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The most polarizing album in a artist's discography.

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The most polarizing album in a artist's discography.
Only here though. Most normies like it because "just" XD
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shit forgot pic
This is honestly my favorite Radiohead album.
but if you take if it did not exist we wouldnt have immigrant song
Another bait tread with Humanz as the OP pic, really?
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I thought the consensus was that this is excellent?
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Almost everyone loves this album. If you want an actual polarizing Radiohead album then you should've posted this
This album's fantastic, weird as hell, but it easily has some of Brian's best work on it.
The white album is arguably more polarizing in terms of what the best and worst songs are.
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i think you meant to post this OP
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This album is an example of a band who got famous with off kilter catchy pop tunes going experimental a little too fast. They maybe should have made at least one more physch-pop album like their debut then made their self titled and pic related.
No, that's easily their worst. I'll Follow The Sun and Every Little Thing are the only really good songs. The rest range from okay to mediocre.
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no. please please me or with the beatles is easily their worst. by the time they released beatles for sale they had matured as songwriters

no reply, im a loser, baby's in black, rock and roll music, ill follow the sun, eight days a week, every little thing, i don't want to spoil the party and everybody's trying to be my baby are GREAT songs.

the only thing that hurts this album are all the covers
Just is great song, though.
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some people say this is his best album, others his worst, its the definition of polarizing
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Unfortunately people just dont know how to jam
>No Reply
>Baby's In Black
>Eight Days a Week
>I Don't Want To Spoil The Party

>I'm a Loser
>Rock and Roll Music
>Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby
nah the board has come around and realized it's a masterpiece, post AMSP instead
Didn't they want to lose that fanbase and make this to get rid of them?
probably, which is why this album is kind of the most polarizing MGMT record in terms of reception,
go develop some taste.
lol, okay bud. Go listen to your Bob Dylan records.
808s was polarising for critics, Yeezus was polarising for fans
honestly this album is kind of fraudulent. During the White Album sessions they recorded a lot of material that ended up with a lot of leftover songs.

After that album released, they just kept making more songs in the studio. Paul wanted to make a "live album" and start doing live shows again, so they started developing songs that would be fit for stage. Lennon was disinterested and Harrison outright refused to continue being in the band if they had to start doing live shows again. This culminated with the Rooftop Concert scene where they filmed scenes for the Let It Be film.

They ended up deciding not to release an album out of the material they had, and took a short break. A lot of the songs from Abbey Road were made during the Let It Be sessions.

Later that same year they decided to try one more time to make an album together, and brought back George Martin, who supplied them with much needed structure to keep the band together. Without their manager Epstein, they really weren't glued together as a band.

Out of all the songs they had on the cutting room floor, they decided to make the album known as Abbey Road, half of which is mainly bits and pieces of unfinished material. After they were done with that album, they effectively disbanded.

Lennon then took some of the leftover unfinished material and took it to Phil Spectre, who promptly ruined McCartney's brainchild and that is what ended up becoming Let It Be.

Let It Be was never meant to even be a studio album, it was meant to be new live material that they would do live and end up with a uniquely "live only" type album.

The Beatles effectively stopped being a band when Epstein died. The White Album is mainly a "to each their own" type album where three solo artists compiled 30 of their own songs together. Abbey Road is similar, only even less complete. The last album they truly worked "together" on was Sgt Pepper/Magical Mystery Tour, which was lefter over material from Pepper.

U heard the clips of the four new tracks? They've gone for an 80s dark synth sound but they sound great, especially "When You Die" which I hope will be the next single.
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Let It Be is still a strong album, or at least is an album with strong material. The only lousy songs on it are Dig It (not even really a complete thought), Maggie Mae, and One After 909. Let It Be Naked is an infinitely better product than the original Let It Be.
link pls?
never mind, I thought it was a download but I guess they're release an album this year
hope its good
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What do the planets mean?
Don't forget the long and winding road.
That song always gets on my nerves for some reason. It's just such a generic ballad
Can people stop ignoring Mr. Moonlight ?
I think that was the point, Paul always liked to include a simple ballad on every Beatles album, that's why Paul got pissed at Spectre for overproducing it even though the production probably helped it became the hit it was.

That other post fucked me up
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That's the best song on Let It Be. Were you deprived of oxygen when you were in the womb?
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One of the best NWOBHM albums released. They don't even consider it their first album. Fuck this band so much.
Wait really?
Underrated, belongs in the upper half of their discography.
Not outstanding but pretty solid overall
my third favorite radiohead album tbqh
really didn't like this one at first but now it's an all time favorite
this is his best album
this and origin of symmetry are the only muse albums that aren't total garbage
haven't heard this one but wouldn't surprise me because their most famous material is absolutely some of the most atrocious fucking music i've ever heard. i hate it when i'm driving and vibing out to an oldies station and then they play def fucking leppard so i change the station but clear channel owns every god damn station so three of my other presets are on fucking commercials so i switch to NPR but they're doing that god damn pledge drive shit again so i have to listen to the only fucking CD in my car which i've heard too many times already and i can't plug in my phone because my car was manufactured literally one fucking year before aux jacks became standard in cars

One thing I do like to point out about Abbey Road is that it's mostly the medley which is made of unfinished bits; the first few songs are quite well rounded out as actual songs, all the way up to Because.

Though, at that point, it was everyone trying different things with different results. Paul's first songs are Oh! Darling and Maxwell's Silver Hammer and he really wanted to get them completely right which basically pissed everyone off. George's off writing songs on his own and he's doing it to get away from the group at times. John's trying different stuff, his composition is all over the place and goes from nonsensical to repetitive to plain old unfinished. Ringo writes a song, which is cool, and it's honestly his Here Comes The Sun in a way. Then the medley kicks in and I've the nagging feeling that You Never Give Me Your Money was a bunch of stuff that Paul basically tied together and came out nicely. Actually, just the medley as a whole.

On the other hand, it's kinda of telling that even when they're basically writing fragments of songs and tying them all with silly string it comes out as great of an album as Abbey Road.
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LOL, are you kidding?
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Hit the nail on the head
Agreed, because I hate both of these albums
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To me its' their best album, and there are a few others who agree with me

But during the time of its' release a lot of fans and critics saw it as them growing tired and bored
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There is no in between. People either love it or really hate it. Most people hate it.
I consider it their last decent album, very solid and well rounded, but I still think Dookie and Nimrod were a bit more "perfect" from some unquantifiable source of just musical resonance.

Either way, Warning is a woefully underrated Green Day album. Most fans talk about the best being pre or post Warning, forgetting it was solid as fuck.
Their actual fanbase thinks its their worst mostly.

But actual music fans, some of which dislike their other albums (myself being apart of this crowd, along with a lot of /mu/) believe it's their best work by far.
I think the trilogy is even more polarizing.

The general audience doesn't care about Warning because it doesn't has hits but that's alright. Not even the fans care about 90% of the Uno, Dos and Tre material.
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>Let It Be Naked is an infinitely better product than the original Let It Be.

couldn't disagree more.
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is good though
That's because you're severely retarded.

yet still have better taste than you
Why is Let It Be better than Let It Be...Naked?
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Not sure if this is that polarizing because I don't see very much discussion about boris but that guitar tone is just too shrill for me
Let it Be is probably, as a whole, their best album, in terms of concept, though
Is it polarising tho? I have never seen anyone defend it other than me
I thought that was Kid A
Absolution is pretty good too though
Better than his last 2 albums desu
Literally plebs who can't dance to this criticise this
It's the comfiest album they ever wrote and an unquestioned classic of the mid 90s.

Go with amnesiac or HTTT if you want a polarizing Radiohead album.
Depression Cherry and TYLS stand behind only Teen Dream in the Beach House discography. If anything, they probably edge it out on the strength of their individual songs.

Though Teen Dream is one of those albums that gets so much better when you realize that it's a concept album about going through the phases of a bad breakup.
You show me a machine or a computer program that can match the stellar majesty of Thom Yorke singing “Paranoid Android,” and I’ll acknowledge it as music. Until then, it’s fucking garbage.
If you’re under 25 years old — or an immature 30-plus — I’m about to set your ass straight.
So, listen up.
Your music is fucking garbage.
There, I said it.
Mindless crap. Eardrum-bursting, dagger-in-the-eyes, ass-bagging, blow your fucking brains out — unadulterated dog shit. That pretty much sums up the type of music that’s popular with today’s young people.
Listen, you stupid sons of bitches. I’m talking at you. I’m your elder. My opinion demands respect.
Your music hasn’t got life. It’s fucking dead. Your music is void of humanity. It’s as fake as a porn queen’s orgasm. There’s no soul. It’s tripe. It’s a carp in the sea of music. The stuff you listen to was created by fucking machines.
Today’s “artists” — there’s an oxymoron — don’t even need to know how to play musical instruments or sing. In other words, no fucking talent whatsoever is needed to succeed today in music. You heard me. No. Talent. Whatsoever.
And, I’m fucking sick of it because the current generation is taking the gold we gave you and dragging it into a sewer. Listen up, you little pricks. I’m not stuck in some kind of classic rock time warp. Fact is, I expose myself to many different kinds of music. I give all music a chance. Even the techno-trash littering the modern music scene is something I’ve tried to digest, which I found to be like choking down a plate of raw oysters laced with salmonella.
It would be nice to enjoy fresh musical acts. I want to hear new songs. I like some young people, especially when they get my order right. But real music is written and performed by humans, not a fucking computer program linked up to a laser show. Fact: The more fancy gadgets and distractions you need, the most your music just flat out sucks.
this album is so. fucking. bad.
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