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What is the appeal behind her? Her music doesn't seem that

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Thread replies: 319
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What is the appeal behind her? Her music doesn't seem that amazing. Is it just waifufagging?
thought that was ariel pink for a second lmao
That and the uncontrollable autism behind her fanbase.
>Her music doesn't seem that amazing.
Her music is a grower. How many times did you listen to her music?
It's just pop dude
I liked her before I even knew what she looked like.

Her music is nice.
>accussing millions of people to be autists
Maybe, just maybe, you're the actual autist...
That's the biggest mistake about her. It's not just pop. Does this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_hFrJ-FM2o (just a short song) sound like pop to you?
It doesn't sound like pop it sounds like shit
'I'm going to reverse the insult because it makes me sound mildly intelligent': the post.
Sounds pretentious and not even good
her fans are very autistic. Like this guy @70928809
i can unironically recognize him by the way he posts. The music is just fine. Visions is a pretty good album all and all, even though i don't like her singing voice too much
uh yes?

So, you just refuted your own argument. So, it's not JUST pop.

"Pretentious", "not even good", "shit" are subjective descriptors, not facts. And "pretentious" is not even an argument, but a buzzword that disqualifies your opinion.

Speaking of Omega, this track is one of her most weirdest compositions. She has more normal tracks such as Be a Body: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb_0LzBv894

And that's a stunning track, friendos.
So i was right about it being waifufagging. Thanks again /mu/.
>calling Grimes poppy shite compositions
We Share Our Mother's Health is much more pop than Omega, you fool no one. WSOMH even charted in the UK (#85).
Not an argument. Dear trolls, at least try to be convincing.

>Were trolls because we don't like pop music
yes it's just obsessive waifufagging. her music is mediocre at best.
>actual music discussion with solid arguments

>the dumbass believes it's all waifufagging because we're talking about a female artist
grimes is the ultimate waifufags wet dreams
she twist her music just a little bit different than her "mainstream" counterparts so she can appeal to kids who hate pop music.
she can't make a legit pop song so she hides behind her shitty version of it
>Asks if its waifufagging or not

Literally a worse Purity Ring
She is small and slighly attractive, beta males love that shit regardless of actuall decent music
What a shitty opinion. If I can call that crap opinion. What are her "mainstream" counterparts?
The poorman's FKA Twigs
Wait a minute: didn't idiots like you say that she's ugly, goblin, etc? Now you're spinning the "arguments" to fit into your narrative?
any female synth-driven pop singer
Only horny faggot weeaboos like Grimes i've seen it in a study
FKA Twigs is the dull version of Grimes. Anyone knows that. FKA Twigs = all style and no substance. Take away her aesthetic and you're left with... nothing.
Grimes = all style and no substance. Take away her mustache and you're left with... nothing.
>Take away her aesthetic and you're left with...
arca who shits all over grimes and her """""""""""""""""""self-produced music"""""""""""""""""""
Just because it has a female voice + synths it doesn't mean that any synthpop artist is similar to Grimes. To prove how wrong you are, explain the similarities between that song Bulletproof (great song btw) and Dream Fortress.

Grimes was just a yet another entry in the experimental synth-pop fad from 2007-2012.

The only reason you could call her "fresh" and "innovative" is because she's the only one still doing this kind of music in 2017, when everyone else has moved on, and since new listeners are ignorant of the other artists from that fad they will call her "unique" also.
Hi I'm grimeth
im not denying grimes is unique but thats of limits of music knowledge she had to make up her own sound combing all the artists she likes into one. she can't make pop music like bulletproof
theirs a reason why rihannas team denied her song and ended up covering kevin parkers.
its cool she found a fanbase with her amateur production. but I like pop music and grimes music doesn't cut it for me.
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Arca is an overrated hack. He can't make 1 (one) decent song, just wallpaper music. All style (flashy production) and no substance.

That's ridiculously stupid. Even assuming your post isn't a shitty bait, she has no mustache in all her photos except that meme photo. You have no arguments and rely on personal attacks like a scumbag.
>"she" produces her own albums
>they sound like shit
>"b-but she does all the work, look at how talented she is"
Go back to 2010, grimesfaggot.
She was unique right from the start. Don't you see that people are struggling here >>70928032 to find similar artists to her?

You're just making assumptions out of your ass. By the way, she changed her style since Visions if you didn't notice that: Art Angels has a lot of guitars, violins and stuff and it's different than her older work. Less synthpop, more alternative dance.
Listen to it more closely. Eventually you WILL get it, regardless of whether or not you end up liking it all that much.
>they sound like shit
THAT's the point of failure of this stupid argument of yours. The weakest link. That's just your opinion, not the objective fact. Don't be stupid, dipshit.
>Oversimplifying music to the order of single-syllable genre terms
>Using @ signs in 4chan posts
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>Grimes is a unique and original arti-
Grimesfags taking posts like these to the serious autistic extreme is why no one likes Grimesfags on this website, it's like a fucking mental virus
Look dude, I know Danielle Dax's music. Let's not pretend it's similar to Grimes, ffs. If you're that tough, why don't you post similar Grimes songs next to Dax's songs, to judge their similarity side by side?

>Grimes is a unique and original arti-
Who said she's the only one unique and original? Hint: no one.
>expecting to be taken seriously
hey look everyone! he posted it again! lmao
t. Person who disparages "pop" music despite clearly not knowing what it actually sounds like
>unironically recognize
Not trying to be homophobic to Grimesfags but it is safe to assume they're homosexuals
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>no one likes Grimesfags on this website
>even wanting to be liked by this shithole
Grimes fans are doing God's will. What a better punishment for this vile board than to be outtrolled by metatrolls?
The differences are that one is a product of the 80's while the other is a product of the 10's, but influence-wise, aesthetics-wise, style-wise and sound-wise the two are kinfolk.

>Who said she's the only one unique and original? Hint: no one.
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That link doesn't prove anything.

>Imagine a collaboration between Kraftwerk, Cocteau Twins, Bjork, Mariah Carey, a Gregorian choir, Mozart, Aphex Twin, Underworld, Depeche Mode, Skinny Puppy and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. That's Grimes.
What is wrong with this quote and how it's that related to
>Who said she's the only one unique and original?
Grimes fans are so autistic I'll start to miss them once they grow-up and eventually decide to leave.
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>So i was right about it being waifufagging.
If taking about an artist's music rather than them as a person counts as "waifufagging" in your mind, then I guess so. In which case you must think places like /prod/ or /classical/ must be some of the biggest waifufagging hubs ever.
Hi Sadposter. Why so sad?
>implying you will not leave at the same time
He's sad because he hates Grimz, but the patricians love her music. Understandable.
>yes it's just obsessive waifufagging
Because talking about music is waifufaggery...
Apparently that idiot believes that.......
You are a troll because you are unwilling/unable to communicate with others in a constructive fashion.
Not because you don't like pop music, but because you're contributing with shitposting and zero music discussion. Fix this issue and maybe I'll take you seriously.
still don't know understand mu's obsession with this chick
>her "mainstream" counterparts
>Implying Grimes has "mainstream" counterparts
Who, dear anon? Who are these non-existent mainstream artists who sound like Grimes about which you speak?
Don't expect this thread to last for too long, mods are pro-Grimes/waifufagging and they'll consider this offensive sooner or later

>b-but we actually talk about her music you guys!
the ratio of posts discussing music to shitposts in any given grimes thread is 50/50 AT BEST, and that's being optimistic
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>thinking ariel pink is a female
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2012 called its meme back
>Thinking Ariel Pink is "stupid and retarded."
>he believes that
It's not the fans, it's you. Your contributions are crap, that's the issue.
Assuming that you ARE the actual OP (and not just faking it as trolls often do),
>Pretending to ask a question when you've already decided what the answer is going to be
Either way, lol hi troll. Better luck next time.
>Using the word 'literally' when you mean 'figuratively'
And that's a huge ratio considering we're talking about
1. anon posters
2. /mu/
3. a female artist

From that 50% of shitposting, over 40% = trolls and haters' work that should be deleted immediately and with a temporary ban on top of that.
Have you listened to any of her music?
No one would go out of their way to hate her if her fans weren't shitting up /mu/ by overrating her and being waifufags.
Sick burn. How he could recover from that?
Poor b8 m8.
>her fans weren't shitting up /mu/ by overrating her
Praising one of your favorite artists = shitting up /mu/? Dude, you need a realiti (sic) check.

>and being waifufags.
Good joke. Let's take the current general thread: >>70912082

There are just 28 pictures - including the OP - related to Grimes in a 140 posts thread. That means 1 picture every 5 posts. Waifufagging? In your mind, honey.
What is remotely similar between Grimes' and FKA Twigs/Arca's music?
tip: change your posting style and ip so no one knows you're samefagging
And by the way
>No one would go out of their way to hate her
Hate her because of her fans? Anon, this board is not for underage users.
i never understood the whole stereotype of autistic people browsing 4chan until i came to this board and discovered grimesfags.

This shit is textbook
Singers aren't "driven" by synths - unless they are actually just synthetic voices.
That was a reply to a post that it's not mine. WTF is wrong with you?
Her fanbase are the waifufag's though.
i said synth-driven pop you dunce
Lol which one? Did you conduct it yourself? We're you the only participant?
>are the waifufag's
>expecting to be taken seriously
her next album will be panned to death

cap this
SICK BURN! The trolls are smashed one by one
>Not discussing music on/mu
no one will screencap your irrelevant prediction
prove it
Not enough air-quotes desu. I need to be able to visualize your arms waving around in an even more retarded fashion.
Speaking as a big (but not HUGE) La Roux fan, if you actually think that her and Grimes sound the least bit similar you need to get your ears checked.
lmfao! anon, you're an expert in btfo idiots on moo
He believes that all synth based music with female vocals is the same. I highly doubt it that he even listened to Grimes.
>The only reason you could call her "fresh" and "innovative" is because she's the only one still doing this kind of music in 2017
Because she is the only one doing it in such a way that it stays fresh and innovative. Grimes carries on where many others have failed because she is actually really good at what she is doing.
>she can't make pop music like bulletproof
Pretty sure she COULD if she wanted to (see the demo version of the song REALiTi.) It's a question of want - she has been quite vocal in interviews over the years about not wanting to make that sort of great, but ultimately vapid-sounding music. At least not all the time.
Still not enough air-quotes.
>Using the term 'grimesfaggot'
>Expecting to be taken seriously
Could is a thought not an action. anyway atm we both don't know
it would be cool if she would make it. but like i said i don't care for her amateur production. i do like the realiti demo IMO her best song.
Well said. This is her artistic credo:
>"To become the world's weirdest pop-star and be respected for having a strong, experimental body of work that represents something new in music and that is considered to be 'important' rather than 'popular'."
i never mentioned synth based music! that was somebody else.
they both make electropop tho
shes not doing a good job then. pc music and sophie are making weirder stuff
example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QunjhN6wTM
Anon, why do you keep posting random female artists that sound nothing like Grimes ITT?
you are fags for actually discussing this shit
The haters and trolls have a really hard time when it comes to Grimes. It's very hard to attack her. Leaving aside that "be nice to Grimes" mantra, how could you attack an authentic artist that got huge acclaim from the whole music world, an artist respected my many of her fellow artists, an artist known for her infinite creativity? Just lame personal attacks related to her look (despite the fact she featured in multiple fashion magazines) and personality (despite the fact she donated money for charity, caring about environment and her fans). That's why they're so pissed off irl all the time: desperation and envy. Desperation and envy.
>Trolls whining about their own failures to hijack a conversation away from music
Lol what kind of music do you like?
not even you believe this garbage
weirder =/= better. that whole pc music scene is just some ironic crap passing as music. no one in their right mind could take that kitschy music seriously.
>Having no sense of humor
its not ironic at all.
listen to it more you'll get it eventually
the vocals are generally atrocious. i'll stick to my beloved synthpop/synthwave.
That's ridiculously stupid. you disregard something over vocals.
listen to it more fucker! bad opinion btw
>the trolls were unmasked
Dear trolls, discuss music or get the hell out of here
pc music is a million times better than grimes will ever be
Grimes will never be taken seriously here. Be it for the autistic Grimesfags who can only spout that shit about her being le tru artist or the stupid retards that get triggered by Grimes and Grimesfags themselves how are more motivated to post about for annoying everyone else in here rather than actually discussing her music.
the vocals are a dealbreaker to me. i can't stand those idiotic pc music vocals. recommend me something with decent (read: listenable) vocals.
You know what would be a good starting point? Not making more and more Grimes threads. How about that?
Just stop. It's not like she's an avant-garde composer.
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hello Grimesfags
>Grimes will never be taken seriously here.
She's already taken very seriously here. People discuss her music a lot, her endeavours, her look, everything. Some people, like that classical music anon, even deeply analyzed some of her music. When Grimes will have a longer career and will be more established, she will be treated like legends such as Bjork and Kate Bush. Right now it's the "controversial" stage for her.

>than actually discussing her music
Read this thread. You'll see plenty of music discussion coming from her fans. From her haters, just a river of shitposting.
Not even the guy you're expecting a reply from, but surely we will hear some of her works that have influenced other musicians and benefited music as a while, right?
I didn't make this thread. The OP doesn't seem like a fan anyway:
>What is the appeal behind her? Her music doesn't seem that amazing. Is it just waifufagging?
>but surely we will hear some of her works that have influenced other musicians and benefited music as a while
Of course. It's just a matter of time when Grimes will be recognized as a music genius of this decade.
just finished AA heres my thoughts

-a lot of boring filler to downright bad tracks - laughing, scream, belly, artangels, easily, pin, world princess, venus fly, life in vivid dream - basically the whole album
-laughing sounds like something from fable or the sims or something with grimes singing.
-california is okay, pretty catchy but cliche cali track
-SCREAM is annoying. especially the pointless scream chorus.
-flesh w/out blood is great
-kill v maim sounds like more annoying more simplified version of circumambient but gets cool at the end
-some of the prod sounds very 90's/sugar ray. don't like.
-i actually think this version of realiti is better but the lyrics were always pretty weak. really catchy tho.
-i love her voice still and it redeems some of this for me. at least makes it sorta listenable.
-butterfly ends it on a good note at least.

overall I'm extremely disappointed even knowing she was probably gonna make a pop album. I at least thought she'd make a good one. There is only one song on this entire album i really like, and 3 i sort of like. I really love visions so I'm just really bummed. This sucks.
>taking posts like these to the serious autistic extreme
>Pretending you aren't the one taking this stuff completely seriously
Lol you must be a total killjoy at parties. No wonder you waste your time trolling in 4chan.
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Of course he's not. A containment thread is there for a reason.
Exactly. She's not an avant-garde composer, but half pop, half avant-garde composer.
I like her sound. It's pretty unique really.
>not knowing how to quote someone properly
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>Of course. It's just a matter of time when Grimes will be recognized as a music genius of this decade.
You can't be serious.
Same applies to:
>assuming there is only one other person posting ITT
>overall I'm extremely disappointed even knowing she was probably gonna make a pop album.
She is literally a pop musician. This is the same bullshit people say about St. Vincent, lamenting that a pop artist makes a fucking pop album. I don't even like Grimes but saying shit like this makes you seem like some holier than thou hipster type

>God, I can't believing she released a POP album *sips frappuccino*
Just give it more listens. Plenty of fans of her older work were disappointed by AA only to realize later that this album rocks. It's different, but still great.

>extremely disappointed
But you liked quite many tracks. How it's that extremely disappointed? Does it sound like a 2/10 album?
>believing in containments for humans
whats wrong with being a hipster?
are you insecure about elitist if so seek help! your problem not mine
Still not an argument. Gotcha!
If she's JUST a pop muscian, how come no one is similar to her?? Your argument is dumb as hell. It's like saying Kate Bush and Bjork are just pop musicians.
nah its not up to the quality of genesis or be a body. not giving myself stockhold syndrome for an album
>Admitting that you're scared of Grimes fans because they tend to be smarter than you
Ooh. How will I ever recover?
>Exactly. She's not an avant-garde composer, but half pop, half avant-garde composer.
Do you know what avant-garde musicians seek to accomplish? Let me help you out: it's not fame and making catchy songs.
Kate Bush and Bjork are pop musicians. Being a pop musician isn't a bad thing but Grimes isn't on the same level as Kate Bush or Bjork. Take any number of modern synthpop groups and Grimes is no different.
>Let me help you out: it's not fame and making catchy songs.
And this is what Grimes hopes to achieve:
>"To become the world's weirdest pop-star and be respected for having a strong, experimental body of work that represents something new in music and that is considered to be 'important' rather than 'popular'."

Just like I said, she's half pop half avant-garde. She wants to make catchy songs with lots of twists. Show me ONE popstar that made songs like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTvanzhR6ok on their albums.
I'm not a fan, but The Beatles did. Listen to the song - Tommorow Never Knows. Also not a fan, but listen to Kraftwerk's synthpop albums. Talk Talk's synthpop albums.
>Grimes isn't on the same level as Kate Bush or Bjork.
She is, but that's another story. And it wasn't even my point. This was:
>It's like saying Kate Bush and Bjork are just pop musicians.

>Take any number of modern synthpop groups and Grimes is no different.
Show me a clear comparison, side by side, of a Grimes song similar to any modern synthpop groups you want. I want a proof not just empty words.
grimes isn't synthpop
I meant modern popstars. Why did you even need to bring 2 of the biggest heavyweights of the music world in terms of influence in a battle against poor Grimey? Maybe because she's a really strong opponent? ;)
>This was:
And I answered you. Both of them are pop musicians. Them having somewhat more lofty artistic visions doesn't make them not pop. And both of them have more artistic credibility than Grimes. Saying Kate Bush or Bjork made a pop album says nothing, same as with Grimes, because of course pop musicians are going to make pop albums.
>influence-wise, aesthetics-wise, style-wise and sound-wise the two are kinfolk.
But, my dear anon, none of those things are remotely similar between these two artists.
She is synthpop. But not 100% synthpop because it's mixed with a myriad other genres.
>She is synthpop. But not 100% synthpop
so not synthpop................
>not understanding the point of music/music fandom in general: entertainment
Anon, why are you even posting on this board? Shouldn't you be busy filing someone's taxes?
>shit music

Grimesfags have shit taste in waifus and in music
as well as
So, you're admitting that both Kate Bush and Bjork are pop. Then why did you try to disparage Grimes' work as:
>She is literally a pop musician

Kate Bush and Bjork are also literally pop musicians. Don't tell me they're better than Grimes, that wasn't the point. And regardless, Grimes got huge critical acclaim just like them. Art Angels even got a higher Metacritic score than Vulnicura, so you can't play this objectivity card.

Once again, why did you say she's just a pop musician, like pop it's a dirty word, considering that Kate Bush and Bjork are also pop?
Your logic is flawed. You can be 67% synthpop and the rest something else. The thing is the biggest part of her music is synthpop (pop melodies over synth based instrumentals).
>implying there aren't at least a million autistic Grimes fans
>Then why did you try to disparage Grimes' work as:
I'm not disparaging anyone. The guy I quoted said something akin to "I know she had to release a pop album at some point" and I responded with "well, yeah, she's a pop musician". My post wasn't in any way shitting on Grimes, just venting about people shitting on artists for releasing pop albums when they're pop musicians. I love pop music a lot and listen to it all the time. Not so much Grimes though as I don't hear what makes some people so obsessed with her.
>the ratio of posts discussing music to shitposts in any given grimes thread is 50/50
I know. That's how you can tell her music is actually really good.
proof or gtfo
or shes just experimental. crazy thought I know!
Having your music encompass more than one genre isn't being experimental.
cc is better than grimes so i agree with you on that
>No one would go out of their way to hate her
...if she/her music wasn't good enough to be worth hating.
Grimes is pop but she's clearly not ordinary pop. You can't find her brand of pop on every corner. Also you can't say she's just pop when lots of her songs are weird as fuck. Try to play Shadout Mapes or Scream in public and see what I mean.

>I don't hear what makes some people so obsessed with her.
The more you will listen to it, the more you will understand why. At least that worked for me, because I didn't like her music right away, it was a gradual slow process over more than a year. People just don't have such a long patience.
>because I didn't like her music right away, it was a gradual slow process over more than a year. People just don't have such a long patience.
read this you clearly have it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome
I'm a CC fan and I disagree. Grimes is not only more diverse, but also more emotional and innovative. Her beats/melodies are also more elaborate.
>what did he mean by this
This. You don't see endless Nickelback threads here... Why? Because it's not even worth it.
>stereotype of autistic people browsing 4chan
...anon, how could you possibly know that people who happen to BROWSE 4chan tend to be autistic?
> Grimes is not only more diverse, but also more emotional and innovative. Her beats/melodies are also more elaborate.
yeah no its obvious you have not listened to CC at all.
Call it whatever you want, that worked for me. What I disliked was her voice, not her instrumentals (by the way, I'm into synthpop). Her voice is like marmite, a real acquired taste. It took me a long time to get into that weird voice. And it totally worthed it because her music sounds divine to me.
Wrong one, actually (see >>70931935 )
I listened to CC a lot. I know about them since 2008. Let's not pretend that a lot of their songs don't have the same 4/4 repetitive beats and almost the same aesthetic/singing during a whole album. Let's not pretend that Alice/Ethan on a vocoder were even 1/4 as emotional as Claire.
>reading comprehension
You said "synth-driven pop singers". "Synth-driven" and "pop" are both adjective modifiers of the noun "singers". Hence >>70930372
again yeah no you haven't
example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4p1zYk5aRg
show me a grimes performance with this much emotion and intensity
That would actually make a cool album title desu.
>i don't care for her amateur production. i do like the realiti demo IMO her best song.
Fwiw that REALiTi demo is one of the best examples of her homegrown production style in existence right now...
Anon, what exactly do you think the electro- in electropop is in reference to?

this is literally just a shittier the knife

what the fuck
>pc music and sophie are making weirder stuff
Anon, where was the word "weird" mentioned in that ( >>70930829 ) quote?
between "world's" and "pop-star"
>I call people who actually discuss music on /mu derogatory names in order to compensate for my low self-esteem
bahahaha absolutely destroyed
Sure: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4k3593

Thats song starting at 34:40. Alice btfo!
>whining about being called out for acting like a fool
You're just dumb. The Knife never did such a good song, except maybe Heartbeats and Silent Shout.
You: desperation and envy.
Maybe, just maybe, you're the actual autist...
is this a joke? thats not intense at all or even emotionally
>pc music
>not ironic
Anon, I'm no pc music fan. But even I can understand/appreciate it for what it truly is - purposefully made, vapid music created in order to subtly troll people who who take that kind of vapid music seriously.
don't post stupid stuff again idiot
>Undermining your own argument
>You know what would be a good starting point?
Starting point for what, exactly? You having fewer opportunities to make an ass out of yourself? 'Cuz if that's the case...
>Scream live, not intense
Anon, you're way too pretentious. Don't tell me that Doe Deer crap (CC's worst song by far) is more emotional than Grimes. It's just not true.
define pretentious and if doe deer is "crap"(not true btw) than every grimes song is shit
Sorry, but Doe Deer is complete crap. The only CC song I deleted from my library. It taints CC's best album. Grimes never did such a noisy mess.

>inb4 scream
>not liking noisy music
thats a sign of a pleb.
Not liking your favorite "music" =/= pleb. Next, you're going to tell me that classical and jazz fans are plebs because they don't like noisy crap. I'm not even going to mention that pleb and patrician are stupid concepts brought by CLT to fool this board.
hey man not everybody can enjoy good music. stick with your pop!
this guy legit has issues
>not realizing that one of the hallmarks of truly avant-garde artists/musicians is their tendency to stir up controversy
Lol seriously. Go read about John Cage's performances. Or Schoenberg and the Skandalkonzert. Or what went down during the premier performance of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring.
i've read those and unfortunately grimes can't compare to any of those
seek help if you have serious issues
quit nitpicking. you know i meant to say people who POST on 4chan
>I don't like 90s era or later mainstream pop music styles
Therefore you aren't going to like an album like Art Angels as much as an album like Visions, because if you did you would be openly disagreeing with yourself. How can disappointment even remotely figure into this?
>A containment thread
...is just called a thread. Welcome to the basic logistics of Internet discussion boards, my friend.
Boring, generic pop music made by a social justice warrior who wants to make deep music. Sorry, not buying it. Next.
Damn, you're savage with these trolls
>Take any number of modern synthpop groups and Grimes is no different.
...Grimes isn't a synthpop group. She's a literal solo act (unlike either Bjork OR Kate Bush.)
Not an argument

>generic pop music
What is generic about it? Who else did music like her?

>made by a social justice warrior

>who wants to make deep music.
...and succeeded.

>Sorry, not buying it.
Good. You don't even deserve it. Next!
/pol/ >>>>>> /mu/



Pick one.
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>opinion discarded to >>>/trash/
>thinking music regarded as "pop" music when it was made is somehow intellectually inferior to "non-pop" music, all based on whether or not a piece of music happens to have a certain 3-letter word associated with it.
Lol. Learn to think to think outside the box of retarded genre labels desu. You'll enjoy music more.
>Assuming that I don't think pop can't be good and intelligent.
>Thinking that I only listen to shit that has a genre labled to it.

Oh boy, if only you fucking knew what I listen to.
can be*

Fucking typos.
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>this thread

What the fuck I love Grimes now
>admitting that you're a waifufag
>Oh boy, if only you fucking knew what I listen to.
Let me guess: Merzbow, Swans, Bull of Heaven and Brokencyde?
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>using a word like autism when you obviously don't know what it actually means
And do you have good taste in waifus and shit taste in music mr waifufag?
True. Putting things together in specific combinations that aren't often seen (such as what you see with Grimes) is experimental, however.
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>imagine ironically recognizing someone
Anon, there is no "better" to be had between them if they sound nothing alike.
Anon, you can't GIVE YOURSELF Stockholm syndrome.
>mad because he can't handle the grimesians
>implying grimes will not be popular here even 10 years from now
>implying that CC are mainstream
>show me a grimes performance with this much emotion and intensity

Not to disparage Alice Glass, but I don't see her rolling around on the floor in musical ecstasy in that clip.
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How could that anon even recover from that hit?
>this is literally just a shittier the knife
...Maybe if you're deaf.
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This. Alice was great on her own, but she can't compare with Grimes, who really puts a lot of passion in her performances.
Exactly - NOT in reference to music.
Little details that mean everything...
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Hating Grimes is a taboo. Do it at your own peril...
>Do you think PC Music will ever move outside of the internet?
>Who knows. I guess it depends on whether people outside the internet relate to it. That's how pop music gets big, right? If people can relate to a song or feel like that's their life. But I don't check in on views or play counts or anything like that because I don't want to get too caught up in people's online opinions. It feels transient. I wouldn't want to place my self-worth on that sort of thing.
And there you have it: According to one of it's key architects PC Music is music made to play upon the environment of transient vapidity made possible by the Internet by people who themselves don't consider such things worthy of basing self-worth. It is literal meme music, and nothing else.
Than why are you arguing with me about it?
>/pol/ >>>>>> /mu/
Then why are you posting here? Did they kick you out because you weren't awesome enough for them?
>Assuming that I don't think pop can't be good and intelligent.
>Thinking that I only listen to shit that has a genre labled to it.
Why WOULDN'T I assume such things of you given the circumstances, given that believing certain musical genres to be inherently inferior to others is one of the most common fallacies found on this board? Do you expect me to be able to read your mind?
you have poor reading comprehension i see
>lol jokes on you for enjoying this, i was being pretentious the whole time!
Reading comprehension is a function of the intellect. Not the eye.
Bjork and Kate Bush are solo artists. Bjork does collaborate fairly frequently but I think it's unfair to delegitimize any artist that doesn't do 100% of everything themselves, especially when it ends up with a better product. Not to mention my post wasn't even referring to how much the artist does themselves as that has no bearing on the actual music, which Grimes doesn't seem that different from really any other synthpop group music wise. The fact that she does everything herself is irrelevant. Maybe if she would work with other people her music would be better.
>thinking music regarded as "pop" music when it was made is somehow intellectually inferior to "non-pop" music
I never said this. It sounds like you're projecting your own insecurities about the word "pop". All three are pop musicians who make pop music. This doesn't mean they're worse than someone I would label rock or any other genre. But criticizing a pop artist for making a pop album is retarded.
>it's unfair to delegitimize any artist that doesn't do 100% of everything themselves
Legitimization has nothing to do with it. This is about comparing apples to oranges. Grimes isn't directly comparable to Bjork, Kate Bush, or any of these eponymous other groups of people because she is a literal one-woman operation. You can like/dislike her in comparison to others all you want (taste is subjective, after all) but that doesn't change the fact that - objectively speaking - she is in a literal league of her own when it comes to popular music performers in the contemporary world.
Fair enough. See >>70934518
Bedroom artists releasing their shit on Bandcamp also generally work alone but I think you would be an idiot to say they're in "a literal league of their own" compared to Kate Bush and Bjork. And yes, your problem is one of legitimacy, no different from whole rockism thing and its various hangups in regards to legitimacy. You think that doing everything yourself makes you a more legitimate artist. But even with that it's only up to a certain point as Grimes does not master or mix her own stuff. So you've set some arbitrary line in the sand for you to hold Grimes above everyone else.
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Nay, this record.
Came here because why the fuck not? It's good to browse other boards from time to time.
>I think you would be an idiot to say they're in "a literal league of their own"
Hence why I said "she is in a literal league of her own when it comes to POPULAR MUSIC PERFORMERS in the contemporary world."
Grimes is unabashedly a bedroom artist who enjoys top-40 level success in her music-making despite the inherent limitations (the most important of which is COMPLETE creative control, since it isn't a limitation) of that process. This puts her in a literal league of her own (unless you happen to know of any others who are also doing this successfully right now.)

>But even with that it's only up to a certain point as Grimes does not master or mix her own stuff.
Mixing and mastering are NOT truly part of the creative process behind making music. No new sounds are created during the mixing or mastering process - just the tweaking of pre-existing material created during earlier stages of the production process. A great mixer/masterer has absolutely no artistic influence whatsoever on the final sound of the records on which they work, because the whole name of the game is to take the sound that the performer/producer actually ended up with and getting it to sound exactly like what what the performer/producer was intending to end up with in the first place.
BUT OF COURSE it is just waifufagging. Haven't you seen any of their pathetic, recurrent containment threads?
Lol. See >>70932861
>not knowing what 'waifufagging' even is
When people say this, they're only refering to the ungelathy pathetic daily circle jerks over her on this board.
Fuck off back to tumblr.
You surely do, you deluded dumbass.
Working with other people doesn't take away from having complete creative control. Kate Bush's albums aren't not her own just because she doesn't do everything herself. I'm not even sure what part you think she doesn't do. The only thing I can think of is her use of studio musicians, as she produces her own albums. Studio musicians exist for a reason and don't have creative control.

Bjork does collaborate, most recently with Arca, so she's not as solo as Grimes but I'm still trying to figure out why it matters as Grimes' complete control doesn't seem to produce as good results, in my opinion of course. It's a hangup on legitimacy that holds the creative process to a higher standard than the final product. Especially in this instance where the difference is so small and isn't being compared to someone like Taylor Swift or Beyonce that have a whole team of songwriters and producers.
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Lol you did it wrong.

Lol u mad bro?
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para lel
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>Working with other people doesn't take away from having complete creative control.
It does, logistically speaking. Unless you are working with literal human automatons. In which case, what's the point?

>It's a hangup on legitimacy that holds the creative process to a higher standard than the final product.
In all forms of art, the final product is only ever as good as the creative process behind it enables a direct transfer of ideas from artist to audience member. Hence why so much of the great art which manages over time to garner the level of fame necessary to render it a classic (eg. virtually every piece of classical music ever written) was the work of a lone individual working in oftentimes total social isolation.

I'm not saying that really good art doesn't occasionally come out of creative team-up situations. Just that - when it comes to the greatest and purest forms of artistic expression possible - nothing beats the power of a single solitary person with nothing but a pen and paper/computer interface with which to record their own thoughts.
Studio musicians are basically automatons. Their job is to play the music the artist tells them to.

Not to mention Grimes' music is much less ambitious than Kate Bush's. If Grimes had dozens of instruments to worry about coordinating I doubt she would be able to do everything herself. Especially since studio musicians are also apparently off limits according to you. Hope Grimes can play the violin, piano, sax, trumpet, etc. But of course that will never happen and she'll stick to her DAW music since doing everything yourself is more important than actually making good and ambitious music.
basically. the same fags that listen to k-pop
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>(eg. virtually every piece of classical music ever written) was the work of a lone individual working in oftentimes total social isolation.
I don't know why I'd expect a Grimes worshiping moron to understand this but classical composers were actually pretty much 100% at the mercy of their sponsors and the people who published their music. Your classical social isolation fantasy is total trash
>Studio musicians are basically automatons.
Fwiw you are communicating with a classically trained professional studio musician. And no - the good ones are anything BUT automatons (because human automatons are notoriously bad performers - in as well as out of studio.)

>If Grimes had dozens of instruments to worry about coordinating I doubt she would be able to do everything herself.
As of her last album, Grimes has attained studio-level playing proficiency on the following live performance instruments:

That covers four out of the five major families of musical instruments ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hornbostel%E2%80%93Sachs ) All she needs now is to pick up how to play a horn/flute/some other wind-based instrument and she should be all set.

>classical composers were actually pretty much 100% at the mercy of their sponsors and the people who published their music.
In terms of what they handed in at the end of the day, yes. But when it comes to the nitty gritty details of the actual creation process, it was (and still is) all about you working for long hours in a room. Alone.
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yeah i make pastas about /mu/s queen also

totally normal behavior itt
[Continuing from >>70937440 ]

By the way, if there really is any truth to the superstition that today's contemporary music is markedly inferior to that of past eras, this is why: because people have all but eliminated solitude from the creative process behind the making of pop-oriented music.
You're still correlating solitude to quality which isn't the case as like I said earlier there's plenty of shitty bedroom artists that do everything themselves. There's also still plenty of musicians that do everything themselves of varying qualities and I still maintain that utilizing studio musicians doesn't in any way take away from complete creative control.
are you on drugs?
Her music's pretty boring.

Artists like FKA Twigs and Laurel Halo create far more interesting music, willing to be far more experimental while still maintaining interesting grooves where as with Grimes it's more about just the surface level whackiness of her music rather than the actual content itself. She's essentially the Die Antwoord of synthpop.
Die Antwoord aren't sincere about their stuff though while Grimes is, giving them a leg up on her.
I guess so, but in the end it's still shallow because of the same reasons (gimmicks in music.)
yolandi showed her vagina on stage
oh wait i mean she showed her ass and vagina, i remembered it wrong
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>You're still correlating solitude to quality
POTENTIAL quality. The whole reason for moving towards a system of collaboration in the music-creation process in the first place is because it helps safeguard against the case of lone individuals going out on a limb and putting substantial effort into something that could've easily been identified as a total waste of time by another party early on. But by the same token, it blunts the ability of a lone individual to go out on a limb on something that proves to be spectacularly successful.

Solitary authorship is risky because the potential for almost total failure is always there. But so is the potential for almost total success. Spreading creative control over an entire group of people makes perfect sense from a traditional business perspective because it helps protect against total failure. But when it comes to the creation of art (especially in the context of low-cost computer-aided music composition) it more often than not just stands in the way of people making truly great things.

>I still maintain that utilizing studio musicians doesn't in any way take away from complete creative control.
If your music calls for a violin solo and you don't know how to play the violin, then it goes without saying that hiring a competent session musician is going to be a great boon to your overall creative process. But if you happen to be someone with the wherewithal to pick up how to play various instruments on a whim (eg. like Grimes) then there is no substitute for the expressive precision of your own hand on that bow.
>Grimes it's more about just the surface level whackiness of her music
>Mistaking your habits as a listener for the intentions of the author
Anon, just because you have apparently only ever listened to Grimes' music on a superficial level doesn't mean it exists only on that level as well. There are un-tolled depths of substance to her music that are just waiting to be discovered by the open-minded. That is ultimately why her stuff gets so much attention. Because - at the end of the day - it all actually means something concrete to her, and consequently to you and me. If we bother to look.
i can't relate
>Having a waifu
>Calling someone else out for making an ass out of himself
I did see it. And the guy agreed with me. So, now what?
>As of her last album, Grimes has attained studio-level playing proficiency on the following live performance instruments: Keyboards, Piano, Samplers, Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Violin, Bass, Ukulele.
Damn... How come that some of the most influential guitar and keyboard players aren't all over her? I'm sure she's got all jazz standards down on guitar, piano and drums.
Oh, wait, she hasn't... She can barely play power chords. Commenting on her vocal performance is redundant I think.
someone be my friend
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