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Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 73

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be nice to grimes and discuss her new videos
I love her new videos. Butterfly in particular is so well done.
Yes. They certainly did an excellent job with the shooting/costumes for a $0 budget.
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They also picked some very eye candy locations. Not counting how gorgeous Claire & Hana look...
dude they're dressed up like indians! CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!
I don't understand why people aren't happy with the videos, i really really liked them!
theyre pretty lowfi and kind of just them having sun, which i guess people dont like for some reason.
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Maybe if the videos had just a tad more something to them it would they would be 10/10, right now they are 9/10


why does grimes have a hole in her sweater where her chest is
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who knows
my favorite too
is that her after she realized she's been walking around with her chest exposed?
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Even if she cuts my hands and legs off and kills all my family, I will still love her.
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Apparently Grimes sold around 100K copies of Art Angels so far. This is really good for an indie artist.
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i think you are on to something...
She has earned it.
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You know perfectly she will never do that. She's the nicest artist.
She could live comfortably with what she earned from album sales + tours. Consider thet she gets a lot more money than the usual artist because she did everything in her music.
she does when she's not touring.

occasionally though she has to start touring again because she doesn't have enough to live forever off of her earnings.
Grimes is seriously ugly and makes the most basic white girl indie "dreampop" shit music and the fact that you have a general for her is literally infuriating. She has never made anything of value.
They probably expected some expensive looking videos with a story, effects and stuff. But I prefer her simple videos such as Realiti, Vanessa, Oblivion and the new ones.
That's right. And that could be a pretty strong signal to not give up music too quickly.
I thought you hung yourself yesterday
Infuriating? Dude, filter these threads and cease your shitposting. If you hate her it doesn't mean other people don't appreciate her.
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>some relevant things about Grimes
you guys realize these are just bait posts, replying will keep them coming
i bet its some guy who replies to his own bait
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I like her new videos a lot! I just watched them today. I didn't really like art angels as much as her other works, but these video's add so much. The colors, the locations and esspecially the clothing/costumes are very nice!
haha claire looks like one of those lil nu metal kids
good taste, anon.
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>it doesn't mean other people don't appreciate her
Well they shouldnt because shes fucking bad

That's why I'm here to tell them that they need to develop some taste
Oh and I wouldn't have to shitpost if you stopped making fucking grimes general threads

This shit is the most obnoxious cancer I've ever seen
you already know
>shes fucking bad
Prove it. In meantime check out dem ratings: http://www.metacritic.com/person/grimes
so what. Fucking blurryface has an 80 on metacritic
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does anybody have a picture of grimes winking?
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the dudes in this thread are really mentally healthy
I agree unironically.

Only the haters and waifufags are in poor mental shape. We pity them behind our mocking laughs.

>The AC!D Reign Chronicles: The War of Art {Director's Cut} - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQLvqvLvUIY
00:00 - Intro Music*
01:40 - Grimes - Butterfly
05:50 - HANA - Underwater
10:10 - Instrumental Interlude*
11:10 - Grimes - World Princess Part II
16:30 - Trashique Interlude*
16:48 - HANA - Chimera
22:48 - Grimes - Scream feat. Aristophanes
25:10 - Backstage Banter*
25:44 - HANA - Avalanche
29:35 - Grimes - Belly of the Beat
33:00 - Grimes - Easily*
36:08 - Grimes - Life in the Vivid Dream*

* director's cut bonus content

My personal picks:
Such a satisfyingly chunky-sounding song/beat, and imo the extensive use of smooth-editing effects for the visuals contrasts that really well.

>Chimera (HANA)
This track has such a strong sense of calming statelessness to it. And between Hana's own delightfully understated sensuality/that same focus on smooth editing effects as in Butterfly this entire video just has such a wonderfully unified feel to it. And the instrumental outro which starts around 21:46... simply sublime.

>Belly of the Beat
My personal favorite of the entire bunch. Given the song's very heavy lyrical subject matter, the choice to focus on free-form dancing/flitting about - especially in the indoor shots - serves as yet another great example of working with dynamic contrasts. And all those mountain tableau shots with Alyson and Linda - aka Grimes' backup dancers...

Someone mentioned in a previous thread that there wasn't enough color vividness in these videos to suit their taste. Can't fathom what they were talking about - there are shots in here that look like they could've come straight out of a 1970s Italian giallo classic.
got a warning for saying i wanted to hatefuck her mods on /mu/ are cucks
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so you decided the best thing to do was to break two global rules at once?

anon, I...
Wow a thoughtful post, it seems /grimes/ can pull some great posters, makes you think.

Though sharethreads have their moments, gotta give credit to where credit is due
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/grimes/ posters are all great and are capable of making ground shattering posts and engage in deep conversations around Grimes' music, and many have gone into tirades many times over the summer.

It's just easier and keeps the threads bumped to talk about shallow crap most of the time.
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Thanks - there are some of us out here who actually believe in using this board for what it was intended (music-related discussion.)

With that said,
Such an odd request...
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Oh lord, that's good.

Is there a set with this?

Because I only have pic related
remember when grimes said she wasn't a classically trained musician? And then she released Life In the Vivid Dream?

Watafak grimes??
She has low expectations of herself, which isn't really a bad thing.

I am sure it has to do with being shy, or anxiety.
easy access
james doesn't really strike me as the grabby type.
Jay-Z is though.
Jay-Z isn't allowed to touch. Just admire from a distance no less than 25 feet at all times.
that's not what the limo cam shows.
what the limo cam doesn't show is Grimes kicking the shit out of Jay-Z after he broke the 25 foot rule.
what happened with grimes and jay-z, I know she's on roc management
Jay-Z tried to make a move, but Grimes made him her bitch.

Now he's wrapped around her finger and Beyonce is too busy distracted by Becky to even notice.

Jay-Z didn't follow her rules so she made it plain and clear to him with her two best associates (Mister Ruler and Miss Beautiful) that any further deviation from her 10 commandments wouldn't be tolerated.

Her nude form is to be admired in an artistic and thought provoking way. Anything else is strictly forboden.
This sounds hot and like torture
They occasionally smoke Cuban cigars together - and talk about business etiquette. Anything else you see/hear about them (especially on here) is just juvenile shitposting.

Google Grimes + russia
wow that was gay af to read but I appreciate you taking the time to write whatever the fuck that was supposed to be. >>68353320
yeah i figured
don't make fun of my fake grimes lore please
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young grimes hd some rough times
Every guy knows to always play along with the slave game if she demands... they never expect a slave revolt and a wannabe master would be too embarrassed to admit they got played by a stronger force.
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>yfw grimes is for sexual now
Unless you want to end up like Jay-Z, you better knock it off.
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Both times she was with Jay-Z were accidents. Slouching off his bed naked with covers over her head was a simple case of mistaken identity and when she was trying change drivers in his land rover she fell on his gear stick.
why do you browse /mu/
I only like grimes' music, it helps me resexualize the world in creative ways.
I was loving the beginning, then the rest had me laughing

grimes is not for intense affection.

I would gladly hit grimes in the stomach with a hammer daily just to make sure your efforts to impregnate her are done in vain.
Congrats, you cracked the code. She wants you to ignore her wants and impose your more important ones.
It's too late to lose my undying infection
posts like these is why we lost the classical musician

great job guys.
Grimes enjoys domination, of anyone, including herself.

The world ain't so black and white, kid, there are at least 50 shades of grey and she wants to experience them all.

Let /grimes/ be the safe space to express all the sexuality her music inspires in people OR you know, feel free to leave.

>"I would gladly hit grimes in the stomach with a hammer daily just to make sure your efforts to impregnate her are done in vain"

/mu/'s motto of 2016
We need to get kickstarter going to get the grimesrat spayed.
Nope - still here (God help me.) Honestly, who else do you think posts things like this >>68352641 in threads (all over /mu - not just Grimes threads btw) periodically other than me? (Not to toot my own horn - too much, that is.) Honestly, for a supposedly music-oriented board, there sure seem to be a lot of musically illiterate individuals blundering around in these threads.
I want to learn more about music, but I just don't have the time these days.
people just don't have the time for music anymore
I wish I could be nice to her, but you know what they say, sometimes males will be mean to females when they like them a lot.
I do but I've just got so much other shit to do. After I finish the book I'm reading and finish Dune, I'll probably replace the time I dedicate to reading to learning about music and stuff.
But no one seems to care.
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fuck whatchu heard grimes got that FUEGO

butterfly is the best of the vids she recently released. i agree. god shes beautiful.
i fucking LOVE this post
why is she so nice?
it's her talent

i only come to /mu/ to shitpost about grimes but i keep getting warnings lately. mods=no fun allowed.
these threads are so reddit
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the best in the world
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Reminder that Claire is actually Devin Townsend's little cousin.

>Them musical genes
not that its happening right now but theres a person here that always bumps these threads when they are about to get archived
if theyre dting jsust let them die
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtH68PJIQLE [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9XKLqGqwLA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-aWEYezEMk [Embed]
- excellent low budget videos

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FH-q0I1fJY [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIi57zhDl78 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tv9YoYCKNoE [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2EJMd7ZN7w [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsCfufAp2tM [Embed]
- gorgeous high budget videos

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPAxpgaLCqI [Embed]
- amazing tour video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQLvqvLvUIY [Embed]
- unnecessary garbage that barely fits to the music
we need more things on this list
I update it as and when, any feedback welcome
Grimes should change her name to Grime

I don't know why you're resisting this
those first three are really hot
I wanna do nice things to her, isn't that enough?
you do realize you sound like a second grader right
>Disables Youtube comments
clearly she is afraid of masculine scepticism towards claims of value.
>he makes fun of people on the internet
How's middle school?
It's called dumbing down your speech patterns to suit the target demographic, Anon...
Shame that you have to share the same thread with so many fuckwits. You're the best anon on /grimes/.
Can't wait for this ugly, arrogant bitch to kill herself.
>not to toot my own horn
who goes around tooting other people's horns?
Stop it, you cancerous sucker.
Make that 'share the same Internet '. Yeah - it sucks (for all of us.) But it just goes with the territory, I'm afraid.

>this triggered tumblr faggot samefagging in desperation
Lol I only posted one of those (imo the more clever one.) Sometimes great minds just think alike, troll-Anon.
I want to lick her bum
post grimz doge
- >>68356990 unnecessary post that barely is qualified to fit to the website it's posted on.
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post your best reaction image that you think would match her reaction to these threads

>hfw its just inane comments and shitposts like mine instead of artistic discussion and speculation
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>when people make disrespectful sexual comments
no, that's pete townshend
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>when haters are seriously angry
accurate post
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careful there art angel
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careful there art angel
reeee this is our safe space
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careful there art angel
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great post
careful there art angel
she sucks, stupid bitch with stupid lisp, hope she dies.
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wow that's insanely rude of you. didn't your mom teach you manners?
Go chew on a carrot - if you get my drift...

grimes is so ugly and dumb
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Incorrect, she's actually very good looking and is extremely smart. Where do you get these blatant lies from?
What is the purpose of this retarded comment? To make youself look like a fool?

and her music is bad
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oooh, your post, so close..
Who lied to you?
outstanding post
grimes' hand tattoo lied to me.
the absolute madman
new videos/music when?
I'm hoping for a Pin video someday.
good girl
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or is she
she's not a good girl, she's a bad bitch.

she stays up all night, says "fuck the police", quotes stalin, doesn't listen to her parents, dresses the way she wants to and smokes weed. Not for any health purposes (though it does make for a solid excuse), but because she likes to get high.

grimes is basically the fonz.
and now name a flaw
I literally can't.

Well that's not true, I can. But I don't want to. She's great.
nylons + hairy legs

actually criminal in some states
you know nylons were originally invented to hide leg hair for girls who didn't want to/didn't have the time to shave, right?
are you sure about that? stockings yes nylons no

all nylons are stockings but not all stockings are nylon

nb4 silk
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you just don't understand her, she is a free spirit
i hope our grimey is sleeping well
Does anyone know what phone they used to shoot the videos? Some of the shots are pretty genius
they look amazing, how does he get such still shots while moving, is he really that steady?

bc every phone video is shaky af
I think they are using a drone for some of the shots
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Can someone photoshop a dick instead of the microphone?
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Grimes already started to influence other artists:

>Grimes, “Circumambient”
>Alex: Obviously, Grimes. I think Grimes influenced many musicians and performers into thinking everything is what you make of it. If you don’t want electronic-based music to be a boy’s club, then participate and do whatever it takes. Through her production, I learned that technology is not a demon, it is my friend, and that it is a friend I have every right to engage in as much as “the next guy.” I also learned that genres and labels are bullshit in the post-internet world. I could go on forever, but I won’t. This is a great track from one of my favorite albums of all time.

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It's part of the Scream performance
nobody likes grimthes
More like Gremlins
grimes shouldn't make rape porn sounds then complain if it actually happens to her.
dude no stop
i love her i really do but her new videos are fucking retarded
they are gorgeous
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In progress. Be patient.
Right. She's working on new music all the time. Hopefully she will release at least an AA deluxe edition with extra songs.
>If you don’t want electronic-based music to be a boy’s club,

>Women bitching they are not the center of attention at an homosexual orgy scene
So I listened to Art Angels for the first time, and Venus Fly has really sexy vocals to me. wew.
Keep listening to that album. Btw did you listen to her older albums?
she is such a genius https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y8V3jWHiFY
looks like Trashique ((Grimes + Hana) Have something we haven't heard of yet
it was in the director's cut. space genesis posted it on /r/grimes, but for some reason his posts don't show up on the front page so you'll have to go to his profile to find them.
Download link: https://mega.nz/#!5UR0GaCL!cZDlq7RfuGjZnJLMUePaMil9rO2KFAPo-CD5C5TxhgQ
I already know that, but how are u so sure the jingle and the interlude are the same?
I hope u are right!
I can see how Grimes would inspire many. She's inspired me. But how is electronic music a boy's club? Anyone can make it. If anything it's the least boys-clubby of any music genre in history, except folk or whatever.
she is just so quirky. truly, an "indie" person just like me.
Visions. I find Art Angels to be better, visions is a little underwhelming
she's not quirky, why do haters keep spamming this meme.
That's Janelle Monae for you.
4 new music videos in a row??? that's new in music /mu/ you gotta admit that
Visions is a grower. It's my fave Grimey album. I love AA, Halfaxa & GP too.
careful there art angel
Actually 6: Easily & Laughing and Not Being Normal have videos too, but as a bonus footage part of that Director's Cut.
avi > venus in fleurs
She literally looks exactly the same.
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i love my cute queen so much
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Will grimes ever sink lower than her collab with kreayshawn?
Yes every day she continues to make music
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oh you!

i hate this board because grimes is pushed way too hard
yeah me too

just be sure to sage this cancer trash when you come in here to shit on them though
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>samefagging this hard
I'm allergic to everything you can make mayonnaise out of. I also have trigeminal neuralgia.

"Be a body."
Sometimes I'd really rather not.
what a waste of quads
There's no valid way to not like Grimes.

You're the one with the problem.
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What a waste of singles.
what a waste of a grimes fan.
What a waste.
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What an artist!
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>Be 2011
>At some podunk """venue""" that shitty hipster bands play at
>On your way in see this
What do?
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i would buy her albums
she's got a really good profile, a shame it doesn't get shown off much.

also that hairstyle is one of my favorites of hers.
Depends on my mental state at the time. Pretty much nothing goes positively for me though. At best I leave with no state change, ie neutral effect. More likely I leave experiencing a net negative. I am incapable of winning, and therefore, in some way, I cannot lose.

It's strange, disjointed, and deep down, gratingly obnoxious. The only time I lose my psychosocial immortality is when I'm about to interact with someone interesting. It's as though it allows me to see myself. Or theory of mind wise, subconsciously, I care about their perception, despite my conscious mind being used to operating without these restrictions. So I'm rapidly crippled.

Maybe I oughta just kms tbqh. But one thing is for certain, I would have one more Halfaxa CD than I started with.
it'll be ok.

feel good in the fact that if you tried to talk to her that she'd just get annoyed and wish you would buzz off so she could sell more music.
Although as I write it out I realize it's probably because I feel broken, and know that to some degree I probably look and act a bit broken. It's the knowledge of visibility. 'm unmaintained and stopped trying a long time ago. I'm very driven otherwise, but don;t really care if I get killed off and am really just waiting to die. I've done more to keep going than most people, and I've achieved a lot, but ultimately I'm still only a fucked up mess lacking even basic capacity to connect with other people or feel valued.

Thanks for affording me a window of self discovery /grimes/.
Nah, I wouldn't be the kind of dork that tries to awkwardly push a conversation. It's the little things. All the fucked up chains of slightly-off micros, generating a macro that works but feels unpleasant.

I don't know. Usually I just feel detached and a strange apathy. Other than that, no matter what I do, and no matter the outcomes, I just feel wrong and bad.

All it takes is the realization, and it is again drawn to the forefront. I never fix it. Maybe I can't. Guess that's what'cha get.
every single female is using these sneakers now
>be grimes
>see these threads
>know better than to read the comments
>can't help self, after all the horrible crap you've heard james and the internet say about 4chan
>enter the thread
>it's just a bunch of cheerleaders
what emotion do you think it would evoke? I'd wager on a mixture of relief and disappointment.
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Guys I am starting to think that Lauren is better looking than Grimes.
What do you think of this?
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not true
>Implying that's a bad thing
They're both distinct types of women. Lauren's entire musculoskeletal structure is very different. Larger hips, ass, different thigh and waist / midsection structure. Different facial features and personality.

I don't know why you'd even try to compare for the purpose of arranging it in tiers. Very needless.
I am talking about in general, set that all aside, maybe Lauren just simply looks better.
even lady gaga looks better than grimes. LG can pull off way more quality outfits.
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Lauren is attractive, but doesn't strike me as interesting or relateable. Which inherently feeds into physical appeal. Regardless, I'd be apt to say Grimes nets out as more attractive.
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What would Grimes think if she was browsing /s/ and saw that there was a Grimes thread?
Be really weirded out for a few seconds then get off /s/. Have you ever been straight and then went on /hm/, it feelsweird.
True. Unless Grimes is somewhat bisexual, the scenario makes little sense.
>personality is part of visual appeal

Grimes has a shit-tier quirky hipster vibe but you would still totally smash it. That said, grimes has abrupt lines she seems ashamed of rather than smooth curves, so lauren wins the physical appeal contest that would net a stronger orgasm.
>Grimes has a shit-tier quirky hipster vibe
Not at all. Not even superficially, really.

>That said, grimes has abrupt lines she seems ashamed of
I think this applies psychologically and physically, which again, is part of what makes her attractive. Also her clothing choices tend to mask her actual proportions. I'm not sure why, but her figure is just as smooth.

If anything Lauren's "geometry" is a bit too smooth.

her best song
her lisp has gotten a lot better.

at 0:30 it's very clearly "bethhhidethh
Her lisp is hot.
lauren's hair and brow are vastly inferior and her eyes weird me out.
I mean I don't think it detracts but I don't really find it "hot"

it implies retardation which implies easy
I didn't quite want to call it "cute", and attractive wasn't quite right either. Hot isn't quite the right term either though.

I find it curious how many good musicians have lisps. I also find it interesting that people with a certain type of lisp have a distinct clustering as far as facial morphology and intellectual / social behaviors. ie, I've known 3 people with lisps like Isaac Brock, and they all seem to have similarities in how they think, talk, and act.
It implies insight and character though.
>I find it curious how many good musicians have lisps.
Isaac was the only one I was thinking of.
why hasn't these died yet
and i had like 50 posts in every of these threads like 2 months ago
but they've served their purpose what's left to discuss now?

Although I only ended up sticking around because some asshole said my post was a waste of quads.
>be nice to grimes and discuss her new videos
but we discussed them already there isn't much to say about them they're all pretty similar??
She just came out with like 5 music videos a few days ago mi dude
I like your quads
yes i'm referring to those
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whenever i listen to her old stuff like the arbutus sampler, lethe, etc. i just get real sad.

in a weird way it's a super important time to the context of quite a lot of her as a person and a producer, as it's both a very problematic time in her words (as well as an important part of her development into an adult) and it's when she really actually first started production. It's saddening in a similar way to nostalgia (like a weird sympathetic nostalgia, which doesn't make any sense) and the fact that she has pretty much repressed 07-10 and never ever talks about it and never ever will just makes it all that more mysterious.

The result is a dark age with unanswered questions that had their answers purged from the internet, that she's surrounded in this mystical cloud of "It wasn't a good time" and presumably is the leading source of all the pain on her first 3 albums, as well as an auxillary for her fourth and presumably resourced for the scrapped fifth album.

At the end of the day most of what is known is through her own unreliable narration which adds yet another layer of mystery to it and is blanketed by the fact that she's admitted her memory of the time is hazy at best.

Honestly all the questions I have for her aren't entirely relevant I suppose to Grimes as a whole, but there is one pressing inquiry that I am absolutely salivating for an answer to:

How much production was she doing between Lethe and Geidi Primes, and a followup semi-related question: Was Lethe really made in collab with Devon and if so what was his role?

But we'll never know the answers to these questions and it's driving me insane.
i think the same
i'm >>68396713 and ill admit i mostly visited here to see what kind of 2007-2011 grimes rarities people could find, i'm dissapointed we couldnt find much but i see the pov of people who say its private stuff and we shouldnt be looking for it
i'm still intrigued though :(
Grimes does. She wants to blow justin bieber's meat flute.
>whenever i listen to her old stuff like the arbutus sampler, lethe, etc. i just get real sad.
I feel the same. It can be overwhelming, for a lot of reasons. Many of which I don't fully understand.

It's like the first 15 seconds of this:
But less floaty. There's presence. Takes you into a greater perspective where you almost feel like your entire life is just a tiny point in something much greater, and you could practically blink and move through the whole thing. It also makes me feel like there's something I've forgotten and should be able to remember, but can't.

I can't really put it into words. But yes. Old feelings of times that are over, things that have changed, and things that are gone. You listen and everything seems to just fade away.
I stuck around for the videos, now I stick around for the same reason I stuck around in August: In the hopes that more deep lore is uncovered.

I'm thinking about just quitting them. /r/grimes is good with the actual important news stuff and I do follow her social media shit.

I've just had difficulties finding something to fill my free time with. I've tried prodcutive things like Programming and Production but I just get tired and resort to going back to 4chan to shitpost because it takes zero effort.

I have the very grave feeling in my stomach that my worst fears will be realized and in 5 years I will have accomplished nothing. God help me.
>going back to 4chan to shitpost because it takes zero effort.
The mechanics are the same as a gambling addiction. Only what you're investing is time and energy, which is a lot easier to not realize you're endlessly wasting, than money.

That's why it is so easy to return.
>I have the very grave feeling in my stomach that my worst fears will be realized and in 5 years I will have accomplished nothing. God help me.

yes i stopped posting here maybe i'll post once or twice in every thread and i just visit to see if anyone uncovered anything
i always leave disappointed
>i always leave disappointed
honestly this. definitely a lot of sonder shit going on. its fucking with my perception of society's scale from a personal perspective.

also the fact that dark age grimes is comfy for a multitude of factors. I'd really enjoy reading an autobiography of hers if it included hefty amounts of both Vancouver and early-Montreal chapters. I don't even care how dry that would be.

i wouldnt even call it addiction. i've kicked addictions before. went cold turkey on adderall which was not a fun few weeks but it was hardly an exercise in willpower.

i just literally have nothing better to do and i'm often too emotionally and mentally exhausted to bother with anything more trying than spewing word spaghetti on meme websites. all of my shitty friends dropped out of college to work a 60 hour a week factory job or they go to a university elsewhere in the state so chilling is out of the question. i could probably try to make new friends but that takes just as much effort as something actually productive and it's not actually that helpful. im sure things will get better when i get another job, but now i can't even smoke weed to pick myself up because "LOL DRUG TESTS".

so here i am, shitposting my life away on this stupid chinese weaving forum, one day at a time. waiting for a shitty call so i can stop worrying about my bank account. dragging my ass to class every day despite hating it and a complete lack of interest in pursuing it further.

just fuck me. meme websites are all i have to piss away the time. what the fuck is my life anymore.
>i wouldnt even call it addiction.
And yet you're still here. And yet, you keep coming back for more. You keep posting. Waiting for something interesting, waiting for the (You). Just throw a bit of time in the slot and pull the lever, this could be the big one, this could be the payoff, this could be IT!

And it never is. And all of the time remains, simply, wasted. Some part of you knows, it's all unideal, and it's only waste.

Otherwise, I'm in the same general position. Now I'm finally a sinking ship, and I know it. Today I was overcome with a great sense of peace. I don't care. I just don't care.

I found dextroamphetamine "addiction" trivial to kick as well, and I did so many times, or many cycles. It's mostly just withdrawal unless there's a real psychological component involved. However I am very rapidly addicted to chocolate (and certain sedatives), and I would compare 4chan use to that. You can't feasibly use it just a little bit, selectively, or consistently but in moderation. You have to just stop, or take it in acute doses. There's no other way. You will always slip back along the same gradients, and you will become raveled back in again. Best to free yourself now.
the peverse thing is that im completely aware of how pathetic this really is and its not something that i want. it's the antithesis of what i want.

but all i can do is watch behind the glass of my eyes. its like the left hemisphere of my brain has gone rogue and the right side can only scream in terror as it ruins everything for both of us. if there is a hell, this is the 1st world's version of it. i am certain.

>And yet, you keep coming back for more.
I come back because it's entertainment without investment.

>Some part of you knows, it's all unideal, and it's only waste.
and I often tell myself "that's it" and that really is it. i feel no urge to check back here. i just run out of things to do and just come back to see if the thread was bumped with any juicy lores. and it isn't and i just sigh and post some stupid shitpost about james or claire or whatever because it beats just sitting there staring at a wall.
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Like yeah, people sometimes have to pass hard moments and they sometimes keep it to themselves, I myself had terrible days that noone knows, the same happened with my ex and wasn't even able to make him tell me a thing, the same maybe happened to claire, but in fact we humans are a compilation of everything that ever happened to us and thats what makes us great, thats what made claire the awesome person she actually is. The reason I like her so much is because I can identify myself with so many aspects she also had to live and that is wonderful.
I thought she had a really long finger lol
>we humans are a compilation of everything that ever happened to us and thats what makes us great

Sounds like you want the guy who raped her to be rewarded with royalties for helping make her who she is. For mine, what's more important than forever focusing on what happened to you is what you choose to become.
i hope our grimey is sleeping well
I hope my grimey falls down a well.
i hope grimey gets, hit with ; a hammer
fuck scars, I find fresh bruises incredibly sexy.
Yes, a well full of marshmallows, cuddly toys, and a ladder back out again.
>not putting Grimes in your bucket
One of those soft toy ones that goes *eek!*.
Tell us more about your fantasies...

i want a DVD with every scene from kill v maim but the full length of the song allowing you to appreciate claire in each outfit and setting
sup /grimes/
i don't really post on here often so i don't know if this has already been found but i dug through the copies of Folio magazine from Grimes' time at McGill and found the Fall 2009 issue, which Grimes had artwork published in. I think it might be the first artistic release by Grimes. Geidi Primes artwork is in there.

I'm sure you'll all have seen it before, being more dedicated to grimesposting than I am, but it's interesting if you haven't seen it
I just want a nice vanilla virgin girl to marry, bitches I've met just love being struggle fucked too much, not even my fetish just has to be done, like a chore.
>quotes stalin (the patriot big on traditional family values)
>is a global citizen feminist

It's safe to say she is merely name dropping for cheap association points like you did with "the fonz" comparison.
They're both looking fine.
careful there art angel
>quotes stalin
Anon, she's admitted almost outright that she was a huge try-hardy contrarian edgelord (edgelady?) as a teenager. If you actually take that Stalin quote seriously...
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Black Metal album when?
>try-hardy contrarian
More being hipster, it's the perpetual phase that you can pretend has other trends or phases which end. And ofc I don't ever take her words seriously, I was pointing out her contradictory nature, wasn't I.
>tfw you go out in ur astral body to grimes' bedroom and snuggle next to her
>More being hipster
True hipsters are people who only act like try-hardy contrarians when they are in groups (since they lack the guts necessary to express independent opinions.) Say what you will about Grimes - gutlessness isn't one of her flaws.
>[hipsters] lack the guts necessary to express independent opinions.

Hipsters are the desperately unique individuals, love, they'll say anything to seem like a trend setter. No two hipsters have all the same tattoos but all hipsters use tattoos to express their individuality, making them identifiable that way.
>they'll say anything to seem like a trend setter.
Exactly - they aren't trendsetters themselves because they don't have the guts to do things which are significantly different from the people around them.

>No two hipsters have all the same tattoos but all hipsters use tattoos to express their individuality
I know several self-described, third-party-confirmed hipsters who have no tattoos. Hipsterism is a symptom of having a weak personality. Whether that weakness manifests as getting 'unique' tattoos because everyone else is doing it or jumping off a bridge because everyone else is doing it makes no difference. And by the same token, having unique tattoos/jumping off bridges doesn't automatically make a person a hipster either (since they might have an actual personal reason for doing so.)
After the harsh noise album - order of precedence and all that.
>finding the few exceptions more important to make known than the general rule.

typical anti-stereotyping fraudulence I'd expect from a hipster.
>the general rule.
Anon, no offense meant, but your general rule for determining whether someone is a hipster or not seems to be crap.
You only reject the negative label cos you're convinced grimes isn't a hipster since most detractors call her a hipster and of course they aren't allowed to be accurate at all so you change the goal posts to "supplemental yuppie" or whatever it was.
>You only reject the negative label cos you're convinced grimes isn't a hipster
Anon, I'm rejecting your so-called 'labeling' system because it is demonstrably crap.
yes i had found it some months ago, it isn't something easy to find (well it is but you have to know stuff to look for it) so nice work
idk if you saw it but there's a short comment by her at the end of the magazine
>7. What’s the single most important trait for entrepreneurs?
that cyberpunk shit lmao
>so quirky
Words can not express my dislike for this meme.
careful there art angel
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"careful there art angel"

314 / 72 / 84 / 10
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