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hip hop is 'music' for people who don't know anything

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hip hop is 'music' for people who don't know anything about music. true or false?
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that is objectively true

Hip Hop is boring and simplistic schlock for plebs and literal children:

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Kanye and Lupe to perform 'touch the sky' at Trump's inauguration.

It's going to be glorious.
There are too types of people in life.

RAPISTS who listen to rap. RACISTS who listen to hip hop.
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>objective truth
>states his opinion

why are rockfags so retarded
hip hop is funny, like weird Al

>pimped nigs talking about their street experience

the basic hip hop rythm stimulates the vaginal flow in lazy sluts

whenever there is pussy, there's mass

Rap is always evolving.
Modern classics like To Pimp A Butterfly come out every year in the hip hop world.

Rock is still worshiping the ghost of John Lennon and believe that nothing could ever compare to Yellow Submarine.
nobody mentioned rock, stop being so insecure.
Yep, that's rock n roll for ya, forever trying to live up to Yellow Submarine.
Please tell me that this is actually going to happen. That would be so fucking cool.
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this is true and anyone who says otherwise is straight up wrong.

musically, hip hop is invariably a simplistic 1-2 bar motif that gets repeated over a 4/4 kick-snare beat for 3-5 minutes. it's facile to the point of being pathetic.

musically illiterate people like it because lyrics are the focal point and it's easy for them to relate to words rather than music.
>a simplistic 1-2 bar motif that gets repeated over a 4/4 kick-snare beat

>trance & techno, black metal, some drone stuff

on what side of the shithole called life are you standing exactly?
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>how to tell someone has never listened to a hip-hop song in their life
yeah but those are small niche genres which make no attempt at pleasing a wide audience. they're centered around minimalism and they use it in an artistic way.

hip hop is simple for the sole purpose of being digestible. at least modern hip hop is
you probably think this is a good song
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You could've at least made an effort and replaced Yellow Submarine with Sgt. Pepper or Revolver
get out
don't you have to go suck kanye's dick because p4k told you to or something?
you're a massive moron, please continue talking to me
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>yeah but those are small niche genres which make no attempt at pleasing a wide audience. they're centered around minimalism and they use it in an artistic way.

lol are you serious? here, i'll give you some popular hip-hop songs for you that don't just appeal to "niche" audiences

i get not liking hip-hop for other reasons, but don't act like the whole genre is shit just because you can't be fucked to look past the lowest common denominator
[genre] is only for [group of people]

prove me wrong
>protip: you can't
of course there are going to be exceptions. i'm speaking generally. there are a handful of hip hop albums which i really like. i just think that collectively as a genre, it's pretty shitty and small-minded.

it's now dominating the pop industry and we're getting tons of pathetic revolting shit because of it like this>>69694273
or anything that future/young thug/desiigner/lil yachty/a cesspool of other shitty trap rappers are making today

also, to be fair, flylo and kendrick's newest stuff is much more jazz and r&b than it is hip hop.
These aren't the exceptions. You're just tuning out to all the good hip-hop out there because you have this preconceived idea that all hip-hop is terrible. If you had the inclination to look for good hip-hop you would find it.

Also, you can't just redefine the genre just to exclude people who are doing interesting things. Kendrick is absolutely making hip-hop music. So is Danny Brown, A$AP, The Weeknd, YG, Frank Ocean, ATCQ, and all the other artists you're just not listening to. Radio hits don't define a genre.
in general, hip hop is a person talking over a simple 4/4 beat with very little to no interesting musical composition. if you disagree, you don't know what hip hop is.
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do you not know what hip hop is
you guys are just in denial because you obviously don't know jack shit about music theory. come talk to me when you can play an instrument
>Kendrick is absolutely making hip-hop music. So is Danny Brown, A$AP, The Weeknd, YG, Frank Ocean, ATCQ, and all the other artists you're just not listening

but they're all trash though.
Dude listen to the album he posted. If you think just cause you can play an instrument you can disregard an entire genre simply cause you apparently know 'music theory' you're probably too young to be posting on this board.
hip hop allows effete leftist men to vicariously experience the masculinity they are denied
not him, but even if one album can be different from the rest of its genre doesn't mean anything positive for the genre

hip hop is still overwhelmingly garbage.
>hip hop is 'music'
best post ITT
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Wow I'm really impressed I bet you're like a professor or something
look at the post he was responding to. i said "in general" if you think that one dj shadow album is representative of the entire genre of hip hop, then you're probably too young to be posting on this board.
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The archive is down but there is a hip hop chart of 100 essential hip hop albums that have no rapping whatsoever. Hip hop is not just rapping over a beat.
>just one album
Do you want us to post every single album that doesn't fit into your retarded idea of what a genre you've never listened to is supposed to be?
My idea of hip hop is correct, it's a fucking terrible and simplistic genre for plebs and children


Listen to better music.
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>My idea of hip hop is correct
So do you have a ponytail or are you already bald?
please, tell us what music you listen to anon, and please be specific
True, if you still haven't grown out of hip hop at the age of 18, there's no hope for you

Full head of hair.

actual music.

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please be specific about the music you listen to
stop taking the bait guys
it's not bait, hip hop is trash.
it's simple music for the simple-minded. yeah i enjoy some of it every now and again, but if it's primarily what you listen to, then you should find a new hobby
go to bed
I've learned to spot bait years ago. At this point it's "taking the bait" for fun because it's all wiggley-woogely.
>it's simple music

So you only listen to art music, right. You wouldn't be posting this and just listening to another slightly different type of pop, right.
i don't only listen to art music, but i acknowledge the fact that it's objectively the best kind of music.

on the other hand you can't rightfully believe that prog rock/jazz/technical metal are on the same level as hip hop
>you can't rightfully believe that prog rock/technical metal are on the same level as hip hop

wow, way to oust yourself as a pleb no better than those you are shitting on
if liking those styles of music makes me a pleb then i'll gladly embrace my plebitude
No, that's metal.
Rap is essentially microtonal, but the the theorists ITT are all stuck in 12tet and are unable to hear it

Sometimes a little knowledge can be a bad thing
Oh gosh it so is. Similar to dub. Like when they'll kind of sing in those 'in between' notes that sings slightly off key but then you realizing they're hitting that askew note on purpose and creates this really amazing leaning quality
that *sounds slightly
Yeah exactly

One of the reasons Burt Bacharach was such a good songwriter was his ability to adapt spoken intonation into notes
He understood the emotional impact of spoken words

It's a shame people get so blinded by theory, which is after all descriptive and not prescriptive
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>100 essential hip hop albums that have no rapping whatsoever
>Hip hop music also called rap music
>stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping
>rock as a genre is for broad appeal and digestability with no real artistic creativity
>AC/DC, Oasis, Kiss, Twisted Sister, Nickleback and Aerosmith prove my point
Lyrically, hip-hop is a full century ahead of any other genre of music. Top level lyricists from other genres are roughly on par with a below average radio rapper like pitbull or flo-rida (and thats being incredibly generous.) Prove me wrong.
Remove the leftist bit and you could say the same thing about metal
>AC/DC, Oasis, Kiss, Twisted Sister, Nickleback and Aerosmith
>with no real artistic creativity
How do you measure artistic creativity?
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A lot of people care. Prove me wrong
what the fuck is your point
>Lyrically, hip-hop is a full century ahead
It always amazes me when I come across whole fucking essays on some rap verse. Considering most people nowadays get secondary education, you'd think they might have at least heard about actual poetry, yet for some reason they insist on looking for beauty and deep meaning in the heaps of verbal diarrhea produced by thesaurus-armed niggers. Worse yet, some of them have the nerve to praise it as a stroke of artistic genius. Truly next level of degeneracy.
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Any modern poet is just a rapper who lacked the swagger to be a rapper.
hip hop and rap are only considered cool because the majority of weed dealers are googles
suburban moms, connoisseurs of taste
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Hip Hop is fine.

The early 90s and 2000s were great.

Rap is shit though.
>"shit fuck pussy nigga nigga money gun boom pussy"
>"you just don't understand the deep meaning"

friendly reminder /mu/ and pitchfork worship Young Thug's 'artistic genius' even with that "dick in her ass and her throat" line
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What's wrong with him rapping about putting dicks in asses and throats? Seems fine to me. Lines like these resonate with people who have put their dicks in asses and throats.
But trump wants Muslims banned

Isn't Lupe Muslim now?
its the most popular genre in the world with most played genre on spotify maps worldwide.
And yet still rap features the best lyricism of any genre of music
hip hop is for people who aren't talented enough to play an instrument
All other forms of music are for people who aren't talented enough to write a good rap song
anyone can write 8 lines where the last word ryhmes with hoe
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>rap features the best lyricism
>best lyricism

An illiterate retard praises rap.
>being too scared because muh bad words are bad :(
>Marquis de Sade is bad cuz muh bad words too :(

literal children talking here
>I'm a grown up boy not afraid of bad words
>mindless obscenity is full of deep meaning
Must feel great to be a rebellious teenager.
you can't judge anyone's tastes if you still like radiohead
It objetively does though. Sorry pal, that's why it's the most popular genre of music right now. Tell artists in your genre of choice to write more relatable lyrics and then maybe people will start listening again (probably not though.)
hip hop is the new rock and roll, which is why there is so much shit to search through before you find the good stuff
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ok m8
Is hip hop just a euphemism for a new religion?
>equates popularity and quality
You can leave now.
Mike Tyson is also a muslim and he was supporting him. Those are hard worked "educated" black people who actually want to do something instead of getting welfare and the food stamps, so i guess Lupe has nothing against him. I dont know but that would be my though
I'll let bill explain

With the exception of cLOUDDEAD, yes.
music is never for just one particular type of person

if you think that you are likely an image-obsessed pleb
>also called rap music

>McDonald's sells more food than Eleven Madison Park so it's better food
>The Ford Focus outsells the entire Bentley lineup so it's a superior car
>Kim Kardashian has more twitter follwers than Barack Obama so she's a more important person

cheap and readily available =/= quality
Popularity indicates quality. This is the final musical redpill. How else would you determine quality. Through the opinion of "critics"? Wew lad.
by your logic McDonalds is the highest quality food on the planet
>level 0 bait
Told you - it's time to leave.
For the first two examples you are failing to take price and availability into consideration. If Bentleys were sold in every town at Toyota prices, they would most assuredly be more popular than Toyotas. Seeing as most albums are similar in price/availability, these examples are not relevant to the point at hand. In your last example you shifted the goalposts to importance.
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>that's why it's the most popular genre of music right now.

At its price point, convenience and availability? Yes.
Rap is indeed always evolving... becoming more and more shit.
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This chart fails to take into consideration that a large portion of younger listeners (hip hop fans) steal their music. Additionally, I would wager if you made that same graph with only people under 40 included, it would be massively skewed towards rap. If rap isn't quite the biggest genre now it will be soon. Once Watch the Wall drops its over for rock.
lol stfu you stupid prick
i guess someone has to listen to all that rock music
>deriving a sense of superiority because people listen to music you don't like

What's it like to live up your own asshole?
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>evidence contradicts my worldview, so let me make some shit up and throw in some baseless projections
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Here you go senpai

>inb4 b-but my chart is correct! Yours is not!

don't bother with these faggots anon
>nobody steals music
All that shows is niggas swapped bikes for music
>generalizing an entire genre based on a few mainstream artists
surely you're an expert in this subject
>simple music for stupid people

>always the same beat and always the same formula; little to no experimentation outside of the norm
>little to no instrumentation besides the drums
>most hip hop has no melody
>lyrics that are relatable to the lower class poor life

trash """"music"""" for plebs
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Hey look, it's drakes (most pirated artist) fanbase. Look at all those niggas
lol where the fuck did you get that from.

I'm saying you're right and faggots like this (>>69699988) will only believe their side of the argument
Drake/Jay-z concert, before anyone starts in with THATS NOT DRAKE
It's one of those genres you think you discover to be more than what they really are when you're a teenager but then realize they are not and grow out of them. Just like metal.
Its a different guy. Why the fuck doesn't /mu/ have IDs like /pol/?
ah my bad i missed your inb4, please accept my sincere apologies

here is a picture of a bird
Total album sales in US are around 280 million. Even if we take your chart as absolute truth, it means the numbers are off by 0,002% for hippity hoppity. You would also find that hip-hop is at 2-12% percent across countries less infested by niggers.
thats a pretty bird. Apologies accepted.
Flylo is not fucking jazz and anybody who thinks so has no business getting pretentious about music
what is Watch The Wall?
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>little to no interesting musical composition
>thinks he knows what hip hop is

caught the bait
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doesn't look very simplistic to me desu


>I've only listened to mainstream poprap garbage: The Post

yeah bro rock is so much better


>hip hop is simple for the sole purpose of being digestible. at least modern hip hop is

I think you mean "at least mainstream hip-hop is"

>musically, hip hop is invariably a simplistic 1-2 bar motif that gets repeated over a 4/4 kick-snare beat for 3-5 minutes. it's facile to the point of being pathetic.

if you actually believe this you have listened to very little hip-hop in general

also it's not like the average three-chord white guys with guitars and drums is any less simplistic

>there is a hip hop chart of 100 essential hip hop albums that have no rapping whatsoever.

Oh fuck I legit want that

Can you post it if you find it?

I was recently listening to Little Johnny From The Hospitul and that was amazing.

wow this is bullshit lmao. keep trying to justify your shit taste
holy fuck read an actual book you inconceivable moron
it's not the fact that people are afraid of bad words, its the fact that the lyricist has to rely on the constant use of bad words in order to convey meaning because they're too illiterate to say what they're trying to say without using infinitely ambiguous words such as fuck bitch or nigga.

using words like that isn't bad because it's inappropriate, it's bad because it shows your incapability of using the english language
This is the kind of person who believes total democracy would work because everyone is smart enough to make an educated vote.
>words trigger me
>illiterate hip hop fan has no reading comprehension
i shouldn't have even bothered
No, not really. It works in Switzerland though.
Brilliant argument. I'm so glad we keep having this REEEE WHY DO YOU LIKE RAP thread over and over again. Keep trying, you guys will surely "redpill" all of us someday.
>short, simple words = bad english read a book to be le smart liek me
>masturbatory, inflated and pretentious words = automatic genius

Anyone over the age of 18 that has at least the slightest speckle of intelligence should know that words are only as valuable as the ideas they convey, not their ornamental value. Orwell has stated this before, this is an old idea: le big words do not have necessarily more artistic value than shorter, more common words.

To think otherwise is to:
1) Validate style over substance
2) Be an elitist cunt that has its own head too far up his ass to see the true meaning of art hidden between the lines.

And you have the nerve of insulting other people's reading comprehension. Not surprising, though, coming off an ignorant, overgeneralizing fuck.
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>hip hop is 'music' for people who don't know anything about music.
oh, and

>inb4 "rap is only nigga nigga bullet bitch pussy" XD

Please keep on cherry-picking the worst examples of popular hip hop while ignoring the good ones, which are plentiful.

You'll only prove my point further.

>>short, simple words = bad english read a book to be le smart liek me
>>masturbatory, inflated and pretentious words = automatic genius
except that's not what i said at all. once again i will explain, it has nothing to do with how short or fancy sounding the words are. it has to do with the ambiguity and meaninglessness of the words. bitch, nigga, fuck, swag, etc. are all slang swiss army knife words that have like 500 different meanings and uses. using them takes away from what you're trying to say because at this point they're virtually meaningless.

you sound really triggered though so have fun being mad
those words are mostly used to bring an emotion of a kind or to make the lyrics flow better instead of conveying a meaning. see: mf doom or any other rapper who has a semi-decent flow and writing
well, some hip hop fans know a lot about hip hop at least
>an artistic way
that doesn't mean anything
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