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>Blocks your path >"ey you're a rocker, huh"

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>Blocks your path
>"ey you're a rocker, huh"
Cal has been working out
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>implying cholos arent goth now

Mu has gotten way too plebe

Si hermano, bacilo el rap también y estoy buscando un colaborador par un nuevo álbum conceptual que relata la violencia en las calles de Ciudad Juarez.
Buenas tintas, por cierto.
source on this pic?
Que te joden homie. No te llaman Lil Joker? Build-o the-o Wall-o
But cholos are cool with "rockers"
underrated slur desu

youd get beat the fuck up.
Cholos are primarily into punk rock and death metal from my experience.
*unsheathes katana*
*deports behind you*
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>he doesn't enjoy being physically harmed
Nah foo I'm a punker

Where the kickbacks at tonight dawg
jaja a huevo pinches putos
cuanto falta para que se hable español en 4chan
>inb4 build the wall
callate pinche galleto
>*both teleport to another dimension*
>*cholo quickly runs down of power*
Oh shit, EL CHAPO
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>be a rocker
>drive down to Brighton for a nice weekend
>see this

what do
And ska

>"yeah. My biggest inspirations of Montreal, Neutral Milk Hotel, and generally just a lot of stuff from the elephant six collective"
que paleta
Is this some sort of weird cartel message meaning you're going to kill me?
Well ese, mostly post-rock. Have you heard of Explosions in the sky?
Do you want to be friends?
"Yea, do you want to come to this party I'm going to?"
ya tengo tu direccion papi, te voy a remojar todita la pichancha, estas advertido nene hay una bomba en el vestido de tu jefa
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>babby's first Spanish word
What? What kind of question is that?

Do you want to fight me? Im like just as strong as you and probably 6 inches taller because mexicans are short. You're not really that scary to me my man.
Didn't know height protected you from a knife gringuito marica
>his last words were...
stab me dude i kind of want to die anyway, this will be less hard on my parents than straight up suicide

just do it man what are you waiting for
that's gay man
Yo no mato putitos, respeto la homosexualidad

Call ICE

Back to Mexico hombre
I like how the mods deleted my "s" word comment but not this thread
Los cholos son basados

These cholos can stay, nig cholos gotta go back.
The last words of that mexican who thinks hes tough because he goes to the gym twice a week? The one that at worst the fight is going to be fair and at best im just going to clock him in the face from a foot outside of his reach while he flails around like an idiot?

Listen dude, ive picked dumb fights and gotten my ass kicked before. Ive lost more fights than ive won and ive gotten my ass beat hard on occasion. Heres what ill tell you: fights with significant height or weight descrepanies are over before they started. I can tell just by looking at that guy that if we were the same height, we'd be about the same weight, so worst case scenario its a fair fight. But I'm six feet tall and Im guessing pablo there is 5 foot 8. I got in a fight with a guy who was 6'4 once and got completley manhandled because he punched me in the face and when i tried to swing back i literally just punched the fucking air like a retard and it was such an "oh shit this was a bad idea" moment that i literally fucking fell down. And if pablo there thinks those rules dont apply here hes about to learn the hard way, just like i did.
You see, most of these Mexicans actually know how to fight, and they never give up
Those aren't cholos, they're chuntaros
Yeah I know how to fight too, and thats what im telling you, if you know how to fight you know picking a fight with a guy who's significantly taller than you is a really fucking bad idea

Trust me dude if you've never been in a fight like that before that moment you realize that he can just punch you and you cant punch him back is a pretty fucking scary moment
/mu/ has the best mods :)
that music is crap stfu
/mu/ mods are sooooo fucking shit tier lately 100% agree
Ya callate
tbqh I wanna try bottoming him
Cant hear you down there carlos
what does that even mean?
Ever heard of dodging a punch? It's easier to dodge when you're smaller
mexicanos de mierda pueden terminar alguna oración sin decir sus palabras de mierda?
>go to hardcore show
>there's cholos
>go to tech death show
>there's cholos
>go to black metal show
>there's cholos

Never really expected this when I started going to see bands live
Thats not how it works retard. Theres a reason dropping your hands is a death sentence in boxing and thats because if you drop your hands, you literally will not be able to raise them back up in time to defend your face from getting hit, because thats how fast punches are. So just to reiderate unless you already have your hands in a defensive position preemptively when the punch is thrown you're going to eat it. And you think you have time to move your entire body out f the way to "dodge" it? lol

And if you think there is any fucking scenario in which being smaller, to "dodge punches" or for whatever dumbass reason you come up with, is an advantage in any fight ever then you have no idea what you're talking about

I'd say fuck off you spic piece of shit and punch that fucker in the face.
Good fighters move before the punch is thrown at them because they read the other's body movement, sometimes they're moving as to be a moving target which allows them to make a bigger clumsier guy to miss a punch
t. someone who has never taken any martial arts
subcultures based on ethnicity are stupid
MMA is different from street fights
Most cultures are born from ethnicity, that goes hand in hand

Tell me of a culture or sub-culture in which there isn't a prominent race or ethnicity?
What are you on about
Why do you bring up martian arts?
the word comes from the same origin anyway
>a prominent race or ethnicity
>based on ethnicity
>Good fighters move before the punch is thrown at them because they read the other's body movement
oh my god this is so fucking cheesy just stop
That's like the chicken and the egg, it is born out of ethnicity

NY punk and English punk are different because of the different ethnicity they were born out of. The rest is bullshit.

Cholos culture comes from being first-generation Mexican-Americans, that's what they're born into
Because some autist clearly didn't know what they were talking about.
The fact that reading an opponent is a real thing that any professional fighter will tell you about is cheesy? Get out of here, kid

It's not dodging after the punch was thrown, it is before
wow i'm triggered anon don't do that i bet you're smirking so hard right now fuck my life
No, what I'm telling you is that real fights are not as fucking clean as mma. Shit starts happening before you even have time to process that you're even in a fight, and the next thing you know you're on the ground in so much pain and you just want it to stop and you're so scared that you want to cry, looking at your own blood streaming down onto your shirt from a gash in your forehead, all while the other guy is strattling you and getting ready to literally bash your head into asphalt. All this dumbass shit about "preemptive dodging," its not fucking real life man. Just stfu.
Have you seen something being thrown at someone and that person dodging it out of instinct? Yes, some people have better instinct and reflexes than others
Dude, no, you're fucking wrong. I can get my fist in your face 20 times faster than it takes you to move your face out of the way. Its just not how it works, you dont have time to react like that. Like I said, if you drop your hands in a fight, you're fucked, thats how little margin for error you have. Its just not how it fucking works dude.

But hey man go get in a fight and try it yourself let me know how it works out
my question is why are you a faggot that go around fighting people. that's fucking dumb.
I'm not saying you can Floyd your way out of a fight, but this man sure could dodge your punches
A fist moves faster and can shift more easily than your entire body does and can.
That's if it's in distance to contact the other person, people who aren't clueless usually take range out of the other person's fist
oh my god dude you have no idea what you're fucking talking about

mayweathers defense is like 95% blocking, its what hes fucking known for for fucks sake
>person steps back out of range so you don't punch him
>take one step forward and punch him
This is what dodging is

As if u can't step back as they step in, or step sideways?
Your body usually reacts by jumping out from a person aggressively moving towards you. Animals do it all the time.
>they take another step back
>they punch you in the face after taking a step back
>you still cant reach them
I really cant emphasize how much people who have never been in fights dont realize how big a deal reach is

Trust me man its a scary moment when if hits you, you feel really futile and helpless
Only if you're autistic.
>You take a step forward
>They punch at you
>Block it like you're supposed to and lay them out
Huh thats funny i never see him dropping his hands

Probably because it isnt fcking amateur hour at your local boxing club
>dude why is reach always listed in boxers stats who cares about reach just walk at them dude lmao
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So I guess dodging isn't a thing
How did it go from "dude street fighting isn't mma xd" to "dude boxing xd"
>armchair mma fighters
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cholos are misunderstood, i went a school in the south west and looked through a cholos backpack once and he had a harry potter book
because it applies differently in different situations?

Reach is enough of a huge factor in any fight that its always relevant, but all this stuff about "just dodge punches dude lmao i watched a mayweather highlight video on youtube once" doesnt apply to amateur fights behind a bar
The original point is that Mexicans are better fighters, and a smaller guy can also dodge easier

You insist on being Captain Obvious by repeating that being a bigger person puts you in advantage. But you'd be a fool to think that's already won you the fight.
>97 posts
>not a single post about worshipping pablo

I am dissapoint
>But you'd be a fool to think that's already won you the fight.
You're wrong man. You pick a fight with someone whom has a significant height or weight advantage, the fight is over before it has started. If you dont believe me go pick a fight with someone much taller or bigger than you and see how it goes. Being shorter or smaller is never any kind of advantage in a street fight under any circumstances, ive been in enough to know so first hand.
You're not wrong

The dude is hot
You can thank me though every time i bumped this thread with my dumbass pedantic internet tough guy conversation ive kept pablo's sweaty pecs at the top of the board

You're welcome btw
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Mexicans love Joy Division and The Smiths
i thought they liked la cucaracha and harabe tapatio
swerve to the right side of the road and discontinue driving into oncoming traffic


This is actually largely true. Most cholos are pretty cool dudes.
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