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Trump knew Flynn lied for weeks

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>U.S. President Donald Trump knew for weeks that national security adviser Michael Flynn had misled the White House about his contacts with Russia but did not immediately force him out, an administration spokesman said on Tuesday.
More importantly, is he aware of his own lies or is he like one of those drug dealers hooked on their own stuff?
>one of those drug dealers hooked on their own stuff

Yes, this one. He is ignorant so he's unable to distinguish lie from truth, good from bad. America is so scr...d: unless they one day they get smart enough to boot this brain-dead thing out of office. But there's little hope that there's enough intelligent people in american to do this before it's too late and the damage cannot be undone; and america is nothing but a third-world country ruled by a despot/terrorist/ceo whore.

>Flynn talked to an ambassador he had previous contact with
>Call to give condolences about turkish assassination
>Says something about the ousted ambassadors and diplomats
>Something to the tune of "eh whatever another month and we can start fixing US Russian relations"
>This may or not break a law that has never been enforced (otherwise any politician could be thrown in jail for speaking to foreign governments during elections)

>Goes on to deny the call ever happened
>When he gets hit with hard evidence says he never discussed sanctions
>Trump says Flynn is going to have to go since he lied to him and pence and now the lie is much bigger than previously thought
>Already replaced with a naval commander
Did Trump order Flynn to talk to the Russians?

What did Trump know and when did he know it?
Can someone try to justify the phony outrage that libtards have been spewing these last few days? I mean, let's pretend the russians did "hack the election". All they literally did was improve transparency in the Democratic party and show just how scummy and corrupt they are. Why is that so egregious? Are we apparently not meant to know how corrupt they are? Should we be angry that we've been made aware of this information? How fucking dare those dastardly russians!

Can one of you libtards explain this to me PLEASE. why am I meant to get angry at what they have done???
This doesnn't make any sense (not that it did before)

Supposedly, Trump is a Russian agent. Who just fired Flynn for being a Russian agent. This should be a good thing for their stupid ass conspiracy hypothesis.

A foreign power stole secrets from one of our nation's governing bodies. It then used those secrets to affect our politics.

Divorced from partisanship that itself is unacceptable.
Holy shit, the news is so interesting lately. I love watching Trump's administration blow up.
>that itself is unacceptable.

hmm, are you saying that the revelation of the corruption in the DNC is a bad thing?
They're selectively attacking one political party because to advance their own interests. It isn't the end of the world but it's something that's concerning,
No. I'm saying a foreign government stealing secrets is unacceptable. Are you suggesting that we should have the government and all its dealings completely transparent?

This is like the NSA leaks. Which were criminal, morality aside. Except this time the perpetrators do not have America's interests in mind.

If the Chinese hacked the Republicans and revealed their corruption, would you find that acceptable?

If yes, then you are at least consistent.

If no, you are a partisan faggot.

More seriously, it's the use of selective "corruption revelations" to alter the outcome of an election to favor the interests of a foreign power (whose intentions may not align with the effected nation). Imagine if you have two assholes running for office (not hard to imagine I'm sure), candidate A and B, and someone leaks embarrassing secrets about B. Suddenly everyone votes for A. However, it turns out that both A and B were equally corrupt, or even worse asshole A was more corrupt, but kept it secret because the leaker had a vested interest in candidate A or a greater dislike of B. The voters have effectively been duped into believing they voted for the morally superior candidate, when in reality they might have been tricked into choosing the candidate less suited for them.
Because you keep labeling every outcry of opposition against trump as liberals. Everyone who is half sane in this country opposes trump because he is corrupt, he tells obvious white lies to everyone, over embellishes his support and influence, and constantly tries to undermine the law. The least educated voting demographic in America elected a billionaire because he said he would act in the interest of the lower class and played on irrational and misinformed fears generated by a sensational media. Politicians in the Capitol aren't stopping him from doing outrageous things because they are so tribalisticly bipartisan they support anything that has the word "republican" attached to it.
This is such a poor analogy I can't believe you've actually run with it. "revealing the corruption of candidate A was a mistake, in case candidate B was corrupt too!". You're a useful idiot and a fucking coward
Not to mention that the only way to overcome corruption is to always expose it. Don't want leaked emails damaging your presidential bid? Don't fix the primaries, don't say to a bunch of bankers that your public and private positions are different. It's that simple!

Clinton and the DNC were punished for their corruption and sleaze. This is a good thing.
> Everyone who is half sane in this country opposes trump because he is corrupt, he tells obvious white lies to everyone, over embellishes his support and influence, and constantly tries to undermine the law. The least educated voting demographic in America

The least educated voting demographic in America is the black population and they were the demographic most likely to vote for the Democrats, like they are in every election. 9 to 1 in fact. By the largest margin, the dumbest demographic in the US was also the most likely to vote Democrat. Let that sink in. What does it tell you?
That you are trying to push a fake correlation in order to sound 'right'
crying about actual investigative journalism exposing a literal lifetime of corruption, graft, double-dealing, lies, possible murders, bizarre code-talk, pay-to-play, slush funding, conspiracy, collusion etc. etc. etc. is not the fault of the investigative journalists.

it's the fault of the people that actually committed those crimes, and if she lost the presidency because of those countless literal felonies, then that's a good thing.

if trump was corrupt i'd want it exposed, and you can wager money on the fact that they've already tried. probably for a year+ now. what've they got, a bunch of conveniently appearing and disappearing rape charges? zzzzzzzz

if the left didn't want to lose, they shouldn't have fielded hillary "lifetime of skullduggery" clinton, man.
>he tells obvious white lies to everyone

Again, you misunderstand the situaton and lack any sense of nuance so you start foaming and whinging like every other libtard. Trump tells small lies that don't matter. He tells big truths. He is *literally* the anti-politician hero in this regard. He does the exact opposite of what every other politician in history has done.

They all tell dumb, ideological big lies like "diversity is our strength", "we are a nation of immigrants", "immigration makes us stronger", "Islam is a religion of peace" etc. Trump does the exact opposite to this. He speaks the truth on the big, ideological issues. He tells lies on immaterial things like crowd sizes at his inauguration. Who gives a shit about the latter? Why does it matter? It doesn't, the only truths that are worth the time are the big truths.

You and every other retarded, dribbling anti-Trump mongrel does not understand this distinction. That's why you're losers
>fake correlation

what? Blacks voted 90 to 10 for Clinton. Black people have an average intelligence a FULL standard deviation below the white mean. They are by far the dumbest demographic in the US. And yet you claim it's white Republicans who are the dumbest, with no evidence to corroborate your statement. You're literally full of shit and don't have a point lmao, now you're backtracking
I have no love for Hillary and I'm honestly still pissed that the DNC didn't give Bernie a fair chance, but the problem here is that Russia was deliberately trying to shift the election in a direction that would get the US out of their way (see Trump's statements about NATO just for starters). The email leaks were vastly sensationalized anyway, the only objectionable part is the stuff about the skewed primary which isn't actually illegal, everything else that was leaked was completely benign- please name something other than that from the emails that was actually worth making a fuss over. Meanwhile, the investigation into the matter revealed that the RNC had been also had their data hacked, but nothing ever got leaked from them which suggests that the goal of the leaks wasn't to increase transparency or anything of the sort, but to favor one side over the other. Given Trump's ties to Russian banks and his refusal to release info about his tax returns, this implies that a foreign power may have leverage over him in some way, and it should be obvious why this isn't a good thing- we'll have to see what the investigation turns up but its not looking good for him.
>by far the dumbest demographic
Hispanic detected
Additionally, its worth noting that probably the biggest element of Russia trying to influence the election isn't the DNC hack- its their online propaganda efforts. I know that many trump supporters have tried to redefine the whole "fake news" term in their favor, but what people were originally referring to was the completely made up rumors that were spreading on the internet and not biased reporting- both CNN and Fox are biased, but they generally don't just completely make shit up, and if they get something wrong by mistake they go back and change it. "Fake news" refers to things like the stories claiming that the Pope endorsed Trump (he actually criticized many of Trump's goals) or the story about a warehouse full of fake ballots which was later revealed to be a photoshop of some random warehouse in Europe. This sort of "fake news", along with gratuitous amounts of astroturfing, were the big way that Russia worked to influence the election, and if the Trump campaign was actively working with the foreign intelligence agencies responsible for it, it doesn't look favorable for them.
Hispanics have like 50-70% European admixture lmao, they are no where near as dumb as niggers
It hasn't even begun.
>Hispanics are white

Hispanic detected
What's the easiest way to improve your legitimacy? Sell out someone who is no longer useful. Flynn stopped being useful when a magnifying glass parked above him. Probably wouldn't have even gotten reprimanded if he didn't get caught.

Not saying I believe in the theory, but you're pretty fucking dense for not seeing the reasoning behind it. Even if he's not a Russian agent, he did it to boost his appeal.
This would make sense if Trump didn't have a history of sticking by his companions.

I am fully open to criticisms of President Trump, but be realistic.

This is impossible for people who have bought in to the MSM le evil republican meme
>the only objectionable part is the stuff about the skewed primary


let's see:
>had a private email server, poorly defended with classified, secret, SAP material on it, illegally
>lied about the purpose, nature, defenses, of that server, to america in general, congress, possibly FBI (literal crime)
>the server was likely compromised by foreign agents
>was running clinton foundation as a pay-for-play arm of the state department
>traded vast amounts of resources belonging to the american people to russia
>provably approved massive arms deal to saudis after receiving donations from saudi government officials
>loretta lynch and the tarmac
>turned around a QRF, resulting in the deaths of a dozen+ state department officials, incl. an ambassador of the united states
>lied about his death several times, asked "what's the big deal"
>with a cloth or something
>tons of shady code-talk across thousands of emails
>said she was lying about helping the common man in paid speeches to goldman-sachs
>so warhawk as to make curtis lemay blush

and on and on and on, that's not even going into the other stuff like the history of extremely convenient deaths, seth rich, and all that other unprovable but extremely suspicious stuff.

she's rotten to the core, anon.
Don't forget when they stole BILLIONS in aid from Haiti's relief fund.

The largest theft I am aware of.
There's no correlation between how smart the voters are and how smart the party is. Dipshit.
This is correct because there are idiots on both sides.

The difference is, which party hates America?

That is clearly the democrats. They never liked liberty and uncontrollable freedom that make this country great.

Democrats want control. Is that stupid? Who knows. But it's fucking wrong for sure.
>Trump and Flynn dindu nuffin!
>They good bois!
>This is all a liberal witchhunt!
>Leaks are only good if they're about Hillary!
>They never liked liberty and uncontrollable freedom that make this country great.
Yeah sure kid, that's why republicans are all about taking away your rights to do things which go against their strict religious moral code.
>republicans don't like America

This is why leftists can't be taken seriously. You make shit up depending on the current moment.

Maybe it's because you deny reality in general? Just saying your insults never make sense.
You think that's bad? Strap in kid you're in a for ride.
>Supposedly, Trump is a Russian agent. Who just fired Flynn for being a Russian agent
Simplistic flawed and shallow thinking.
It is not about who is and who is not a Russian agent. That is a matter for deeper investigation.
The Trump administration is showing expected signs of inexperience in governance. But I detect that they consider that a badge of honor.
They seem to be ignorant of the law and express bravado about how they are above the law.

Trump engaged (read foreign policy) with the Egyptians when he was merely President Elect. Flynn engaged with the Russians when he was a private citizen (a crime). He was already under investigation by the military for engaging with the Russians which I understand is a breach of his retirement rules.

Flynn supposedly lied to the VP about his call. It now seems that a number of the Trump people contacted the Russians. I suspect that Flynn is, as he said, a scapegoat for the Trump people, and that someone (probably somewhere in the vicinity of Bannon) had issued instructions to contact the Russians.

This is first and foremost a matter of crimes having been committed. That is why Spicer is spinning this as a breach of trust. BULLSHIT.

The Acting AG had reports from the FBI and warned the WH weeks ago about the calls.

Trump probably didn't know. He was playing golf or was unable to read the memo.
Flynn fucked up and lied, that's why he got fired. That is a good thing regarding President Trump. I trust him even more now.

>Trump engaged (read foreign policy) with the Egyptians when he was merely President Elect

Good job. This bothers me a tad. Less so because Obama is literally a traitor to America, I understand Trump stepping on his toes.

>He was playing golf or was unable to read the memo
Then you ended that slightly insightful post with this libshit, as usual.

A broken clock is right twice a day. You've got one more moment of accidental clarity.
Very poor reply. Not well reasoned.
Have another try.
He's just a Russian spy.
A broken clock, indeed.
>people are butthurt that american politicians are controlled by foreign governments
>when this has been a thing for literally decades, including how literally all the major people were owned by different countries and theres shit on wikileaks about this.
>people actually fall for the illusion of choice still and believe their shit doesn't stink
>literally all the major people were owned by different countries and theres shit on wikileaks about this
sauce now fag

Poor analogy.
Try again
>controlled by foreign governments
[citation needed]
You just said Democrats hate America and he threw your insult right back at you. Are you serious?

My issue was not the leaks, but the intention behind them. Exposing corruption? Okay. Deliberately exposing only one corrupt group and then hyping it to kingdom come for the express purpose of benefiting your preferred candidate (and by extension your own agenda)? This is not acceptable. It wasn't when Nixon did it and it isn't when the Russians did it. Sorry if I miscommunicated this point.
Why can't you people ever bant in a way that makes sense.

As if being ignorant of an anology is supposed to be a diss? What planet are you from where being stupid wins an argument... oh yeah. Sorry.

>no u

Yeah that's a good one. Never heard it before. Really makes sense all the time too.
Reread all of your posts. You're a living parody.
>democrats hate America because they support policies that are anti-American


You're the one who needs to read. Trying something other than "no u" I am honestly tired of constantly btfo you idiots. I have a lot of really cool things I could be doing right now.
>divorced from partisanship

Nothing is divorced from partisanship today. There are two separate Americas today, and if this is true all Russia did was do one of them a favor.
>There are two separate Americas today,
Why is that? Because Republicans benefitted for 60 years from dogwhistling Confederate nostalgics and neo-Nazis
>democrats hate America because they support policies that are anti-American

Republicans are ignoring the fact that a foreign power influenced our election because it helped /theirguy/. They don't care about democracy, only the appearance of it, and empty nationalism instead of patriotism to the values of our forefathers and to our constitution. As long as they are in power and are able to make money for their corporate friends and fulfill their twisted ideology of christian supremacy they will not stop, ever. If that's not unamerican, I don't know what is.
>>a corruption of the democratic process is fine bcuz vanity & ego

hello Rus. how cold today in stalingrad komrade?
knew it ! Trump have eyes on his presidency, this will not escape his view..
>they are clearly the party that hates freedom
You're gonna have to give an example of what you're talking about
>in the month and a half since he became president Trump has only proved to be a massively incompetent blowhard who barely understands how his own government works and goes into an autistic rage whenever something doesn't go this way
What are you talking about, I couldn't be happier.
>Trump administration revealed to be full-on Ivan cocksuckers
>Democrats are the un-American ones
I wish Hillary had been voted into office so that we could finally nuke those subhumans off the face of the earth
Look at all the evidence in this post
Just look at Flynn.
Also >>112252 but the Ivans are real quiet about that now aren't they?
>They don't care about democracy
America isn't a democracy you ignorant piece of shiz

>le evil Russia

You guys are really going with this? Ok. I thought the rape accusations were better.
No, you obviously don't give a fuck. Acting like you can't understand shiz.
Having a Constitutional Republic is a form of Democracy you uneducated nincompoop.

>You guys
You know you're talking about the vast majority of Americans, right?
You are a little bitch. All you can do is call Trump a corporate whore and not even back that up. Flynn might have lied, but what he had communicated with Russia was absolutely nothing. Go get your facts right or be a little bitch somewhere else.
There is nothing about Trump's presidency that suggests a disrespect for our republic.

So either you were bring up democracy for nothing, or you were bitching about the popular vote.

>vast majority

Lol. I kinda like that you think this. Keep protesting and complaining about nothing. Sanity is spreading these days.
wake up and smell Trump's dwindling poll numbers.
>6 Goldman Sachs cabinet picks
>thinks appointing a bunch of CEOs and billionaires = draining the swamp
>Doesn't understand that the government isn't a business and shouldn't be making a profit
How is Trump *not* a corporate whore again?
If it was nothing, then why lie about it at all?
this better be a joke

am I going to be hearing this for 8 years?
>News stations that predicted trumps loss have him losing popularity
>News stations that like him have him rising

>Trusting poll numbers after this election, especially this close to the election

I would give it two years before you cite poll numbers without looking at the methodology. the few in that list that allow you to look at where their numbers come from are laughably bad.

As and example from that list, CNN interviewed 1000 people by phone and then only used 500 of those results for the approval ratings. The pdf they distribute doesnt give demographics for who they asked on approval, just some of the policies. Strange how heavy the weighting is towards the young women of color that descibe themselves as democrats/liberal leaning
Trump is done, conservacuck
The people care about more than their next fap
They care very deeply about very important issues of national security
You weren't joking

Wow your use of virtue signals really convinced me to hate America
So you admit you only care about your next fap. Great. We're all going to die because all you want to do is touch your willy.
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