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So which one did it correctly?

Kurt was still young so his suicide was "deep and tragic". But they could only play the same 3-4 songs all day on the radio.

Chris was 52, so most people must be asking why wait that long? Things couldn't have been that bad if you made it this far right? But that means you actually got to enjoy life and they'll have lots of songs to play on the radio.
well Chris made better music while he was alive so he wins I guess. The real winner is Eddie Vedder though, since he's still breathing
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>Has made a living off of making music his entire life
>Has seen the world
>Has a wife and three kids
>Rich as fuck
>Still kills himself
He didn't kill him self cournty love killed him
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Courtney Love killed Chris Cornell?
Nirvana >> Soundgarden >>>>>>>>>> Pearl Jam
>Nirvana > Soundgarden

you must be 18 and edgy if you think that
Audioslave>Pearl Jam>Nirvana>Soundgarden
Maybe sober married life wasn't for him but he didn't want to do drugs again. Maybe he wanted to die when he still looked good (which he certainly did for 52) so he'd be remembered as a cool good looking guy. Not some old fart like Keith Richards or someone like that. Idk that's probably too shallow it was probably more to do with a deep sense of depression and a feeling like the best days were long over and nothing was left to look forward to. Unless some sucicide note comes out we might never know why.

I think the mystery will always live on as will his music. And that is something that will be remembered. Like i have no idea why he did it.
but everyone still considers keith richards and mick jagger to be pretty fucking cool
and he was still gettting grammy nominations and shit like every single year so that doesn't make sense either

They are both losers, leaving their children before they even leave adolescence; bunch of degenerate fucks, but hey that's what grunge is all about
Alice in Chains > Soundgarden > Nirvana/Pearl Jam



Yeah thats true, i really have no idea why it doesn't make sense why he did it. Like Scott Weiland was a mess so it was expected he'd OD on his tour bus someday. Chris had so much to live for thats what makes his death so strange.
aside from Eddie being alive, should be count Mark Lanegan too?
20 and not edgy and I think that, then again I like noise rock
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pearl jam might make sub-par music but at least Eddie hasn't fucking necked himself. and unlike Kurt he's still got more brains than the wall behind him

Maybe he was into autoerotic asphyxiation.
Mark Lanegan is Underated as fuck a real musician's musician. I'd totally count him, as well as the guy from mudhoney and Tad Doyle. Though less people know these dudes the're legands to those who know,
Jesus christ, she's on a roll!
I wouldn't rule that out, if it turns out he had iphis pants down or someshit. Might be something someone sober would do. Never quit drink and or drugs.
was there a sticky? did i miss it?

but seriously, does anyone give a fuck about this nobody? i'm not happy that he died but come on
Nirvana > Pearl Jam > Soundgarden
>was there a sticky? did i miss it?

Yes. 2700 posts, it lasted all day.
I've been shitposting for more than 10 hours
There was a sticky for the majority of today, bro. And half of /mu/'s threads are about Chris.
Little bastard
She can't keep getting away with it!!!
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i hate my job
No she killed kurt

If you look at the pixels you can tell what I'm saying is true
Nirvana > Alice In Chains >> Soundgarden >>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl Jam

Smashing Pumpkins > Teenage Fanclub > Nirvana > Alice In Chains >> Soundgarden >>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl Jam

if you wanna play this game


but seriously, we can't let courtney get access to the nuclear codes
>Nirvana > Alice in Chains

Man, honestly, what is wrong with you and your taste? Its all about complexness of work.

Alice in Chains is much deeper and emotional. It's unique in its own way. I mean there is no such other band that has harmony like Staley and Cantrell had. Two of those voices combined and Staley's depression were giving some unreal feels.
But he had three kids.
He could've just retired and lived like a millionaire for the rest of his life
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It would be a disaster
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don't do drugs kids!
your ranking is definitely me
Yeah, it really doesn't make sense. His death might just be one of life's great mysterys, like the Pyrimids or Dyatlov's pass incident. Who really fucking knows how or why.
>Its all about complexness of work

So Yngwie Malmsteen is the greatest guitarist in the popular lexicon? Get bent. I want my music to have more "heart" than "complexness".

>complexity, btw
>Alice in Chains not having more heart than Nirvana
>Down in a Hole and Nutshell alone rape entire Nirvana discography
>Not to mention Jar of Flies

You objectively have bad taste. Have a nice day.
Bullshit drugs are good you expand and challenge the mind. You see reality for what it is, its a test of character to see weather or not you can enjoy them responsibly. Some of the best times I've ever had were spent on drugs. I'd recommend drugs to everyone maybe being sober is what killed Chris i sure as shit would find it boring.
Nutshell is on Jar of Flies retard.

Btw, Nevermind > Jar of Flies

Go cry some more
Smashing Pumpkins > Soundgarden > Alice in Chains > Nirvana > Pearl Jam > Stone Temple Pilots.
You know Nirvana are great and for whatever reason they are more popular. But Alice In Chains just went deeper they had a real good rummage around the hurt locker. Definitely I'd say they're music had more "meaning" if you get what i mean.
That's nice and all but Stone Temple Pilots > all
Soundgarden>Nirvana>Pearl Jam
And yes I was there for all of it.
I think Stp are Underated here on /mu/ they ar2 one of my favourite bands. But they didn't lay it down like some of their contemporaries, like the basslines on some Skin Yard songs are out of this fucking world.
Songwriting >>> Lyrical content

Nirvana wins.
king buzzo wins
Cheap Trick > all

Does he still get in? Does he get to bring a friend?
I never saw Cornell killing himself I agree. Someone said to me 'the soundgarden guy' today when I hadn't read the news yet and to be completely honest I thought it was any single one of them except for Chris Cornell until I actually saw it. Unbelievable.

Oh and by the way Kieth may be an old stoner and I don't even like weed, but seriously he wipes the floor with everyone.
You can try to improve your mental health and well being, or you can go do heroin and overdose trying to make the pain go away. The choice is yours.
27x2=54...you suck at math
Lol your like DARE in the 80s. You think smoking weed leads to hard drugs kek. Drugs being good is the one redpill normies like you are most afraid of.
they are more of a sludge band but yeah they win
27 × 2 = 54 Dumbass
you suck at replying

It's about morals. I don't break the law and respect the authority of this world. My parents, my government, and society at large.

By in large, heroin is not a good decision. I do agree, that maybe a appropriately dosed bit of opiates would give me a little boost in moderation. But it's just not the world we live in.
Kieth is cool. I like weed he makes playing the giutar look like nothing. But holy shit Chris Cornell is the last guy you'd think would die, let alone that it'd be sucicide. At least people know and respect who he was.
Someone learned Legacy Mathematics. Look up how to do CC and then do the problem.
This meme of Nirvana being good needs to die
Maybe he still struggled with the drugs
>"I went from being a daily drug user at 13 to having bad drug experiences and quitting drugs by the time I was 14 and then not having any friends until the time I was 16," he told Rolling Stone in 1994.

>"There was about two years where I was more or less agoraphobic and didn't deal with anybody, didn't talk to anybody, didn't have any friends at all. All the friends that I had were still [messed] up with drugs and were people that I didn't really have anything in common with."
Basically my fuckin hero no doubt. I solo all the time but I'd just stay on rhythm if I really had the chance. Keith's one of the best rhythm guy's there's been.
Ha you funny. I really can't tell, if your a troll or some alt right kid. What i can tell is that our generation is fucked. Even libtards don't do drugs these days. It's lame but a new wave of degeneracy shall come.
As someone who is almost pushing 30 I really would say it still only exists because of Kurt's death. In 1 or 2 decades from now I think it's highly unlikely anyone will bat an eye at Nirvana.
Pearl Jam has always been awful. That band is responsible for that post-grunge sound that flooded the market in the late 90s.
leave them hungry

dying young immortalises you and allows people to say "wow he never released a terrible album" "he was taken too soon" "he was too perfect for this world" while an heroing 30 years past your prime after releasing tons of later life albums that can never match your earlier work just makes you look like a sad old faggot who killed himself because he had become a talentless hack

imo the musical ideal is to release as many great albums as you can and retiring as soon as you peak thus keeping your legacy intact as you live on royalty shekels in a tax haven or using your money to live out your other dream careers(like the guy from Wham becoming a Formula 3 driver)
>like the guy from Wham
"like that guy from that faggy band Wham"
so I guess it didn't work out too well for him afterall
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>and unlike Kurt he's still got more brains than the wall behind him
I dare say that was some low hanging fruit.
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I think the individual is more important than the legacy even if the person is famous. I mean, if he was really convicted to kill himself after all this time I'm not going to call him a faggot for doing so. 52 years is long enough to make up your mind moreso than say being like a teenager or in your 20s and killing yourself. I mean I know that everyone is different, but I would actually commend him for making it that long if he had been struggling for a long time or whatever the case may be.
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cortany killed curt.
cia cover up.
wake up they killed him and grunge in one fell swoop.
also so is this.

Andrew Ridgeley was never the center of attention in Wham! anyway but he got to race in French and German Formula 3 and anually gets enough money from Last Christmas to buy a small country so I doubt he gives a fuck
>Laughing at Seth McFarlane Generalization Jokes
This is why people hate millennials.
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I love marky "slant-eyed gooks" mark
It's okay, you can say Vietnam fucking shits here. Made that fucking shit a millionaire too with an extracourt settlement, more gooks should hit up the bank of wahlbergstein.
>sees chris cornell thread
>sees pearl jam hate

not supposing any of you trogs care for the fact that all the pearl jam boys are basically responsible for grunge through their time in green river, and mother love bone
Nirvana > Alice in Chains > STP >>> Soundgarden >>>> Pearl Jam
>thinking Kurt killed himself when the bullet casing was on the wrong side of the room, he was doped up more than anyone could ever actually function on, and a million other things

Reminder that he accidentally overdosed in Rome and Courtney tried really hard afterwards to make it look like a suicide attempt and that Kurt was going to file for divorce and was avoiding her.
courtney was positive someone was trying to kill kurt you mong

assuming you're able to read above a 3rd grade level go find the book alice in chains:the untold story
Layne did it right. As soon as he took off those sunglasses, you just knew...

>In the darkest hole, you'd be well advised not to plan my funeral 'fore the body dies
t. hip 14 year old
or you can consistently make good music into your 50s, like >>72856441 >>72856458
the unplugged performance of nutshell is haunting.
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you should look into it more.
Indeed. I think the only reason he didn't just kill himself is because just another dose or hit of heroin/crack/whatever was so desirable that it kept him from pulling the trigger for years. Until he just rotted into a skeleton and stopped breathing on his couch, crack pipe in hand.
Chris was murdered, and the killer dressed it up as a suicide and got away with it.
"And yet I fight this battle all alone.
No one to cry to.
No place to go home."

get's me everytime.
courtney strikes again
When i was a cool 16 year old, I did.
Yeah I only listen to real music now too xDDD
I'm not saying nirvana isn't cool, you mondo.
all these bands are bad
all these are bad
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>Who won?
>[opening riff to Alive intensifies]
Dean DeLeo is a motherfucking guitar GOD, far more skilled than McCready, Thayil or obviously Cobain.
Nirvana babbies are literally the dumbest fanbase on Earth.

The best thing about that Alice in Chains book is that Tom Grant somehow never discovered that information during all his years of "research". What a hack
>Dean DeLeo is a motherfucking guitar GOD
>implying he's better than low-key shredder king gosard
>implying he doesn't just let mccready do the menial riffs
>Believing urban legends
Kurt was a homeless heroin addict with a pretty face who could play the guitar. He was swept up by the Recording Jew, thrown on MTV, and sold as rebellious Counter Culture even though most of his big hits were cover songs.
If you want to talk about covered up musician "suicides" I think Elliott Smith's is more sketchy
>Stabs himself 2 times in the chest
>No hesitation wound
>Girlfriend was locked in bathroom taking a shower
>Police found Elliott's blood in the drain
>Girlfriend was not checked for blood
>On July 30, 2004, Chiba filed a lawsuit against the Smith family for 15% of his earnings (over $1 million), claiming that she and Smith lived as "husband and wife"
I mean seriously, what the fuck?
t. /thread/
>Lets pay respects to Chris, he an heroed.

3:24 for the solo if the URL didn't give it away. It's annoying I can't get the 3m24s thing to work in embedded videos.
Also after police found the knife had her fingerprints, Chiba claimed it was from pulling it out of Elliott's chest.

He made bad music and left 3 fucking kids behind to wonder why. Honestly he's a chickenshit
Alice in chains >> all
>He made bad music

Soundgarden pre-breakup and Audioslave's s/t was a ton of great work, faggo
>"bad music"

t. Hanson fan
Mmm-bop was catchy as shit. You can't deny this. In fact, it was so catchy that merely by mentioning this I now have it stuck in your head. You can thank me later.
Alice in Chains > Soundgarden >> Stone Temple Pilots > Nirvana >> Pearl Jam
Soundgarden > Stone Temple Pilots > Pearl Jam > Alice in Chains > shit > Lou Reed's Metal Machine Music >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nirvana
>It's about morals.
Do you wanna explain to me why ingesting a chemical compound is immoral?

In what world do you live in were you think "the authority of this world" is a perfect moral arbitrator
>replying to a tripfag
I love silvergun but come on he had better
how did i think this guy already died of a heroin overdoes last year? who was that guy. some other 90s pop rock / buttrock/ grunge guy who famously became a huge junkie in recent years? literally everything about him seems the exact same as this guy
the entire everything
Post it then. The SS solo is, to me, one of the best examples of how to craft a, for lack of a better word, "epic" sounding solo. It's so fucking gloriously grandiose sounding.
that was scott
>recent years

scott weiland?
To further expound, I just think it's an immaculately crafted solo. The Stairway to Heaven solo wasn't exactly the most technically difficult but there's few solos crafted better. I think of this one much in the same way.
Pre-Superunknown Soundgarden tracks are the most like noise rock out of the big five grunge bands.
I feel like Kurt killed himself because of what was happening around him at the time. Chris on the other hand may have killed himself over some existential issues he must have endured thus far. Is it just me or does it make u feel weirdly relieved hearing about suicides. Like theyve finally decided to stop taking the pain. Like watching someone graduate college, youre happy for them but in a way almost envious. sometimes i feel like all the moralfag shit aside, suicide is natural and may even be beneficial in the altruistic sense. Once a human being has outlived their usefulness what else can u do
David Bowie is still pretty damn cool and would still be living if Cancer didn't take him.

IMO that's the fucking ideal.
Or you could steadily continue to improve your instrument playing for over 50 years like Jeff Beck.
I think
https://youtu.be/2DTXEg-S1cc was better but
>grandiose sounding
I get what you mean, because it's there too
around the 2 minute mark
Also, appropriately for this thread, it was a song about courtney
Shangri-La Dee Da and Tiny Music were underrated as shit.
Alice in Chains>Soundgarden>Pearl Jam Ten>Nirvana>Everyone else>Pearl Jam post-Ten
The fact that so many books still name Nirvana as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band of the '90s ever only tells you how far '90s rock music still is from becoming a serious art. '60s critics have long recognized that the greatest rock musicians of that decade were Pete Townsend and Marvin Gaye, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. '80s critics rank the highly controversial Madonna over synthpop musicians who were highly popular in clubs around Europe. '90s critics are still blinded by commercial success. Nirvana sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. '60s critics grow up listening to a lot of music besides the Beatles and the Stones, '80s critics grow up listening to more than just Michael Jackson and Bruce Springsteen. '90s critics are often totally ignorant of the other bands of the decade, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Nirvana did anything worthy of being saved.
Audioslave isn't grunge
Eddie will neck himself because he's a washed up alcoholic and the Temple of the Dog revival album he and Cornell were working on was his only chance
I didn't know Tom Grant posted on /mu/.
Seven Caged Tigers ATF underrated STP song
>forgetting about big bang baby
Although I didn't care for King Animal too much, I was looking forward to the next album, pretty bummed.
Superunknown is the best mainstream rock record ever made.
king animal was kino
I've always loved the Beatles-y Lady Picture Show. Then again I've always loved the Beatles.
>the best mainstream rock record ever made.
Led Zeppelin IV. This is not debatable.
>wood dies, cornell brings grunge into mainstream
>cornell dies, internet 2.0 returns grunge into mainstream
>grunge latches on to inhabitants of internet 2.0, including this generation's scene/goth girls (LEGAL)
It's time my fellow 90s babbys
kill yourself
gut yourself
I just wanted to say that Blind Melon are one of the least deserving bands of one hit wonder status of all-time. They produced two stunningly good albums in their self titled debut and especially Soup.
yeah because their frontman died
that's like scott dying and STP being fronted by chester benn oh wait that happened and it wasn't that bad
This shit was and still is so damn unique sounding.

You're not a true 1 hit wonder if your frontman dies while you're still popular. They're more in the category of sublime.
Soup had no hits. I don't know if you could say they were still popular at that point.

Alice in Chains > Soundgarden > Nirvana > Mudhoney >>>>>>>>> Pearl Jam.
How many grunge guitarists could convincingly pull off a smooth jazz solo?
How do people honestly believe AiC is better than Soundgarden? Soundgarden are far more deeply emotional, and have vastly more interesting compositions. I've also seen the claim that AiC is heavier, which is demonstrably ridiculous.
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*deletes nothing from the album*

what? Layne Staley was absolutely raw emotion. Guy sounded tortured half the time, and yes, AiC was more metal oriented, Soundgarden had more of a classic arena rock sound to them, you can tell they were influenced by Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath, especially in their earlier work.

Both are really good though.
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Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath are not "arena rock."

Layne was nothing without Cantrell harmonizing, and only sang about how drugs are bad. 4th of July, The Day I Tried to Live, and most of Badmotorfinger are heavier than anything AiC did. As far as raw emotion, I'm talking about more than just vocals (not that Cornell wasn't an incredibly emotional singer). Everything about songs like Zero Chance or Like Suicide were fucking powerfully emotional.

eh, I was going to suggest Queen in there, but backspaced and thought Black Sabbath was more appropriate, the influence from Black Sabbath is more notable. 70's Hard Rock would be more appropriate I suppose.
>and only sang about how drugs are bad
>heaven beside you is about how drugs are bad
It was about how girls are bad like drugs
>Layne was nothing without Cantrell harmonizing
Cantrell was in Mad Season?
Chris Cornell was a far superior songwriter and singer. And wasn't a complete moron.

But I do like that both their suicides are fucked up and will always leave us with questions. Was Kurt murdered? Did Chris die while jacking his dick and choking himself out?

I find it odd Cornell didn't leave a note or anything unless he sent something to his wife.

Are you deaf? There's still heavy harmonization. And that forced vibrato. Disgusting.
>voice so great it melds well with everybody else
Yeah, I mean obviously it's unfortunate to lose musicians who you feel close to, but no one really knows what's going on inside someone's head in those final moments. It's a shame he's not here but at least he's not suffering.
>he made bad music

this faggot doesn't know shit. prove it dimwit
I've never seen anyone be so damn wrong.
Soundgarden=Alice in Chains=STP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dogshit nirvana pearljam
The fact that his wikipedia has always said "reposed the remains". I just don't know dude. Some of the most morbid.
>The police went with McCallum and her ex-husband to Staley's home; "When police kicked in the door to Layne Staley's University District apartment on April 19, there, laying on a couch, lit by a flickering TV, next to several spray-paint cans on the floor, not far from a small stash of cocaine, near two crack pipes on the coffee table reposed the remains of the rock musician." It was reported that the 6 foot (1.8 metres) Staley weighed only 86 pounds (39 kg) when his body was discovered.
I read an article about his death as soon as I heard about it (only one article.. didn't search anymore cause I didn't want to get bummed) but I swear the article mentioned he was found with a "band" around his neck.

Guess I totally could have misread what was said but I know he hung himself but this article goes on to talk about the person who found him had broke into the bathroom and found him on the floor with a band around his neck.

If that's true.. it could be asphyxiation. But if not.. dude had some big boy balls to strap a band on his neck and then sit there and wait.


>just checked the article again and it states it how I understood it.

>le hipster fan
I think I was a better guitarist than Kurt Cobain after playing for two weeks. Just thought I'd share.
What are some good Chris Cornell songs that sound like Nirvana songs?
They are both going to be remembered for the great music they left behind, and the mystery surrounding their deaths. I can understand why Kurt wanted to die, addicted to heroin, hated the fame, internal stomach pain, it's just the way it happened was a mindfuck. I'm sure with the people surrounding him they knew he would do something just not to that extreme, and it's incredibly murky if it was suicide or a murder (I lead more towards suicide because there's more tangible evidence to support it).

With Chris it really just came out of the blue. On a solo tour, doing Temple of the Dog stuff, making a new album with Soundgarden, has a family, then just necked himself. Like I said with Kurt I can at least understand some of the circumstances around it, but with Chris I just don't know why he would do that. It still doesn't make any sense to me.
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>sounds like Nirvana
Layne was a complete pushover and a weak person. Gf got him into heroin, she leaves, then she dies, then he just wastes away shooting up all day until he's a ghoul.
Having watched the video of the show before he did it and having seen him talk about not wanting to disappoint the fans, all it would've taken for someone with a history of depression would've been the right situation. His performance wasn't very good that show, he was all over the place, the opening act was a fan of the bands', the pressure of recording new material. Let's say he decided to drink that night. Or do some other drug while in that state of mind.
Kurt did it cause his tummy hurt from a serious condition coupled with drugs (to ease the tummy ache). Plus he was clearly depressed.

If anyone bothered listening to Chris lyrics it's be obvious he was clinically depressed too

>it's just music though
If you mean like Bleach, early Soundgarden albums are as close as you'll ever get. In the 90s they started so using very different from each other (relative to the 80s)
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