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/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 63

multi-thousand dollar meme machine edition

Beginner guitar tutorials:

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:


Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>http://www.mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM+RECTO+V30+L2.wav (embed)

Previous thread:
Could someone tab this please it has three parts total:

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Only about 6 more months until I've saved up for a new guitar. How exciting!

On another note, does anyone know how to get rid of a humming background noise when using an audio interface/DAW?
(Preamp ->xlr -> focusrite solo)
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Found a fretless red Fender jazz bass at my local shop today for 500$, is it worth it?
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BEEP BEEP only style of guitar that actually takes skill coming through
What's the difference between overdrive, distortion, and fuzz?
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got a ProCo RAT 2 for $40 and holy fuck it's INSANELY good
10x better than my old Boss OD was

also never buy behringer pedals, don't waste your time
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Think I'll be known one day?


>pic is a music review
What do you have against em? I'm using the Behringer EM600 and it's pretty cool.
The Behringer Super Fuzz 300 or whatever is also nice.
Is it easier to sing and play bass with fingers or a pick?
Here's a quality explanation given by a Scottish dude.

I play anime songs in fingerstyle arrangements. It's really fun. :o)

foodswitches loog lige benis :DDDD
Well, you may be a disgusting weeb, but at least fingerstyle takes some actual ability so points to you there

Whichever comes more naturally to you. I hate using a pick when I play bass, feels unnatural to me, but if you're used to pickstyle I don't think there's any objective difference in how difficult one would be vs the other during vocal accompaniment
MIM or MIA? New or used?
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Pls rate this solo i did to Free's Fire and Water, tried to follow the original one. Hows it going? Bending, phrasing and overall?
Sounds a little flat here but I think it might just be the production (or lack thereof). Would sound good live
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I got a few answers last thread so I'll see if anyone has anything else to say.

>Lads, I'm in the market for a compressor.
>Price isn't too big a factor, although I don't want to spend more money than is necessary.

>I've been looking at a few different pedals online but in most demos they're being used pretty subtly which is not what I want. When I turn on the pedal I want the compression to be noticeable.

>I use chorus pretty heavily so I want the compressor to be able to be able to complement that effect. I also want to achieve a real jangly, chiming rhythm tone which I'm aware the janglebox is good for but I also want to be able to really squash my tone to get that cheesy 80s sound.

>Any ideas on which pedals can achieve this would be appreciated.
Same as below, a little flat here and there, but seems fine to me. I'm not familiar with the song/band/guitarist to talk about accuracy though.

Playing is fine. Work on playing to pitch though.
The store did not specify unfortunately, all I know was that its Red, has 1 pickup (though to be honest I forget exactly) and no online retailers have it in this color or condition so I'm wondering if whether or not its just a MIM fretless that for whatever reason was colored red
You mean the bending or all of it? Its tuned half step down
Bending was fine, just the expressiveness in general. But I do think it was probably just the production, the tone doesn't really sing in a way that makes it sound compelling.
sounds sketch af for $500

Pass until you get more info/see it for yourself.

Take someone who knows their shit with you to verify the condition.
Cali76. Only compressor you will ever need.
>sounds sketch
jfc kys
Are you having problems, Anon?
Thanks. What does that one offer that makes it in your opinion a good choice?
I have tried every compressor I could get my hands on. The Cali76 was the only one that worked with whatever genre, type of music, or guitar and amp I threw at it. It sounded best out of every compressor I had at that point in time, I had almost every one in your pic but three. It is a great compressor for anything.
why so much fuss over compressors? do you really have an ear for it? they just squash the volumes, make low sounds louder and limit the loudest sounds
Money not being a factor, I'd get the Keeley.

Though to be honest, I'd get as part of this guy instead.

>Can't wait for the mockery to ensue.
There is a standard MIM for the same price there aswell though, and when I tried it out it wasn't too bad playing, are standard MIMs usually good?
Standard MIMs are usually fine.
people are looking for an excuse to waste their money when they know a basic boss pedal will do the job
>>68886277 hey
Could you explain this

>The Cali76 was the only one that worked with whatever genre, type of music, or guitar and amp I threw at it. It sounded best out of every compressor I had at that point in time, I had almost every one in your pic but three. It is a great compressor for anything.

For >>68886304
Any compressor pedal will act as a compressor. Any pedal will not be the same as the other in sound or effect.

I bet you hate apples too, poorfag.
>I don't own a compressor but I am clearly an expert and you should respect my opinion about them
If you can't hear the difference between a high-end comp and shitty cheap ones then you're playing the wrong game.
fuck you dude
>t. deaf person
>why so much fuss over compressors?
In the work in recording I do, it's very important for noise reduction and adds a certain sound I need for the music I play. I do use a noise gate aswell, but it doesn't take away the amount I need it to. The average boss compressors just don't give me the tonal versatility the Cali 76 gives.
Compressors are a meme, like tonewoods and DI boxes
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>compressors reduce noise
now I've heard everything
how does a compressor affect TONE?

how can they work better or worse for different styles of music just like guitars and amps?

the difference between pedals is just being able to cut noise level better?

what you use it for besides increasing sustain and evening (pun lol) the dynamics?
Shitty compressors will suck tone.
Are compressors on bass guitar a meme or legit?
You are quite literally retarded.

Here's just one example:
Bass needs compression more than a guitar does, you idjit.
theyre a must for me cause im mostly a guitarist and i need a maxed compressor to sound half decent
Maybe you should work on your fundamentals so you don't depend on a compressor?
Boss pedals are shit and so is your post
Vintage Boss pedals are actually pretty great depending on what you get, like >>68886623

But they're still cheap and modern high-end comps/whatever will always be infinitely better.
Simply put, the BOSS DS-1 distortion pedal is a modern classic. For the better part of 30 years, you've heard this orange box put through its paces on countless top rock recordings - from Kurt Cobain's "Nevermind"-era grunge to the renowned distorted tones of Steve Vai. The DS-1 is affordable, it's incredible sounding, and it's a rock pedalboard staple - the perfect first distortion stompbox and one that may well be your last. Whether you pair it with your guitar's single-coil or humbucking pickups, expect rich, dynamic-laden tone with the BOSS DS-1.
Nice try, BOSS salesman.
At least come up with your own bait.
Another good example of comp making a huge difference:
Did BOSS go down the shitter or something?
Nah, people just think every Boss pedal is a DS-1 or an MT-2.
They're fine, but there are certainly much better options out there for not a lot more money. I think that's what people are really trying to convey. 4channers just love talking in absolutes/extremes.
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So what?
Ace Frehley can barely play his guitar after he fried his brain from drugs. Paul was right- he's a loser.
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>your favorite guitar brand
>your favorite amp brand
>your favorite pedal brand
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Just added this to my collection. Basic American standard. Plays like a dream
That is the nicest rosewood fretboard ive ever seen
This is literally spring reverb porn.

Laney & Marshall
Don't care
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I noticed that when I saw it in the shop. Pretty much an impulse buy for me.
noisegate in the daw maybe
and when the hum doesnt stop when you play or grab the guitar
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play louder
> Fender
> Fender/Music Man (Anything by Leo)
> Flickinger
Music Man is Leo Fender too?
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Nice axe.anon
Yes, G&L as well.
Nice. Any other fenders in your collection?
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Music Man amps not Music Man guitars
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3 Strats and a Jazzmaster

One of the Strats in pic
This is the highest quality reverb I've ever played. Very responsive knobs and range.
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Are you me?
how do i into solos

i like making riffs but have yet to make a solo i can really feel. i just have some go to tricks i kind of like.

i don't mean shredding that's for nerds. i mean like this https://youtu.be/zzIfpkeHamw?t=4m50s
Mesa Boogie
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quick reminder some people are retarded
just sounds like a shitty joke man
Do you know how to improvise? How to develop a theme and build varaitions of it, on it?

Do you know how to write a song?

A solo is basically a small "song" or a whole piece that you stick in a middle of a song. At sometimes three times the tempo. You have to be good at improvising, or atleast developing themes or writing coherent music to write a good solo.
There doesn't seem to be a theory/compo thread up right now so I'll try to ask here: How do I resolve (not sure if that's the right word) a progression like ii-IV-vi-V? I mean, what kind of chord would I want to end that with?
hate how modern finishes can never have that worn look like what happened to Rory Gallaghers and SRV's strats
They can if you buy a guitar with a nitrocellulose finish

Don't know why people want that anyways / "Worn in" guitars with dents feel like shit
the worn in look is nice though and didn't they stop doing nitro finishes
Doesn't that kind of resolve itself ? Or I'm misunderstanding your question.

that's only the case for poly finishes, oiled wood does wear. I think it looks better too.
You're lamenting the fact that modern guitars are superior products, you know how bizarre that is right?
Nope fender even has some MIM models with nitro finishes now
fuck that's nice i can feel the smoothness of that
fretboard just from looking at it.
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Hey you seem to know the shit

Is my soloing coherent and with a "theme"?

The only thing close to a theme that i think i did is repeating a couple patterns on the separate solos.

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>go away cause threads are fucked
>come back hoping it got better
>it's even more fucked
How long until these threads are inhabited EXCLUSIVELY by anime shits/ERG faggots/overprocessed djent metal/math-whatever smegma lickers/le classic eguitarist (Satriani, Vai etc.) homolovers/ibanez wielding anal rapees/all of the mentioned? Does anyone have ANY taste here? At all? Classical? Bebop? Krautrock? Anything?
Sorry, just gonna say this:
1. If you've been playing for more than 2 years, that's embarrassing.
2. If that's not improvised, it's embarrassing.
Otherwise, whatever, just keep getting better.
I'm aware that this question must be asked here a million times, but what is a good electric for a noob? been playing acoustic a year and a half. I don't care if its a strat type or lp type body.

I just don't want to have to replace whatever I get, not for years to come or maybe not ever. I am not planning on becoming a guitar master, this is just a fun hobby for me.

So far from what I've seen the best bang for your buck is one of the many yamaha pacifica models?

A guy I took lessons with has a Cort CR50 in his shop, is there anything wrong with this?

Link to one - http://www.ebay.com/itm/Cort-CR-Series-CR50-Electric-Guitar-Black-Free-Shipping-/252595753648?hash=item3acfe152b0:g:dLYAAOSwHMJYCQX0

Is changing strings on electric easy to learn?
Please throw me a bone, I don't have anyone I can ask these things. My only friend who played guitar moved away
Sounds good. Better than I was expecting, pitch is fine. Keep it up guitarboy.
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>anime shits/ERG faggots/overprocessed djent metal/math-whatever smegma lickers/le classic eguitarist (Satriani, Vai etc.) homolovers/ibanez wielding anal rapees/all of the mentioned?
Hey, that's me.
You're lacking shoegaze memesters though.
Classical's good but snobby classical players can go eat a dick.
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Been playin for 4 years but very undisciplined
You're not willing to point it out throughout, the aspects of it?
Yes it is improvised

This one is also improvised but has a mix of 3 or 4 thought takes, the first solo is from like the fifth take https://a.clyp.it/vxxfbnuw.mp3, what you think of this one?
Ah thanks bro :3
Boss kinda sux man. I don't like using solid state distortion pedals to boost generally, but when I A/B'd a couple of Boss overdrives against a Maxon OD808 the Maxon just murdered its competition. Similarly the Boss noise gate is kinda shit whereas I really like MXR's one and the ISP Decimator.
You use fuckin distortion pedals with a fuckin tube on it?
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what are some fun and easy to learn songs for getting into fingerstyle?
Dunlop if I had to choose.
Grats, the rosewood board was the first thing I noticed.
>i don't mean shredding that's for nerds

You have shit taste.

Anyway no one can tell you how to construct a solo, go do the work
That Firebird looks lovely anon, how does it play?
Your reading comprehension gets two thumbs up from me senpaiília.
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Morbid Angel - Desolate Ways
That one's better, it's got some flair. Not much to say about the previous one, those were some very repetitive and bland licks over and over again. Made it sound like you had prepared 2-3 emergency licks for the improv, didn't come up with anything else during the recording and just repeated those. That's how it sounded to me.
Well, I'm assuming you're playing the solo over some chord changes.

Arpeggios are a good starting point because they are the notes of the chord. So if you have a chord progression G, D, C, for example, try playing a G major arpeggio over the G major chord, D major arpeggio over the D major chord, and a C major arpeggio over the C chord. Once you get comfy with that, start adding notes in between the notes of the arpeggios, just whatever sounds good to you.

Mixing this approach along with pentatonic and blues licks and whatever other licks you know can be an effective way to start playing solos that sound melodic and like they fit the chord changes.

there was also a wordpress I saw on this general a while ago that had a bunch of chet atkin music with both the sheet & tab under it, can someone please post that?

i love fingerpicking too man
Oh and I don't mean just play each arpeggio up and down over their respective chords because that is generally but not always boring and less musical sounding, though you may have to do that to start with until the shapes are under your fingers.

Once you're comfy with the arpeggios, just pick a few notes from them and do all your guitarish techniques like sliding into the arpeggio notes from above and below, trilling them, bending into them, raking muted strings into them, reverse bending into them, playing a couple of them together as a double stop, etc.
This, the best one ive used is Izotope denoiser, by far. I never even need to tweak it, i just hit the learn button and its good. Doesnt affect your sound much as all(unless you dont use the learn button and dont know what youre doing), keeps sustain, closes and opens at the right moments. I use it in pro tools and run it in the effects chain of already recorded tracks, but itll work if you record with it on, if you dont have the option(or processing power) to process recorded tracks after the fact.

That focusrite line is really solid for the price, but it still has drawbacks. It wont work as cleanly as something pro level that runs off its own power supply. That being said you can get great quality recordings with it.
got this a few months ago, i know its an aerodyne strat but i assume its been customized. other than that it is a mystery.
Honestly, go to a music store and try something out, thats the only way to learn whats comfortable for you. Preferably guitar center, they have a larger selection than small shops and itll just irritate the people at the small shop if you come in and dont buy anything. Itll irritate them at guitar center too, but theyre used to it, and those guys wont remember you unless youre a total douche. You dont want to build a bad relationship with a local music store because they tend to have connections. They tend to know a lot of musicians, a lot of techs, a lot of teachers, and at least a few people that rent out things like pa systems and or have recording studios. The guys at my local store helped me out big in the past, even holding a $1200 amp for me for a month until i got my first check from a new job after being laid off from work. Guitar center wouldnt do that, so Id recommend going there and trying them out. Then after you find out what you want id hit up a local music store and see what they have. They tend to have a lot of used gear, which is nice, and some of them offer lay away.

I wouldnt scrape the bottom of the barrell, at this point you should know if youre going to stick with guitar or not, if you are then you should buy something decent you have the ability to try before you buy.
He doesn't know the shit
As a matter of fact, he doesn't even know how to solo

A solo is all feel
Nothing more
Sure you need to know the structure and shit but don't listen to assholes who think they know it all

Your solo was good bro
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Acoustic BN3112 300W: decent for a cheap amp? Looking to get a 300W around $300-400 bucks
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What does /mu/ think of the Mesa Boogie Mini Rectifier? Is it worth buying?
I'd rather go for Hartke, TC electronic, ashdown or even Fender. You won't get 300W out of that amp btw
>You won't get 300W out of that amp btw
Can you elaborate? It's rated for 300W

>Don't really use pedals, but a Boss SD1 works really well with my AC15
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Love that Firebird, really tempted to sell my Tele and get one as I never play it.

Has it got a chunky neck? I'm in love with the 50s neck on my Les Paul
Well I say otherwise
The amp itself is 300W but with a 12" speaker, you'll probably get an output of 150W more or less. You will only get your 300W if you plug in an external speaker. Not to mention that these 300W won't necessarily sound louder than say a 200W markbass amp
How's my 'rock fusion' solo guys?

He's calling himself retarded
If I get the 1x15 version, will that bring me to 300W?
Pretty nice technique on display, but I'd say work on your vibrato a little bit and try to land on more satisfying notes at the ends of phrases more often (roots, thirds, and fifths). The runs sound really great, but if you nail the ending of the run it makes it sound so much better. The ending of a phrase is arguably the most important part. EVH described it as "falling down stairs and landing on your feet."
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Any other Cats with me now? This is my guitar (stock pic, it is on the way) I am using it to prepare for university auditions next year and I am saving up for a es 175 (love its versatility and can get a real great jazz tone) or maybe a affordable hollow body. as much as i love the l5 that shit will break the bank.
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Thats how i felt haha, repetitive
Thats how i usually improvise, playing my repertorie of licks adapting them to the feel of the song
I learned to do it this way from Ace Frehley, i try to learn everything from him since my first day guitar and i tried hard to emulate him until recently
He does use themes and stuff, his solos really sound like a song or a story, but i have a hard time learning this aspect of his playing

The second one i took some days to record, so i had some melodic licks in my head after listening to others' solos

Thanks man, i tried to fit with the feel of the song
Playing is fine, use less distortion. It'll make you sound and play better.
We got Greg Howe in the house
Its important to develop a feel for the notes rather than just landing on chord notes because its important to create tension, otherwise he will just sound too inside the box
But im >>68893997 and can't make up for what i'm saying

Sounds like ur on the way for it
Where you learning it from? What are you listening to and what theory are you using? Scales, same as rocknroll, or some more advanced theory?
I'm playing a lot of classical right now, but I play other music as well.
What is a non-solidstate pedal if it isnt a tube one?

1232 quoting an 1123, interesting isnt it
>Its important to develop a feel for the notes rather than just landing on chord notes because its important to create tension, otherwise he will just sound too inside the box
Yeah but a lot of the endings of phrases sounded unsatisfactory and unresolved to me. I'm not saying every single phrase needs to end on a chord tone, but I think a good rule of thumb is maybe every other phrase should so you have tension and release.
Thats right. Well said
where's the drum general
we had one, but the drummers couldn't figure out how to paste the OP, or look for it in the archive
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Here are the specs, my dude
goes out of tune in 0.0001 seconds
I don't know how you can manage to play on that toothpick, that neck felt so awkwardly small when I tried it in the store.
Anybody else have reoccurring dreams of your strings breaking?
I had a dream of dragon ball and sex last night.
Reposting because the thread I went no where.

Help me out /gg/, I feel like I am in a rut. I started out playing music like classic rock and blues, I also play classical music, but I know there is more out there. I don't know a lot about music released in recent years except for maybe what gets put on guitar hero and the radio. I need something more, tired of listening to the same stuff on my playlists. I enjoy great music of all kinds. I struggle to be interested in anything these days but if you post something I would appreciate it and check it out. Just no memes please, unless they are good memes, in which case that's OK I guess. Pretty much anything goes, rock, blues, metal, classical, country, hell even jazz, just about anything, as long as it is good music.
Sup /gg/,

I know this is more of a vox question but /gg/ is home

What kind of vocal effects would a band like real estate use? I'm jamming with some dudes tomorrow and we might play some real estate and I'll wind up singing.

Is something this dreamy possible in a basic jam?

I know literally zero about PA systems/recording/vocals etc - just trying to get that echo-y drowned out vocal tone
>Where you learning it from? What are you listening to and what theory are you using? Scales, same as rocknroll, or some more advanced theory?

Honestly it's just the dorian, pentatonic and aeolian. I mostly listen to jazz nowadays, and I haven't actually played in this style for a very long time, thought I might give it a shot.

I know what you mean, I usually just end on where the nearest and most intuitive note is on the fretboard, if you know what I mean.

Here's a second take, I try to cut back on the runs. https://clyp.it/avgf0pfl
hello? anyone?
I like this one better.
maybe if your post wasn't a fucking meme itself, and if you weren't begging for responses after 10 minutes
Oh i thought it took a lot of crazy theory and playing over chords to play jazz
Its sounding good with those scales, seems its more about the way you play them
Gonna try it soon
can you post a smaller link of a song my connection isn't very good.

Where has guitar music gone?

Why are there no new movements like punk, new wave, post-punk, grunge in the 21st century?

Why is it always old genres being revived instead of new ones being created?

Is guitar music dead?

What do you want to see from guitar music in the future?
Some other instrument taking over.

Guitar is too limited.
>can you post a smaller link of a song my connection isn't very good.
Which one?
Funny how those movements you mentioned are all about screwing rocknroll up and playing rebel simple chords
metal and hardrock are simple and powerchords too but theyre good
lmfao kil me pls
>my connection isn't very good.
>Flight Over Rio
Thank you for your post, but I hear this music, and I feel nothing.
Metal and Rock range from simple to extremely musically sophisticated in terms of harmony and rhythm. I'm not aware of any, but does anybody know of some similarly sophisticated punk rock?
what did you mean by this?
Maybe you should drink a glass of wine and stretch out on a shag carpet all alone in the evening, leaving a window open for cool air to circulate and close your eyes and listen through some high quality headphones with a coily cord.
why do you newfriends always ask for jokes to be explained to you? what are ya, new?
I love you
I don't think that will help though, as I also have none of those things.

I don't know. Perhaps you are implying flight over rio isn't very good, which is why I asked what you meant.
Oh sorry. Just making a joke about brazilians on the internet
>sophisticated punk rock
Might as well ask for chamber drum & bass

>tfw at least some anon on /mu/ loves you
oh now I get it

>flight over RIO

herp derp jesus I am dense
Okay try this one on for size:

>Why are there no new movements like punk, new wave, post-punk, grunge in the 21st century?

Avant-Garde guitar music overlaps with electronic experimentation these days.

neighboors are spying on my guitar pratice again
I want a pedal that will distort, in the middle of my Effects Loop. Do you know any pedals up for this strange task?

All the ODs / distortions / fuzzes are meant to go before the preamp, and sound like shit in the loop.
Maybe a pedal like a POD set up for emulating only the amp head. With the cab deactivated.
>Fender/Music Man
>I dunno, I follow a lot of them on Instagram and they all seem pretty cool. But I'm a cheap fuck so the most expensive pedal I have is a Nine Volt Pedals Bath Time Reverb.
Not bad, pretty good. I could see myself listening to this but it doesn't make me want to pick up my guitar and say HOLY FUCK I WANT TO PLAY THAT. Thanks though.
Bass recommendations for <500 in burger dollars
So far been rocking a SDGR by Ibanez for almost 8 months and think I will stay with bass. Question is what is a good all around bass for my price range? I play a lot of rock and a little bit of funk and jazz which I plan on playing a lot of once I get better, so I guess something for rock, funk, and jazz.
The only other bass I have played was a Fender Jazzmaster and I liked the slight twangy sound it had to it, but aside from that I don't know what else would be worth considering.
Stick with Ibanez or be cool and go with their maker, Cort, for better value.

I'd also recommend a used MIM Fender Jazz. That will cover anything ever.
500 bucks can get you a nice cort artisan/GB74 which are pretty versatile. Ibanez does the same kind of stuff but I don't know the exact models.
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There's guitars in this?
Just invented it
The solution is simple: don't post again until you're 18. By then the problem will have worked itself out
Add one more string and buy used, the SR505 is a great example.
I didn't like the 5 stringer because it felt a bit cramped but I'm sure I could adjust.

Thanks for recs. The GB74 looks great but the only seller is eBay. I might stick with Ibanez then, I just wish my local guitar center had a bigger selection of basses.
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0 11 11 11 12 x

This particular voicing of an E6add9
you're an idiot
Maybe try this too. I'm thinking you probably won't like it.

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It's wide and flat, very fun to play. For some reason Gibson neck finish is the bomb diggity.
Really impressive dude. You are one of the best guitarists I've heard on /gg/.
7sus4 maybe or a 7#5 chord.

I don't know why people bother with letter names rather than strictly naming chord quality when answering this kind of question.
I want to be impressive too

Pretty good, doesn't really jump out at me though. Do you have a single recording by this artist you recommend? /nigeriainternet/ over here
Haha, noice. That was also impressive. I have a soft spot for shred guitar stuff. Whether it's fusion, rock or metal it's all good.
This one is pretty iconic:


I like this more guitar oriented cover of the song too (featuring Jeff Loomis):

>listening to Wes Montgomery
>man, I should really begin trying to learn some jazz stuff like this
>remember I own a strat and those clean, balanced jazz tones are completely out of reach
I really need to get a job
Any recommendations for a bass under $400?
Currently liking the Ibanez sr400qm (pic related) but can only get it in a hideous sunburst colour. What do you guys think?
>remember I own a strat and those clean, balanced jazz tones are completely out of reach
Do you have a compressor?
I only play on the computer, so, uh, yes, and no. At any rate I certainly can't set up one properly, since I never managed to get a good clean tone out of one.
I want to be impressive too

lel the compressors for guitars only have one knob, more compressed less compressed
stop this fuss about compressors
Use thick flatwound strings.
Basically any bass under $1000, go with Cort/Ibanez/Ltd.

*raises paw*

That's simply wrong, Bucko.
Listen to this, its a strat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um1lA9m4wL0
What do you think of this Ibanez?
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Will keep it in mind next time I go out string shopping, thanks. Hopefully it won't mess much with my tone when playing other stuff.

Was his tone really all about heavy gauge strings tuned down?
That was impressive. Reminds me of Journey/Boston and that sort of sound. Is that what you were going for?
It seems so
In this jazzy song the treble sounds rolled off, my guess is the guitar tone knob
I dont know, just ripped parts of songs and soloed (imitating Ace Frehley) over it. The first mp3.
It's fine for your needs. Be picky when you can afford it. Most everything is similar under $500.
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Yeah I know what you mean but for example do you think a Yamaha trbx304 would be better than that Ibanez?
I have no experience with either. I only know how the industry works, and they're likely coming out of the same places. Just pick whichever you think you will enjoy more. Read reviews, listen to demos, etc.
Yeah sounds good thank you
7b9 or 7#5

maybe a dominant 13
eh i play in a combo with a strat and it works fine. obviously i'd love to have a semi hollow body but whatever. don't let equipment ever stop you from playing new kinds of music, that's stupid
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Been fixing/modifying my broken pickup, and I broke a wire connecting the inside of the coil to the solder point. Anyone got a good idea of how to safely repair this without damaging the coil? The broken wire does already have some enamel stripped so I'm thinking conductive paint might be the way to go.
That's pretty much your only option imho. Getting a soldering iron anywhere near the coil is risky
>multi-thousand dollar meme machine edition

pic fucking related but i want one so bad
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Andromeda II
Hand-filed frets dawg, just $200. Throw your dream pickups in and you're good for life.
My fretting hand hurts after playing just one song

Anyone suffering from the same thing?
That colour scheme is absolutely disgusting
Hand as in wrist, finger joints, skin on fingertips or what? Also playing for how long?
Depending on what it is you might have dangerously bad posture.
Well, I've already redone the two outer connections, but this short wire is a bit spookier. I don't have any conductive paint, but I guess I'll have to buy some since it's better than a new $90 pickup.
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it gets better
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>mfw thalidomide also works on guitars
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I'm feeling kinda dumb right now because I'm trying but can't reproduce the pain I felt the other days of this week.

I can guarantee that it wasn't the finger joints or fingertip skin, though, and if there was some pain on the wrist, it wasn't the most painful part.

If I remember correctly, it was mostly pain in the palm of the hand. I've been playing for about six months, but never got pain like this.
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sound like you may have damaged something.

did you take a break from playing for a while then go hard one day before this happened?

in any case its best to get it looked at asap before it gets any worse.. i know a buddy that destroyed some shit in his hand and had to have surgery to fix it. and recently hands and wrists have been buggin out. unfortunately there is not one hand specialist in town that takes my shitty medical.
With a different finish I could really like this. I love how the neck becomes the bridge. Surely that will effect the tone?

I did take a break for a while then played hard in the weekend

I'll be sincere here, the medical system in where I live is pretty shit, and I get very frustrated when getting some kind of "huh, you came in here for THAT reason?" from doctors. But if the pain continues, I'll go after a specialist.
give your self a rest but seriously, stretch and do some warm up exercises before you play. i had to play a show on a pretty fucked up hand a few years ago. didnt think anything of it at the time.

and now just typing this kinda hurts. add that to working manual labor, my hands are pretyy fucked
they do some seriously wild shit. i havent seen how they play( im acutally going to look for a video now) because they are so stupidly expensive so i figured it didnt matter

same builder here
why do so many posters here hurt themselves?
Anyone have experience with fret leveling to get rid of dead spots? Also is there a good website to get parts that would be compatible with a 95 rx20 Ibanez?
Yeah, I bought this thing. It wasn't cheap and it wasn't like some super duper miracle thing because I'm just not that mechanically inclined, but it did the trick.

I paid 80 bucks for the guitar so I might just use a block of wood and sandpaper. 8th fret b and e strings fret out, I should probably at least get a straight edge tool.
yesss I think that's it

my stretch/warm up is lacking, especially the stretching part

hope your hands get better, anon
If your wrist hurts try getting one if those stretchy wrist braces, I wore one for a day and I could play easily the next. But properly warming up is important.
Mesa Boogie, Marshall, Peavey
If you use a flat surface to level the frets, make sure you adjust the truss rod so the neck is as flat as possible before you start removing material from the frets. Once you've leveled the fret tops you'll need to crown the frets with a file, basically rounding them out again without messing with the very top of the fret.
actually sleeping with the wrist braces on is what the doctor told a friend of mine that had the surgery. solid advice
Thanks for the advice. The wrist's been mostly alright when seated, but it gets tired very easily in the rare moments where I play while standing.
I really like my Charvel and Ibanez guitars

Peavey makes some good amps

TC Electronic makes solid pedals
Why is the eternal guitar Jew so alive and well in Australia lads?
the review reads like satire
Hey guys, rate my tone. I've been playing for 3 years.

>I'm poor
standard mim not worth 500. nab one on craigslist good cond. for 200
mail me your demo tape
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Is it worth to get .10 strings?

It's a epiphone lespaul special fujigen
Also don't try to be cool with your strap when standing up, find what is right for you. Too high or too low are both bad. If you've only been playing 6 months you will get tired. Good luck, ps. Never continue playing if you get join pain or anything other than fingertip pain, it will fuck you up in the long run.
>Is it worth to get .10 strings?

what do you mean?
>Not using .15 strings
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Well I have a .9 - .42 strings on it.

I was wondering if I should try .10

The thing is that I still have some .9 sets..
just buy a set theyre like 4 bucks for fucks sake
Got my guitar back from the repair shop today.

Feels glorious to be in the electric world again.
I'm asking if its worth the change, I still have 4 sets that should last over 2 years D:

I kind of like the easy bendings D:
>I still have 4 sets that should last over 2 years

what are you even doing
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I think it's worth it to get 10 strings.
Out of all the guitars posters own and post about this one is my favorite.
Thank you.
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Rate this

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As someone who has been playing guitar for a year on a $75 knock-off Strat, does this seem like a good guitar to get?

I've been researching a lot of different guitars and I'm liking a lot of the things I see about it.
You should play it in person to see if you like the size of that body first.
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Is adding strings, having the rhythm guitarist and bassist jump over to keys a good 25% of the time, and writing a concept album that will involve the usage of a lot of phrygian dominant nonsense career suicide enough, or do we have to try harder?

Love you.
You might find it a bit "clunky", but when you get the gist of it, other guitars will seem small and easy to to run around on... a solid body style for a gateway into extended range/baritone instruments.
Liked the agressive vibratoes
What is the tuning on this monster?
How are my miking skills going? Lol

heres neck pickup only

heres bridge pickup only
G#, D#, G#, C#, F#, B, E, g#, c#, f#
Is that low g# like the 4th fret of a bass' e string?
No, it's a step and a half below a bass low B string.
Thats already suoer try hard
Do you get any practical use out of it? Seriously, not throwing salt, im just curious
No. It's a pretty solid meme though.
But it's been done, right?

How much further must we go?
Vocoder like cynic, black metal vocals over ambient synths, blast beats in 5/8, concept is end of the world, plenty of harmonies like "metalcore" bands from the mid 2000s had, bridges that go to triplet rhythms every song
>Cynic Vocoder
I've done a twelve-part choir by myself... vocorder could be an interesting touch.

>Black metal vocals over ambient synths
I do have one part where I'm going from clean to very harsh rasps over a very Arcturus synth part before the "chorus" kicks in... kinda done back to life

>Blast beats in 5/8
As in the blast follows 5/8 or the blasts are over a 5/8 riff... because... how would you know?

>concept is the end of the world
Worse! It's a take on Faust

Check, check and check. A few four parters what with two guitars, a bass, and a hand free for keys.

>Bridges that go to triplet rhythms
In an Archspire kinda way, we might have one or two that start out in triplets

>Every song
that would be career suicide alright
Found gramma's christmas gift, will look really nice in her living room.
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Takuya? Is that you?
Hah! No.
>not harmonizing every other riff in your songs
Literally for what purpose? The one thing metalcore got right was harmonizing melodeath riffs. They just abused the same two or three riff variations until it got stale as fuck. Doesn't mean you can't do it right
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Hey, got a 12-string guitar that has this pickup in it. I'm going to play at a open mic in a couple weeks, and I don't have any experience playing with a plugged in acoustic. How should I set the pickup? I play finger-picking sand folk strumming stuff.
does it sound good? absolutely.
is it worth a thousand bucks? nah.
If you can find it for under 750 maybe take it, if under 500 jump on that, otherwise nah.
Hey /gg/ I feel the majority of you are very knowledgeable and would like to know what you did to start learning to play by ear I can sorta pic up on it from just playing and fucking around but I'd really like to delve into it more. Anyone have tips? Same for improving singing voice does anyone know any good torrents to look at for singing? Thank you to anyone who takes the time to answer you guys have helped me a lot improve my playing.
Punk and garage rock are making a comeback though look at Ty Segall he's sorta becoming commercial in terms of popularity same goes to bands like The Growlers. Pure heavy punk hasn't come back yet but it's definitely starting to show up again.
It just means you're catching their ear.
Or about to get robbed

Meant vocal harmonies
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