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/shugazi/ - Listenalong Planning, Shoegaze, Dream Pop, Noise

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Thread replies: 307
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Alright last thread hit bump limit so here's the new one!

We're also planning to do some listenalongs for the week before Christmas at 9pm EST each day during the days December 20 through 26. Pic related is what we'll be listening to.

However, none of this is concrete, so if there's a lot of people that will end up being left out of the listenalong due to it being scheduled at a bad time or on bad days, just say so and the time will be changed accordingly. You can also suggest albums to be put on the schedule as long as you have a good enough reason for it to replace a certain album on there.

So, make suggestions while we still have a lot of time!
So, do you guys exclusively listen to shugazi? This is the comfiest set of genres I've ever listened to.
>week before christmas
>starting dec. 20
shouldn't it end on or before Christmas eve or something?
Should I go see Cigarettes After Sex live?
no but i feel like almost 50% of the stuff i listen to is shugazi

Why is that even a question? I'm fucking envious, go for it anon!
who even coined the term shugazi, anyway?

is there a comprehensive guide to shugazi, or anything? what is the entire list of the genres? is it simply just shoegaze, dream pop, noise pop, blackgaze, or is there even more obscure stuff?
the term shugazi came from this thread where this guy didn't know how to pronounce shoegaze and then we started calling the "shoegaze + shoegaze related genres" threads shugazi
found the thread
I've been listening exclusively to Alcest for the last week
It's finally getting cold and it's perfect
Lol I thought it was because of fugazi all this time.
it kind of is in a way
same desu
There are times where I basically only listen to Spectres and Sleeping Peonies and stuff like that.
Also repostan since this is a fraiche thread

See you Nashville scum this Valentine's
Yeah sure we can change it to 18th - 24th.
damn i should come out to see this
It's basically used to define what's talked about in these threads.
>reading comprehension
So the Lilys announced their playing 5 show next year, who's pumped?
That's fucking awesome! Where'd they post that?
What's the link so i can participate in your listenalong party?
Honestly as soon as the weather started getting cold and cloudy and the leaves change color this kind of music really suits my mood. During fall and winter it's almost the only thing I listen to other than new music that I want to check out, or some of my other favorites that I listen to all year round.
>is it simply just shoegaze, dream pop, noise pop, blackgaze, or is there even more obscure stuff?
That's mostly it. I think slowcore/sadcore fits in here too. Stuff like Duster, Low, Galaxie 500 and Pure X.
might go see em as well in montreal
What a revelation! I honestly had no idea.
Not really, though some days I do.
I'm pretty sure people are not yet sure which platform we'll use for the party, I'd assume plug.dj will be chosen.
There are sounds like those of Bowery Electric: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XILeGFrjPqk
Whats some more heavier, sadder shoegaze than a lot of the stuff I see here?
>new slowdive around the corner
>ride too

someone tell kevin to gaze those shoes
ride are shit
sound like blur
I'm so scared the Slowdive album will be shit and then I'll see them live and their set will be mostly their shitty new songs and I'll be even more sad I didn't get to see them during their last tour because Levitation got fucking canceled and I didn't make it to their make up show.
guy on the "We're sad and listen to Loveless every night" fb group posted a pic of him and kevin; said he was working on new material allegedly
Just got apple music give me some good recs! Preferrably some happy comfy shoegaze but I'll take anything good.
Asobi Seksu – Citrus

死んだ僕の彼女 – hades (the nine stages of change at the deceased remains)

Soda Stereo – Dynamo
i never get when people call my dead girlfriend happy music
there always seems to be something really melancholy about their songs even though it's pretty upbeat
It's everything related to shoegaze.
is goji-sanpun vocaloid?
Yeah. It's just a one man band. The guy who made it makes other vocaloid stuff too, I read, but I'm not sure of any details.
I hate vocaloid, but he did a pretty good job at making it subtle and not annoying.
Crazy, really managed to make it sound pretty natural.
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pleb question

where do i start with lush?
spooky, then split then blindspot
I'd say Split first desu
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Do people wanna hear the new Kairon; IRSE! Album? I'm going to start my radio show in 15 minutes and I'm gonna play a few of the unreleased tracks.
Burnham Beeches
Desire Lines
For Love
I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend (The Rubinoos cover of "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend")
Kiss Chase
Nothing Natural
Sweetness and Light
500 (Shake Baby Shake)

that basically sums them up as a whole, I love lush
Had to grab my CD case from my car so I'm starting kind of late. follow the link below to listen and I'll play a track right away after the liner, another at 6:30 (my time) and one more just before 7.

no need bruh, I found their track online
I'm playing 3 tracks different from that one.
I have the whole album.
You're currently missing track 2: Llullaillaco. there's another 7.5 minutes left though.
Next track I play is #6: Ruination
Do you guys listen to music while playing video games? Been playing Diablo 2 listening to Japanese shoegaze desu
I missed them but I'm listening to your show now. It's comfy. The Verve sounds a little like U2.
Thanks, I'll be playing the second track off the new Kairon album after this next track.
alright thanks my dude, what's your dj name again? when are your shows?
Mushmouth, you can catch it from 5-7 (central) on thursdays. I'd suggest checking out some of the other shows but a few them have pretty shit taste.

we're going to be shutting down for the winter break though so this is my last show for the year. Will be back up and running january 9th though.
When I used to play video games that's what I did yeah.
What do you do now? How old are you?
Anybody going to the Richmond show? The venue is only about 5 minutes from my dorm.
No way, shoegaze is all about being immersed in the sounds, can't get immersed in it when I'm doing something other than listening to those textures.
>there always seems to be something really melancholy about their songs even though it's pretty upbeat
Sounds like perfect shoegaze to me
No, it's too distracting most of the time. If I'm playing something like Overwatch then I need to hear the voice lines and my team on the mic. If it's something like Witcher 3 then I'd rather listen to the game's soundtrack.

But if I'm playing something like mario kart or mortal kombat with my friends in the room then I'll turn music on.
Yeah they're great, I just can't wrap my head around it when people call it "happy" shoegaze. Even all the images in their art is gloomy.
I am :)
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i was expecting some reverb drenched pixie cut girl twee pop, but this is really laid back and atmospheric. diggin those lush modulated guitars and synth-ish reverb auras
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>when the vocals are too loud, to the point where they are almost intelligible
what's the /shoegazi/ aoty?
Same. I'm sure it'll be good, but I hope it's good enough for me to not miss hearing them play Avalyn or something.
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Haven't listened to new Pink Shiny Ultra Blast or Autolux yet, so I have to say pic related.
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haven't seen that posted here yet
what's it like?
very good, though kinda generic at times
I'm hoping to get into this stuff
Can someone hmu with the to 5 albums

Blood on the Dance Floor - All the Rage
Bullet for my Valentine - The Poison
Black Veil Brides - Rebels
Brokencyde - BC13
My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
SWEET TRIP: Velocidy; Design; Comfort
My Bloody Valentine: Loveless
Loveliescrushing: Bloweyelashwish
Bowery Electric: Beat
Grouper: AIA Alien Observer
Quick question, is stereolab shoegaze?
i think people say they're dream pop or something
Please check out Brokencyde - BC13 immediately. That album changed my life.
god i hate the "faux-nihilistic-post-irony-self-hatred" facebook groups
what the fuck are you talking about
Cool enough, I'll give it a listen.
Thanks anons
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What do you guys think of this album?
shoegaze is the best shugazi is the best thanks guys
Love seeing that Fauns album. It never gets any mention around these parts.
I really like that Wye Oak album a lot. It's definitely better than their last one.

But I'm not sure it's really shoegaze or dreampop. It's really more just indie rock.
Probably Grandfathered.
tfw i haven't listened to, let alone heard of, these albums. I've got some work to do

Good albums but Sweet Trip and Grouper definitely don't represent shoegaze ((imo))
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Either this, Grandfeathered, or Sound of Ceres
Can somebody post that big, branching chart of all the shoegaze albums?
You haven't heard of Pinkshinyultrablast - Grandfathered?

I'm not trying to be a dick, but what rock have you been living under? I'd say it's probably the most widely discussed shoegaze album on /mu/ and especially in these threads this year.
>Sound of Ceres
I really really love that album, but I'm just not sure their sound is really shoegaze or dreampop anymore. It's great, but it's just too smooth, controlled, and electronic. I'm not saying you can't have electronic shoegaze, but I just don't feel like that's what they're going for anymore.

That being said, I saw this a few weeks back. Fucking amazing show.
I just looked it up I've actually seen the cover a bunch. Guess I just never knew what it was or payed attention.

And now I'm excited that I get to listen to it for the first time.
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>not knowing about dehydrogazi
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>all the albums
Well you obviously knew what I meant. Thanks anon, you prick :+)
We're gonna need a new one of these after 2017
Saw that too, hope something comes out next year at the earliest
Pretty sure Kevin's said he's been working on stuff in the past since mbv, just hardly anyone asks anymore
well it usually takes around 20 years so
>the "We're sad and listen to Loveless every night" fb group
that's the name of the group
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I guess LVL UP is a bit shugazi. It's like all the good parts of 00s/90s emo with all the shit stripped out. Very chill, very easy. Hoodwink'd is my favorite album of theirs.

I think Springtime Carnivore is Dreampop. Regardless, it's silky smooth, dreamy, lots of reverb and extremely chill. Springtime Carnivore was among my AOTY when it came out and is still one of my favorite albums.
Honestly, this whole album is great. Any song would do, but these seem to show the range of the album.
Addendum; LVL UP's new album, Return To Love, is a loveletter to ITAOTS.
I just found out that goji-sanpun finally has been uploaded. a happy day.
it's great
Very nice
Not what you usually hear from Japanese albums in these threads, they sound more like downtempo or something
Can we expand this to fit every album
every shugazi album I mean
bruh how the fuck are you gonna fit all the albums in one pic
bigg pic
you'd have better luck fitting my dick if you know what I'm talking about
das tru
who's the guy on slsk that has a (((shugazi))) folder with echoes
Sounds like a retard, it would be better not to associate with him.
he has a lot of shoegaze
shit im good for that
It's good
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Why has no one posted this from last thread?
It felt recent enough that it seemed unnecessary.
It's changed since then
When and where? This was from the previous shugazi thread
It's poll results on some other site
does anyone have a link to the poll?
So it's settled? 18th-24th at 9pm EST?
I guess for now.
It would be cool if we had some kind of test listenalong to lead up to it or something.
There's no way /shugazi/ likes Beach House that much.
we better have a merry fucking time
>inb4 these listenalongs fail miserably
Who really cares about it.
It's not accurate to the shit actually said on this general.
Cool, does anyone know if an interest in shoegaze in the winter is like related to that winter time depression thing?
Fuck Creepoid goes hard.
What is the best shoegaze for lulling yourself to sleep?

Pygmalion of course.
That's a pretty good one, but I feel that that has a certain clarity to its sounds that make its sleepiness feel very cold, I guess.
is there a huge download for shoegaze? something like the giant vaporwave file that was shared a while back

or do i have to build my library by myself? :-( :-(
nothing gets dreamier than that, i think.
is there anything else with such a pure focus on shoegaze sound?
Anyone know what this type of vocval-style is called? I hear it sometimes in blackgaze, and I would love to hear more of it.

it starts at 1:40. the high-tone screaming.

another example
from 1:35

if anyone know it would be great :)
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Dumping the dream pop/shoegaze that I have.

Candy Claws - Ceres & Calypso in the Deep Time
[Flac] https://mega.nz/#F!dQZhyLCb!KhSxR-bT2NjwghlRKhg7OA
Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKiq-P2OJyc

Dråpe - Canicular Days
[Flac] https://mega.nz/#F!VYZB2DrA!SJebfqzXexDkm3vGSuNd9Q
Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_l9A2dprqY

Luminous Orange - Drop Your Vivid Colors
[320] https://mega.nz/#F!8IBWxTQS!svMWkSwdrL3y6PrtOxPzSQ
Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIlfSvJmYvA

Luminous Orange - Sakura Swirl
[Flac] https://mega.nz/#F!9MoRhTgJ!p8iLt2VcvNTcFDsjVd7Cag
Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETy5QdleV4g

Luminous Orange - Songs of Innocence
[320] https://mega.nz/#F!EdQDSRYa!LH6QR2Z2jlnoaoprDNTysw
Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbNCLnBcPpo

Winter - Supreme Blue Dream
[Flac] https://mega.nz/#F!hVIHwRzJ!F1eL3TSe88izTx7dXMr8Jw
Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvqIBuI8nT0

I don't know if it has a proper term but if you say "depressive black metal shrieking" I think most people who are familiar with the genre will know what you're talking about. Silencer has a lot of that if you haven't listened to them yet, not blackgaze though.
does anyone have any Guitar albums besides Sunkissed? all the links in the archive are dead.
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I have severe insomnia, averaged around 2-3 hours of sleep per night for months with occasional 50-100 hour periods of wakefulness. Out of all of the different types of medicine and behavioral therapy I've gone through, the most effective thing for sleep has honestly been just smoking a bowl and listening to Loveless. Obviously everyone has already heard the album a million times before but I don't think I've found a better album to fall asleep to, minus Only Shallow.
Seasonal Affective Disorder. It could be, I think I probably listen to shoegaze more when I'm depressed but its probably not directly related
Even though Pity Sex sucks, their first ep Dark Word, is better than their first full length Feast of Love
Beach House is Dream Pop
Grouper is Ambient, Drone, & Psychedelic Folk
Sweet Trip is Glitch Pop, Dream Pop w/ some shoegazi

Is this right?
Sounds about right to me.
Is this shoegaze or post rock?
Both. More shoegaze than post-rock, but it's not very good. It's like a 6.5/10 at best, there's just too much filler.
Just listened to Going Blank Again
Holy shit
I know, it's trash right?
it sucks
Bad news, guys.
Some of the albums/EPs on the schedule are not on YouTube.
I only see two solutions to this:
1) Change the schedule
2) Find another way to play the albums that doesn't require YouTube
Not quite willing to follow through with option 2 because dubtrack is easy to work with. I would leave that as a last resort. Any thoughts?
Albums where only the first song is good.
any more like this?
Can't you just upload it to YouTube or something
What's missing?
Sunshine of your youth - cheerleader
Has anyone heard this song? I love it and don't know what do to about that.
happiest shugaziiiii
don't listen to these fools
which albums
>tfw people literally can't get into one of the most entry level shugazi bands because of a /mu/ meme
ay bruh
Straydays EP, Warm Forever, XMAS MIXER, and Fall
Bumping the thread to say listening to this. So far it's pretty incredible. A lot better than Shriek.
stop saying "shugazi". It is the gayest fucking thing. These are always the worst threads on this board.
shit nigga ill upload that right now
>These are always the worst threads on this board.
It's official.
You're a saint, mate
At least we're not Grimes threads
Can I get some "WTF THIS ISN'T SHOEGAZE"-inducing albums? I happen to like those.
Shigazi is just the general's name, like how emo calls itself emoe. I highly doubt any one here who isn't a mouth breather unironicly says "shugazi" irl.
yea i might hit up the seattle show. 10 min walk from my place in a small intimate bar basically
What does that mean,
I'm bothered that the MN show is a thursday. I'd have to drive down after class and I'm not sure if any of my friends would be up for skipping class Friday for the show.
go alone
The obvious answer, probably what will happen.

God, I love this song so much. Shame the rest of the album isn't quite up to par but this totally makes up for it.
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Hi guys

What's the softest, most gentle, soothing album you've got? I'm okay with distortion and noise, but I'm looking for something extremely cozy and pleasant.
Cigarettes After Sex, friend
everything they make is cozy
Thanks anon, very nice.

I'm still looking for something more dense and abstract. slightly noisy/psychedelic but still soothing. Basically "To Here Knows When: The Album: is what I want.
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maybe these guys are more your thing
Loveliescrushing: Bloweyelashwish
It's a cozy thick quilt of fuzzy guitar reverb that you can curl up in.
This holy hell
I like it tho
I swear I've never not gotten chills when To Here Knows When comes on
It's the same sensation as when you're about to step into a warm bath but the actual bathroom's uncomfortably cold and the only warmth you're getting is from the steam off the water
Autistically specific but whatever
fund my tour shugazi
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Yeah I'm pretty happy with the venue selection
It seems now that they're big all their Europe shows have been in pretty big concert halls but a lot of the places listed seem to be tiny little things
Might just be because Alcest isn't as popular stateside but it's honestly just more for us
The place they're playing at in Nashville is literally just a little dive bar with a stage and floor
I caught Tricot there last year and Shellac there a month ago and both shows were super intimate and really nice
>pic related
It's the venue
i wouldn't
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>tfw im alone in thinking this is one of the greatest shoegaze albums of the past 10 years
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but shugazi is best general on this fucking site
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Thanks guys.
Woke up to the first snow of the year and having some coffee while I listen to these. Maximum comfy.
I've never listened to Alcest. I'm not a metal fan but I don't necessarily dislike it either. Anyway, they're playing near me next month (the chicago show) and I'm considering going.

What's a good entry point for getting into the band/what can I expect?

I love showgaze/slowcore so I'm guessing they're somehow related since they're in this thread.
>I've never listened to Alcest.
To see someone getting into lovesliescrushing, how lovely, hopefully you had a good time with both them and your coffee.
I did thanks, and I love that album. Can't believe I've never heard it until now.

Also, did Panda Bear sample the song Teardrop on Person Pitch? I could swear I recognize that little tune from somewhere in that album.
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this is so good
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Hey new to this general can someone give me the run down on what these genres are and some recommendations, thank you
Which genres are you currently into? That could help us know which albums you could probably enjoy.
Also, see >>69421559
legitimately the comfiest album I've ever listened to
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Why the FUCK didn't anyone in this thread tell me about this album. Found out about it through PTH.
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c-can you invite me?
[email protected]
Not gonna risk my account senpai. Get in through other trackers
that will take a while, I'm only PU at AB, but I understand.
in the meantime I'll check out walrus.
They are recruiting on ptp and btn if you can get in from AB.
they also have a thread at AB, but only for Elite+
my hope is that they might lower it, a few months into the future.
Getting Elite is ez. Just transcode a bunch of flac.
Also if you need help finding Japanese music to transcode on AB I could let you download FLACS from me on soulseek.
oh its only 50 torrent. I had a much higher number in my mind.
thanks, but i guess this should really be ez.
already going through better. to get a bunch of flacs. my buffer is good enough for that.
I'm not too picky actually so mostly anything will do
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aight did one of them
wtf i hate barlow now
So it seems a ton of people have a serious problem with /mu/, is it honestly just because we're on 4chan? That's kind of shitty if it's true.
Yes. Most people think that 4chan is just /pol/ and /b/. Most mentions of 4chan anywhere else is met with a sentiment like "I was there for 5 minutes and am scarred for life"
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random question, does anyone know where I can find the lyrics for the first track

I know being overly concerned about lyrics is not necessarily the spirit of shoegaze, but the heart needs to know
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I've never been the biggest Ride fan but this is fucking incredible.
Also these are different versions of the tracks that appear on Nowhere, right?
ok ride fall
No, but they are bonus tracks on some copies
Didn't expect anyone to actually do this. Thanks, man.
shugazi 4life
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did lush just fucking die again
what the fuck the ep was fire
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>tfw didn't even get to see them live
i'm actually sobbing
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don't cry anon, i live in nowhere land so i've never even been to a concert before, heh.
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ay listen to this
i like it a lot so it's good just talked my word for it
spacemen 3 hypnotic drones + sonic youth noise
thank you anon, i was already a fan of luminous orange/candy claws and so i listened to these and found some new favorites <3
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is pic the logical conclusion to shugaze?
I don't think so, but how hard could it be to find the logical conclusion of a style that's mainly about having this really specific mood and having it be so absolutely densely immersive? Like Loveless-style shoegaze is so specific. The logical conclusion to that is probably Loveless.

Of course shoegaze-textured guitar drones can be used anywhere so there's a million possibilities for that.

I get that the question was about all shugazi but yknow...
I think the logical conclusionpf shoegaze would be something that has thebsound of a full band but is made entirely with a guitar and effects. This would include the drums and vocals. In this video https://youtu.be/kqiEHQL7ilk Adam Neely shows how a bass put through a vocoder could be used to create a drum track. I think using techniques similar to this and multiple effect chains you could create a full band sounding shoegaze song with one instrument live. If that were to happen I think we would see the logical conclusion of shoegaze.
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Is this* official? https://luminousorange.bandcamp.com
That sounds wild as fuck
Who ever makes music here, get to fucking work, you'll be a hero if its good
Nevermind, it is: http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~luminous/english_.htm
This pisses me off so much. 4chan is such a fucking normie site now, and everyone still acts like it's the worst thing ever. Every time someone mentions this website, they always say some shit like it's "the seedy underbelly of the internet". No it's not. Most boards have actual discussion, and you'll only get shit if you say something stupid.

Last time I went to /b/ it was just porn. It's not constant gore threads anymore; there's literally nothing out of the ordinary there. /pol/ is hilarious and it should be taken as satire.
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Reminder that the first disc of this is absolutely stellar.
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just discovered this band. kind of sounds like whirr if whirr was good.

>the way her lip touches the mic
holy shit
I figured the "gross" was in reference to the fact Barlow's never talked about on reddit
I was thinking that too
>tfw I was the one who liked "Gross"
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Based anon
there used to be something like that on a mediafire account but im not sure what the name is or if it got taken down
I love this album. So chill and comfy.
Unfortunately you won't find the lyrics anywhere. but I know that feel.
I still hate the fact that The Battle of Sealand is in the chart over Winks & Kisses.
Never heard Dråpe before, ty anon
>counting compilations as albums
If it's better than the album, why not?
why are they never discussed on here?
Any lyrics for Static Daydream?

These are good things. You are good people.
This is super fucking good

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I've put a bit more thought into this and I think I figured out a way to do it. Regarding playing technique it would seem more reminiscent of mathrock because of the use of 2 handed tapping to play multiple lines at the same time. Compositionally it would probably be a lot like ambient, minimalist compositions, post rock building itself throughout the piece with no quick hard transitions.

The signal chain as far as I can figure would be something like this:
Guitar>tuner>compression>5 way splitter:
Chain 1: "Percussion"
Bass synth>noise gate>vocoder (beat boxing)>looper/sampler>reverb (optional)>Amp
Chain 2: "Bass"
EQ (hard low pass)>Octave>fuzz>sustainer>reverb>amp
Chain 3: Rhythm Guitar
Harmonizer (5th or octave)>Harmonizer (detune)>reverb (reverse optional)>fuzz>reverb>looper>amp
Chain 4: Lead Guitar
EQ (hard high pass)>ring modulator>(other optional tone coloring effects)>fuzz>delay (almost entirely wet signal)>reverb>amp
Chain 5: "Voice"
EQ (high and low pass so only mids)>fuzz>sustainer>vocoder>harmonizer>heavy reverb>amp

This is assuming it's intended for a single musician surrounded by pedals and amps. I think all of this could be applied to multiple guitarists for an easier/less messy set up but this is the gist of it.
Good band.
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whirr is good and this sounds like a whirr rip off.
>being this late on the disliking whirr bandwagon
Now that Whirl have been brought up, new album ever?
Every post on their FB page just had hordes of people telling them that they're transphobic scum and there's no banter (or more importantly, actual information) anymore
Yeah, I haven't seen any posts from them since all that drama happened.
But isn't the whirr guy playing bass in Nothing now? Maybe that's keeping him busy. Sucks that it has to be for such a worse band.
Nothing doesn't deserve their success. Their appeal comes from this desire people have to want to like a band that they can call shoegaze, and that shit where punk is somehow more legitimate and less image obsessed than any regular shoegaze band. Their music is the most uninspired parts of both styles, while Whirr understood how to create a mood with reverberating effects. It's really fucking gay.
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this is boring as fuck
Old news, pal.
Why are you listening to that album when literally every other one of theirs is much better

This is some lovesliescrushing shit
When will Neige realise Shelter was a mistake and this is how he should progress his sound
link to download this?
just search
astrobrite - whitenoise superstar
on slsk
Should also be on the archive.
not shoegaze, but Grouper is definitely top tier lullabycore
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the cherry wave avalancher.jpg
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did we listen to this
or some of us
damn, thanks man
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Anybody heard these guys? I'm kinda' blown away by this song.

Anything good come out of Japan this year? Just realised none of my new music is Japanese
this is good
thanks anon
/shugazi/-wise or just in general?
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This is my preferred shoegaze chart.
Not really. Some of their stuff sounds dream poppy very occasionally, but apart from that they're worth checking out just for Dots And Loops alone.
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At least post the newer one
Should know this too.
>Woods of Desolation

Nigga, this is exactly the kind of shit I'm into. Thanks for bringing this to me!
Both, but shugazi is preferred
This one fucking sucks. It takes off both MBV and Astrobrite.

Never heard of them but this is pretty great.
4chan sucks though

but also this
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topsters2 (1).png
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This is all I've got
The only mildly /shugazi/-related release is the きのこ帝国 album that came out
I made this the other day. Let's give this a little test run, eh?
Can anyone id this song http://011594.tumblr.com/post/152686598385/ear-vomit
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Listen to this too.
i cant believe ive been into shoegaze for so long that ive literally listened to all of the records and probably more
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anyone? feels like feldman really dropped off the radar after leaving the pains but this album is amazing

80s synthy romantic dream pop, former lead singer of the depreciation guild and drummer of the pains of being pure at heart
Damn. That's some great music there.
Anybody here make shoegaze?

2017 looks like it's going to be a big year for us and if it gets something started it probably wouldn't hurt to get in at the start of things.
I can create a shoegaze sound, but I don't make shoegaze music. At least, that's not what I'm focused on right now.
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