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/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

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Thread replies: 316
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Nice Edition No Bait Allowed

"How do I learn to play guitar without getting a teacher?"

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack

Ratings on my attempt at composing a song https://a.clyp.it/qbjc0ffn.mp3
And a riff https://a.clyp.it/oxm5hb50.mp3

And on my blues soloing https://www.instagram.com/p/BNNg3tHDOpK/
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What are some good /meal/ sounding dissonant chords. I want to jump on the dissonant black metal meme train with deathspell omega
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>tfw running out of room for all your gear
>tfw tryna figure out jojo's tbc song
Just experiment dude. If you're approaching it from a formulaic point of view you're just going to make shit.
>Learn dissonant intervals
>Construct chords using those intervals
Really need to work on your timing and tune that guitar. Otherwise, I don't have much to say. It's boring to me, but whatever. Also, cut that thumping shit out.

Sounds generic. Again, your timing needs help.

There's nothing interesting about your playing here, to be blunt; it sounds like you got a bunch of licks off of guitar world and put them one after another. You're not giving yourself much time to breath, it's just lick... stop.... lick... stop.... etc. Your playing is also sloppy at the beginning

Overall, I'd definitely recommend you to practice more slowly and to a metronome. You have a sense of music, but your hands are detached from your head, in a way.
Is it better to just give up and go to sleep and kill myself eventually?
>hit it exactly on the head
You're like one of those technically okay guys plugged in at the guitar shop playing for 45 minutes straight hoping someone will notice tbqhwitufam, keep working
drop tuning
5 5 7 3 X X

It's just a minor add9 chord, but the 2nd and 3rd being right next to each other makes it a bit dissonant. It can sound pretty dark if you move that same shape around

Also simple stacked tritones
X 7 8 9 11 X
No. Your playing reeks of someone that never took the time to learn the fundamentals and how to actually play cleanly. Take the time to learn to play cleanly, on time, and with patience. Your playing sounds like trying to show me everything you can do all at once. Focus on the actual music of what you're playing, not just patterns and fingerings. But keep at it. I hope I don't sound discouraging, but I was like you around 4 years ago after 6~ years of playing. I could play fast, sure, but it was sloppy half the time, and the other half it was very unmusical. Practicing my rhythm and learning theory has made me an immensely better player, and it would behoove you to do the same, unless you want to stay in garbage psuedo blues land for ever.

Also, listen to other types of music. SRV didn't only listen to blues. Hendrix didn't only listen to blues. They listened to a lot of stuff, which gave them more influences to pull from.
That guy sound wise. I second that.
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Can I get some of /gg/'s opinions on this guitar track I threw together? First thing I've recorded with electric guitar; I'm an acoustic rhythm player native of like 7 years that has no fucking clue how to get into pedals or any of that shit. I have a blues driver that I might've used for this track, and recruited some random bassist that my producer was friends with to autistically fill in bass with some notation I came up with.


pic related is the cheap $200 strat I recorded it with + picked up from a shop in Pittsburgh mindlessly 4 years ago, hardly've used it
Shits bit too good to be true..
>too good to be true

You think?
Yeah. Smooth as fuck. Really great. But Iam high as hell so what do i know?
Stop samefagging.
>post a regular solo on /gg/ and they tell me it's not bad but i'm a faggot
>a shredder posts a solo on /gg/ and they say it's shit
neurons in overdrive
because most shredders have never heard of the word "phrasing" or "running up and down the minor scale at 220bpm is an exercise not a song"
Most shredding is shit. Besides like, a couple handful of guitarists that have lived, most of it sounds like garbage.
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Lmao I had a friend with a local studio back in uni, but yeah that was the story. Recording shit w/ him was a fucking trainwreck. What was supposed to be 11 songs turned into 5 very rushed ones w/ this as one of my favs.

>Post a decent solo and act like a faggot and /gg/ says it's not bad but you're a faggot
>Post shitty shred on /gg/ and they say it's shit
I don't see the problem
does that solo the shirtless lad posted even qualify as shredding?

wasn't even that fast
Just been dicking around on my guitar unplugged tonight. Experimenting with the 2 note high/low kinda thing. Thoughts? I posted this in the last thread but was unplugged. Its nothing special, its something I got out of jamming with myself not long ago but wanted to get some opinions if it was in the right direction of sounding good


more upbeat/strumming
What makes a good bass guitar?

I currently play guitar in a hardcore/ grind/ black metal band but we're having trouble finding a bassist so I figure I'd do it myself.

Any recommendations for a cheap bass that can do metal and/ or less edgy music too?
He was talking about the other knobhead
uuuuh, how many frets are on a typical strat???
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It sounds clean and on time. I can't say more than that.
Whatever you're doing you're doing it so keep at it, don't know what else there is to say tbqh, sounds like a generic green day riff
What does /gg/ think about EQ pedals?

I use mine religiously and love it but I feel like I don't see them on other posters' pedal boards.

I use an EHX 10 band EQ. Anyone got any recs for some other ones?
>can do metal and/ or less edgy music too?


They have the perfect look for both heavier and softer styles too.
Thanks for taking the time to listen. Yeah its pretty generic I do agree, its essentially just following a 4 chord structure (bar chords minus the space). I like the 2 note high low so its something I want to work with and hopefully get something much less generic out of it
What are some of your favorite guitar solos/videos /gg/?

This one's one of my all-time from the 00's. Mayer fucking you in the ear.
>They have the perfect look for both heavier and softer styles too.

How much thought would you guys put into the look of the guitar in terms of the genre you're playing?

For example, if you could, somehow, get a tone you think is perfect for folk out of a B.C. Rich, would you play it live?

I know one of the Slipknot guitarists plays a tele, but that's such a versatile guitar I don't really think about it. Any other artists that use gear that doesn't seem to fit their genre?
>starts at 6:41 btw
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>practice every day until my fingers hurt
>still don't feel like I'm getting better
Time to start learning more songs and figuring out more theory if you already don't know it pal and by figuring out more songs I mean do it by ear
>Any other artists that use gear that doesn't seem to fit their genre?

Hetfield plays hollow bodies quite often, Townshend a Rickenbacker. Just a couple off the top of my head.

Guess when you're a huge band with all the amplification and EQ in the world you can play whatever the fuck you want.
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>Take the time to learn to play cleanly, on time, and with patience
How to practice that?
I've been focusing on playing cleaner and improving technique lately, by doing finger exercises and noodling paying attention to the technique and precision.
But never play to a metronome except when recording, that is completely lacking. Though i can play in tempo enough to double recordings without sounding like complete crap.

About theory, i know the scale intervals, chord theory, modes, and know the fretboard quite decently. Afterall its all intervals. What should i study?

>Focus on the actual music of what you're playing
I try to be musical but find it hard to do that consistently like a whole solo. Often feel lost (and detached as you said), like that point in the beginning when i switched to that lower octave fill cause couldnt follow with actual phrasing.
>not just patterns and fingerings
I am usually restricted to the patterns i'm used to and know the sound of

>unless you want to stay in garbage psuedo blues land for ever
I surely dont

>Also, listen to other types of music. SRV didn't only listen to blues. Hendrix didn't only listen to blues. They listened to a lot of stuff, which gave them more influences to pull from.
What types of music should i get into? My music folder doenst have much beside blues & blues derivations. What would help would be stuff like folk, motown, flamenco, bossa, jazz?

Thanks a lot for taking the time

Thats really good, sounds pro

Dont these guys usually just play the most standard licks on the pentatonic boxes of root in E and B string?
I don't see how knowing music theory will necessarily make my technical ability any better, but I'm listening
This one

It surely has dynamics, what are you talking about
learn your arpeggios and start following the chord changes closely. does wonders for your soloing (even in blues) and improves your understanding of the fretboard
>switching your ip

kys yourself
>I don't see how knowing music theory will necessarily make my technical ability any better


of course it will. theory can kinda be split into two "knowledges", scales and structure, and progression. your playing fluidity will improve hugely once you start realizing why a said chord or note follows another, and with a particular voicing.
kek become a shred master who can only play from tabs then
Not the anon you replied to, but I notice my hands kinda disconnect from my brain, I only know patterns that sound good and find myself using them over and over in improv. Does learning deep theory help with this?
yes cause its easier than just using paint brush
Holy shit is everybody the same?
Think real hard about the melodies you want to play. Also try singing or humming as you play and try and play the lines you are singing
more than help, it's the only way to break it. i'm pretty sure rob chapman knows no theory, and he's an expert but still has that problem and i can't listen to him because of it. he says for the song he's proudest of he tuned his guitar randomly. it broke his ability to just play licks he's memorized and resulted in him making something musical. one would think he'd realize something was wrong but oh well
>once you start realizing why a said chord or note follows another, and with a particular voicing
is there anything besides "II and V chords and any other made-dominant chords triggers its 4th"? like a G7 triggers a C, or a II triggers a V
Start playing to a metronome. I don't care what you say, if you're not playing with one, you're not playing on time.

Do you actually know what to do with intervals? Do you know what's going on when you play A7 > D7 > G?

Motown is cool, but it's not very guitar centric. Unless you want to learn bass, anyway. Jazz is always the answer, honestly. Find some bebop songs you like and try to transcribe theme.
michael hedges said something similar once - that he could only use the same tuning for a 2 or 3 songs before he started knowing it too well to come up with anything interesting
I used to watch and tolerate his videos because he plays heaps of different gear but he literally just repeats the same shit over and over. Same with the other guy he does them with, except he has no technical ability either.
At this point I only watch them if they have other people in them

He knows some theory but all he does it the same two licks and scale runs and doesn't use it
There's a lot. Do you understand and utilize tritone substitution? Do you understand why there are only 3 dim7 chords? Do you understand how voice leading works? How about chromatic mediants? Secondary dominants? How about avoid tones? Cantus firmus? Altered chords?

There's a lot to learn besides ii V I
There is nothing wrong with relying on patterns and licks that you know sound good, literally every blues and bluesrock player do that and their solos still are thought and musical
There isn't anything wrong with it but if it's all you do in a solo then you are going to sound unmusical and shit
>not audiating everything you play
>isshy giddy
>their solos still are thought and musical


blues going electric was a mistake
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>tube amps
>Gibson guitars
>Fender guitars
>Bass guitars with more than 4 strings
>Stone and/or wood picks
>Expensive cables
>Jazz guitar
>Blues guitar
>Anything "handwired"
>Pointy guitars
>Fender guitar plugged right into a Marshall stack

O I am laffin
Any tips for learning flamenco guitar?
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what's wrong with Gibson guitars

pic related, it's my bitch
it's a bitch that's for sure
I bet you jack off to angus young's naked ass.

>responding to year old bait
fuck off new boi
I've always found slower lead blues hard to play even though technically it's a cakewalk. Trying not to be a pretentious fuck here but to play anything interesting it has to be done with "feel". No clue how to structure different parts and tempo changes
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>what's wrong with Gibson guitars
>pic related, it's my bitch
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>resting it on the tuners
>out on the street
where it belongs desu
I feel like writing my songs out in tux guitar or guitar pro so I can know how it's going to sound and I have a backing track to record along to is just raising my standards too much when I actually record and it doesn't sound or perfect toned as sharp as I think it should


The cm chord and the bar chord minus the octave are great to start with, and experiment until you have progressions that sound compossive
angus whome??

It's got a bit of bondo repair on the heel, a shit ton of scars all over it, and more. I'm not super concerned with the superficial condition, desu.

:/ it plays really well
kek you think somebody dumb enough to but an SG in vomit le creme color would know how to take care of it. Judging by him calling it his "bitch" I can only assume he is some 17 year old who got it for christmas or some shit.
>angus whome
Seconded. I was so into the idea of mastering that shit back in college I convinced myself that I was going to do a semester away in Spain just to study it. Ended up breaking my classical and doubling down on blues though.

Still live vicariously through Rodrigo y Gabriela and get my hardcore rhythm playing on from time to time on my new Taylor though.

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>double sharps
>double flats
What's the point?
it's polar white, but it's from 83, so the whites faded. It's vintage cool 8)
watched these guys' KEXP set a while back, awesome playing but even more impressive is how tight they are.
Ok i'll start doing that, gotta get the discipline.

Yeah i can find them on the fretboard, i know which of them are the root ones, dominants and subdominants; although i'm still on the practice to think fast enough to land on the current chord's function i want.
The A7 calls for its fourth, the D, and so does the D7 calls for a G. Thats it?

Isnt it about overal music repertoire? I guess i want to learn bass too, cause i learned the basslines of a couple songs and that already gave me new ideas/licks, also i learned to use that standard 4-chromatic-notes bass run. Actually got interested on motown cause gene simmons and paul stanley said they are influenced by that, never heard of it before but i'm already talking too much. How to find bebop songs?

Damn no to all i guess.
This is the problem with gibson. He is still fucking talking about his yard sale piece of shit guitar. All gibson owners are like this.
been playing for seven months and made this lick a few days ago, please tell me what do you think
>haha it's le vintage
>lol yeah it like totally has that classic GIBSON FEEL
>lol yeah the neck is really uncomfortable and fat and hard to play anything but blooze chords on but that gives it le character.
>Yeah I named her Jessica after the girl who left me after she caught me with the headstock in my ass.
>Yeah I named her Jessica after the girl who left me after she caught me with the headstock in my ass

If you have you have to play a G in the key of G#, you could write it as a G, but then you'd have no F in your key, so F## is better.

Just youtube bebop songs. Donna Lee is a fun one.

As for the dominant thing. A7 doesn't call for it's IV. It's a secondary dominant. The V of D is A7. So a ii V I can be read as V/V (five of five) V I. So you're using fifths to lead into another chord.

All that stuff I mentioned you can learn, it just takes actually wanting to. Studying harmony in jazz has helped me a lot.

yeah we all are :') Sorry I don't want to play a thrift store guitar.

Have you ever played an older gibson? The necks aren't fat, they're thin (depending on the model). In particular, SGs aren't known for thicker necks. I don't like Ibanez thin necks, and SGs have a good thinness while still being round.
You are the fag here for not being abre to play nice fat necks
The lesser tension of the short scale plus 9s plus the thinner fretboard is pure heaven
sounds like you have potential. keep practicing
>>Yeah I named her Jessica after the girl who left me after she caught me with the headstock in my ass.
That's literally me
thanks for the feedback man, once I finish all the songs I have unfinished I'll upload them here beforehand
>every guitar that isnt a gibson came from a thrift shop

This is just delusion. This is what they actually think. Im laughing so fucking hard.
my LTD ESP is named michelle after my ex. it really looks just like her, black and brown and she had brown eyes and black hair
My guitar is named after my ex too. Because no matter how much I love my guitar there will always be strings attached
>This is just delusion. This is what they actually think. Im laughing so fucking hard.

Yeah shit, you're right :/ let me sell my guitar and buy something the internet wants me to play? Hey guys, should I buy a CV tele or a CV tele?

I've had 20+ guitars, of which were several gibsons, fenders, taylors, carvin, prs, and a squier. Gibson makes the guitars I like playing, usually. No other manufacturer has a vintage market that readily has set bridge, nitro finishes, block inlays, humbuckers, 3 way switching, and comfortable heel access besides PRS. I like how SGs look more than PRSs, so Gibson it is.
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who /jelly/ here?
that strat looks a bit malformed

that's a nice color strat. How's that amp sound?
what's the most heroic sounding mode
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>naming your guitar
my guitar is named GD10
because that's the model
you fucks
this. People cringe everytime you refer to "Ole Sasha" over there.

Why do other peoples' actions bother you so much?
What model is that? I want one exactly like it
Rob Chapman is just the ultimate guitarcenter pentatonic standard licks noodler
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I named my guitar Edgerasil: The Tree of Djent because it's edgy and takes an entire tree to make
i-is that real?
>typical strats have 24 frets
Whatever that nigga Holst used when he wrote Jupiter
How do you tell the length of each note in tabs?
83 Standard. Good luck, though, they're stupid rare in white. What makes it special is the side input jack and the big block inlays. For those features you're looking at late 79 - early 87. Before 79, the input jack is on the front and it only came in black, walnut and cherry. 87 onwards, they go back to trap inlays and front input jack.

Here's a similar one on Reverb right now, but I wouldn't pay that much for it. I paid $1600 for mine, which is about average for what they go for.

holy shit
It is, happened from sanding down the original finish and doing a half ass job. The body is Chinese and was my first guitar when I was 12. Had it lying around and decided to refin, throw an american neck in (locking tuners mmm), and get a loaded pickguard. Plays and sounds great.

thx bb. I just picked it up today, It sounds great. At low master vol, high gain, it sounds really fuzzy and chunky but when you start adding in master volume it gets brighter and really sings. Cleans are phenomenal too, more headroom than the deluxe's i've played. For a 210, this fucker gets L O U D. Im gonna order some new grill cloth to spruce it up a bit, everything else is original. Not bad for $250 too.
You can't. Sometimes will put "Q" or "8" under the notes to signify quarter notes, eighth notes, etc, but most don't.
>Actually purchasing a strat with a humbucker
Simply Major, Ionian. Not even a mode

>russian anthem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOAtz8xWM0w
>us anthem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0
I put a loaded pickguard in it, it was originally SSS with shit chinese electronics.
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i spose i should thank them for exposing themselves as being complete faggots
I have the feeling that I just can't express myself with my current instrument. I'll have to find a luthier that'll build me a 7-string bass with partial fretting (3 highest strings fretted, 4 lowest strings fretless) with frets that have a smooth transition from jumbo on the highest to tiny on the lower string which then turns into a strip of metal as fret markers on the fretless side. Multiscale/fanned frets with slanted pickups (Humbucker Singlecoil Humbucker with a piezo in the bridge, coil split and seriell parallel for the Humbuckers, separate pot for each pickup), active electronics with a graphical 9-band EQ on the bass, hollowbody, headless, with a variable fingerboard radius that becomes round enough close to the bridge that you can use a bow on it. Rarewood top on an ash body with a 13-piece neck.
I have about 13,000$ available for this, do you guys know a luthier who is up for the job
So why is it so popular? Timing is p. important.
I know this is a pasta, but I'd want to see that made. The variable radius is impossible I think but the rest should work.
whatever happened to the guy making that anime foxgirl guitar?
What's the advantage of slanted pick ups?
It's easier than learning actual musical notation.
that actually made laugh
Musicial notation isnt even that hard.
You're right, it's not. A lot of people don't go into guitar to play songs they haven't heard though. So the need for rhythm notation isn't necessary since they know how the song goes.
Straight pickups on a multiscale guitar don't respond the way normal ones would. Also they look dumb.
Because they're tabs? The whole point of them is popular music transcribed into the most simple format possible for people who can't read proper sheet music.
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>tfw you will never ever in a million years write, play, or participate in something so emotive and beautiful
i wish mayer didn't look so annoying and retarded when he played because he always sounds pretty good
Can somebody post a picture of their hand/pick in a soloing or just fast playing position
Arrogant and obnoxious too. Shame because he's an exceptional guitarist.
HSS strats are god-tier, although i know you're only responding like that because the guy had to phrase his post in an inflammatory way
That feels backwards to me
D's V is A, A's IV is D
The same thing in the end but i learned it wrong

Ah pls say how to practice (and basically what you practiced to get better from where you were 4 years ago) and what the fundamentals are

Thank you
are you purposefully being stupid or do you really not get it? obviously tabs are a million times more intuitive than sheet music, with sheet music you not only have to know all of the notes on the fretboard, but you have to memorize the staff.

tab is literally "play this fret on this string". it's for people who have already listened to the song and just need to know where the notes are. not for classical musicians sightreading complex pieces
iktf. heard this live and almost cried desu. sounded so ridiculously good played with an orchestra i can't even describe it

the melody is so fucking god tier. it perfectly captures such a specific emotion i can't even describe it
why does buddy guy look like a doited 98 year old
How often do you guys clean your guitars? Mine are covered in dust, seems to make me play better.
>dude tonedust lmao

Musical notation is and isn't important, what I'll tell you is it makes it a lot easier and understandable to write, play, and improvise once you've taught yourself a little theory, but it's better to learn after you've played guitar a little while, like learning french after you already speak Spanish
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>Mine are covered in dust
doesnt it make the new strings get dirty quickly with the fretboard dirt, and fuck up the frets because of that?
I shed a few tears right now blasting it at home on my speakers, I can't imagine hearing it live
>Want to play solo on Death - Spirit Crusher
>learn entire song
>here comes the solo
>24 - 20 - 19 - 24 - 20 - 19
>22 frets

kill me
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anyone else have a standard strat with 24 frets?
I have a shit behringer bass eq that work surprisingly decent. Considering how much I payed for it.
just bend it, its just one step
it's like a 32nd note tapping lick tho
Bend 22nd fret, or see if you get the same pitch pressing down between the fretboard and the neck pick up, using the pup as a fret
>new strings
wat? New strings sound horrible. I only replace them when they break and the quicker they lose that rattly brightness the better
>24 frets
No, but I have a typical one
Its a stupid meme theyve been trying to force. Ignore it
What is some good places to buy used instruments besides guitar center, reverb, or ebay?
damn i fucked it up
your local shop?
bad opinion
Craigslist or equivalent, pawn shops if you can haggle, local music stores.
How do I reduce the hisssssssss when plugging in my single coil tele directly into the audio interface?
Was thinking of getting a preamp or an active/passive DI but i dunno
I guess I can maybe get new pickups but I really like the ones I have
Craigslist if you know enough to spot fakes. Also local stores but I'm sure you checked them all already. Reverb and Ebay are probably the best places possible.
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pic of DI i was concidering
Gate at 60hz
It's roundabout by yes
whatever your local classified advertising service is

it's the best way to buy anything used since sellers are just normal people trying to get rid of shit instead of actual dealers, can squeeze every penny
Daves Guitars sometimes comes up with great stuff
>fuck up the frets
playing with dirty strings would leave the frets with dents, especially if you do bends
getting back into guitar after a long hiatus, going to play electric and classical (I used to play both)

what should I get, Jazzmaster or ric 330? I've narrowed it down to those two
330 so people don't assume you're gay.
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I'm bi.
Attention whore detected lol
I'm very unassuming, quiet, and introverted, so no.

Anyway that's enough about me, I like the tremolo on the JM and the sound of the pickups, but then again I like the sound of the ric and I like pretending I'm johnny marr.

I feel like the JM takes distortion better. I don't know because I've never played a ric, but I like the JM, the neck, the tremolo, and the pickups- but I'd hate looking like every lame hipster out there.
>but I'd hate looking like every lame hipster out there.

you should play the bassoon then you fop.
You need to get a SG
>I'm very unassuming, quiet, and introverted
>I like the JM

of course you would
330 ofc

and it'd better be fireglo
did sgcuck kill himself? does anyone have info?
His wife took away his computer privileges
Are SG basses literally worth it all? they're really cheap on GC.

No, they have insane neck dive and "muddy" is too light a description for their sound
Are they even worth if you're trying to go for that dirty sorta vintage garage tone? or are they shit all the way through
Gibson has never made a good bass


Eh, I'd go for a vintage EB-0 or EB-3, or a copy w/ upgraded pickup. Something like a Greco.
>Gibson has never made a good guitar
highly recommend it, speakers and even headphones can't really capture it
There's is a 1970s venture sg copy on GC for 170ish, is that good at all? Theres close to no info about online.
Jazzmaster it is then . Seriously though both are good choices the jazzmaster might be a bit more versatile, but it's overused. I like the rickenbacker because it's more unique sound.

No idea buddy, doesn't sound Japanese so I guess it's probably shitty and Italian or something.
>guitar has 2 switches
for what purpose?

Hmm. Thanks. I'll look more into. I've been needing a new bass and so far the only that seem worth it for me is either a p bass or an sg.
It sounds very japanese to me

Japs used all sorts of weird names
If you're a Marrboo just get a jaguar.

Don't know why you're concerned with overused models though, who cares. If you want the best of both worlds get an ES-355 (which Johnny also played so you're good there).
gimmie a song to learn guys
Make a fingerstyle arrangement of "Bewitched" by Blood On The Dancefloor

Beyond Bludgeoned - Brain Drill
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Bass in question if it helps at all.
I hate them so much. So glad they finally broke up.
>tfw only know this as a church song
I'm not familiar with that one. So many people repurposed that melody into other songs since it's literally the best melody of all time
*finds the deal on gc and buys it from under your noes*

nothing personal kiddo
Gibson Grabbers/Rippers/G3's are ok as far as I heard, but that's pretty much it. You can get something better for their (usual) prices though.
why don't the big companies ever make new guitar shapes?
Music Man does, unless you don't consider them big company.
Just kidding m8

I prefer wonky abstract wanking basses
It seems like that bass would be difficult to play, is it? If you have it.
All the aesthetic shapes were discovered by the 80s
Intonation is harder on fretless basses yeah, but Warwicks are pretty comfy to play.
Because it's fretless, a bit

I don't own one but I've played them on several occasions

too expensive for me right now!
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Start playing u fukin idioit

I have a song text file with just AM, F x 3, G, C written in it
This makes me want to salute something really fucking hard.
Anyone have any experience with the Boss Katana? Or any other similarly sized solid state amp they can rec
I've been wondering the same thing because I see that they get consistently good reviews
Why are these shitty old scenecore bands so fun to play fuggg

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my bass is named Jen after my ex. it really looks like her, black and blue and she had black and blue eyes after I smashed the bitch.
>tune your guitar to all F#
>just strum endlessly
there's a song for ya
sonic youth already did that with "kool thing"
because they already invented the best guitar shape, the telecaster
One of those things is not like the other
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Bassists of /gg/, if you could go back in time and stop yourself from making one mistake, what would it be?
playing bass obv
not staying with my girlfriend in high school when we went our separate ways after i graduated
i need RIFFS
LYDIAN riffs
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>Eric Johnson studied the techniques of Hendrix and SRV and other greats and can switch to their style and copy it exactly

>when I was young I was in to blink 182 and spent hours studying the style of Mark Hoppus and can copy it exactly

He's shit bros. His technique is shit but I can play exactly like him. I took bass lessons so I can actually play jazz music and shit but Christ what a mistake.

We're talking picking technique, fingering technique, the works.

The MH jazz bass is actually pretty cool, and Blink does have good melody and harmony but if I had liked John Myung, Randy George or Dave LaRue I would be way better now because I would have learned to play with more useful technique from the get go.

I still don't understand why someone would want to play like Mark Hoppus or that guy from Green Day.

It's like people have never heard a Descendents bass line or something.
what's the best guitar shape?
my vote goes to LP
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Prog and chug bands use Lydian a lot

what should i do to get better at guitar when not playing?
compose music without your guitar
the vocalist on the first link makes me irrationally angry
He does that to a lot of people. It's like trying to fit a Disney-pop star or broadway fag into an otherwise good band
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> tfw seriously considering selling every piece of gear I own to afford one guitar, one bass and a Bassman amp
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Did you recently buy that Music Man?
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Yea but you gotta play it upwards or the neck dive will fuck ya
Could anybody recommend me a good compression pedal?
Ibanez Artist/Musician
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Anyone know what kind of Fender amp this is?
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I always had a soft spot for Flying V's. (they're probably unergonomic af tough)
a small one
It's a Reverb Tank, I want one so fucking bad. Someone was selling a 63' reissue for $325, I was selling a guitar to afford it but it was too late
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Apparently it's 80 watts and super clean. A that size it sound like the perfect amp for me ( to get a clone built obviously)

Here's the source.

ah shit looks like you're right. I guess he was talking about the Twin amp underneath it in this video, bummer.

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They were referring to the Twin Amp underneath the reverb tank. Also what time does it show up at? I'm not watching 25:10 to find it myself
Noob question here. If I want there to be less tension on my strings, do I want to get a heavier or a lighter gauge?
Write and record your songs/jam sessions, listen to the the voice memos for 30 mins - 1 hr a day at least, rinse and repeat per day, or at least once a week

After awhile you'll have a crazy stockpile that'll perpetually drive your standards higher and higher, motivating you to make better quality sounds, better songs, better structures, cleaner and more professional everything.

This only works assuming you're not another one of those casual guitar fuckboys that validates himself on his knowledge of covers and tabs, however

So also don't be one of those
>listen to the the voice memos
the what
*listen to your voice memos*
fuck it
>been trying to fix the habit of not using my pinkie to play further notes
>it hurts to do this

Does it wear off after a while? I can't play chords with my pinkie because it's too weak to hold the strings down. Doesn't helpt that I've had this bad habit for a few years now.
it definitely wears off after a while. i find myself using my pinky to play things i used to play with my ring finger all the time just because it's easier and it's less of a stretch.

ideally your pinky will be as strong as all your other fingers (i can do i full bend with my pinky). it's incredibly important and i don't get why it's overlooked
Any recommendations for how to get a good Stoner Rock/Metal type of sound? Stuff I like to play includes Down, Sabbath, Soundgarden, Kyuss and Sleep.
Got lucky and found one for 320 about 4 years back. Sounds great.
Haven't been playing long; how hard should I be plucking/strumming strings when playing? I've noticed if I do it normally I get awful fret buzz, especially when strumming. But if I play much much lighter I get hardly any buzz, but it's much quieter even with my gain turned way up. Are you supposed to play more on the side of barely touching the strings and just have volume maxed out everywhere?
Anyone excited for NAMM?
What's that
Nasty Ass Muppet Men
>listening to advice from /gg/
Probably a Marshall, preferably a JCM 800 (they're really expensive), but pretty much any one will get the job done. Or many a Laney, never played one but I know Sabbath and Sleep both use them. Orange amps also tend to be associated with that sound quite a bit. I would suggest listening to samples on them on youtube and deciding which tone you prefere.

As for a guitar I would suggest a Gibson SG above all others for that kind of tone.
Not drink so much water last night so I don't have to wake up really needing to pee
Is guitar setup properly? You may need to raise your string
A guitar amp.
>telecaster with pine body

holy shit this has my personality written all over it
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all the way up.png
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Is this true /gg/?
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What does /gg/ think of Pete Townshend?
why is it even called a tone knob. tone is such an ambiguous term when all it actually does is cut wave range
important figure in the formative years of hard rock

dont listen to much of his music anymore though
is it worth buying an 90 cent capo from amazon?
Yea all mine are from eBay for $1.23 and they work alright
Hard to love him after the whole nonce thing but still one of the best and most energetic rock guitarists ever.
it's this btw
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so i have this dean ML with a bolt on neck that im going to use as a science project guitar. i don't play it much, or play much anymore in general, so im just looking for some cool ideas for things i can do to it that would just be fun.

>pic related
the ML is the best off all the worlds.
No. Cheap capos are shit. Most of the time the have too much tension and will fuck your intonation, especiallly if you have jumbo frets.

Get a Shubb Deluxe capo instead, it will last you 20 years.
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$4.25? I bought the same one off eBay for like $1.23 (too lazy to get out of bed)
Plan to practice until 12am then sleep
End up practicing until 3am
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What about a new color? You would just need to scuff the surface and shoot a new color and clear over it.

Would look sick with this color
what's a good guitar to get f*m?
that would be pretty tight. ive wanted to do a black and red color job to it for a while. for the moment im just looking at pickups and other cool little add ons like coil spiting and what not. i know how to change all that stuff out, i just have no idea how something like a D100 would sound in a low end guitar with a basswood body and such.
>i just have no idea how something like a D100 would sound in a low end guitar with a basswood body and such.

Is the D100 a pickup? I have some low end Ibanezes that sound amazing after some pickup and hardware changes. As long as the guitar has a good setup pickups will always be the biggest way to improve an electric guitar.
i meant DP100, but ya, its a pickup. its the one the iron maiden guitar players use in the bridge. on their old fenders and the other guy in his jackson.

i dont really know what sound i even want to try to get. im listening to some reviews of the EMG passive emg pickups, and im really liking what i hear.
Only normies require the use of capos.
Does anyone have a link to the modern method for guitar DVD?
no srry
always look on rutracker before asking, piracy is the only thing ruskies are good at.
What is some cool really cheap shit I can buy that is guitar related?
Which is better /gg/:

An all-white strat (maple fretboard) with black PU covers, tone knobs, etc.


An all-white strat (maple fretboard) with a black pickguard and white PU covers, tone knobs, etc.

I had all black plastics on my strat and it didnt look good, I need to mix it up with some white/black
yeah keep on worrying about how it looks instead of playing it
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The 2nd. Though I personally wouldn't choose either of them. Black hardware of any kind doesnt fit on strats IMO.

Get an all white strat mang doesn't matter either maple or rosewood fretboard.
a little early but new thread

You're retarded
Learn to vibrato m8, it kills the vibe
the vibrato in the anons vocaroos sounded fine to me.
You could just say Super Distortion like everyone else too
You don't have any place calling others stupid if you think staff notation is difficult.
Abuse the major seventh, second minor, sixth minor intervals if you want to get a little bit melodic, they have a lot of tension to play on.
DSO themselves aren't super intricate, one of their tricks is replacing the power chords with stacked tritones (root, b5, octave), and another is playing on "dynamics" by doing upstrokes and bending chords (I'm not sure but I think they even do it in quarter tones sometimes)

Also just listen to any of colin marston's, dude's one of the kings of dissoshit.
Go fretless or add a bigsby on it
I have the bassman boss pedal running into my GK Solid state amp. Sounds P. good
That first descent/drop in octave was messy and lost pretty much all of the momentum and drive behind the melody. After that it just feels like you're trying to act like it didn't happen and are piecing together a bunch of different, sparse ideas. Once you get to that strong bend, it's like you've figured out where you are and you regain some power.

The idea is to make sure it's all powerful and cohesive.
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