobody shop
Lead photographer at a big dealership. Three lots:
So basically I get to drive new cars daily. They aren't that great.
what /o/ related jobs are there that arent mechanic or any kind of driver
Continue to explore what ever we can get our hands on.

>Medical delivery driver
>Contracted city worked for street department
>Computer repair tech (A+ cert)
>EMT training
>Maritime Worker
>Electrician for Aircraft (Helicopters)
>Working on Degree in 3D animation
>Thinking about CDL
>Thinking about ASE certs

While it would bite me in the ass someday I'm okay with not being extremely skillful at one job. I like the idea of having whatever open to me.
didnt mean to quote
Win a bazillion dollaroonies from the lottery and spend the rest of our lives never working.

Are you INFJ aswell?

I'm 21 btw. I did like 3 different studies, only completed one. I always got bored with them.

Now I started working for a company that installs A/C's. Mostly at construction sites.

It's a pretty chill job, this is like my third month. Very low stress. Very low pay aswell because I'm just not skilled at all. (never studied anything related to this)

Still, I can't stand the thought of having to work at this place for another 5-10 years. I don't know why...
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I work at Walmart

which has an automotive center (don't go there)
Construction worker here, thats kind of how it is on a jobsite. You never really specialize in anything like all the other trades (electricians for example), but you do learn something new at every jobsite.
Im being taught to weld by one of the Iron Workers at the jobsite im at.
Also helps that im in a Union so ive got Pension, Healthcare, and a decent salary.
I do want to eventually go do something else though, them wandering feels.
Find something you enjoy, and sstick with it. Nobody cares about the fact that you've held 40 different careers if you can't do a single thing. If you ever want to make large amounts of money, going from entry level to entry level every few years will leave you unhappy.
Looks like I'm an ENTP, at least according to this test, never really checked these before.

I understand there are all sorts of different people, some like job security and loads of money.

I personally just want a small single bedroom place with a garage under or attached for my car and food to eat every day. That's all I really want out of life right now, Maybe in a few years I might think about a family or something, but I'm nearing 30 and still don't have much of an interest in it. So roaming around different jobs and keeping my life "spicy" is much more interested to live day by day on.
First part was for >>14049077
I drive blood samples from one medical research facility to the next. They're basically trying to find vaccines for virusses that don't have any yet.

If I crash, my home town will likely be put under quarantine.
engineer, automotive journalist, design

Like a billion other things too if you look at automotive companies
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Sand these days.
I started out working clay, cap-rock and blue rock, but when I went to sand it was like completely relearning everything all over again.

Also, those G series Volvos are the duck's nuts.
i manage an auto-repair/collision shop. I learned that to make it in the auto industry you have to fuck people in the ass raw.
How tough is it to land a job at a tuner?

Like Horsepower Freaks for example.
I do marketing for a car dealership
I work at a boat factory, doesn't really count but same sport I guess.
What about Roush?
Asst. Sales Manager for a dealer here. Former mechanic (never worked in a dealer shop, never will too much beurocracy.

What sort of mechanic were you then?
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I work in automotive purchasing. Most of my job is negotiating the cost of engineering design changes to powertrain related parts, as well as working to meet delivery deadlines. Right now the huge headache is trying to get all the parts squared away for our preseries prototype builds in spring.

Pic vaguely related, I work for an oem
Master Diagnostic Tech. 36 years with Toyota.
Shit job is shit
If it's shit, why do you do it?
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>auto parts store

please kill me right now

What exactly do you do there?
Why is it bad?
Why do you still work there?
I fell asleep reading your post.

I got the same job. It has its moments and at least it is steady
Too old to do anything else. No one wants to hire a 58 year old white guy that's never done anything but fix cars....except to fix more cars. I'm hoping to retire in 2 years, but that all depends on the economy in 2 years.
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It's not so bad, I've been at Advance for a year now while going to school.

Not looking forward to putting in batteries in sub zero weather
I'm only awake at my desk because of 3 cups of coffee. Fun times today is engineers just redesigned one of my brackets so significantly that our nominated supplier can't even produce it any more.
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I'll be doing food delivery until the end of this week. The guy that owns the restaurant I work at thinks it is a good idea to fire all the drivers (at least half the current staff) and switch over to one of those delivery services that works kinda like Uber. If I can afford it I'm going to enjoy being NEET for a month, but I need to get a real job; one in which my pay doesn't rely almost entirely on the charity of a bunch of hungry douchebags.
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I had one until a year and a half ago. I worked in news paper delivery and kiosk related items ie magazines, toys etc.
It was quite crap, i worked all week with no day off only christmas, new year and easter.. Three days a year THREE FUCKING DAYS
And the thing is I had to wake up every day at 3am to load all the shit, then I had to deliver all that to an entire town, like 30 something kiosks and then go on the mountains to get to some God forgotten villages.
I made regularly 100 miles a day, half in city. On a good day I would end at 9am, on a bad day( rain, papers get late, some big news or if there were so many papers I couldn't fit in the van and had to go twice) I would end at 12 to 5 pm at worst
Two years Ive worked at this shit till I had enough, obviously at the beginning it wasnt that bad but still

Pic related, the leftovers from day before, once I had so many I couldnt open the side door had to get from behind
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This one is from when they gave kitchen robots or some shit with a newspaper
Those are clearly cocaine robots
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Im an electric car tech. Mostly work on fiskers and priuses. Well cant remember the last time i actually worked on anything other than a Fisker.
Most of my job involves doing software updates and fixing the HV packs on the cars. I do a fair bit of electric drive motor jobs aswell.
Dont have many pictures on the work laptop atm. I'm actually working right now, just waiting for the update to finish.
Until recently I worked for Advance Auto for 4 years as a salesperson to keyholder to commercial/retail parts pro (ie mid level manager). It was ok. Job was enjoyable. Pay was shit.

Though now I work for Target. I enjoy it - for the money - but I miss the advance auto environment.
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Used car sales for about 2 and a half years now
can has tales from dealership thread?
At least we get a lot of baskets for the holidays. I get some many kiss-ass baskets from suppliers I just start regifting them. Cookies, wine and cheese, more cookies, chocolates... got like 10 so far.
Would you recommend a Fisker over a Tesla?
I dont have that much money

just curious
I map engines for an oem
I don't have a job at all hence why I'm browsing 4chan's awful auto board
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I drive 100 miles round trip to go to my part-time job 4 days a week. Sometimes I sit in traffic for 3 or 4 hours.
You've only been doing it 2 1/2 years?

I thought you'd been doing it longer considering all the stories you have.
So.. the engineers hate you.. and the penny pinchers hate you.. and the warehouse workers hate you..

Mechanican reporting in
>strong American feet don't even fit in these Italian manlet mobiles
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woops forgot pic
looks not that bad
but your autism shoes are also quite bulky.

Holy shit that sounds like hell on earth.
What was the pay like? Give us a number
took over my dad's body shop 1.5 years ago.
its stressy but fun.
I've just started my first job in auto journalism
CAD modeler in a design company working for notable automobile manufaturers.
They're size 13s my son, it's not the shoe that's bulky

I can't imagine the hell you guys go through with EPA and local eco laws, hope you are in a rural area where it's not too bad. It's nearly impossible to run a profitable body shop where I live, only super high end shops exist and everything cheaper is mobile or illegal.
Any of you guys in California?

Ill volunteer my time during weekends in order to learn to weld and do body work
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I am. Go take a class at a community college man, best way to get access to the equipment, plus you get to see clueless people do hilariously bad work.
Currently working in a Automotive glass shop that also does restyle work, remote starts, backup cameras, sunroofs, leather seats etc.

Its ok, only been here almost 6 months. Left a body shop after a year because the owner was an asshat. Pay isn't much better here, I'm thinking about ditching the automotive industry, only really got into it for the personal experience to work on my own projects. Thinking about dropping a line to a guy who has worked at the ship yards for a long time, met him while working at the body shop, he's obsessed with his yellow '04 Tiburon.

Never had any issues with regs at the shop I left. Only ever had a fire inspector come who didn't write us up for anything, but told us what we need to change. The shop is in Southern Baltimore, right behind residential houses, surprised he was even able to start up there. It was pretty cool since it was in the old Pabst Blue Ribbon Brewery.
>M3 wheels on a non-m
I am literally vomiting

Did someone fucking paint the brake disk?

And what if I tell you they're replicas as well? Will you have a heart attack?
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Truck driver.

Make decent money, seen about all of the country. I pull alot of beer.
Not home much, but I care more about making money than spending alot of time at home.
Honestly id say fisker just because it has that gasoline engine that can be used to drive it all the time, no need to stop and recharge but the electric range is only 50 miles. It would depend what type of commute you have but i would take a fisker because i could actually drive it across the usa if i wanted to, with a tesla its a bit more tricky

In all honesty i would take a Maserati Quatraporte over those 2
Diesel and marine at a small shop. The owner worked every day, smoked in the shop, shit pay. I lived it. Had I not been injured and shoved on a weight restriction, I would still be turning wrenches.
Lol that happened to me when I cleared my roof. A wasp was stuck in it when it cured so I pulled him off and now there is a 2ft long trail of little wasp tracks. Looks cool and everyone calls me out of it but I like it. Adds character.

Dutchfag detected.
A lot of people pass through a dealer in 2.5 years. I've been in the business as long as LPG, but got off being just a salesman a year ago. Hell, some of the fuckers I've dealt with.

How do you know

A Dutchman knows a Dutch setting. Street stones, wheely bins, architecture, the weather, etc. Couldn't really have been anywhere else.

Do you hate the setting as much as I do?

Meh, it's homely you know. Not overly exciting, but comfy

It looks so dull and pauper, compared to what the US looks like.

Trust me, that's just your 'the grass is greener on the other side' delusion. Though I will say the US is more varied (as it's a bigger country) it has places just as depressing and much more so than we have. We honestly have it pretty good. If a little dull.

I miss things like wallmart and being able to drive a V8 though.
(being able financially I mean)

Also prices for houses are rediculous. 200k for a retarded rijtjeshuis? That buys you a fucking villa in the States.
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I have two delivery jobs.
200k can't buy you a dumpster in CA

I get that. Used to go there a lot and I loved it. But for all it has going for it, there's also plenty of fucked up shit.
But I'll agree, you just can't go to a Fatburger or jack in a box over here. Sucks.
Maybe in a shit tier flyover state

How old are you and how many times / how long have you been there?
Also what parts did you visit?

The thing I hate most about this fucking country is how expensive it is to drive a fun car. I pay 80 a month for insurance and another 60 MRB per month for my fucking 316i. Not to mention fucking gas prices.

Maybe you have a different definition of a villa.

Alright I just had a look at some real estate websites. I guess I was wrong.

Now I don't get where I got the idea...

I'm 25 and I have an uncle living in Jersey City NJ. Used to visit him every year. Now that I work I really don't have the time for it anymore. I've seem most of the east cost north of NYC.
Hear hear on the running costs though. I drive a Subaru Forester XT, shit aint cheap.
Whats the pay like? Also what program just curious >>14050739
i think those tires should have been replaced long ago. awesome flex tho
Those tyres are actually near on brand new, but for working on sand we have the tyres scuffed back to near on a slick. Anything with tread on sand and the tyres dig down without getting drive into what you're digging if that makes sense. Same reason highway terrains work better on dry beach sand than mud terrains do ;)
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Wrecker here, lots of /o/ gore.
Seen some shit.
'i drive a forklift sometimes
I work at a car wash, but we hardly ever get anything cool because most of the people that go to there aren't into cars or else they would wash them themselves.
>those fucking shoes

i bet you wear jean shorts
i restore classic cars for a living

people tell me what they want done to old cars, i do it and charge them by the hour. currently restoring a 1964 Corvette Stingray
Most expensive car you've seen rekt?
dont worry, the suppliers hate me, logistics hates me, and the other half of purchasing that i do tracking for also hates me.

buyers get no love, man
please do share
I work in a warehouse and drive a big ole truck between the main store and the warehouse in the middle of the night. Comfy as fuck.
What do you think shop shoes should look like?
clod hopper boots
Good luck driving an F40 with boots on, will be a short drive
Difficult to say, just had a 2015 Audi Q7 with 142mi smashed up the rear, and a Range Rover the next day rolled through a ditch and over a guardrail.
But it may be the 2014/15 freightliner with 120mi that went through five cars and into a tree.
Pics soon.
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Our most recent heavy call. Driver fell asleep and come down a off ramp. Five cars and a giant tree later, here's a third of the cab.
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Sorry for the blow out, but he hit the tree so hard we found the upper half of the engine about 200 yards away. Most of the trans and drive shift was embedded in the ground/tree
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This on was one of the last cars to leave the scene. Most of the shit on the ground is theirs I'm guessing.
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2014 charger hit by a drunk driver, said driver bailed, but not before locking up their car.

Owner is from Florida, goes to school here in Ohio.
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This sexy fox had a bad day at the track. Or some ass showing off.
Will continue to post tomorrow, or start a new thread. Have tons of pictures.
A swifty. but you o/o?
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