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Ask a former touring EDM artist anything

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I quit being a DJ about a year ago. I have a lot of information on the way that the Dubstep and EDM communities work. Outside of people like Guetta and the like, none of these DJ's make as much money as they look like.

People like Getter only end up bringing home about $150-200K annually and even they are losing money because the scene is bleeding out.

On top of that, even the more 'successful' underground artists like Excision are ghost produced in full. People like Zomboy, who previously had worked in professional engineering, don't even want to make this shit music anymore.

so... ask me anything. I'd love to reveal as much shit about this dumbass music scene as I can..
I don't know a damn thing about edm or dubstep but I hate both genres so if you could just give me a quick rundown about the most corrupt/annoying/unfuriating shit in there that would be very cathartic
desu it's always been kind of a dream of mine to produce brostep and dj raves and festivals. It just seems so obnoxiously fun and DJing is easy.

I never assumed they made a whole lot money. I mean getter is like 23 years old and is a living meme, it's not like he's a rich celebrity. i never thought it was very glamorous, just fun.

i guess my question is how do guys like him "make it" so to speak? do they just keep practicing and sending around demos? or do they get hooked up with really good patches and stuff and then they're suddenly producing at a professional level

Skrillex didn't produce Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites.

In the year 2008, major labels Universal Music Group and Warner Music/Warner Bros. were trying to figure out a way to capitalize on the UK Dubstep craze and the US EDM Festival craze at the same time. They employed the help of Joel Zimmerman (Deadmau5) to scout for a pet project to help with production.

So Deadmau5 goes and finds Sonny Moore (Skrillex) who is the lead singer of the metalcore band From First to Last. This was a good choice because he already had a built-in crowd (of the same demographic that would be pulled into EDM, mostly scene/hardcore kids). The issue was that Dubstep, from an engineering standpoint (at the time) didn't have much going on in the midrange frequencies. So Joel goes and releases Skrillex's first "My Name is Skrillex EP" which sounds a lot like Justice. If you check the credits, John Oates is credited as a writer on the album (which was hooked up through his label). The EP does really well, so they take it a bit further... (cont)
are ur parents proud of u?

So Joel with a bunch of capital investment from UMG (they own Mau5trap) goes and hires a team of ghost producers: Jon Gooch (Spor/Feed Me) and the members of Noisia to help Skrillex develop his first album (SM&NS). Sure enough, Noisia and Feed Me ends up producing 90% of the album and it does PHENOMENALLY well. It's still doing well. They managed to shift the composition of Dubstep into what is called "Brostep" nowadays by designing it to have a significant amount of sound design in the midrange. The reason they did this was because at the time, Festival setups didn't have a ton of accurate low-end backend setup, so they had to make Dubstep sell well in a festival market.

Fast forward to 2011. After being pissed that he's being hooked up with a bunch of pop stars to bring Dubstep/Brostep fully in the mainstream, Skrillex fabricates a lie that he lost his laptop in Milan (even though he had pictures on Instagram of him producing his work on a desktop computer) and all his jobs get "leaked". Skrillex ends up getting fired by Mau5 and then goes to the next guy that injects him with production knowledge, Diplo. That's why anything after Skrillex's dubstep phase sounds wildly different. As for Noisia and Feed Me, they made a fuck ton of money and basically get to do whatever they want now. We're talking tens of millions of dollars, plus royalties.
I'm working in pop music now. They're very proud of me and I'm much happier now.
holy shit
It's not about the money, it's that they're tricking kids into living what seems like a lavish lifestyle but is actually a really sad downward spiral filled with drug abuse and sexual assault, every step of the ladder.
what's the secret to being one of these mainstream electronic artists? is it just copying the meta? Knowing people? Self promotion and thrusting your music down their throat?
What's the future? Like, if dubstep is in decline, then what kind of sounds do you think will supersede it?
All three. Most big producers now are using packs on Splice, patches for Serum made by Cymatics, and still -- vengeance samples. Basic electronic music songwriting & hiring an engineer/learning engineering somewhat are the only other two technical steps.

There's a lot of nepotism. For instance, Marshmello is Dotcom, and Slushii is a rich kid from Orlando that Dotcom is grooming to take his place when he retires.

I think the future of this kind of music are in the independent no-fucks artsy guys like Josh Pan and his group. As far as dubstep goes, it will return to the underground again once people get tired of Excision in another album or so.
about that, is the slipper slope real, OP?
what were some of the most messed up shit you saw? that you feel like you can share that is.
Why is America so shit at dance music and why do modern EDM producers there choose to make the most fucking godawful music and not hark back to the days of quality Detroit techno or Chicago house or even try to be more like the superior techno, house and jungle of the UK and Europe?
what do you think of the combination of shitty EDM and shitty rap that is trap music? do you think it will outlast brostep? do you think rappers are the rock stars of today? will hard rock ever make a comeback?

and also, if you know about it, what do you think of the monstercat label?
Oh also: here's all the people with secret production aliases.

Marshmello is Dotcom

Bear Grillz is Rob from Dodge and Fuski

JVST SVY YES is Rob from Dodge and Fuski

Skrillex is currently ghost produced by Virtual Riot and one of the guys from Barely Alive

Excision is ghost produced by Dion Timmer and Space Laces

JOYRYDE is Lets Be Friends
>josh pan
I met him like 2 years ago hanging out with frank yang
is he big time now?
Rusko yelling into the crowd asking anyone if they had any heroin

Datsik doing a bunch of whip-its under the DJ booth while he was playing

Countless amounts of DJ's and their mates getting girls turbo-fucked up piss blasted drunk and making them do whatever they wanted.
>x is y
how can one person have so much creative output? being ghost produced isn't illegal, right? like, the ghost producers get paid for a service, sell the music and the rights to it, and the employer releases the music under his name.

so they basically have a free money license as long as the millions of idiots that listen to the shitty music keep doing so?
He's a really talented guy but most people in the scene either think he's insane or don't fuck with him. I think he's just past all this shit, there's a lot of people that are fed up with this shit but nobody is allowed to speak up.

Mat Zo did a few years ago and people bullied him so much he had to go to therapy.
What do you think of /bleep/ tunes?
What is your favorite label?
What is the next big thing and why is it bro-tech house
not him, but yeah, rappers are the rock stars of today. The last attempt to have a huge rock star was back in the early 2000s with the Strokes and the like. I feel that with Jay Z, Kanye, etc, they played a big part in shifting the the label. Now, when you compare the antics of most popular rock groups to the antics of most popular hip hop artists, hip hop artists fit the bill more of the "dangerous and exciting" rock artists of the past.
Yeah but the thing is, they convince kids that it's totally cool to do the drugs they're doing like shitty E and coke and shit, and that stuff destroys their long term memory which allows artists to continue to rehash the same content. Sober people don't stay in EDM long because they realize it's a model that relies on addicting kids to drugs that dumb them down.
>second this
Monstercat guys are cool. They do a lot of work for TV and cinema and stuff. If you hear dubstep in a car commercial, it's probably Varien. I have no issue with those guys, they really just like to make music to entertain the younger end of the crowd.
Once I heard that these places are a cesspool of drugs and alcohol. Damn... I always imagined this type of shit but I never thought it was real... I've never gone to a "EDM festival" and now I know I probably never will unless I'm sure it'll be an ok place.

I know not all are bad but I think it's better to just be safe.

Bleep continues to be one of the best references for what electronic dance music should be imitating. Really awesome forward thinking and retro-respective stuff.

My favorite label... I'm not going to post that, because then someone here will figure out who it is that I am and I don't want that to happen.
I'm 99% its a catfish but I'll try

Do you know anything about Skream?
wew lad

i wouldnt doubt this though
It is, anyone that tells you it isn't is either lacking self-awareness or is lying to you. I'd say only about 5-10% at a 'rave' are sober.
stfu s/t
I know that he was a pet project by Digital Mystikz but that era of Dubstep is so history-deficient I'm not really sure what the full story behind any of that was, it's really biased from every perspective. I fuck with him though.
tbf, most rock and rap shows there is plenty of drugs and alcohol, its not exclusive to dance music
What's up, guys? NSA just passing through. Nothing to worry about; just keep posting as normal. I'll be out in just a second.
Whats the next genre EDM gonna pick up and commercialize?
50% of people at a rock show are not on ecstacy and the venue owners don't let E and coke dealers into their venues (generally)
I'm trying to get myself into the scene so I could some day tour as well, got any tips and hints. I've already gotten my diplomas in audio engineering and Music production and I feel like my tunes are up to par but no one gives them the time of day.
any tips on how to "get found". Willing to sell my soul and get backstabbed a couple of times. been producing my own style of music for a while now, but I could easily produce stuff that sounds the same as everything else. I've already started djing etc. I'm guessing the key element of being "the next edm hit" is basically persona? yeah/nah?
hard to tell

either 80s retro or indie/alternative music
Alcohol is a drug too, more dangerous as well
not him but why would you demote yourself with that shit

It's harder than it ever has been. Start with EDM.com releases. Move to indie labels like Firepower and the like. it isn't hard to get signed to one of those labels, most of those guys have no idea what they're doing. the only difficult labels to get placed on are OWSLA, Never Say Die, and Monstercat. They're pretty closed off.
I use to love electronic music, in the past, especially Trance and Hardstyle, and some more underground genres.
Now I don't listen to electronic music anymore. I just completely lost interest in it.
Do you know anything about the non-edm techno guys?
Everyone hates Seth Troxler because thinks the mainstream brostep shit is ridiculous haha

You can thank YourEDM for that. Those guys are basically what happens when your rich daddy can't get you a job at Buzzfeed so you make your own Buzzfeed.
music taste is subjective, it's the reason why music today sounds nothing the way it did 50 years ago. On the "selling my soul" thing, I know if I kept producing my style of music, it would never become popular.

desu, I'd prefer to be producing the same music as everyone else rather than working an office job
you cant just use "music today" when there are a lot of different kind of music
edm was engineered for the mass and a commercialized version of something that has been running for centuries in the underground scene

i understand wanting to create music instead of a boring job but there are decent lebels and upcoming artists that dont sell their soul with the generic sounding shit
your thoughts on garrix? do you know him? have you talked to him, at least?
How do you feel about the genre Wave? growing rapidly in the Uk right now

I.e. Kareful, Klimeks, Foxwedding
>music taste is subjective
i could get behind this

participating in any offshoot of EDM is participating in a stopgap measure made by major labels to stop them from losing money due to digital distribution. That's why Knife Party debuted on Big Beat. connect the dots

I also started to realize that edm was a joke when all that producers(and artists who use ghost producers) had to do was press the play button on their premade mix to get over $10,000 for one gig. also looking at "dj mags" rankings just make me kek
He's cool. I haven't met him. He's like Zedd, where he started as a really good producer kid, and then just grew up into a really good mainstream producer. AFAIK he is all or mostly self-produced.
there are many things you can make money with and doesnt involve selling your soul
idk i could never do that shit at least

less and less money in it than ever, almost everyone's booking prices have been going down since 2012
how bout madeon? porter?

sorry, its just that i use FL and i wanna know if the hate for FL not really being a DAW is still in the industry.
Honestly it would be a dream come true to be signed to owsla. glad to know they don't just open their doors to anybody. also skrillex seems like a legitimately good dude. any insight into his life/background?
How did you find out about /mu/, OP?

You should hang around >>68578986 from time to time. Feedback from experienced people is very much welcome.
Do you know anything about Borgore? It's a shame he went from at least unique brostep to this shit
Maybe I'm just naive but, why there are so many water bottles?
I assume if it's good enough for martin garrix, it's good enough for you.
fl studio was only shit in the past

its a capable daw now
>venue owners don't let E and coke dealers into their venues
This same rule applies at most raves/festivals, if anything security's probably more beefed up than it would be at a rock show
Still doesn't mean it doesn't find its way in, but with every summer's "15yo girl dies after taking too much MDMA at EDC" news story there's lots of backlash against organizers to do even more
At raves you mean? Because lots of people are on x and that stuff dehydrates you like crazy. Not to mention it's hot and crowded and everyone is dancing
What do you think of juke/footwork?
I know porter has done shitty things behind the scenes, tell me some I don't know
>and not hark back to the days of quality Detroit techno or Chicago house or even try to be more like the superior techno, house and jungle of the UK and Europe?
There's plenty of modern producers doing this, you're just not looking past the EDC lineups
>Skrillex is currently ghost produced by Virtual Riot and one of the guys from Barely Alive

But skrillex hasn't had a solo release since Recess. It's been nearly 3 years. You mean they've been doing his remixes and collabs?
Also good for them I guess, I really like Barely Alive and Virtual Riot has some great stuff too.
Care to share some cool bangers to impress my friends?
What do you think of flying lotus
aviici - levels

i was going to ask about him too but i think he exists outside the edm world for the most part. he just gets booked at edm fests because he DJs.
OP come back we still have questions
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what was the easiest money making experience you had?

also, how do these smaller labels make their money?
>DJing is easy
It is though. I'm not talking DJing with vinyl or anything, but the digital stuff is pretty easy to get the hang of. It doesn't take long to get the basics down and be nailing smooth transitions and cuts. After that it all comes down to track selection and then getting creative with how you mix.

I love a lot of edm and admire what the DJs do, and I know some of them are a lot more talented than others - but don't kind yourself, it's not rocket science.
Do you know anything about this guy?

>no sources
>implying you are able to read
kek this is the dumbest thread full of wishful thinking plebs. It's called hard work, folks. I hate every artist mentioned but I'm not going to pretend any of this is at all factual
he likes sad clowns
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My word doesn't mean anything, but I can corroborate that Feed Me/Spor "helped" a ton on Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites. First thing I thought when Skrillex was mentioned.

Explains a lot of how he went from straight Modern Talking yoiyoiyois on My Name is Skrillex, to SMNS, then back to the fairly simple yoiyoiyoi shit on Bangarang after he left mau5trap.
Learn what this word means before using it next time

>verb: corroborate

>confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding).

You confused mate?
where im supposed to learn to use dj equipment? i dont want money i wanna play good stuff, do more drugs and go for the easy girls who get wet over the idea of dj´s

>pirate VirtualDJ
>install it
>uninstall it
>pirate Serato
>install it
>dick around with a mouse and hotkeys to get used to it
>buy a cheap Numark controller or whatever so you look like you're actually doing something
Plenty of people in the industry have said that ghost-producing is very common in EDM. No one has been ousted as far as I know although I haven't paid close attention to this scene in about 4 years
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Getter is almost unknown and is talentless and you somehow wanna spin the tale that 150-200k isn't good money

Of course fellow goyim
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Learn that you're a retard before you shitpost next time
The word he was looking for was speculate. He didn't confirm anything.
Don't you think it would have come from a credible source by now and not some 4chan shitpost?
Yeah lmao probably I don't know I'm just saying it's not TOO far-fetched to believe that there are ghost producers at the top levels in the industry

holy fucking shit this makes so much sense
and i fell entirely for this
>All my friends like EDM and go to raves
>constantly talk about getting fucked up and doing drugs
>I like EDM but just see it as "fun" music
>They are always talking about how good edm is and how it is such art
>always invite me to shows
>I don't want to be around edgy teenagers on drugs for 3 hours
Honestly it doesn't. Why would someone (Deadmaus) openly trashtalk someone they have a vested interest in (Skrillex), in particular about "selling out"? I know Deadmau5 is a pleb but if this was some money making scheme that seems like a great way to get found out, doesn't it?
What do you hate the most about the EDM community? What do you hate about the artists, and what do you hate about the fans?
your a dorable
I don't think deadmau5 cares about being "found out" because if skrillex said anything, mau5 would just tell people he barely made his own record.
what was your worst experience performing?
Yeah that's sort of my point. They both have a lot to lose by beefing in the first place, if this fake story is true. Which it isn't
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yes my liege

because thats deadmau5's character, he's the crotchety old audio engineer who made prog house is just the EDM of 10 years ago really
Has the OP become a dead?
go to bed, BT.
I see what you are saying, but I feel that maybe it's a subject neither of them would bring up regardless of any beef. It might be like that subject they don't talk about because it would fuck em both up.
I am a so you called "ghost producer". I live in Ukraine. I sell music on a website and I do not know who buy it until I hear it in a youtube video.
I bet you're Flume.
I honestly, legitmately enjoy edm (specificly brostep and some trap hybrid stuff). The energy is a lot of fun and the production/sound design aspect is what I really appreciate and get excited about. I know it's not incredibly artistic or anything but there are some really fun and impressive sounds and styles happening right now.

I go to raves and edm shows a lot because I genuinely like the music. It annoys me when people go only to get fucked up and don't even know or care who is playing. I'm sure I'm in the very small minority here but it doesn't keep me from being a fan.
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how's it feel to know that this person has more talent and worked harder than you?
Slushii is not a rich kid from Orlando. He's actually a close friend of mine from
New Jersey. Grew up in a kinda shit place with a single mom. His music is absolute garbage but he's a great dude and that just ain't true my man
where is EDM going

if i recall alot of vegas clubs are specifically built for EDM

where is the genre going. whats going to be big next year
deadmau5 was using vengance bass and cymbal samples to make a beat yesterday. he has all that analog gear, but still uses sampled stuff. yeah porter uses them too, but he's been pretty open about that from the get go

who the fuck is vengence and why is everyone using his shit
are prydz, galantis & don diablo ghost produced now too, they had that really fucking great vibe at one point (opus, u&i, origins) and all of sudden its gone and sounds like the most generic tasteless shit you can think about. or is this shit usual with EDMers you do one hit and release 300 misses coz why the fuck not
vengeance is a couple of guys who happen to be audio engineers who sell samples online and make a decent amount of money doing so
How did marshmello.com end up taking slushii under his wing? How did he get that exclusive killa remix that jack u played out at Coachella? I just don't understand how he exploded so fast and made all these top tier connections so fast.

is monstercat really closed off? i always just assumed it was bottom of the barrel Free Copyright License music that was only seriously listened to cus kids heard it all the time in streams

there needs to be a central EDM redpill copypasta
Isn't that what this post is?

DJ mag is such a load of bullshit lmfao all the top DJ's are never doing anything technical aside from being a headliner act the most number of times

spaces laces is definitely ghost producing big time

guys a beast
is there anything to be redpilled on knife party/pendulum?
knife party definitely have a huge responsibility in the EDM crowd since a lot of the pendulum fanbase funneled into EDM since they got almost entirely EDM remixes for Immersion
literally was just about to ask that

What can you tell me about Kygo
He actually told me this once.

Short answer: his manager.

He used to go by DJ Swoon, which is how he made most of his connections. Last year he changed his name to slushii and just started posting mixes. Marshmello's manager was listening to Marshmello on SoundCloud and some of Slushii's music came up and the manager was amazed. Within five months my boy was gettin huge. As a producer myself it kinda hurt to watch desu but he's a great dude.
Are those people in the scene, playing and listening, even aware of idm and electronic music that actually has artistry to it?

Like, do they just compartmentalize that shit, or are they really oblivious to how their music is constituted of cookie cutter formulas that pale in comparison to those exploring sound at its outer limits?
Most edm "songs" are really just tools for being dropped into mixes. They're about being catchy, punchy, and functional. It's a completely different concept than the type of music you're talking about.
No one who goes to EDM shows gives a shit about the music being creative or anything like that. As long as it doesn't give them a bad trip they could give a fuck what's playing in the background while they're rolling balls
Electronic dance has always been complete garbage. It's barely even art.
I know that, I'm asking if those people are aware what real electronic music is like

i figure I just wanted to shit on somebody cause the world hasn't given me the freedom I need

actually it's just really weird to me how they can all be oblivious. I haven't made a good metaphore for it but if they were in a house they would be jerling in the foyer while you curiousity of halls
IDM is wanky garbage. Electronic in general is one of the most self-indulgent genres of music.
Explain how skrillex legitimately made music with Boys Noize in the duo dog blood and it didn't sound like his current justin beiber music. Explain his record label if he was supposedly with mau5trap.
You're a bastard
They're aware, I'm one of them.
Skrillex has also posted songs like Flim and used some pretty experimental stuff in husband least commercial mixes
if you can keep a plant for a 1 year and it doesn't die, buy a pet, whatever a dog or cat, and after three years if those two both survive then your ready for a relationship
in his less commercial mixes*
the music it owns you the house music, it get mes going boom boom boom i just take my shirt off im just dancing
Thanks for bringing this up. Dog blood is fucking awesome.
ur fgt
hey thats a light show
no, idm is like exploring outer space and IDM is like getting hit by a dildo

>implying the plan isn't to be dead in 3 years
Don't be someone else's slogan because you are poetry.
That's really cool, good for him. I could tell right away he was a product of mello's manager. Everything about his branding gives it away.

And yeah i feel you, a couple guys I hung out with in college kind of "made it" thanks to good management and pumping out the most generic bullshit imaginable. Got to play festivals in time slots right before Dillon Francis and got a track played out by tiesto. It's kind of surreal thinking back to the times we sat around in the basement messing around on Ableton (which I'm still doing)
Not true, see
>People like Getter only end up bringing home about $150-200K
So still essentially a complete fuckload
they must make alot more than decent if EVERYONE is using their stuff.
does anyone have gerber baby food???

literally everybody is pirating
watch any Future Mag "In The Studio" video and the younger artists almost always have cracked software
Yeah man 100%.

I've been making electronic music for a few years now and its never like any genre but not really 'experimental' either, kind of structurally and compositionally somewhere in between some kind of EDM and more conventional intrument-based music.

People who like mainstream EDM genres always told me "If you are trying to make this style, it needs to sound more like this" etc, even though it wouldn't have sounded better, just more generic. Anyone who liked IDM and (allegedly) more progressive styles absolutely hated it because it sounded like actual music with clear melodic leads instead of spacey ambience, real drum samples instead of some dude headbutting a spoon or whatever the fuck. There was a lot about it that wasn't great since I wasn't that skilled in the technical areas of production yet, but conceptually it was pretty interesting and that's the main thing everyone took issue with.

It's like a genre where you can do absolutely anything, as long as its not well composed music that sounds good. Make everything sound exactly the same as everyone else and call yourself a DJ, or headbutt a spoon over a detuned sample of a cat vomiting and call yourself an artist.
If that will make you happy, I will stop drinking. And then I would tell myself tonight I will not get wasted. And then something would happen. Or nothing would happen. And I'd get that feeling and you all know what that feeling is; when your skin is screaming and your hands are shaking and your stomach feels like it wants to jump through your throat. And you know that if anyone had a clue how wrong it felt to be sober, they wouldn't dream of asking you to stay that way. They would say oh geez, I didn't know. It's okay for you. Do that mound of cocaine. Have a drink. Have 20 drinks. Whatever you need to do to feel like a normal human being, you do it. And boy I did it. I drank and I snorted. I drank and snorted. I drank and snorted. And I did this day after day, day after day, night after night. I didn't care about the consequences because I knew they couldn't be half as bad as not using. And then one night something happened. I woke up. I woke up on a sidewalk and I had no idea where I was. I couldn't have told you what city I was in. And my head was pounding and I looked down and my shirt is covered in blood. And as I'm lying there wondering what happens next and I heard a voice. And it said man, this is not a way to live. This is a way to die.
>this retarded thread
First time I've been to /mu/ in years. Can't believe how easily you kids eat this stuff up.
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Literally everyone knows that Joel, Feed Me and Noisia made all that old Skrillex stuff.

Why do you think he couldn't reproduce any of that style/sound after he left mau5trap?

The "lost muh laptop and all muh presets" excuse was complete horseshit. The presets were fucking made by Noisia.
what's the poop on PORTER ROBINSON?

is he really this good?
he lurks and anonposts on /fa/
I don't know anything about this situation but if that is really what he is saying then yeah that is pretty retarded. You should know how you made your presets anyway, not to mention the fact that if that is your trademark style then new ones you make are likely to sound similar even if you aren't trying to recreate them.

And besides, you make millions of dollars from having interesting sound designs that you obviously aren't confident you can recreate and not once in about 5 years do you think to back your shit up? Does not seem legit.
>implying everyone is taking it as an absolute truth
I'm not disputing any of this but how does "literally everyone" know this? I'm really into edm, big skrillex fan, and this is the first ive heard of it. like where would this info have come out?

>prydz had that really fucking great vibe at one point (opus


isn't Opus his latest album though?
>What can you tell me about Kygo

he's fucking garbage
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can OP confirm this pic?
I don't follow Skrillex's career...did he ever actually use the supposed stolen laptop as an excuse for switching styles? Or did people make that up as some sort of retcon to make him seem like a fraud? I'm having trouble believing anything in this thread, it all seems too far fetched
Not those anons but I remeber him tweeting about one of his laptops crashing or something so he lost everything on it, which is apparently the reason Voltage was never released.
Ok, so he never explicitly stated that the stolen laptops were why he changed his sound. That means everything with regards to him in this thread is pure speculation. People change their sounds, it happens. If I lost all my project files I would absolutely do completely new tracks. It's pretty devastating to have to try to piece something together from memory for it to only be 60-70% there. I think a lot of people who produce in this thread know exactly what I'm talking about.
Wikileaks on EDM when
>Skrillex ends up getting fired by Mau5 and then goes to the next guy that injects him with production knowledge, Diplo.

Diplo is ghost produced m8
ITT a sucker DJ acts like their teenage knowledge of edm industry actually means something
Oh yeah I totally agree. I'd do the same thing.
I guess I always just enjoyed his music and didn't get into the drama/rumor mill surrounding him.

...I do want bangarang era skrillex back though. Even just a 5 track dubstep ep. Pls.
>That means everything with regards to him in this thread is pure speculation

it's hardly speculation when fucking Joel himself has hinted at it

Voltage was never released because Joel/Noisia/FeedMe wouldn't allow him to use their shit anymore after they fell out with Sonny (over the Sony debacle).
I'll gladly believe this when someone presents any proof. What are deadmau5's "hints"?
Also what's the Sony debacle
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>I'll gladly believe this when someone presents any proof. What are deadmau5's "hints"?

He's talked about it in streams he does on his own website. I went into detail one night about Sonny and how he tried to ditch the mau5trap contract and go back to Sony BMG (the label From First To Last).

That's what caused the big split because he tried to fuck Joel over. Seems that's when Joel withheld all his presets and production files and shit for the next album they were working on.
I'm sorry, but this is still speculation unless Joel explicitly said "I produce Skrillex's tracks and I have his project files"


So it seemed from what he was saying, Noisia/FeedMe/Deadmau5 had all been working on the production of the next album and Sonny was gonna try and ditch them (mau5trap) for big Sony contract.

Joel said fuck no and kept the stuff.
Please post an approximation of the facial expression that would take hold of you should you come to the realization that Trumpwave will fully take over all electronic genres over the course of the next 4 years

He's just repeating what the board conspiracy theorists want to hear.

You get a couple of those occasionally in every board.

So do EDM artists literally just hit play on their set for the night?

Did Daft Punk just hit play button when they recorded Alive 2007?
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Enjoy listening to sad songs in November, cuck B)
how do you get started?
Are you worried about your hearing?

Yeah, at worst it's literally pre-recorded and nothing is plugged in. At best they've got all their stems preloaded in Ableton Live and they'll wank around with filters, stutters and a drum pad live.
Some of them yeah but not most. CDJs make mixing pretty easy. It'll have all the mp3s of the songs they plan on playing stored in there and probably arranged in the order they plan on playing them. It will automatically beat match and can change the pitch so transitions are smooth. Unless they're getting really fancy with their mixing, track selection is equally or even more important.
Well it's happened frequently in the past so it's safe to say it's still going on. They're not going to come out and say it neither is anyone else because of exposure or people saying what you're saying now. It's not uncommon for people in a specific group to do 'immoral' or 'unethical' things, keep it under wraps, and years later when it's all done and nobody cares, people are more willing to come forward and the information is more available. Watch, in 5-10 years it'll be confirmed, but by then nobody gives a shit.
Why do Daft Punk only release music once in awhile?
Because they need 5 years and more than a million dollars to process a bunch of decent funk sounds down to the point that it becomes sterile and meaningless.

Did you know that on the Daft Punk® album Get Lucky™ they recorded some old faggot talking on 73 different microphones just so brainwashed corporate sycophants can bring it up at dinner parties and pretend it proves they are some kind of music connoisseur?
This rumor has been around forever, give us something interesting. And Scary Monsters didn't coin the brostep sound, Rusko started that about about a year or two earlier.
wish he would release more shit under his own name though, need more slimy space laces music in my life. Also certain he has a really fucking funny alt account with random soundclown stuff

Same here, I indulge in all kinds of electronic. Some of the stuff that's considered to be EDM can be really interesting and a fun live experience to boot
Except for the fact that most releases he's done even to this day have a distinct skrillex feel to them. The growls he uses are still very unique and took other producers quite a long time to fully understand the backend of.
What the hell are they REALLY doing on stage?
Are they doing Alive 2017?
I'm not the OP, I know nothing about Daft Punk. I'm just playing the role of an overly bitter and cynical edgelord with an irrational hatred for everything that anyone else likes, such is the custom here.
Can you teach me anon?
are you me?
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