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kpop general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 125

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pink princess birthday edition
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last jin day post before bed time please enjoy his broad shoulders plush lips and best hair
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>best hair
this. it totally clashed with his complexion.
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Idc wht anyone says these two are the visuals of bts
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>not appreciating the perfection of pink jin

He looks good with most of the colors and styles they've given him but pink haired Jin is some stylist's magnum opus

That thread was first
It was also blatantly early
early, gaylord
anyone who thinks otherwise is blind or has an uggo fetish

He said to migrate only after the bump limit was hit so technically followed the rules
how onew
A duplicate thread doesn't stop being a duplicate thread just because nobody is posting in it
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I'll pretend Jin is the actual visual just because it's his birthday
Migrate to the non gaypop thread
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>posting in the gaypop thread instead of eunha thread
>posting in a busted plastic gvomit thread
who would do that?
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>jin thread
>day-long jin positivity abruptly patters out

Poor useless visual can't catch a break for one day
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i love the maknae youngsters, they have such great chemistry
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more importantly than jin

its kang minas birthday
it's crazy how much jungkook's face has changed in two years
Everyone here is a plague to society
Also Doyeon
Don't support gaypop
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only the homos
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Eunha reacts to gaypoppers
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you're not the boss of me
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just make /kr/ so faggots get their own thread
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visuals are just meant to be useless
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finally a jin thread
Hiroshimoot is thinking about deleting boards, what makes you think he would add any new ones?
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at least that useless visual has some prime assets
have you seen him dancing?
HQ release of House of Army when?
USA = Taylor Swift
South Korea = Taeyeon
he's the third best dancer and can't sing/rap for shit
If Hiro really need to delete boards /pol/ and /b/ would be gone by now
suga is the visual
yeah everyone's known that for a while
isn't there some ltgts whatever thread for this kind of people?
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taylor swift copy cat.png
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i keep telling them that but nobody believes me
What is it like to actually be a SEA kpopper
yeah, he can't rap and sing but although he's the third best dancer his dance skills are pretty amazing
>The bottom images
I'm fucking triggered
My Taeyeon is best beach walker
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word especially when he has black hair
woah did taylor copy tae?
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sorry, no idea

>taytay didn't want to be on the same stage as a tall black guy

who said kpops love getting blacked?
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My niggas

Also, happy birthday Seokjin
>he's still bringing that shit up
Your life must be interesting.
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whos the taylor swift of japan?
nobody cares anymore
hold the line

kpg isn't always on time
V is my favorite bts but fuck suga is something else.......
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i have to agree
i would rather sit noseblood next to a smelly korean sone and see taeyeon lipsync 1 song without any choreography than have sex with taylor swift
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Word but they're all great desu
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I love to see Taylor and Siwon hook up. We already know Taylor loves Korean/Asian guys ...
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word word word. somehow i used to think he was the most boring member and now i love him.
same, i only like suga for his personality and girl legs tho
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>We already know Taylor loves Korean/Asian guys ...
She loves them 'alot' if you know what I mean
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>not adding his tongue to that list
why is gaypop now both a daily occurrence and tolerated?
this isn't /kpg/ anymore
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>>We already know Taylor loves Korean/Asian guys ...
Who can resist a Korean guy? We know white girls can't
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who's your favourite member of BTS?
mine is this man
I cried when suga cried
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>>>We already know Taylor loves Korean/Asian guys ..
Hanging at the pool together
OH took over long time ago.
newfags allowed this to happen

the gayfags also invited all their friends from OH

we need to genocide them
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it's a three way tie between horse jimin and yoongi for me but i love all of them a lot dbh
Because it's still kpop
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All of them but Suga's my husbando


I've been here since late 2011
it's not kpg
post your oldest image
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pic relate but bts is the only group where there aren't any members I dislike/am indifferent about. they're all amazing.
holy shit
who were your husbandos back then
it's always been here it's just that sometimes gaypop posters are actually online at the same time and post in force
post a song you like

kpg wasn't even on /mu/ five years ago
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I don't save images from 4chan, all of them come from fansites, but I used to post Jinki 5 years ago
If you were here also, you might remember

this is the worst kpg thread ever
dat jinki tongue technology..
>I don't save images from 4chan
fuck off back to OH
best kpg ever
This image will make whites in this thread angry
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i hope extended/polished versions of the wings interlude remix and the boy meets evil mashup with lie get released at some point
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>he gets his waifu's images from 4chan and not from fansites and tistories
Get it together chingu
Just realized bts posters are always here at night
it hurts, anon. so close to best asia but too poor to actually go there. the entertainment companies also routinely ignore us SEAmonkeys
>doesn't have a single image from this site
>expects me to believe he isn't an lgbt shill from OH
fuck off
no one believes your lies
More or sauce please...
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i don't save images from 4chan
Tell me about some of the tripfags back then, because I can if you don't want to
Did you used to go to the plugdj?
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i easily believe that sugaposter only gets shit from off site because they're always posting a ton of HD yoongis before i even realize the images are released
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self-hatred, working $1/day for skin whitening products
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Very nice pic that you didn't save from 4chan
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I've got HD Hobi if you want it too, chingu
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post more pictures of rap monster
>tfw order kbeauty products
>shipment comes with skin whitening product samples
I'm already white but curious... do they actually lighten skin?
Twice on Running Man stream on now lads
why the fuck would you ask us
we aren't faggots
gayposters >>>>>>>>>dubuposters, arinposters, doytoyposters

at least gayposters bother to write a few lines before posting, they are way less autistic and fun than other posters
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Underappreciated qt
my nigga ruggarell and quentin are the only tripfags that matter
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this should be the kpg posting ratio: 9 cutes and 1 token gay fag, i could live with that
>Running Man
Eh, I'll pass.
fuck my english, *way less autistic and more fun than other posters
t. gayposter
Based anon
maybe they could lighten hyper pigmentation from acne scars?
i use that shit to lighten my dick
>they think most male idols are gay
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I always thought fany seemed like a cute guy, what happened to him?
>tfw I instantly hide all gayposters and twicesposters
arinposters are the best posters so you're wrong
it's called gaypop mostly because gay rhymes with k silly we've been over this
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At least wait for the eng subs mate. Quality twice memes always come from running man.
They are though, if you are in the communities of popular male groups, they have some pretty damning evidence
Do Twice get paid good for their efforts?
like who?
fanservice isn't indicative of their actual behavior
For example, EXO Kai is definitely gay
no, jyp takes it all
Both Twice and current Running Man are shit.
but he had something going on with Krystal from f(x)
It's been almost universally confirmed that the whole Kai/Krystal thing was a cover up
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No, you're shit.
underrated post
bacon was bearded to taeyeon and that didn't stop him from being a huge faggot
No, you're shit.
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well, at least there is no lovelyz posting
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I-I'm fun

This website never works for me for some reason...
Good I want my grills getting quality nutrition
do you think taeyeon is jealous of chanyeol for getting to hit that every night?
gook poster must be sleeping
t. twiceshitter
the thing is, arin is so retarded that she looks exactly the same every comeback
so every single one of her photos look the same, ugly memebangs covering eyebrows, a retarded smile and such
and our autistic arin posters literally save thousands of these "same-looking" photos, I mean you have to be really retarded for doing that
How new are you? Gaypop has been posted for years
Don't exo fans think there's something going on with him and d.o?
No, there is DEFINITELY something going on between them
t. twiceshitter newfags
how's your first year of kpop been?
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I hope so
exo fans think there's something going on between all of the members basically
this. and they ship them and write fanfics about them
>being so butthurt at a qt girl being posted
t. homosexual
actually i take that back
you sound like a really butthurt and jealous girl
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Lol I'm positive there is too
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Try this one friendo
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speaking of homoerotic fanserivice ywn grope birthday boy jin onstage during a performance in which homoerotic temptation is an integral part of the concept
when do you think bts and exo members leave for military service?
that's a bit gay
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Arin's actually really cute though

What a great performance
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jfc, lord have mercy
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np senpai
when they're hitting close to 30 obviously
xiumin is definitely the first one that's going
>having standarts so low that not only irl, you also like uggos online
she's so cute
it always fucks me up that he's the oldest but looks 12 and pissed off eyebrows maknae looks like he's weathered more years than half of the members combined sometimes
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>there are people who prefer gay twinks over girls
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This one at least opens up but it's too laggy. I'll wait until someone comes out with eng subs dbh
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choa disgust1.jpg
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did someone say lovelyz?
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gaypoppers should just go to >>>/trash/ where they belong
we like both retard
a lot of gaypoppers here have waifus
do you think there's a chance that they are gonna go there earlier like jooyoung?
post sexy choa so we can fap while discussing gaypop
does anyone have the pic of nayoung doing the tongue out double peace sign thing
I see your busted bitch being posted there though
This guy >>69458857
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If you keep posting Choa and Binnie, I'll have to stay because I love them
>not preferring both

but don't worry i won't post my waifu and risk triggering someone again
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dirty soda spike lee, white girl ice t, fully loaded AP
that's even more degenerate
kevin hart your money is too short youre too funny
I like comfy cubs on sundays


Anyone know some good K-Ballads?
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this is the only boy i like in kpop
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this jin thread has a tragic shortage of jin
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binnie trash poster is a massive fucking fag though, he's where he belongs, you should join him
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You guys know half of the gaypop posters are girls right........
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remember how hyped everyone was for ds2 after the mixtapes, then it starts with that and you instantly knew it would live up to the hype
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bomi laughs.jpg
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>grills on 4chins
don't believe a word of it, not even women are that degenerate
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Im jamming to this song lately
>an immensely popular normie site doesn't have grills
based fucking retard
I'm thinking about putting a picture of Nayeon on my phone.
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lets change gaypop to faggotpop

yeeee, cant stop listening to this album desusenpai. whats ur favorite track mines lil one
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chanyeol is the most talented member of exo. prove me wrong
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Here u go :^)
I wouldnt make that sort of commitment, Nayeon is a starter waifu who you will probably be dropping soon.
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>normie site
kill yourself tumblr landwhale
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How dare you
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i love jin's fucked up wavy fingers
>he thinks this site hasn't been flooded with normies since 2010
how fucking new are you retard
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reminder that it's impossible to argue this
he's certainly good at basic ass rapping and basic ass guitar playing and having giant ears but he's cute i'll give him that
>trannies an landwhales
>normal girls
nigger what
I've never heard her but wtf I love her now
so do you only go to /r9k/ or what faggot
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stick talk or thought it was a drought
do kyungsoo
I lurk most of the hobby boards
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i'm proud to be a straight white cis male normie with a patrician taste for classy girls (e.g. awardwinning twice and gfriend)
>kfappers ruin another thread
when is Arin's birthday?
Want to do it to her already
he can sing and play drums and piano too
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>stick talk
Gtfo, we got purpa actaviiiis
no one beats chanyeol so no
truly the best exo manlet
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our boy never disappoints
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I like Chanyeol but
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he's one of the most manly looking gaypops and it's why I like him
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yeah, your horrible taste in music
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Momo looks good sometimes.
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both LIT
>narrow ass shoulders
>big girly eyes
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more songs from her
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>noona will never 'teach' me all about 'sex'
chanyeol might not be a particularly impressive idol but at least he seemed to have retained his ability to feel genuine happiness
sm needs to give lay more lines
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She looks good most times.
please follow the rules, when an initial gaypop post is made in a thread, all subsequent gaypop posts must be a reply to that post or in its reply chain.

thank you
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>tfw will never kiss noona
there's literally nothing wrong with being short
are you triggered that badly faggot
hyeri wants to kiss
Why is Heize so good?
pony fucker
>kfappers ruin another thread that is about women and men as young as their teens being paraded around in generally revealing clothing while also being publicly sexualized and sold to groups of weak minded idiots who can't go outside and find a mate so they fawn over celebrities they'll never meet or have any intimate contact with

I've been listening/watching/held hostage by kpop since 2006, it's literally stockholm syndrome, leave now or you'll be a pathetic 28 year old kv like me
you literally described 2012-13 kyungsoo
he looks way more manly now
t. manlet
what kind of fish are the ones on the left and right imitating?
>serious question
I know none of you will believe me but I kissed Soljin when I went to Korea.
Jisoo is a fucking goddess

Shut your nigger mouth
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you're only 28 faggot stop crying
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the manliest looking member of exo
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>Jisoo of Blackpink is a fucking goddess

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post jews
You'll regret this post when I get my wizard powers
Blackpink > RV > Brave Girls
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lying is a fucking sin you degenerate
Yay, purepop is best pop
thanks hyung
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I'm not lying.
I was about to post the story but I see you don't appreciate me.
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best jew ever
>Blackpink > RV
That's wrong
>Posting stuff that never happened
please follow the rules
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tell me more of your fantasies
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did hyorgre flop?
god DAMN
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your opinion is shit
me in the middle
>that never happened

Kek, as if I care if you believe me or not
The memory will stay with me until I die. No matter how shit my life becomes, I can still cling on to it
almost as badly as hyodung did
doyeon is a literal goddess
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choa mommy
are you sure it was her and not some cosplaying tranny erp, if so, congrats
i can't believe you people are real
why did hyoyeon get a solo before seobaby?
I love these outfits and the hair and makeup was so on point
is that all you know how to say.. you're like a pokemon, constantly repeating the same shit over and over
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the only way you would've been able to kiss her is if you were a girl
otherwise I'm not buying it
>only three replies
i guess the other boards are full of normies...
It's nice that your mental health has deteriorated to delusional levels but you need to stop posting and get back to reality lmao
I want to make out with her
the fucking state of you guys
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gonna post some more gaypop pictures to trigger that hater
make it gaypop thread again
make it a sojin thread then
Double word! :3
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who the fuck, any white guy in this thread is here for the kpop women anyway.
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Is it possible to word two posts in one reply?
Cause that's what Im doing
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