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Where were you when Punk died?

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Where were you when Punk died?
Conservatism is the new punk rock. There's nothing punk about being a lefty sjw that needs to respect your feelings.
I see '''they're''' still mad at him for supporting Brexit.

Cool thread OP.
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Counter-culture for the win, am I right?
>inheriting the existing views of old rural hicks is punk
Top kek
I genuinely hope you have a seizure
nothing says punk like "traditional" marriage, old values, and supporting the man
t. Joshua Shillstein
Tel Aviv
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>now THIS
>this is punk!
Those things are more of a "fuck you" to society than needing safe spaces and a million different gender pronouns.
fuck off
Punk was always working class music
yup. It speaks to who is really in power and the 'culture' they're trying to force into place.
>we're the new counterculture! we don't like gay people and we don't believe in global warming!
Current left isn't cool like this.
what in the name of fuck is punk about doing what your parents and the Man wants you to do?
Why don't you post some Green Day while you're at it lmao
conservatism is, by definition, safe. and therefore not punk.
i don't see how this is up for debate.
People's opinions change anon. This fine and natural.
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Punk will eat itself
I mean, I can understand saying it's the new counter-culture, but there's something that makes me irrationally angry about calling conservatism "the new punk rock". If there was currently an art form, whether it be a music genre or anything else that focused mainly on conservative beliefs, then saying it's the new punk rock would be justified, but it frustrates me to just say "uh.... what's the first counter-culture thing I can think of? Punk rock? Yeah, it's punk rock".
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Daily reminder..........
It's the opposite of safe. We're the ones trying to tear down your bullshit social structures that were built upon respecting your mentally ill feefees,

Nothing wrong with supporting "the man" when he's on the side of destroying political correctness.
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except that actual state pushes 'progressivism'
>johnny rotten
if that's your definition, punk died upon its inception
>falling for this low-quality bait
summerfags get out
What am I called if I accept gay and trans people, don't care about traditional values but also hate political correctness and forced diversity?
>We're the ones
You're pathetic internet whiners, that is definitely the opposite of punk.

Ha u right
Johnny Rotton and Johnny Ramone, perhaps the two most important punk archtypes are conservatives.

>punk rock is the opposite of conservatism

yeah, sorry....doesn't entirely compute
>He's never heard of Cyber Punks

What century are you living in grandpa
>Nothing wrong with supporting "the man" when he's on the side of destroying political correctness.
and you say you support punk
punk is about anarchy, the man is literally the enemy of anarchy by definition
Civic Nationalist
Reminder that John is by all definitions a centrist and these arguments are fucking stupid
an SJW cuck
The 'man' is in some chalet in Switzerland or some bunker in Jerusalem.

It's not some white guy with a $500k house in Scottsdale or whatever.
but you're replacing them with new ones
true punks thrive off anarchy
>its another /pol/ tries to discuss music but ends up making it about SJWs somehow thread

>punk is about anarchy,

lolno, Anarchy was just the most destructive ideology back in the 70s when both sides were more or less the same. The good guys are in charge now and we're tearing down all "safe speech" bullshit
That doesn't make any sense though, there are plenty of people with liberal views who aren't SJWs.
wtf I love reddit now?!
>Cyber Punks
um early 1980s?
>trump is punk
>this is what /pol/tards believe
Wrong gay guy. That pix is clearly from the early '90's.
>there are plenty of people with liberal views who aren't SJWs.
Trump is punk as fuck. He doesn't give a fuck about your fee fees he just does what he wants, that's badass

>Trump is punk as fuck. He doesn't give a fuck about your fee fees he just does what he wants
thats ...thats exactly what the Man is
Why the fuck is /pol/ in here so much today?
Can't they fuckoff to their safespace where they can cuck eachother's wives so we can talk about music?
Trump is president.
He isn't punk, he's a fucking idiot.

There is nothing punk about being a spray tanned billionaire bitch at the beck and call of Russian bankers and a bunch of methed out skinheads.
>Trump is punk as fuck.
yep, totally

Barry Soetoro = Milli Vanilli
Hillary Clinton = Madonna
Are we going by the same definition of SJW? I assume we're talking about people like pic related, and the majority of sensible people, liberal or not, agree that these people are crazy. If you don't believe me go step outside your room and see for yourself.
>Why the fuck is /pol/ in here so much today?
because all the news is about trump being investigated by the FBI and things backfiring on him
their safe space isnt very interesting when they arent "winning" so they are out here to "redpill" us
they would have better luck at whatever store sells fidget spinners to autists because the autists might actually fall for their delusions
Why are you in this thread?
Let me answer that for you: because you follow tumblr blogs.
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oops, forgot to post it
You're probably a centre-left libertarian or classical liberal.
Punk was always dead.
it's a b8 thread for summerfag lefties who fall for everything and the right wing fags that keep egging them on. and then the radical centrists have to come in and spout their bullshit. just ignore the bait or at least sage.
>If you don't believe me go step outside your room and see for yourself.
dont need to
i see more than i would ever see in the world on /pol/
im helping save western civilization by throwing out red pills, what have you done?
>you listen to some faggy music
real helpful, if the kebabs take over dont worry ill tell my white grandchildren tales about cucks like you being the cause of the hellhole we will be in
I'll give you a clue, you're wrong about most things. You're ideology is wrong, your beliefs are founded on misinformation, ignorance and lies. The rest of the world knows that you are bullshit, so give it up won't ya?
He's btfo of the right people so I'm cool with it. Like I said, nothing wrong with the man if he's on your side. Trump did what all Anarchist posers wish they could do, assume control .

Don't believe me, go into a liberal safe space and say "Fuck Illegals and Fuck Islam" you'll get attacked by the "Real man"
Punk ideology is way different than liberal crybabies and cuntservatives
trump isnt on our side
and SJWs arent the man, if they were we would be in a dystopia and trump wouldnt have even be able to run
SJWs are wankers shoving their political views on how to fix society down everyone's throat. The /pol/ slurry that can't stay on their own board are a good example.
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I don't go to /pol/ I'm a muslim.
More like we've all figured out this board is rotten w/ shills, and all of the 'musicians' they promote on here have become little more then vehicles for Soros propaganda.
If punk was about anarchy, there were no American punk bands. But there were.
Well that's where we were headed. Trump at the very least stopped them in their tracks.
people clearly believe it retard.
or you dont accept that people dont agree with you so everyone obviously must be a shill because you cant accept people have different opinions
>26 posters
>72 replies
oy vey shlomo something does not add up here...
This song might be the most astro-turfed song in existence. It's a minute long with nothing interesting musically, it's just shitty yelling. It's not a good punk song, it's not a good song in general. But it somehow became some enduring hit that's popular even to this day. It definitely got funding from someone. There was definitely a corporate movement to keep punk, which is inherently rebellious and edgy, from drifting to into radical political territory. So Communism and Nazism were both attacked to make sure the punks would be good little boys who would vote for the two big parties and never express bad little thoughts like "exploitation is wrong" and "why should Jews run our country?"
America overwhelmingly agrees with me though.
Mainstream media (and yes that includes P4k style fake indie) has become insufferable.
Jello Biafro is spergy bitch too. Always has been.

Johnny Ramone would have wiped the floor with him.
Serious question...

Why does conservative /pol/shits always have the urge to redpill us?
/mu/ isn't just for leftists you dumb fuck. I've been a punk since 1992 and this new trend of safe space "afro queer punk" bullshit is the least punk movement that I've ever seen. Even Blink 182 had more balls than this shit.
Serious question...

Why does everyone who bitch about /pol/'s "off-topic posting" have 100% chance to have a tumblr account?
Confirmation bias. I don't, do you? Not even just to shitpost?
> I've been a punk since 1992
Why would you just admit to something so embarrassing?
Having respect for authority is a part of growing up.
reminder that there was never british punk
Power violence would be the alt-right music if they weren't all plebs.
Remember when the daughter of the guy who started the (((Rock & Roll HOF))) instituted a safe space hotline for her shows?

Globalists started a whole fake indie rock scene. Calling it out is anti-establishment.
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The only social media account I have is a Facebook.
What social media people are involved with doesn't have anything to do with /pol/ being delinquent larping mongrel faggots 24/7.
4chan is social media
I don't have a tumblr account, you stupid white cunt drumpf supporter.

Don't you have to read the bible or pray to your imaginary """god"""? lmao, 'muricans.
punk didn't die, johnny rotten just stopped being a punk. pretty simple, and easy to do when you have punker friends dying from drug overdose left and right. stupid
>cuckservatives actually think they're "punk" because they argue with fat tumblrinas about social issues on the internet
lol. just no m8s.
Reminder that the true redpill is realizing that the Jews are the real master race.
Joey was a bitch.
Skinheads were working class, punks were always middle-class kids playing dress up
Do you genuinely believe we live in a conservative culture currently, and that "the man" is conservative? Even Trump is a liberal in most ways.
*tips yarmulke*
Inferior goys like you will be exterminated soon
Get the left/right mentality out of your head. Trump isn't Satan but he doesn't give a fuck about you
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>Conservatism is the new punk rock. There's nothing punk about being a lefty sjw that needs to respect your feelings.
I'd say that libertarianism is closer to being any sort of counterculture.
environmental libertarianism is the closest thing to a political counterculture
I agree
The black guy second from the right has seen some shit.
So what you're saying is you use reddit
Time to check reddit
Never mind you lied it's still shit
XD !!!!!!!!!1111111 (upvoted)
Isn't that called growing up?
It's called being a liberal.

The extreme leftist SJW steryotype is a fringe that only exists on the internet.
Fags are fine but trannies are walking science experiments that shouldn't exist
I know this is bait, but the hardcore punk scene in my country is extremely conservative. Fucking normie meatheads
this thread is awful. post great punk songs instead.

Both were working class. Are you retarded?
No, they're not. Go read a fucking book.
Sad thing is, this is more diverse than most lefty gatherings
Imma start a band right
Oight cunts an im gonna talk about shit
Like how fags and nignogs need to be lynched
And illegal spics are cancer.
About you lazy neets, oight?
About you homo enablers, and fucko conservatism.
Ill post a demo in 2 months.
Idk what my band name could be.
I jos really hate illegals, niggers, jews, homosexuals, white trash, pedophiles, "feminists" who drag down the progress real feminists have made, niggers again, cancerous right wingers, retarded anti-fa faggots who need a good hammer to the jaw
>124 posts
>54 ip's
there's a reason id's were turned on for /pol/
I wish you were right, but I live in Sweden and I actually have to coexist with these people. They are very real, just not as rude and obnoxious in real life.
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lmaoooooooooo nigga look like he bout ta shit his hospital gown
>i see more than i would ever see in the world on /pol/
>im helping save western civilization by throwing out red pills, what have you done?
Funniest thing i've heard in a while
I like his car.
'punk rock' conservacucks need to KYS
what makes western civilization worth saving?
these dubs
you mean these dubs
No they weren't. The punk scene in the US came out of New York and affluent areas of California.
i didn't know the menage a trois artist did some actual archie
it's called being a liberal
those sjws are a very small percentage in the grand scheme of things

>The Stooges
>a few years later Death
These social issues are convenient distraction whilst the economic divide opens further.
Not as big of a scene. Not saying punk is high class but it's not banging on trash cans in a trailer park tier and mostly existed in cities
This is low quality bait
go to bed pjw
Watching an ad for butter
This, basically
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more like he saw which way the wind was blowing and switched to a genre that isn't a contrived musical dead end
johnny should have died young like sid.
It's literally been proven to be the best form of government.
Turning into the Albatross. In all seriousness though it does bug me how Lydon tries to act like some sort of angel in recent times - don't get me wrong, I agree very much with his more mature views on the government, though the way he tries to put a blanket over how much of an ass-hat he's been and to some extent still is comes off as petty at best.
I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the PC culture that dominates American colleges.
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