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Why does every girl I get to know has shit taste in music? I

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Why does every girl I get to know has shit taste in music? I know there are very few number of girls with good taste but I never bump into them in real life. I'm a college student if that helps with your answer.
Girls are just worse at art.Look at history. Who were the best artists? Musicians? Authors? Mostly men.
Find another hobby to share and don't be some weird virgin that can't get a gf because she doesn't listen to /mu/core.
>implying you have good taste
good one anon
go ahead faggot list off your fav musicians and albums

we'll wait. mfw it's gonna be dogshit
Grimes, Death Grips, King Gizzard, the list goes on...

wow big surprise
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well, there's a pretty good reason for that, ffs.
to make an even-close-to-fair comparison you'd have to compare men and women in the USA, Canada...maybe the Nordic countries? since the mid-1980's or so.
Women artists got the shit-end of the stick in until at least the mid-80's even in the USA & Canada, and everyhere else if behind those two, except maybe Swe/Nor/Fin, but I don't know much about those places.
And there are quite a few great female artists in the last 30-odd years.
no it's because women are submissive by nature
What female artists have really cemented themselves as pop culture and artistic legends in the last 30 years versus all the men who have?

Also this
Most people in general have no real taste in music (or anything at all, really) because they don't care. Go hang out around your college radio station, record stores, or local concerts if you want to find chicks who are more into music (and, obviously, if you want a girl who likes film, go to a local arthouse theater, if you want someone who's into paintings go museums, etc.)
that's true but women see colors brighter than men and can engage art in a way men cant
Women pretty much only like the music of the type of dude they want to fuck.

Some women have an elder male family figure or ex boyfriend that red pilled them on music from a young age.

Ironically I developed my appreciation of music due to my mum. <3 Love you mum!
i guess thats good for aesthetics, but it just seems like women have less range of emotions then men in general. you won't see a woman creating a wonderful twisted, dark, depressive piece of art often, if ever. woman are wanted by men, but not all men are wanted by anyone. there doesn't seem to be a connection to woman, especially modern, and the feelings of true loneliness from society. you also just don't get the viewpoint of someone who is the "leader of the pack", or the view of pure testosterone rage. the reason why men are typically more successful in art and invention is the fact that they are the ones that have to impress while the women select.
You have to realize that there is no "shit taste in music"

There is simply music you personally do not like, and music other people like.

It is like saying all country and rap are terrible, and the only good music is heavy metal and death metal.

Like every 16 year old thinks.

The reason you think on these terms is because you are immature and stupid.
the reason you space like that is because you're from reddit
It's double spacing. A habit you learn from college because it makes grading papers easier.
Women are incapable of complex abstract thought.
no it's just shitty reddit spacing which doesn't help enhance the comment in any way. it's actually harder to understand. there shouldn't be a break bewteen any of those lines.

>reddit spacing

I literally just told you why I do it, and likely why other people do it too.
i'm telling you it's because you're from reddit

You are from a horses anus. You are just a giant horse poop log that suddenly walked up and became sentient. Walked over to someones computer.

Then you just type, that is what you do. You probably just typed random shit with your poop limbs. Randomly came into this thread with your horse shit methods and started replying to this thread.
Stop changing the subject faggot
filthy postmodernist
I had a pretty basic music taste in high school but when I went to college I met a girl who showed me some of my now favorite bands and took me to a bunch of local venues, was great. Never met anyone like her since unfortunately. They're out there I suppose
>I know there are very few number of girls with good taste

It's all for show.
Women just don't care about art. Even if you find some girls that "really love film" or "really love music" that's like 20% of the passion a man could have. It's pretty disgusting yeah, but women just live to be loved.
That's why every major poetry critic acknowledges that Emily Dickinson is either the most important American poet ever or tied for the spot with Walt Whitman.

>rnb producer
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women are incapable to understand art, they see it as social status thing.

Do you know a single female artist of last 30 years that made art not for money or some sort of social status political bullshit but for the sake of art? Well there is simply none so don't even bother to look for answers.

chelsea wolfe
my grandma made paintings of us.
what do you expect from a bunch of ditzy bimbos
Because they only listen to music that will enable greater social benefits. When a girl says that she likes X music or Y singer, what she really means is that she likes the social benefits of "liking" such music.
I'm really glad you made this post I was afraid no one was going to.
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I don't know, or care, about "pop culture" but I do know the art world, so here are some legendary women artists for you:

Jenny Holzer
Cindy Sherman
Louise Bourgeois
Tracey Emin
Marina Abramović
Elizabeth Murray
Nancy Spero
Jana Sterbak
Lee Krasner
Kiki Smith
Joan Mitchell
Agnes Martin
Vanessa Beecroft
Barbara Kruger
Yayoi Kusama
Genieve Figgis
Nan Goldin
Kara Walker
Lisa Yuskavage
most of these are beyond retarded performance artists who do public pissing exhibitions
Meet girls who are musicians. You'll be more likely to find some who actually took the time to dig deeper than the average person.
Will /mu/ ever not be painfully sexist? There are lots of cool women. You just have to actually talk to them. Men are just as ignorant towards art and vapid, really, and just because someone doesn't have interest in the same things you do doesn't mean they're a drooling neanderthal.

Hell, I see threads here all the time asking about woman musicians, a lot of people seem to think the only female musicians in the world are the three or four pop stars that are spammed here. I really wish this place wasn't comprised of mostly sexless horny straight teens.
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>Will /mu/ ever not be painfully sexist?

do you have any clue where you are, faggot?
Not a feminist of anything, but this is the right answer.
same I come here for recommendations and memes but wish it was a better place to meet and talk about music with men my age who don't automatically assume all women are braindead lmao
Do female /mu/tants exist? If you exist prove it.
because desu you're probably a fag who stays indoors all day and doesn't know very many women
Women are not capable of profound thought or deep feeling. Their thoughts and emotions are fleeting and change from day to day. Thus, what appeals to them is also fleeting. Girls will sit in your car, changing the radio station every 30 seconds because they listen to a song they like, get bored before it ends, and then look for something new.

La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento,
muta d'accento
e di pensiero.
Many females who took music seriously were innovators or did something radical otherwise.
>Pauline Oliveros
>Laurie Anderson
>Diamanda Galás
>Lydia Lunch
>Wendy Carlos
>Genesis P Orridge (Throbbing Gristle)
>Nina Simone
>Ella Fitzgerald
>Meredith Monk
>Zeena Parkins
>Sarah Vaughan
>Billie Holiday
Spend some time outside of /mu and pitchfork
In my personal experience, some of the women I've met with good taste in music have usually been a bit crazy and/or taken.
Women don't tend towards categorization as much as men so they're less likely to think of things like music and art in critical terms like "this is good art" and "this is bad art", and more likely to go with whatever they like rather than what they think is good by some objective metric.

Also why women don't create as much worthwhile art, despite being more creative generally, is another aspect of temperament. Men tend to see the world in "objective" terms, which doesn't mean what you think it means if you're rolling your eyes right now. It just means we tend to look at the world primarily in terms of tools. Women are tilted more towards a "subjective" or social worldview, which doesn't mean that they only care about "muh feels", but just that they see the world primarily in terms of social relations.

To lock yourself in a room long enough to become good at something artistically, you have to neglect the social and subjective side of life and become autistically focused on becoming proficient in the use of certain tools, be they musical, literary, or whatever.

This isn't to say that all men are like this and all women are like that, because patently this isn't the case. There are lots of female exceptions, like Grimes and Bjork, but they are exceptions and that's the primary appeal of their work. This doesn't devalue their work to admit, in fact it increases their value as artists noting that they're unusual within their group.

And it's also not to say that one way of being is better than the other. Women who completely exist socially are your stereotypical cheer-leading blondes who don't have anything interesting to say and men who completely exist in this objective, tool-based mode of being are literally trainspotting model-plane-buying autists. A healthy person is a mixture of masculine and feminine traits

My two cents :)
Name some bands that she showed you anon.
you're fat
Fuck, I've been found out.
i know you mean well, and that's fine..but you have no right to be commenting on anything relating to social topics and society. hope it was worth it wasting your time behind a computer screen.
fuck off, roastie
>Why does every girl I get to know has shit taste in music?
Because you are a pretentious asshole.
fat people are ugly
see another thread de-railed by him
why won't the fucking mods ban him?
Stop talking about things you know nothing about.
more to the point, why don't they find him and murder him?
>you won't see a woman creating a wonderful twisted, dark, depressive piece of art often,
but they can have children, anon. that is wonderful twisted dark and depressive. also not all men are leaders of the pack. and loneliness isnt attributed to great art
just because he's annoying on a website doesn't mean he deserves something like that
what is wrong with you?
see the shit you do? drop your trip or fuck off
OP you're a deplorably misogynyst fadora wearing shitbag probably and girls don't have bad taste as a rule, Jesus fucking Christ. You're just an entitled fucking whiner and refuse to open yourself up to anything that doesn't meet your "world class music standards." Have a nice day, hope you die alone
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it's not about being 'annoying on a website' it's about pest control
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>Genesis P Orridge
Talking music with a women is worse than talking to a wall, because at least wall has echo.
What? I didn't misspell her name.
Filthy anon speaking the filthy truth.
Maybe one of the reasons you don't see more female /mu/tants around here is because you think "women are incapable of abstract thought" is a serious argument. Anyway, talk to female musicians, girls who work in record stores, girls at shows, etc. Actually talk to us. I admit it seems way harder to find other girls to talk music with than guys, but we certainly exist.
This is for all of you:
Zeena Parkins is so underrated. Saw her perform an improv set in Knoxville with Tony Buck, the drummer from the Necks. Crazy shit.
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Fuck off you bigot, let the tripfriends have fun.
I'm way to insecure about myself and my body to do something like that.
cut off your stomach, lardass
should solve it
lol that's a stupid reason
Their*, anon. They use the plural second person pronoun. Bigot.
His weight is an issue, but he has a lot of other shit he needs to do.
She's reasonable enough not to even consider that nonsense.
>leaves the trip on
>On 4chan of all places
Oh, boy.
I dont know why, but i see this alot with woman.
Most of the stuff they like is copied from someone either some crush they had, a boyfriend or someone from their family, or just from a circle of friends.
Either way i think its normal for people to sometimes do things like this, i have to carried some likes from my father aswell.
To be honest the best way to know women with a similar taste is to go to concerts of artists you like and try to get to know people, while enjoying the concert.
Eh, how cares about all of that? If it's not about "muh dick" appeal, no female artists get discussed here.
Yeah, but still true.
Another one's probably differences in socialization-- it's just not seen as desirable to devote a fuckton of time to some weird pursuit like getting into prog or practicing guitar. There just aren't that many other girls you can talk with about it, and there are even fewer female role models making it look cool (esp. with dadrock, which is a classic jumping off point for getting into music). There's a lot of teasing from girls, gatekeeping from guys, and eventually that shit crushes a lot of fragile egos-- even if you're into it, you learn not to talk about it. I remember being dumbstruck when I got to college and met people who didn't think I was uncool for liking Beefheart.
literally whose? also am i supposed to be impressed by this portrait?
All of my friends have been musicians since middle school so I can't relate sorry OP
>it's just not seen as desirable to devote a fuckton of time to some weird pursuit like getting into prog or practicing guitar.
now I know this is a falseflag, shame on me for thinking otherwise
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what?!? she likes yes???
>taking the bait.png
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typical whore posting an unsolicited picture of herself with daddy's toys
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Most of those are nowhere near as talented as the men they associate with or are just jazz singers that don't even play instruments.
>thinks anon can't possibly like prog, play guitar, have vagina
>anon counters with proof
>"this whore w/unsolicited whore pics booboobeeboo"
i mean did you see the size of that rack so tastefully in frame
Nice guitars, good taste. Have a great day, femanon.
Well the average man probably has shit taste in music too. Like if you went to your average person and asked them what they listened to I don't think it would be anything that good.
>the only good music is heavy metal and death metal.
>Like every 16 year old thinks.
Another reason we know you're a redditor
Sexism: The Thread
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That was weird
Why is Fantano there?
oh for god sake please fuck off. this is an anonymous image board. go somewhere else if you want something nicer
>favorite method of activism is complaining
although i do not agree with this, he kinda falls into that category.
I was more referring to why a girl practicing guitar would be considered "weird" to anyone
So much this man

Why is everyone here a brainless, offensively awful cuck? Women are just as likely to have good taste in music just as much as men are capable of having shit taste and thinking everything else is beneath them
you're a fucking idiot my dude
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good going whiteknight
well said
But there is also underdeveloped taste, which is not subjective. If you exclusively listen to Top 40, you have bad taste, not because of the quality of what you listen to, but because you've never gone beyond the surface and worked on your taste
most women i run into either have a taste for 1D or mainstream trap music
t. virgin
if you meet a girl who likes anything else, head for the exit. it's a front
>Ironically I developed my appreciation of music due to my mum
same, my mom was a huge 80s industrial goth, big hair and all lol Still listen to all that shit an plenty of bleeps. makes me happy.
>mfw i must've been getting raped this whole time
Big L runs circles around Emily Dickinson
Women dont have their own tastes in anything they like what is popular, if you fimd a girl witch likes something that is not popular it will probably be because some guy (bf, or someone she freindzoned)showed it to her.
>it's just not seen as desirable to devote a fuckton of time to some weird pursuit like getting into prog or practicing guitar.
why is everything about what others think with women
>There just aren't that many other girls you can talk with about it
you yourself are saying "not all girls" but then immediately say that not that many girls listen to the music you like
>there are even fewer female role models making it look cool
factually incorrect. even so, why would that matter
>There's a lot of teasing from girls
again, I thought
>gatekeeping from guys
nobody gives a shit. what guy told you you couldn't listen to something just because you were a girl.
>eventually that shit crushes a lot of fragile egos
what the fuck are you talking about, grow thicker skin
>even if you're into it, you learn not to talk about it
then don't tell guys to start up conversations about music with girls who've "learned not to talk about it"
>I remember being dumbstruck when I got to college and met people who didn't think I was uncool for liking Beefheart.
good job?
nice yes shirt
If someone recommended you something and you like it, why not listen to it? This whole board is filled with "essential albums", you are probably seeing some of them first time, so they are showed to you. I don't get the difference between the two, please explain.
This is the correct answer
absolute truth
I can tell you're from Reddit because you added a line between the post number.
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you've completely missed the point, kiddo.
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>Sam and Anthony
weird how after centuries of being told you can't do anything and are not allowed to do anything except make babies and clean women were not giving Mozart a run for his money....
This is one of the simplest paintings I've seen to date, and I've visited the Louvre and even Rothko's Chapel. It has no depth or interesting features. It's simple and extremely boring. Women create 'art' to show themselves in a better light, which in turn (in their minds at least) boosts their social value.
So we are here because we want to check some new stuff out,most women dont research they just get their opinions and tastes from what polular
your fucking mum is inaccurate, go and eat a richard
you're just an asshole
>Actually talk to us
leave it to women to think they're so above everyone else that someone has to engage them in order to have a discussion.
hard pass
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problem is, they aren't 'musicians' because they genuinely love music and/or have a deeper understanding of it, they become musicians to be more appealing to men. Mostly nu-males who have as little taste in music as them.
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literally this
>thinking women care this much about men
you know, i'd love to refute this, but i've yet to meet one girl with good taste.
Yeah but it seems like 95% of people with better taste are men.
I think it's like that for majority of population, no matter the gender. I don't really understand how you could listen to something you personally don't like, just because it's popular, the thought of it is painfull on it's own. But I get where you are coming from. Most of people in my class listened to edm and rap, and a few that broke out were mainly female though.
I wasn't arguing about that and it's not like there's an objective and reliable measure of human talent.
so is there like 1 girl for every 100 manchildren on /mu/ or is even that being too generous
that sounds about right, but it's a tranny playing dress up
I met a qt in my poetry class who likes Pixies and Violent Femmes and isn't fucked in the head by SJW shit. They exist, but you'll need to go to places they'll be at.
>just because someone doesn't have interest in the same things you do doesn't mean they're a drooling neanderthal.
i beg to differ
Honestly best answer in the thread
Part of the appeal of 4chan is how unfiltered everything is. If you can't handle it then leave.
Where from anon ?
Here in Greece most people listen to either a greek genre which is called "laiko" ,or greek trap. Most of the guys i know tho also listen to metal and punk, the girls i know dont. But dont look at the majority look at the groups of people who listen more complex music, are they mostly m or f ?
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I love that /mu/ can't talk to women. It makes me laugh so hard. Come on, guys. This isn't fucking middle school. They are just like you and not all of them are the same. Go out and actually talk to them you fucking scrubs. When you're at a show do what >>74088783 said and go up to them. Talk to them after, during a smoke break, whatever. They are there with a common interest and that's enough to get a conversation going. That and they are literally just people like you, minus the fact that they have a vagina and you don't. Or maybe you do? I don't know.

All I'm saying is, you guys treat girls like they are some foreign species that you haven't ever came across before and that needs more study before interacting with. Chances are, you will have things to talk about and you could even make a friend.

And friends are pretty cool guys.
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>they are just like you
>they are literally just people like you
>all I'm saying is, you guys treat girls like they are some foreign species that you haven't ever came across before and that needs more study before interacting with. Chances are, you will have things to talk about and you could even make a friend.
you sound like a woman
you know, if you keep thinking you're this misunderstood, brooding shell of a person, it shouldn't surprise you when people start to recognize that
Owo what's this? A good post on /mu/?
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>waaah women can't have similar tastes to me because my man brain is superior to them waaah

grow up please

No, my dude, I sound like someone who has left my basement to interact with human women on a daily basis.
it's literally scientifically proven that men and women operate differently. If you think we're all the same you're delusional. Men have testosterone and dicks, women have estrogen and vaginas. It effects them both differently. Women are NOT the same as men. You would know this if you've ever been with one in your life.
Nice bait, faggot
>waaah women can't have similar tastes to me because my man brain is superior to them waaah
I never said this.
Poland, we have "disco polo", it's bad, most laught at it, but it's always at events such as weddings and such. Sadly there is a big group of people who listen to it unironically. They also listen to rock, but it's mostly dadrock, and polish rap, which is bad, but I won't speak about it cause I don't like rap in general. If it comes to the second question, I think it's in halves. When it comes to metal, I think females are in majority somehow. Also it looks like education takes a big part in it. Some Chad tried to pick up one of my friends, because she was wearing a Metallica T-shirt with a perfect line:"Oh, so you listen to metal, that's cool, I don't. I listen to *generic polish rap name*"
"Women can't get into good music" is built off of insecure men who feel like their masculinity is called into question when a woman likes something they do.
>women can't get into good music

That's pretty much bollocks, it's just a matter of knowing where to look. If you go to places with Chads and Stacies playing the music they like, you'll very rarely find the ones that like good music even a bit, because most just aren't that much into music. On the other hand, if you know where to search and how to search, you can find a girl with similar tastes as you, even if you're a weirdo who listens to japanese post-rock.

It's not so much as "women have shit taste in music" as "most people have shit taste in music". To find people that are into music, you have to search. Just thinking that maybe the cute girl that you see regularly from somewhere might fucking like your favorite obscure band will probably not be a fruitful endeavor. If you wanna find girls that like the same music as you do, start searching for people that like the same music as you do first.
>this is what an anon actually believes
contrary to popular belief, not everything is about hurting a man's masculinity. perhaps grills are just not into the same kind of music recluses on 4chan are
there's always that one guy
>"guys it's easy haha i did it! so can you"
let us shitpost in peace, chad
This. You won't find good music at fucking college frat parties.
Well, I guess there aren't any
Why does every guy I get to know have shit taste in music? I know there are very few number of guys with good taste but I never bump into them in real life. I'm a college student if that helps with your answer.
best post
Boys are just worse at art.Look at history. Who were the best artists? Musicians? Authors? Mostly women.
At least two of those are men.
i agree
>Grimes and Bjork
nevermind, eat my ass
It's because men are submissive by nature
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Cant even score with the normies let alone with the women with the same taste as me.
>every girl i know has shit taste in music therefore all girls have shit taste in music
Pretty much, at best you're gonna find something that is both somewhat normie and isn't.
You can try, y'know, connecting with the people with the same taste as you first, since it's easier to relate to, rather than target the lowest common denominator. If you want to fish for attention and looks aren't enough, you have to keep up by wit and conversation (which generally means giving up on your side and making her feel like you like her stuff rather than the opposite).

Think, what's more interesting - a conversation about the weather, or a conversation about your favorite album?
Anon are you f ?
then how come most people have never heard of them if they were such innovators
precisely. but the fact of the matter is that women have been ingrained with this mindset to the point it's an inherent set of traits... just how the cookie crumbles tbf
i feel ya
i'm angered by your optimism
This is pretty sadly true, most girls get a lot of their music tastes from their exes
Yup, that's why I'm not the best source of information for male tastes in music. My previous statement might be a little biased because of it, most of my friends listen to more niche music.
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Pauline Oliveros is the GOAT

If you disagree you're a sub human
It's an inherent set of traits by nature.

Normie spotted
Dude, I'm a fucking anxiety ridden mess. I can't ask girls out or talk to them very well without freaking out on the inside. I know the feel. I seriously do. It took me an entire year to ask the girl of my dreams out when she was basically laying down, legs open, with two of those air traffic controller cones waving my dick into her. Seriously.

But once I got the hang of just conversing with women by just finding something that we have in common (usually music), it got better. Just try. You will seriously hate yourself later on by not asking that girl out or getting to know that girl that is into a band or movie or game you're into.
When you grow up with assburguers and become depressed before you even turn 10, ultimately the only option was to take the optimistic position. Giving up would be the normal answer, but I found a glimmer of hope in the notion that everything is difficult but not impossible and took hold of it.

I'm not the greatest person in the world, but if there's a chance, I'm taking it, because, hey, if for me living a mostly normal life is difficult, but not impossible, then everything might just follow that same rule. And with "possible", there's always a chance.


Yeah, sure.
I once had given a girl I *liked* a ton of recommendations for music I thought she'd like. She was already more into the experimental end of things, so I just helped her along some of the way. She loved nearly everything I'd recommended and I can't count the number of great conversations we'd have about music. It was great for a bit, and I honestly believed that I loved her.

Well, things didn't work out and we split off. Surprise, surprise, her taste has evolved very little since then (3 years) and the artists I'd shown her have completely enveloped her manufacture social image. It angers me to write this because she's now with a trendier male type that's basically the same caricature.

So women are leeches. They suck out your life force, appropriate it, then fuck all.
boys listen to acdc and mainstream trap music
I have already tried similar stuff with the diferent hobbies, never had any luck. but anyway thanks for the advice, getting to know friends with similar taste is still nice aswell
you're probably being sincere, but fuck you
congrats on asking a girl out though
you seem genuine too
but fuck you
I see it was nice chatting with you anon
>when she was basically laying down, legs open, with two of those air traffic controller cones waving my dick into her.

>It took me an entire year to ask the girl of my dreams out when she was basically laying down, legs open, with two of those air traffic controller cones waving my dick into her.
normie confirmed, what's it like having someone like you?
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>tfw this shirt is out of print
I was being sincere. I hope you do well in life, anon. I honestly do.

It was more like, she gave me the hint that she had a lot of feelings for me and I was such a dweeb with little confidence to to realize it. I just thought the phrasing would be funny.

Far from a normie, I promise. I just tried in my love life. I broke up with that girl for a lot of very good reasons. I found someone better and I've been happy for about a year with her.
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>Far from a normie
>Two Girlfriends
In all honesty, im happy with you anon
the fact that you were good looking/charming enough to have someone have feelings for you definitely means you're out of your element and are indeed a normie
i suggest ctrl+f4
>I only like music that the melon gave an 8 or above on
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>labels Hyde as a nu-male
wow the joke is way beyond you, isn't it
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brah smile.png
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Women listen to music that fits their lifestyle weather that's partying, clubbing or what have you.
>why is everything about what others think with women
Becauz it is important for women to conform, it always has
>but me? my taste is perfect in every way
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