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Michelle Carter Sentenced

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Michelle Carter.jpg
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She got 2 and a half years for telling her boyfriend to commit suicide:

The trial begins:

Sure there are countless people who post kys fgt, but is it okay for someone to take that to the fullest and tell someone the know personally over and over again to kill themselves until they eventually do it? What about all the treads on 4chan where people say they want to kill themselves (and people who are suicidal do do such things because they don't have any friends or anyone else to talk to) what if someone told someone like that to kill themselves.

I think the difference is the effectiveness of the posts. Like when someone posts kys fgt there's no reasoning behind it so no one would act on it. But the better the post is, and the more likely someone is to following the instructions the more criminal it becomes. What if someone who is devious and conniving decides to intelligently and effectively tell everyone in ever suicidal thread to kill themselves and they do it? If enough people killed themselves because of such a person the law would be obliged to step in. And should it matter if the suicidal people do it, or should it instead depend only on the effectiveness of the posts.

I think Michelle Carter got off on too light a sentence. She told him to do it over and over again while he was on the verge of doing it, and when he stopped she got mad at him which caused him to go ahead with it. Here, a dude has sex with an underage girl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lygigiCJu2o and it completely ruined his life.
The fact there are people arguing for her to walk free and claiming it is equivalent to typing kys to a random stranger online is just retarded. She knew him, knew his mental and emotional weakness, knew about his past attempts at suicide and instead of seeking help for him decided to instead goad him into suicide over the course of a few weeks until he finally went through with it. She deserves far more then she got and the only solace is that now she is a felon which will ruin her career options.
Yeah, what she did was truly despicable.

But I'm worried this has set up legal precedent for people to abuse the judiciary. I think now some fool may really feel that he or she is entitled to sue someone who wrote "kys fggt."
While that may not ultimately lead to criminal conviction it will clog up the courts.
for those who haven't/can't read the court reports, the judge presiding over Carter's case determined that she was guilty based on the fact that her boyfriend got out of his carbon monoxide filled truck cab and texted her about it, and her reply was
>get back in
this isn't anything like saying "kys lmao" on the internet, this is a person with close emotional ties to the victim instructing them to commit suicide in the moment after they had second thoughts about following through

is there potential for it to set a precedent about more strict sentencing in cyber-bullying cases? some, but it's doubtful because of how specific the actions were that led to Carter's indictment
> all the treads on 4chan where people say they want to kill themselves
Just Walk Away From Screen Nigga Haha

This case is different because she knew the target was suicidal AND who was the target.
Today We Learned: Words are magic spells that program and control minds
Just watch where you point your wand
This is probably getting challenged on 1st Amendment grounds and it'll wind up getting tossed as a result. I guarantee it.
Conservacuckery at its finest.

Every board on this site is filled with mentally inept and socially retarded people who may very well have suicidal thoughts, do people get locked up when they tell them to go kys?

As I see it, she's weeding out the ineffectual and effeminate men of society who cry about having self diagnosed depression and are too big of pussies to kill themselves so they suck up others' oxygen and resources. The thing about conservatives is they love their meritocracies but this right here is an example where the weak were (rightfully) purged, yet all I see in this thread are more disgusting cuckolds who defend a fellow cuck.

If you're a man, and you're not mentally strong enough to overpower (let alone just stand up, jesus christ) you should be fed to dogs like the garbage you are.
>did I make it clear enough that i've never been insecure? good
You know we're on your side, right? We hate minorities, women, and weaklings too. The difference is that we know how to beat them, and it won't be done with petitions, stat charts, even propaganda, and definitely not Trump.

The men who can't compete should just die. They're a bigger issue than the former groups, really, no matter how much you plug your ears and eyes.
Them eyebrows though

First Amendment doesn't protect speech used in commission of a crime, hence "conspiracy to commit [crime]" is a legal offense. For instance, you can't get away with hiring a hitman by claiming you were exercising your free speech. The part that got her specifically was her failure to call 911 when she knew he was dying, which is negligent homicide. For example, you aren't obligated to jump into a blazing inferno to save someone (since that's dangerous and could kill you both), but you are obligated to notify someone who can (the local fire department), especially if you are the only one to know that the building is on fire. Similarly, if you know someone is committing suicide, especially if they try to abort said suicide, you are obligated to get them help.


I was wondering how long it would take until someone brought up the whole "he was a weak faggot anyway" argument. Glad my expectations weren't dashed. However, bringing up conservatism is a weird addition I didn't foresee, since I didn't see anything political about this story at all. Furthermore, I would think that you would be blaming liberalism instead of conservatism for this, since the left are the go-to guys to blame for weak faggots or whatever on this site.
>Similarly, if you know someone is committing suicide, especially if they try to abort said suicide, you are obligated to get them help.
Only true if you're in a profession that makes that an official legal responsibility, or if you're their legal guardian. If an accountant sees somebody on a ledge they have no legal obligation to act. If Carter had gotten his text, and had proceeded to do nothing she would certainly not have been convicted of a crime.
This conviction will rightfully be thrown out on appeal.
>but you are obligated to notify someone who can
depends what state,
in florida this isn't the case, as those teens that recorded a video of them mocking a man that was drowning and never called 911 couldn't be charged with anything.
[Citation needed]
Glad to fulfill your expectations. Though, anyone with a working brain would fulfill your expectations, so I'm not sure really what you were expecting.

This is a very clearly political story of how women are ruining men's society, as told by conservative propagandists, but told in such a way that damns the woman. What did the woman do wrong? It was the weak, effeminate 'man' who wrought this on himself by crying about his made up depression. That's what conservatives don't want you to see. Liberals are of course the weak faggot party, but at least they accept their fate to get dominated like the bitches they are.


she should have gotten a longer sentence
I was at and covering this trail each day. The judge made the right call as far as the "guilty" verdict. The way he separated it. When she told Conrad to get "Back in the truck" Those were the condemning words. And the fact that she later admitted to friends via text that she could get in trouble for this was admission that she knew what she had done was put him in eminent danger and end his life. That was all the judge really needed to hear.

Now as far as sentencing goes... The judge couldn't let her walk but was not going to impose even the 9-12 years the DA was looking for of the 20 years maximum. When he gave her the 15 months... I thought... hmm that's fair. The appeal I knew was coming but it was an interesting argument to keep her out of jail for now. With the courts as backed up as they are she could have served the time before an appeal could have ever been heard. (And as the defense stated: "You can't give her back that time." It ain't over yet!
Didn't she also think that having a boyfriend who killed himself would get her sympathy points with her friends?
Who knows what was going on in this girls nogin'. However the fundraiser she held after his death speaks volumes to that fact.
she head to big for she goddmn face
is she a conehead lol
Bitch should rot for longer than just 2.5 years for what she did.
Another very sad MK story! She had absolutely no idea what she was doing.
while i agree that her actions were evil, ultimately the decision to commit suicide was made by her boyfriend. afaict she didn't blackmail or force him into it. she did not hold a gun to his head.
do people with depression have free will? if they do, she should be ostracized and shunned, but not charged with a crime. if they don't - we're going into really dangerous territory. where is the border between someone capable of making decisions and someone incapable? should depressed people be able to sign any contracts? should they have laws, like non-depressives? should they be involuntarily placed in mental institutions?
in my opinion she's evil, but not a criminal.
Love you
This guy who is dead is not some great injustice. He was a stupid, weak minded fuck who tried to use emotional abuse against someone who is better at manipulation.

The podcast Court Junkie does a great episode about this.

I think her actions could be considered reckless endangerment. This was a campaign that lasted several months of her texting him and advising him to kill himself.
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