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Russia Implicated in Shooting Down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17

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>A Dutch-led investigation has concluded that the powerful surface-to-air missile system that was used to shoot down a Malaysia Airlines plane over Ukraine two years ago, killing all 298 on board, was trucked in from Russia at the request of Russian-backed separatists and returned to Russia the same night.

>The report largely confirmed the already widely documented Russian government role not only in the deployment of the missile system, called a Buk, or SA-11, but the subsequent cover up, which continues to this day.

>The report by a team of prosecutors from the Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and Ukraine was significant for applying standards of evidence admissible in court, while still building a case directly implicating Russia, and is likely to open a long diplomatic and legal struggle over the tragedy.

>With meticulous detail, working with cellphone records, social media, witness accounts and other evidence, Dutch prosecutors traced Russia’s role in deploying the missile system into Ukraine and its attempt to cover its tracks after the disaster. The inquiry did not name individual culprits and stopped short of saying that Russian soldiers were involved.

>A summary of the findings, obtained by The New York Times, was to be released at a news conference in The Hague on Wednesday. The inquiry represents the most detailed investigation to date of the attack on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, a Boeing 777 flying to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s capital, from Amsterdam.

>In Moscow on Wednesday, in anticipation of the release, President Vladimir V. Putin’s spokesman, Dmitri S. Peskov, issued a statement to reporters decrying “speculation” about the plane but it did not refer specifically to the report.
Way to go, Putin.
Not that much changes, it was pretty clear after the strike who were behind it and russian just keeps doing their dindu stradegy.

But always good to see clear evidences anyway.

>(CNN) Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was downed over eastern Ukraine by a Buk missile brought in from Russia to a pro-Russian area of eastern Ukraine, the head of the Dutch National Detective Force, Wilbert Paulissen said Wednesday.
Clear evidences?? Where?

passed by pyccкий aнoн
"BUK" (means beech in russian) is a defensive weapon. Rebels of Donetsk People Republic don't have planes, their airport was broken in early months of the conflict. Ukrainian forces didn't have reasons to use BUKs.
Ukraine could use the BUK to substitute Russia.
What for? Ukraine generals risked such an expensive weapon to just "substitute" Russia? I don't think so.
I love how the official statement from the Kremlin was "where is the proofs? Investigation isn't of finished"
But this true.
>America is caught red handed directly helping ISIS
>have to dig up two year old dirt on Russia to misdirect
>two year old dirt is the best America can do

Pathetic! The saddest part is how Americans apparently don't have enough critical thinking to discuss the MOTIVE behind these scandals.

I blame the dinosaurs in charge of American media. They don't care about credibility, as long as money keeps coming in. Lazy cunts.
Russia is substituded by her own soldiers, who had no flight way maps of that region because of secrecy of that operation.
>>America is caught red handed directly helping ISIS
Alex Jones is that you???
I think USA has satellite photoes of that "BUKs". But showing that photoes means war between Russia and Ukraine, because Russia has no proofs that wasn't a mistake of her officers.
USA is interested to calm down that accident, because they don't want Third World War.
>Implying I got that claim from le water filter salesman
>not the Syrian military

>implying you are in The Syrian Military
Not that guy but it's a nothing statement. They aren't denying it, they're just saying that the investigation isn't complete. Although true that the investigation hasn't been 'closed', it is clear that this is the conclusion of the investigation.
>dutch lead investigation
>story put out by media outlets worlwide

Although I do agree that the motive of this attack isn't getting enough discussion
Allahu Akbar!
The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.
Stop America's doing its all wars now!

I love American99% and the U.S.

China, Germany and Japan must loosen Germany's, Japan's and China's monetary policies now!
China, Germany and Japan must stimulate Germany's, Japan's and China's domestic demands now!
Japan and Germany must issue a lot of construction bond now!
The U.S. must tighten its monetary policy now!

Japan, Germany and China are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, China, FRB, top1%, Wall Street, American Military Industry and DOD!
Allahu Akbar!
Malaysian here.

The plane is a false flag, there was already a bomb inside placed and once it is in Russian rebels Ukraine territory it blows up.

The media spins it up as Russian-affiliated Ukrainian rebels doing, but Russia knew this false flag attack and deny their involvement.

You cannot implicate Russia, even my own government does not want to sue Russia for the bombing of our own airline.

MH370 and MH17 is exactly the airlines disaster that put a nail in the coffin for our government-controlled national airline industry, which went bankrupt after. It is now privately owned.
You will lose.
Hillary gets elected.
Your country gets nuked.
and third world people shall destroy the US.
Mark my words American will lose the war.
Donald Trump shall be executed for his crimes.

>Although I do agree that the motive of this attack isn't getting enough discussion

It's really simple
>"I got a big one on radar."
>"It's probably another UAF overflight"
>"But it's BIG, too big to be a recon plane."
>"Eh probably an Antonov transport then, blow it up and we'll kill shitloads of dudes."

It's not like the average soldier expects civilian aircraft to be stupid enough to route through a warzone to save fuel. Plus if the operators were rebels, then they certainly weren't well trained in the missile system's operation (and if they were actually Russian soldiers, they might be better trained than a random rebel but they certainly don't log the same number of training hours as their western counterparts).

This was certainly not a deliberate shoot-down of a civilian airliner, it was definitely an accident that Russia decided to cover up because it would make them look even worse than a normal airliner shootdown. At least past incidents by both the US and the then-Soviet Union were within their proper air-defense zone, this on the other hand was in someone else's territory where they officially weren't deployed so they had to cover up or reveal they were doing illegal shit.
I don't think Russia can worm its way out of that one now.
The Dutch really did everything by the Buk.
It's Caribean Crisis 2.0. USA must decide what to do.
>>America is caught red handed directly helping ISIS

Just like my Tom Clancy books

>new york times
What's wrong with the New York Times?
They are bias and the poster above is trying to tell you they are anti Russia so they are not always truthful when it comes to their enemies. Basically he is saying that their Proofs are not proofs at all but lies.
The NYT is just quoting the Dutch agency that released the evidence, Anon. They aren't the source of the claims, they're just telling the story. You are right in that it's an American source and for that it could be biased against Russia, however the Dutch news coverage pretty much matches up with the American. I'll invite you to check your favorite news aggregator for yourself.
Buks aren't that expensive. Ukrainians had Buks in area to deter another possible Russian invasion, back then Ukraine was pushing rebels really hard and was afraid Russia would intervene on a bigger scale. I read about it in April 2014 I think, check google news by that time. Later in June there was news on how rebels captured few Buks from nearby military base, but these Buks were in bad shape (unmaintained for years).
>your whole post
>implying we don't know for an absolute fact that that guy is a paid shill for russia
I'm not a shill I'm a troll.
You lost me @ Dutch.
>he does it for free
O! Cock-hole, please!
It was you drunken president, or drunken SAM soldiers!
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