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he's browsing this board right now

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Thread replies: 232
Thread images: 37

he's browsing this board right now
He`s a regular here desu
Hi Antwon Fantantwon. New vid didn't suck as bad as usual.
I wish he would do fan from a letter video's again. Those were the best.
Hi!!!!!! XDdddddDD x FUCKING D!!! I'm Anthony [Insert variation of the name "Fantano" here, because I think that's somehow funny because I'm a retarded autist Redditor who earns his money from making shitty fucking Youtube videos and not by a job like regular people. Haha I'm so hilarious :P:P:pppp xD] "the inernets busiest music [Insert weird ""quirky"" voice and video edit because im a fucking nu-male redditor] nerd! [Retarded catchprase that he uses to attract his shitty ass Reddit fanbase and 15 year old "OMG im so nerdy xDD haha hes a nerd too bcuz he says so xDd i like that dude i also use reddit btw :P [no youre not a fucking nerd bitch. Real nerds are people who spend 12 hours all day just in front of their computer for all their life, not some shitty fucking retards who think their music taste is "special"]] and today we review ANOTHER SHITTY FUCKING "HIP" MUSIC MADE BY SOME SJW FAGGOTS LIKE ANTHONY WHO HAS A SHEBOON AS A FUCKING WIFE!!!! 10/10 IT PROMOTES RACEMIXING - SOME LIBERAL SHITTY MUSIC WEBSITE XDDD IM SO QUIRKY HAHA MY NAME IS ANTHONY XDDD AND IM A FUCK KEK
as are many people, if we just ignore him will he go away? or is that not how ant operates
holy fucking shit dude
Holy fucking shit dude
This is what happens when we let autism take over the internet.
You sound really autistic
you here you fag? are you reading this?
i really liked your [spoiler]depression vid on thatistheplan[/spoiler]

pls bring back your "talk" videos like that
n-no I'm not
le triggered
what it do sexy
holy fucking shit dude
Anthony has no idea we even exist
there are spicy copypastes, then there are cringy tryhard ones

this is one of them
i wonder what his income is
inb4 this is fantango ironically shitposting
Hmm... ;^)
Are you okay mate
0/1 copypasta
try harder
Welcome to neo-/mu/
He literally referenced /mu/ in his milky sea airplane video
hey ant knee

Sam Hyde and Filthy Frank are shit comedians, stop liking them
work of art
anthony has a black wife, does that mean he has a big enough dick to satisfy her?
It's a fact that black women LOVE the BIC (Big Italian Cock)
Reddit please get out
Fuck off sluthano, you're ruining this place.
>7 minutes ago

fucking reddit
fuckin hypocrite
if you didn't go to reddit yourself you wouldn't know anybody had posted that on reddit
holy fucking shit dude
I googled the copypasta with quotation marks and found the reddit post, anon. Now please go back there.
holy fucking shit dude
google bots haven't even found that reddit page yet. why don't you go back there yourself
Seems like you haven't updated to google 3000 yet :^)
Save some kool-aid for the rest of us m8
What's with this reddit boogeyman? Who cares what other sites people go on. Does browsing 4chan mean you're not allowed to go on any other sites?
watch out, someone is gonna call you "reddit" soon
holy fucking shit dude
holy fucking shit dude
hOLy fUcKInG sHit dUDe
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what does he think of the crusher?
lol go back to your boogeyman and make out with him or something
edud tihs gnikcuf yloh
imagine being this autistic

really activated my almonds
Hi anthony
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are you okay
<paces gerbil> uhnm... It needs some happynote
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this is what /pol/ has wrought on some poor anon's psyche and the culture of the internet as a whole
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Schoolthony Shootano here, internet's busiest mass murderer.
fantano's the boy
you're just mad because he's the successful version of you. he makes bank just listening to music and talking about it along with some memes thrown in.
meant for
holy fucking shit dude
You've certainly earned those (you)s Mr Sperg.
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Hiro delete 4chan and save us from this autism
There's a reason I visit 8ch/mu/ more frequently than this board you know
Holy shit mate.
because you're a pedophile?
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Literally this
>what is copypasta
Can I hide threads on my phone?
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good shitpost

+1 reddit points
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Include me in the screencap :D
Inkludiert mich im Schirmschuss
Dear anon

My name is Anthony Fantano, and I'm very dissapointed that you have such a negative tone against me. Why do you have so much hatred against me? I'm just some dude who loves music and what's so bad that i make a living out of it - and for the catchphrase: It's not so serious, c'mon. I'm sure you're really a decent person but that post was really inappropriate.
Hope you changed your mind.

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You alright buddy?
Nein werd ich nicht du Huso
Stop. You're not better than anyone else. Why the hate? Eh, it's probably bait anyways, but if not you need to rethink your life.
Are you okay man?
toasting on an epic bread
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Checkthony dubstano
highest degree of lel
holy shit dude
Please consider suicide
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so close D:
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oh my god
holy fucking shit dude
At least he's not shooting up schools anymore.
pretty accurate desu
100th post in this epic thread get
holy fucking shit dude
It's untoonioo foontoonoo
No this is not an epic thread at all
holy fucking shit dude
Hi!!!!!! XDdddddDD x FUCKING D!!! I'm Anthony [Insert variation of the name "Fantano" here, because I think that's somehow funny because I'm a retarded autist Redditor who earns his money from making shitty fucking Youtube videos and not by a job like regular people. Haha I'm so hilarious :P:P:pppp xD] "the inernets busiest music [Insert weird ""quirky"" voice and video edit because im a fucking nu-male redditor] nerd! [Retarded catchprase that he uses to attract his shitty ass Reddit fanbase and 15 year old "OMG im so nerdy xDD haha hes a nerd too bcuz he says so xDd i like that dude i also use reddit btw :P [no youre not a fucking nerd bitch. Real nerds are people who spend 12 hours all day just in front of their computer for all their life, not some shitty fucking retards who think their music taste is "special"]] and today we review ANOTHER SHITTY FUCKING "HIP" MUSIC MADE BY SOME SJW FAGGOTS LIKE ANTHONY WHO HAS A SHEBOON AS A FUCKING WIFE!!!! 10/10 IT PROMOTES RACEMIXING - SOME LIBERAL SHITTY MUSIC WEBSITE XDDD IM SO QUIRKY HAHA MY NAME IS ANTHONY XDDD AND IM A FUCK KEK
Oh what do you know ANOTHER holy fucking shit dude response did you even bother to look at ONE reply to that Anon
tedy andreased
holy fucking shit dude it's just a meme, chill
good meme
best meme
for best meme
Hmm I bet he is a proper /mu/ guy like us ahaha!

This post is great and im sure he wouldnt be upset reading it!
>(you)'s are back
since when?
Really though, what if Fantano sees all of... this? I would feel like shit. I kinda feel sorry for him because he get's the maximum dose of autism just because he's affiliated with /mu/ :/
Yeah man, drag his wife into this. Just because she's black xD Jesus I hate this place
holy fucking shit dude
holee frickin poop dude
>newfag detected
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Calm down satan
i hope he sees this
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Bump, this bread must live forever
i hope anthony reads this
he's done AMAs/podcasts with /mu/tants u dip
topthony kektano
crusher meme review WHEN
this t b h
Can anyone send this to him via Twitter/Youtube/whatever? Pls
this desu
We al know the OP is you fanthony anthano
And now for the greatest review of all time! Me, Piero Scaruffi, the Musical Genius, shall review the sound of 10000 penises ejaculating at once!
Oh no! It's too much jizz! I can't handle it!
what a shitty post, horribly memed
meme review when?
Le ebin post mah senpai XD
gimme dem quints
Wew lad
Wew lad
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Holy fucking shit dude
Beinhaltet mich in der Bildschirmfotografie
holy... i meaaan fuuuuck man... jesus fuckig shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet DDDD:
reddit > 4chan
fucking holy shit dude
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How will he recover?
what did he mean by this?
Totally accurate. Fantano faggots are just butthurt that he was absolutely BTFO
also xd
Simply Ebin
haha lmao
i made like 20 of those posts
bumping for Anthony to see
who /mischief/ here
i think i've got about 15 more replies in me
all the hotlinks to this
a post which is not especially invigorating in and of itself
are suggestive of two probabilities, both of which are likely true (imo)

1. /mu/ is very, very tired of fantano
2. /mu/ is very, very tired of itself

i think everyone itt should take a month vacation from 4chan, and also the internet
Anthony pls
If dubs Anthony will die in his sleep tonight
thank you for blessing my life with this wonderful post, it means a lot.
he's not wrong. dubs confirmed. this isn't nearly as cringe as his videos and fanbase
me in screencap
hey anthony kill yourself
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am i missing something?
underrated post
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damn LOL
the FUCK are you talking about I posted that
holy fucking shit dude
holy fucking shit dude
holy fucking shit dude
holy fucking shit dude
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Autism speaks, it's time to listen
Did this post really deserve that many (You)s?
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This but unironically.
You should go outside more often
I want the melon to see this
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check it mad man.png
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checked and keked
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No he used to have a character based off of us, and he name-dropped us all the time.

Is it your first week on here, why do you think everyone talks about him.
Just this one time.. Put me in the screen cap for /Reddit/
ikr. where is the meme. Is this just spergs overreacting to some copypasta or am I the retard
post more faggot
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>am I the retard
Are you autistic? Why are you complaining about (you)s?
Anyway anon, I don't think people are taking it too seriously, it was just a funny meme post.
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>being so contrarian that you stop liking your own posts when they get replies
this is fucking copy pasta i saw it this morning

This desu senpai
>>70314859 >>70314872 >>70314876 >>70314887 >>70314915 >>70315614 >>70315638 >>70315690 >>70315984 >>70316026 >>70316056 >>70316059 >>70316266 >>70316524 >>70316539 >>70316705 >>70317071 >>70317086 >>70317088 >>70317109 >>70317142 >>70317287 >>70317323 >>70317350 >>70317741 >>70317865 >>70317925 >>70317957 >>70317967 >>70318159 >>70318205 >>70318227 >>70318242 >>70318261 >>70318284 >>70318307 >>70318338 >>70318416 >>70318525 >>70318529 >>70318532 >>70318560 >>70318561 >>70318568 >>70318580 >>70318682 >>70318742 >>70318744 >>70318781 >>70318795 >>70318799 >>70318816 >>70318858 >>70318914 >>70318935 >>70318946 >>70319037 >>70319239 >>70319398 >>70319407 >>70319421 >>70319474 >>70319501 >>70319640 >>70319666 >>70319876 >>70320235 >>70320563 >>70320626 >>70321410 >>70321606 >>70321616 >>70321792 >>70321847 >>70322052 >>70322114 >>70322160 >>70322212 >>70322667 >>70322912 >>70323019 >>70323118 >>70323373 >>70323438 >>70323439 >>70323468 >>70323597 >>70323647 >>70323662 >>70323671 >>70323692 >>70323702 >>70323730 >>70323787 >>70323866 >>70323916 >>70323923 >>70324088 >>70324121 >>70324135 >>70324143 >>70324217 >>70324254 >>70324377 >>70324426 >>70324548 >>70324746 >>70324803 >>70325109 >>70325229 >>70325254 >>70325522 >>70325586 >>70325692 >>70325766 >>70325836 >>70326066 >>70326141 >>70326156 >>70326189 >>70326220 >>70326272 >>70326362 >>70326400 >>70326420 >>70326459 >>70326462 >>70326469 >>70326496 >>70326527 >>70326696 >>70326792 >>70326866 >>70326891 >>70327093 >>70327123

this tbhfamsmh
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w e w
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this is what happens when you browse /pol/ too much.
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Calm down.
wwhat did he mean by this?
Every FUCKING day with these STUPID fucking MEMES! I've had it up to HERE with stupid fucking memes! You guys make me want to KILL MYSELF! Is that what you fucking want? For me to fucking KILL MYSELF and write on my suicide note "Cause of suicide: Couldn't handle all of the stupid fucking memes, killed myself"? Because that's what it might as well fucking say!
You guys are literally, L I T E R A L L Y incapable of having even the SIMPLEST of fucking discussion without "MEME THIS, MEME THAT, PROBABLY TYLO BE CHILLIN, HERE'S A PIC OF HUMBLE CANNONS BY AARON ELLIS, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EBIN AMIRITE?" Fucking STOP IT you pathetic fucking FAGGOTS, you are such fucking cancer that I cannot even fathom how you fucking scumbags live your dumb gay lives. Don't you have a job to get to, schoolwork to finish or a family to attend to? Do you literally do ANYTHING productive with your lives other than post stupid fucking memes on the music section of a god damn anime imageboard? You fucking people make me sick and you're damn lucky I don't have any of your fucking addresses you fucking pieces of shits. I'd spit in your faces.
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I love you

What ever happened to Aaron? I remember trying to get Painting With from the archive and when "Floridada" came on, there would randomly be a voice that pops up throughout it saying "DJ AARON ELLIS".
xd !
i m g a y
history has been made
holy fucking shit dude
how does it feel to know schizophrenia not real?
really gets the noggin joggin
oh thats gold
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The pain the horror.jpg
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Take you medication, dude
look at my dubs
both of these were me btw
sacred frigging feces guy
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since when is a post like this enough to warrant so many replies... it isn't that ridiculous
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So is antnee really sjw or not? He retweets Sargon of Akkad, does meme videos of sjw culture and likes Sam Hyde but he never says NIGGER or NIGHA in his videos when citing lyrics or titles.

I don't get it, does anyone know where he is on the political scale what the duck is his problem
i forgot about this meme
Fuck you for giving this awful excuse of a """""""thread""""""" 200+ replies
He's aligned with Sargon/Vernaculis/Bearing/Harmful Opinions/TL;DR (they're all the same desu) but a lot of his fans are SJWs and he doesn't wanna piss them off on his main channel most of the time
stay woke my man
Thread posts: 232
Thread images: 37

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