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make a great 6 tracks EP out of a mediocre/shit album

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Thread replies: 173
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>Giving Bad People Good Ideas
>Hot Head
>Bottomless Pit
My thoughts exactly, those that say otherwise are plebs.
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>Somebody's Gotta Die
>Kick in the Door
>What's Beef?
>Niggas Bleed
>Notorious Thugs
>Ten Crack Commandments
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>With A Little Help from My Friends
>Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
>Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite!
>When I’m Sixty-Four
>Lovely Rita
>A Day in the Life
>leaving out Warping
wow some shit opinions ITT
>no trash
>no three bedrooms
zero out of ten desu
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>Long Promised Road
>Disney Girls (1957)
>Feel Flows
>A Day in the Life of a Tree
>'Til I Die
>Surf's Up
>>leaving out a shitty Lost Boys rehash

>>no edgy trap rap songs

you both see >>71459347

replace Kite with Within You Without You and Lovely Rita with She's Leaving Home and you got me but its stupid to do this with this album

stupid to do it with OP's album too but if I had to

>Bubbles Buried In This Jungle
>Three Bedrooms In a Good Neighborhood
>Bottomless Pit
>replacing god-tier Hot Head and Giving Bad People Good Ideas with some trap influenced songs

top pleb
>Let It Happen
>The Less I Know the Better
>Reality in Motion
>New Person, Same Old Mistakes
>Jacquard Causeway
>Cold Earth
>Come to Dust
>Nothing is Real

Boom, best Boards of Canada EP.
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Futuristic Dragon (Introduction)
Chrome Sitar
New York City
Calling All Destroyers
All Alone
Theme For A Dragon
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Body & Blood
Taking Off
Inside Out
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Finally, my thread has arrived.

>Anna Maria

9/10, would listen to compulsively.
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>This Is A Lie
>Mint Car
>Round & Round & Round
>Burning In The Skies
>When They Come For Me
>Waiting For The End
>Wretches and Kings
>The Catalyst

Only real sacrifice is Wisdom, Justice and Love. Otherwise, this is kind of a no-brainer.
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>Dark Adrenaline
>Trip The Darkness
>Kill The Light
>End Of Time
>My Spirit

>keeping Club America

I could even let Bare slide even though I think it's bloated as fuck but Club America is a straight travesty, only rivalled by Screw as the worst song to grace a proper Cure record.
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>21st Century Breakdown
>Before The Lobotomy
>East Jesus Nowhere
>Viva La Gloria (Little Girl)
>The Static Age
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The Marshall Mathers LP 2.jpg
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>Bad Guy
>So Far
>Evil Twin

Shit, I haven't listened to this one in years. I don't even know if you're right or not.
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>Hocus Pocus
>Lying in the Grass
>The Burglers
>Bagels in Kiev
>On Delay
>Golden Gal
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>Holy Grail
>Jay Z Blue
>Nickels & Dimes

wouldn't even call this great, just pretty good
Jeff Rosenstock worry

1.festival song
2.wave goodnight
3.I did something weird last night
4.bang on the door
5.planet luxury
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Bouncing off of this with this.
>Yellow Brick Road
>Like Toy Soldiers
>One Shot Two Shot
>We As Americans
some of his best work on here, surrounded by so much shit
>Blunt Blowin'
>6 Foot 7 Foot
>She Will
>President Carter
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>Can't Hold Us
>Make The Money
>Neon Cathedral
>White Walls
>Jimmy Iovine
>no mockingbird
>no evil deeds
>no love you more
Mockingbird was cheesy as fuck, the whole lullaby theme was laughable, especially his God awful singing voice

Evil Deeds had an annoying chorus

and Love You More was decent, pretty much just Crazy In Love but better
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>Marry The Night
>Electric Chapel
>You & I
>The Edge of Glory
That album is amazing, I'm triggered !
Screw is great you moron
Six Different Ways is the real stinker
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>Space Song
>Beyond Love
>Days of Candy
ya.....even tho iabpoitc is perfect
>getting rid of nangs

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>Find Your Wings
>The Brown Stains of Darkeese Latifah Part 6-12 (Remix)
>Fucking Young/Perfect
>no Floridada
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>Station To Station
>Golden Years
>Word On A Wing
>Wild Is The Wind
honestly if you just get rid of 10:37, wildflower, and bluebird, the album would be perfect
>Hocus Pocus
>The Burglars
>Golden Gal

if this was the tracklist PW would be 10/10
TVC15 is meh

My biggest problem is with Sparks. It doesn't fit the tone of the rest of the album, and it has some bad lyrics.

>you go to school, you follow all the rules, you live inside

I'd like to see them go full shoegaze, but to just do it for one song seems pointless.
This is terrible. No Judas? No Bloody Mary? Heavy Metal Lover?!
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>On Sight
>New Slaves
>Hold My Liquor
>I'm In It
>Blood On The Leaves
>Send It Up

I don't think I could even make a 6 song EP. I'd just want the first 4 songs and call it a day there. For the sake of 6, force Hold My Liquor and Guilt Trip on there I suppose but absolutely fuck the rest.
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1. ...But The Pants Stay On
2. Bill's Mom Likes To Fuck
3. Jacking Off George Lucas
4. Perform The Critical Straw Transfer
5. Beef Rigger
6. The Loneliest Enuretic

Never thought I'd see someone else who's heard this. Which Duvet? Acoustic? Good choices.
Ten Thousand Hours is fantastic, my man. Put it at the end.
bound 2 was a good song. the music video made it embarrassing to listen to
replace The Static Age with Restless Heart Syndrome, and I agree
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>Running Back
>Romeo & the Lonely Girl
>Boys are Back in Town
>Cowboy Song
>Tron Cat
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natural selection
>implying tonight isn't the best song
>doesn't include Ring A Bell

holy fuck I absolutely 100% agree with this in its entirety. Although Work Work is also an alright song
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>The Everlasting Gaze
>Raindrops + Sunshowers
>Stand Inside Your Love
>I of the Mourning
>Try, Try, Try
>Heavy Metal Machine
this agreed
>people who disagree with my subjective opinion are plebs who should go back to le reddit xDDD!!!
Bubbles Buried and Three Bedrooms instead of Spikes and Eh
but this album is objectively trash, even the band knows it
Great job anon. The only thing I'd change is replace taking off with either Story 2 or Dominoes
Great job, Big fan of most of the songs you chose

I assume he go onto Bôa from Lain, like most people online seem to have.
Radicals sucks imo. I'd put Goblin there instead of that
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Dude I always thought that if grace would have eneded with hallelujah it would have been the greatest EP of all time.
Ive been meaning to make this thread for years.
>Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
>Pyramid Song
>I Might Be Wrong
>Knives Out
>Like Spinning Plates
>Life in a Glasshouse

Maybe replace Packt with The Amazing Sounds of Orgy.
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>Human Performance
>I Was Just Here
>Steady on My Mind
>One Man, No City
>Two Dead Cops
>It's Gonna Happen
>he doesn't like story 2

I listened to this album today and I can agree, I,ts still great imo tho
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Pillbox Hat
Anne Bonney
Two Heavens
this is violence
The verses are fantastic, but the chorus is pretty aggressively obnoxious

replace 80808 with Bubbles Buried In This Jungle and I can agree
holt shit this
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>Ultralight Beam
>Father Stretch My Hands Pts. 1 & 2
This but replace This Is Violence with Whatever I Want.

Seriously, This Is Violence Now is the worst song on that album.
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Stop Whispering
Thinking About You
Anyone Can Play Guitar
>No 3 bedrooms in a good neighborhood
Plebbing yourself this hard
you must hate fun
not a mediocre/shit album tho
>no Lover, You Should've Come Over
what the fuck?
>no 30 hours
>no saint pablo
Story 2 is one of my favorites on the album but I think that having Inside Out there instead makes for a better album overall
If I had a 7th that absolutely would have been it
wtf this is a list of my fav tracks from this album
How did you nail it on the head this much
If you can make a "Great" EP out of it it's not mediocre or shit.
also three bedrooms in a good neighborhood is the best thing Death Grips has ever created.
[citation needed]
also speculation isn't a source
That's nothing like lost boys you just don't get it & can't relate as well
>no Last Night on Earth
That's the best song, you fucked it up

Birds is Death Grips worst song, I don't understand how you guys like it so much

Replace Thinking About You and Ripcord with I Can't and Lurgee. Badaboom
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Show Me How to Live
I Am the Highway
Getaway Car
they have quite literally made a song named 'trash'
>thinking about a trap influenced song instead of something
>calling someone else a pleb
but this album is garbage, idk why you're being contrarian
it's the lowest point in their career
>no Past Life
that's not Jenny Death
>On Sight
>Black Skindead
>I am a God
>New Slaves
>Im in it
>Blood on the Leaves

>no No Parties In LA

>no blow out

How? Wtf is wrong with you?
jenny death is god-tier in compare to bottomless pit
I mean you have to be a pleb on a highest level to prefer edgy trap rap to noise rock
you make me laugh my man
noise rock my ass
Jenny Death did not live up to the immense hype, nor did it even get near the height of niggas on the moon. At least BP brought some interesting sounds and a good music video. Jenny Death is one of the only albums I can think of that is better as a physical copy, because then it could at least have some use as a doorstop.
i think magna carta wouldve better received as a 6 track EP rather than a fully fledged album, a Jay Z album has connotations of "having to be amazing" to it and it was clear he had nothing to actually say on this. A 6 track EP of him having fun over excellent, fresh, production found in MCHG wouldve given him a pass for sure
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>Time Will Crawl
>Never Let Me Down
>Shining Star
>Too Dizzy
>Bang Bang
>noise rock
have an album is clearly this

>Jenny Death did not live up to the immense hype
you have to be retarded to not think that Bottomless Pit is basically Jenny Death 2.0 at this point

>At least BP brought some interesting sounds
literally the same fucking sounds, just less rock and more trap inspired
death grips is not a rock band
why are you so obsessed with having generic ass rock in a hip-hop group? It wasn't interesting, wasn't original, and certainly doesn't stand up to even a single listen let alone multiple sittings. Jenny Death is only good for fueling dumpster fires, and maybe scaring people off your lawn, and that is all. And stop with your trap hypothesis; it is clear that BP is more noise-leaning than any previous release. That does not make it trap. You don't know what that means.
>The King of Carrot Flowers Pt. One
>In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
>Two-Headed Boy
>Holland, 1945
>Oh Comely
>it is clear that BP is more noise-leaning than any previous release. That does not make it trap.
but half an album is just trap with edgy synths
it's almost like trap metal

>Jenny Death is only good for fueling dumpster fires, and maybe scaring people off your lawn, and that is all.
you have to be retarded to not think that Bottomless Pit is basically Jenny Death 2.0 at this point
I never said that Jenny Death is particularly good, but there's no way Bottomless Pit is better, you have to be an hypocritical idiot to think otherwise
mace lee is best /mu/ waifu desu
Stars and Sons
Almost Crimes
Looks Just Like The Sun
Pacific Theme
Cause = Time
Lover's Spit
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>Ultralight Beam
>Father Stretch My Hands Pt 1
>Pt 2
>Real Friends
>No More Parties in LA
>30 Hours
The only song of substance on JD is On GP, other than that it is an album without substance. BP has Trash, Eh, Spikes, Three Bedrooms, Houdini, and 80808. All strong songs. Sure it isn't a cohesive affair, but it is retardation to believe that Jenny Death is better than BP.

Brand New Guy
Keep It G
>Hello Cruel World
>Fitting In With The Misfits
>Symphony For Toy Piano In G Minor
>I've Been Kicked Around
>E's Tune
>You'll Be The Scarecrow
Should've posted the album
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>To the Blade
>Fortune 500
>Blast Doors
>Zero Pharoah
>No Reptiles
>Hapsburg Lipp
But, but their all 10s :'(
Don't shit on me
>The only song of substance on JD is On GP
lyrically, yes, it's also better than any sing on BP
production-wise, no, there's at least one song as good as this (Centuries of Damn)
while half of BP is just trap with edgy synths, it's almost like trap metal

>it is retardation to believe that Jenny Death is better than BP.
holy kek, this one is really good, but I'm not going to reply you anymore, you either mentally ill, or just a troll
the only good album they've made is NOTM, the others are mediocre at best
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>Jimmy Mack
>The Burglars
>Golden Gal
>while half of BP is just trap with edgy synths, it's almost like trap metal
You do not understand what trap metal means. Please, refrain from replying ever again so no one has to read your shit opinions.
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>'Tis a Pity She Was a Whore
>Girl Loves Me
>Dollar Days
>I Can't Give Everything Away
Ultralight Beam
FSMH pt 1
Pt 2

There are better songs on the record than Fade, but within the context of this EP, it would work better
>You do not understand what trap metal means.
Edgy guitars with trap inspired beats?
>bagels in kiev
>on delay
>kinda bonkers
>jimmy mack

still a shit album sorry
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Blood On The Leaves
I Am A God
New Slaves
Hold My Liquor
I'm In It
Bound 2
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>Pac Blood
>Adderall Admiral
I'd probably replace Adderall Admiral with Party All the Time since it's my favorite Danny song, but other than that great choices.
>bound 2
>no black skinhead
>bound 2
>bound 2
but xxx is a good album
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Not a big fan of Tyler, but this would be a great EP
replace Almost Crimes with I'm Still Your Fag at the end and it's good
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>Go To Sleep
>The Gloaming
>There There
>A Punchup at a Wedding
>A Wolf at the Door
Do you have any familiarity with trap?
>no Where I End and You Begin
>no Scatterbrain
I disagree with your assessment
This guy gets it: replace Go To Sleep and Punchup with those two and you've got yourself the best thing Radiohead has ever released

>21st Century Breakdown
>Christians Inferno
>Horseshoes and Handgrenades
>Last Night On Earth
>Restless Heart Syndrome

How Could you leave Restless Heart Syndrome out, that last bit is fucking killer.
>City Club
>I'll Be Around
>Vacant Lot
>Dope on a Rope
>World Unplugged
>Neverending Line
Radio Song??
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Such a great album hidden under all that filler
>Out Of Mind
>Under the Sun
>Bent (Roi's Song)
>Mire (Grant's Song)
>Healthy Moon

As a HTTTfag I find this to be a most agreeable assessment.
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>Dead Inside
>The Handler
>The Globalist
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>Only Shallow
>To Here Knows When
>When You Sleep
>What You Want

Switch Sometimes and What You Want for Loomer and Come In Alone.
their worst album
No, that's Jenny Death
>Only Shallow
>When You Sleep
>Blown A Wish
>What You Want

is how I would do it desu
You forgot to include the last two best tracks
here, let me get it right for you

>To Here Knows When
>I Only Said
>Blown a Wish
>What You Want
jenny death is the second worst after bottomless pit
move either What You Want or To Here Knows When to the top and end with Sometimes
not including brand new guys or houston old head
Have you even heard these songs?

I only said
What you want
Blown a wish
Only shallow
Where's Like a Stone?
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Psychiatric Explorations of the Fetus with Needles
Lightning Strikes the Postman
When You Smile
Kim's Watermelon Gun
Christmas at the Zoo
Bad Days
Not including To Here Knows When is an automatic infraction.
Apply yourself next time.
remove the vocals and this would be the GOAT

(I don't have an issue with Kevin's voice but the lyrics are Muse-tier bad to the point where I just have to tune them out or else I end up groaning and listen to something else)
both Viva La Gloria's are great, and 21 Guns was overplayed as fuck but it's still a good song.

>Hold My Liquor
>Black Skinhead (more aggressive/shitty lyrics taken out)
>I Am A God
>New Slaves
>Blood on the Leaves
>Bound 2

I like On Sight but it really only works as an opening track, and imo Hold My Liquor should have opened Yeezus. "BITCH IM BACK OUT MY COMA" being Kanye's first lines on the album would have been incredible
made a playlist to see what this version of Yeezus would sound like using alternate fan mixes for a few songs, listening now
Except this was a good album

>Also, no The Abandoned Hospital Ship
No Facts (Charlie Heat Version)
Nice meme but that album fucking sucked.
desu I'd have Lazarus end the album and just shift the rest of the tracks up one. I Can't Give Everything Away is a good closer but Lazarus is the perfect song to end his final album.

Also this isn't an EP but I took U2's last experimental album (Pop) before they went safe dadcore iPod commercial rock from 2000 onwards and fixed the tracklisting, replaced the literally unfinished songs with the finished versions for either the singles or Best Of albums, and gave it a different title and cover art. If they had released this instead it'd probably be considered one of their best albums imo and wouldn't have destroyed the legacy they built in the 80s/early 90s by making them afraid to do anything that wasn't super basic and accessible after Pop was a critical and commercial failure in comparison to their previous albums
Discotheque, Last Night On Earth, Gone, and Please are all the single/best of versions of the songs and Your Blue Room/Miss Sarajevo are taken from an album they released a year or two earlier under a different name which was a waste of two incredible songs.
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