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It's just ok, but ya it wasn't gunna do better than the last few
>mention the Zacari and Rihanna features
>blatantly ignore U2's part on XXX
What did they mean by this.
how the fuck do you make a 10?
what makes MBDTF a 10?
>pitchfork thinks DAMN. is better than anything released last year
Probably because those features were awesome and Bono's was preachy, cringey, out of place, and kinda uncomfortable.
Pay Ryan and be black first
surely this is the end of kendrick's path to being the greatest rapper ever
>not ignoring all white artists

come on man
>first artist to get pitchfork AOTY twice

will he do it three times?
speak for urself anon it made me throw my glock in the garbage can.
>Bono's was preachy, cringey, out of place, and kinda uncomfortable.
Not really. He had like three lines that thematically fit in with the rest of the song (which is pretty damn preachy anyway).

Even ignoring his lines, the rest of U2 sounded tight as fuck.
p4k has it right this album is really fucking good. all you noobs just refuse to like it because kendrick is mainstream. accept that this album is amazing and move on. might be AOTY but probably not because of the new fleet foxes coming out.

you know tpab got 9.3?

You're black aren't you?
its pitchfork, the guy probably didn't listen to the whole album before writing the review. theyre more interested in promoting artists that will show up to their 'festival'
They gave that a 9.3 because they thought Frank was coming out with an album that year and they didn't realize how big of a thing BLM would be. TPAB came out before Freddie Gray and the Baltimore riots. Had that happened before and had Frank's album had not been scheduled for that July he would've had a 9.5+
Pitchfork is a Chicago publication. Kanye is from Chicago and Kendrick isn't. That also explains how Chance's shitty Coloring Book album got a 9.1.
It also explains how DJ Rashad's Double Cup got an 8.6 BNM

damn doesnt hold a candle to coloring book
>reading this much into current events + pitchfork scores

dude I'm half asleep and wrote this

it's pretty obvious
>conceptual masterpiece
>preachy high budget mixtape that is somehow worse than his last one

>yet still better than damn.
r u fucking this new? jesus h christ what the fuck mu
you all so trigger to sensitive lmao
black ppl are the best at making music.
the lyrics on the hook were cringe as fuck i agree with that
I think that's a fair score. But what does the .2 mean? How do you calculate that?
coloring book is the biggest fucking meme in hip hop in the last decade. he will never put out another project that approaches acid rap.
>implying that isn't DAMN.
this is very true.
>conceptual masterpiece
acid rap is fucking good, coloring book seriously let me down, but it also confused me I just couldn't understand (and still can't) the praise it got.

Angels, Same Drugs, Smoke Break, Finish Line are all GOAT tier songs. Rest are great with the single exception being Juke Jam
Out of 100 then divide by 10
fuck off bieber does well in juke jam
i agree about Angels, Same Drugs, and Finish Line, and I would add Summer Friends to the list (still think it's the best on the album). But Acid Rap has Pusha Man, Cocoa Butter Kisses, Acid Rain, Favorite Song, Smoke Again, and Juice. I mean Pusha Man and Acid Rain are absolutely gorgeous. Coloring Book just doesn't compare, it is better than 10 Day, but he made that shit in fucking high school (not saying it's bad by any means)
all the songs that aren't Angels, Same Drugs, Finish Line or Summer Friends are just fucking boring. All Night is okay, but nothing noteworthy
>giving a motherfuck about bitchdork ratings
kill yourselves
Pretty much exactly what I was expecting, how is that BTFO?
I ain't taking this bait ya bitch
it's pretty good. I'm having a weird time with it. It feels like the album is connecting with me on this inexplicable level. I keep saying it's great but not amazing, though I actually can't stop listening to it. I also think that it's very interesting conceptually and well written.

Maybe depression is fucking with my emotions.
fuck man we're the same person. I probably listened to it 8 times in full since it's release, and im constantly playing tracks from it. I also keep defending it and calling it a great album, but I just can't say it's a masterpiece or hip hop album of the decade or anything like what it's being called, something's stopping me and I don't know what.

I've also had a very very bizarre week mentally so that might be it
Quick, post your final rating before melon's review comes out in the morning.
strong 7 to light 8
I agree.

there are tracks like LOVE and GOD which I can never truly like. LOYALTY is passable at least
laughing to the bank like HA HA
LOYALTY would be GOAT if it didn't have rihanna's awful verse
I'm guessing a 9 honestly. He seemed pretty excited about it and said other reviewers didn't even know what was really up.
you know you're the goat when a 9.2 score constitutes to being 'btfo'
yeah there is also a chief keef song titled laughing to the bank by coincidence
strong 8 light 9
you dont like fun
I'm talking about your own opinion, since people are always influenced by him and change their minds.

I think that speaks to Kendricks ability to make music. With the last two albums, he clearly had lofty ambitions for them. To me it felt like he wanted to make masterpieces, like he was desperately trying to prove something. But with DAMN., everything about it feels like he knows his place in the industry and as an artist, and just wanted to make something to express how he was feeling at the moment. That's why he picked more modern beats, had some more melodic songs, and played with a looser concept. He did all these things, will all this pressure off his shoulders, and still made a great album.
8.5 for me with the potential to move up or down
Anyone feel like Kendrick is immune to criticism at this point?

I enjoyed the album but certain tracks drag it way down.
yeah that makes a lot of sense, like he didn't strive like he did on his last two records and just made something that is average for him, but his song-writing is so good that it turned out actually great. There are very few artists that disappoint by releasing a "just" really great album.
if its not a 9 its very close. probably the best hip hop album of the year and lived up to the expectations that kendrick has set for himself. probably the weakest out of his 3 major releases for me because of tracks like god and love but i still think its a really good album.
that's actually a pretty good observation. makes sense. it's interesting how kendrick feels so much more confident now while speaking so heavily on his insecurities in the album.
which ones
Pitchfork ratings:
>GKMC: 9.5
>TPAB: 9.3
>DAMN: 9.2

How it should be:
>TPAB: 9.5
>DAMN: 9.3
>GKMC: 9.3

But really who gives a fuck about P4K. They make a point to review all sorts of obscure music, yet give stingy reviews with incredibly high standards. Also when is the last time you listened to an album and decided it was an 8.3? That's fucking stupid
I'd say tracks like LOVE GOD and ROYALTY. Maybe it's just my bias but I'd never expect to hear something like this on a Kendrick album and be praised at the same time.
you mean DNA?

Nah, the low points in the album are still good songs, and the high points are so good they more than make up for them. Honestly if the worst song on your album is an 8, you're doing pretty well.
oh my bad, that's one off nation.
hol up

is this a joke? are you guys ACTUALLY agreeing with the inflated score and ACTUALLY suggesting it should be higher?

it's like (7.3) at best
that one's
I felt that way at first but it's actually really cute to me now. Zacari sounds very nice on it.
Another song that oddly grew on me. I was confused by it when I first heard it because the hook was really awkward sounding. It's catchy though and I think it works well with its position in the tracklist as a sort of "awakening" where kdot abandons his fears. That's probably why it's sung that way.
>royalty (loyalty?)
hard to argue with that one. It's def not my favorite but I guess it's an alright pop song that seemed to be well liked on twitter. expect to hear on radio
naw, that's just how OP got people in the thread. 9.2 is fine by me but I don't really care about review scores
Agree with this, and I felt that he was kind of addressing this with the "nobodys praying for me" line that he came back to a few times. It seemed like he was touching on the idea that turning him into some champion of civil rights the way people did after tpab dehumanizes him in a way. When he plays around and makes less serious music like he did at times on damn it almost feels self-indulgent because people think he should be on some heavy political shit, even if those less serious songs are reflecting whats going on in his life right now. Everybodys so focused on the message they expect him to put out that they forget about him as a person.
I don't see nothing particulary wrong with it. Not a biggest fan since most of the reacionts were dude this shit go hard bruh etc. but I don't consider it bad.
Also when is the last time you listened to an album and decided it was an 8.3?

Literally me yesterday with DAMN.
kendrick is their boy

That's fine. But my point is what differentiates an 8.3 vs an 8.4? Just go by .5 intervals and stop being pretentious
He was really lashing out against all of these people who are trying to champion him on FEEL. That shit sounded so sincere. He touches on it on FEAR too.

Honestly, I think this album feels much more personal than TPaB. It's like really taking a moment in Kendrick's raw thoughts. I hope he doesn't take a super long break after this one.
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>tfw you just realize loyalty wasn't about a woman
with the way it sounded, I didn't even pay attention to the lyrics.
personal rating: 8.5
melon's rating: strong 9
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They're deceptively simple
you you guys ever find some new understanding in lyrics but then disallow yourself from believing it because you don't think the artist intended it?
I don't think you understand how pitchfork works. Each staff member gives their rating and then they average it out.
you have staff members working within your brain?
this is happening a lot on this album
i wonder if I should just accept it as art and let my interpretation be whatever I get out of it or if I should just dismiss my thoughts

It's fucking over for Kendrick
>You should chip a nigga, then throw the blower in his lap // Matter fact, I'm 'bout to speak at this convention call you back --
>Alright, kids, we're gonna talk about gun control

what did he mean by this?
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Damn, that's pretty embarrassing.
>ft U2

lord no not like that one
how? releasing three 9+ scored albums?
they aren't bad though
correct order tho
you guys are so stupid and desensitized. how can you think a 9/10 is a bad score?

p4k plebs
How can you make your own 10 ?
This is the question you ought to ask.
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Why is pitchfork so terrible at judging hip hop?
Yeah, maybe, for Pitchfork. Anyone who doesn't see the value in TPAB and DAMN. hasn't listened to much hip-hop or is trying to be contrarian because Kendrick is mainstream.

this album is not like his others. most of the songs are forgettable or cringy as fuck. everytime i hear humble i want to tell kendrick how corny it is
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Seriously, why do they consistently overrate complete trash?
It's Pitchfork.

If you're a hip hop artist or black you're usually bound to get at least an 8
they rate albums like those highly so they seem progressive and trendy.
chance is trash lol
So why is anyone on this board taking their ratings seriously?
listening to it for the first time right now

so far im at the U2 track. so far I think its going to place second after tpab in my favorites
I'm not, I just wanted to discuss DAMN and saw this as a decent thread to do so. I imagine most other people here don't care that much either, they're just in it for the memes.
Oh good, more blakpipo music being promoted by our favourite (((critics))).
is it not

he is tho
ok computer came out before pitchforks lists were a thing
Is this real or just a really funny joke because...

Guys... We don't share a board with idiots do we? ;_;
This is it.

He's done.

I can't see Kendrick making another record beyond his local scene

The American public will forgot about him within a year
He was good while he lasted. F

A 9.2? It's over, he'll never recover. It was good while it lasted
I don't get it, boys. What was so great about it?
>he doesn't realise Pitchfork gives extra forky points to artists who are black or/and queer, even if untalented

I bet you think everything in the news is true as well, right kiddo?
>he only names the few songs I never listen to from that album
>he says the best song is the worst

Now you're just talking backwards buddy
Personal: light 10
Melon: decent 9
LOVE is top 2 track, GOD is top 4, and LOYALTY is easily the worst what're you saying
I'd give it a strong 8
Fantany will probably give it a decent 9
now just watch the score on rym climb
personal: strong 8/light 9

kungthony futano: decent/strong 9

can we stop this meme, approx. 75% of albums that got a 9+ score this decade have been white. there's no big conspiracy to give black artists higher scores.
>being this ignorant to good juke
Pitchfork gives away too many high scores.

Who makes these reviews?
Obviously normies like DAMN
It's probably trash anyways
have you listened to it?
>complete trash

how do people with this shit of an opinion go on a music forum and post this kind of stuff and believe it

as a long-time hip-hop fan, I literally couldn't finish that Migos album. I made it about a third of the way through and had to turn it off, it is so, soooo bad.
Do you listen to anything other than meme rap? That album is complete shit
DAMN is garbage. You heard me. GARBAGE. You might not like to read or see it but that's what this album truly is. Now I went in objectively as I possibly could as I began with the first song on BLOOD, as It loaded up on rap genius I listened in and read along and thought christ this is aids. It was a **** story about nothing that didn't even make any sense, it's similar to a painting that tries to be nuanced but doesn't have any real meaning or value, certainly not too common folk. I also found it fairly amusing how the editors on rap genius try to symbolize this garbage with the Lady Justice. This gave me more laughter than an entire Amy Schumer special. Maybe if I was a four year, or dropped out of middle school I could find some intrinsic value from the song but **** it, it was only an intro song so I just moved on. So I'm listening song after song and I'm finding little meaning with the lyrics but decency with the beat. YAH, HUMBLE, and LOYALTY are exempt from this critique as I found they were all decent from a beat perspective and good also lyrically. However, I found DNA, ELEMENT, and FEEL to hold a certain level **** lyrically that I doubt many other artists could replicate such poor lyrical talent and still earn such respect and credibility from their listeners. When Kendrick raps women flock to him and his camels increase and I sit and wonder why? Put on Nas Put on Eminem Put on B.I.G. Rakim, or Andre 3000. **** even Lil Dicky has more lyrical thought than Kendrick it's depressing what rap fans find good these days.
>people implying that p4k's scores are not totally determined by "cultural" relevance and not musical content
they literally left wildflower off their best of 2016 list after giving it BNM because it wasn't "of the moment" or some bullshit lie that
MBDTF fitted so well with Kanye's predicament at that time period, it was also loaded with features that fitted perfectly, legendary even. Pusha's and Ross' verses was pretty good
that album is a max level plenty filter and ur a pleb
I thought DAMN was actually a good album.
I dont think it surpasses Drake's Take Care though but still a good album. HOL UP BITCH SIT DOWN BE HUMBLE.

Hey that last track was totally mindblowing for me , but the album didn't feel as epic and conceptual as TPAB even though I also felt the songs in the gist were more impressive. I guess it lacked something to bind all together, and it also kinda of ran short in duration for my likening. Which is to say compared to TPsa. I don't listen to a lot of hip hop but i liked this style. Gonna say that the wordplay is off the charts and the content of the lyrics really didnt catch my attention but everyones saying it's impacting so im gonna go with it. This one is a 8+
personal: strong 9
melon: strong 9
why do people hate on this album like it's supposed to be some amazing album or somethin

it's literally just a collection of really fun trap songs with good chemistry. if you just listen to it for what it is, it's really nice
making a better album than damn.
this album is so fucking boring holy shit
jeffery as a 8.5 is pretty accurate tho

switch tpab with gkmc and its accurate imo
what's prolly stopping you is your spine wants to grow back but the black dick you have in your mouth and ass won't let it.
if yall think pitchfork is so bad than why do we always keep talking about them lol
Reminder that AABA by Joey is better than DAMN.

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>there's no big conspiracy to give black artists higher scores.
Yess my friend. Yes you are very correct. Make sure to keep reminding others
Jeffery is actually very good.
anon, get help for your psychosis. Living in eternal fear of the jewish boogiemen isn't healthy senpai
>Make an album with a Minaj feature
>It's actually her one and only verse with any sorts of flow,style,and substance
>it definitely deserves that high of a rating

I wonder how many takes they had to take to get it jjjuuussssttt right

not an argument
i mean it really did sound like he was trying to be black
I can't stand P4k with the varying decimal system

it's literally some Reviewbrah levels of retarded scaling [spoiler]and I love watching Reviewbrah[/spoiler]
t. Numale
hey guy, kendrick is a rapper. he raps.

he's not a jazz saxophonist or a folk singer. the fact that he even had 2 albums worth of amazing conceptual storytelling is amazing, never mind having them come one after another.

but on this album, kendrick is just being the best at what he does. and he has glitzy beats and features and top 40 filler to make up for it.

this is more a kanye or drake album than what we have taken for granted as being the genius kendrick is capable of on his last projects

also not an argument
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not an argiment
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dumb frogposter
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>umm excuse me?? Literally not an argument!!!

truly funny and original post my friend
He literally got it for all 4 of his albums
you were right.
this lmoa
I fucking knew itd be a 9.2
how the fuck are people saying that 9.2 is a bad score
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whites on suicide watch.
>the jannies delete all fantano review threads not leaving a single one
>leaves the pitchfork review which is positive

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>Taking Pitchfork seriously
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What's wrong with the Dr. Who theme?
I loved this album and even I think that's a bit much
It's a fuckin sweet theme, but still, in a songs of the decade list? Good lord.
But it was an important composition in the history of electronic music.
what are you talking about
Ugh but what's really more important, "influence" or quality? And I mean, isn't Heroin vastly more important influentially anyway?
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Yeah, these. I thought this album was definitely the weaker one when compared to GKMC and TPAB but I really loved how personal it feels.
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