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For the last six years, I have been using OpenTTD to build a

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Thread replies: 317
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For the last six years, I have been using OpenTTD to build a working virtual replica of the UK rail network.

Ask me anything.
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Also I am writing out all the timetables with the view to actually running full service on the model.
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This is an old picture, all the rail infrastructure is in place now.

What patches are you using?

I can't remember. A whole bunch that I liked the look of.
How are you not bankrupt yet
Are there really so many patches of green in London?

Are you including the tube, light rail etc.?
Those are all very good questions.

1) Cheat codes, bro. I'm not playing competitively, so why care about in-game currency?

2) No, but the game forces you to leave a gap of a certain number of tiles between every town that you place (or in this case, parts of London that might as well be their own town). I'm going to expand the towns, which will fill in the gaps, later.

3) Yes, I plan to include all of the following transportation systems:

National Rail
High Speed 1 (as far as Folkestone)
High Speed 2 (maybe)
London Underground
Docklands Light Railway
Croydon Tramlink
Tyne & Wear Metro
Midland Metro
Manchester Metrolink
Glasgow Metro
Sheffield Supertram
Nottingham Express Transit
SEWM (if it gets built)
Greater Bristol Metro (if it gets built)
London Buses
National Express Coaches
Local buses in various areas
Forgot to mention, plenty of preserved railways too.
Nice. This is the kind of autistic creativity for which I love coming to /n/.
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You know it, my /n/igga. Have another spreadsheet screenshot.
How'd you got the idea to do it?

Also, my deepest respects for you.
If you actually let the game run, do the networks return a realistic profit? Because as game mechanics go, it looks like you've got brutally overbuilt infra. that won't be able to handle many trains. Your junctions are ugly as sin.
When I was 10, my dad took me to the Transport Museum at Covent Garden. I was immediately hooked. He bought me a tube map poster which went on my bedroom wall and I've stared at it every day ever since. (Until it fell apart, that is.)

That was when I started to think about having an entire railway network to run myself, like loads of little boys do. However, I couldn't afford to do conventional model railways, so I turned to computers. Since then, I've been building this thing mostly just to see if it could actually be done.
My PC can't handle running every train in the country at once, so I don't know whether they make money. But they probably do.

What's wrong with my junctions, though?
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I'm quite happy with my junctions.
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so where are you on the spectrum?
so you're only 16 now

get the fuck out
Perhaps greentext might make it easier for you to understand.

>be 10
>go to transport museum
>get tube map
>tube map disintegrates after 7+ years
>start railway project
>be now
>be older than 16

so where are you on the spectrum?
Also this isn't an 18+ board anyway.
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>My PC can't handle running every train in the country at once
>What's wrong with my junctions
This doesn't really apply to your case since you're not trying to build something that works according to gameplay mechanics - but your system can handle more trains faster if you use signals properly, design junctions so trains don't have to slow down or stop - and doing this means even a pretty basic computer can handle running a large network. Path signals are what chew up CPU time.

Pic related is an optimized connection between a station and a mainline track.
But real railways don't look anything like that. I'm trying to emulate how they do trains in the real world.

And I don't use path signals, just block signals.
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And here's what happens when you take optimized design to its logical conclusion - it may not be pretty or realistic, but it will handle as many trains as you can fill with cargo and allow them all to keep moving at maximum speed.

All of 4chin, even the blue boards are 18+, see the global rules.
Mmkay. You're right, that is neither pretty nor realistic. And I don't want that.

The way I see it, if the real railways work the way that they do, surely I can get my network to work if it's laid out the same way?
So you have no life?
Are you confined to a wheelchair?
Do you have no immune system and have to live in a plastic bubble?
Is there ANY reason that you'd waste so much time on something so useless and pointles, rather than GOING OUTSIDE and playing with the other kids? Maybe even (shocking idea!) TALKING TO GIRLS?

This is even worse than sperging out about riding buses.

For fuck's sake go get a life already.
Power level aside, this is actually pretty fucking awesome. Three questions:

1. For how long have you been playing OpenTTD?
2. How often and how obsessively do/did you work on this?
3. Have you played other transport simulation games?
I do do other things, you know. This is just something I'll do a little work on in my free time, that's why it's taken years and years to get anywhere.

1. I only found OpenTTD because I was trying to find the best train simulator with which to get this idea off the ground. So six years.

2. As mentioned above, I don't treat this like a full-time job or anything, I'll work on it for an hour or so every couple of days, sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less.

3. I briefly dallied with Transport Giant and Locomotion, but OpenTTD just felt...right. I think that's because I loved Rollercoaster Tycoon as a child. Chris Sawyer is an excellent game designer. Yes, I know he made Locomotion too, but that doesn't have such a dedicated development/modding community, as far as I know.
Why OpenTTD, specifically? Is that really the best rail network sandbox?
If you could have written your own sandbox specifically for this project, what would you like to have done differently?
That's a very good question. As mentioned earlier, I think I settled on OpenTTD because of my affinity with the games of Chris Sawyer. However, if I was /g/ enough to mod it myself, I would make it so you can have more than 15 transport companies. Some of the train operators have to share a slot, which, as I'm sure you can imagine, makes me feel very uncomfortable.
Impressive work OP, good job.
You should probably hit up the OpenTTD IRC and ask a developer to bump up the company limit. I suspect the only reason the limit is so low is because no one has shown a need for it.
Now this is the kind of autism I come here for.
>1500 lines and still counting

The absolute madman !

pre or post beeching?

a few times ive thought of making all the railways around my area (northwest) before Dr Beeching had his way with them, but i dont have the patience to learn my way around openTTD
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>>1048349 To be honest, I'm just surprised that no-one else has thought of doing this. To me, replicating a whole country's transportation network seemed the most obvious thing to use OpenTTD for.

>>1048420 This project is set in the present day, but I have considered making a 1950 edition too. Maybe one day.
So how fucked is Southern on this sim?

Is it possible you've found a way to fix our fucked system?
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I don't know yet, I'm still running test trains and amassing timetables.

However, the model doesn't really allow for things like industrial action and suchlike.

(Personally I'm on the side of the unions on that one though)
This is a fucking stellar thread
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I like to think of it as "a work of supreme autism".
Jesus Christ man, you deserve an ingame reference for this.
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Oh no, I'd much rather remain anonymous. That's why I've only shared it with you lot. I'd much rather become known for my totally unrelated animé parody series on YouTube.

Why not?
Great stuff OP, made me want to install it again, but I have stuff I need to do the next three weeks.

Been better than it has in years the last few weeks, it could all change though.
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I love your dedication and autism to your project OP.
Because you said the UK in the OP have you made a replica of or have any plans to do Northern Ireland and by extension with a land border the Republic of Ireland?
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An earlier iteration did include all of Ireland, but having now expanded Britain to fit in all towns and villages that fell foul of our dear friend Dr Beeching, it's no longer possible. My PC can't render a map big enough.

(Also OpenTTD doesn't do different rail gauges so it wouldn't look right)
Do you at least have the Chunnel and all of mainland Europe?
If I can't fit Ireland on the map, how do you expect me to manage all of Europe?
Fucking impressive.

Can someone give me a one-sentence explanation what do I actually do in this game?
Like I click a new game, I'm presented with a map and few cities.

What on earth am I supposed to do? Is there a goal?
Build giant model trainset, run trains, make money, have fun.
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Here, have some more pictures.
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Northwestfag, are you still here?
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Just launched my fictional metropolis first subway line.
Fuck, which newgrf is that?
Tunnels and inner city traffic are virtually impossible with the standard tunnels.
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Well, ''subway''.

I bombed the shit 'burb buildings down couple blocks, sunken land and then put a station there. Connect by tunnels and that's it.
Damnit. was hard to so in the pic.
Thats the way I am also doing it, and it sucks. Can't do turns or switches underground and no underground stations also sucks.
Yeah, same.
I hate the lack of underground stations. Try to put a HSR into busy city.
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I just lower the land and pretend that's underground. Build loads of road bridges over it, too, to help the illusion.
Both the dutch station and metro tracks GRFs you're using also have the option of covering tracks up with concrete tiles so the lines and stations only appear as large plazas, which actually looks somewhat decent.
But doesn't that turn the entire line into one long station? And does it even work on diagonals?
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I just tried it out myself, the metro tracks have a setting to enable covered tracks, both with grass and concrete. And those are normal tracks, not stations, works with diagonals and tunnel entrances.

In this screenshot, the station tiles themselves are uncovered metro track, there the cover comes from the dutch stations.
So then does that use up a railtype slot?
will you also get houses or roads on top of the tracks or is it just cosmetic?

This is all just cosmetic. You still have to build tunnels for straight sections and only go on the surface for stations and curves.
Tell me about your fictional metropolis, Finnbro.
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Got some more pictures.
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And more.
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And yet more.
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I think that'll do for now.
this is absolutely sick lol
What, Guildford?
fucking hell, this is really nice.

Do you have a download link for that map?
ay op you got oxford? my autistic dad is making an 00 gauge replica of Oxford in 1948.

Also you got the line from Hinchley Wood to Guildford?

also make island of sodor))
OP this is very good

Did you create anything on the Northern Irish network? If so, could you post it please?
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I've been tempted to, but it would be weird for me to have to look at this and know that everything was a representation of something real except this one imaginary island off Cumbria. So no.

Oxford, though, sure, that really exists. I know because they said so in a newspaper.
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And the New Guildford Line, too, here it is.
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you da best op much love

though idk if you can change thins now or not but claygate and hinchley wood should be further up the screen, claygate connects to chessington and esher irl
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And some more of it...
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But don't think I've forgotten about you, Ulsterfag...
I love you OP you are truly doing god's work
I explained at >>1048947 that my current version doesn't include Ireland, but here's one I made earlier.
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Forgot picture. Much apologies.
Show me some North West (Liverpool, Manchester etc) please, OP.
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Like this?

I have fudged quite a bit of real-world geography in regions of britain I've never been to.
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Happy to oblige.

(Please note Northern Rail includes Merseyrail because of lack of company slots)
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Nope, sorry. I'm too paranoid of people plagiarising my work. Screencaps is all you're getting.

Mind you, you could just make your own UK rail simulation. As I mentioned earlier, I don't know why more people haven't.
Claygate needs to be where hinchley wood is currently and hinchley wood needs to go where you suggested, there's no borders between the towns anymore due to urban sprawl

t. someone who grew up in esher

TY based train anon.
Urban sprawl has only been applied to north london so far, but I will get around to doing it for all the big cities.

I would prefer "Rail-chan", if you don't mind.
have you done the M25?
OpenTTD doesn't really do roads that well. Or at least, I haven't found a good newGRF that will do motorways.

I did think about putting in the motorway network, but it just didn't look right with all those sharp 90-degree bends everywhere.
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Esherfag, is this better?
Looks much better, you've knocked it out the park lad

All the rest of you UK rail enthusiasts, I'd welcome any recommendations or corrections you can offer regarding local geography. I haven't been everywhere, but collectively, we probably have.
why are there no trees or farmland? no terrain either.
For simplicity's sake. Large hills and mountain ranges will be implemented at some point.
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I was on this line only last night, travelled back from London to catch the final train into Barrow. I'm not sure if this game allows you to model the buildings but I hope you've got something to represent the Prince of Wales pub at Foxfield...
Short answer: No, it doesn't.

Long answer: I can get the general feel of buildings in each town (i.e. glass skyscrapers, big apartment blocks, or small, old-fashined houses), but no more specific than that.
pls no kill

i am now, not been around for a week or so, to be precise im from Burscough so i travel the Wigan-Southport line pretty frequently, a few times a week at least
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Ah, then would you happen to have any insider info on the chances of the Skelmersdale branch or Burscough Curves re-opening?

Also, ta for the bumps, >>1050230 and >>1050238. Nice to know you care.

Brilliant stuff Rail-chan, any chance of a Banbury screencap? Possible local area too (kings Sutton)
fucking beautiful, good work OP

I wish i did but i probably havent heard anything that you wont have heard before, they have been talking about re-opening one or both of them for years now, personally i cant see it happening or it would have started by now. Over summer when i do alot of cycling i know a path that can lead you do one of the curves so you can climb up the embankment to the old track bed, everytime its been raining it feels like its about to have a landslide up there. As for the Skem branch, if they re-build the station in the same place and run the track to Rainford Junction then it will either have to go through, or around a housing estate built over the original route of the track and over/under the motorway, if you ask me Skem will just end up with another guided busway like what happened from Leigh-Manchester, im guessing that will happen alot more around the country instead of actually bringing pre-Beeching railways back
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For you, dear anon, anything.

Ah well. Guess it was a bit of a long shot.
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>on /n/
What's it like being new to 4chan?
I didn't think the thread was going to die, it was just in a coma so I resuscitated it.
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Jesus christ, you're fucking amazing. Thanks for getting me back into Open TTD.
>Yate South Junction leading to Coalpit Heath, not the Murco oil terminal
>Westerleigh junction a double track to quad track junction

Don't be silly anon.
Okay but disclaimer: some parts of the network may or may not be slightly aspirational in nature.
Also, you forgot to say
>Where are Filton Triangle Sidings?
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Bumping with content.
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Okay, so I have self-bumped this thread nine times in a row now and it hasn't made me fill out a single captcha. Interesting.
fuck off carl
You got 4Chan Pass?
You have my curiosity OP. Post download

Mind showing a pic of the Fife Circle and the Forth rail bridge? Would love to see my local route.
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No. Which makes it all the more surprising.

See >>1049601

Pic related, the noo.
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This pic also related, hoots mon.
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And finally McThis.
nice work lad, you done York?
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It's your lucky day.
ttd for life. Got any settle-carlisle line?

You should definitely do pre-Beeching.
>tfw spotting old railway lines on long journeys
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Lad, I live in Bath. THE BEST old railway is just a stone's throw away.

Also, see >>1048425
>no ribblehead viaduct
See, this is exactly what I want from you people. Geographical corrections.
i guessed it was just difficult because of the scale you were doing it.
i can also confirm there are no skyscrapers in hawes or dent, there is a nice campsite in the latter, though
Yeah, I'm slowly working through every single town and village, filtering out the inappropriate buildings that OpenTTD chose to render.
Good work OP, can you post some central line pls?

Also I remember their being a reskin for OpenTTD that makes it look more 'HD', why don't you use that?
Post Nottingham lad
>reskin for OpenTTD that makes it look more 'HD'
That looks shit as soon as you use newgrfs (which still will be in their pixelated graphics).

consistency > high resolution
>tfw i got my ex into open ttd

turns out i still miss her a lot
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>>1054799 < This.

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Here you go lad. Maybe this will make up for having to live in Nottingham.
>Glasgow Metro

I'm glad the pride of my city will be immortalised in this form, good luck with the difficult design haha
Difficult design? It's just a circle, how difficult can that possibly be?
t-that was the joke....
Oh...h-haha, good joke, a-anon. Um...I knew that.
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I feel like this inter-board cross-referencing is gonna get real complicated real soon.

Th-that totally wasn't me...
>Greater Bristol Metro (if it gets built)

PROTIP: It's Bristol. It won't.
You make a solid point.
Would you send me a copy ? I'd love to do some vba scripts on this
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It's far from finished, bro.
I'm not gonna use it ingame, just as a support for experimentation
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You have my interest. Tell me more.
can i get a screenshot of halifax by any chance?
love the work and dedication.
First time here at /n/ and this is the first thing i saw.

I like this board
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>virtual me is in this picture
> Write scripts to calculate time between 2 points, number of stations passed
> GUI to add new trains with their route & timing
> Get general informations of a stations (numbers of trains passing between xx:xx and yy:yy, etc...)

Stuff like that, I can send them back to you after if you want
me too
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i wonder if there is a way you can import the assets from the pak128 britain pakset from simutrans. it would make things look more... british?

>pic related
ooh i'm in this one

fuckin thameslink man
Currently sitting in my house opposite LRB, top work lad.
do UK trains publish GTFS files?

you may be able to get this info if you put in an FOI request to Network Rail. whatdotheyknow.com is an easy way of doing so.

t: anon who answered FOI requests for NR
now do it in minecraft ecks dee
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OpenTTD can do all that?

>virtual me is in this picture, I know which of us is better off
ur cute op
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Oh now, really, come on now, stop it.
Not ingame, but i can on your Excel file.
It will take me some time since you have huge data sets but it will be fun
All I need is your permission & the sheet

You can email me at anon_ymous@openmailbox org
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I tell you what, when it's finished, you may have a go.

So, like, ask me again in a year or so.

(Also it's OpenOffice not Excel)
I noticed Open Office, but the transfer shouldnt bee too hard

Sure no problem
can i have the map lol
I think someone did the same for North-Rhine Westphalia, which is probably a lot simpler due to the time tables being extremely systematic. Always had a lot of respect for people able to pull shit like this off, and it's entertaining to look at it.

I'd recommend switching to LibreOffice.
The current OpenOffice is a rotten corpse murdered by Oracle in the hands of Apache.
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I got you, noakesbro. Sorry it took me a while to notice.
Oxford Road has one too many tracks leading to Piccadilly btw. Platform 5 is a terminus with the other end going to Liverpool Lime Street.
See >>1051274
So funny always. Those guys ranting about getting a life. 1 : You are here. So why don't you go after girls as you advise. 2: Going after girls 24/7 is fucking creepy dude. Get therapy. 3: Not realising stuff like this is awesome. A creation that is unique. That requires so much work and dedication that only a supersmall percentage of people does it. That always gets you extra life bonusses in my book. OP is awesome. 99,99 % of people dissapear in history because they never did something special.
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I would quite like to have a girlfriend, though, so maybe he's not entirely wrong.
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reviving an old thread because I get diamond dick for OTTD

>OpenTTD doesn't really do roads that well. Or at least, I haven't found a good newGRF that will do motorways.
That's where you're wrong. Pic related. Allow me to introduce you to Dutch Road Furniture.
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DRF can be used to make some pretty awesome highways (motorways?), I even made some 8-lane highways once but can't find my old saves.
I tried installing it but I still had normal roads, and all of my other New GRF's were still working, what do?
what is OpenTTD
can you stream maintaining this rail system you've built?
Seems comfy.
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Like Rollercoaster Tycoon but for trains and buses and suchlike.

You'd really want to watch a stream of me constantly alt-tabbing between the game, a spreadsheet, and occasionally one of the Network Rail Sectional Appendices?

Because, I mean, I might consider it if enough people are interested.

And, of course, if my computer is up to streaming whilst running OpenTTD. That's a pretty big "if".
having relaxing music playing in the background helps.

Also being able to answer questions about the stream and game in a non condescending and non patronizing matter are important things.
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>Implying I would suddenly stop being condescending and patronising if I streamed OpenTTD

>Implying there is any music that could possibly be as soothing as OpenTTD's many train-based sound effects


Just no.
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4chan is 18+ as a whole.

Neet project op
Have you done willesden junction yet?. Its pretty complex. Theres also a section of the grans union canal running about 10 metres away from where they're building crossrail. Pretry crazy place
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>>1064268 /N/IGGA I KNOW
Can we see Birmingham please?
See >>1048118
is that sim city 2000?
The answer to that question is in LITERALLY EVERY FILENAME.

AND the original post.

Come on.

I mean, come on.


I mean, really.

Come on now lad.
>Ask me anything.
why aren't you using transport fever
Have you added new stations build in the last few years in East Devon?
this is next level autism
Airport is in the wrong place, it should be somewhere between pinhoe station and whimple station near where cranbrook station now is
Whew that's a tiny Europe
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Fixed. Cheers lad.

See for yourself.
Airport should be the opposite side of the London line, exeter should basically cover all the way to topsham and pinhoe and the exmouth line is right next to the estuary for most of it past topsham
Which London line?
Exeter to London Waterloo, the Pinhoe one
Oh, I can't be bothered to sort it out now, it's almost time for Doctor Who. Maybe tomorrow.
Do you play also transport fever? did you try it?
also make a video
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I have no idea what that is. Tell me literally everything about it.
What mods are you using?
See >>1048096
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To see if it could be done.
I don't think it's even planned or conceived at this point. We do have the Metrobus though!
Nice junction at Filton. Can I see Temple MEads?
>asking "why?"
The question is not "why?", but "why not?".
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YOu sure can.

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Do you plan to use trams? I was thinking (very briefly) about doing actually working replica of Prague, just trams plus maybe trains, but I figured I'm not autistic enough. City transportation is cool to look at, and it's not even all that hard to make it work, if you use timetables properly.
my friend anon has blessed this thread
OP would you fuck a train for £230
I think the council in Bristol were thinking of a plan to have a tram which goes to the airport from the city centre, lines going to the east and north of Bristol from the centre and one to Bath as a tram train. I think they want to increase the frequency of trains on the current network and reopen the Portishead line and a few new stations too. Then again it's the UK so nothing will probably happen, here's the link anyway to the plan, there's nothing solid yet though.

>City transportation is cool to look at, and it's not even all that hard to make it work, if you use timetables properly.
Trams are fine, underground lines are a bit more tricky in OpenTTD due to the game's engine but OP has managed it to an extent in London, and this >>1049277 anon built a "subway" too. OP said earler that he wants to add all the tram networks in the UK in the future, so it will come soon.

Also OP do you know about the upcoming 4chan Spring Babby Cup? It's a football tournament that we play in a modded version of PES between different boards a few times a year, and /n/ are playing this weekend on Friday and Sunday. We had a poll here a few weeks ago and you got on the team as a defender under the name of King of OTTD. To celebrate that post a station which is near a real life football stadium, maybe even one specifcally for a stadium. More information can be found on these links if you're interested in finding out more about you being on the team.
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Okay, a couple of questions.

1) Do I actually have to do anything, or is this just a fantasy football thing?

2) I said here >>1049605 that I'd like people to call me "rail-chan".

Nevertheless, you have my interest.
Not OP, but I wouldn't pay anything over 150 and even then it depends on the quality. 230 is way too expensive
>1) Do I actually have to do anything, or is this just a fantasy football thing?
No, you don't have to anything, it's controlled by AI but we have managers who make tactical decisions for the AI players, those managers are listed on the /n/ page and have names and trips on the right hand side of the page that they refer to themselves as, either on their boards or a general thread on /vg/ for the cup called /4ccg/. You don't have to do anything but it would be cool to possibly watch yourself play in PES, the times we play at are listed on the wiki.
>2) I said here >>1049605 that I'd like people to call me "rail-chan".
The /n/ manager is in the /vg/ thread now, I'm going to ask him if it's possible to rename you. Come around to watch the matches this weekend, they should be fun.
Thanks for posting Wembley stadium too.
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OP don't be a fucking cunt.

If you make a save game available for download, anons will be able to appreciate all of the detail. I love browsing through maps and rail networks made by others.
Are you a functioning autist or full autist?
He's playing it on Windows ME by the looks of it, can't run that shit with a potato.
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It's actually Windows 7 with a classic skin. You can tell by there being a Show Desktop button in the bottom-right corner, you didn't have that before Vista.
Ah, actually was wondering if it was there for ME, but didn't remember.
Reckon there might be a practical application for this once you've done?

Also post Mirfield pls
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Well, I seem to have become a professional footballer on the back of this project, so that's a start!
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Oh shit, we down to page 8 now.

Amazing project. How much have you completed, percentage wise. And what is left to do?

Also, Can you post Portsmouth and/or the IOW?
what does you're pee pee smell like??
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All the mainline rail infrastructure is in place, there are just a few preserved lines still to put in.

Also the trams are basically done too.

So now I'm just running test trains to get timings of actual passenger and goods services.

I don't know, I usually pee facing away from the toilet.
>I don't know, I usually pee facing away from the toilet.


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I don't understand, is that not the normal way?
Sitting down
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No, I stand up to go, I just face away from the toilet. I don't get what's weird about that?
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I want off, Mr. Bones.gif
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How big is the map? 2048x2048?
Have you used a height map, or adapted a flat/random world into UK?
Have you ever restarted from scratch during these 6 years? How long have your current save been running for?

Actually no, the limit is due to how the game engine works, bumping the limit would require reworking basically half of the game, including NewGRFs.
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Nah bro. 8192x4096.

The world is mostly flat, with hills and mountains and what-have-you put in whenever I have a rough idea of local terrain in a certain area.

In answer to your third question, see pic related. About half of those savegames are iterations of this project, and of those, about two-thirds are corrupted from my computer running out of memory during a save attempt. Which means I have to start again.
clack-clack, bump-bump, clack-clack, bump-bump...
Holy shit this thread is still going?
I met an autistic guy in one of my mental hospital stays
He reconstructed the metro system of Berlin in Minecraft

I come from /tg/ to pay respects to this beautiful form of autism. Man with a such a burning passion as you deserves heartfelt salutations.
Give us a some shots of the southeast coast mate
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Fuckin amateur, get that weak shit outta here.
I have a question.
Can you red pill me on the proposed re-nationalisation of British rail?
If Labour gets in on Friday, maybe. Possibly. You never know.

Otherwise, not gonna happen.

Although, I really do hope they go back to the old 80s/early 90s liveries and uniforms.
> Implying he knows anything besides building ottd replicas
He's autistic, that's way above his paygrade

Good game though
Windows Classic, very nice.
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Folkestone do you?

Hey! I have thoughts, and feelings! I can write, sing, cook, and make jokes, and I have political opinions too! Sometimes I even go outside!

I just like trains as well.
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yltsys ilo apu.png
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>check back to see this thread still going strong 4 months later


trains are awesome
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hey, this is where i live! padgate, actually
nice project, man
could you show the northenmost station you've got
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Here you go, bro. The edge of the world.
Any chances of pics of Wigan Wallgate/Northwestern?, and the stretch of track between wigan and appley bridge? I am genuinely amazed by this OP, i wish i had the patience to do something similar, i would probably focus on my local area though and put all roads and motorways in, aswell as railway lines
oh man this is so cool

1) You said you can't run it on your computer, so does that mean you haven't been able to check if the network actually works?

2) Can I see the Guildford station surroundings?
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1) No, so instead right now I'm running one train at a time to get timings and working out how to slot them all together in a national timetable.

2) See >>1049461

You can't do motorways easily on OpenTTD, though. Especially when they have long, sweeping bends in them. Also pic related.
This is really autistic, OP, I love it.
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I feel like I am among friends. It is a strange and unfamiliar feeling but one that I think I may, in time, become used to.
How's the Alton to Waterloo line looking?

Awesome work by the way
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It's looking kind of like a railway.
The map is not the territory.
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Never said I was basing this only off network diagrams...because I'm not. I do have some little grasp of the geography of my home country.
Wait what ?
This is just empty tracks without any trains & signals ?
tyvm <3
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For the moment, yes. When I've written up the entire timetable, I'll try to implement it and we'll see what happens.

(There are signals though, look closer and/or troll harder)

Looks better than the real Thurso desu
[autism intensifies]
Good work though, looks cool.
Jesus Christ I hope you'll make a video of the first full run, this is gonna be epic
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How would I even do that though?
It won't work unless he's using a day-length patch to slow down time in the game to an incredibly slow rate. Otherwise that many trains per in-game day will clog up the network unbelievably. None of the junctions are built out because I think the OP is primarily interested in modeling the network graph realistically as opposed to optimizing for the sake of the arbitrary gameplay mechanics of the game.

I do think it could work if he used a daylength patch though.
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Am I doing it right?
I'm not sure, to be honest I've never used that option. Since you have the option to set ticks-per-minute it seems that you might be using a version of OpenTTD that already supports adjusting the length of the day. Judging by the window title, a nightly binary?

Here's what I'm getting at: by default in openttd, a train could travel 1000 kilometers (each tile representing 1km) in about a couple minutes of real world time (in-game many days would pass, because in-game days only last a minute or two in real world time). This would lead to massive backups that make the whole network inoperable if you tried to have a realistic number of trains pass through each station per in-game day.
If those settings (using minutes as the base unit of time rather than days, and setting ticks per minute) are the right thing to change, you will be able to tell because the trains should take about the right amount of in-game time to travel from station to station (i.e. a trip that takes an hour in the real world should take about an hour in the game).

Like I said I've never used that option and I play openttd a lot! Now I'm quite curious to see how this works for you, because it could be a lot of fun to add that level of realism to my own games.
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Even my incredibly boring life is too short to have this simulation running in real time. The way I've got things set up now, an in-game minute is about ten seconds in real life.

The in-game calender doesn't sync with the clock, but that doesn't really matter. It's the time that's important, not the date, so I ignore the passing of the days.
Followup to my previous post, I did some googling and I can see that you are using an old version of a patch called Chill's patch pack from 2012. That explains why you have some options I've never seen before including the day length patch.

If one in-game minute is about ten seconds, you are playing with a version of time that is "scaled down" by a factor of 6, if that makes any sense to you. That means that your trains leaving London 30 minutes apart will actually be following each other at a distance of about 5 minutes. On first glance that seems like enough of a time gap for you to avoid having any problems with the efficiency of your stations, junctions, etc. You can see how it would be a problem though if time in-game passed hundreds of times faster (so that your trains leaving 30 minutes apart would actually all be in the same station at the same time) instead of merely 6 times faster.

Basically, some things in openttd take a fixed number of ticks, even if that isn't realistic. For example loading and unloading a long train at the default time rate (72 ticks per day I think) takes multiple days, when in reality trains only stop at stations for a few minutes at a time. Since you have 121 ticks per minute, that means you should be able to fully load a train in just a minute or two (of in-game time). Does that give your trains enough time to work through your timetable? It looks like you've scheduled two minutes stop at each station on that route you just posted, which should be just barely enough according to some rough math with the above numbers (assuming a reasonable and realistic capacity for all your trains).

When I first saw this a few months ago I thought it would never work, but the more I talk to you the more I think you might actually have this totally under control.
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>implying anything in my life in under control

Nah, I kid, it's fine.

I think you did roughly the same rough maths that I did a few months ago and arrived at roughly the same conclusion.

My general rule is that five-tile trains get two minutes to load and unload at a station and three-tile trains get one minute. Those are the only sizes of passenger trains I use, goods trains are seven tiles long.

However, once the national timetable starts to get populated, I might need to programme in longer stops in order to avoid congestion further down the line. But that's fine, I'll worry about that when the time comes.
Got any of the Cromford & High Peaks railway in there?
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Rail-chan always delivers.
I can see my house from here.
Show Eastbourne to St Leonards warrior sq pls
have you added that stupid bend up near sleaford Lincolnshire yet?
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Your name is now Sussexfag.
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You mean this one?
Where's Northampton senpai?
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It's in Northamptonshire desu.
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gonna need some aftersun on that burn my m8
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>enter thread to abuse
>like thread and OP
Congratulations on your work op, can you post Leicester and Market Harborough area.
If you don't have the meme power stadium, you probably should build that.
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Here is your reward for being able to take a joke. There might just be hope for you yet.
Fantastic. You absolute madman.
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Just out of interest, precisely how scathing were you planning to be?
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just moderate accusations of autism
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Nah, come on, get your money's worth. Really lay into me. It's not like I'll secretly enjoy it or anything! b...baka...
I will forward this along to ISIS, I'm sure they will find use for it
>Heading for Holyhead
Are the ferries there?
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There's not enough space on the map to include Ireland, so there wouldn't be much point.
>south wigston
no, I have learned my lesson, I will only be kind from now on
thanks for the Map!!
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What about South Wigston?
I believe the local name for it is "Southy Wiggy Wiggle Weggle Slurpo".

well thanks for that OP but i didnt really take the joke, i mean i just posted the aftersun comment, im not the anon you burned
what the fuck is a bump limit and how do i stop it from oppressing me
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Shhh...you're spoiling the anonymousness.
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Thanks very much my guy, better make a thread number two because you made it to the bump limit, which is a huge feat for a non bicycle thread on /n/, congrats you deserve it <3
Do you have the Hythe ferry? And the ferries to the Isle of Wight? (Including the maybe last hovercraft to Portsmouth) The detail is amazing desu!
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anon one day you need to post the saves/maps... you cant let this not be preserved (until archives get destroyed in the next great war)
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