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How do we destroy the Poppy cult?

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How do we destroy the Poppy cult?
probably by acting like faggots or something
It's already dying. People are realizing Titanic Sinclair is kind of an asshole (unironically), Poppy's music isn't that good, and every time they think something might be "HABBENING," they only end up disappointed.

Every. Single. Time.
Go back in time and stop it from happening.
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Oh my god she is so cute
THIS. I used to love the That Poppy project but after numerous times of being rused and let down, I gave up.
>they only end up disappointed.
>Every. Single. Time.

what do you mean? what empty promises have they ever made?
I remember being so excited when "Where Did Everyone Go" dropped. Then, nothing.
and various things like it. They pull little stunts like that very, very frequently and it has recently come VERY predictable. Where Did Everyone Go? was a video that implied something 'huge' was going to happen, then nothing. They pretended nothing happened. Same thing happened with Numbers; it went nowhere.

Imagine Death Grips' type of stunts but without the satisfying payoff. That's Poppy.

What did he mean by this?
to be honest I'm starting to get bored with Poppy. I thought it was an ARG, but never actually goes anywhere interesting, so idk
>Where Did Everyone Go
i just watched that for the first time. how did that even imply that something was going to happen? it was just two minutes of her asking where people went. what were you expecting?

maybe if you guys didn't shit your pants every time something cryptic happens like death grips fans you won't always get let down.

there were no broken promises there. just you guys getting excited for no reason
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Who's gonna stop me?
do it bitch
It's intentional. They do shit like that on purpose just to fuck with people.
Have you heard of the Numbers fiasco? They set up an entire fake phone number AND a twitter account for a magazine CEO who doesn't exist JUST so they could trick their fans into thinking something interesting was happening, which, of course, went no where.

They know exactly what they're doing.
this shit has always been cancerous, hackneyed trash
Considering I haven't seen any posts about her in weeks until now, I'd say it's already dead
Until you came along and reminded everyone
haha wow that's very epic of them
And that would be cool and all if the music was actually interesting, but without good music backing it up it just comes off as a cheap marketing gimmick. All style no substance.
no one's gonna stop you from speaking the truth
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Thanks I guess
Shes Poppy you see.
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Listen to Daddy's Boy

sounds like the joke is on you obsessive ARG nerds, and i'm sure that was intentional.

i loved the ambient album though. and lowlife is a legitimately great song
Yeah, but the music is (intentionally and ironically) shit, so the whole point is for people to obsess over a "plot" that may or may not even be there. After a while, it gets boring. It's like Don't Hug Me I'm Scared all over again.
Money is her only good song. Low Life was trash.
Did you watch the whole thing? The dramatic music, the buildup, etc... It was directly misleading. The next video is literally just 10 minutes of Poppy jumping.
That video was also the first time Poppy ever walked off stage like that. Broke the fourth wall for the first time ever.
At the time, you bet your ass everybody thought "THE PLOT IS THICKENING," but then. 10 minutes of jumping, like nothing happened.
I keep forgetting about that stuff. There was also that time when Poppy had a little mental breakdown (she said she was 'breaking'), and that whole thing with the TV. In each case, they pretended nothing happened. Super disappointing.

>sounds like the joke is on you obsessive ARG nerds, and i'm sure that was intentional.
I thought so also, at first. I thought they were just poking fun at the people who were reading too much into the Poppy project, finding a plot where there was none, but eventually they started intentionally doing things for attention in ways that were not subtle at all. Like, for example, Poppy's mental breakdown, Poppy's mannequin debacle, Poppy's "handler," and so on. All those things very heavily implied a thickening plot or whatever, but none of them paid off in the end.
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You don't destroy the Poppy cult, Poppy is cute and my wife!
Someone is jealous he gets poppy as a fb

you're just being overly expectant and entitled. if anything else happened that would defeat the whole concept of cryptic ambiguousness that defines her
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What the fuck is a Poppy? How out of touch am I?
>you're just being overly expectant and entitled.
I honestly, honestly don't think so. Imagine seeing a commercial that says, "We're doing something next week, stay tuned," then a week later, nothing happens. That's basically what's going on here. It's getting old. If you're going to play with your fanbase, at least reward them somehow. Don't just give them a series of puzzles followed by...nothing.
>still playing League
don't worry it's just retarded youtube garbage for teenagers
It's hard to explain, but I'll try.

That Poppy is a singer who rose to moderate internet fame by releasing bizarre, entertaining videos on her YouTube channel at a quick rate. These videos focused on celebrity culture, materialism, religion and politics for the most part.
Poppy would also interact with her fans in strange ways over the internet sometimes. One time she posted in /b/, asking what her next video should be called. Everyone thought it was fake until the next day, a video was posted on her channel directly referencing that thread.
Anyway, every now and again, Poppy does things to toy with her fans and that's what people are getting butthurt about.

Really, there's a lot more to it to explain but I'd basically have to write a book. You'll just have to go digging around the internet and get sucked into the rabbit hole yourself. You'll be fascinated for maybe a month, and then at some point you'll get bored when you start to see a pattern.
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I actually quit recently, poppy is still the best girl in the world though. League has GOAT waifus for a western franchise.
youtube pop star, gimmicky videos
That Poppy is an ARG, not a singer. There are 3 characters; That Poppy, Titanic Sinclair, and Mars Argo. That's it.
Why would we want that? Having it just helps keep the brain-dead cultish drone types away from pestering actually interesting musicians and their fans.
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mars argo is my wife
What's an ARG?
>actually interesting musicians and their fans
it's funny how easy it is to recognize grimesfags these days. it's like they're caricatures
An alternate reality game is basically a scavenger hunt with a plot. It tells a story, but the audience has to work to progress the plot. The audience has to work together to watch the story unfold.
the fucking reddit style explanations in this thread
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>mfw I thought That Polly was patrician AF but apparantly her videos are pleb-tier garbage
She looks like a 40 year old in makeup.
It's like a play, except it uses the world around you (signs, billboards, hidden thumb drives, material objects, hidden messages, etc) and the internet (the fictional characters might have Twitter accounts, for example.)
she looks like a cyborg in makeup
Wtf is that even supposed to mean?

Still not seeing what's wrong with those posts. They were pretty helpful imo
>cuck cuck cuck nigger faggot hahaha btfo memes
missing the point
the tone
I watched like 8 of her videos on Youtube. I still don't get it.
Basically she's the personification of celebrity fan interaction.
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it's a PCMusic ripoff minus everything that made PCMusic worth paying attention to
Keep watching until you get to one of the interesting ones. Trust me, you'll see.
>Insinuating that Grimes is the only interesting musician discussed on this board
who this, looks like a porn star
i wasn't insinuating that. i was insinuating that anon was insinuating that. i think she is trash
A) I'm the same anon to whom you were responding.
B) L.M.A.O. And you call out other people for being Grimes-obsessed...
tell me i was wrong
Grimes isn't the only interesting musician who gets discussed on this board.

Happy now?
Titanic Sinclair is a pretentious faux intellectual hipster faggot
all i was saying is that it's easy to tell you're an elitist grimesfag. and i was right.
I don't disagree with that statement.
Hi Corey
Hi, Anonymous.
You were better with Mars Argo
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Get Sam Hyde to take care of her
Fuck her.
omg i luv her soe much
>easy to tell
Based on what? The fact that I follow proper grammar/capitalization rules on the Internet and can spell?
i want to somehow have sex with how her face looks
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