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Did the Beach Boys have the saddest backstory?

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A lot of bands/band members have sad backstories
Ex. The Beatles:
>John Lennon/Paul Mccartney's moms died >Stuart Sutcliffe died
>Brian Epstein died
>George sleeping with Ringos wife
>And eventually John was killed
but I think the Beach Boys had the saddest backstory. I'll post pieces of evidence to support my claim, but if anyone has a sadder band, feel free to post.
I'll start off with the fact that the three Wilson brothers were beaten/emotionally abused by their father. He controlled them in their personal life and musical career.
The Beach Boys definitely had the biggest sad story to happy music ratio
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Even from very early on, Brian's mental illness affected him and the band.
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By the 70s he had become more reclusive, and is said to have stayed in bed for 2 years as his weight ballooned up to 300 pounds.
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When Landy was hired to help him, he ended up controlling him and making his life a living hell. He didn't medicate or diagnose him correctly, creating a section of Brian's life that he struggles to remember, as well as lasting damage to his brian.
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Both of his brothers- Dennis and Carl- ended up dying. Since Al Jardine wasn't family and Brian was mentally unable to deal with business, Mike Love ended up controlling the band.
A video to illustrate what Mike Love is like:
Is that quote from Bruce?
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No, Van Dyke Parks
And the death of the Wilson brothers not only affected the band, but hurt Brian greatly
Serves them right for having a retard as their songwriter.
how can a genius be a retard?
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Holy fuck this was painful to watch. Mike Love is such a piece of shit.
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Brian is what they call a "savant"

I hope you stopped bothering that grill anon, but keep posting anime it's appreciated :^)
More important, how do I produce like Brian Wikson? What was his musical background? How did he learn? The guy was literally my age when released Pet Sounds.
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honestly, id believe it
despite being deaf in one ear, he had an amazing ear for music
he recorded these harmonies all by himself
Every time I hear something new about the Beach Boys it always reveals Mike Love to be an even bigger cunt than I previously thought.
Jackson C Frank must always be mentioned on the topic of very sad backgrounds.
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his dad was a writer/producer and he used to sing harmonies with his brothers, so he grew up in a musical environment
regardless i think it was mostly just natural talent
his brothers grew up the same way and they had talent, but not like brian
Daniel Johnston and Blind Lemon Jefferson have sadder backstories.

He wasn't retarded. He has bipolar disorder that was exacerbated by abuse and psychedelic usage, and then spent several decades alternately going through drug addiction and in abusive care with his therapist

Literally Phil Spector. Brian idolized Phil Spector and his Wall of Sound technique.
whats their story
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I don't know, not many bands have a sadder story than Badfinger. Screwed over by Apple Records and two members committed suicide.

I love their music, but I can't help but to feel a little sad when I hear it.
would be sadder if they didn't get famous or get any recognition.
Just bear in mind that people like Bach would compose literally hundreds of chorales. Writing harmony isn't THAT special. Brian is my favourite pop composer, but he was at most a genius within a POP context, via his ability to make extremely complex writing accessible to everyone
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something about their music depresses me
happy music in a sad context always makes me sadder than sad music does
i dunno, i find it more depressing when a popular band falls than when a band i like never makes it
its like public humiliation to watch a once young and talked about musician try to continue making a type of music thats not popular anymore
the one exception is when an artist only gains popularity after their death, but thats almost heartwarming in a way
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imo being a genius in a pop context is still being a genius in general
pop music has certain constraints that make it seem less impressive than classical. a 3 minute song that went number 1 isnt going to sound as intellectual as a 45 minute symphony, whether or not the ability needed to make it was equal
what makes brian a genius to me is his ability to write, sing, and produce
The fucking nerve of that cunt to ask Brian about Dennis and the Manson family, can they not just leave the poor man alone?
Same thing happened on his reddit ama and people got pissy when he predictably didn't answer
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That reddit AMA was such a mess
>George sleeping with Ringos wife
Oh shit really?
Honestly I think it's really sad that Brian Wilson was so sick during arguably the worst decade to be a "pop" figure. The interview where Brian goes on about Phil Spector is a perfect example of what I mean. The whole band and interviewer feel so fake, I'm sure that wouldve been hell for Brian
I know it gets boogieman'd a lot but seriously, fuck redd*t
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>He married model Pattie Boyd, one of the most beautiful women of their generation only to lose her largely through his own carelessness; when George had an affair with Ringo’s wife Maureen, Pattie went off with his good friend Eric Clapton.
The whole Pattie Boyd thing is the REALLY interesting/depressing story. I could tell you about it if you want.
Btw, here's George singing a song about Ringo's wife, Maureen:
ringo cucked lel
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at least we got this amazing exchange out of it
yeah but you can put brian wilson in almost every situation and take something funny or nice away from it
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John Fahey had a pretty sad story.

Here's an excerpt from a story he wrote about in his book "How Bluegrass Music Destroyed My Life". He had been fishing with Bukka White when he caught the most powerful fish he'd ever caught, but was struggling so hard to pull it in, that he deliriously fantasized about his past and how his father molested him.

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True. "What's your favorite movie?" has to be one of the most boring questions ever, but I
>L I T E R A L L Y
cried with laughter when I read this exchange.
FUCK, hang on.
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Jesus Christ
That was awful to read (and not just because I had to turn my laptop sideways to see it)
I feel like sexual abuse always seems so much more horrible than all other types of abuse
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Goddammit. How?
Try again.
Keep working on it, slugger.
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hell be fine
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marvin gaye was murdered by his own dad, so there's that
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don't you dare......
D-did he catch the fish?
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He suffered alcoholism and chronic fatigue syndrome in his later life, and died at 61 because he drank too much Coke.
Here's some footage of one of his later shittier performances.

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holy mother of kek
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>Not posting the album Eric Clapton made about Ringo's wife
Fuckin ass.
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Yeah, it was the biggest gar either of them had ever seen. It freaked John the fuck out, but Bukka shot it in the head to make John feel safer.

When he got older, he managed to get a few gigs while living in motels and painting abstract art with his ass-cheeks.
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That's about George's wife, the incredibly beautiful Pattie Boyd
Another interesting fact, when Pattie left George for Eric after their marriage crumbled, Eric cheated on her and got another woman pregnant, ruining their relationship
The child that came out of that pregnancy ended falling off a balcony, inspiring the song Tears in Heaven

George's album Dark Horse is the aftermath of that whole ordeal, arguably one of his worst albums and tours but definitely a personal favorite for me.
>and died at 61 because he drank too much Coke.
Snorting whiskey and drinkimg cocaine
Well he tried to quit drinking alcohol by replacing it with drinking Coke, and he ended up fat and diabetic, which led to a shitload of health problems later in life, ultimately leading to a death due to complications from heart surgery.
I don't think he actually ever did any illicit drugs.
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holy fuck
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Sometimes I wonder if people who are more prone to drug addictions can be more prone to food addictions
Brian was also having his life wrecked by drugs, but food was what almost killed him
Not to mention Marlon Brando who went from being physically perfect to morbidly obese, which is essentially what killed him
>I'm a total ladies man haha..I like girls lol.
>I'm not gay I swear, I love women heh..
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Reminder that I know There's An Answer is the greatest song of all time
>get a huge studio
>get a massive echo chamber
>get $10,000 worth of ribbon mics
>get the best session musicians in LA
Any questions?
Woops, I meant "I'm Waiting for the Day"
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>what's your favorite flavor of cake
>cheese cake
>what's your favorite flavor of pizza
>cheese pizza
a man who knows what he likes
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mike love reminds me of a cruel ringmaster while brian is the sad elephant being forced to perform
Woops, I meant surfs up
whoops i was right the first time
Woops, I meant She Knows Me Too Well
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>The Beach Boys, after all, were Republicans

Always makes me laugh that these hash smoking acid dropping meditating boys became boring old men.
Bruce is actually a huge Brian supporter- he was the one who showed John and Paul Pet Sounds so enthusiastically- but for whatever reason he's in Mike's band now ?
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to clarify, hes just talking about mike/bruce
i know al jardine cares about global warming/environmental issues, which isnt typically a republican thing
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>but for whatever reason he's in Mike's band now?
probably because, despite his assholery, mikes good at making money
also, they're republican buddies!
Crazy story. Any idea where it happened? I live about an hours drive from Bukka White's birthplace. I'm wondering if this all took place near my neck of the woods.

fucking LOVE badfinger's music, they didn't fail

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for some reason "No Matter What" and "Wouldn't It Be Nice" are connected in my mind
i think its because both songs are played in the same types of tv show/movie scenes
I meant to include this song in my original post, but I forgot to link it:

yeah, you forgot
>be an absolute musical prodigy who wrote #1 hits before he was even able to drink

how do you think he got all that shit?
too true
its not like his music was great because he had all those tools
he needed those those tools because his music was so great
someone on here edited this snippet into the original if anyone wants to hear it, i have it. it's fantastic
nah, that's wrong. obviously writing "harmony" isn't special, because any two notes put together is harmony technically, but bach wrote stunning music within the confines of baroque music, which was somewhat limited. he absolutely could not write something like surfs up, #1 because of the church and the people he was employed by and #2 because the precursors and influences to brian weren't available to bach.

it's entirely possible that bach may have been more of a musical genius than brian, but we'll never know, because he was alive hundreds of years earlier.

regardless, bach is clearly a genius, and i personally think brian is a genius, maybe if somewhat less prolific
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pls post it
What site is this from?
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beach boys message board
His fan forum
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Don't go there though, too much arguing
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i'm a mixture of entertained and upset by the fact that theres so much drama on a fucking beach boys forum
It's oddly appropriate
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how so
All the infighting between the Boys themselves
it's glorious and i thank the anon who made it, if he's somehow still around

starts at ~:51: http://www.mediafire.com/file/esbwkoaegojlbq2/Don%27t_Talk_%28Put_Your_Head_On_My_Shoulder%29_%5BAlternate_Version_with_Added_Vocals%5D.mp3
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Uh oh, stuff's a-happening fellas. We'd better write some songs to get relevant.
Forgot this masterpiece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Unn8wIQzAeE
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This is one of the cutest things I've seen all day.
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the truth
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actual footage of brian sitting on santa's lap:
So what do yous guys think of "She's Goin' Bald"? What's the best part in your opinion? I really think this song's a microcosm of everything that did and didn't work about the Beach Boys.

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>Brian used to have a great sense of humor
fuck. :(
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>He looks at Brian for some sort of reaction, but gets none.
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another section of the interview
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Post cute Brians
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What year is this, he sounds so fucking gone
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he was under landy's influence
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whos that guy holding him
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his keyboardist you plen
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whats he reading
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i love how everyones looking at the camera but brian
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sad that he cant play it himself anymore
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his head is so.... thumb-like
At least he's not bald like you Mike.
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love his power stance
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mike love IS the beach boys
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What song is that from?
Be True to Your School
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>the worst vocalist, lyricist, songwriter, and overall musician of the Beach Boys is its sole member

A shame. I think there's a person deep down in Mike who is honestly in misery over the fact that one of his cousins hated him (and ended up banging his daughter) and then died, the cousin that loved everyone died, and the remaining one (who was his meal ticket) is only mildly responsive, Mike carrying the guilt that he was partially responsible.
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>the cousin that loved everyone died, and the remaining one (who was his meal ticket) is only mildly responsive, Mike carrying the guilt that he was partially responsible.
Here's a section from a Rolling Stone article (Jackie is his Wife)
You were vilified Mike, but not completely without reason.

I don't think there's no Love left in you, but it's been quite a long time.
Shows that even if he's a pretty fucked up person. He's still human.
The saddest backstory? Maybe.

But the saddest story of a great, great band has to be The Band. The way that Robbie Robertson fucked his bandmates over, left them to die in destitution and obscurity while he raked in all of the revenue. Danko, Manuel, and Levon Helm got fucked hard by a man they considered to be one of their best friends.

The story of Danko and Manuel in particular is heart-wrenching shit.
to be fair, that can be said about literally anyone
Of course but in the context of a beach boys thread and in response to that image I think my statement stands
but what does your statement mean?
That even though he was a manipulative stain on the band he still loves his cousin whom he can no longer connect with like he did so long ago.
>inb4 go to bed mike
the reason why im criticizing you for making that statement is because i dont think that wanting brian to be mentally stable shows some "different side" of him
actually doing something to help brian would
even shitty people can love people, the difference is that good people will help the ones they love when they're going through hard times, while shitty people refuse to take any responsibility
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Thank you for remembering them, Anon. They are who I came here to post.

Apple Records weren't the ones who really screwed them, though, the fault lay with Stan Polley, their Manager. He stole their money to support his gambling habit while these guys did world tours and still had to keep day jobs in between touring and recording, they were so broke at some points. They treated this guy like family, and he was such a good con man that they didn't catch on until it was too late and they ended up in litigation hell over his mismanagement. There was an album that was recalled just weeks after release by Time Warner.

Pete killed himself out of grief over such deep betrayal, and Tom killed himself to be with Pete. I'm tearing up right now, it's one of the most devastating stories of betrayal and loss in the Music Industry I've ever heard of. Add to that the fact that many critics had mocked them, calling the the 'Baby Beatles', which was a part of why they left Apple. The song 'Apple of my Eye' was a love song to Apple Records, not to a woman. Leaving Apple for Warner really stripped them of a support structure they could lean on, and Warner didn't give a fuck who's fault it was when money went missing, they held the band responsible for it... these poor naive guys from rural Wales.

There's a really good documentary about them called 'Without You', aptly borrowing the title of a song Pete and Tom co-wrote.
Joey Molland still tours with a new line up last I heard, and while it's not the same they are very good.
Mike Gibbins died of cancer in 2005.

As if to prove how little justice there really is in the universe, Polley lived into his late 80, comfortably retired. He only ever got probation despite Badfinger being only one of many cases of him 'mismanaging' funds. There is evidence that he was a mafia man.
do we know why they committed suicide?
was it because of their career or were they depressed regardless?
Can someone please post the Brian Wilson pic where he has sunglasses on
Funny enough these are some of my least favorite... they're good, but they pale in comparison to some of there non-radio songs.


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can you recommend some more badfinger songs
The band had already been going through turmoil due to financial issues and Pete and Joey not seeing eye to eye, on top of some calling them the 'Baby Beatles'. Pete quit temporarily at one point, and Joey at another. When Warner seized their intellectual property during litigation proceedings their album 'Wish You Were Here' was recalled. This was when they finally found out the truth that their manager was a con man. Pete had a family he was struggling to support, and his world was coming down around his ears, as the band was being held responsible for their manager's theft of funds. Pete always was a very gentle and sensitive soul and he just couldn't take the betrayal. It must have felt like the whole world was against them.

According to Pete and Tom's wives, Pete and Tom were like true soul mates. They'd be writing separate songs, and in the end the pieces would fit together and become one song, that's how close they were as artists and friends. "I can't live, if living is without you, I can't live, can't give anymore", a line from Without You. Tom struggled with signs of manic depression and took his life after their album without Pete was largely rejected. There was no suicide note, but he hung himself as Pete did, and his wife said Tom had said to her 'I want to be where Pete is, it's a better place than down here.'

He hung himself from a Willow tree after an argument with Joey over the royalties from Without You, which is interesting, as Pete sings of burning a sacred willow in the song "Name of the Game".

"I got up off my pillow and I looked up at the sun
Said "You can see quite clearly now,
the things that we have done.
We've burned your sacred willow and our battles, we have won.
But did we get so very far?
It's different me not being a star."
I lock my feelings in a jar, until they go away.

Oh, don't refuse me,
if you choose me, you'll follow my shame.
No, don't confuse me,
for I know it's the name of the game."
I forgot to link Name of the Game in


And here's 'Without You". A song at one point voted in the industry as the greatest love song ever written, and as being the most recorded cover at the time.


And here's another of my favorite Joey Molland songs.


And here's a country song Pete wrote, Blodwyn. It really grew on me. A bit of variety for you.


And here's another epic... Meanwhile Back at the Ranch, Should I Smoke
This one is actually Pete and Joey writing together.

Golem get ye gone
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Having been born blind and raised without formal education in poverty stricken Sierra Leone. Having struggled to get by as a street musician playing his beloved Kondi instrument, he has survived civil war, rebel assaults, the disappearance of album master tapes and living in a shack on a cliff's edge.

He has come through all this to deliver this inspiring nine track album courtesy of forward-thinking world beat music label Dutty Artz. Highlights include the hypnotic "Yu Mama" and the African synth pop of "Salone Tidae".
links to any sample tracks?
I wish him success. I like the rhythm, but over all the music is just too alien to me and doesn't speak to me. I hope he finds his international audience.
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holy shit i knew that pic reminded me of something....
I thought for sure I was going to die when Danny dragged me to a party
Alice Cooper was throwing in his suite at the Beverly Wiltshire Hotel... I
walked into Alice's suite. The music was strange and loud. The people
were worse. Some had makeup, others were in costume. I looked around,
petrified, standing motionless in the same spot where I entered. After
about ten minutes a skinny guy with a crazed look on his face bounced
across some furniture and landed in front of me.

"Boo!" he said. He scared me, and I turned completely around. He thought
I was funny and laughed.
"You're Brian Wilson," he said.
"Yeah", I said, wanting him to go away.
"I'm Iggy", he said. "Iggy Pop".

Before meeting Iggy, I was ready to leave, and his boo accelerated my
intentions. I found Danny. Seeing me uptight, he tried to relax me by
introducing me to Alice Cooper. Like Iggy, he was nicer than his getup led
me to believe. But I couldn't handle the party and all the people. I told
Danny I had to get out as soon as possible.
That was okay. But somehow, in the process of leaving, both Alice and Iggy
were invited to continue the party at my house. They accepted. But my
idea of a party was different from theirs.
Up at my house, I positioned everyone around the piano and began playing
the children's song "Shortnin' Bread". With me singing lead, I got Alice
to repeat "mama, mama, mama" and Iggy to chant "shortnin', shortnin',
shortnin'". Thinking something was up my sleeve, they enjoyed this bizarre
situation for about fifteen minutes. But after an hour of singing
"Shortnin' Bread" they realized that either I really was as off the deep
end as rumor had it or I was having fun at their expense. In truth, it was
a combination of both. Either way, they left.
"This is too much for us", Iggy said. "Too damn weird.
Wonder if Brian met Bowie while he was in L.A.?
Probably, he met Lennon and has absolutely no recollection of it. Incredibly sad story from Alice Cooper:

“I was sitting backstage after the 1974 Grammys with Bernie Taupin (Elton John’s lyricist) and John Lennon. This was when Brian was really having some mental issues. During the course of the conversation, I kept seeing Brian out of the corner of my eye, just kind of staring at us from different angles. Finally, he came up to the table, bent down and whispered in my ear ‘Hey Alice, introduce me to John Lennon.’ I couldn’t BELIEVE that these two men had never met! They were virtually neck and neck in the 60’s as the greatest bands on the planet, and I’m SURE they must have crossed paths at some point. But then I thought to myself, ‘Wow, if they REALLY have never met, I’m going to be the one to introduce them and become a part of rock history!’ So I merely said, ‘Brian Wilson, this is John Lennon. John Lennon, this is Brian Wilson.’ Lennon was very cordial and polite, saying things like ‘Hello Brian, I’ve always wanted to meet you. I’ve always admired your work, and Paul and I considered Pet Sounds one of the best albums ever made.’ Brian thanked him and walked away, at which point Lennon went right back to his conversation like nothing had happened. About ten minutes later, Brian came by our table again, leaned down and whispered something to Bernie, and all of a sudden, Bernie was saying ‘Brian Wilson, this is John Lennon. John Lennon, Brian Wilson.’ Lennon was just as cordial and polite as the first time, saying essentially the same thing about always wanting to meet him. As soon as Brian walked away, John looked at both of us and casually said in his typical Liverpudlian accent, ‘I’ve met him hundreds of times. He’s not well, you know.’”

captcha: 6100 Dickson
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I hope this Friday lasts forever
...Brian's autobiography
i saw those threads
That shortening bread part is hilarious. I feel like it shows the difference between "crazy" people and actually crazy people.
whats that frog thing
You dont want to know
There's a whole section on Brian's obsession with it on Wikipedia:


The idea of him calling Alex Chilton in the middle of the night to get him to sing on it is genius. Also, it mentions Brian and John Lennon tripping on acid together - Brian still thinks he's never met Lennon.
Jesus Christ
That is fucking heartbreaking.
Bromance dude, have you heard of it?
Childhood is idolizing Brian Wilson. Adulthood is realizing Mike Love makes more sense
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>1st world problems

Neck yourselves
i thought you replaced some words with their names, but it's the actual song. holy shit kek
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real life Meme Magic
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why does he have that look on his face every time he's looking at mike?
reminder that van dyke parks is mad at brian for some reason

spoiler: also jealous
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especially sad that dennis wasnt even there
he at least seemed to be a source of comfort for brian
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i don't know if he's mad at brian as much as frustrated with some of the false information he might be spreading
he seems to still like him in some of the videos/photos of them ive seen, but maybe im not looking at stuff thats recent enough
‘I’ve met him hundreds of times. He’s not well, you know.’
Kek, I almost feel bad for laughing at this, almost.
whoa... at least Lennon recognized that enough not to mention anything and just reintroduce himself.
Everytime I read a thread like this, I leave hating Mike Love even more. Everytime I look at his smug face, I think to myself: 'God, do I hate Mike Love'. This winter I am seeing a professional airbrusher to brush out Mike Love from a my Pet Sounds LP, I can't stand this bald headed faggot on the front of this masterpiece anymore. Next year, 'The Beach Boys' (actually just Mike and Bruce, the worst fucking members of the band) are coming to my country and I plan on just fucking going, just to shout 'Mike Love is a cunt' really loud. But then again, I don't want to give that talentless hack any more money than he already has.
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i hate him too, but i feel like id go to his concert just for the experience (and the chance to yell shit at him)
Holy shit that gave me shivers
maybe he was just kidding
I feel like he probably knew Brian wasn't well after the first couple times
This is actually pretty based. He didn't want them there and is self aware about what he was doing. Legit crazy, sure, but brilliant.
Pete Ham wrote in his suicide note "I will not be allowed to love and trust everybody. This is better. (...) P.S. Stan Polley is a soulless bastard. I will take him with me." That's pretty damning.
Brian only took LSD three times (only once according to him in modern interviews). Never did he take it with any of the Beatles
>Brian still thinks he's never met Lennon
darian sahanaja

um, he can and does on his tours
in his hand is a 60s print of psycho-cybernetics

brian read a lot and that was probably his favorite bookstore, pickwick book store in LA where he supposedly had that acid flashback that inspired smile

what are these from?
Anyone know the the quantity and types of all the drugs he's done?
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thanks bud
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he did coke frequently with dennis in the 70s, and he smoked a lot (both cigarettes and weed) but i think he blamed weed for worsening his mental health the same as he did for lsd
whip cream canisters

around about in that order
i don't think he's ever said that about pot but if you have a source, i'd like to read it
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What, you got a problem with K-On!?
also i don't know when he and dennis started doing cocaine together but they definitely did before dennis' death in the early 80s

in the late 70s they all got hooked on heroin during that infamous australian(?) tour

then that show where carl was fucked up and singing good vibrations drunk as hell and on valium that he had to give an apology for and offered fans their money back for the show, but i doubt anyone did
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The Bay City Rollers had a rougher ride than any other band I can think of. For those who don't know they were a teeny-bop sort of band in the 70s made up mostly of teenage lads/young men, but they were abused very badly during their career in various ways. I don't know a lot about it, and what I do know I might be slightly off on, but many members of the band have made allegations of rape and sexual assault against various members of their management and others that they worked with (their first manager was convicted of child abuse further down the line), many ended up developing drug problems because of this, several attempted suicide (when one tried their manager phoned the tabloids before emergency services), and they were withheld millions of pounds in royalties that they have never been paid. I'm sure more could be found if you look into it. Like I said, I'm not an expert, but even a cursory glimpse at their history shows that they had it rough.
If we're talking about other bands with sad stories, the 13th Floor Elevators are definitely up there. Especially what happened to their guitar player Stacy Sutherland and their lead singer Roky Erickson whose mental illness is even worse than Brian's
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am i the only one who wonders if landy ever sexually abused brian
like in this part of his memoir, he says "he played games with me where he put his hand on my leg to see if i had feelings for anyone"
what the fuck does that mean
“I was sitting backstage after the 1974 Grammys with Bernie Taupin (Elton John’s lyricist) and John Lennon. This was when Brian was really having some mental issues.

During the course of the conversation, I kept seeing Brian out of the corner of my eye, just kind of staring at us from different angles. Finally, he came up to the table, bent down and whispered in my ear ‘Hey Alice, introduce me to John Lennon.’ I couldn’t BELIEVE that these two men had never met!

They were virtually neck and neck in the 60’s as the greatest bands on the planet, and I’m SURE they must have crossed paths at some point. But then I thought to myself, ‘Wow, if they REALLY have never met, I’m going to be the one to introduce them and become a part of rock history!’

So I merely said, ‘Brian Wilson, this is John Lennon. John Lennon, this is Brian Wilson.’ Lennon was very cordial and polite, saying things like ‘Hello Brian, I’ve always wanted to meet you. I’ve always admired your work, and Paul and I considered Pet Sounds one of the best albums ever made.’ Brian thanked him and walked away, at which point Lennon went right back to his conversation like nothing had happened.

About ten minutes later, Brian came by our table again, leaned down and whispered something to Bernie, and all of a sudden, Bernie was saying ‘Brian Wilson, this is John Lennon. John Lennon, Brian Wilson.’ Lennon was just as cordial and polite as the first time, saying essentially the same thing about always wanting to meet him.

As soon as Brian walked away, John looked at both of us and casually said in his typical Liverpudlian accent, ‘I’ve met him hundreds of times. He’s not well, you know.’”
already posted, albeit not as nicely formatted
brian's memory is so bad in large part because of the lithium used to treat his mental illness which is known to cause memory loss

bruce can seem like more of a dick than mike love to me, he's definitely very right wing, i'd say more so than mike love

mike love still meditates daily, is a vegetarian, and has long been a supporter of the maharishi and spirituality since they went to india in the late 60s. i'm pretty sure they all cared about environmental issues and still do
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i was just basing it off of his support for a guy that thinks global warming was made up by china to make to usa less competitive
How many of them do you think are voting Trump?

Mike is the only one confirmed

Just curious
i support trump as well but that doesn't mean i agree with him on everything

pretty sure mike and bruce support him but not the rest, and they don't have to support his views on global warming to support his main message
also it's not "confirmed", he just took a photo with him, he's not wearing a MAGA hat

mike and bruce as the beach boys did do a live performance with other bands at a trump event though, i believe
>i support trump as well
if you have to ask, there's no point in telling you or trying to convert you

i was feeling the bern in the primaries and liked stein, still do but i think we need trump desu, not that i think he'll win because they've already stolen it for hillary from the beginning
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Isn't it a little bit weird that a band with a really rough backstory sing about the most positive things on Earth?

I can't even recall a single swear word in any of their songs, but I haven't listened to all of them
How come there aren't any pictures of Brian and John together if they've met "hundreds of times"?
lol lad
wtf i hate donald trump now
watching 80s era beach boys is like watching gore. you dont want to see it, but some deep darkness/inner turmoil keeps your eyes glued to the screen. my favorite is around 83 just before dennis died.
this thread reminds of the time i took far too much acid, and while trying to calm down put on a vhs documentary about the beach boys. their story is great for about 3 or 4 years, and so is the music. then HOLY SHIT. i had no idea that their story was so fucked, and on a head full of acid, i decided i would never play music again and that i had to die. so i ripped off all my guitar strings, smashed the vhs, and tried to hang myself with the magnetic tape from said vhs (didnt work obviously, but i was just trying to atone for the fact that brian didnt kill himself in 68, if that makes any sense). really glad i didnt get the bright idea to try it with the guitar strings. that would have sucked.
go ahead... try and give me a harmonic analysis of 'warmth of the sun'. ill be waiting. i dont even like the beach boys but the man came up with some crazy fucking chords every once in a while. especially on ballads. all the while, always having an amazing catchy melody. and all this whilst still a goddamn teenager.
brian knew what he was doing. people compare him to classical greats which i feel is a little unfair, but his mastery over harmony was something that doesnt show itself very much anymore.
Wtf, is it serious?
Anyway, quality post
nice digits. and yes, this was a real thing that happened to me. friend gave me what i thought was half a ten strip, which is a lot for one evening. problem was, they had cut it all fucking crooked, so the strip i got was actually more like 10 hits. about an hour and a half in, i realized i was still coming up, and i decided i needed something happy to calm myself. beach boys was giving me 'good vibrations' at the time so i decided to watch it. big fucking mistake. i got to the part where dennis was so drunk he literally couldnt even sing that one song (you are so beautiful, i think) and he sounded and looked like a homebum. it made me feel even worse. somewhere along the line i had convinced myself that i had absorbed the soul of young brian wilson through the tape, and that the only way to stop this horrid future was to kill myself, the spiritual vessel of brian wilsons 21 year old self.
its okay if none of this makes sense, i was on too much drugs. its not supposed to
dennis is lad material no doubt
>When "Never Learn Not to Love" was first released by the Beach Boys as a B-side in late 1968, and credited solely to Dennis Wilson—with altered lyrics and a new bridge—Manson threatened Wilson with murder.[4] According to Brian's collaborator Van Dyke Parks, when Manson once showed up to make good on his threat, Dennis beat him up.The Manson incident gave everyone a scare in the Beach Boys' camp—especially after Manson's well-known crimes came to light.
dennis was a crazy motherfucker. the only one who could actually surf too. one of my friends mothers claims she dated him for a while, but left him when she found out that he had not one, or two, but three other girls on the side. dennis was the only real rockstar of the group. if youre bored, go read some interviews with him, they are hilarious. he was a real motherfucker.
Based Dennis Wilson
Does anyone know if Brian and Van Dyke are actually friends? I read that one interview where Van Dyke said he felt victimized by Brian but some claim they had a good relationship.
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>you will never hug a timid, young, overweight Brian Wilson
>you will never tell him it's going to be ok
>even if you could he would never believe you
Does God take pleasure in our suffering? Why do bad things happen to good people?
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bruh, i know
no homo but i wish i could be marilyn just to go back in time and comfort bri bri
best Mike vocal
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idk, all i wanna do is it for me
What's this from?
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Catch a Wave: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Beach Boys' Brian Wilson
pro tip: just search for text in quotes with google next time you want to find the source
>I will take him with me
That's really heavy
that seems like about the darkest thing you can say before offing yourself
Reminder that Dennis had talent too
Damn, it got taken down. Could you reupload it with a different filename? (You'll probably get past copyright if you just make it "DT(PYHoMS)" or something)
Literally nothing went right in this guys life. Poor bugger.
what happened to him
>Brian, no
spilled my drink
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its weird because he doesn't have that bad of a voice, its nasally but not unusually so
but in his solo songs its like he purposely made it as nasally as possible
it's on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxcQd6l1-_s
wtf, that's mike singing the verse? I always thought that was brian for some reason
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reminder that dennis was the best looking beach boy
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its weird because i feel like van dyke parks is kind of a dick, but i cant help but love him
hes too adorable
What's your favorite pre-Pet Sounds hit single from The Beach Boys?

It recently hit me like a ton of bricks that "Surfer Girl" is amazing so I'd go with that one, personally.
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She Knows Me Too Well gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it
I Do is extremely catchy and no one talks about it
Girl Don't Tell Me sounds very modern, like something you'd hear from a current indie band
Honorable mentions to Let Him Run Wild, Please Let Me Wonder, and Land Ahoy.
"Be True to Your School" or "Help Me, Rhonda" I didn't realize it until my friend played it for me, but Rhonda is the first song I ever remember hearing
Surfer Moon
surfer moon is a great one

single: "Surfer Girl"
non-single: "The Lonely Sea"

I love their ballads so much, you guys.

broken drumstick @ 3:26
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he was so fucking cool
>"The Lonely Sea"

It's terribly cliché I'm sure but, I know I'll be listening to that and "Til I Die" over and over again and crying a lot when Brian passes away.
Oh god, that's so sad

For those wondering, that's BRIAN singing
yea, his voice got real fucked up in the 70s
you can even hear it in his speaking voice
That album is so good it's unreal

I wish he could've lived to finish Bambu as well. There were lots of quality songs recorded for it but just needed to be fleshed out some more.
Here's a nice heartbreaking Brian song for you

Recorded 1977, but wasn't released until 1993

Here's something more upbeat
This guy has it right here. all these are some of my favorites. She knows me to well is shockingly underrated along with the rest of Today! honestly a fantastic album. The last 4 songs kind of tell a much more optimistic love story than pet sounds. It has a much more youthful tone with touchings of more mature thoughts and feelings
his voice sounds really nice in this one
Brian could use or control his shattered 70's voice to his advantage sometimes though:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RX5jbXGbuI (even if you think it's a terrible song (I won't blame you although I personally think it's 'alright' just needs a lyric rewrite) his vocals are great)

Actually, fuck it. I love mid to late 70's Brian voice. Is it as good as 60's Brian? Hell no.

fucking wonderful:
I agree, even though his voice was shredded at that point he could make it work. The one I mentioned is the only one that's just depressing to hear. Love You is a fantastic album.
Man, that is awful.

But it's also weird that they'd pick such a homely looking group of young men to sexually abuse.
I know it's cliche to say, but is Brian autistic? Not even using it as an insult here, he has such a detached and at times child like way of describing things, despite being this brilliant musician. He also sounds like he has sensory overload and very serious issues relating to and understanding other people's behavior or relating to them.
He has pretty obvious brain damage.
This is great stuff.
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i dont think that hes autistic, but i think his mental illness has affected him socially
he seems to have extreme social anxiety, which makes sense when you hear about his illness
its like how sometimes deaf people become socially anxious/awkward because they cant hear what people are saying.
brian hears things in his mind that can distract him from whats really happening
if you google "brian wilson" and "childlike" then youll find tons of articles describing his strange behavior
It hurts to imagine what he was feeling at the time. From all accounts Pete was just about the purest, kindest, idealistic empathetic type you could find. It's a shame his didn't get past the death of his world view and identity. I think that's what it really comes down to. That is such a horrible feeling, and it was the last feeling he ever had.
Does anyone else have the quote about Brian watching a turned off television? I think it was Van Dyke Parks that talked about it
What happened to him? Forgive me, I came to this thread knowing precious little about this band.
shit, I thought George was a nice guy
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Eugene Landy over-medicated him to the point where he was unable to function, and it has had a lasting effect on his memory.
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Some of the bands mentioned already sound like they had a bigger tragic history, but I'm going to add onto the pile anyways, not trying to compete but want to keep archive this onto the hivemind.

You Say Party! We Say Die! at one of their shows, Clifford the drummer died ON STAGE due to health complications, not drug related, it was terrible, they had to cancel their tour and they took a big break, they ended up renaming the band to simply You Say Party!
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Honestly, with his 2nd wife he seemed to be chill
Pattie just got treated terribly (by both George and Clapton) which sucks because she seems like a really nice girl
Out of all the Beatles, Paul and George were probably the least-terrible to their women
George obviously cheated on Pattie, and Paul cheated on his fiance Jane Asher, but both of them ended up having good relationships with their next wives (George with Olivia and Paul with Linda)
John and Ringo supposedly both cheated and beat their wives though
It's really hard to imagine the narrator of Thomas the Train Engine beating his wife. I just keep imagining him talking in third person as he cartoonishly swings his whole arm at her "Mrs. Star had made Mr. Star really really cross."
Exemplary thread. Dark topic or not, fascinating stuff.

Good job guys.
God damn I want to give him a hug, and I'm not even a fan.
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thank u anon
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same, when i read this (pic related) part of his memoir i teared up and wanted to go back in time and protect him
he seems like such a genuine and sweet person
it makes me so upset that so many people have hurt him in his life, hes dealt with so much stress and abuse
he doesnt seem like the type of person that can put up walls to protect himself from that kind of stuff
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heres a video that shows his awkward but endearing personality
true, even with george being known as such a nice guy for some reason ringo being mean surprises me more than george
last known live video performance of carl crack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_uBnKLG28w
seen heavily medicated and unwell during a concert while suffering from mental conditions such as epilepsy. not feeling well enough to MC the gig, his bandmates cover for him as he leaves mid-through.

before he was in his most known band: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5LYD8am_dg

he was found dead in an apparent suicide in his apartment in 2001.
easily please let me wonder
One word: Badfinger. Look them up, great band, but very sad story
there are probably sadder band stories than badfinger and the beach boys, but both groups make such happy music that its automatically 10x as depressing
Now that I think about it, Joy Division has got to be one of the saddest, not only in part due to Ian's depression but also how he encapsulates how he's feeling into the music.

Listen to the last two songs of Closer, arguably some of the saddest and out of this world tier songs I've ever heard. Dunno if I've heard anything like it either.

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adding onto this
They sold millions, and worked their asses off recording and touring, yet making little money, just to have their close friend and manager swindle them, resulting in the rights to their music getting tied up in litigation at no fault of their own. Two band members ended up committing suicide because of all the shit they were going through.
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that reminds me, i feel like almost no one knows about dot rhone (paul and dot are in the lower right corner of this photo)
when paul was a teen he got her pregnant and was going to marry her, but she miscarried
imagine if she had had the baby and paul had had to get a job and quit the band
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good for brian
I just remembered another shitfest that was Cristal Castle's drama. I didn't follow exactly what happened but Alice Glass claims was being taken advantaged of via sexual abuse and/or domestic abuse. The dude said that this didn't happen and she didn't contribute to any of the lyrics but shit was flung back and forth, it's sad to see CC be gone but at the same time I'm glad to hear shes out of that shitty situation.
Don't Worry Baby
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good thread guys
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