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>metal is a subgenre of rock When will this meme die?

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>metal is a subgenre of rock
When will this meme die?
The age-old question "Is rock music dead?" only depends on if you consider metal to be part of rock or not.
This. And metal is alive and well, tons of great releases coming out every year compared to the tragedy that is post-grunge.
>metal is a subgenre of rock
who the fuck said that in the first place?
It obviously is though
It literally is though
dumbass it used to be called rock and roll, where do you think the roll went?
/mu/drones who have a laughable understanding of what metal is. You can also hear it from people who unironically read pitchfork.
It literally is you pleb, is it just a heavier form of rock music, you don't get to invent a new genre for yourself.
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it is though
You know nothing about metal, you can't honestly say that Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon is anything like Led Zeppelin or The Doors.
It's a different form of rock music, but it's still under the umbrella of rock, in a radically different aesthetic from those 60s bands, what's not to fucking understand?
They don't sound alike because they're different sub genres you big retard
Metal has its roots in prog and 70s hard rock, but it's silly to say that modern death and black metal be included under the same banner as Chuck Berry or Pavement.
You clearly have not heard the album if you think it's simply "a different aesthetic," it is an entirely different realm of music. What you're saying is like saying rap and soul music are the same thing. They have somewhat similar origins but are very, very different musically.
There's a big difference between psychedelic rock vs. hard rock compared to hard rock vs. black metal.
They both contain the same instruments played in similar ways and have the same origins. Bebop doesn't sound like free jazz but it's still the fucking same genre
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>it is an entirely different realm of music.
This x1000
>played in similar ways
Not even close, you're in way over your head here.
How is it so vastly different that it warrants its own genre then?
It's cause it's so fucking heavy dude! Way heavier than fucking rock dude \m/ fuck yeah!
I gotta agree with the trips there bud, metal is generally played much faster and doesn't hold much regard at all for smooth transitions
The fact that you're asking that question shows you haven't listened to it. Go and listen to it for a minute and you'll see exactly what I mean. It's like comparing KC and the Sunshine Band to Ministry.
Misogynist asshole
Can you just answer the question rather than shifting the responsibility on to me? If you're going to make the bold claim that metal needs its own genre, you need to able to back your own corner
If you're so concerned with people backing into corners, why did you answer the irrelevant post?
Metal is just funk's edgy autistic half brother
Oh sorry, I thought that was you because the other post was so fucking stupid I thought it was a joke. Playing faster and lack of smooth transitions does not call for an entirely new genre of music. Many rock sub genres 'play faster' and many of them lack smooth transitions such as punk
I already explained this, it is completely different than rock from the way they play their instruments, the speed and intensity of the instruments, the vocals which are the polar opposite, the time signatures, the types of melodies or lack thereof, the distortion and reverb and lo-fi production, and the song structures themselves which aren't verse chorus or any similar variation that.

Listen to these and you will understand:
Woah dude CHILL lol, I get what you're saying, but you don't have to be a butthurt 12 year old about it
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not an argument
It's mostly been people hating on metal because it's edgy, so I guess that's pretty valid
>speed and intensity
Many rock subgenres have differing speed and intensity from other sub genres
Harsher vocals are what sets it into a different sub genre and not genre
>types of melodies and lack there of
Again many genres have different types of melodies and many are instrumental and have non
What is shoegaze?
Used in lots of subgenres
>Lofi production
Quality of recording has nothing to do with that. There even is a rock subgenre for lofi rock
>aren't verse chorus
Now this just shows how little you know of rock outside of metal. You are just thinking rock is pop rock
It's rock, dude
It hurts knowing that this is a real person
>"humans are primates"
>STFU Humans are so different from Chimpanzees
Of course its goddamn rock music, its musicians have a band setup and play song oriented music; generally in 4/4.
Not to mention guitars and drums are the primary instruments.
>Many rock subgenres have differing speed and intensity from other sub genres
This is an entirely different level of speed. It's like comparing the different ranges of human speed to that of a cheetah and saying that doesn't make our physical makeup very different. This shows you didn't even listen to the songs I linked.
>Harsher vocals are what sets it into a different sub genre and not genre
They are entirely different from not only rock but nearly every other genre of music. By your logic, all music with basic vocals should be in the same genre since they never changed the way the vocals are, this is one of the few genres where one of the main components of a song, the vocals, is radically changed making it very different from most everything out there.
>Again many genres have different types of melodies and many are instrumental and have non
These melodies are very different, many songs and albums repeat the same riff over and over again because that is part of the genre, this is completely different from rock which almost always has verse chorus and melodic sections around the chorus.
>What is shoegaze?
Shoegaze does not even come close to the level of distortion and reverb. This shows that you didn't even listen to any metal. You're making the most shallow and basic comparisons, only further proving you're in way over your head
>Quality of recording has nothing to do with that. There even is a rock subgenre for lofi rock
Again, you don't know anything, the lo-fi production is a part of the genre that enhances the way in which it is played and the way the riffs meld together with the background and atmosphere, it's not lo-fi just for the sake of being lo-fi like garage rock.
>arguing genres on /mu/

when will this meme die?
Jazz fusion uses an entirely different scale, uses heavily synchopatic drumming; sometimes in 5/4 or even crazier time sigs, is nearly all instrumental, commonly uses funk basslines and is structured so each instrument is allowed prominently to polyphonic (or similar sounding) effect.

Yet its still rock. Rock is a very broad definition and a huge chunk of contemporary music fits under it.
>Now this just shows how little you know of rock outside of metal. You are just thinking rock is pop rock
Only some prog rock and jazz and classical stray from this verse chorus formula, very few other forms of music do this and if they do they don't do is as consistently as black metal which literally does not have any sort of repeating verse-chorus structure in any songs, it is an entirely different beast.

All this shows that you don't know a single thing about metal and you're talking directly out of your own ass. It also shows you're not even interested in genuinely debating this since you didn't even try the songs I posted that make everything I just said clear to the point where I wouldn't even have to say it.
These are all things that make metal is own subgenre and aren't big enough of a difference to make it a new genre entirely. I'm not even going to argue with someone so uninformed about music outside of metal
Dude, if even post rock is a rock subgenre, there is no way metal can be different enough from normal rock music to be considered a completely different subgenre.
That's like saying punk isn't rock, because Nausea doesn't sound like led zeppelin...
Metal uses all sorts of different time signatures of both guitar and drumming. 5/4, 7/8, 3/8, 11/8, 13/8, you name it. There are plenty of metal tracks that are just instrumental with these varying time signatures, which switch many times within one song. It is on a whole other level.
All of you guys can't even argue, just listen to the songs posted here >>73781106 and you will realize you are dealing with a genre so fundamentally different from rock than what you're imagining and comparing it to that you will understand
There is also a tonne of metal that is in, 4/4, most of it actually. Your argument is invalid
If you call metal a subgenre of rock, then you're just using rock as a synonym for electric guitar music. Therefore, you should also be fine with the genre "Electronic."
Not even close, there is an obscene amount of metal that employs many odd time signatures and changes of them, so many black metal, death metal, and brutal death metal albums come out every day around the world it would surprise you.
Electronic is a genre.
>shitting on metal meme will never end
Feels fucking good bros.
No, most of it is 4/4, prove me wrong bitch
most metal is blatantly rock derivative, i wouldn't argue that. but there's a large portion of black and death metal that is a complete departure from rock, musically and conceptually.
all of those qualities you listed are prominent in several subgenres of rock.
yeah and most of it is in 4/4
Northern European countries often produce extreme metal bands, this chart shows that metal is most concentrated there compared to all the other countries.
And so does free jazz in comparison to bebop
Yes, and? What did that prove?
The difference is that still sounds like Jazz. Metal sounds absolutely nothing like rock. Compare the Beatles to Cryptopsy.
so is math rock not rock?
metal is a subgenre of rock insofar as it is a subgenre of blues
every genre has roots but at a certain point metal fleshed itself out enough to be its own genre
That extreme metal is the most common kind of metal being made which always uses different time signatures and all the other things I mentioned, meaning most metal is not in 4/4.
Exactly. Blues and rock are considered to be different genres when they are arguably the most similar genres out there.
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It only sounds so similar to you because you aren't as familiar with jazz as you are with rock. Also I don't know how you don't get what sub genes are. Do you exclusively listen to metal?
There is a difference between subgenres: hard rock, psychedelic rock, pop rock, etc. compared to separate genres: blues, rock, folk, metal, jazz, hip hop, etc.
this x1000000000000000000
>extreme metal is the most common kind
Whatever that means, this doesn't mean that most of it isn't going to be in 4/4, as if the prerequisite of extreme metal is playing in a non 4/4 time signature most of the time. You still haven't given me any thing that says most of this shit isn't 4/4, just the faulty presumption that because it is "" extreme "", hey it must have odd time signatures, right? No sweetie, that isn't the case, nor is it a rule. If you want to take you seriously, please don't claim that.
I can think of more metal songs that are in 6/8 or 8/8 desu
>as if the prerequisite of extreme metal is playing in a non 4/4 time signature most of the time
It quite literally is, this shows you're bullshitting. It's not classified as extreme metal if it is in 4/4, that is how it works. Downtuned 4/4 metal is numetal, or doom metal, or other non-extreme metal subgenres. Downtuned metal that has odd time signatures, harsh vocals, constant riff changes and everything else I mentioned would be classified as some variant of black metal or death metal. Even many non-extreme metal bands will often play in odd time signatures. A band is only extreme metal if it plays solely in these time signatures, which means the majority of metal is in this form since extreme metal is the majority of metal as I've already shown you.
>70 replies for shit b8

It objectively is, its a fact, there is no debate.
>"im sick of this human and chimps are different species meme"
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>It objectively is, its a fact, there is no debate.
>doom metal isn't extreme metal

We're gonna need a bigger b8
It's not, look at Black Sabbath and Candlemass. They are not extreme metal, doom metal is just heavy metal riffs played extremely slowly and very downtuned. Of course, a numale like yourself would think he's listening to "extreme metal" when he puts on Bongripper and Sleep.
speed metal and thrash are forms of extreme metal and most of that shit is in 4/4
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More Like
>"humans are monkeys"
>no, humans evolved from chimpanzees, they are clearly a different species
>wtf no they both use arms and hands they are the same species!
>Bongripper isn't extreme metal

haha lol
Most people don't consider them to be extreme metal, but you also the fact that a lot of that has varying time signatures as well. Slayer's Hell Awaits, Possessed's Seven Churches, Dark Angel's Darkness Descends, I can go on all day.
You have 10 seconds to come up with a solid definition for rock music that covers all the deviations of extreme metal.
The whole thread makes it seem like metalfags just want to be special by having a separate genre.
Nah it just proves that indieheads don't know shit about music and what actually causes a genre break.
metal is a rock sugenre. rock is a pop subgenre. metal is a pop subgenre.
Band structured musical group consisting primarily of guitar and drums playing songs that are primarily 4/4.

The genres definition is this broad; you cant fuck it up. If you want more descriptors on this basic form, thats where rock subgenres come in. Metal is one of them.
>Even many non-extreme metal bands will often play in odd time signatures. A band is only extreme metal if it plays solely in these time signatures, which means the majority of metal is in this form since extreme metal is the majority of metal as I've already shown you.

This is just wrong, completely fucking untrue. Time signatures dont define a genre and even then, a lot of extreme metal; like all other music ever made is still 4/4.
>just listen to the songs posted here >>73781106
I just did, and they are all rock you fucking retard
I like how none of the gay meal defeners could prove this guy wrong. Shows that they don't know shit about music
metal is an extract from rock in the musical sense just as metal is extracted from rock in a literal sense. It's simply the truth because that's what happened. Cream/hendrix play heavy blues & bands like Zeppelin/Sabbath took the heavier aspects & expanded on them, & then other bands focus on the heaviest aspects on those pioneering bands
This again shows you don't know shit about metal. Extreme metal does not ever have songs in 4/4, you are autistic. You just keep assuming all this shit when you are completely uninformed; promptly kill yourself.
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