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Has anyone taken the U2-pill today?

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Has anyone taken the U2-pill today?
that album is pretty good
Boy is their best album, by a lot.
The joshua tree is a masterpeice

only cunts are reluctant to agree
For its time. Wow is it dated though.
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Hello, hello
Has anything Brian Eno touched NOT turned to gold ?
[citation nedded]
What the fuck? No it's not. If U2 is dated than everything before the 00s is "dated".
im glad that U2-pill is becoming a new meme
U2 has very solid albums from 1980 until Pop. They appealed to a very diverse demographic and did the some of the best live shows of any rock genre to this day. (ZOOTV tour).


Go fuck yourself

Breddy good but the highs aren't up there with War and Joshua Tree. It's close, though.

Yes, though Achtung is probably their best album.
yeah thats why im glad /mu/ has been talking about them more in the last few days
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pop deluxe edition WHEN?

it's their best album
pop is actually really good ngl
/mu/ is tsundere for U2
Pretty much this.

Everyone I know secretly thinks that 80's U2 was GOAT but is terrified to admit it in public thanks to post-2000 U2.
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if you have 2 hours to kill this is certainly worth a watch. One of the best ZOOTV vids on youtube

can i get a quick rundown?
It's so inconsistent though. Singles are classic though.

New Years Day is one of the best songs of the 80s.
i actually think ever song on it is really good
they're actually really fucking good and have lots of music that would normally be highly regarded on /mu/ but sadly hating them has become a meme unto itself and bono's antics have overshadowed their music. which is pretty unfortunate because
I do as well....along with AB. both are timeless classics that will persevere for decades to come.
yes, but it's also ridiculously frontloaded
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Exit is great....and inspired an actual murder....bizarre.

"Exit" is a song by rock band U2. It is the tenth track on their 1987 album The Joshua Tree. "Exit" was developed from a lengthy jam that was recorded in a single take and edited down to a shorter arrangement. The lyrics, which portray the mind of a serial killer, were inspired by lead singer Bono's reading of Norman Mailer's 1980 novel The Executioner's Song, and other related works. In his trial for the murder of Rebecca Schaeffer, Robert John Bardo used "Exit" as part of his defence, claiming the song had influenced his actions.

The song is haunting.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkZERLRm938 [Embed]

>New Years Day is one of the best songs of the 80s.

This nigger gets it. One of the greatest post-punk singles of all time.
quit posting 240p links in 2017 ya dingus
search band/song name - topic, i can't believe more people haven't caught on to this yet
Just stopping in to say I was at the Bono B day show at Woolsey hall at yale in 1983..yes sire.. can not remember a note of it but that it was literally a sea of humanity packed to the rafters.

In terms of popularity then yeah, definitely. It does feel like a greatest hits album at first.

BUT, i personally like the second half just as much.

Red Hill Mining Town is also the best on the album IMO and one of my all time favourites.
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>if OJ... is more than a drink

wtf were they thinking
The 1st half of Joshua Tree was all singles.

The 2nd half was nothing but god-tier songwriting and instrumentation.

Both JT and AB are ridiculously back-loaded though.
I'm certain U2 is the best live rock band ever
its not available in every country
I have seen them live 5 times (starting with ZOOTV) and I will wholeheartedly agree.
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what do you guys think of 90s and 2000s U2? i would say it's the most successful reinvention of all time but they could only sustain it up zooropa, after that then their overall decline was pretty consistent
The Fly still sounds fresh in 2017.
yeah i never thought of that, gotta check my burger privilege
still, you can just put ,hd after your search term and you'll usually find something with good audio by youtube standards, it's easy and usually sounds way better than just clicking whatever random comics sans google image lyric video from 2006 comes up
How old are you lad?
Honestly 2000s (can we start calling this decade the Zeroes?) U2 wasn't even that bad. I think we'll judge it differently in the future.
be 54 this Summer I was 19 at that show.
Has any other album layered the lead vocals like Bono did on AB. Where he sings in both high and low register layered over himself?

Neat. I find it so interesting how wide the age difference can be between posters. Do you remember the Beatles? Elvis comeback special? I love talking to older people about these things in real life because they were there for them.
that's one of my go-to tracks for showing people U2 is more than they realize
it's mostly young people my age who only know about them from south park and that dumb itunes big album release™ stunt they did on their last album
>the Beatles?
not when they were together but as a young kid me and my next door neighbor were huge beatles fans and played and sang along to their records all the time

beyond the Monkeys and Partridge family my first real Rock exposure was when at 11 I won ;This Is the Moody Blues from Dale Dorman on WRKO in Boston when I called to request Live and Let Die. I Listened to that when it arrived and it went right over my head. I put it away and didn't listen again till Junior High..
Yup. That bridge is when you realize that their hype as a band was 100% deserved.
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57 year old here. I remember the comeback special and "Aloha From Hawaii via Satellite" Special. (both aired on NBC). And what ever teen did after varsity games on Friday nights "The Midnight Special" so many good performances were on that show.
I love reading this stuff, thanks guys. Also since you're on /mu/ you're obviously very culturally aware. How do you guys feel about music from the millennium and onward, rock or otherwise?
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I will never understand the stigma towards liking U2. Is it because they're liberal?

Hell, I even love All That You Can't Leave Behind, though that was the last album of their that I loved

Also, Tomorrow is most underrated U2 song.
not to sound negative but I haven't honestly heard anything I've remotely liked since Shpongle... except maybe a bit the Black Angels but again they can get repetitive fast.


the U2-pill is way bigger than the Oasis-pill th
I try to stay kinda current (last Indie album I bought was St Vincent (ST) and I do frequent /mu/ quite often. In the 90's my favorites were U2 and Tori Amos (I like a lot of female artists in the 90's actually). Most of the /mu/ core artists and groups I can't relate to though. So many of them are depressing type music.
This is cool
I know what you mean. I don't have a lot of 90s females outside of Kim Deal and Bjork. Any recs ?
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Different person, but I'll say Beth Orton is worth a try. She's great with the Chemical Brothers. múm. Tori Amos and Fiona Apple's albums are depressing but worth a try. There's an artist called Mirah who worked a lot with Phil Elverum in her first two/three albums. She does sound like a female Microphones at some points.
I actually like "Songs of Innocence" as well. It would have easily been a #1 album had they not disqualified it by giving it away on iTunes. I really like "The Troubles" with Lykke Li

The true U2 pill is recognizing that the 2nd half of the Joshua Tree is better than the 1st.
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>tfw you unironically like one
this DESU
So many to list Sarah McLachlan Jewel, Alannis Moresette, PJ Harvey, Melissa Etheridge, Paula Cole.
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>tfw you get an E-bow so you can finally play With Or Without You properly
U2 up to pop is a masterpiece of a band.
Then they went to utter shit and completely ruined any previous message and image.

Their Eno era was god tier, from achtung to zooropa to original soundtracks, amazing stuff
If they kept going down that path they could've been radiohead before radiohead but they just stopped giving a fuck
Mah Nigger.


I'd cry tears of happiness the moment I first made it sound good.
Fucking hell, this.

They were the last shot we had at seeing a band with Beatles/Stones levels of fame push their sound as hard as the Beatles and the Stones did as the 60's progressed.
I think U2 going to shit was what sealed rock death in mainstream.


From pushing boundaries to being the most simple boring shit in existance, never seen an artist drop that hard

Part of me thinks that the industry made them take a fall hard with everything post-1999 to push mainstream rock into bland irrelevancy and clear the way for the rise of hip hop, a genre that wouldn't have been able to rise the way it did if mainstream rock hadn't fallen so hard.
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