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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 132

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imagine tzuyu..
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park choa.jpg
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choa a cute
kpop is the most soulless, lacking in artistic merit music ever devised, and it is even government backed. at least jpop can be really interesting sometimes and it's not super pretentious like kpop.
crayon pop
cutest girl in the galaxy~
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i want to be a dog
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choa is my #1
that's a relief. when will she take it off?
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taiwanese pop though
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is it time?
our girls thread
wow such intensive choreo, no wonder they have to lip sync
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this thread disapproves the bts hate culture
i honestly wished they gave me happy endings
stings just as much as the first time
what a cute pupper
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>soulless, lacking in artistic merit
that's simply wrong
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just take the L like a man gayboi
i've got that fucking nugudan song stuck in my head
>tfw the posters of your favorite idol/group become annoying to you
kpop for this feel
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... Sleeping right on my side, and I put my arm around her and say "good night my Queen."
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>artistic """""merit"""""
tofu was made specifically for cuddling
i have already forgot how it goes
soul & talent walking arm in arm
I'm checking kpg in a biker bar while my friends play pool am I gonna get kicked out
who cares lmao, if the music is good i listen to it
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jimin is a slut
Do these new gen fans know how ridiculous they look comparing views to old gen groups, using it as a staple of popularity? It's like Justin Bieber fans saying that he surpassed Michael Jackson's thriller because baby hit over a billion views? Or Ariana grande fans trying to say 'side to side' had more of an impact than Beyonce's 'single ladies' and that the number of views prove it.


It sounds ridiculous, can't people comprehend that It's DIFFERENT TIMES! You can't use inflated views or the greater exposure of youtube/K-pop than it was back then to dismiss something that was truly impactuful and shaping the sound of pop music in the Korean music industry. Stop making yourself look ignorant, its always I-fans in the youtube comments rather than Koreans/those living in korea trying to determine who is bigger or who is going to get a nations title. Like why are you arguing over something you can't control nor have a say in?


You look stupid, korea doesn't revolve around your idols, I'm sure they won't be counting the 1 million view difference to determine who is greater. Do something more productive please! Like petitioning your faves company to hire a vocal coach, that will save many ears.

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can somebody explain this picture to me? i saved it by accident and have no idea what it is
are you wearing chaps and a black leather vest
>at least jpop can be really interesting sometimes
i was with you until this lmao
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i wonder what group it is...
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yeah we know
not even memeing, i aint reading all that. but thats for comin out.
I'm not at all dressed for this occasion in any way at all
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>tfw you cant beat choaposters so you decide to join them
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nice butt
soty desu, and i don't even like them
looks like testimony of

>our girls

winning on all fronts
>not erasing the .gif links from the pasta
are you even trying senpai?
gaypop is finito
Too much text.
Stopped reading at gif.
you're the reason k-pop fans will always be LOSERS and the kpop genre will never go mainstream worldwide. many of you are TRASH, literally. you're obsessed psychos who feign over,and worship, korean pop idiots like they're gods or something. you're fucking pathetic. many of you are also racist as fuck, which is hilarious considering how many other cultures that kpop artists copy from. notice how japanese artists rarely have to go outside their country for success? that's because they have REAL talent. their countryman support their records and actually BUY shit. they don't need outside countries to make careers for themselves. AT ALL! the so-called hallyu wave would have ended years ago if it were not for the international PSYCHOS who pay outrageous prices for kpop merchandise and concerts. unlike many lame kpop artists, most japanese artists actually respect the cultures they might emulate from time to time. so lecca can wear all the braids she wants.
hayoung's nose is nicer
word, same
your pastas work better when they're nice and short, ain't nobody gonna read that shit f a m
justin bieber has worse fans than us, we aren't the problem.
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back to our containment thread
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How can I kidnapp Tzuyu?
Sincere opinion plz..
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not anymore

beiber is our guy now
jpop fans sure work themselves up into a hissy fit. used to be the other way around
who is lecca
nice, now make one with the original picture of her at the computer on the screen so it creates a wormhole of her sitting at the computer
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>choa fans are peaceful and good willed
>everyone else is bitter, racist and confrontational

really makes you think
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbe3pe2BtwA this is peak EXO.
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word i love watching sehun embarrass himself
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why do people call young kpop idols "grandmas" here
they are underage
unit 731 nip fag detected
>bpshitter is gay
hahahahah cant make this up

i'll try
They're old.
everyone's gay here retard
is momo a mom
>choa fans spam pictures of her all day long

>everyone else is trying to go about their business without seeing her 15+ times every. fucking. thread.

fixed that for ya.
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jimin cheeks.gif
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oops, wrong file
wtf, don't ever offend me like that again where did you get that idea anyway
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he legit kills his dance bridge in that mv. all those plebs with 2 left feet tried to clown ma boi, but he nailed those body rolls.

he wanted more dance roles and hes working em, proud of him.

sexy af.
she's an omo for sure
I can't help but feel like new gen fans are giving their fave groups a false image of popularity on YouTube.
Some groups are jumping up by the millions in terms of views, but it's not because they're getting those views organically. These fans are constantly streaming and watching these videos but it doesn't mean anything? Like if they surpass 'Gee' or "I Am The Best' in terms of views it doesn't really mean anything at this point. A fandom collectively replaying the same videos over and over to inflate views is not the same as the song becoming popular and being watched by the korean public/international k-pop fans. You're giving the song views, not a legacy.
Like 100 million views doesn't mean much anymore because of the fact that you're inflating the views like that.
Go ahead, support your faves. But don't try to pretend like all these views are coming because the song is popular and not because you're systematically watching these videos.
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eun jeong - t-ara.jpg
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thank you
if you have sex, you will have a baby!
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i just wanted a high resolution pic of ravi's feet
you had one job, grazia
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a force of nature, he is
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kpop idols - like all women - are only daebak in their 18-22 years, after that it's downhill, regretfully maybe, but such is nature
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Please post Twice, so that I can have good dreams.
I'm about to sleep, it's 2 am
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why are they like that?
maybe if they had choa in their life it wouldn't be so bad
grazia does it again
Lovelyz is my favorite kpop group of all time, AMA
>late 20s
it's 11 pm tho
was meant for:

ugly sack of shit
it's not even 6pm yet
i feel bad for people who don't love noonas...
i think i'm actually kind of attracted to ravi now this is weird
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the superior cheeks t b h
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Can you believe this
fuck off gramps
irene dancing to pick me in jeans

god bless irene in jeans
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wtf I like wmaf now
who's your second favorite?
File: BlackPink Interview GDA1.webm (2MB, 622x570px) Image search: [Google]
BlackPink Interview GDA1.webm
2MB, 622x570px
>those legs

too brown
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respect your elders
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umji tier disgusting
fingertip will be the greatest song in kpop history
screencap this post

what's wrong with the government backing it? That's how we get a lot of stuff like free streams and Kcon.
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>jisoo going for the tits
she cant overcome her instinct
Pay JYP big dolla, im sure she's used goods rn for him.
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she's not a whore and she deserves it since choa is a real artist
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>thinking that's too brown when hakyeon exists
vixx isn't the group for you
post the most lesbian
it's so weird seeing jisoo without bangs now
it already is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CF_13UVS-k
post somi
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I feel bad for him.
I heard he gets bullied cause of his skin color
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she's a little too good at the whole girlcrush thing
is busted granny the best thing to happen this year
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hyeri cute.jpg
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kpg is at peace with choastan
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my wife on the left
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>pure Christian girl
i went to school with rose, we used to call her gook and throw rocks at her
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resistance is futile
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Not in Portugal.
Don't. He's gone on record many time saying he likes his dark skin
I didn't want to believe this but Mijoo is seriously a slut...
why is gugudan flopping so hard when they have sejeong and mina
whats the toilet paper for
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no wonder he's such an aggressive leader
thank you for posting my wife
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They are outselling Lovelyz anyway
Post THAT picture of Nayeon.
Its just for her nose, anon.....
imagine what taeyeon does to her
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fk i missed the eunha webm posting
more like poortugal lol
i had sex with your wife
lol they're not even close
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3MB, 1066x600px
it's always eunha webm time chingu
mijoo is a lively and healthy girl

Which one of you is this
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1MB, 685x5550px
This one?
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She's so perfect. We like Choa here.
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eunha scrunch face.webm
3MB, 710x400px

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2nd best excuse me outfits
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Ohh, the memes...
We just spend a lot of money, we're not poor.
Next week I'm eating crabs and shrimps with a extraordinary portuguese wine.
choa let's eat well from now on...
she actually looks good in this pic
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how would jiho feel if she knew that i was stroking it to her vlive

do you think idol's have it in their mind that somewhere there's someone watching them playing with themself

do you think they get turned on
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Choa really is the ace of angels
looks like a downie
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not falling for that again
nancy is like an upgraded somi
If this gets 10 (you)s I will make a /kpg/ Steam group
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She looks good in every picture
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word and yuna butt
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I'm excited for new Eunhas
i think it exists already
but here's your (You)
lusitana peludona
all i can think about is jiae
queen choa
I have travelled across the world and have been through many hardships and good times. I can legitimately say I have NEVER seen anything more beautiful.
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Back to /int/
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me too anon
aww hell yeah

why does she walk like that
try the bars in rural Poland
why has choa gotten so popular over the last few days?

she's nothing special
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no thanks m8. I don't visit shit hole countries.
I like my beauty pure and angelic which is Choa.
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speaking of jiho, i'm starting to think she's absolutely mental
she said the reason she has big eyes is because she used to do eye exercises everyday when she was a kid...
anyway i love her even more now
she's become a forced meme
pure muscle
it's been more than a few days and most people are sick of her already
its literally one guy
one guy
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Take that back NOW >:(
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what do you think your heart rate would get to?
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maybe YOU are nothing special
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Any good A-Pink tumblrs?
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Just show them Luda pics they'll understand
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at least 150
that's kinda true though, from her highschool pics she already had big eyes
post more choa you say
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You wish.
Now go back to pol.
You belong to their memes.
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more choabros!!!!!!
it's true she's always had them but it's not from fucking rolling her eyes around as a kid lol
the ones I used to follow have all gone inactive...
just going straight to the tistories is the way to go now
what do we think of this banger?

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MBC Show! Music Core
3:50–5:00 PM KST


Cross Gene
NCT Dream
Hong Jin Young
Melody Day
Gavy NJ
BP Rania
Jang Yoon Jeong
The Ray


Koreans are hilarious sometimes
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All I can say is Choa is amazing. She has so much to offer than your avareage kpop star and brings joy to your life the closer you get to her.

I suggest you drop your current girl, who's probably boring basic bitch, and embrace Choa who will enrich your life.
i am nothing special

i'm also not 75% of the image content posted in any given kpg thread
File: EunhaNervous.webm (2MB, 360x680px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 360x680px
>eunha webm time
>only three posted

jfc guys
Pretty good line up.
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2MB, 1500x1000px
>wake up
>first face i see this pic of hana i left open

omooo she's so pretty
good shit
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how exciting
she'd be disappointed as fuck if you didn't cum at a matching timestamp like 11:11 or similar
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>BP Rania
when are they going to stop promoting, i feel like they've been on shows for months now
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you missed>>71372812
I've heard there are techniques to do that, but I'm not sure how effective they are

it's just folding your skin, so not impossible
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Oops, sorry. Spoke too soon, then.
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picture of the year 2016
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done and done

give me all your choas
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s'more sowon eunha.webm
3MB, 1067x600px
a bunch were already posted, didn't wanna repeat any
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umm... EXCUSE ME
it's a follow-up song i think
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if you want to be choa's lover, you have to get with her friends
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get out of here
Is it bad if I have 300 pics of Tzuyu in my phone?
tts hosting music core...
only if it's not password protected
how does flexing your eyeball muscles affect the skin?
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>don't want to repeat any

I plan to make hundreds during this new comeback.
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leave choa alone hani pig/lisa eyes guy
jiae or eunha for you know what
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her friends are mean to me! wah! baby wanna go night night.
>no B.I.G
>no MASC
at least there's Victon
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doing smol things with?
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AT eunha.webm
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heavenly vocals
maybe with adhesive tape

but you could be right, maybe it's just her genes and she doesn't know it
jiae can't sing for shit though, she's only good for adlibs
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wtf i'm a choaposter now
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choa eyes are next if you're not careful
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>chewy is pretty now
on first listen, not feeling it that much. i dont think too much english is a real complaint, but i think i might like it with more korean
Has anyone webmemed the eunha navillera wink compilartion?
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don't do it, she's a nice girl
she's the next IT girl
Next comeback is when /ourgirls/ finally win a music show right?
what's the point of a choa general if you guys are going to keep choaposting here

plz go
>with that underbite

fuck yeah




lovelyz, melody day

not too bad i guess
good let's keep it that way
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don't hate on our girl
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gonna have to go with eunha, but jiae is p qt
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choa (2).webm
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>more than one person couldn't possible like choa
i think she's just superstitious and/or bonkers
she probably did hear something like you said and that's why she did it though
i didn't know this was up, thanks friend
well she's more for heterosexual males
if they win a show without jine..
lol meant for >>71372990
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if they have they're keeping it to themself
lovelyz and maybe dreamcatcher then gonna peace out
literally WHAT other idol is able to sustain its own general?
i like choa...
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korean google street view is old as fuck
wonder girls were still in the nobody era
how is /choa/ still up lol
no offense but why are you guys so boring right now
>twice is extending their promotion to next week
is gfriend/taeyeon finito?
I thought google street view wasnt allowed in korea
not to mention the 2am poster
everyone is busy crying over /choa/
all the good posters aren't here right now
just take action and hide.
/choa/ killed this thread
it's friday night, all we can manage is phoneposting in between shots
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who is extending promotions?
is who/who finito?
she's at 1,063 in this one
Apparently Twice has extended their promotions to a full month cycle

I guess to fight Taeyeon and Gfriend
it would probably come to an abrupt stop if I even saw that plastic uggo from a distance.
to choa
or its just doing well so it makes sense to go on
speak against her again and you'll be damn right your heart will come to an abrupt stop
Lovelyz really can't catch a break can they
is the plastic granny tranny LieV worth the time subbed?
lovelyz mini fanmeet is live
>Twice does something
>I-it must be to spite another group!

Bruh, the world doesn't revolve around any one idol or group. These people are here to make money and that's what guides their actions.
do you guys like kpop?
you don't deserve to hear her voice
>trannyeon will get crushed by Twice
I don't even like Twice but this will be fun to watch
wooo nice, thank you
sooooo... noooo???
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>theres like 20 people there
what a dumb comparison
we really love it
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speak against me again...

and you WILL feel my wrath

if you don't like her, then I don't care if you do
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never reply to me again gayfaggot
that building looks sketchy as fuck
what is this crop actually from anyway?
new thread?
from taeyeon, she's that ugly
idiot don't be rude with rapmon
especially to lovelyz
got you
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i miss 4minute
Thread posts: 327
Thread images: 132

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