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*deletes Yellow Submarine* Ah, yes. Now it is definitely one

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*deletes Yellow Submarine*
Ah, yes. Now it is definitely one of the best album ever made.
>good day sunshine
*deletes Yellow Submarine and Doctor Robert*
*adds Paperback Writer and Rain*
Ah, yes. Now it is definitely one of the best album ever made.
nah i'd keep that song
*deletes Love You To, Yellow Submarine, Good Day Sunshine, And Your Bird Can Sing, Doctor Robert and Got to Get You Into My Life*
Ah, yes. Now it is definitely just about worth listening to from start to finish.

Still can't believe Yellow Submarine beat Rain to the album.
I agree

I can't fucking listen to 10 seconds of that song without scrambling to skip it
>deletes all songs
ah, yes. silence . . .
well, silence is getting boring.
>puts all songs back up
Rubber Soul > Revolver
I wanna shoot everyone who says dr Robert is a bad song it just doesn't make any sense. Do you think drive my car, paperback writer, or day tripper are bad? They're so similar. Dr Robert is just another Beatle song. What's bad about it? I'm so fucking baffled every time it's singled out as being bad . It's like it's a hive mind at this point. Fuck you
None of those songs are similar to Doctor Robert, but for the record, Day Tripper is pretty bad and Drive My Car is not that good. Though neither of them match the horror that is Doctor Robert.
Why does "the greatest band of all time" have so much filler?
>deletes Eleanor Rigby
Shit nigga what are you doing
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*deletes when i'm sixty four and good morning good morning*
*adds in strawberry fields forever and penny lane*
there we go, now it really is rolling stones greatest album of all time
Literally no one said that
>None of those songs are similar to Doctor Robert
They all feature guitar, bass, drums, vocal harmonies from the same batch of people, all recorded at the same time, with drug themes that are shared with other songs.
Sgt Pepper & AHDN >>> Rubber Soul & Revolver
>Deleting Love You To
>Deleting And Your Bird Can Sing

Wanna fuck off
Why don't know what filler is?
Ok so I guess by your logic, almost every Beatles song is similar to one another and therefore terrible.
>all recorded at the same time
Explain why Doctor Robert is such a travesty. I'm fascinated
I'm implying no one would.
Your'e supposed to read the first line of my post and be surprised at the fact I'm removing the song. Then you read the second line and realize that in fact I want to keep it, which is the general opinion people would have on the song. I invert your expectations.
I've listened to this album so many times but When I'm Sixty Four still plays in my head after the end of Within You Without You and it makes it feel out of place.

I think they fit better on Magical Mystery Tour actually, the A-side songs mesh together well with them.
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Yes they happened to sit down and record Doctor Robert, Day Tripper, Drive My Car, Paperback Writer all in one session. Thank you for rewriting history in order to win the argument. Can you go back in time and stop 9/11 while you're at it?

Boring, lazy, sounds like they wrote and recorded it in 5 minutes. Seriously just read the lyrics.
>Yes they happened to sit down and record Doctor Robert, Day Tripper, Drive My Car, Paperback Writer all in one session. Thank you for rewriting history in order to win the argument. Can you go back in time and stop 9/11 while you're at it?
Incorrect. Dr Robert was recorded during the Revolver sessions. It is a part of those cycle of songs. Please use your brain next time
What's boring about it?
How is it lazy?
>sounds like they wrote and recorded it in 5 minutes.
How so?
I like the Beatles just fine, but people who think the Beatles have produced anything resembling a "greatest album of all time" are without exception, major snoozers.
So you don't know why you don't like it but everyone on /mu/ said its bad, understood
Ringo wants to sing too
What about a "greatest Beatles album of all time"?
Fucking hell, are you the same guy from last night? I don't wanna go through this again.

>gives reasons why it's bad
I don't know what else you want me to say. It's a lazy piece of crap. Neither the chorus nor the verse are catchy, there's no instrument hook, it's not innovative or creative, it doesn't add anything to the album. It's just not a good song.
What's a better option, in your opinion?
>Fucking hell, are you the same guy from last night? I don't wanna go through this again.
What guy?

>here are the reason they are bad but I can't tell you why
>>gives reasons why it's bad
Your reasons weren't reasons. You described a very average Beatle song as though it were among their worst recordings ever. Why not apply that criticism to all of their songs? If Doctor Robert is lazy and boring then almost everything they did is lazy and boring.
Why is it that I Want To Tell You is never singled out? I find the piano and harmonies (bar McCartney in the final chorus) incredibly grating with little progression throughout and a relatively poor vocal performance from George.
Everything bar the opening riff and drum track should've been culled.
How am I not giving reasons? Am I supposed to explain something that's not there? What more do you want from me? Why are you so bothered by the fact that I don't like this one particular song?
"Boring, lazy, sounds rushed," it's all conjecture. No supporting evidence or further elaboration
During the chorus where George sings:
"The games begin to drag me down
It's all right"
And the piano is doing that little bit, it just sounds so bad. Like those notes don't fit together. I'm no music theorist but it sounds really off and It's my least favorite moment in the Beatle discography
>Why are you so bothered by the fact that I don't like this one particular song?
Because so many people say Dr Robert is bad and I don't fucking get it. It's the biggest /mu/mystery for me. And people who have never heard Revolver will go into it fresh with a cognitive bias and they don't like Dr Robert and the hivemind continues. The only songs worth complaining about on Revolver are I want to Tell You and Yellow Submarine. Dr Robert is just another mid-high tempo Beatle song.
>How am I not giving reasons?
See >>73611498

If you can't explain it, it's not true btw
More like /mu/stery.
Just because it's a little dissonant makes it grating for you? Maybe the songs just not for you but it gives me goosebumps every time. There are chords I've never heard before, and it's not like it was thrown together without thought put into it, George knew what he wanted to do and made a song about it. The lyrics are relatable too.
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First of all, if someone waits until they go on /mu/ to listen to fucking Revolver, they're just pure cancer. Second of all I will attempt to explain from a musical standpoint why this song just doesn't resonate with me and a lot of other people:

The verse feels very unstable due to the lack of a clear tonic. It begins with a a sort of reverse suspension, cycling back and forth between A7 and A7sus4. The use of the unstable dominant seventh chord would imply that A is not the tonic chord and that it would need to resolve to something. However instead of doing so, it shifts down a minor third (not where one would expect) to F#7 and does the same sort of reverse suspension. Before the final line (which I suppose is the refrain) where it goes E F#7 B which I suppose makes B the tonic. However, considering we started on an unresolved A7 chord, it still doesn't sound entirely correct. Then it goes directly into verse 2. That B to A7 transition is very harsh and once again makes it questionable whether B is the true tonic.

Then we get to the chorus/bridge thing which goes B E/B B in the first line and then B E/B A7 in the second. The tonic of the bridge is very clearly B, but due to the sudden slowing of harmonic motion and the use of only primary chords (until the A7), it doesn't sound like a resolution, rather it sounds more like a moment of pause before we return to the shaky foundation of the verse.

So basically that's the reason. Lot's of dissonance with very unconvincing resolutions. Combine that with the very basic lyrics, it's bound to leave some listeners unsatisfied. Is that enough of an explanation for you faggots?
>The verse feels very unstable due to the lack of a clear tonic.
Yeah and God Only Knows is shit amirite?
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in english please
Well I've been baited by trolls. Good game lads. You win.
Not an argument

try again
Neither of the posts I quoted were arguments.
jesus christ guys this isnt that hard
My post was. Your claim is that is isn't good because there is no clear tonic, right?

The same is for God Only KNows, hailed as one of the greatest songs of the 60s, partially for that reason. Clearly your reasons are not valid.

Care to comment?
Sure. God Only Knows is more properly voice lead (which in defense of the Beatles is impossible to do on a guitar in a rock/pop style) and uses secondary dominance in a much more pleasing manner (I'm not doing another fucking analysis). Brian Wilson knew what he was doing on that song, while on Doctor Robert, John probably just had a riff and said "guys we can probably stick this somewhere on the album if we need to make it longer."
where did you learn this stuff from my man
>more properly voice lead
How is proper?
>much more pleasing manner
How so?
>unusual chords, unprepared dissonances and lack of a clear tonic are all good things in songs i like but bad things in songs i dislike
Its just overplayed not a bad song ...
>How is proper?
sorry, musical education isnt free so anon is going to have to charge you some fee
This is a good point. A lot of good songs don't sound so good after the thousandth listen, especially involuntary listen. Prime example is Bohemian Rhapsody. It's really an incredible song, but I hate it and never want to hear it again.
i like doctor robert because on the mono version, they made the vocals and guitar slightly out of sync to create phasing. it was very primitive at the time but it still sounds great today
I got to school for music (I can already hear the laughter), but I learned most of this stuff back in high school theory class.

The chords in God Only Knows are not all that unusual when you think about it. A lot of it is just V-I or viio-I.

Unusual things in music are not easy to pull off. Sure the Beatles did it in some songs, but in this case it just sounds like a mess.
white album>all
>I got to school for music (I can already hear the laughter)
I don't think it's funny, I thought your deconstruction of Dr Robert was impressive, even though I didn't understand a word of it. I was hoping you learned from an online resource. Oh well, carry on.
>musical education isnt free
I know, I paid a lot for mine.

So answer the question.
>The chords in God Only Knows are not all that unusual when you think about it. A lot of it is just V-I or viio-I.
Not answering my question. Try again.
If you can get your hands a theory textbook, I'd say try to learn all you can from it. But it will be difficult without a teacher.
im pretty sure anon was saying that the function of the chords isnt that weird, not that the chords themselves are usual
While "Doctor Robert's" most conspicuous claim to infamy may be its oblique-yet-obvious reference to recreational drug usage, it is musically most interesting for its harmonic/home-key trickery.

I am also quite fond of the incongruity of the Christmas-Carol type of arrangement given to the refrain, but I reiterate that the game played here with the home key is (IMHO, of course) one of John's more daring experiments with harmony this side of "Strawberry Fields Forever," or "I Am The Walrus." You might want to think of it as an "harmonic hallucination," that (intentinally placed here for this reason or not) is ironic in context of the song's lyrics.

The lyrics make constant wordplay with the title phrase; mostly as an interjection at the end of lines, but also, for the sake of avoiding foolish consistency, you find it surprisingly fitting in within the flow of the narrative just once in a while, and, best of all, you also find it popping up at the start of lines, where you'd least expect it.

Overall, the song feels a bit "slight" in terms of its short form, lack of an instrumental break, and no variation of the arrangement later than the first refrain. It's interesting to contemplate how one's perception of the "size" of a song is related as much to matters of formal and instrumental complexity, as it is to temporal duration.

In the final analysis, I believe that B Major clearly asserts itself as the home key of this song, but that opening on the A chord, which is sustained so nonchalantly for a full eight measures, has a funny way of getting things off to a tonally equivocal start.
Do you write?
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I'm just gonna leave this here.
Does anyone else make fixed album playlists on Spotify or is it just me?
Should I kill myself?
Whats a fixed album playlist
Because their filler is still head and shoulders above their peer's best.
[citation needed]
This. Most bands wish they could write the Beatles worst songs
Where you make a playlist corresponding to a fixed album (i.e "add x, y", "remove z"), and listen to it instead of the normal album.
That's autistic.
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You mean editing an album to suit your tastes? I used to but I don't anymore. The only instance I can think of where I've done this is with Let it Be. I use the Let it Be Naked tracklisting (except I leave in Maggie Mae), but with the Let it Be tracks instead of the Naked tracks
You're autistic.
I'm done with you. Feel free to go home now.

>one of John's more daring experiments with harmony
Maybe, but I don't think in this case he was experimenting. I honestly think he just came up with the riff while noodling around on the guitar and for some reason thought it was good enough to make a song out of, which in my opinion, it wasn't.

>You might want to think of it as an "harmonic hallucination,"
This kind of dissonance isn't really associated with hallucinations or dreams though. The dissonance in dominant seventh chords is very clashing and very obvious. Major seventh, sixth chords, and their extensions would've been better if that was his intent.

>The lyrics make constant wordplay with the title phrase; mostly as an interjection at the end of lines, but also, for the sake of avoiding foolish consistency, you find it surprisingly fitting in within the flow of the narrative just once in a while, and, best of all, you also find it popping up at the start of lines, where you'd least expect it.
Not sure what you mean by this one. I'm not really seeing the word play. Lyrics definitely aren't my strong suit, but they seem fairly straightforward on this one. Sounds to me like he wrote them out with a second thought.

>Overall, the song feels a bit "slight" in terms of its short form, lack of an instrumental break, and no variation of the arrangement later than the first refrain
I don't know if "slight" is the first word that comes to mind. "Lazy" is one that keeps popping up in my head.

Not well.

I disagree. I think that some of their songs were just so impeccable for a pop band that their filler and duds are overlooked.
>/mu/ talks about this all the time
>someone actually does it
>wow thats autistic
>he sees through my charade?
>I'm done with him!

You aren't nearly as good as you think you are, student
t. Alan W. Pollack
Other than finding out that >>73612408 was just plagiarism, what does that link prove? That my analysis that was made in 5 minutes isn't as in depth as that one? I still don't understand why you think God Only Knows means that Doctor Robert must be a good song, but I don't care at this point. You can just continue to be bothered by the fact that I don't like Doctor Robert.
Quote me where I said I wrote it and published it
>what does that link prove?
What does your analysis prove?
>I still don't understand why you think God Only Knows means that Doctor Robert must be a good song
I didn't say it was or wasn't. But you need to explain why you fault one song but praise a different song for the same reasons.

You won't be able to.
>You can just continue to be bothered by the fact that I don't like Doctor Robert.
You can just continue to be bothered that someone else who knows theory disagrees with you and thinks that the song is good.
This thread just made me want to listen to Doctor Roberts again.

I feel bad for people that don't enjoy The Beatles. They have a really rewarding discography if you're into it.
Everyone takes the Beatle-pill eventually. It might be when they're 20, or 30, or 40. They'll understand one day, it's impossible to avoid.
Bye. It's sincerely been fun arguing with you.
Afraid of answering the questions?

Thanks for nothing
So does someone actually defend "Doctor Robert" at some point in this thread or is it just these two dudes slapping at each other for a hundred comments

Not that person but I liked reading your analysis even though I knew those things. You did a fine job explaining your perspective and breaking it down. Thanks for the good read. Hope we can see more content like that on /mu/
this should have a lot more replies
This is true. Rubber Soul is one of the few Beatles albums I like

Sgt. Meme is shit
Also, I like the song because
>It has an interesting riff in contrast to the rest of the album
>There's a solid, enjoyable groove
>The key change at the chorus is very interesting to me harmonically
>I love Paul's backing vocals
>I love the middle eight with the organ
The song is justified when considering the album as a whole. There's not a song like it on Revolver, and the album needs a more groovy track at that point in time.
There we go; that's the defense I wanted to read.
>>There's a solid, enjoyable groove
This desu
Dr Robert is groovy as shit
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hey lads do you like Octupus' Garden?
Plus it's quintessentialy Beatles
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Very catchy and pleasant. Good effort Ringo
All of these plebs that can't dig the trippy Doctor Robert. Shitforbrains.
>delete Yellow Submarine
>delete Love You To
>add Paperback Writer
>add We Can Work It Out

now it's perfect.
The first half of Yellow Submarine is one of the most memorable parts of The Beatles career. Fuck yall.
>being afraid of fun
>being afraid of outsiders
>liking pop drivel
Sounds like youre the one who's afraid. Afraid of good songwriting. If it were up to me, I'd delete all the songs except McCartney's. His songs are always the highlights. That's why his solo career (at least up until 1980) was better than the Beatles.
>Afraid of good songwriting
No, I love Yellow Submarine and Love You Too.
>If it were up to me, I'd delete all the songs except McCartney's. His songs are always the highlights. That's why his solo career (at least up until 1980) was better than the Beatles.
Ah, 9/10 b8 made me reply
You're really stupid.
>deleting any song on Revolver
>not turning Revolver, Rubber Soul, Paperback Writer/Rain and Day Tripper/We Can Work It Out into a double album

We Can Work it Out is from the Rubber Soul sessions
And day tripper of course
Yeah; I joined that single (Day Tripper/We Can Work It Out), Revolver, Rubber Soul and the Paperback Writer/Rain single into one sole double album.

Honestly, I'm kinda biased but to me it feels like it's their best possible record.
Thanks I try.
>deletes stereo remasters
Are they that bad?
wtf bird can sing has one of their best guitar parts, fuck this guy
I never really liked Drive My Car or Paperback Writer. Day tripper is okay.
I don't hate Dr. Robert, but I don't really remember anything about it. It's just there really.
Not an argument
>deleting Abbey Road and Let it Be
>deletes everything but Tomorrow Never Knows

Real talk is Tomorrow Never Knows the best song ever recorded? Can you imagine hearing this thing in 1966?
Dubs and Paul McCartney dies in the next few days

Watch out for your ears!
"Drive My Car" is okay
"Paperback Writer" is good
"Day Tripper" is meh
"Dr. Robert" is bad

1) every line ends in "Doctor Robert," so the rhyme scheme is literally
and it's not generally a fun play on words as other people have put it. Take the line "take a drink from his special cup Dr. Robert"--either John is telling Dr. Robert to take a drink from someone else's special cup, or he's just tagging "Doctor Robert" on there cuz fuck it.
2) Also, the whole idea of Dr. Robert as this nefarious Dr. Feelgood mephisto-like character is facile. It's a lazy idea. Drugs are bad, mmm'kay.
3) The whole song is lazy. The verse is talk-sung, almost non-melodic. As others have pointed out, the song just kind of meanders, fiddling with maybe being in another key. I have a word for that: tuneless.
4) I don't think it's cool that the chorus is cribbed from old Christmas melodies. That isn't fun for me. That's not a selling point. "Hey, this rock song sounds like Jingle Bells, isn't that great?" No, it isn't.
5) It's on an album of otherwise spectacular songs and comes right after "For No One," which is one of Paul's best songs. So it sounds extra lazy.
6) Re: the groove. It has a groove. It's disrupted by the chorus, so it's not that good a fucking groove. But it has one. See also: every R&B song ever and every pop song form the 80's.
>every line ends in "Doctor Robert," so the rhyme scheme is literally
Wrong. It's an internal rhyme scheme. learn2poetry
>Also, the whole idea of Dr. Robert as this nefarious Dr. Feelgood mephisto-like character is facile. It's a lazy idea, mmm'kay.
By this logic, then Got To get You into My life is also a bad song.
>The verse is talk-sung, almost non-melodic
You mean a welcomed idiosyncrasy? Songs don't need to be melodic
Incorrect. There is literally a tune.
>It's on an album of otherwise spectacular songs and comes right after "For No One," which is one of Paul's best songs. So it sounds extra lazy.
See: contrast
> Re: the groove. It has a groove. It's disrupted by the chorus
>a groove is only good if I say it is
Yeah, if you take "Doctor Robert" as the end of the verse it gets the same repetitive thing, but if you take it as what ends just before it you have, on the first verse:

This scheme runs through the whole song (up, cup; believe, in need, suceed). It's actually quite interesting.

As for the groove, one thing that's neat is that the song ramps up in intensity and speed (particularly in John's voice) as it goes on, increasing more and more with every chorus. It's some neat counterplay.

Also the guitar in it is really neat.

As for the people complaining that it's a single chord song, Paul and John had always liked the concept of a song based on a single chord - The Word, Paperback Writer... Doctor Robert isn't even that surprising.
I can imagine George Martin walking into the studio and saying "Hey guys, the album is so good that we need to add a real piece of shit to bog it down."
>I don't like it so it's bad
First of all I'm really not trying to slag off the Beatles, they're great, I just think they're overrated by many.
I'll leave out jazz/fusioney stuff and try to limit it to pre-80s stuff... off the top of my head

We're only in it for the money
Absolutely Free
One Size Fits All
Overnight Sensation
Joe's Garage

Talking Heads_____
Remain In Light
Fear Of Music

Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy
Another Green World
Before and After Science
Here Come the Warm Jets
The entirety of Steely Dan's 70's output
Most of Bowie's discography but let's keep it neat and say from Man Who Sold the world all the way through Scary Monsters.

John Cale_____
Paris 1919

Lou Reed_____
Rock n Roll Animal
New York
Coney Island Baby

Fullfillingness First Finale

Donny Hathaway's entire discog.
Paul Simon's self-titled debut

Scott Walker_____
Scott 1 through 4
Nite Flights

Ian Hunter/Mott the Hoople

Damn the Torpedoes

Turning into too much of an effort post but there's a handful of releases that are on par or better than the Beatles best work (IMO, obviously)
>off the top of my head
>70s Zappa_____
Stopped reading right there.

I maybe a major snoozer, but you're a major loser
Actually my favorite song on the album desu
Day tripper may be just ok but the riff is GOAT
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>Talking Heads

Gave me a chuckle
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